Results for 'Self-Referential Recursion'

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  1.  44
    An entirely non-self-referential Yabloesque paradox.Jesse M. Butler - 2018 - Synthese 195 (11):5007-5019.
    Graham Priest has argued that Yablo’s paradox involves a kind of ‘hidden’ circularity, since it involves a predicate whose satisfaction conditions can only be given in terms of that very predicate. Even if we accept Priest’s claim that Yablo’s paradox is self-referential in this sense—that the satisfaction conditions for the sentences making up the paradox involve a circular predicate—it turns out that there are paradoxical variations of Yablo’s paradox that are not circular in this sense, since they involve (...)
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    Is literature self-referential?Eric Randolph Miller - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):475-486.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Is Literature Self-Referential?Eric MillerIIs literary language necessarily self-referential? And does this put paradox at the heart of literature? For at least two decades now, affirmative answers to both questions have been articles of faith among critics in the structuralist and poststructuralist mainstream. Literature’s ineluctable paradoxicality attracts us so because a paradox suggests that there are limits to human rationality, and thus strikes a blow for (...)
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    Extending the first-order theory of combinators with self-referential truth.Andrea Cantini - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):477-513.
    The aim of this paper is to introduce a formal system STW of self-referential truth, which extends the classical first-order theory of pure combinators with a truth predicate and certain approximation axioms. STW naturally embodies the mechanisms of general predicate application/abstraction on a par with function application/abstraction; in addition, it allows non-trivial constructions, inspired by generalized recursion theory. As a consequence, STW provides a smooth inner model for Myhill's systems with levels of implication.
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  4. Self as system: Comparing the grounded theory of protecting self and autopoiesis.Mary Ann Mavrinac - 2006 - World Futures 62 (7):516 – 523.
    The author compares the theoretical elements of her grounded theory, Protecting Self: Experiencing Organizational Change, with autopoiesis, a biological theory of living systems. Autopoiesis, meaning self-production, is a closed system that recursively generates the same organization, components, and network of processes from which they are produced. A cautious extrapolation of theoretical similarities between the two theories is presented, including self-referentiality, self-maintenance, circularity, individuality, and the maintenance of identity. The author concludes that this comparison provides a thought-provoking (...)
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    The recursive nature of ownership intuitions.Anat Shechter, Michael Gilead & Yoella Bereby-Meyer - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e349.
    The proposed model overlooks the self-referential and self-perpetuating nature of ownership intuitions. Human knowledge is primarily formed through social interaction within power dynamics. Accordingly, we suggest that legitimate ownership of one object can influence perceptions of legitimate ownership of another object. Ultimately, we argue that ownership intuitions are not independent but embedded in a self-referential system that perpetuates inequality.
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  6. Self-reference and the languages of arithmetic.Richard Heck - 2007 - Philosophia Mathematica 15 (1):1-29.
    I here investigate the sense in which diagonalization allows one to construct sentences that are self-referential. Truly self-referential sentences cannot be constructed in the standard language of arithmetic: There is a simple theory of truth that is intuitively inconsistent but is consistent with Peano arithmetic, as standardly formulated. True self-reference is possible only if we expand the language to include function-symbols for all primitive recursive functions. This language is therefore the natural setting for investigations of (...)
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  7. Consciousness for the ouroboros model.Knud Thomsen - 2011 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 3 (01):163-175.
    The Ouroboros Model features a biologically inspired cognitive architecture. At its core lies a self-referential recursive process with alternating phases of data acquisition and evaluation. Memory entries are organized in schemata. The activation at a time of part of a schema biases the whole structure and, in particular, missing features, thus triggering expectations. An iterative recursive monitor process termed "consumption analysis" is then checking how well such expectations fit with successive activations. Mismatches between anticipations based on previous experience (...)
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  8. Self-graphing equations.Samuel Alexander - manuscript
    Can you find an xy-equation that, when graphed, writes itself on the plane? This idea became internet-famous when a Wikipedia article on Tupper’s self-referential formula went viral in 2012. Under scrutiny, the question has two flaws: it is meaningless (it depends on fonts) and it is trivial. We fix these flaws by formalizing the problem.
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    Second-Order Animals: Cultural Techniques of Identity and Identification.Thomas Macho - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):30-47.
