Results for 'Sergey Kucherenko'

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  1.  30
    The Concept of War in Political Realism.Sergey A. Kucherenko - 2021 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (11):104-127.
    The article deals with the concept of war in modern political realism. Realism claims to have an original notion of war, which distinguishes it from empirical war studies and from other schools in international relations theory. Realism does not have a strict formal definition of war like empirical studies do, it focuses on understanding the causes and nature of war instead. The distinction between realism and other international relations theories like idealism, Marxism or constructivism consists in the realist notion of (...)
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  2. Сучасна Україна в глобальному середовищі: стратегічні орієнтири економічного розвитку: монографія.Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliia Meshko, Lidia Timoshenko, Maryna Lytvyn, Sergii Sardak, Victoriia Apal'kova, Elena Bezgina, Olha Bilska, Ruslana Bilyk, Kateryna Hudym, Anatoly Hladchenko, Оlena Dzyad, Olha Don, Olha Dzhur, Kateryna Zilina, Karina Karplyuk, Nataliya Krasnikova, Anatoly Kolosov, Oleksandr Krupskyi, Sergij Kucherenko, Olga Michaylenko, Anna Polishko, Olga Pashchenko, Irina Privarnikova, Oksana Prysvitla, Irina Relina, Anastasiia Simakhova, Vyacheslav Slivenko, Oleksiy Slivenko, Sergey Smerichevskyi, Alla Stavytska, Iryna Steblianko, Victoriia Tomareva-Patlahova, Yelina Falko, Tatyana Fedotova, Maria Chekhovska, Sergey Tsiganov, Olha Shtanko & Dmitry Shitov - 2015 - Днипро, Днепропетровская область, Украина, 49000: Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.
    Монографія об‘єднала зусилля науковців факультету міжнародної економіки Дніпропетровського національного університету імені Олеся Гончара та учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Стратегії економічного розвитку країн в умовах глобалізації» у процесі пошуку й визначення стратегічних орієнтирів економічного розвитку України в глобальному середовищі й обрання своєї вірної дороги. На відміну від Ван Гога, усі дороги якого ведуть у нікуди, ми віримо, що спроможні обрати ту саму – нашу дорогу у світле й заможне майбутнє, й усі наші зусилля не будуть марними.
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    On classical behavior of intuitionistic modalities.Sergey Deobyshevich - 2014 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 24 (1):79-104.
    We study connections between four types of modal operators – necessity, possibility, un-necessity and impossibility – over intuitionitstic logic in terms of compositions of these modal operators with intuitionistic negation. We investigate which basic compositions, i.e. compositions of the form ¬δ, δ¬ or ¬δ¬, yield modal operators of the same type over intuitionistic logic as over classical logic. We say that such compositions behave classically. We study which modal properties correspond to each basic compositions behaving classically over intuitionistic logic and (...)
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    American World Order: The End of the ‘End of History’.Sergey Chugrov - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (3):442-449.
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  5. Introduction.Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield - 2024 - In Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield (eds.), Talmud /and/ philosophy: conjunctions, disjunctions, continuities. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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    The Open Past: Subjectivity and Remembering in the Talmud.Sergey Dolgopolski - 2012 - New York: FUP.
    The Open Past challenges a view of time that has dominated philosophical thought for the past two centuries. In that view, time originates from a relationship to the future, and the past can be only a fictitious beginning, the necessary phantom of a starting point, a chronological period of "before." This view of the past has permeated the study of the Talmud as well, resulting in the application of modern philosophical categories such as the "thinking subject," subjectivity, and temporality to (...)
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    Філософський аналіз телеіндустрії: від дискурсу домінантних структур до домінування дискурсу.Sergey Gulevsky - 2019 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 5:66-79.
    Статтю присвячено розгляду телеіндустрії під філософським кутом зору. Зокрема, здійснено аналіз критичних теорій щодо економічних основ телеіндустрії, її функціонування як медіа та особливості означування у соціокультурному просторі. Розглянуто концепції масової культури Макса Горкгаймера і Теодора Адорно, дослідження інструментального характеру мас-медіа Гербертом Маркузе, суспільства спектаклю Гі Дебора, телематичного екрану Жана Бодріяра, неотрайбалізму Мішеля Маффесолі. Телеіндустрія постає як один з найбільш характерних проявів масової культури, а з іншого боку – як центральний елемент сучасної культурної індустрії. Розглянуто телесеріали як один з найбільш впливових (...)
