Results for 'Scripted Dialogue'

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  1. Fully generated scripted dialogue for embodied conversational agents'.Kees van Deemter, Brigitte Krenn, Paul Piwek, Marc Schroeder, Martin Klesen & Stefan Baumann - manuscript
    (Near-final version.) Accepted for publication in Artificial Intelligence Journal.
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    Fully generated scripted dialogue for embodied agents.Kees van Deemter, Brigitte Krenn, Paul Piwek, Martin Klesen, Marc Schröder & Stefan Baumann - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (10):1219-1244.
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    A dialogue system specification for explanation.Douglas Walton - 2011 - Synthese 182 (3):349-374.
    This paper builds a dialectical system of explanation with speech act rules that define the kinds of moves allowed, like requesting and offering an explanation. Pre and post-condition rules for the speech acts determine when a particular speech act can be put forward as a move in the dialogue, and what type of move or moves must follow it. A successful explanation has been achieved when there has been a transfer of understanding from the party giving the explanation to (...)
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    Defining Dialogue: From Socrates to the Internet.Geoffrey Rockwell - 2003 - Humanity Books.
    This original cross-disciplinary work examines the crucial role of dialogue in philosophy from the oral dialogues of Socrates; through the written dialogues of Plato, Cicero, Lucian, Valla, Hume, and Heidegger; to the present ubiquitous form of dialogue on the Internet. Geoffrey Rockwell's main point is that in dialogue, be it oral, written, or electronic, there is a common mode of persuasion at work. The dialogue is an orchestrated event meant to be overheard. While the author is (...)
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  5. A Framework for Facilitating Classroom Dialogue.Maughn Rollins Gregory - 2007 - Teaching Philosophy 30 (1):59-84.
    Classroom dialogue can be democratic and evidence critical and creative thinking, yet lose momentum and direction without a plan for systematic inquiry. This article presents a six-stage framework for facilitating philosophical dialogue in pre-college and college classrooms, drawn from John Dewey and Matthew Lipman. Each stage involves particular kinds of thinking and aims at a specific product or task. The role of the facilitator—illustrated with suggestive scripts—is to help the participants move their dialogue through the stages of (...)
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    Dialogue With History: Roles of Irony in Thinking About New Kinds of War.Michael Hanchett Hanson - 2004 - Metaphor and Symbol 19 (3):191-212.
    By definition irony is surprising, an undermining of assumptions in comparing alternative scenarios. It should, therefore, contribute to innovative planning, especially when questioning assumptions is important. Using creative thinking about new types of international conflict as examples, this article considers roles of irony in developing innovative plans. The research compares a detailed analysis of Bernard Shaw's prescient insights at the beginning of WWI to current discourses on international conflicts. The Shaw study identifies the overt irony in an early essay about (...)
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    Scientific supremacy as an obstacle to establishing and sustaining interdisciplinary dialogue across knowledge paradigms in health care and medicine.Birgitta Haga Gripsrud & Kari Nyheim Solbrække - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):631-637.
    This is a response to a short communication on our research presented in Solbrække et al. (Med Health Care Philos 20(1):89–103, 2017), which raises a series of serious allegations. Our article explored the rise of ‘the breast cancer gene’ as a field of medical, cultural and personal knowledge. We used the concept biological citizenship to elucidate representations of, and experiences with, hereditary breast cancer in a Norwegian context, addressing a research deficit. In our response to Møller and Hovig’s (Med Health (...)
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    Thinking posthuman with mud: and children of the Anthropocene.Margaret Somerville & Sarah J. Powell - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (8):829-840.
    This article addresses the problem of writing the posthuman in educational research. Confronted by our own failures as educational researchers within posthuman and new materialist approaches, it seeks a more radical opening to Lather and St Pierre’s question: ‘If we give up “human” as separate from non-human, how do we exist? … Are we willing to take on this question that is so hard to think but that might enable different lives?’ We do this to enable different lives for the (...)
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    Spinning Solitude: Coronavirus and the Philosopher.Sanjit Chakraborty - 2021 - Sophia 60 (3):769-774.
