Results for 'Socratic dialogue, philosophical practice'

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  1.  60
    Socrates and Philosophical Practice.Travis Butler - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (5):821-842.
    Interpreters of the Phaedo often cite the Pythagorean context of the dialogue as a source of influence on the demanding conception of philosophy defended therein. Sandra Peterson offers a striking account of that influence: the Pythagorean sympathies of Socrates's interlocutors lead him to defend a conception of philosophy that captures their commitments, but that he himself rejects. Call this the Strong Influence Thesis. Peterson defends SIT by attempting to demonstrate a mismatch between the conception of philosophy espoused by Socrates in (...)
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  2. Neo-Socratic Dialogue as a Paradigmatic Setting for Philosophizing.Bernt Österman - 2014 - Philosophical Practice 9 (3):1426-1435.
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    Socratic dialogue in Lesia Ukrainka's poetic and practical philosophy.Anatoliy Yermolenko - 2021 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:20-36.
    The article is about the poetic-practical philosophy of dialog of Lesia Ukrainka, which is manifested in the dramatic creativity of the prominent poetess, her translation activity and the concept of “person-nature relations”. In the text it is shown that Lesia Ukrainka created a new genre of contemporary drama on the basis of application of “Socratic dialog”, which started an important direction in contemporary literature and coincides with a leading trend of world philosophy associated with the paradigmatic turning point from (...)
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    The Dialogical Form of Philosophical Practice: Structuring the Discursive Flow in Socratic Dialogue.Alexandru Cosmescu - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:25-31.
    Based on the transcript of a fragment from a philosophical practice session carried by Oscar Brenifier, I flesh out several aspects of this dialogical form of philosophical practice. First, it is a form of interaction grounded in the interlocutors’ interaffection. Second, the main mechanism of carrying through the dialogic interaction is the practitioner’s repeating the other’s words, writing them down, and then questioning them, thus extracting them from the other’s discursive flow and making them shared objects (...)
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    The practical turn in philosophy: A revival of the ancient art of living through modern philosophical practice.Xiaojun Ding, Peter Harteloh, Tianqun Pan & Feng Yu - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (4-5):517-534.
    Philosophical practice, an art of living rooted in ancient traditions, is enriched by modern techniques such as individual counseling, Socratic group dialogues, and organizational consulting. Philosophical counseling, a key aspect of this practice, employs traditional philosophical frameworks and rational reasoning to address clients' concerns, distinguishing itself from psychotherapy while respecting individual autonomy. The growing Western interest in Asian philosophies also underscores a shared pursuit of wisdom, spirituality, and meaning. This paper examines the development, key (...)
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    Hryhorii Skovoroda’s Socratic Dialogue in the Context of Modern Philosophy.Anatolii Yermolenko - 2022 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 9:2-18.
    This article explores the creative work of Hryhorii Savych Skovoroda from the standpoint of the leading trends in contemporary philosophic thought: a communicative turn in philosophy, neo-Socratic dialogue, and ethics of discourse. Skovoroda’s philosophy is interpreted not only in line with the ‘know yourself’ principle as a method of cognition, but, first of all, within the Socratic dialogue dimension when the methods of maieutics and elentics are used for joint searching for truth and solving moral problems. Skovoroda did (...)
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    Technique of the Socratic dialogue by Oscar Brenifier (following the results of the seminar “The Art of Philosophical Practice”, Chelyabinsk — Satka, February 12—13, 2019, recreation center “Eco-Park ″Zyuratkul″”). [REVIEW]Sergey Borisov - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:132-137.
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    Dialogue in philosophical practices.Luca Bertolino - 2019 - In Adriano Fabris & Giovanni Scarafile (eds.), Controversies in the Contemporary World. John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 127-143.
    The definition of the lowest common denominator of philosophical practices is widely debated: what is the philosophical core that allows us to distinguish them from other activities? Also, is it possible to identify a methodical peculiarity in philosophical practices? Indeed, many philosophical practitioners refer to dialogue as the specific philosophical character marking their professional activity. This statement, which as such is rather naive, is obviously somewhat problematic. However, philosophical practitioners stress the λόγος of dialogue. (...)
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  9. Report from a Socratic Dialogue on the Concept of Risk.Erik Persson - 2005 - In Kristina Blennow (ed.), Uncertainty and Active Risk management in Agriculture and Forestry. pp. 35-39.
