Results for 'Sebastian Koch'

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  1.  25
    Languages of ineffability: the rediscovery of apophaticism in contemporary analytic philosophy of religion.Sebastian Hüsch, Isabelle Koch & Philipp Thomas - unknown
    I present and discuss recent work in analytic philosophy of religion on apophaticism and divine ineffability. I focus on three questions: how can we call God ineffable without contradicting ourselves? How can we refer to an ineffable God? What is the point of talking about an ineffable God?
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    Knowledge and Information in Global Competition: A New Framework for Classifying and Evaluating Manipulative Communication Techniques.Eldar Sultanow, Sean Cox, Sebastian Homann, Philipp Koch & Olliver Franke - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 72:27-44.
    Source: Author: Eldar Sultanow, Sean Cox, Sebastian Homann, Philipp Koch, Olliver Franke Mass media initiated exhibitions of information and knowledge streams account for a significant factor of opinion-forming in modern digitalized nations and thus influence their country's political development. Within the framework of a globalized environment, this information has the ability to shape worldwide opinion and international policy decisions across geographical boundaries. Similarly, however, information and knowledge that does not flow freely has an impact on the behind the (...)
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    Biculturalism, multiculturalism and indigeneity as a strategy of memoria. Canada and Australia defining themselves in times of threat.Sebastian Koch - 2022 - In Renate Dürr, Threatened knowledge: practices of knowing and ignoring from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 152-178.
    Following newer research trends this chapter is underpinned by the thesis that the British Empire, by its gradual disengagement from its former dominions, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, was seen as a threat by social actors in these respective societies. Concurrently, all these societies had to deal with a (growing) variety of ethnic and social groups. With the emphasis on developments in Canada and in Australia, Sebastian Koch studies two big celebrations of nationhood to question different ways of (...)
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    Growing Up in a Digital World – Digital Media and the Association With the Child’s Language Development at Two Years of Age.Annette Sundqvist, Felix-Sebastian Koch, Ulrika Birberg Thornberg, Rachel Barr & Mikael Heimann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Digital media, such as cellphones and tablets, are a common part of our daily lives and their usage has changed the communication structure within families. Thus, there is a risk that the use of DM might result in fewer opportunities for interactions between children and their parents leading to fewer language learning moments for young children. The current study examined the associations between children’s language development and early DM exposure.Participants: Ninety-two parents of 25months olds recorded their home sound environment during (...)
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    Benefit assessment of preventive medical check‐ups in patients suffering from chronic granulomatous disease (CGD).Joachim Roesler, Anne Koch, Gonke Porksen, Horst von Bernuth, Sebastian Brenner, Gabriele Hahn, Rainer Fischer, Norbert Lorenz, Manfred Gahr & Angela Rosen-Wolff - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (6):513-521.
  6. Beyond Screen Time: A Synergistic Approach to a More Comprehensive Assessment of Family Media Exposure During Early Childhood.Rachel Barr, Heather Kirkorian, Jenny Radesky, Sarah Coyne, Deborah Nichols, Olivia Blanchfield, Sylvia Rusnak, Laura Stockdale, Andy Ribner, Joke Durnez, Mollie Epstein, Mikael Heimann, Felix-Sebastian Koch, Annette Sundqvist, Ulrika Birberg-Thornberg, Carolin Konrad, Michaela Slussareff, Adriana Bus, Francesca Bellagamba & Caroline Fitzpatrick - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  7.  16
    Thirteen- to Sixteen-Months Old Infants Are Able to Imitate a Novel Act from Memory in Both Unfamiliar and Familiar Settings But Do Not Show Evidence of Rational Inferential Processes.Mikael Heimann, Angelica Edorsson, Annette Sundqvist & Felix-Sebastian Koch - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Natural Language Environment of 9-Month-Old Infants in Sweden and Concurrent Association With Early Language Development.Sandra Nyberg, Mary Rudner, Ulrika Birberg Thornberg, Felix-Sebastian Koch, Rachel Barr, Mikael Heimann & Annette Sundqvist - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  9. Sebastian Rödl: Self-Consciousness and Objectivity. An Introduction to Absolute Idealism. Cambridge (MA) und London 2018. Harvard UniversityPress. 208 S. [REVIEW]Anton Friedrich Koch - 2018 - Philosophische Rundschau 65 (4):326.