    This fictionalized script traces the contours of the conversation that seeks to fathom the crisis unleashed by the outbreak and global spread of the coronavirus and the ensuing anxieties created in our current social living. The scenario of deepened isolation of the self from the other is considered, and it is proposed that isolation, while an unavoidable requirement, does not mean it is some mental lassitude but rather may be seen as an enthusiastic concern toward recovering physical and mental wellbeing (...)
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    Agendas, Relevance and Dialogic Ascent.John Woods - 2007 - Argumentation 21 (3):209-221.
    E. C. W. Krabbe characterizes a metadialogue as a dialogue about a dialogue, which in turn, is characterized as a ground level dialogue. Krabbe raises a number of interesting questions about this distinction, of which the most pressing is whether the difference between ground level and metadialogues can be drawn in a principled and suitably general way. In this note, I develop the idea that something counts as a metadialogue to the extent that it stands to its (...)
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    Beyond cyborg subjectivities: Becoming-posthumanist educational researchers.Annette Gough & Noel Gough - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (11):1112-1124.
    This excerpt from our collective biography emerges from a dialogue that commenced when Noel interjected the concept of ‘becoming-cyborg’ into our conversations about Annette’s experiences of breast cancer, which initially prompted her to interpret her experiences as a ‘chaos narrative’ of cyborgian and environmental embodiment in education contexts. The materialisation of Donna Haraway’s figuration of the cyborg in Annette’s changing body enabled new appreciations of its interpretive power, and functioned in some ways as a successor project to Noel’s earlier (...)
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    Life Is Strange and “Games Are Made” : A Philosophical Interpretation of a Multiple-Choice Existential Simulator With Copilot Sartre.Luis de Miranda - 2018 - Games and Culture 8 (1):825-842.
    The multiple-choice video game Life is Strange was described by its French developers as a metaphor for the inner conflicts experienced by a teenager in trying to become an adult. In psychological work with adolescents, there is a stark similarity between what they experience and some concepts of existentialist philosophy. Sartre’s script for the movie Les Jeux Sont Faits (literally “games are made”) uses the same narrative strategy as Life is Strange—the capacity for the main characters to travel back in (...)
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    Making a vertebrate limb: New players enter from the wings.Gail Martin - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (10):865-868.
    What initiates vertebrate limb development and induces limbs to form where they do? For several years the answer to this intriguing question has been framed in terms of a working model that limb induction depends on a dialogue between two members of the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) family of intercellular signaling molecules, FGF8 and FGF10. Now, a recent paper has written roles for signals encoded by WNT genes, the vertebrate relatives of the Drosophila wingless gene, into the script.(1) BioEssays (...)
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    Political Theory in the Senatus Consultum Pisonianum.David Stone Potter - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):65-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Political Theory in the Senatus Consultum PisonianumD. S. PotterThe object of this essay is to illustrate the interaction between specific events and broader imperial ideology in the Senatus Consultum Pisonianum (SCP), a decree of the Senate issued on 10 December A.D. 20 concerning the disposition of the case against the elder Piso and his associates. A subsidiary point is to place the use of such a decree within the (...)
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    Gefäßbezeichnungen in lateinischen Sakralinschriften.Ulrike Ehmig - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 73 (1):52-69.
    When dealing with Latin sacred inscriptions, the systematic examination of the gifts donated to the superior powers has so far been neglected. This requires, more than ever before, a dialogue between epigraphy and archaeology, which focuses on the materiality of the artefact carrying the script. The article, which results from a lecture given as part of a guest professorship at Paris under the title „Les inscriptions latines sacrées: épigraphie et archéologie en dialogue“, focuses on the vessels donated to (...)
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  16. Picturebooks, pedagogy, and philosophy.Joanna Haynes & Karin Murris - 2012 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Karin Murris.
    A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2012! Contemporary picturebooks open up spaces for philosophical dialogues between people of all ages. As works of art, picturebooks offer unique opportunities to explore ideas and to create meaning collaboratively. This book considers censorship of certain well-known picturebooks, challenging the assumptions on which this censorship is based. Through a lively exploration of children's responses to these same picturebooks the authors paint a way of working philosophically based on respectful listening and creative and authentic interactions, rather (...)