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    How to Do without Being, or the Mechanics of the Lathon.Sergey S. Horujy - 2019 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 57 (1):70-96.
    This article explores the fundamental structure of “man who manages to do without Being” and whose constitution lacks the relation to Being and God. Within synergic anthropology, this phenomenon is...
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    Studying ukrainian in terms of student-centered teaching technologies.Iryna Kucherenko - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 22 (2):53-57.
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    Practical Implementation of a Test of Event-Based Corpuscular Model as an Alternative to Quantum Mechanics.Sergey V. Polyakov, Fabrizio Piacentini, Paolo Traina, Ivo P. Degiovanni, Alan Migdall, Giorgio Brida & Marco Genovese - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (8):913-922.
    We describe in detail the first experimental test that distinguishes between an event-based corpuscular model of the interaction of photons with matter and quantum mechanics. The test looks at the interference that results as a single photon passes through a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The experimental results, obtained with a low-noise single-photon source, agree with the predictions of standard quantum mechanics.
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    Social Action and its Sense: Historical Hermeneutics after Ricoeur.Sergey Zenkin - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (1):86-101.
    In the 1970s, particularly in his article “The Model of the Text: Meaningful Action Considered as a Text”, Paul Ricœur proposed a hypothesis concerning the homology between the text and social action. That hypothesis is not reducible to the narrative logic prevailing in late Ricœur’s writings, and we are searching to elucidate its further implications in social sciences. A new hermeneutics of social meanings can be founded upon it, enriched by the methodological experience of structural semiotics and taking into account (...)
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  12.  64
    (1 other version)Unconscious neural processing differs with method used to render stimuli invisible.Sergey V. Fogelson, Peter J. Kohler, Kevin J. Miller, Richard Granger & Peter U. Tse - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  13.  53
    Artificial intelligence, culture and education.Sergey B. Kulikov & Anastasiya V. Shirokova - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):305-318.
    Sequential transformative design of research :224–235, 2015; Groleau et al. in J Mental Health 16:731–741, 2007; Robson and McCartan in Real world research: a resource for users of social research methods in applied settings, Wiley, Chichester, 2016) allows testing a group of theoretical assumptions about the connections of artificial intelligence with culture and education. In the course of research, semiotics ensures the description of self-organizing systems of cultural signs and symbols in terms of artificial intelligence as a special set of (...)
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  14.  56
    Proper Names in the Legal Terminology of the English Language.Sergey P. Khizhnyak & Alexander A. Zaraiskiy - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (3):543-558.
    The article deals with the problem of coining terms and nomenclature signs with proper names illustrated by the example of the English language legal terminology. The article begins with the discussion of the problems of intersection of two linguistic areas and differentiation between terms and nomenclature signs. It is observed that linguistic units with proper names possess a cultural specificity in the legal English as compared to the Russian terminological system of law. Linguistic and extra-linguistic factors influencing language units’ formation (...)
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  15.  82
    Π 1 1 relations and paths through.Sergey S. Goncharov, Valentina S. Harizanov, Julia F. Knight & Richard A. Shore - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (2):585-611.
  16.  41
    Out of sorts? Some remedies for theories of object concepts: A reply to Rhemtulla and Xu (2007).Sergey V. Blok, George E. Newman & Lance J. Rips - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (4):1096-1102.
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    A text on biosemiotic themes.Sergey V. Chebanov & Anton Markoš - 2009 - Sign Systems Studies 37 (1/2):332-343.
    What follows is a two-part review of Günther Witzany’s two-part book, The Logos of the Bios. The first part of the review is written by Sergey Chebanov, and it approaches the text as a source of ideas on biosemiotics and biohermeneutics. The second part is written by Anton Markoš, and it estimates the biological pithiness of the book and the correctness of the reflection of the included data of modern biology.
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    A General Framework for $$ {FDE}$$ FDE -Based Modal Logics.Sergey Drobyshevich - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (6):1281-1306.
    We develop a general theory of FDE-based modal logics. Our framework takes into account the four-valued nature of FDE by considering four partially defined modal operators corresponding to conditions for verifying and falsifying modal necessity and possibility operators. The theory comes with a uniform characterization for all obtained systems in terms of FDE-style formula-formula sequents. We also develop some correspondence theory and show how Hilbert-style axiom systems can be obtained in appropriate cases. Finally, we outline how different systems from the (...)
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  19.  13
    Isidore of Seville, his Mode of Writing and the Metaphor of Taste.Sergey Vorontsov - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (1):59-81.