    This paper explores the thesis that the concept of cultural techniques should be strictly limited to symbolic technologies that allow for self-referential recursions. Writing enables one to write about writing itself; painting itself can be depicted in painting; films may feature other films. In other words, cultural techniques are defined by their ability to thematize themselves; they are second-order techniques as opposed to first-order techniques like cooking or tilling a field. To illustrate his thesis, Macho discusses a sequence (...)
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  10. Surmounting the Cartesian Cut Through Philosophy, Physics, Logic, Cybernetics, and Geometry: Self-reference, Torsion, the Klein Bottle, the Time Operator, Multivalued Logics and Quantum Mechanics. [REVIEW]Diego L. Rapoport - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (1):33-76.
    In this transdisciplinary article which stems from philosophical considerations (that depart from phenomenology—after Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger and Rosen—and Hegelian dialectics), we develop a conception based on topological (the Moebius surface and the Klein bottle) and geometrical considerations (based on torsion and non-orientability of manifolds), and multivalued logics which we develop into a unified world conception that surmounts the Cartesian cut and Aristotelian logic. The role of torsion appears in a self-referential construction of space and time, which will be further (...)
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  11. Self-referential emotions.Alexandra Zinck - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (2):496-505.
    The aim of this paper is to examine a special subgroup of emotion: self-referential emo- tions such as shame, pride and guilt. Self-referential emotions are usually conceptualized as (i) essentially involving the subject herself and as (ii) having complex conditions such as the capacity to represent others’ thoughts. I will show that rather than depending on a fully fledged ‘theory of mind’ and an explicit language-based self-representation, (i) pre-forms of self-referential emotions appear at (...)
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    Language as an Eigenform and the Recursiom of Semiosis.D. E. Gasparyan - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 8:125-143.
    The hypothesis of this paper is that language is one more Eigenform, the “external” description of which is impossible. It follows that the application of second-order cybernetics to Eigenform might be adequate. In this article, I would like to concentrate on one relatively small aspect of the idea of Eigenform suggested by Foerster, Kauffman and Spenser-Brawn. I will use Foerster`s recursive approach namely that neither observer nor the thing observed can precede each other, but instead mutually assume each other. In (...)
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    On the Physiological Generation of Antinomies and Paradoxes.Carlos Acosta - 2012 - Mind and Matter 10 (1):75 - 114.
    It is proposed that subconscious retro-predictions in conjunction with brain state update cycles are instrumental in the physiological generation of conscious sensations and perceptions, and in all abstract thought. In this paper the hypothesis is supported by conducting a detailed a re-evaluation of the self-referential statements in Set Theory and Formal Logic known as antinomies. This study concludes that the recursive behavior exhibited by abstract enigmas such as "Russell’s Paradox" is analogous to the oscillations typical of bistable perceptual (...)
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    Robust separations in inductive inference.Mark Fulk - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (2):368 - 376.
    Results in recursion-theoretic inductive inference have been criticized as depending on unrealistic self-referential examples. J. M. Bārzdiņš proposed a way of ruling out such examples, and conjectured that one of the earliest results of inductive inference theory would fall if his method were used. In this paper we refute Bārzdiņš' conjecture. We propose a new line of research examining robust separations; these are defined using a strengthening of Bārzdiņš' original idea. The preliminary results of the new line (...)
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    The Process of Info-Autopoiesis – the Source of all Information.Jaime F. Cárdenas-García - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (2):199-221.
    All information results from a process, intrinsic to living beings, of info-autopoiesis or information self-production; a sensory commensurable, self-referential feedback process immanent to Bateson’s ‘difference which makes a difference’. To highlight and illustrate the fundamental nature of the info-autopoietic process, initially, two simulations based on one-parameter feedback are presented. The first, simulates a homeostatic control mechanism (thermostat) which is representative of a mechanistic, cybernetic system with very predictable dynamics, fully dependent on an external referent. The second, simulates (...)
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  16. Kleene's proof of g¨odel's theorem.Peter Smith - unknown
    There is a familiar derivation of G¨ odel’s Theorem from the proof by diagonalization of the unsolvability of the Halting Problem. That proof, though, still involves a kind of self-referential trick, as we in effect construct a sentence that says ‘the algorithm searching for a proof of me doesn’t halt’. It is worth showing, then, that some core results in the theory of partial recursive functions directly entail G¨ odel’s First Incompleteness Theorem without any further self-referential (...)