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    Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 A.D.Karl H. Potter (ed.) - 1996 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
    Astavakragita (The Song of the Self Supreme) contains the Sanskrit text of Astavakragita (both in Nagari and Roman script), its English translation, Exegesis and Glossarial Index. It presents in twenty chapters the substance of Astavakra`s teaching in respect of the Cosmic Self in the form of his dialogue with Janaka, the seer-king of Videha. The teaching is based on the Upanisadic creed of Absolute monism (Advaitavada) that identifies the Self with the non-dual Ultimate Reality. But the contribution of Astavakra (...)
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    Prayer for Good Governance: A Study of Psalm 72 in the Nigeria Context.Mary Jerome Obiorah - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):192.
    Contextualizationof Biblical texts is a priority of every exegete, who endeavors to bring the ancient scripts to dialogue with contemporary issues. This paper, which studies Psalm 72 and a prayer composed for good governance in Anambra State Nigeria, focuses on this hermeneutical interpretation. The writer adopts a simplified literary method in Biblical research that takes cognizance of the varied poetic techniques in Psalm 72 and engages in a detailed comparative study of a Psalm composed more than two millennia ago (...)
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    Theological Talk in a Salsa Bar on Wigan Pier.Chris Greenough - 2020 - Feminist Theology 28 (2):147-160.
    Is bringing together Sarah Coakley and Marcella Althaus-Reid like mixing oil and water? An encounter between a systematic theologian and a contextual, queer theologian might seem artificial, but this article offers critical insights into the work of both scholars, revealing similarities within the tropes of their theological thinking. Aside from navigating sites of possible parallels and conflict between their work, this article springboards their settings by offering a new location – a salsa bar on Wigan Pier – to be able (...)
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    (1 other version)Sexualité récréative des hommes handicapés moteurs.Anne-Cécile Mouget - 2016 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 212 (2):59.
    À quoi ressemble la sexualité des hommes handicapés moteurs? Comment gèrent-ils les contraintes imposées par leur corps handicapé? C’est à travers un ensemble de données (entretiens et données documentaires) que l’article décrit ce qu’ils en disent eux-mêmes. Analyser cette sexualité à partir du concept de « scripts sexuels » permet de comprendre comment l’impossibilité de coller aux normes leur permet de s’en détacher pour construire un répertoire personnel de scripts adaptés à leurs possibilités corporelles et à celles de leurs partenaires. (...)
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  21. Hegel's reading of Hafez as part of his Berlin aesthetics lectures. The jargon of the prosaic world.Yahya Kouroshi - 2022 - In EOTHEN, Band VIII.
    Hegel's reading of Hafez as part of his Berlin aesthetics lectures. The jargon of the prosaic world -/- This essay deals with Hegel's reading (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1770 - 1831) of Hafez' poetry (Moḥammad Schams ad-Din Hafez Schirazi, around 1315 - 1390) during his lectures on the Aesthetics or Philosophy of Art at the University of Berlin (1820/21; 1823; 1826; 1828/29). Hegel's writings, Lectures on Aesthetics, were published from his remains by Heinrich Gustav Hotho (1802 - 1873) in three (...)
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    Plato the Writer.G. R. F. Ferrari - 2015 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2):191-203.
    In this talk I consider a body of my more recent work in order to isolate the shared approach that it takes to reading Platonic dialogue, an approach which had been absent from my writing on Plato up to that point and is largely absent from any of the traditions that influence how most of us read Plato. Its key feature is a refusal to treat the character Socrates as operating as if he were Plato’s secret agent within the (...)
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    “The Return of the Sacred”: Implicit Religion and Initiation Symbolism in Zvyagintsev’s Vozvrashchenie.Andrada Fătu-Tutoveanu - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (42):198-230.
    Recent studies have been increasingly interested in the connections between popular culture – cinema in particular – and religion, and most particularly in how traditional mythologies and religious frameworks and practices are recycled and reinterpreted within modern media. These interactions can be ranged from opposition to dialogue and move towards appropriation and even replacement, in terms of functions and impact. Departing from a series of theories – mainly that of “implicit religion”, coined by Bailey but also developed by theorists (...)