    The writings in which an author expresses his thought may actually be the product of certain cultural practices of his age. The article considers how such practices are manifested in the writings of Isidore of Seville, particularly with respect to the meaning of the metaphor of taste. Isidore borrows this metaphor from texts that explain the process of understanding Scripture and applies it to the achievement of wisdom. On the one hand, the metaphor stresses the transformative aspect of understanding (rather (...)
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  20.  40
    Umwelt as life world of living being.Sergey V. Chebanov - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134).
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  21.  28
    Time of Mentality.Sergey Demensky - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 15:37-46.
    From descriptive interpretation of "understanding" to abstract-gnosiological understanding of mentality. The historical deconstruction of the existential understanding introduced as ontologic property of constantly becoming stable "Being-in-the-World" allows us to interpret this concept as mentality. Through theprism of existential philosophy in general and its interpreters such as Jacque Le Goff it allows us to make a conclusion that mentality is one of complete formations of public consciousness. But in the course of such interpretation of mentality it is important to avoid the (...)
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    Analysis of performance of medical college students with vegetative dysfunction in subject “anesthesiology and emergency medicine” on top of vitamin therapy.Guzun Sergey & Guzun Olga - 2016 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 10:39-45.
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    Аристофан и платон о подлинной мудрости.Sergey Kulikov & Viktor Lobanov - 2017 - Schole 11 (2):383-392.
    In the article, we offer a model for actualization of the dialogue between the representatives of dramatic art and philosophy in Ancient Greece, having compared the notion of wisdom in Aristophanes and in Plato. In addition to his literary virtues, Aristophanes can be perceived as a philosopher of education. Extrapolation of these results on the modern situation opens prospective of dialogical ways of interactions between the representatives of different spheres of cultural life. Values on which such representatives are based can (...)
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  24.  49
    Equilibrium and potential in coalitional congestion games.Sergey Kuniavsky & Rann Smorodinsky - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (1):69-79.
    The model of congestion games is widely used to analyze games related to traffic and communication. A central property of these games is that they are potential games and hence posses a pure Nash equilibrium. In reality, it is often the case that some players cooperatively decide on their joint action in order to maximize the coalition’s total utility. This is modeled by Coalitional Congestion Games. Typical settings include truck drivers who work for the same shipping company, or routers that (...)
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  25.  16
    Economic Security as a Scientific Category: Theoretical and Methodological Aspect of Research.Sergey Efimovich Metelev - 2015 - Annales Umcs. Sectio I 39 (2):81-91.
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  26.  18
    The October Revolution and the Constants of Russian Being.Sergey A. Nikolsky - 2017 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 55 (3-4):177-193.
    In the history of Russia’s development, there are clear, unchanging constants of empire, autocracy, and property as power. These are persistent structures that have existed over a long historical period, which are created by the state and society, and are upheld by tradition. On the one hand, they are restrictive, but on the other hand, they guide the direction of socioeconomic, sociopolitical, and cultural development, and also facilitate the emergence of the corresponding social actors and institutions. During the Russian revolutionary (...)
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  27. Foundations of spiritual anthropology.Sergey Nizhnikov - 2015 - In Teresa Obolevitch & Paweł Rojek (eds.), Faith and reason in Russian thought. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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    Semantics with Only One Bedeutung.Sergey Pavlov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 13:81-85.
    The modification of Frege's semantics that consists in using only one reference (Bedeutung, denotate) truth instead of two references truth and falsity is proposed. According to Frege 1) every true sentence stands for truth, 2) every false sentence stands for falsity. We modify the second statement: 2*) every false sentence doesn't stand for truth. The modification of sentential logic interpretation will consist in change of semantic rules: a) every formula A stands either for truth or falsity, b.1) the formula A (...)
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  29.  14
    The concept of cultural sovereignty in the structure of the Foundations of State Cultural Policy.Sergey Aleksandrovich Pilyak - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    Cultural heritage, which serves as a substratum of national identity, forms the right of the state to its own sovereignty. The substantiated proof of the possibility of independence from other cultures and nations has relatively recently entered the conceptual field of the philosophy of culture. In January 2023, significant changes made to the Foundations of the state Cultural Policy took into account the concept of cultural sovereignty and, to the necessary extent, justified its high importance for the development of the (...)
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  30.  22
    Semiotics and writing systems.Sergey G. Proskurin - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (205):261-276.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 205 Seiten: 261-276.
