Results for 'Sevilay Özer'

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    1929 Dünya Ekonomik Bunalımı Çerçevesind.Sevilay Özer - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 5):595-613.
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    Öğrenci ve Öğretmen Görüşlerine Göre İstenmeyen Öğrenci Davranışlarına Karşı Kullanılan Öğretmen Str.Sevilay ŞAHİN - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):1399-1399.
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    İlkokul Öğrencilerinin "Uzay" Kavramına İlişkin Metaforları.Sevilay Karamustafaoğlu - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):1387-1387.
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    Perspektivität und Dialektik: eine Untersuchung zu den Perspektivenwechseln in Hegels Konzeption des Erkennens.Sevilay Karaduman - 2019 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Gesture Use and Processing: A Review on Individual Differences in Cognitive Resources.Demet Özer & Tilbe Göksun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  6. New Insights on Time and Quantum Gravity.Ozer Oztekin - 2020 - Advances in Physics Theories and Applications 83 (DOI: 10.7176/APTA/83-08).
    According to Einstein, a universal time does not exist. But what if time is different than what we think of it? Cosmic Microvawe Background Radiation was accepted as a reference for a universal clock and a new time concept has been constructed. According to this new concept, time was tackled as two-dimensional having both a wavelength and a frequency. What our clocks measure is actually a derivation of the frequency of time. A relativistic time dilation actually corresponds to an increase (...)
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    Culture and personal influences on cardiopulmonary resuscitation- results of international survey.Janet Ozer, Gadi Alon, Dmitry Leykin, Joseph Varon, Limor Aharonson-Daniel & Sharon Einav - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-8.
    Background The ethical principle of justice demands that resources be distributed equally and based on evidence. Guidelines regarding forgoing of CPR are unavailable and there is large variance in the reported rates of attempted CPR in in-hospital cardiac arrest. The main objective of this work was to study whether local culture and physician preferences may affect spur-of-the-moment decisions in unexpected in-hospital cardiac arrest. Methods Cross sectional questionnaire survey conducted among a convenience sample of physicians that likely comprise code team members (...)
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  8. Quine, Laudan ve Doğallaştırılmış Epistemolojinin Normatifliği Sorunu (Quine, Laudan, and the Normativity Problem of Naturalized Epistemology).Mahmut Özer - 2022 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 12 (12:4):913-937.
    Quine’s “Epistemology Naturalized” is the locus classicus of naturalism in epistemology. Many traditional epistemologists criticized the naturalization of epistemology specifically targeting this article. The critics argue that Quine abolishes the normativity of epistemology. For he proposes epistemology as a chapter of psychology. Laudan, like Quine, believes that epistemology should be naturalized. However, he criticizes Quine’s project of naturalization for similar reasons as Quine’s critics. Instead, he proposes a new project that he calls “normative naturalism”. In this work, I will first (...)
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    Çanakkale Cephesinde Mustafa Kemal.İlbeyi Özer - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 1):553-553.
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    Computer Teachers’ Attitudes toward Ethical Use of Computers in Elementary Schools.Niyazi Özer, Celal Teyyar Ugurlu & Kadir Beycioglu - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (2):15-24.
    This descriptive study explores the elementary school computer teachers’ attitudes and awareness regarding ethical computer use in classrooms and the differences in teachers’ attitudes and awareness in terms of demographic variables including gender, teaching experiences, pre-service/in-service education about ethical computer use. In order to measure computer teachers’ attitudes, awareness, and teaching practices regarding computer ethics, an adopted version of Cyberethics Questionnaire (CEQ), originally developed by Yamano (2004), was used in this study. The CEQ was administered to 150 teachers working for (...)
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    Dini Metinlerdeki Dilin Anlaşılmasına Yönelik Bazı Mülahazalar.Salih Özer - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:1):419-448.
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    Edirne Sarayı 'ndan Günümüze Ulaşabilen Yapılar Hakkında.Mustafa Özer - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):809-809.
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    Hamdullah Hamdî Divanı Üzerinde Durum Biçimbirimleri Açısından Bir İnceleme.Hasan Özer - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 4):783-783.
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    Looking At The Turkish Modernisation Via Family Theme In Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü.Hanife Özer - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2533-2546.
