Results for 'Socratic intellectualism'

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  1. Socratic Intellectualism and the Problem of Courage: An Interpretation of Plato's Laches.Carol S. Gould - 1987 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 4 (3):265 - 279.
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    LBT, Socratic Intellectualism, and Self-Knowledge.Carol Gould - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 8 (1):45-52.
    This paper offers a genealogy of the ancient predecessors of Logic-Based Therapy. While LBT has an apparent affinity with Stoicism, I argue that LBT has a tripartite foundation in Socratic Rational Inquiry, Platonic philosophical psychology, and Aristotelean ethics. Secondly, I argue that LBT could help a client attain self-knowledge and “moral proprioception.” Given that LBT involves an examination of one’s belief system and a recognition of the subconscious faulty premises, it may implement a new, more adaptive understanding. By targeting (...)
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  3. Socratic intellectualism in Xenophon and Plato.Gerhard Seel - 2005 - In Lindsay Judson & Vassilis Karasmanis (eds.), Remembering Socrates: philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
  4. Socratic intellectualism in the Republic's central digression.David Sedley - 2013 - In G. Boys-Stones, C. Gill & D. El-Murr (eds.), The Platonic Art of philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Colloquium 7: Plotinus’s Socratic Intellectualism.Robbert Van Den Berg - 2013 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 28 (1):217-231.
    The Platonic tradition offered Plotinus two, possibly conflicting, explanations of why people do wrong: the Socratic intellectualism of the Protagoras and the Timaeus and the account of the akratic soul in the Republic. In this paper I argue that Plotinus tacitly rejects akrasia, because it suggests that the superior part of the soul is overcome by inferior parts. It thus sits ill with Plotinus’s doctrine of the impassive soul. He prefers Socratic intellectualism instead. Socratic (...) holds that all wrongdoing is due to ignorance and hence occurs involuntarily. Plotinus understands ignorance in this context as the failure of the embodied soul to fully actualize its powers, in particular its knowledge of the Forms. This knowledge is needed in order to correctly evaluate our desires that stir us into action. These desires arise spontaneously from the body and hence they occur involuntarily. (shrink)
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  6. Socratic Appetites as Plotinian Reflectors: A New Interpretation of Plotinus’s Socratic Intellectualism.Brian Lightbody - 2020 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 14 (1):91-115.
    Enneads I: 8.14 poses significant problems for scholars working in the Plotinian secondary literature. In that passage, Plotinus gives the impression that the body and not the soul is causally responsible for vice. The difficulty is that in many other sections of the same text, Plotinus makes it abundantly clear that the body, as matter, is a mere privation of being and therefore represents the lowest rung on the proverbial metaphysical ladder. A crucial aspect to Plotinus’s emanationism, however, is that (...)
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  7. Two Interpretations of Socratic Intellectualism.Thomas A. Blackson - 2015 - Ancient Philosophy 35 (1):23-39.
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  8. Socratic Motivational Intellectualism.Freya Mobus - 2024 - In Russell E. Jones, Ravi Sharma & Nicholas D. Smith (eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Socrates. Bloomsbury Handbooks. pp. 205-228.
    Socrates’ view about human motivation in Plato’s early dialogues has often been called ‘intellectualist’ because, in his account, the motivation for any given intentional action is tied to the intellect, specifically to beliefs. Socratic motivational intellectualism is the view that we always do what we believe is the best (most beneficial) thing we can do for ourselves, given all available options. Motivational intellectualism is often considered to be at the centre of Socrates’ intellectualist account of actions, according (...)
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    (2 other versions)No One Errs Willingly: The Meaning of Socratic Intellectualism.Heda Segvic - 2000 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 19:1-45.
  10. If you Know what is Best, you Do it: Socratic Intellectualism in Xenophon and Plato.I. Preliminary Remark - 2005 - In Lindsay Judson & Vassilis Karasmanis (eds.), Remembering Socrates: philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 20.
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  11. A Partisan's Guide to Socratic Intellectualism.Matthew Evans - 2010 - In Sergio Tenenbaum (ed.), Desire, Practical Reason, and the Good. , US: Oxford University Press. pp. 6.