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    The Quantum Homeostasis Hypothesis and Divine Providence.Sergey Sekatskii - 2015 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 27 (1-2):82-98.
    The idea that a human being may select at will outcomes of certain quantum events, and that this is free will, has been put forward long ago. But how can such a possibility to control quantum randomness be recombined with the necessity to obey the known statistical distributions of the laws of nature? Antoine Suarez proposes a Quantum Homeostasis Hypothesis (QHH), where this may happen during sleep or dreams. Divine providence may also be placed exactly here without violating the free (...)
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  32. Collective Action and the Evolution of Social Norm Internalization.Sergey Gavrilets & Peter J. Richerson - 2017 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (23):6068--6073.
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  33.  21
    Dare to Know, or the Gospel According to Kant.Sergey N. Gradirovsky - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (2):141-170.
    In the course of a close analysis of Kant’s essay in which he gives his original answer to the question, “What is Enlightenment?” I examine the causes and consequences of the theses about Enlightenment which makes a plea for emancipation from the shackles of guardianship, above all by getting rid of one’s own cowardice. In search of an answer to the question, “What is the real reason of self-incurred immaturity?” I consider the bifurcation: Is it all about unjust social institutions (...)
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    Оптические метафоры и натурфилософские изыскания платона.Sergey Kulikov - 2015 - Schole 9 (1):81-92.
    The article defends the thesis that interpreting Plato’s natural philosophy it is useful to take the terms horatos and aoratos in two distinct meanings: “observable” and “unobservable”, and “visible” and “invisible”. This approach helps to perceive new sides of Plato’s ideas, implicitly present in the “Timaeus”, which allows interpreting it in both anthropomorphic and anti-anthropomorphic senses.
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    Get Noticed to Get Ahead: The Impact of Personal Branding on Career Success.Sergey Gorbatov, Svetlana N. Khapova & Evgenia I. Lysova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The three approaches to the semiotics of power.Sergey V. Sannikov - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (236-237):47-53.
    The article focuses the possibility of elaboration of a cross-disciplinary methodological approach to formation of the semiotics of power. Four possible forms of relation of semiotic research to the problem of power are revealed upon the basis of Drechsler’s typology. The approaches of Mandoki and Siefkes to formation of the methodological basis of the semiotics of power are analyzed and compared. The author designates the perspective directions of a further research and formulates methodological prerequisites for realization of the specified directions.
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    Kant's Copernican revolution as an altered method of thinking [in metaphysics]: its structure and status in the system of transcendental philosophy.Sergey Katrechko - 2022 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 3 (1-2).
    Kant’s transcendental philosophy of Kant is the metaphysics of possible experience related to the solution of the [semantic] problem set in his famous letter to M. Hertz (02.21.1772): “What is the ground of the relation of that in us which we call 'representation' to the object?” There are two possible ways to solve it: empiricism and apriorism, – and Kant chooses the second of them, thus making his “Copernican Revolution”. In the Preface to the 2nd ed. Critique Kant correlates his (...)
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  38.  39
    Tarskian consequence relations bilaterally: some familiar notions.Sergey Drobyshevich - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5213-5240.
    This paper is dedicated to developing a formalism that takes rejection seriously. Bilateral notation of signed formulas with force indicators is adopted to define signed consequences which can be viewed as the bilateral counterpart of Tarskian consequence relations. Its relation to some other bilateral approaches is discussed. It is shown how David Nelson’s logic N4 can be characterized bilaterally and the corresponding completeness result is proved. Further, bilateral variants of three familiar notions are considered and investigated: that of a fragment, (...)
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    Axiomatic and Genetic-Construction Methods of Theoretical Cognition: Comparative Analysis.Sergey A. Lebedev - 2015 - European Journal of Philosophical Research 4 (2):72-82.
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    The Concept “World (die Welt)” in the Transcendental Perspective.Sergey Katrechko - 2020 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 1 (2-3).
    The topic of this article is the problem of World and Infinity. The concepts “Weltanschauung,” (I. Kant) and “Umgreifende” (K. Jaspers) are introduced. A transcendental analysis of the concepts "World" and "Infinite" as ideas of reason is carried out. The theory of the world by L. Tengely is analyzed. Metaphysical and mathematical interpretations of the infinite are compared (actual and potential infinity, openness, horizon).
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    Single-cell Hi-C bridges microscopy and genome-wide sequencing approaches to study 3D chromatin organization.Sergey V. Ulianov, Kikue Tachibana-Konwalski & Sergey V. Razin - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (10):1700104.