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    İlköğretim Okulu Yönetici ve Öğretmenlerinin Bilgisayar Kullanma Yeterlilik Düze.Hüseyin Özer Aksoy - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 9):83-83.
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    Çokkültürlü Psikolojik Danışma Yeterlikleri Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi.Ömer Özer - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 7):781-781.
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    Religious Education and Ethics Traces of Religious Education of the Past in Today's Religious Attitude: İlyas Erpay.Yasemin Ateşmen Özer - 2023 - Marifetname 10 (2):775-783.
    This study aims to introduce the book "Religious Education and Ethics (Traces of Past Religious Education in Today's Religious Attitudes)." The book was written in Turkish in 2022 by Nobel Academic Publishing and consists of 216 pages. The book focuses on the impact of an education in religion that lacks ethical principles on individuals' religious lives and aims to present how individuals would play a role in their religious lives with education based on ethical principles, drawing attention to these topics.This (...)
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    Surveillance Cameras & School Safety: A Scale Development Study.Niyazi Özer - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:437-448.
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    Temel Benlik Değerlendirmesi, Başa Çıkma Stratejileri ve Psikolojik Sağlamlık.Esin Özer - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 14):587-587.
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    Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin İlk Resmi Konuğu Afgan Kralı Amanullah Han'ın Türkiye Ziyaretinin Türk Basın.İlbeyi Özer - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 11):279-279.
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    Status Threat and Ethical Leadership: A Power-Dependence Perspective.Guangxi Zhang, Jianan Zhong & Muammer Ozer - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (3):665-685.
    Whether, how and when do leaders engage in ethical leadership as a response to status threat? We propose that leaders facing status threat are likely to develop ethical leadership behaviors toward subordinates. Drawing on power dependence theory, we theorize that experiencing status threat augments leaders’ dependence on subordinates who can provide them with status-relevant resources. Dependence on subordinates further motivates leaders to absorb the resource constraints through displaying ethical leadership. However, if leaders are able to obtain alternative resources to cope (...)
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  22. Empirical Relationships Among Five Types of Well-Being.Seth Margolis, Eric Schwitzgebel, Daniel J. Ozer & Sonja Lyubomirsky - 2021 - In William Lauinger, Measuring Well-Being: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities. New York, NY, USA: pp. 339-376.
    Philosophers, psychologists, economists and other social scientists continue to debate the nature of human well-being. We argue that this debate centers around five main conceptualizations of well-being: hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, desire fulfillment, eudaimonia, and non-eudaimonic objective-list well-being. Each type of well-being is conceptually different, but are they empirically distinguishable? To address this question, we first developed and validated a measure of desire fulfillment, as no measure existed, and then examined associations between this new measure and several other well-being measures. (...)
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  23.  54
    Beauty or the beast: The depiction of the physically challenged in literature from an Adlerian perspective. [REVIEW]Irma Jacqueline Ozer - 1990 - Journal of Medical Humanities 11 (2):67-73.
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    Why not a werewolf? The wandering epileptic: Response to Miles E. Drake, Jr., M.D., ?medical and neuropsychiatric aspects of lycanthropy? [REVIEW]Irma Jacqueline Ozer - 1992 - Journal of Medical Humanities 13 (1):17-19.
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    Exploring Emotions Through Co-speech Gestures: The Caveats and New Directions.Zeynep Aslan, Demet Özer & Tilbe Göksun - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (4):265-275.
    Co-speech hand gestures offer a rich avenue for research into studying emotion communication because they serve as both prominent expressive bodily cues and an integral part of language. Despite such a strategic relevance, gesture-speech integration and interaction have received less research focus on its emotional function compared to its cognitive function. This review aims to shed light on the current state of the field regarding the interplay between co-speech hand gestures and emotions, focusing specifically on the role of gestures in (...)
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    Ethical Approach to Fluoridation in Drinking Water Systems of UK and Turkey.Asude Ateş & Çiğdem Özer - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (2):171-178.
    The practice of adding substances to make water safe to drink and its consequential effects on human health have been a contentious matter for a long time. In this study, the addition of fluoride in drinking water was evaluated after examining two different countries: Britain and Turkey. This study has used an independent and ethical approach taking into account the cautious but assertive dentists’ comments on the addition of fluoride for years. This research focuses on a comparative analysis of Britain, (...)