    The term ’risk’ is used in a wide range of situations, but there is no real consensus of what it means. ‘Risk ‘is often stipulatively defined as “a probability for the occurrence of a negative event” or something similar. This formulation is however not very informative, and it fails to capture many of our intuitions about the concept or risk. One way of trying to find a common definition of a term within a group is to use a Socratic (...)
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  10. M.N. Weiss (ed.), The Socratic Handbook. Dialogue Methods for Philosophical Practice[REVIEW]Donata Romizi - 2017 - HASER. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Aplicada 8:179-184.
  11.  13
    The Rules of Socratic Dialogue and The Role of Dialogue Leaders. 이재현 - 2019 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 87:203-236.
    본 논문의 목표는 소크라테스적 방법의 전형에 따라 넬손과 헥크만에 의해 계승 발전 된 새로운 소크라테스 대화 의 규칙을 소개하고 이를 검토하는 것이다. 이 규칙은 소크라 테스 대화 의 본질을 규정하는 구성적 규칙과 대화의 원활한 진행을 위하여 유용한 수단을 규정하는 규제적 규칙으로 구분된다. 따라서 넬손과 헥크만의 전통으로부터 나온 소크라 테스 대화 는 이러한 규칙을 전체적으로 검토함으로써 개괄될 수 있다. 이와 함께 나는 헥 크만이 제시하는 대화 지도자를 위한 교육적 방책도 살펴볼 것이다. 소크라테스 대화 의 실천에서 일반적으로 대화 지도자는 대화의 목적 달성을 (...)
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  12.  69
    The Play of Socratic Dialogue.Richard Smith - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (2):221-233.
    Proponents of philosophy for children generally see themselves as heirs to the ‘Socratic’ tradition. They often claim too that children’s aptitude for play leads them naturally to play with abstract, philosophical ideas. However in Plato’s dialogues we find in the mouth of ‘Socrates’ many warnings against philosophising with the young. Those dialogues also question whether philosophy should be playful in any straightforward way, casting the distinction between play and seriousness as unstable. It seems we cannot think of Plato (...)
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  13.  23
    The Educational Value of Plato’s Early Socratic Dialogues.Heather L. Reid - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 43:113-118.
    When contemplating the origins of philosophical paideia one is tempted to think of Socrates, perhaps because we feel that Socrates has been a philosophical educator to us all. But it is Plato and his literary genius that we have to thank as his dialogues preserve not just Socratic philosophy, but also the Socratic educational experience. Educators would do well to better understand Plato's pedagogical objectives in the Socratic dialogues so that we may appreciate and utilize (...)
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  14. Midwifery on the Border between the Closed and the Open: How Philosophical Practice Might Contribute to Scientific Change.Bernt Österman - 2016 - HASER. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Aplicada (7):89-109.
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  15. (2 other versions)Philosophical Practice and Aporia in Prisons.Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2018 - Journal of Humanities Therapy 9 (2).
    Abstract: -/- In this paper we discuss how through our bi-weekly Socratic dialogue groups with inmates at the Metropolitan Correctional Center downtown San Diego, we were able to bring the inmates to a sense of aporia or puzzlement. Not only did the dialogues help to uncover assumptions, uncovering the dots, so to speak, but also to help reconnect the dots and see their world from a different perspective. It allowed them to question their lives in a safe and non-judgmental (...)
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    Managers Develop Moral Accountability: The Impact of Socratic Dialogue.Hans Bolten - 2001 - Philosophy of Management 1 (3):21-34.
    How can organisations ‘manage for integrity’?1 Two differing approaches have been called the compliance strategy and the integrity strategy. While the first seeks to instil compliance with externally imposed standards, the integrity strategy seeks to teach ethical decision-making and values as well, so that ‘ethical thinking and awareness…[are]…part of every manager’s mental equipment’. In this paper the Dutch consultant philosopher Hans Bolten reports on how Socratic dialogue has helped managers develop ethical capacities and responsibility. Drawing on research with dialogue (...)
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  17.  74
    Does Socrates Have a Method?: Rethinking the Elenchus in Plato's Dialogues and Beyond.Gary Alan Scott (ed.) - 2002 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Although "the Socratic method" is commonly understood as a style of pedagogy involving cross-questioning between teacher and student, there has long been debate among scholars of ancient philosophy about how this method as attributed to Socrates should be defined or, indeed, whether Socrates can be said to have used any single, uniform method at all distinctive to his way of philosophizing. This volume brings together essays by classicists and philosophers examining this controversy anew. The point of departure for many (...)
