Results for 'Sinja Graf'

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  1.  45
    “A Trespass against the Whole Species”: Universal Crime and Sovereign Founding in John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government.Sinja Graf - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (4):560-585.
    This essay theorizes how the enforcement of universal norms contributes to the solidification of sovereign rule. It does so by analyzing John Locke’s argument for the founding of the commonwealth as it emerges from his notion of universal crime in the Second Treatise of Government. Previous studies of punishment in the state of nature have not accounted for Locke’s notion of universal crime which pivots on the role of mankind as the subject of natural law. I argue that the dilemmas (...)
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    The Human: 'Legal, all too Legal' - Esmeir's Juridical Humanity.Sinja Graf - forthcoming - Theory and Event 16 (2).
  3.  10
    Book Review: The Humanity of Universal Crime: Inclusion, Inequality, and Intervention in International Political Thought, by Sinja Graf[REVIEW]Sanjay Seth - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (2):442-447.
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    The Humanity of Universal Crime: Inclusion, Inequality, and Intervention in International Political Thought.Emily Nacol - 2023 - Ethics and Global Politics 16 (3):35-37.
    In her excellent new book, The Humanity of Universal Crime: Inclusion, Inequality, and Intervention in International Political Thought, Sinja Graf draws on an array of early modern and modern texts...
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    Friedrich Wilhelm Graf: The Significance of Troeltsch’s Soziallehren for the Present.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2019 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 26 (2):53-66.
    Die University of Tokyo hatte mich zu einem Vortrag über die im Rahmen der Kritischen Gesamtausgabe als Band 9 (in drei Teilbänden) erscheinende Neuausgabe von Ernst Troeltschs “Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen und Gruppen” eingeladen. Das mir vorgegebene Thema lautete: “The Significance of Troeltsch’s Soziallehren for the Present”’. Im ersten Teil skizziere ich die Genese von Troeltschs christentumshistorischem Hauptwerk. Im zweiten Teil geht es um die zentralen Themen seines “Lieblingsbuches”. Im dritten Teil werden einige seiner handschriftlichen Zusätze und Marginalien kurz vorgestellt, (...)
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    Friedrich Wilhelm Graf: Ein unbekannter Systementwurf Paul Tillichs. Zur Entstehungsgeschichte von Tillichs Das System der Wissenschaften nach Gegenständen und Methoden.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (1):26-170.
    By the end of April 1923, Paul Tillich’s Das System der Wissenschaften nach Gegenständen und Methoden (1981: The System of the Sciences according to Objects and Methods) was published by the German publishing house Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen. Based on numerous source documents from the publishers’ archives and particularly on the correspondence between the publishers Wilhelm and Gustav Ruprecht, hitherto unknown but now edited and commented on here, the present article explains that Tillich wrote his System of the Sciences (...)
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    Friedrich Wilhelm Graf: Zur Publikationsgeschichte von Paul Tillichs „Systematic Theology“. Teil 2.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2017 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 24 (1):51-121.
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    Graf, Otto, Gottfried Keller als Erzieher. Gottfried Keller-Nummer der Zeitschrift „Der Wegweiser“.Otto Graf - 1920 - Kant Studien 25 (1).
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    Friedrich Wilhelm Graf: Liberal Protestantism and Christian Studies at Kyoto University. Einleitung.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (1):1-3.
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    Friedrich Wilhelm Graf: Zur Publikationsgeschichte von Paul Tillichs „Systematic Theology“. Teil 1.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (2):192-217.
    In June 1947 Paul Tillich signed a contract with The University of Chicago Press for a “Systematic Theology” in two volumes. Having published the first volume in April 1951, he asked the publisher to split the second volume into two parts, which were published in 1957 as volume II and 1963 as volume III. In this article the different editions of “Systematic Theology” are described, and the economic aspects of writing and publishing this very influential academic book are explained. Many (...)
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  11. Prospective memory: A new focus for research.Peter Graf & Bob Uttl - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (4):437-450.
    Prospective memory is required for many aspects of everyday cognition, its breakdown may be as debilitating as impairments in retrospective memory, and yet, the former has received relatively little attention by memory researchers. This article outlines a strategy for changing the fortunes of prospective memory, for guiding new research to shore up the claim that prospective memory is a distinct aspect of cognition, and to obtain evidence for clear performance dissociations between prospective memory and other memory functions. We begin by (...)
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  12.  9
    Die Aarauer Konferenz (1897–1939). Spiegel der evangelischen Theologiegeschichte.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (1):154-155.
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  13.  36
    Mythos in Mythenloser Gesellschaft: Das Paradigma Roms.Fritz Graf (ed.) - 1993 - De Gruyter.