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    Ebû hâti̇m er-râzî’ye göre kur’ân’in hz. muhammed’i̇n peygamberli̇ği̇ne delâleti̇.Süleyman Akkuş & Zülkif Özer - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (32):79-79.
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    Interpretacja dekonstrukcji. Nietzsche, Derrida i styl filozofowania.Jakub Dadlez & Haci Özer - 2018 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 13 (1):55-68.
    In 1978 Jacques Derrida published a short text on Friedrich Nietzsche, entitled Spurs. Nietzsche’s Styles. Basing on it and on other of both authors’ writings, the article presents their understanding of truth, conceived metaphorically as a woman. The Nietzschean-Derridian concept of truth involves a mutual style of writing, therefore of thinking — since for the two philosophers language is an impassable sphere of thought. It turns out that philosophy — as an affirmation of the woman-truth — must rely on repeating (...)
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    From Moral Intuitions to Free Will Intuitions: A Dual Interacting-Process Model.Ayhan Sol & Özge Dural Özer - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:4):881-897.
    In this essay, after first briefly reviewing the literature on experimental philosophy and how and why it is important especially for contemporary analytic philosophy, we focus on two earliest experimental research papers on free will intuitions. We also present psychological mechanisms that try to explain why both philosophers and ordinary people have incompatibilist and compatibilist intuitions and free will and moral responsibility. We then move on to another experimental research on moral intuitions and develop a dual process model based on (...)
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    N'ilî’s Unknown Poems and Some Provisions About Them.Özer Şenödeyi̇ci̇ - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1925-1939.
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    The Language Of Flowers And Ottoman Don Juans.Özer Şenödeyi̇ci̇ - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:106-122.
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    TrustUS: Cultural Influences on Ethical Decision Making.Bachman Fulmer, Sarah Fulmer & Zeynep Can Ozer - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 16:217-230.
    This case study focuses on how divergent cultural norms can impact ethical decisionmaking between a superior and subordinate in a high-pressure workplace. In order to ensure that today’s business students adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct in an international and multicultural environment, it is imperative they recognize and respond appropriately to different cultural views of ethics. In the accompanying case, Jane, a Chinese national living and working in the United States, encounters multiple ethical dilemmas during her employment at (...)
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  33. A new measure of life satisfaction: the Riverside Life Satisfaction Scale.Seth Margolis, Eric Schwitzgebel, Daniel Ozer & Sonja Lyubomirsky - 2018 - Journal of Personality Assessment 101:621-630.
    The Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985) has been the dominant measure of life satisfaction since its creation more than 30 years ago. We sought to develop an improved measure that includes indirect indicators of life satisfaction (e.g., wishing to change one’s life) to increase the bandwidth of the measure and account for acquiescence bias. In 3 studies, we developed a 6-item measure of life satisfaction, the Riverside Life Satisfaction Scale, and obtained reliability and validity evidence. (...)
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  34. Sefer Ḥuḳat ha-Torah: bo asafti ʻaśarah maʼamarim le-vaʼer divre ḥakh., zal... be-mitsṿat Talmud Torah. Ṿe-Sefer Zikhron Mordekhai: bo beʼarti divre Rabenu Baʻal ha-Tanya, zal, ʻal hilkhot Talmud Torah..Elimelekh ʻOzer Bodeḳ & Avraham Mosheh Dov Ber ben Daṿid Hakohen (eds.) - 1898 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: E. ʻO. Bodeḳ.
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    What do patients expect from their physicians? Qualitative research on the ethical aspects of patient statements.Mehmet Çetin, Muharrem Uçar, Tolga Güven, Adnan Ataç & Mustafa Özer - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):112-116.
    This study aimed to examine the thoughts and expectations of patients receiving healthcare from their physicians and evaluate the ethical aspects of these thoughts and expectations. To determine the ethical aspects of the thoughts and expectations of patients, an open-ended question was asked on the web page of the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) Health Care Command, which is accessible to the users of the TAF intranet system (the internet system used within TAF institutions). The participants were asked to express their (...)