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  18.  51
    Dialectic and Dialogue: Plato's Practice of Philosophical Inquiry (review).Rosamond Kent Sprague - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):113-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dialectic and Dialogue: Plato's Practice of Philosophical Inquiry (SPEP Studies in Historical Philosophy)Rosamond Kent SpragueFrancisco J. Gonzalez. Dialectic and Dialogue: Plato's Practice of Philosophical Inquiry (SPEP Studies in Historical Philosophy). Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1998. Pp. 418. Paper, $29.95.What this rich and independent-minded book asks us to do is to give serious consideration to the question, "What, in Plato's view, are we doing (...)
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  19. The Practice of Dialogue: Socrates in the Meno.J. Gregory Keller - 2010 - In Hanna Patricia (ed.), An Anthology of Philosophical Studies, Volume 4. Atiner. pp. 19-26.
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  20.  35
    ‘Philosophising with Athletes and Their Coaches’: On Using Philosophical Thinking and Dialogue in Sport.Lukáš Mareš - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (2):185-203.
    ABSTRACT Philosophy may be accused of being an exclusive theoretical enterprise. Although it is concerned with the important issues of life it may appear to be a purely academic matter pursued by few educated scholars and therefore somehow detached from everyday way of being of people uneducated in philosophy. In the field of the philosophy of sport, the essential ambition is to provide relevant insights into a vast area of sport that will promote our philosophical understanding and knowledge of (...)
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  21.  24
    Descent of Socrates: Self-Knowledge and Cryptic Nature in the Platonic Dialogues.Peter A. Warnek - 2005 - Indiana University Press.
    Since the appearance of Plato’s Dialogues, philosophers have been preoccupied with the identity of Socrates and have maintained that successful interpretation of the work hinges upon a clear understanding of what thoughts and ideas can be attributed to him. In Descent of Socrates, Peter Warnek offers a new interpretation of Plato by considering the appearance of Socrates within Plato’s work as a philosophical question. Warnek reads the Dialogues as an inquiry into the nature of Socrates and in doing so (...)
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  22.  19
    Plato's Socrates as Narrator: A Philosophical Muse.Anne-Marie Schultz - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores five Platonic dialogues: Lysis, Charmides, Protagoras, Euthydemus, and the Republic. This book uses Socrates’ narrative commentary as its primary interpretive framework. No one has engaged in a sustained attempt to explore the Platonic dialogues from this angle. As a result, it offers a unique contribution to Plato scholarship. The portrait of Socrates that emerges challenges the traditional view of Socrates as an intellectualist and offers a holistic vision of philosophical practice.
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  23.  24
    (1 other version)To imagine, to recollect, per chance to discover: The modern Socratic dialogue and the history of philosophy.Bernard Roy - 2005 - Philosophical Practice 1 (3):159-170.
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    Philosophical Training Grounds: Socratic Sophistry and Platonic Perfection in Symposium and Gorgias.Joshua Landy - 2007 - Arion 15 (1):63-122.
    Plato’s character Socrates is clearly a sophisticated logician. Why then does he fall, at times, into the most elementary fallacies? It is, I propose, because the end goal for Plato is not the mere acquisition of superior understanding but instead a well-lived life, a life lived in harmony with oneself. For such an end, accurate opinions are necessary but not sufficient: what we crucially need is a method, a procedure for ridding ourselves of those opinions that are false. Now learning (...)
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  25.  13
    The Transformative Philosophical Dialogue: From Classical Dialogues to Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Method.Shai Tubali - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book explores dialogue as a transformative form of philosophical practice by unveiling the method behind the unique dialogue developed by mystic and thinker Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986). While Krishnamurti himself generally rejected the cultivation of systems and techniques, Shai Tubali argues that there are easily identifiable patterns through which Krishnamurti strove to realize his dialogical aims. For this reason, he refers to this method, whose existence has evaded Krishnamurti’s followers and scholars alike, as the Krishnamurti dialogue. He suggests (...)
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    Community of Philosophical Inquiry and the Play of the World.David Kennedy - 2018 - Teaching Philosophy 41 (3):285-302.