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    Monk’s Daughter and Her Suitor.Li Guo - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4):785.
    The Egyptian shadow play commonly known as ʿAlam wa-Taʿādīr tells the story of a Coptic monk whose daughter falls in love with a Muslim merchant. Since its initial discovery in the 1900s, this remarkable play has slipped into oblivion. This article presents a survey of earlier research, an outline of the layers of the composite text based on all known textual and visual testimonies, an analysis of the building blocks—themed zajal song-cycles—and a summary of the sole working script that features (...)
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  25. Euripides' Hippolytus.Sean Gurd - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):202-207.
    The following is excerpted from Sean Gurd’s translation of Euripides’ Hippolytus published with Uitgeverij this year. Though he was judged “most tragic” in the generation after his death, though more copies and fragments of his plays have survived than of any other tragedian, and though his Orestes became the most widely performed tragedy in Greco-Roman Antiquity, during his lifetime his success was only moderate, and to him his career may have felt more like a failure. He was regularly selected to (...)
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    Bakhtin and the actor (with constant reference to Shakespeare).Caryl Emerson - 2015 - Studies in East European Thought 67 (3):183-207.
    The Bakhtin we know best is something of a lyricophobe and theatrophobe. This is surprising, since he loves the act of looking. His scenarios rely on visualized, collaborative communion. He cares deeply about embodiment. Does he care about the tasks that confront the actor? Not the improvising clown of carnival (carnival is theater only in the broad sense of performance art), but the trained artist who performs a play script on stage? In discussing these questions, this essay draws on two (...)
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  27. The Universal Process of Understanding: Seven Key Terms in Gadamer's Hermeneutics.Richard Palmer & Katia Ho - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):121-144.
    In order to introduce the text description of this class will show seven keywords, they represent In order to understand the general process for the seven. Need to mention is that the author published in Chinese script - title "Gadamer's philosophy of the seven key" - and this content is not the same. In fact, only one in that the use of key words in this speech mentioned the four key words will be used the next article. 1 Linguistics as (...)
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  28. Cristianismo y judaísmo en la vida de Abdías, el prosélito normando, a través de la profecía de Joel.Sylvie Denise García de la Calle - 2012 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 17:41-57.
    In the Cairo Genizah were manuscripts with Gregorian notation and Hebrew script. They also appeared documents that point to author of the scores at Giovanni-Obadiah, a twelfth century Christian monk, born in southern Italy, who converted to Judaism. Until now, the study of this personage has been realized almost exclusively from the Jewish point of view. Nevertheless, like Obadiah synthesizes the traditions Christian and Jewish in its notation when copying Hebrew melodies with Christian notation, also it does in his texts. (...)
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    Interactional Contingencies in Rehearsing a Theater Scene: The Consequentiality of Body Arrangements as Action Unfolds.Augustin Lefebvre & Lorenza Mondada - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (2):303-335.
    Based on video-recordings of several weeks of rehearsals of a Japanese theater piece played by French actors, and adopting an ethnomethodological and conversation analytic perspective, this paper focuses on how the same few lines of a scene are subsequently enacted. In particular, it explores how the scene is played, not only in relation to the script but also to the situated moment-by-moment unfolding of embodied movements constituting the actions and achieving their detailed formatting and meaning. Whereas the dialogue refers (...)
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    é tão estranho a gente sentir que existe”: Inf'ncia no curta-metragem “Alma.Caroline Trapp de Queiroz - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-19.
    This article aims to present a discussion about childhood from the issues raised by the short film entitled Alma, directed, produced and scripted by the filmmaker André Morais. In the work, we experience a day in the life of a girl who lives with her grandmother and who, throughout the plot, weaves questions about her own existence, the senses of life and the dimensions of the relationships we establish with each other. It is discussed in this article, therefore, the (...)
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    Nonfiction Theater.Susan L. Feagin - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (1):4-15.
    Are there nonfiction genres of theater scripts, just as there are nonfiction genres of film, such as documentary, and of literature, such as biography and history? I propose that there are, and that Verbatim Theater qualifies as a nonfiction theater genre. What sets it apart is that it is supposed to instruct performers not merely to reenact, or represent, a series of events, but overall to present evidence or arguments for a thesis, or for the audience to draw their own (...)