  12. If you Know What is Best, you Do it: Socratic Intellectualism in Xenophon and Plato.Gerhard Seel - 2005 - In Lindsay Judson & Vassilis Karasmanis (eds.), Remembering Socrates: philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 20-49.
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    Colloquium 5: Is Virtue Knowledge? Socratic Intellectualism Reconsidered1.Jörg Hardy - 2010 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 25 (1):149-191.
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    Three. No One Errs Willingly: The Meaning of Socratic Intellectualism.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 47-86.
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    Virtue intellectualism and Socratic forms.Travis Butler & Nolan Pithan - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (6):971-990.
    Aristotle famously claims that Plato, unlike Socrates, separated the forms. Some argue that Plato's dialogues provide a record of this disagreement, with the Socratic and Platonic theories presente...
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  16. Strepsiades, Socrates and the Abuses of Intellectualism.Peter Green - 1979
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  17. Socrates' moral intellectualism.Samuel C. Rickless - 1998 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 79 (4):355-367.
    In the Protagoras, Socrates appears to affirm and defend a paradoxical doctrine: the unity of virtue. Plato scholars do not agree on how the doctrine should be understood. Some, following Vlastos (1972), take Socrates to hold that the virtues are biconditionally related, i.e. that anyone who has one of the virtues has them all. Others, following Penner (1973), take Socrates’ position to be that the names of the virtues all refer to the same thing, namely virtue. In this paper, I (...)
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    Socrates' Attack on Intellectualism in the "Charmides".Voula Tsouna - 1997 - Apeiron 30 (4):63 - 78.
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    Intellectualism in the phaedo: Comments on socratic moral psychology.Travis Butler - 2012 - Analytic Philosophy 53 (2):208-215.
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  20. The moral intellectualism of Plato’s Socrates.Oded Balaban - 2008 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 13 (1):1-14.
    Commentators do not take Socrates’ theses in the Hippias Minor seriously. They believe it is an aporetic dialogue and even that Socrates does not mean what he says. Hence they are unable to understand the presuppositions behind Socrates’ two interconnected theses: that those who do wrong and lie voluntarily are better than those who do wrong unintentionally, and that no one does wrong and lies voluntarily. Arguing that liars are better than the unenlightened, Socrates concludes that there are no liars. (...)
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    Socratic Moral Psychology.Thomas C. Brickhouse & Nicholas D. Smith - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Nicholas D. Smith.
    Socrates' moral psychology is widely thought to be 'intellectualist' in the sense that, for Socrates, every ethical failure to do what is best is exclusively the result of some cognitive failure to apprehend what is best. Until publication of this book, the view that, for Socrates, emotions and desires have no role to play in causing such failure went unchallenged. This book argues against the orthodox view of Socratic intellectualism and offers in its place a comprehensive alternative account (...)
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  22. Socrates, Wisdom and Pedagogy.George Rudebusch - 2009 - Philosophical Inquiry 31 (1-2):153-173.
    Intellectualism about human virtue is the thesis that virtue is knowledge. Virtue intellectualists may be eliminative or reductive. If eliminative, they will eliminate our conventional vocabulary of virtue words-'virtue', 'piety', 'courage', etc.-and speak only of knowledge or wisdom. If reductive, they will continue to use the conventional virtue words but understand each of them as denoting nothing but a kind of knowledge (as opposed to, say, a capacity of some other part of the soul than the intellect, such as (...)
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  23. Socrates on Cookery and Rhetoric.Freya Möbus - 2025 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 107 (1):1-28.
    Socrates believes that living well is primarily an intellectual undertaking: we live well if we think correctly. To intellectualists, one might think, the body and activities related to it are of little interest. Yet Socrates has much to say about food, eating, and cookery. This paper examines Socrates’ criticism of ‘feeding on opson’ (opsophagia) in Xenophon’s Memorabilia and of opson cookery (opsopoiia) in Plato’s Gorgias. I argue that if we consider the specific cultural meaning of eating opson, we can see (...)