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    2-Year-Olds Learning From 2D Media With and Without Parental Support: Comparing Two Forms of Joint Media Engagement With Passive Viewing and Learning From 3D. [REVIEW]Mikael Heimann, Louise Hedendahl, Elida Ottmer, Thorsten Kolling, Felix-Sebastian Koch, Ulrika Birberg Thornberg & Annette Sundqvist - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The study investigates to what degree two different joint media engagement strategies affect children’s learning from two-dimensional -media. More specifically, we expected an instructed JME strategy to be more effective than a spontaneous, non-instructed, JME strategy. Thirty-five 2-year old children saw a short video on a tablet demonstrating memory tasks together with a parent. The parents were randomized into two groups: One group was instructed to help their child by describing the actions they saw on the video while the other (...)
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    Objektivität und Wissen.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (1):5-24.
    Andrea Kern has criticized the view that the fallibility of judgements is due to their objectivity and has tried to show that objective knowledge is comprehensible only if its infallibility is not logically excluded. She argues that the notion of knowledge is more fundamental than that of error and that we must bring into play an epistemic capacity as a form of perfection to understand what knowledge is. In the present article, this position is charitably criticized and modified. It is (...)
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    Sein und Existenz.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2019 - In Andreas Luckner & Sebastian Ostritsch, Philosophie der Existenz: Aktuelle Beiträge von der Ontologie Bis Zur Ethik. J.B. Metzler. pp. 47-66.
    In ihrem Buch Existenz verteidigen Andreas Luckner und Sebastian Ostritsch die Position Saul Kripkes gegen den benachbarten Ansatz Timothy Williamsons und gegen die entferntere Tradition von Frege, Russell und Quine. Einig sind alle Parteien sich, dass Existenz als Dass-Sein zu denken ist im Unterschied zum Was- und Wie-Sein des Seienden oder, wie ich sagen werde, als formales Sein im Unterschied zum inhaltlichen Sein. Der Dissens hebt an bei der Frage, ob Existenz ein Prädikat erster Stufe oder eine Art Prädikat (...)
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    Welt und Unendlichkeit: ein deutsch-ungarischer Dialog in memoriam László Tengelyi = World and infinity: a German-Hungarian dialogue in memoriam László Tangelyi.László Tengelyi, Markus Gabriel, Csaba Olay & Sebastian Ostritsch (eds.) - 2017 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Welt und Unendlichkeit sind nicht nur Grundbegriffe der Philosophiegeschichte, sondern stehen auch im Zentrum gegenwartiger Debatten um die Moglichkeit und Grenzen von Metaphysik uberhaupt. Versteht man unter Welt die Gesamtheit dessen, was ist, dann stellt sich die Frage nach dem ontologischen Status dieser Seinstotalitat selbst. Wie, wenn uberhaupt, kann die Existenz der Welt sinnvoll gedacht werden? Der Begriff der Unendlichkeit konturiert und verscharft diese ontologische Frage dadurch, dass wir die Ganzheit namens Welt als unendlich erfahren, d. h. so, dass sie (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Conceptual Engineering: A Road Map to Practice.Manuel Gustavo Isaac, Steffen Koch & Ryan Nefdt - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (10):1-15.
    This paper discusses the logical space of alternative conceptual engineering projects, with a specific focus on (1) the processes, (2) the targets and goals, and (3) the methods of such projects. We present an overview of how these three aspects interact in the contemporary literature and discuss those alternative projects that have yet to be explored based on our suggested typology. We show how choices about each element in a conceptual engineering project constrain the possibilities for the others, thereby giving (...)
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  15. Toward a neurobiological theory of consciousness.Francis Crick & Christof Koch - 1990 - Seminars in the Neurosciences 2:263-275.
  16. A framework for consciousness.Francis Crick & Christof Koch - 2003 - Nature Neuroscience 6:119-26.
  17. Idealism, Relativism, and Realism: New Essays on Objectivity Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide.Dominik Finkelde & Paul M. Livingston (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
    Several debates of the last years within the research field of contemporary realism – known under titles such as "New Realism," "Continental Realism," or "Speculative Materialism" – have shown that science is not systematically the ultimate measure of truth and reality. This does not mean that we should abandon the notions of truth or objectivity all together, as has been posited repeatedly within certain currents of twentieth century philosophy. However, within the research field of contemporary realism, the concept of objectivity (...)