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  32. Resistance Through Re-narration: Fanon on De-constructing Racialized Subjectivities.Cynthia R. Nielsen - 2011 - African Identies 9 (4):363-385.
    Frantz Fanon offers a lucid account of his entrance into the white world where the weightiness of the ‘white gaze’ nearly crushed him. In chapter five of Black Skins, White Masks, he develops his historico-racial and epidermal racial schemata as correctives to Merleau-Ponty’s overly inclusive corporeal schema. Experientially aware of the reality of socially constructed (racialized) subjectivities, Fanon uses his schemata to explain the creation, maintenance, and eventual rigidification of white-scripted ‘blackness’. Through a re-telling of his own experiences of (...)
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    Hermeneutic Itinerary of Text Analysis in Qualitative Research in Psychology.Adelma do Socorro Gonçalves Pimentel - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):487-504.
    Carrying out analyzes of qualitative master's and doctoral research continues to be a great difficulty for researchers in training. Thus, in this writing I present an itinerary for documental studies of public policies, scientific and literary texts, based on the Ricoeurian hermeneutics of discourse, text and ideology, based on two works by the philosopher, several articles to validate the interpretive procedure; and the dialogue with contributions from the gestalt clinical discourse, as the main application of the proposal is in (...)
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    Cognitive and Linguistic Predictors of Language Control in Bilingual Children.Megan C. Gross & Margarita Kaushanskaya - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In order to communicate effectively with a variety of conversation partners and in a variety of settings, bilingual children must develop language control, the ability to control which language is used for production. Past work has focused on linguistic skills as the limiting factor in children’s ability to control their language choice, while cognitive control has been the focus of adult models of language control. The current study examined the effects of both language ability and cognitive control on language control (...)
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  35. Life Is Strange and ‘‘Games Are Made’’: A Philosophical Interpretation of a Multiple-Choice Existential Simulator With Copilot Sartre.Luis de Miranda - 2016 - Games and Culture 1 (18).
    The multiple-choice video game Life is Strange was described by its French developers as a metaphor for the inner conflicts experienced by a teenager in trying to become an adult. In psychological work with adolescents, there is a stark similarity between what they experience and some concepts of existentialist philosophy. Sartre’s script for the movie Les Jeux Sont Faits (literally ‘‘games are made’’) uses the same narrative strategy as Life is Strange—the capacity for the main characters to travel back in (...)
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  36. Architecture and Deconstruction. The Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi.Cezary Wąs - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Wrocław
    Architecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi -/- Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than before distance. Within these relations three basic variations can be distinguished: the first one, in which philosophy of deconstruction deals with architectural terms but does not interfere with real architecture, the second one, in which (...)
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  37. Re-Envisioning Contemplative Pedagogy Through Self-Study.Sabrina D. MisirHiralall - 2016 - Teacher Learning and Professional Development 2 (1):84-96.
    Contemplative pedagogy focuses on creating a sense of presence within educators to effectively educate the whole person through mindfulness in teaching. As I engage in a self-study, I develop initial components for the way I employ contemplative pedagogy. I aim to understand myself as an educator in order to teach effectively. One way to enable particular kinds of understandings is through self-study methodology. The foundational framework that develops through my ongoing self-study may interest those who are unfamiliar with the terrain (...)
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    Interdisciplinary Studies in Pragmatics, Culture and Society.Alessandro Capone & Jacob L. Mey (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume is part of the series ‘Pragmatics, Philosophy and Psychology’, edited for Springer by Alessandro Capone. It is intended for an audience of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postgraduate and advanced researchers. This volume focuses on societal pragmatics. One of the main concerns of societal pragmatics is the world of language users. We are interested in the investigation of linguistic practices in the context of societal practices. It is clear that the world of users, including their practices, (...)
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    Aesthetics, theatricality and performativity: an introduction.Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (1):115-122.
    Contemporary theatre allows for a script, a scenario, that is exclusively visual. If action is no longer supported by dialogue, this does not mean that it will disappear. It will undoubtedly return in gestural exchange and in a temporality that is expansive or contracted and condensed. Action becomes an opaque enigma. The interpretation of performative action is a journey that the spectator undertakes in a foreign country, where we are forced to learn a new language. It remains to be (...)