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  24. Platonic Epistemology, Socratic Education: On Learning Platonic Forms.Coleen P. Zoller - 2004 - Dissertation, Emory University
    This dissertation concerns Plato's theory of education and the problem of how one can actually acquire knowledge of the Forms. Plato's theory of education aims to make one a good person, which requires knowledge of the Form of the Good. Yet, how exactly one would acquire such knowledge has remained a mystery. Various models of learning are presented by Plato: elenctic refutation ; hypothesis; recollection; the mathematical, dialectical, and political studies of the Republic's curriculum; and diairesis to name just those (...)
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  25. Socrates on Reason, Appetite and Passion: A Response to Thomas C. Brickhouse and Nicholas D. Smith, Socratic Moral Psychology. [REVIEW]Christopher Rowe - 2012 - The Journal of Ethics 16 (3):305-324.
    Section 1 of this essay distinguishes between four interpretations of Socratic intellectualism, which are, very roughly: a version in which on any given occasion desire, and then action, is determined by what we think will turn out best for us, that being what we all, always, really desire; a version in which on any given occasion action is determined by what we think will best satisfy our permanent desire for what is really best for us; a version formed (...)
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    Socrates.Donald R. Morrison - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. pp. 99–118.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Life and Character Socrates in Aristophanes' Clouds Plato's Apology of Socrates Socratic Method Moral Psychology Education and Politics Irony Xenophon Conclusion Bibliography.
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  27. Nicholas D. Smith: Socrates on Self-Improvement. Knowledge, Virtue, and Happiness. [REVIEW]Freya Mobus - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43:277-282.
    In this book review, I discuss Smith’s new interpretation of Socrates' epistemology of virtue, according to which (a) Socratic virtue knowledge is craft knowledge (knowing how to live well), and such knowledge comes in degrees; and (b) Socrates has a certain degree of virtue knowledge, and one does not have to be an inerrant expert to have any virtue knowledge at all. I argue that Smith succeeds in presenting Socratic philosophy in a new light, while also pointing to (...)
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    Some Central Elements of Socratic Political Theory.Donald Morrison - 2001 - Polis 18 (1-2):27-40.
    The fundamental concepts of Socratic political theory are statesmanship or the art of politics, and the good of the city. Important scholars have denied that, on Socrates’ view, statesmanship as such is possible. But Socratic intellectualism does not commit him to the view that the methods of politics, such as legislation and punishment, are useless. The Socratic tradition in political theory is rich and varied. Among the dimensions of variation are: the relationship between statesmanship and other (...)
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    Sócrates y Aristóteles en el examen estoico de la incontinencia.Marcelo D. Boeri - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (63):193-224.
    This paper briefly explores the connections among Socratic, Aristotelian and Stoic treatment of incontinence or weakness of the will. The core of the article is focused on the Stoic reception of Socratic ethics through Aristotle's mediation. The early Stoics took into account both certain components of Socratic ethics and Aristotle's account of action. Despite their intellectualism, the Stoics elabórate an argumentative strategy to demónstrate that it is possible to maintain that an agent is both able to (...)
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    Cross-Examining Socrates: A Defense of the Interlocutors in Plato's Early Dialogues (review).Carol S. Gould - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (1):166-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.1 (2001) 166-169 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Cross-Examining Socrates: A Defense of the Interlocutors in Plato's Early Dialogues Cross-Examining Socrates: A Defense of the Interlocutors in Plato's Early Dialogues, by John Beversluis; xii & 416 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, $69.95. This book is more than a cross-examination of Socrates: it is a carefully wrought indictment. Beversluis, unlike Socrates' historical adversaries Anytus and (...)
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  31. Remembering Socrates: philosophical essays.Lindsay Judson & Vassilis Karasmanis (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Lindsay Judson and Vassilis Karasmanis present a selection of philosophical papers by an outstanding international team of scholars, assessing the legacy and continuing relevance of Socrates's thought 2,400 years after his death. The topics of the papers include Socratic method; the notion of definition; Socrates's intellectualist conception of ethics; famous arguments in the Euthyphro and Crito; and aspects of the later portrayal and reception of Socrates as a philosophical and ethical exemplar, by Plato, the Sceptics, and in the early (...)
