Results for 'Angela Rosen-Wolff'

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  1.  16
    Benefit assessment of preventive medical check‐ups in patients suffering from chronic granulomatous disease (CGD).Joachim Roesler, Anne Koch, Gonke Porksen, Horst von Bernuth, Sebastian Brenner, Gabriele Hahn, Rainer Fischer, Norbert Lorenz, Manfred Gahr & Angela Rosen-Wolff - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (6):513-521.
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    The Problem of Ideology.Michael Rosen & Jonathan Wolff - 1996 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 70 (1):209 - 241.
  3. Political Thought.Michael Rosen & Jonathan Wolff (eds.) - 1999 - Oxford University Press.
    This Oxford Reader contains 140 essential readings covering the most important debates in the Western political tradition and presents samples of the major political ideologies. Issues discussed include; the role of human nature in determining social arrangements; the political significance of gender differences; the justification for the powers of the state; democracy and the rights of minorities; the tension between liberty and equality; the way in which resources ought to be distributed; and international relations. Authors range from Plato and Aristotle (...)
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    Simultaneous Elements of Reality for Incompatible Properties by Exploiting Locality.Angela Sestito - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (2):271-283.
    We propose an ideal experiment enabling the simultaneous assignment of the objective values, 0 or 1, of two incompatible properties of a system made up of two separated, non-interacting spin particles when a strict interpretation of the criterion of reality of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen is adopted. We compare this experiment with the physical situation involving two-value observables of a system of two correlated spin-1/2 particles envisaged by Bohm; in particular, we show its inadequacy in the dual assignment at (...)
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  5. The Early Modern Subject: Self-Consciousness and Personal Identity from Descartes to Hume, by Udo Thiel. [REVIEW]Angela Coventry - 2012 - Mind 121 (484):1132-1135.
    In The Early Modern Subject, Udo Thiel explores early modern writings spanning approximately the seventeenth century to the first half of the eighteenth century on two topics of self consciousness, the human subject’s ‘awareness or consciousness of one’s own self’, and personal identity, the human subject’s tendency to regard one’s own self as the same identical self or person that persists through time (p. 1). The aim of the book is twofold. First, to provide an account of the development of (...)
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  6. Quantum Mechanics, Can It Be Consistent with Locality?Giuseppe Nisticò & Angela Sestito - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (7):1263-1278.
    We single out an alternative, strict interpretation of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen criterion of reality, and identify the implied extensions of quantum correlations. Then we prove that the theorem of Bell, and the non-locality theorems without inequalities, fail if the new extensions are adopted. Therefore, these theorems can be interpreted as arguments against the wide interpretation of the criterion of reality rather than as a violation of locality.
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  7. Real Definition.Gideon Rosen - 2015 - Analytic Philosophy 56 (3):189-209.
  8. Metaphors and conversational analysis as tools in reflection on teaching practice: Two perspectives on teacher‐student interactions in open‐inquiry science.Wolff‐Michael Roth - 1993 - Science Education 77 (4):351-373.
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  9. Theory and praxis of metacognition.Wolff Michael Roth - 2004 - Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (1):153-168.
  10. Time and temporality as mediators of science learning.Wolff‐Michael Roth, Kenneth Tobin & Stephen M. Ritchie - 2008 - Science Education 92 (1):115-140.
  11.  18
    Post-Truth, Philosophy and Law.Angela Condello & Tiziana Andina (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In the wake of Brexit and Trump, the debate surrounding post-truth fills the newspapers and is at the center of the public debate. Democratic institutions and the rule of law have always been constructed and legitimized by discourses of truth. And so the issue of "post-truth" or "fake truth" can be regarded as a contemporary degeneration of that legitimacy. But what, precisely, is post-truth from a theoretical point of view? Can it actually change perceptions of law, of institutions and political (...)
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    In defence of a broad approach to public interest in health data research.Angela Ballantyne & G. Owen Schaefer - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (8):583-584.
    In their response to ‘Public interest in health data research: laying out the conceptual groundwork’, Grewal and Newson critique us for inattention to the law and putting forward an impracticably broad conceptual understanding of public interest. While we agree more work is needed to generate a workable framework for Institutional Review Boards/Research Ethics Committees, we would contend that this should be grounded on a broad conception of public interest. This broadness facilitates regulatory agility, and is already reflected by some current (...)
