Results for 'Souad Dajani'

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  1.  16
    Eyes Without Country: Searching for a Palestinian Strategy of Liberation.Souad Dajani - 1994 - Temple University Press.
    Since Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, the quest for just and lasting peace has been a fountainhead of debate, negotiation, and violent friction. Souad Dajani traces the Palestinians' struggle and argues for a strategy of nonviolent civilian resistance based on deterrence and defense. This strategy would defeat Israel's political will to maintain their occupation and prepare Palestinians for a time beyond the interim period of self-rule agreed upon by Israel and the PLO (...)
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    War by Other Means.Souad Dajani - 2001 - Radical Philosophy Review 3 (2):125-132.
    The Oslo “peace process” launched in 1993 can be seen as the latest in a long line of attempts to circumvent the national rights of the Palestinians. In this article, Souad Dajani argues that, contrary to popular opinion, the Al-Aqsa Intifada was not due to non-compliance with Oslo but sterns from flaws built into Oslo since its inception. Essentially, Oslo failed to incorporate the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to national self-determination and return to their homeland. (...) examines the main provisions of the Oslo agreements signed since 1993 to explain the context for the eruption of the Second Palestinian Intifada. (shrink)
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    Cognitive control in bilinguals: Proficiency and code-switching both matter.Souad Kheder & Edith Kaan - 2021 - Cognition 209 (C):104575.
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    Apprendre en stage : situation de travail, interactions et participation.Souâd Denoux - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):18-27.
    Referring to the workplace learning theories and to the transmission theories, this article is interested in the civil engineering foremen training whose profession belongs to the field of the experience works. It examines the impact of the professional organization features, the role of the interactions with the tutors and the more experienced colleagues as well as the use by the trainees of the corporate resources. The analysis of interviews with trainees and trainers and the data coming from the field observations (...)
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    Co(n)textualisation.Souad El Fellah & Bertrand Verine - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Ce numéro prolonge la contribution de _Corela_ au débat entre « la tradition d’une linguistique de la langue […] des énoncés » d’un côté et, de l’autre, « une linguistique des contextes […] des textes et des discours ». En ouverture du copieux Hors Série 11 édité par Pascale Brunner _et al._, Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni montrait comment le débat s’est déplacé – sans vraiment changer de nature – entre, d’une part, « les partisans d’une description “immanente” » et, d’autre part ceux (...)
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    (1 other version)Le syntagme nominal détaché en Cotextualisation dans le discours parlementaire : le cas des formes d’adresse dans les Questions au gouvernement.Souad El Fellah - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 27 (HS).
    Les différents travaux de recherche en analyse du et des discours basés sur des corpus multimodaux ne limitent plus le langage à des formes et des règles, aussi évitent-ils de le réduire à l’utilisation de structures, de mots, ou de signes à deux facettes signifiant et signifié. D’emblée, dans un énoncé ou une énonciation voire dans un discours, chaque mot / acte de langage trouve sa légitimité d’utilisation dans le rapport qu’il entretient avec les unités linguistiques et les unités de (...)
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    Processing Code-Switching in Algerian Bilinguals: Effects of Language Use and Semantic Expectancy.Souad Kheder & Edith Kaan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Analyse bioéthique de la xénogreffe de cœur porcin.Souad Touzri Takari - 2016 - Noesis 28.
    Depuis le début du siècle, des chercheurs ont expérimenté, mais sans succès, des greffes d’organes animaux. Pourtant, la xénogreffe puise de certaines réflexions antiques. La xénotransplantation est une alternative médicale futuriste au cours de laquelle on passe de la greffe d’organes humains à celle d’organes animaux. Ce dilemme nécessite une réflexion bioéthique. L’éthique distincte de la morale requiert un champ beaucoup plus ouvert qui met en tension différentes disciplines. C’est de cette tension que naît un questionnement qui suscite une réflexion (...)
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  9. Evolution and Islam's quantum question.Rana Dajani - 2012 - Zygon 47 (2):343-353.