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    Is Socrates free? The Theaetetus as case study.Andy German - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (4):621-641.
    Most scholars agree that Plato’s concept of freedom, to the extent he has one, is ‘intellectualist’: true freedom is submission to the rule of reason through philosophical knowledge of rational order. Surprisingly, though, there are few explicit linkages of philosophy and freedom in Plato. Socrates is called many things in the dialogues, but not ‘free’. I aim to understand why by studying the Theaetetus, heretofore ignored in discussions of Platonic freedom. By examining the Digression and Socrates’ ‘dream’ about wholes and (...)
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    Xenophon’s Socratic Works.David M. Johnson - 2021 - Routledge.
    Xenophon's Socratic Works demonstrates that Xenophon, a student of Socrates, military man, and man of letters, is an indispensable source for our understanding of the life and philosophy of Socrates. David M. Johnson restores Xenophon's most ambitious Socratic work, the Memorabilia, to its original literary context, enabling readers to experience it as Xenophon's original audience would have, rather than as a pale imitation of Platonic dialogue. He shows that the Memorabilia, together with Xenophon's Apology, provides us with our (...)
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    Socrates’ Aversion to Being a Victim of Injustice.Joel A. Martinez & Nicholas D. Smith - 2018 - The Journal of Ethics 22 (1):59-76.
    In the Gorgias, Plato has Polus ask Socrates if he would rather suffer injustice than perform it. Socrates’ response is justly famous, affirming a view that Polus himself finds incredible, and one that even contemporary readers find difficult to credit: “for my part, I would prefer neither, but if it had to be one or the other, I would choose to suffer rather than do what is unjust”. In this paper, we take up the part of Socrates’ response that Polus (...)
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    Πάντα πράττειν. SOCRATE E IL BENE NELLA REPUBBLICA.Rafael Ferber - 2010 - Méthexis 23 (1):91-102.
    In this I draw attention to the strangeness (atopia) that Plato’s Republic has not only for Plato’s contemporaries, but also for us. This strangeness for us consists of the fact that Plato’s Republic does not allow for a plurality of philosophical opinions, but enforces one true philosophy (philosophia alêthê) or one conception of the Good to all citizens. The platonic Republic describes not only a state, but also a kind of pre-Christian church. Second, I emphasize that the Socratic principle (...)
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    The Socratic Phronesis Today.Juliana González - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40 (Supplement):61-67.
    One can say that the historical Socrates cannot be interpreted as an “intellectualist” and an “enemy of life.” On the contrary: Socrates’s actuality lies precisely in the fact that wisdom implies knowledge of one’s own ignorance, the self-birthing and the daily improvement of myself using all the rational and irrational potentialities of life.This conception of the ethical soul in Socrates can be compared today with the moral brain of neuroscience, which is understood in its integral unity as the locus of (...)
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    Remembering socrates: Philosophical essays (review).Anthony K. Jensen - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):pp. 631-632.
    The twelve contributors to this volume embody the best in ancient philosophical scholarship from America and Europe. Each author presents a carefully-wrought argument that adds substantially to the literature in their chosen topics.Carlo Natali’s “Socrates’ Dialectic in Xenophon’s Memorabilia” argues for the internal coherence of Xenophon’s conceptions of dialegesthai and dialektikos, and shows how Xenophon portrays elenchos as one method among several Socrates used to encourage his interlocutors to become better citizens. In the eclectic “If You Know What Is Best, (...)