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    Female bullying among adolescents in Italy: A national mixed-method research.Antonietta De Vita & Giuseppe Burgio - 2023 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 27 (65):61-77.
    The subject of bullying has received widespread academic attention, going back to pioneering studies in the 1970s. However, work in this area has tended to take a gender-neutral/male perspective that does not distinguish between male and female bullying. While retaining a dialogue with generalist literature on the subject, this article seeks to highlight the theoretical and political-social relevance of gender-specific and intersectional approaches when exploring the question of bullying between adolescent girls. Based on the study _Il bullismo femminile a (...)
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  41. Dialogue and universal1sm no. 5/2003.Secular Universalist Dialogue & A. Multifaith - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (5-8).
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  42. Dialogue and universausm no. 1-2/2004.Christian-Buddhist Dialogue - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (1-4):25.
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  43. Religious dialogue.Inter-Religious Dialogue - 2001 - In Gbola Aderibigbe & Deji Ayegboyin (eds.), Religion and social ethics. Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State [Nigeria]: National Association for the Study of Religions and Education (NASRED). pp. 15.
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    Literacy, Power, Body—Towards Alternative Phenomenology of Writing.Marta Rakoczy - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (1):27-35.
    The classical phenomenology of writing, postulated by such literacy theoreticians as Walter J. Ong, and Marshall McLuhan, focuses on writing as an instrument of intellectual emancipation, as a technology of intellect. In this article I claim that their view is too narrow. Firstly, as David R. Olson, Harvey Graff and Michel de Certeau point, writing may be an instrument of power and discipline. Secondly, reading and writing are not only the mental practices of scripts organization and interpretation. They are strictly (...)
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    Why the Metaphysics of Cognition? Introduction to Discussion.Grażyna Żurkowska - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (1-3):55-68.
    Jan Srzednicki’s metaphysical conception of epistemology lies in radical opposition to the whole epistemological tradition. The main problem of his new epistemology is to find a non-linguistic (non-cognitive) idea of reference to an ontological presence.Srzednicki finds the prototype of such a completely new, non-linguistic perspective in Brentano’s Doppelurteile. Brentano’s idea cannot be mechanically adopted, however, because on the whole it still remains within the traditional theory. To avoid the problemsrevealed by Wittgenstein we need a more sophisticated strategy. Srzednicki achieves this (...)
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    Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce Nathan Houser, Don D. Roberts, and James Van Evra, editors Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1997, xiii + 653 pp., $49.95. [REVIEW]Michael Beaney - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (4):888-.
    The standard account of the history of logic, in its crudest outline, runs as follows. Logic as a discipline was invented by Aristotle with his creation of syllogistic theory, which, despite the emergence of propositional logic in the work of the Stoics, refinements by mediæval logicians, and Leibniz's sketches of a characteristica universalis, dominated philosophy until the middle of the nineteenth century, when Boole's work on the "algebra of logic" and Frege's Begriffsschrift finally absorbed it into a larger framework. Boolean (...)
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    La densité des images.Alexis Anne-Braun - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (1):123-143.
    RÉSUMÉCet article est une défense de la position exposée par Nelson Goodman dans Langages de l'art. Goodman affirme que les images fonctionnent dans des systèmes symboliques denses. La différence entre texte et image ne se situe pas là où nous l'aurions spontanément cherchée : dans l'expérience perceptuelle que nous avons des images. Une telle théorie de la dépiction peut sembler iconoclaste, voire complètement fausse, et ce, parce que nous y voyons à tort une explication de la représentation picturale. Elle offre (...)
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  48. III. Kolakowski: Christianity's secular re-universalization.I. V. Dialogue—Opening, Expanding Poland & I. I. Paul - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (1-4):52.
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  49. Michel Dion.In Dialogue - 2009 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Existence, historical fabulation, destiny. Springer Verlag. pp. 99--345.
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    Maughn Rollins Gregory (USA).Dialogue Type Purpose Standard - 2009 - In Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi & Barbara Weber (eds.), Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. pp. 337.
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