    Die Colloquia Raurica werden alle zwei Jahre vom CollegiumRauricum veranstaltet. Sie finden auf Castelen, dem Landgut der Römer-Stiftung Dr. René Clavel in Augst (Augusta Raurica) bei Basel, statt. Jedes Colloquium behandelt eine aktuelle geisteswissenschaftliche Frage von allgemeinem Interesse aus der Perspektiveverschiedener Disziplinen. Einen Schwerpunkt bilden dabei Beiträge aus dem Bereich der Altertumswissenschaft. Um möglichst vielseitig abgestützte Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen, erörtern die eingeladenen Fachvertreter das Tagungsthema im gemeinsamen Gespräch. Die Ergebnissedes Colloquiumwerden in der Schriftenreihe Colloquia Raurica publiziert.
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  14. The culture of 'crisis' in the Weimar Republic.Rüdiger Graf & Moritz Föllmer - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 111 (1):36-47.
    Both in scholarship on the Weimar Republic and in historical research in general, many conceptions of ‘crisis’ tend to remain vague and difficult to operationalize. These operational defects of the concept of crisis arise inevitably, we argue, from the concept’s constitutive link to human perception on the one hand and from its subsumption of complex interconnections of historical processes within different subsystems on the other. Frequently today, in both ordinary and historiographical usage, this basic openness of the concept of crisis (...)
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  15.  19
    Weimarer Republik und Völkerbund aus der Sicht von Berthold Graf Stauffenberg.Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum - 2009 - In Korinna Schönhärl, Bertram Schefold, Werner Plumpe & Roman Köster (eds.), Das Ideal des Schönen Lebens Und Die Wirklichkeit der Weimarer Republik: Vorstellungen von Staat Und Gemeinschaft Im George-Kreis. Akademie Verlag. pp. 211-234.
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  16. Permissive Divergence.Simon Graf - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 53 (3):240-255.
    Within collective epistemology, there is a class of theories that understand the epistemic status of collective attitude ascriptions, such as ‘the college union knows that the industrial action is going to plan’, or ‘the jury justifiedly believes that the suspect is guilty’, as saying that a sufficient subset of group member attitudes have the relevant epistemic status. In this paper, I will demonstrate that these summativist approaches to collective epistemology are incompatible with epistemic permissivism, the doctrine that a single body (...)
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  17. On the Nature and Relationship of Individual and Collective Justification.Simon Graf - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Leeds
    This thesis is an investigation into the nature of epistemic justification. It brings together themes from traditional, individual-centred epistemology, and collective, group-centred epistemology. The first half of the thesis is concerned with the question of whether rationality is epistemically permissive; that is, whether one body of evidence can rationalise more than one doxastic attitude. In chapter 1, I argue that permissive cases are best understood as epistemic standard conflicts. Doing so provides us with a novel understanding of the arbitrariness objection (...)
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  18. The No-Defeater Clause.Simon Graf - forthcoming - Episteme.
    Rational or epistemically justified beliefs are often said to be defeasible. That is, beliefs that have some otherwise justification conferring property can lose their epistemic status because they are defeated by some evidence possessed by the believer or due to some external facts about the believer’s epistemic environment. Accordingly, many have argued that we need to add a so-called no defeater clause to any theory of epistemic justification. In this paper, I will survey various possible evidentialist as well as responsibilitst (...)
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    Lecturas críticas en investigación feminista.Norma Blazquez Graf, Castañeda Salgado & Martha Patricia (eds.) - 2016 - Ciudad de México, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades, Programa de Posgrado en Estudios Latinoamericanos.
  20.  14
    Yale French Studies, Number 135-136: Existentialism, 70 Years After.Lauren Du Graf, Julia Elsky & Clémentine Fauré (eds.) - 2019 - New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
    _Focused on existentialism, this issue explores current writers, thinkers, and texts affiliated with the movement_ In 1948, _Yale French Studies_ devoted its inaugural issue to existentialism. This anniversary issue responds seventy years later. In recent years, new critical and theoretical approaches have reconfigured existentialism and refreshed perspectives on the philosophical, literary, and stylistic movement. This special issue restores the writers, thinkers, and texts of the movement to their subversive strength. In so doing, it illustrates existentialism’s present relevance, revealing how the (...)
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    From Brandt to Brundtland and beyond: Hegemonic-ideological aspects of the north-south dialogue in the 1990s.William Graf - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (1-3):399-406.
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  22.  15
    Helmut Thielicke und die "Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik": zur Ideengeschichte der protestantischen Bundesrepublik.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2021 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. Edited by Helmut Thielicke.