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    Investigating compassion fatigue and predictive factors in paediatric surgery nurses.Eda Ayten Kankaya, Nazife Gamze Özer Özlü & Fatma Vural - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):845-858.
    Background Nurses provide care to meet the complex needs of patients in the increasing workload in the health system and are at risk of compassion fatigue. The concept of compassion fatigue has begun drawing attention in the last decade, as it negatively affects nurses' physical and mental health, job performance and satisfaction, and therefore patient care quality. Objectives This study was to examine compassion fatigue and predictive factors in paediatric surgery nurses. Participants and research context The study was cross-sectional, predictive (...)
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  37. Imre fi: amarim neʻimim, peninim yeḳarim, kolel derushim neḥmadim, be-derekh agadah u-musar neʼemarim: ḥag ha-Pesaḥ.Yeḥiʼel Mikhl ben Ozer Fried - 2022 - [Brooklyn, NY]: [Bene ha-Meḥaber].
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    Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease Is Reflected with Gradual Decrease of EEG Delta Responses during Auditory Discrimination.Bahar Güntekin, Lütfü Hanoğlu, Dilan Güner, Nesrin H. Yılmaz, Fadime Çadırcı, Nagihan Mantar, Tuba Aktürk, Derya D. Emek-Savaş, Fahriye F. Özer, Görsev Yener & Erol Başar - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  39. Image of the Presidency of Religious Affairs: A Study on Media Columnists’ Perception of Religious Affairs.Faruk Yazar, M. Fatih Turanalp & Nuri Paşa Özer - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (60):134-148.
    Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı teşkilatı kurumsal olarak Türk medyasında en çok tartışılan kurumlar arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çerçevede Diyanet teşkilatının kamuoyunda nasıl algılandığı ve nasıl bir imaja sahip olduğu önem arz etmektedir. Çalışmada köşe yazarlarının yazdığı yazılar üzerinden Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’nın imajının medyada nasıl algılandığı araştırılmıştır. Nicel içerik analizi yönteminin kullanıldığı çalışmada iki aşamalı akış kuramı temelinde köşe yazarları kanaat önderi olarak ele alınmıştır. Araştırma, 2013-2022 yıllarını kapsayan 10 yıllık bir veri setinde kota örneklemesi ve maksimum çeşitlilik örneklemesi uygulanarak Diyanet İşleri (...)
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    Sevilay Karaduman, Perspektivität und Dialektik. Eine Untersuchung zu den Perspektivenwechseln in Hegels Konzeption des Erkennens.Wilfried Grießer - 2019 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 126 (2):396-398.
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  41. Ozer Yiśraʼel bi-gevurah: sugyot bi-gevurat Yiśraʼel.Tsevi Yiśraʼel Ṭaʼu - 1992 - [Jerusalem?: Ḥ. Mo. L.. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Sofer.
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    Bulgaristan'ın Üç Döneminde Yaşayan Mümin Özer'in Anıları.Zeki ÇEVİK - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):1259-1259.
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    Trt türk sanat müzi̇ği̇ repertuvarinda bulunan segâh makamindaki̇ di̇nî eserleri̇n çeşi̇tli̇ deği̇şkenler açisindan anali̇zi̇.Ferdi Karaönçel - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):146-161.
    Religious songs have an important place in Turkish Classical Music in terms of maqam, usul, form, composers, and songwriters. The main purpose of this study is to examine the religious songs in Segâh Maqam in the TRT Turkish Classical Music Repertoire in terms of form, usul, composers, and songwriters. The data of the research were obtained through literature and document review. In this context, the musical notes of religious songs in Segâh Maqam were analyzed through content analysis. As a result (...)
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  44. Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, X: via neutrosophica.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Grandview Heights, OH, USA: Educational Publisher.
    In this tenth book of scilogs – called via neutrosophica (the neutrosophic way) –, one may find new and old questions and solutions, referring mostly to topics on NEUTROSOPHY, but also MULTISPACE, with miscellaneous addition of topics on Physics, Mathematics, or Sociology – email messages to research colleagues, or replies, notes about authors, articles, or books, spontaneous ideas, and so on. -/- Exchanging ideas with A. Elhassouny, Junhui Kim, Jeong Gon Lee, Kul Hur, Hojjatollah Farahani, W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Said (...)
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