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    The Public Realm: Essays on Discursive Types in Political Philosophy.Reiner Schürmann (ed.) - 1988 - State University of New York Press.
    This book offers a collection of essays in contemporary political philosophy from a wide range of Continental viewpoints. The authors include some of the most prominent European and European-oriented philosophers and political thinkers of our day. Two sections out of four focus on the debate between prescriptive and descriptive types of political thinking. On the prescriptive or normative side, Karl-Otto Apel, Robert Paul Wolff, Robert Spaemann, Hans Jonas, and Jean-Francois Lyotard discuss current forms of legitimating political life via some (...)
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  14.  10
    Una experiencia de desplazamiento en Chaihuín.Ángela Parga León - 2020 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (50):335-343.
    Abrir el postigo y disponer la mirada. De pie, ante el hueco del visillo movido a causa del viento, se malogra el sol en su intensidad por un frío que proviene de las murallas del delicado velo de polvo en los sillones, de la espesura en que todos los vahos de la cocina, sumergen la mañana frente al océano; y entonces, cuando comienzo a aferrarme a los aspectos gratos de la vida costera, a don Marcos Huala le sobreviene una especie (...)
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    I could do that in my sleep: skilled performance in dreams.Melanie G. Rosen - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6495-6522.
    The experience of skilled action occurs in dreams if we take dream reports at face value. However, what these reports indicate requires nuanced analysis. It is uncertain what it means to perform any action in a dream whatsoever. If skilled actions do occur in dreams, this has important implications for both theory of action and theory of dreaming. Here, it is argued that since some dreams generate a convincing, hallucinated world where we have virtual bodies that interact with virtual objects, (...)
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  16. Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Aristotle and the Poetics.Angela Curran - 2015 - Routledge.
    Aristotle’s Poetics is the first philosophical account of an art form and is the foundational text in the history of aesthetics. The Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Aristotle and the Poetics is an accessible guide to this often dense and cryptic work. Angela Curran introduces and assesses: Aristotle’s life and the background to the Poetics the ideas and text of the Poetics , including mimēsis ; poetic technē; the definition of tragedy; the elements of poetic composition; the Poetics’ recommendations for (...)
  17.  29
    Data and tissue research without patient consent: A qualitative study of the views of research ethics committees in New Zealand.Angela Ballantyne & Andrew Moore - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (3):143-153.
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  18. A Humean Social Ontology.Angela Coventry, Alex Sager & Tom Seppalainen - 2018 - In Angela Michelle Coventry & Alex Sager (eds.), _The Humean Mind_. New York: Routledge.
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    The experiences of pregnant women in an interventional clinical trial: Research In Pregnancy Ethics study.Angela Ballantyne, Susan Pullon, Lindsay Macdonald, Christine Barthow, Kristen Wickens & Julian Crane - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (6):476-483.
    There is increasing global pressure to ensure that pregnant women are responsibly and safely included in clinical research in order to improve the evidence base that underpins healthcare delivery during pregnancy. One supposed barrier to inclusion is the assumption that pregnant women will be reluctant to participate in research. There is however very little empirical research investigating the views of pregnant women. Their perspective on the benefits, burdens and risks of research is a crucial component to ensuring effective recruitment. The (...)
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  20. A Puzzle Postponed.Gideon Rosen - 2015 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):198-201.
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    Safer by Design and Trump Rights of Citizens.Angela Kallhoff - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (3):291-295.
    The debate on “safer by design” has primarily been focused on strategies to render products safer during the design process. This article focuses on correlated basic legal rights of citizens. The reference to “trump rights” is helpful in highlighting two normative claims: Firstly, products that are “safer by design” are suitable instruments to protect the bodily integrity and health of potential users. Both figure as trump rights in Ronald Dworkin’s sense. In this perspective, “safer by design” strategies can guarantee some (...)
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    Grammatical language impairment and the specificity of cognitive domains: relations between auditory and language abilities.H. Vanderlely, S. RoSen & A. AdlArd - 2004 - Cognition 94 (2):167-183.