    Friedrich Wilhelm Graf skizziert die Biographie des in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren uberaus einflussreichen Hamburger Systematischen Theologen Helmut Thielicke, um dann dessen Aktivitaten zur Grundung einer Zeitschrift fur Theologische Ethik zu rekonstruieren. Dabei untersucht er auch Thielickes Kontakte zu dem amerikanischen Theologen Reinhold Niebuhr und zu Paul Tillich. Vorgestellt werden die von Thielicke zunachst in den Blick genommenen Herausgeber, seine Programmentwurfe zu Aufgabe und Profil der seit Januar 1957 erscheinenden Zeitschrift fur Evangelische Ethik und das tatsachliche Herausgebergremium, dem (...)
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  23. Existentialism, 70 years after.Lauren Du Graf, Julia Elsky & Clémentine Fauré (eds.) - 2019 - New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
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    Die Flucht in den Begriff: Materialien zu Hegels Religionsphilosophie.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf & Falk Wagner (eds.) - 1982 - Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
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    Implicit and explicit memory: An old model for new findings.Peter Graf - 1991 - In William Kessen, Andrew Ortony & Fergus I. M. Craik (eds.), Memories, Thoughts, and Emotions: Essays in Honor of George Mandler. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 135.
  26. Kaibara Ekiken.Olaf Graf - 1942 - Leiden,: Brill. Edited by Ekiken Kaibara.
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    La actualidad de los “Elementos del antisemitismo” de Adorno y Horkheimer.Stephanie Graf - 2017 - Signos Filosóficos 19 (38):118-149.
    Resumen: Este artículo presenta la visión epistémica alternativa expuesta por Adorno y Horkheimer en los “Elementos del antisemitismo”, contenidos en la Dialéctica de la Ilustración, visión que sostiene un acercamiento ensayístico a su objeto de estudio a manera de montaje. El texto está compuesto por siete tesis, interrelacionadas de manera no-determinante, formando una constelación conceptual alrededor del tema. A partir de esta estrategia, los autores se oponen a la forma hegemónica de producción de conocimiento que conciben como sistematizante y totalizante. (...)
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    Structural descriptions in HIT – a problematic commitment.Markus Graf & Werner X. Schneider - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):483-484.
    Humphreys and Forde conceptualize object representations as structural descriptions, without discussing the implications of structural description models. We argue that structural description models entail two major assumptions – a part-structure assumption and an invariance assumption. The invariance assumption is highly problematic because it contradicts a large body of findings which indicate that recognition performance depends on orientation and size. We will delineate relevant findings and outline an alternative conception.
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    Teilnehmer.Fritz Graf - 1993 - In Mythos in Mythenloser Gesellschaft: Das Paradigma Roms. De Gruyter.
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    Urwelt, Sage und Menschheit. Edgar Dacque.Graf V. Klinckowstroem - 1925 - Isis 7 (1):165-167.
  31. Chin Ssu Lu Djin-Si Lu Die Sungkonfuzianische Summa [von] Dschu Hsi, Mit Dem Kommentar des Yä Tsai, Übersetzt Und Erläutert von Olaf Graf.Hsi Chu, Yä Tsai & Olaf Graf - 1953 - Sophia University Press.
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    Ethics and the Endangerment of Children's Bodies.Graf Gunter & Gottfried Schweiger - 2016 - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book addresses the endangerment of children’s bodies in affluent societies. Bodily integrity is an important part of a child’s physical and mental well-being, but it can also be violated through various threats during childhood; not only affecting physical health but also causing mental damage and leading to distortions in the development of the self. The authors give an account of three areas, which present different serious dangers: (1) body and eating, (2) body and sexuality, and (3) body and violence. (...)
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    Close coordination between recognition and action: Really two separate streams?Markus Graf - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (2):210-211.
    Somewhat in contrast to their proposal of two separate somatosensory streams, Dijkerman & de Haan (D&dH) propose that tactile recognition involves active manual exploration, and therefore involves parietal cortex. I argue that interactions from perception for action to object recognition can be found also in vision. Furthermore, there is evidence that perception for action and perception for recognition rely on similar processing principles.
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    Die Divina comedia als Zeugnis des Glaubens: Dante und die Liturgie. Mit 5 Bildtafeln nach Mosaiken von Ravenna.Olaf Graf - 1965 - Herder.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Fritz Graf - 1993 - In Mythos in Mythenloser Gesellschaft: Das Paradigma Roms. De Gruyter. pp. 324-328.
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  36. The Nabateans in the early Hellenistic period: The testimony of Posidippus of Pella.David Graf - 2006 - Topoi 14 (1).
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  37.  12
    The Pleasures of Flattery and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion in Seneca's Natural Questions (4a Praef. ).Chiara Graf - 2023 - American Journal of Philology 144 (1):109-144.