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    (1 other version)Technisches Nichtwissen: Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie.Alexander Friedrich, Petra Gehring, Christoph Hubig, Andreas Kaminski & Alfred Nordmann (eds.) - 2016 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh & Co. Kg.
    Das Nichtwissen ist in aller Munde. Von Nichtwissenskulturen in der zweiten oder reflexiven Moderne ist die Rede, von Agnotologie als neuem Forschungszweig, von wicked problems und ihren clumsy solutions. Wo Nichtwissen sich durch Komplexitäts­steigerung unwiderruflich im zu Wissenden einnistet, fordert es als Grenze, Schranke und Kehrseite des Wissens die sogenannte Wissensgesellschaft heraus. Vor allem Risiko­poten­ziale und Gefahren kommen hier in den Blick, von denen wir gerade genug wissen, um Wissensansprüche zu formulieren, die sich womöglich nie einlösen lassen. Das klassisch erkenntnistheoretische (...)
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    Kollateralopfer: die Tötung von Unschuldigen als rechtliches und moralisches Problem.Matthias Gillner & Volker Stümke (eds.) - 2014 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    Die Luftschlage von Kundus am 4. September 2009, durch die etwa 100 Menschen ums Leben kamen und etliche weitere schwer verletzt wurden, zeigten einmal mehr das enorme Skandalisierungspotenzial von zivilen Opfern militarischer Gewaltanwendung nicht nur in Deutschland. In diesem Band gehen Offiziere, Vertreter von (N)GOs und Wissenschaftler der Frage nach, ob die indirekte Totung von Unschuldigen in Ausnahmefallen erlaubt sei. Es werden gewaltbelastete Situationen, in denen Unbeteiligte Opfer soldatischen Handelns wurden, aus verschiedenen Perspektiven untersucht, die volkerrechtlichen Regelungen von Kollateralopfern in (...)
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  20. Neural correlates of consciousness in humans.Geraint Rees, G. Kreiman & Christof Koch - 2002 - Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3 (4):261-270.
  21. Are we aware of neural activity in primary visual cortex.Francis Crick & Christof Koch - 1995 - Nature 375:121-23.
  22.  50
    Continuous flash suppression reduces negative afterimages.Naotsugu Tsuchiya & Christof Koch - 2005 - Nature Neuroscience 8 (8):1096-1101.
    Illusions that produce perceptual suppression despite constant retinal input are used to manipulate visual consciousness. Here we report on a powerful variant of existing techniques, Continuous Flash Suppression. Distinct images flashed successively around 10 Hz into one eye reliably suppress an image presented to the other eye. Compared to binocular rivalry, the duration of perceptual suppression increased more than 10-fold. Using this tool we show that the strength of the negative afterimage of an adaptor was reduced by half when it (...)
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  23. Consciousness and neuroscience.Francis Crick & Christof Koch - 1998 - Cerebral Cortex.
  24. On believing indirectly for practical reasons.Sebastian Schmidt - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (6):1795-1819.
    It is often argued that there are no practical reasons for belief because we could not believe for such reasons. A recent reply by pragmatists is that we can often believe for practical reasons because we can often cause our beliefs for practical reasons. This paper reveals the limits of this recently popular strategy for defending pragmatism, and thereby reshapes the dialectical options for pragmatism. I argue that the strategy presupposes that reasons for being in non-intentional states are not reducible (...)
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  25. Experimental philosophy and the method of cases.Joachim Horvath & Steffen Koch - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 16 (1):e12716.
    In this paper, we first briefly survey the main responses to the challenge that experimental philosophy poses to the method of cases, given the common assumption that the latter is crucially based on intuitive judgments about cases. Second, we discuss two of the most popular responses in more detail: the expertise defense and the mischaracterization objection. Our take on the expertise defense is that the available empirical data do not support the claim that professional philosophers enjoy relevant expertise in their (...)
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  26. Attention as Structuring of the Stream of Consciousness.Sebastian Watzl - 2011 - In Christopher Mole, Declan Smithies & Wayne Wu, Attention: Philosophical and Psychological Essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 145.
    This paper defends and develops the structuring account of conscious attention: attention is the conscious mental process of structuring one’s stream of consciousness so that some parts of it are more central than others. In the first part of the paper, I motivate the structuring account. Drawing on a variety of resources I argue that the phenomenology of attention cannot be fully captured in terms of how the world appears to the subject, as well as against an atomistic conception of (...)