  23. Philosophie.C. D'armagnac, E. Wolff & G. Ducoin - 1956 - Archives de Philosophie 20.
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    Editor's Introduction.Hans-Wolff Graf - 1995 - World Futures 43 (1):1-6.
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  25. Biblischer Kommentar, Altes Testament.Martin Noth & H. W. Wolff - 1958
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  26. On performing concepts during science lectures.Lilian Pozzer‐Ardenghi & Wolff‐Michael Roth - 2007 - Science Education 91 (1):96-114.
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  27.  21
    The Critical spirit.Herbert Marcuse, Kurt H. Wolff & Barrington Moore (eds.) - 1967 - Boston,: Beacon Press.
    Introduction: What is the critical spirit?--Utopianism, ancient and modern, by M.I. Finley.--Primitive society in its many dimensions, by S. Diamond.--Manicheanism in the Enlightenment, by R.H. Popkin.--Schopenhauer today, by M. Horkheimer.--Beginning in Hegel and today, by K.H. Wolff.--The social history of ideas: Ernst Cassirer and after, by P. Gay.--Policies of violence, from Montesquieu to the Terrorist, by E.V. Walter.--Thirty-nine articles: toward a theory of social theory, by J.R. Seeley.--History as private enterprise, by H. Zinn.--From Socrates to Plato, by H. Meyerhoff.--Rational (...)
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    (Rescuing) Hegel’s Magical Thinking.Angela Hume - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 4 (1):8-31.
    FEATURED IN EVENTAL AESTHETICS RETROSPECTIVE 1. LOOKING BACK AT 10 ISSUES OF EVENTAL AESTHETICS. In this article I ask: how to rescue “magical thinking” (a notion I inherit from Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno) in and from Hegel and imagine its possibilities for posthuman society, ethics, and aesthetics? To address this question, I read Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit through Horkheimer and Adorno, who argue that Enlightenment’s program is “the disenchantment of the world”: with the end of magical thinking and the (...)
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  29. The Givenness of Other People: On Singularity and Empathy in Husserl.Matt Rosen - 2021 - Human Studies 2021 (3):1-18.
    Other people figure in our experience of the world; they strike us as unique and gen- uinely other. This paper explores whether a Husserlian account of empathy as the way in which we constitute an intersubjective world can account for the uniqueness and otherness of other people in our experience. I contend that it can’t. I begin by explicating Husserl’s theory of empathy, paying particular attention to the reduction to a purely egoic sphere and the steps that ostensibly permit a (...)
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    Male participation in family planning: Results from a qualitative study in mpigi district, uganda.Angela Kaida, Walter Kipp, Patrick Hessel & Joseph Konde-Lule - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (3):269-286.
    The aim of this study was to determine men’s perceptions about family planning and how they participate or wish to participate in family planning activities in Mpigi District, central Uganda. Four focus group discussions were conducted with married men and with family planning providers from both the government and private sector. In addition, seven key informants were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. The results indicate that men have limited knowledge about family planning, that family planning services do not adequately (...)
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  31.  14
    Bioethischer Konsens trotz inkompatibler ethischer Grundpositionen?Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth - 2008 - In Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth (eds.), Ethik Und Die Möglichkeit Einer Guten Weltethics and the Possibility of a Good World: Eine Kontroverse Um Die „Konkrete Ethik“. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Einleitung: Normative Dimensionen des Klimawandels.Angela Kallhoff - 2015 - In Klimagerechtigkeit Und Klimaethik. De Gruyter. pp. 9-20.
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    Liberal Communities: Why Political Liberalism Needs a Principle of Unification.Angela Kallhoff & Judith Schlick - 2001 - In Martha C. Nussbaum: ethics and political philosophy: lecture and colloquium in Münster 2000. New Brunswick: Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers. pp. 4--77.
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    Normen wertschätzen.Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth - 2008 - In Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth (eds.), Ethik Und Die Möglichkeit Einer Guten Weltethics and the Possibility of a Good World: Eine Kontroverse Um Die „Konkrete Ethik“. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Neues zur Theorie des Gerechten Krieges: Die Wende zum Soldaten und Fragen der Kriegsmoral.Angela Kallhoff & Thomas Schulte-Umberg - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (4):762-780.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 4 Seiten: 762-780.