    This paper seeks to identify the role of play in the design and function of Socratic dialogue as practiced in community of philosophical inquiry (CPI) in classrooms. It reviews the ideas of some major play theorists from various fields of study and practice—philosophy, cultural anthropology, evolutionary psychology, cognitive psychology, psychoanalysis, and education—and identifies the epistemological, ontological, and axiological judgments they share in their analyses of the phenomenon of play. It identifies five psychodynamic dimensions in which the (...) play of “following the argument where it leads” can be identified: the “play space,” the “time of play,” “the rules of the game,” “the stakes in play,” and “play and power.” Finally, it suggest that there is a historical relationship between the reconstruction of Socratic dialogue in CPI and the cultural reconstruction of “child” in post-modern philosophy, with special attention to Gilles Deleuze’s and Felix Guattari’s notion of “becoming-child” as emblematic of an emergent “post-human” style of subjectivity. (shrink)
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    Socrate à l'agora: que peut la parole philosophique?: actes du colloque d'Aix-en-Provence (7-8 décembre 2013).Mieke de Moor (ed.) - 2017 - Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
    English summary: This text presents a collection of papers, drawn from a colloquium held in Aix-en-Provence, that question the revival of interest in practical philosophy and strive to appreciate its meaning and ambition, based off the exemplary figure of Socrates. This text hopes to present a better understanding of both the Socratic dialogues and our present day and age. French description: Les annees 80 ont vu emerger un art de philosopher, plus soucieux de pratique de vie que de construction (...)
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  28.  35
    Socratic Film.Nicholas Diehl - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (1):23-34.
    This article is about a relationship between the Socratic practice of philosophy and the aesthetic practice of watching and appreciating film. The conclusion that I defend is that certain narrative films, like the elenctic method in the hands of Socrates, are philosophical tools for examining our cognitive and emotional life and thus for gaining insight into aspects of our character. In the early sections of the article I construct an analogy between the practice of watching (...)
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  29.  11
    The Socratic handbook.Michael Noah Weiss (ed.) - 2015 - Zürich: Lit.
    In this book, 34 renowned philosophical practitioners from 20 different countries present a variety of dialogue methods for philosophical practice, which have never before been published in such a compact and compiled form. By having Socrates and his method of maieutics (the art of midwifery of the soul, as he called it) as one of its main sources of inspiration, the book offers different methodological approaches in order to prompt people to wonder, to reflect, to change perspective, (...)
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  30.  77
    Practicing Democracy.Maughn Gregory - 2004 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 18 (2):163-176.
    In pragmatist social theory communities faced with significant troubles or opportunities inquire after their advantage and reconstruct their habits and their environments. Three programs of philosophical practiceSocratic Dialogue, the Philosophy Café and Philosophy for Children—cultivate citizenly virtues necessary for this process. They facilitate dialogue and open-ended inquiry, give practice in cognitive and social skills, and institute shared authority. However, certain factors limit the programs’ effectiveness for citizenship education. They tend to construe social problems and opportunities in (...)
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  31.  20
    The practical philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda in the light of our experience.Anatoliy Yermolenko - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:7-26.
    The article deals with the practical philosophy of Hryhorii Savych Skovoroda from the point of view of the leading trends of modern philosophical thought: the «rehabilitation of practical philo- sophy» and the communicative turn in philosophy, the components of which are the neo-Socratic dialogue, the philosophy of communication, and the ethics of discourse. The interpretation of Skovoroda’s philosophy is carried out not only in accordance with the principle «know yourself» as a method of knowledge, but primarily in the (...)
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  32.  61
    Does Socrates Have a Method?: Rethinking the Elenchus in Plato's Dialogues and Beyond (review). [REVIEW]Rebecca Bensen - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):266-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.2 (2003) 266-267 [Access article in PDF] Gary Alan Scott, editor. Does Socrates Have a Method? Rethinking the Elenchus in Plato's Dialogues and Beyond. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002. Pp. xiii + 327. Cloth, $45.00. This is an anthology of sixteen essays concerning the topic of Socratic method and closely related issues that influence the interpretation of Plato's dialogues. (...)
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  33.  44
    Socratic Virtue: Making the Best of the Neither-Good-nor-Bad.Naomi Reshotko - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Socrates was not a moral philosopher. Instead he was a theorist who showed how human desire and human knowledge complement one another in the pursuit of human happiness. His theory allowed him to demonstrate that actions and objects have no value other than that which they derive from their employment by individuals who, inevitably, desire their own happiness and have the knowledge to use actions and objects as a means for its attainment. The result is a naturalised, practical, and demystified (...)
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  34.  20
    Colloquium 5 Socrates on Socrates: Looking Back to Bring Philosophy Forward.Anne-Marie Schultz - 2015 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 30 (1):123-141.
    In this paper, I explore three autobiographical narratives that Plato’s Socrates tells: his report of his conversations with Diotima, his account of his testing of the Delphic oracle, and his description of his turn from naturalistic philosophy to his own method of inquiry.1 This Platonic Socrates shows his auditors how to philosophize for the future through a narrative recollection of his own past. In these stories, Plato presents us with an image of a Socrates who prepares others to do philosophy (...)