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  27. (1 other version)The Unconscious Homunculus.Francis Crick & Christof Koch - 2000 - In Thomas Metzinger, Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions. MIT Press. pp. 3-11.
  28. The Ethics of Belief in a Burning World.Sebastian Schmidt - forthcoming - Australasian Philosophical Review.
    Danielle Celermajer advocates for reconceptualizing responsibility in light of the climate crisis. I argue instead that we must understand current concepts of responsibility which are implicit in actual responsibility practices. I illustrate this by appeal to the practice of holding each other responsible for our beliefs-a practice in which we are constantly involved, but which is often obscured. It extends our responsibility to involuntary aspects of our own mind and involves socially distributed cognitive duties. Cognitive responsibility is part and parcel (...)
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  29. The problem of consciousness.Francis Crick & Christof Koch - 1992 - Scientific American 267 (3):152-60.
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    Perspectival self-consciousness and ego-dissolution.Miguel Angel Sebastian - 2020 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 1 (I):1-27.
    It is often claimed that a minimal form of self-awareness is constitutive of our conscious experience. Some have considered that such a claim is plausible for our ordinary experiences but false when considered unrestrictedly on the basis of the empirical evidence from altered states. In this paper I want to reject such a reasoning. This requires, first, a proper understanding of a minimal form of self-awareness – one that makes it plausible that minimal self-awareness is part of our ordinary experiences. (...)
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  31. Single-neuron correlates of subjective vision in the human medial temporal lobe.G. Kreiman, I. Fried & Christof Koch - 2002 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Usa 99:8378-8383.
  32. Top-down attention and consciousness: comment on Cohen et al.Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Ned Block & Christof Koch - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (11):527.
  33. Intentional transaction.Sebastian Rödl - 2014 - Philosophical Explorations 17 (3):304-316.
    Intentional transaction. . ???aop.label???. doi: 10.1080/13869795.2014.941909.
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    Dynamic Embodimnet and its functional role. A body feedback perspective.Caterina Suitner, Sabine C. Koch, Katharina Bachmeier, Anne Maass, S. C. Koch, T. Fuchs, M. Summa & C. Müller - 2012 - In Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller, Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. John Benjamins.
  35. Are Intuitions Treated as Evidence? Cases from Political Philosophy.Sebastian J. Conte - 2022 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (4):411-433.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  36. Polarity in Natural Language: Predication, Quantification and Negation in Particular and Characterizing Sentences.Sebastian Löbner - 2000 - Linguistics and Philosophy 23 (3):213-308.
    The present paper is an attempt at the investigation of the nature of polarity contrast in natural languages. Truth conditions for natural language sentences are incomplete unless they include a proper definition of the conditions under which they are false. It is argued that the tertium non datur principle of classical bivalent logical systems is empirically invalid for natural languages: falsity cannot be equated with non-truth. Lacking a direct intuition about the conditions under which a sentence is false, we need (...)
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    Diversity and language technology: how language modeling bias causes epistemic injustice.Fausto Giunchiglia, Gertraud Koch, Gábor Bella & Paula Helm - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (1):1-15.
    It is well known that AI-based language technology—large language models, machine translation systems, multilingual dictionaries, and corpora—is currently limited to three percent of the world’s most widely spoken, financially and politically backed languages. In response, recent efforts have sought to address the “digital language divide” by extending the reach of large language models to “underserved languages.” We show how some of these efforts tend to produce flawed solutions that adhere to a hard-wired representational preference for certain languages, which we call (...)
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  38.  23
    Natural language and generalized quantifier theory.Sebastian Löbner - 1987 - In Peter Gärdenfors, Generalized Quantifiers. Reidel Publishing Company. pp. 181--201.
  39. Husserl’s Theory of the Phenomenological Reduction: Between Life-World and Cartesianism.Sebastian Luft - 2004 - Research in Phenomenology 34 (1):198-234.
    on points that remain especially crucial, i.e., the concept of the natural attitude, the ways into the reduction (and their systematics), and finally the question of the “meaning of the reduction.” Indeed, in the reading attempted here, this final question leads to two, not necessarily related, focal points: a Cartesian and a Life-world tendency. It is my claim that in following these two paths, Husserl was consistent in pursuing two evident leads in his philosophical enterprise; however, he was at the (...)
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    “That’s just Future Medicine” - a qualitative study on users’ experiences of symptom checker apps.Regina Müller, Malte Klemmt, Roland Koch, Hans-Jörg Ehni, Tanja Henking, Elisabeth Langmann, Urban Wiesing & Robert Ranisch - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-19.