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  17. Emergence of Mind From Brain: The Biological Roots of the Hermeneutic Circle.Roland Fischer - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (138):1-25.
    Brain functions are stochastic processes without intentionality whereas mind emerges from brain functions as a Hegelian “change from quantity”, that is, on the order of 1012 profusely interconnected neurons, “into a new quality”: the collective phenomenon of the brain's self-experience. This self-referential and self-observing quality we have in mind is capable of (recursively) observing its self-observations, i.e., interpreting change that is meaningful in relation to itself. The notion of self-interpretation embodies the idea of a (...)
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  18.  10
    Self-referential gestures in conversation.Monica J. Turk - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (4):558-566.
    One way speakers can refer to themselves in conversation is with a stressed first-person pronoun accompanied by a movement of the hand to or toward the chest. This can be produced alone or in tandem with a reference and gesture to another person. Close analysis of several instances of self-referential gesture demonstrates that this form of self-reference is designed to achieve interactional work beyond simple reference, specifically relational disaggregation and self-referential extraction.
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    Calculating self-referential statements, I: Explicit calculations.Craig Smorynski - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (1):17 - 36.
    The proof of the Second Incompleteness Theorem consists essentially of proving the uniqueness and explicit definability of the sentence asserting its own unprovability. This turns out to be a rather general phenomenon: Every instance of self-reference describable in the modal logic of the standard proof predicate obeys a similar uniqueness and explicit definability law. The efficient determination of the explicit definitions of formulae satisfying a given instance of self-reference reduces to a simple algebraic problem-that of solving the corresponding (...)
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  20.  8
    Self-referential Logic of Duration and Creation.황수영 ) - 2020 - Modern Philosophy 16:5-36.
    베르그손이 『의식에 직접 주어진 것들에 관한 시론』에서 발견하고 규정한 변화로서의 지속은 『물질과 기억』을 거치면서 과거의 보존으로 그리고 『창조적 진화』로 가면서 자기에 의한 자기 창조로 계속적으로 재규정되는 과정을 볼 수 있다. 이 세 가지 특징은 이미 첫 저서에서 그 맹아를 볼 수 있고 상당히 일관된 논리로 서술되고 있다. 우리는 이를 ‘자기지시성’(autoréférentialité)이라는 개념으로부터 재구성해 보고 이를 통해 지속의 개념이 점차 명료화되는 동시에 확장되는 과정을 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 우리는 변화에 대한 『시론』의 분석에서 자기지시적 운동의 세 측면을 구분하고 이것이 새로운 규정으로 이어지는 실마리를 (...)
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    Self-Referentiality and Two Arguments Refuting Physicalism.Amihud Gilead - 2015 - International Philosophical Quarterly 55 (4):471-477.
    I suggest two valid and sound arguments refuting physicalism, whether it is reductive or supervenience physicalism. The first argument is a self-referential one that is not involved with any self-referential inconsistency. The second argument demonstrates that physicalism is inescapably involved with self-referential inconsistency. Both arguments show that arguments and propositions (to be distinguished from sentences) are not physical existents. They are rather mental existents that are not reducible to any physical existent and do not (...)
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  22. Self-referential propositions.Bruno Whittle - 2017 - Synthese 194 (12):5023-5037.
    Are there ‘self-referential’ propositions? That is, propositions that say of themselves that they have a certain property, such as that of being false. There can seem reason to doubt that there are. At the same time, there are a number of reasons why it matters. For suppose that there are indeed no such propositions. One might then hope that while paradoxes such as the Liar show that many plausible principles about sentences must be given up, no such fate (...)
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  23. A self-referential paradox for the truth account of assertion.Charlie Pelling - 2011 - Analysis 71 (4):688-688.
  24. The Causal SelfReferential Theory of Perception Revisited.Jan Almäng - 2013 - Dialectica 67 (1):29-53.
    This is a paper about The Causal Self-Referential Theory of Perception. According to The Causal Self-Referential Theory as developed by above all John Searle and David Woodruff Smith, perceptual content is satisfied by an object only if the object in question has caused the perceptual experience. I argue initially that Searle's account cannot explain the distinction between hallucination and illusion since it requires that the state of affairs that is presented in the perceptual experience must exist (...)