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  35.  67
    The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault.Fred L. Rush - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (4):473-475.
    For much of its history, philosophy was not merely a theoretical discipline but a way of life, an "art of living." This practical aspect of philosophy has been much less dominant in modernity than it was in ancient Greece and Rome, when philosophers of all stripes kept returning to Socrates as a model for living. The idea of philosophy as an art of living has survived in the works of such major modern authors as Montaigne, Nietzsche, and Foucault. Each of (...)
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  36.  10
    Jung's Psychology as a Spiritual Practice and a Way of Life: A Dialogue.William D. Geoghegan - 2002 - University Press of America. Edited by Kevin L. Stoehr.
    Jung's Psychology as a Spiritual Practice and Way of Life considers the pioneering depth-psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, primarily as a sage of world-class stature. The authors focus on Jung as an archetypal wisdom teacher, in three important respects: (1) in the post-modern West, primarily in interaction with Friedrich Nietzsche and his Thus Spake Zarathustra and also with theologian Paul Tillich and Zen master Karlfried Graf Durckheim; (2) in his deep spiritual kinship with the timeless universality of Lao-tze and his (...)
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    (1 other version)Is Practical Philosophy for Private Profit or Public Good?Patricia Shipley - 2000 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 7 (4):65-74.
    This paper takes a critical look at the rise of the practice of philosophy in the market place in late modernity. Two main forms of such practice are identified: the practice of Socratic Dialogue in small groups in organisations and one-to-one philosophical counselling of individual 'clients'. The relevance of professionalism for commercialised applied practical philosophy is discussed. Philosophical counsellors in particular may be at risk of engaging with vulnerable individuals who are in need of (...)
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    Socratic logic.Peter Kreeft - 2005 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press. Edited by Trent Dougherty.
    What good is logic? -- Seventeen ways this book is different -- The two logics -- All of logic in two pages : an overview -- The three acts of the mind -- I. The first act of the mind : understanding -- Understanding : the thing that distinguishes man from both beast and computer -- Concepts, terms and words -- The problem of universals -- The comprehension and extension of terms -- II. Terms -- Classifying terms -- Categories -- (...)
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    The Sophists’ Detractors and Plato’s Representation of Socrates.Alex Long - 2023 - Apeiron 56 (4):769-783.
    In several dialogues Socrates criticizes negative comments made against a sophist or the sophists. I show that Socrates’ target really is the sophists’ detractor, not the sophists themselves. From these passages I draw two broader conclusions. First, Plato’s defence of Socrates’ memory sometimes relies on creating a parallel between sophists and Socrates, rather than distinguishing between them and him. Secondly, Socratic philosophical practice has a widely neglected feature: examining and correcting the criticism made by his interlocutors against (...)
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    Philosophical Peace and Methodological Nonviolence.Andrew Fiala - 2021 - The Acorn 21 (1-2):21-49.
    This article considers the nonviolent commitment of philosophy, arguing that “methodological nonviolence” is a normative ideal guiding philosophical practice and that rational dialogue is connected with nonviolence. The paper presents a transcendental argument about the form of nonviolent communication. Even when philosophers argue in favor of justified violence, they make such arguments within a nonviolent practice. The argument is grounded in historical references to ways that philosophers have clarified the philosophical commitment to methodological nonviolence, the ideal (...)
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  41. The Nine Steps of a Philosophical Walk.Peter Harteloh - 2021 - Journal of Human Cognition 5 (2):4-16.
    Since 2007, I conduct philosophical walks as individual consultations, teachings or Socratic group exercises. A philosophical walk is intended to make participants think, to deepen thoughts and to become conscious of oneself in relation to the surroundings by walking. It is a form of philosophical practice, facilitating dialogue so that a meaningful story can be obtained. Participants are encouraged to (i) walk in such a way that they obtain space for thoughts and thinking, (ii) conceptualize, (...)
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    Why did Plato choose Alcibiades to praise Socrates in the Symposium?Anthony Bonnemaison - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (2):389-407.
    The contrast between the content of Alcibiades’ speech and the character delivering it is a well-known interpretative difficulty of the last speech of Plato’s Symposium, for Alcibiades reveals important truths about Socrates and his philosophical practice, yet he seems to be the least suited man to do so and praise philosophy. Offering a more positive account of Alcibiades as a character in the Platonic dialogues, I argue that this difficulty can be solved provided one takes into account the (...)