    Recent years have witnessed an explosion of the single-cell biochemical toolbox including chromosome conformation capture -based methods that provide novel insights into chromatin spatial organization in individual cells. The observations made with these techniques revealed that topologically associating domains emerge from cell population averages and do not exist as static structures in individual cells. Stochastic nature of the genome folding is likely to be biologically relevant and may reflect the ability of chromatin fibers to adopt a number of alternative configurations, (...)
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    The “fatal seal” of religious immanentism: V. V. Zenkovsky’s evaluation of N. A. Berdyaev’s eschatological ideas.Sergey Nizhnikov & Anastasia Romanenko - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:117-126.
    Introduction. N. A. Berdyaev’s many-sided philo- sophical interests and his indefatigability in creative activity contributed to the development of an original worldview system, in which eschatological ideas were the basic part. The authors consider the assessment of these ideas by the outstanding his- torian of Russian philosophy V.V. A. Berdyaev, the significance of which is enhanced due to the fact that it was given not only by a historian of thought, but also by the creator of his own and generally (...)
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    Role of formal and informal institutions in the civil society development.Sergey Zyryanov & Anatoly Lukin - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 2:7-18.
    Today, scientific discussions on the specifics of the development of civil society in Russia do not stop. The institutional approach allows us to look at this problem through the prism of formal and informal institutions existing in society. Researchers and practitioners should not focus only on the rule of law, official prescriptions and orders, setting the framework for interactions between authorities and citizens, promoting private initiatives, and realizing the rights and freedoms of the population. If they do not correspond to (...)
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    Насіння олійних культур як об'єкт на аграрному ринку.Sergey Chekhov - 2018 - Схід 1 (153):30-33.
    The article examines and analyzes the market of oilseeds, which is a variety and a hybrid of sunflower, rape, soybean. It is determined that selection and seed production play an important role in improving the efficiency of the domestic agrarian sector. The domestic seed industry has the potential for growth, which can be realized only through a scientific approach and specialization in the production of seeds. It is established that there are quite significant differences between the stages of seed creation (...)
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    The doctrine of the genius by Arthur Schopenhauer.Sergey Chernov - 2017 - Philosophical Anthropology 3 (2):141-160.
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    Anab initiomolecular dynamics study of hydronium complexation in Na-montmorillonite.Sergey V. Churakov & Georg Kosakowski - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (17-18):2459-2474.
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    On the question of the ontological and epistemological status of emergent phenomena.Sergey Georgievitch Chukin - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):218-226.
    A significant increase in scientific discoveries, made possible, among other things, thanks to the computing power provided by modern information technologies, occurs against the background of the lack of theoretical and methodological resources necessary for their scientific conceptualization. The situation is similar to the one that took place at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and became the object of reflection on the part of philosophers called emergentists. This explains the revival in our time of interest in some (...)
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    Talmud /and/ philosophy: conjunctions, disjunctions, continuities.Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield (eds.) - 2024 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    Wide-ranging and astutely argued, Talmud /and/ Philosophy examines the intersections, partitions, and mutual illuminations and problematizations of western philosophy and the Talmud. Among its devoted students or "learners," the Talmud - both as text and mode of thought - is a constantly unfolding truth about humans in their relationship to God in the world. Among many philosophers, the Talmud has been at best an idealized and remote object, and at worse, if noticed at all, an object for curiosity. The contributors (...)
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    Disentangling Structural Connectives or Life Without Display Property.Sergey Drobyshevich - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (2):279-303.
    The work is concerned with the so called display property of display logic. The motivation behind it is discussed and challenged. It is shown using one display calculus for intuitionistic logic as an example that the display property can be abandoned without losing subformula, cut elimination and completeness properties in such a way that results in additional expressive power of the system. This is done by disentangling structural connectives so that they are no longer context-sensitive. A recipe for characterizing structural (...)
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    Современные проблемы физики. В поисках новых принципов (The Problems of Modern Physics. Searching For New Principles).Sergey G. Fedosin - 2007
    ISBN 978-5-86007-556-6. (in Russian). -/- In the book we can find the analysis of some closely related problems – of the origin and essence of life, the universal world process and the global evolution. Examination of fractal nature of carriers through the distribution of terrestrial and space objects on the steps of scale staircase, depending on the masses and sizes, shows an appropriate relationship with the masses and sizes of live organisms. One of the conclusions is the complementarity of living (...)
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