    Background Symptom checker apps (SCAs) are mobile or online applications for lay people that usually have two main functions: symptom analysis and recommendations. SCAs ask users questions about their symptoms via a chatbot, give a list with possible causes, and provide a recommendation, such as seeing a physician. However, it is unclear whether the actual performance of a SCA corresponds to the users’ experiences. This qualitative study investigates the subjective perspectives of SCA users to close the empirical gap identified in (...)
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  41. Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason.Sebastian Gardner - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Kant's _Critique of Pure Reason_ is arguably the single most important work in western philosophy. The book introduces and assesses: * Kant's life and background of the _Critique of Pure Reason_ * the ideas and text of the _Critique of Pure Reason_ * the continuing relevance of Kant's work to contemporary philosophy. Ideal for anyone coming to Kant's thought for the first time. This guide will be vital reading for all students of Kant in philosophy.
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    Cognition and action.Wolfgang Prinz, Gisa Aschersleben & Iring Koch - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer, Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 2.
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    Real Politics and Metaethical Baggage.Sebastian Nye - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (5):1083-1100.
    So-called 'realists' have argued that political philosophers should engage with real politics, but that mainstream 'non-realist' political philosophers fail to do so. Perhaps surprisingly, many of the discussions between realists and their critics have not drawn much on debates in metaethics. In this paper, I argue that this is an oversight. There are important connections between the realism/non-realism debate and certain controversies in metaethics. Both realism and non-realism come with metaethical baggage. By considering several arguments that could be made for (...)
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    Overcoming Disembodiment: The Effect of Movement Therapy on Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia—A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial.Lily A. L. Martin, Sabine C. Koch, Dusan Hirjak & Thomas Fuchs - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Temporal structure coding with and without awareness.N. Faivre & C. Koch - 2014 - Cognition 131 (3):404-414.
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  46. Das Leben.Sebastian Rödl - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (4):469-489.
    Life and “good” are interchangeable, I think. Life is good, goodness life. Michael Thompson has recovered the understanding of life as goodness for contemporary philosophy. However, he errs in thinking that our life, human life, is a certain kind of life. And so he errs in conceiving the idea of the good by which we live as that of a certain kind of life. The idea of the good by which we live is not an idea, but the idea. This (...)
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  47. Is attention a non-propositional attitude?Sebastian Watzl - 2018 - In Alex Grzankowski & Michelle Montague, Non-Propositional Intentionality. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 272-302.
    I argue first that attention is a (maybe the) paradigmatic case of an object-directed, non-propositional intentional mental episode. In addition attention cannot be reduced to any other (propositional or non-propositional) mental episodes. Yet, second, attention is not a non-propositional mental attitude. It might appear puzzling how one could hold both of these claims. I show how to combine them, and how that combination shows how propositionality and non-propositionality can co-exist in a mental life. The crucial move is one away from (...)
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    Vitalism and the scientific image in post-enlightenment life science, 1800-2010.Sebastian Normandin - 2013 - New York: Springer.
    Vitalism is understood as impacting the history of the life sciences, medicine and philosophy, representing an epistemological challenge to the dominance of mechanism over the last 200 years, and partly revived with organicism in early theoretical biology. The contributions in this volume portray the history of vitalism from the end of the Enlightenment to the modern day, suggesting some reassessment of what it means both historically and conceptually. As such it includes a wide range of material, employing both historical and (...)
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    Kategorien des Zeitlichen: eine Untersuchung der Formen des endlichen Verstandes.Sebastian Rödl - 2005 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Die analytische Philosophie hat selbst da, wo sie explizit an Kant anschließt, erhebliche Schwierigkeiten mit dessen Idee eines synthetischen Wissens a priori. Damit verliert sie eine ganze Dimension der philosophischen Tradition. Das vorliegende Buch gewinnt diese Idee zurück, indem es gerade den Anschauungsbezug und damit den Zeitbezug des menschlichen Denkens zum Gegenstand einer logischen Untersuchung macht. Nur wenn man die Zeit als inneres und formbildendes Merkmal des menschlichen Aussagens erkennt, versteht man den Begriff empirischer Wahrheit und sinnlich vermittelter Erkenntnis. In (...)
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  50. XI—Self-Consciousness, Negation, and Disagreement.Sebastian Rödl - 2017 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117 (3):215-230.
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