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  38. A Chronology of Nalin Ranasinghe; Forward: To Nalin, My Dazzling Friend / Gwendalin Grewal ; Introduction: To Bet on the Soul / Predrag Cicovacki ; Part I: The Soul in Dialogue. Lanya's Search for Soul / Percy Mark ; Heart to Heart: The Self-Transcending Soul's Desire for the Transcendent / Roger Corriveau ; The Soul of Heloise / Predrag Cicovacki ; Got Soul : Black Women and Intellectualism / Jameliah Inga Shorter-Bourhanou ; The Soul and Ecology / Rebecca Bratten Weiss ; Rousseau's Divine Botany and the Soul / Alexandra Cook ; Diderot on Inconstancy in the Soul / Miran Božovič ; Dialogue in Love as a Constitutive Act of Human Spirit / Alicja Pietras. Part II: The Soul in Reflection. Why Do We Tell Stories in Philosophy? A Circumstantial Proof of the Existence of the Soul / Jure Simoniti ; The Soul of Socrates / Roger Crisp ; Care for the Soul of Plato / Vitomir Mitevski ; Soul, Self, and Immortality / Chris Megone ; Morality, Personality, the Human Soul / Ruben Apressyan ; Strategi. [REVIEW]Wayne Cristaudoappendix: Nalin Ranasinghe'S. Last Written Essay What About the Laestrygonians? The Odyssey'S. Dialectic Of Disaster, Deceit & Discovery - 2021 - In Predrag Cicovacki (ed.), The human soul: essays in honor of Nalin Ranasinghe. Wilmington, Dela.: Vernon Press.
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    Plato's Socrates as Narrator: A Philosophical Muse.Anne-Marie Schultz - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores five Platonic dialogues: Lysis, Charmides, Protagoras, Euthydemus, and the Republic. This book uses Socrates’ narrative commentary as its primary interpretive framework. No one has engaged in a sustained attempt to explore the Platonic dialogues from this angle. As a result, it offers a unique contribution to Plato scholarship. The portrait of Socrates that emerges challenges the traditional view of Socrates as an intellectualist and offers a holistic vision of philosophical practice.
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    The role of practice and habituation in Socrates’ theory of ethical development.Mark E. Jonas - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (6):987-1005.
    ABSTRACTThe goal of this paper is to challenge the standard view that Socrates of the early Platonic dialogues is an intellectualist with respect to virtue. Through a detailed analysis of the educational theory laid out in the early dialogues, it will be argued that Socrates believes that the best way to cultivate virtues in his interlocutors is not to convince them of ethical truths by way of reason and argument alone, but to encourage them to participate in the practice of (...)
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    The Socratic Aspects in Antisthenes’ Fragments. 김유석 - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 119:265-289.
    이 논문은 안티스테네스의 윤리학적 단편들 안에 나타난 소크라테스적인 요소들의 특징을 살펴보고, 요소들 간의 상충되는 측면들을 해소해보려는 시도이다. 안티스테네스는 소크라테스의 제자이자 이른바 “소크라테스적 담론”의 저자들 가운데 한 사람으로 견유학파의 설립자로 알려진 디오게네스에게 영향을 준 인물이기도 하다. 그는 60여 편 이상의 작품을 남겼으나 두 편의 시범연설문을 제외하고 대부분 소실되고 단편들만이 남아있다. 그런데 그의 윤리학적 단편들 안에는 서로 상충되는 것처럼 보이는 주장들이 나타난다. 몇몇 단편들에서 그는 도덕적인 사람이 되기 위해서는 덕을 아는 것으로 충분하다고 주장함으로써 플라톤의 소크라테스와 같은 주지주의적 입장을 취한다. 반면에 다른 단편들에서는 (...)
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    Why do itches itch? Bodily Pain in the Socratic Theory of Motivation.Freya Mobus - 2020 - In Laura Candiotto & Olivier Renaut (eds.), Emotions in Plato. Boston: BRILL. pp. 61–82.
    Imagine that Socrates gets a cavity treatment. The drilling is painful, but he also knows that it is best to get it done and so he stays. Callicles is not so smart. Once the dentist starts drilling, Callicles takes off. I argue that this scenario presents a puzzle that interpreters have missed, namely: why does Socrates have an aversion to pain? To us, this might not be puzzling at all. Socrates, however, believes that we have an aversion only to bad (...)
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    (1 other version)The Bloomsbury handbook of Socrates.Russell E. Jones, Ravi Sharma & Nicholas D. Smith (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This handbook provides detailed philosophical analysis of the life and thought of Socrates across fifteen in-depth chapters. Each chapter engages with a central aspect of the rich tradition of Socratic studies and, after surveying the state of scholarship, points the way forward to new directions of interpretation. A leading team of scholars present dynamic readings of Socrates, extracted from the historical context of Plato's dialogues, covering elenchus, irony, ignorance, definitions, pedagogy, friendship, politics and the daemon. Building on these core (...)