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    Umkämpfte Gestalt einer guten Welt.Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth - 2008 - In Angela Kallhoff, Christoph Halbig & Andreas Vieth (eds.), Ethik Und Die Möglichkeit Einer Guten Weltethics and the Possibility of a Good World: Eine Kontroverse Um Die „Konkrete Ethik“. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Raumkonzepte in der Theologie: interdisziplinäre und interkulturelle Zugänge.Angela Kaupp (ed.) - 2016 - Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
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    Invading Boeotia. Polis and Ethnos in the Mirror of Theaban Foundation Myths.Angela Kühr - 2006 - Hermes 134 (3):367-372.
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    Ethos, Leninism and perspective: on Joshua Cherniss, Liberalism in Dark Times: The Liberal Ethos in the Twentieth Century.Michael Rosen - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (3):541-542.
    History, as we all know, is written by the victors. But in political theory the writing of history is a part of the struggle. Joshua Cherniss’s Liberalism in Dark Times makes a distinguished additi...
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  40. Gender in the Book of Jeremiah: A Feminist-Literary Reading.Angela Bauer - 1999
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    (1 other version)Antropologia e metafisica in Edmund Husserl ed Edith Stein.Angela Ales Bello - 2017 - Acta Philosophica 26 (2):325-344.
    My aim in this paper is to deal with E. Husserl’s and E. Stein’s analyses on the anthropological and metaphysical questions. To perform this task it is necessary to explain the meaning of the phenomenological method, first of all in Husserl and then in E. Stein, underscoring the novelty of their approach to the knowledge of human being, world and God. The essay is divided in four parts; two are dedicated to Husserl’s and Stein’s investigation on the human being and (...)
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    “Essere Grezzo” e hyletica fenomenologica.Angela Ales Bello - 2008 - Chiasmi International 10:139-160.
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    Edmund Husserl e la storia.Angela Ales Bello - 1972 - Parma,:
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    First photographs of heaven.Angela Belli - 1996 - Journal of Medical Humanities 17 (2):137-139.
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  45. The simulation theory, the theory theory and folk psychological explanation.Angela Arkway - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 98 (2):115-137.
  46.  40
    Taxonomy of justifications for consent waivers: When and why are public views relevant?Angela Ballantyne & G. Owen Schaefer - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (5):353-354.
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  47. Cenas de dissenso e dispositivos interacionais na resistência insurgente criada pelos secundaristas.Francine Altheman & Angela Cristina Salgueiro Marques - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 25 (1).
    Este artigo analisa, em dois momentos do movimento de ocupação de escolas em São Paulo, que ocorreu em 2015, o encadeamento das ações, discussões, reações e resistências que envolveram a insurgência dos secundaristas, a partir da construção conceitual de “dispositivo” de Foucault e suas derivações para questões comunicacionais. A proposta é observar como as cenas enunciativas insurgentes representadas e narradas pelos estudantes no ato da ocupação da escola e no confronto com a polícia configuram um sujeito político que aponta para (...)
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    The Taoist Vision. A Study of T’ao Yuan-Ming’s Nature Poetry.Angela Jung Palandri - 1988 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 15 (2):97-121.
  49.  22
    Les tumultes chez Machiavel et la langue de la jurisprudence.Angela De Benedictis - 2016 - Astérion 15 (15).
    Depuis quelque temps, les spécialistes de Machiavel ont dédié leur attention, d’une part, au rôle des tumultes et de l’autre, à la présence de la langue de la jurisprudence dans son œuvre. Jusqu’à présent, ces deux lectures de Machiavel ne sont pas rencontrées. Cette contribution entend montrer jusqu’à quel point la langue de la jurisprudence est présente dans l’écriture de Machiavel sur les tumultes, dans ses premiers textes comme, surtout, dans ses Histoires florentines. En partant de l’analyse machiavélienne de la (...)
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  50. Keeping the local local: Recalibrating the status of science and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) in education.Michiel Van Eijck & Wolff‐Michael Roth - 2007 - Science Education 91 (6):926-947.
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