    Abstract:In many of his works, Seneca puts a philosophical premium on the ability to see through the deceptive appearances of words and things, identifying the hidden truths that underlie these appearances. In this paper, I turn to a passage that casts doubt upon the efficacy of this interpretive method: Seneca's excursus on flattery in the preface to Book 4a of the Natural Questions. Seneca locates in flattery a pleasure that listeners cannot eradicate by exposing its insincerity. By undermining a hermeneutic (...)
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  38.  17
    Tao und Jen: Sein und Sollen im sungchinesischen Monismus.Olaf Graf - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (3):403-404.
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    Werte leben lernen: Gerechtigkeit - Frieden - Glück.Ulrike Graf (ed.) - 2017 - Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Universitätsverlag Osnabrück im Verlag V&R Unipress.
    Was haben Gerechtigkeit, Frieden, Glück und Wertebildung miteinander zu tun? Der Band beantwortet diese Frage interdisziplinär. Die BeiträgerInnen untersuchen Lernprozesse hinter gerechtem Urteilen, setzen sich mit Projekten zur Friedensstiftung durch Konfliktberatung auseinander und analysieren schulische Programme zur Förderung von Zufriedenheit und Glück. Sie erläutern darüber hinaus die Relevanz von Wertebildung in einem fachspezifischen Curriculum und denken Gerechtigkeits-, Friedens- und Glücks-bildung historisch und systematisch weiter. Die AutorInnen kommen aus den Erziehungswissenschaften, der Philosophie und aus den Theologien oder sind FachpädagogInnen und -didaktikerInnen.
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    Ein Bewusstsein von dem, was fehlt.Christian Graf - 2009 - Philosophische Rundschau 56 (1):48.
  41. Distanz und Nähe zugleich? Die christlichen Kirchen im „Dritten Reich“, im Auftrag des NS-Dokumentationszentrums München hg.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf & Hans Günter Hockerts - 2017
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    Das Wirklichkeitsproblem in Transzendentalphilosophie und Metaphysik: Heinrich Barth im Kontext.Christian Graf & Harald Schwaetzer (eds.) - 2014 - Basel: Schwabe.
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    ¿Es Theodor W. Adorno un pensador interdisciplinario? Diez tesis sobre teoría crítica y las disciplinas particulares Is Theodor W. Adorno an interdisciplinary thinker? Ten theses o.Stephanie Graf - 2023 - Logos Revista de Filosofía 141 (141):83-95.
    Que el trabajo interdisciplinario es un quehacer en la vida académica contemporánea se ha vuelto un consenso ampliamente reconocido. Sin embargo, la noción hegemónica de interdisciplinariedad tiene el problema que acepta los marcos teóricos tanto como los contenidos de las diversas disciplinas comodadas, es decir, de manera a-crítica y a-histórica. Este ensayo consiste en diez tesis que muestran otra visión de la interdisciplinariedad, tal como se despliega en el pensamiento de Adorno. Es importante destacar cómo Adorno sigue siendo relevante en (...)
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  44.  26
    Einstellung und Wissen von Lehramtsstudierenden zur Evolution–ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei.Dittmar Graf & Haluk Soran - 2010 - In Evolutionstheorie-Akzeptanz und Vermittlung im europäischen Vergleich. Berlin: Springer. pp. 141--161.
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    Greek and Roman Necromancy (review).Fritz Graf - 2006 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 99 (4):459-460.
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  46. Orfeusz: poeta pośród ludzi.Fritz Graf - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4 (19).
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    Response: Commentary: Aesthetic Pleasure versus Aesthetic Interest: The Two Routes to Aesthetic Liking.Laura K. M. Graf - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  48.  19
    Solzhenitsyn.William David Graf (ed.) - 1969 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Georg Lukac's most recent work of literary criticism, on the Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn, hails the Russian author as a major force in redirecting socialist realism toward the level it once occupied in the 1920s when Soviet writers portrayed the turbulent transition to socialist society.In the first essay Lukacs compares the novella One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich to short pieces by "bourgeois" writers Conrad and Hemingway and explains the nature of Solzhenitsyn's criticism of the Stalinist period (...)
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  49.  13
    The computational unity of Merge and Move.Thomas Graf - 2021 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 3 (2):154-180.
    Based on a formal analysis of the operations Merge and Move, I provide a computational answer to the question why Move might be an integral part of language. The answer is rooted in the framework of subregular complexity, which reveals that Merge is most succinctly analyzed in terms of the formal class TSL. Any cognitive device that can handle this level of complexity also possesses sufficient resources for Move. In fact, Merge and Move are remarkably similar instances of TSL. Consequently, (...)
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  50.  21
    The So-Called "Great Satraps' Revolt," 366-360 B. C.: Concerning Local Instability in the Achaemenid Far West.David F. Graf & Michael Weiskopf - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):99.
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