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  44. The socratic paradox and its enemies (review). [REVIEW]Maureen Eckert - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (3):pp. 476-477.
    This is an important book. Its author, Roslyn Weiss, contends that the Socratic Paradox, "No one does wrong willingly," and related Socratic views about the virtues have been seriously misinterpreted. Socrates is not the moral intellectualist, ethical/psychological egoist, and eudaimonist generations of scholars have believed him to be. The arguments in which Socrates articulates versions of the Socratic Paradox must be examined with respect to their overall agonistic contexts. The Socratic Paradox, when it appears, operates as (...)
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  45. Antisthenes between Socrates and Diogenes.Vladislav Suvak - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (6):545-557.
    The paper deals with the Socratic ethics as developed by Antisthenes and conceived by the doxografical tradition as the basis of Diogenes’ Cynicism. The author tries to show that Antisthenes’ thought as a whole is connected with paideia . Thus Antisthenes’ interpretations of Homer as well as his logical paradoxes have ethical aiming. There is a close connection between Antisthenes’ logic and his ethics of the care of the self. Socratic thought in Antisthenes’ fragments is neither skeptical nor (...)
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    From Irony to Enigma: Discovering Double Ignorance and Socrates’ Divine Knowledge.Danielle A. Layne - 2010 - Méthexis 23 (1):73-90.
    To dismiss the problems of Socratic moral intellectualism as well as Socratic irony (with respect to his claims of ignorance) in the following we shall first discuss how there are different forms of not-knowing in the Platonic dialogues. By referencing various passages throughout Plato’s entire corpus we shall see that like his nuanced understanding of knowledge, Plato also delineated between kinds of ignorance with only one denying virtue and the good life to individuals. This will prove that (...)
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    Ethics of Learning and Self-knowledge: Two cases in the Socratic and Confucian teachings.Duck-Joo Kwak - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (1):7-22.
    This paper attempts to do a comparative study on two traditions of humanistic pedagogies, West and East, represented by the Socratic and the Confucian teachings. It is intended to put into question our common misunderstanding reflected in the stereotyped contrasts between the Socratic self and the Confucian self: an intellectualist vs. a moralist, an active vs. a passive learner, and a political progressive vs. a political conservative. In this attempt, I will focus on the clarification of the idea (...)
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  48. Can Flogging Make Us Less Ignorant?Freya Möbus - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43 (1):51-68.
    In the Gorgias, Socrates claims that painful bodily punishment like flogging can improve certain wrongdoers. I argue that we can take Socrates’ endorsement seriously, even on the standard interpretation of Socratic motivational intellectualism, according to which there are no non-rational desires. I propose that flogging can epistemically improve certain wrongdoers by communicating that wrongdoing is bad for oneself. In certain cases, this belief cannot be communicated effectively through philosophical dialogue.
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  49. Review of Platon: Werke, Ubersetzung und Kommentar, vol. 4: Lysis, by Michael Bordt. [REVIEW]George Rudebusch - 2002 - Ancient Philosophy 22 (1):177-180.
    Praising much, I criticize this commentary on Plato's Lysis on three points: I. The book's dismissal of Socratic intellectualism. II. The book's finding of a Socratic doctrine of symmetrical friendship between good people. III. The book's reading of the final aporia.
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  50. “Music to the Ears of Weaklings”: Moral Hydraulics and the Unseating of Desire.Louise Rebecca Chapman & Constantine Sandis - 2018 - Manuscrito 41 (4):71-112.
    Psychological eudaimonism is the view that we are constituted by a desire to avoid the harmful. This entails that coming to see a prospective or actual object of pursuit as harmful to us will unseat our positive evaluative belief about that object. There is more than one way that such an 'unseating' of desire may be caused on an intellectualist picture. This paper arbitrates between two readings of Socrates' 'attack on laziness' in the Meno, with the aim of constructing a (...)
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