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  43. Arcesilaus: Socratic Skepticism in Plato's Academy.Harald Thorsrud - 2018 - Lexicon Philosophicum: Hellenistic Theories of Knowledge.
    The fundamental issue regarding Arcesilaus’ skepticism is whether it should be understood as a philosophical position or as a strictly dialectical practice with no doctrinal content. In this paper I argue that it is both by providing an account of the epistemic principles informing his practice along with a positive doxastic attitude that he may consistently take towards those principles. I further show how Arcesilaus may have reasonably derived his Socratic project, including the epistemic principles and (...)
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    An Image of the Soul in Speech: Plato and the Problem of Socrates.David N. McNeill - 2010 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In this book, David McNeill illuminates Plato’s distinctive approach to philosophy by examining how his literary portrayal of Socrates manifests an essential interdependence between philosophic and ethical inquiry. In particular, McNeill demonstrates how Socrates’s confrontation with profound ethical questions about his public philosophic activity is the key to understanding the distinctively mimetic, dialogic, and reflexive character of Socratic philosophy. Taking a cue from Nietzsche’s account of “the problem of Socrates,” McNeill shows how the questions Nietzsche raises are questions that, (...)
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  45.  34
    The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections From Plato to Foucault.Alexander Nehamas - 1998 - University of California Press.
    For much of its history, philosophy was not merely a theoretical discipline but a way of life, an "art of living." This practical aspect of philosophy has been much less dominant in modernity than it was in ancient Greece and Rome, when philosophers of all stripes kept returning to Socrates as a model for living. The idea of philosophy as an art of living has survived in the works of such major modern authors as Montaigne, Nietzsche, and Foucault. Each of (...)
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    Socratic dialogue as a tool for teaching business ethics.Kevin Morrell - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (4):383-392.
    Within a supportive learning environment, dialogue can allow for the identification and testing of assumptions and tacit beliefs. It can also illustrate the inadequacies in superficial thinking about ethical problems. Internal dialogue allows us to examine our beliefs, and to prepare and evaluate arguments. Each of these elements is important in the study of business ethics. This paper outlines one teaching technique based on Socratic dialogue, and shows how it can be applied to develop business students' thinking about ethics. (...)
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  47.  97
    Plato and Socrates: From an Educator of Childhood to a Childlike Educator?Walter Omar Kohan - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (3):313-325.
    This paper deals with two forms of education—Platonic and Socratic. The former educates childhood to transform it into what it ought to be. The latter does not form childhood, but makes education childlike. To unfold the philosophical and pedagogical dimensions of this opposition, the first part of the paper highlights the way in which philosophy is presented indirectly in some of Plato’s dialogues, beginning with a characterisation that Socrates makes of himself in the dialogue Phaedrus. The second part (...)
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    A socratic dialogue on the question 'what is love in nursing?'.Les Fitzgerald & Stan van Hooft - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (6):481-491.
    It is the thesis of the authors that the caring ethic and moral state of being of nurses ideally suffuses their professional caring and is thus implicit in their ethical decision making. Socratic dialogue is a technique that allows such moral attitudes to be made explicit. This article describes a Socratic dialogue conducted with nurses on the topic: 'What is love in nursing?' The conclusions drawn were based on the belief that the current western-style health care system restricts (...)
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    Socrates Plays the Buffoon: Cautionary Protreptic in Euthydemus.Ann N. Michelini - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (4):509-535.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Socrates Plays the Buffoon:Cautionary Protreptic in EuthydemusAnn N. MicheliniPlato's Euthydemus is somewhat uninteresting to traditional philosophers, who tend to treat the dialogues from the aspect of their theoretical content.1 The arguments repeatedly presented by Socrates' opponents are below Platonic standards,2 while Socrates carries on only a single, somewhat truncated logos of his own. The dialogue's primary interest lies elsewhere, in the odd use it makes of protreptic or conversionary (...)
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    Plato on the rhetoric of philosophers and sophists (review).Richard D. Parry - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (1):pp. 131-132.
    Marina McCoy defends three interrelated claims about the topic mentioned in her title. First, the distinction between philosophy and rhetoric in the dialogues is not as clear as some commentators seem to think. Second, since philosophy as practiced by Socrates includes important rhetorical dimensions, there is no important methodological distinction between philosophy and rhetoric. Third, it is his virtues—and not any particular method—that differentiate Socrates the philosopher from sophists and rhetoricians. McCoy pursues different aspects of her theses through the Apology, (...)
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