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  25.  29
    Sense and Self-Referentiality in Living Beings.Arno L. Goudsmit - 2009 - Biosemiotics 2 (1):39-46.
    This contribution investigates the idea that an act of signification can be understood in terms of the self-referentiality that is typical of the biological organization. The capacity of a living being to interpret and appreciate its own environment can be understood as being grounded in its ability to perform self-referential experiences. We may call this the living being’s capacity of sense. In any act that generates sense, it is possible to distinguish a process of signification from its (...)
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  26.  13
    Self-Referentiality in Kant's Transcendental Philosophy.Claude Piché - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 2:259-267.
  27.  7
    Reference Digraphs of Non-Self-Referential Paradoxes.Ming Hsiung - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-18.
    All the known non-self-referential paradoxes share a reference pattern of Yablo’s paradox in that they all necessarily contain infinitely many sentences, each of which refers to infinitely many sentences. This raises a question: Does the reference pattern of Yablo’s paradox underlie all non-self-referential paradoxes, just as the reference pattern of the liar paradox underlies all finite paradoxes? In this regard, Rabern et al. [J Philos Logic 42(5): 727–765, 2013] prove that every dangerous acyclic digraph contains infinitely (...)
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  28. A universal approach to self-referential paradoxes, incompleteness and fixed points.Noson S. Yanofsky - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (3):362-386.
    Following F. William Lawvere, we show that many self-referential paradoxes, incompleteness theorems and fixed point theorems fall out of the same simple scheme. We demonstrate these similarities by showing how this simple scheme encompasses the semantic paradoxes, and how they arise as diagonal arguments and fixed point theorems in logic, computability theory, complexity theory and formal language theory.
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    Self-referential Logic of Duration and Creation.Suyoung Hwang - 2020 - Modern Philosophy 16:5-36.
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  30. Self-Referential Memory and Mental Time Travel.Jordi Fernández - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2):283-300.
    Episodic memory has a distinctive phenomenology. One way to capture what is distinctive about it is by using the notion of mental time travel: When we remember some fact episodically, we mentally travel to the moment at which we experienced it in the past. This way of distinguishing episodic memory from semantic memory calls for an explanation of what the experience of mental time travel is. In this paper, I suggest that a certain view about the content of memories can (...)
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    A Sound Self-Referential Argument?Robert Young - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):112 - 119.
    The strategy I adopt in this paper is as follows. First I seek to show that the authors’ formulation of the notion of "determinism" is defective because it elides some important distinctions. Second, I go on to argue that these defects vitiate some of the contentions made in the paper and alert us to the inadequacy of the self-referential argument developed in it.
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    Self-Referential Incoherence.George Mavrodes - 1985 - American Philosophical Quarterly 22 (1):65 - 72.
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    Self-referential justification.Paul F. Schmidt - 1957 - Philosophical Studies 8 (4):49 - 54.
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    Tennant’s Conjecture for Self-Referential Paradoxes and its Classical Counterexample.Seungrak Choi - 2021 - Korean Journal of Logic 1 (24):1-30.
    In his paper, “On paradox without self-reference”, Neil Tennant proposed the conjecture for self-referential paradoxes that any derivation formalizing self-referential paradoxes only generates a looping reduction sequence. According to him, the derivation of the Liar paradox in natural deduction initiates a looping reduction sequence and the derivation of the Yablo's paradox generates a spiral reduction. The present paper proposes the counterexample to Tennant's conjecture for self-referential paradoxes. We shall show that there is a (...)
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    The self-referentiality of intentions.Abraham Sesshu Roth - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 97 (1):11-51.
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  36. Self-Referentiality: Pro and Contra.Judith Butler - 1995 - Common Knowledge 4:70-73.
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    Dynamic Approximation of Self-Referential Sentences.Vladimir A. Stepanov - 2022 - Studia Humana 11 (3-4):25-29.
    Non-classical logic via approximation of self-referential sentences by dynamical systems are consistently presented. The new 6-valued truth values (here A=Liar, V=TruthTeller) are presented as a function of the classical truth values xi ∈ {0,1}, which resulted in a philosophical standpoint known as Suszko’s Thesis. Three-valued truth tables were created corresponding to Priest’s tables of the same name. In the process of constructing 4-valued truth tables, two more new truth values (va, av) were revealed that do not coincide with (...)
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  38. The Self-Referential Aspect of Consciousness.Cosmin Visan - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 8 (11):864-880.
    Following the phenomenology that is revealed by the emergent structure of consciousness, the path will lead to the acknowledgement of consciousness having a self-referential aspect. By following phenomenological clues, properties of self-reference will be revealed. The two most prominent properties of self-reference will be shown to be inclusion and transcendence that will be shown to be found everywhere in the phenomenology of consciousness. Also, self-reference will turn out to be unformalizable, this imposing limits on what (...)
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    Calculating self-referential statements: Guaspari sentences of the first kind.C. Smoryński - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (2):329-344.
  40. Self-referential theories.Samuel A. Alexander - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (4):1687-1716.
    We study the structure of families of theories in the language of arithmetic extended to allow these families to refer to one another and to themselves. If a theory contains schemata expressing its own truth and expressing a specific Turing index for itself, and contains some other mild axioms, then that theory is untrue. We exhibit some families of true self-referential theories that barely avoid this forbidden pattern.
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    The effect of self-referential processing on anxiety in response to naturalistic and laboratory stressors.Alison Tracy, Ellen Jopling & Joelle LeMoult - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (7):1320-1333.
    Anxiety disorders represent the most common class of mental illness. In fact, approximately one-third of adults report clinically significant symptoms of anxiety (Kessler et al., 2012), of which sy...
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    Self-referentiality of Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov semantics.Junhua Yu - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (1):371-388.
    The Gödel–Artemov framework offered a formalization of the Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov semantics of intuitionistic logic via classical proofs. In this framework, the intuitionistic propositional logic IPC is embedded in the modal logic S4, S4 is realized in the Logic of Proofs LP, and LP has a provability interpretation in Peano Arithmetic. Self-referential LP-formulas of the type ‘t is a proof of a formula ϕ containing t itself’ are permitted in the realization of S4 in LP, and if such formulas are (...)
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    End-less and Self-Referential Desire.Angela Franks - 2018 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 18 (4):629-646.
    Is postlapsarian sexual desire primarily altruistic or disordered? This paper utilizes the resources in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and in the contemporary magisterium to argue that recent phenomena such as the #MeToo movement underscore the inherently unstable and aggressive nature of sexual desire when it is uprooted from its natural end. Aquinas highlights three aspects of desire that more sex-positive accounts of sexuality would do well to heed: its natural infinity, its self-referential nature, and its power (...)
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    Self-referential (or Performative) Inconsistency.John Finnis - 2004 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 78:13-22.
    Augustine was undeniably a dogmatic thinker, but he also had an “aporetic side” which makes him more relevant to Christian philosophers today than isgenerally recognized. Augustine’s first experience of reading philosophy came from Cicero’s Hortensius, from which Augustine gained an appreciation for philosophical scepticism which he never lost. Thus, in all of his works and in all periods of his life, Augustine’s characteristic way of doing philosophy is aporetic, rather than either systematic or speculative. Paradoxically, Augustine’s faith in the truth (...)
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    Self-Referential Relations.Frederic B. Fitch - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 14:121-127.
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  46. Self-Referential Arguments in Philosophy.Steven Yates - 1991 - Reason Papers 16:133-164.
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  47. On self-referentiality in modal logic.Roman Kuznets - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (3).
  48.  15
    “I’m Only Human”: A Self-Referential Sense of Humor and Meaningful Living.Drew Chastain - 2024 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 5 (1):193-213.
    I argue that a self-referential sense of humor is positively self-accepting by acknowledging imperfection, abnormality, or average status, without genuinely intending ridicule on oneself. Instead, standards of perfection, normality, and greatness are the implicit targets of ridicule, which can provide a form of bonding among those having this sense of humor, who can then find commonality amongst themselves and relief from the pressure of those exacting standards. This self-accepting sense of humor helps to make life more (...)
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    A self-referential 'cogito'.William Boos - 1983 - Philosophical Studies 44 (2):269 - 290.
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    Formally Self-Referential Propositions for Cut Free Analysis and Related Systems.Georg Kreisel & Gaisi Takeuti - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (1):244-246.
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