    Abstract The apparent contradictory relationship between Islam and evolution is important because it has been cited as an example of contradiction between religion and science by both thinkers in the West and Muslims. Muslim scholars and scientists mainly disagree with evolution's legitimacy. Islam's Quantum Question by Nidhal Guessoum is a unique narrative providing in one of its first chapters an overview of evolution from neo-Darwinists to creationists, including the views of scholars throughout Islamic history. Guessoum then proceeds to advocate for (...)
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    Le syntagme nominal détaché en (dé)Co(n)textualisation dans le discours parlementaire : le cas des formes d?Souad El Fellah - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    H'fez, poète et philosophe.Souâd Ayada - 2012 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 137 (1):61-76.
    La poésie lyrique de Hâfez s'élève au niveau de la plus exigeante méditation philosophique. L'amour, qui est son foyer, n'y désigne pas une affection ou une passion de l'âme. Il fait écho à la théologie de l'amour qui s'est construite en islam au croisement du néoplatonisme avicennisant et du soufisme d'Ibn 'Arabî. Pour Hâfez, l'amour est ce qui de Dieu apparaît dans l'homme. Ses affres sont le mystère de la théophanie. Le ghazal est une fenêtre sur l'ontologie de la théophanie (...)
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    The Impact of Islamic Feminism in Empowering Women’s Entrepreneurship in Conflict Zones: Evidence from Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.Doaa Althalathini, Haya Al-Dajani & Nikolaos Apostolopoulos - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (1):39-55.
    The impact of Islam upon women’s entrepreneurship in conflict zones is woefully absent from the entrepreneurship literature. This is due to the absence of published scholarship about this context rather than the absence of Muslim women’s entrepreneurship there. To address the gap in the literature, we offer a contextualized analysis and contribution by adopting an Islamic feminism lens and explore how Islamic feminism empowers women entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial activities and behaviours in conflict zones. We argue that Islamic feminism is (...)
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    Processing Code-Switches in the Presence of Others: An ERP Study.Edith Kaan, Souad Kheder, Ann Kreidler, Aleksandra Tomić & Jorge R. Valdés Kroff - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Jihād and Its Times: Dedicated to Andrew Stefan EhrenkreutzThe Jihad and Its Times: Dedicated to Andrew Stefan Ehrenkreutz.Reuven Amitai-Preiss, Hadia Dajani-Shakeel & Ronald A. Messier - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):113.
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    Ethics in Islamic Economics.Faiçal Boutayeba, Mohammed Benhamida & Guesmi Souad - 2014 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 17 (4):111-121.
    The purpose of this contribution is to shed some light on the inter-relationships between ethics and economics in Islamic religion, and mainly to assert that ethics constitute endogenous phenomena in Islamic economics. In Islam, economic behaviours and transactions cannot be separated from ethics and values. The Islamic principles are intended to govern, direct and control human beings’ behaviours in their daily economic lives. They are aimed at helping people to distinguish between good and bad things while they do any economic (...)
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    Cotextualisation.Souad Verine El Fellah - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 27 (HS).
    Ce numéro prolonge la contribution de Corela au débat entre « la tradition d’une linguistique de la langue […] des énoncés » d’un côté et, de l’autre, « une linguistique des contextes […] des textes et des discours ». En ouverture du copieux Hors Série 11 édité par Pascale Brunner et al., Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni montrait comment le débat s’...
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    Incidental Findings in CT Colonography: Literature Review and Survey of Current Research Practice.Hassan Siddiki, J. G. Fletcher, Beth McFarland, Nora Dajani, Nicholas Orme, Barbara Koenig, Marguerite Strobel & Susan M. Wolf - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):320-331.
    Incidental fndings of potential medical signifcance are seen in approximately 5-8 percent of asymptomatic subjects and 16 percent of symptomatic subjects participating in large computed tomography colonography studies, with the incidence varying further by CT acquisition technique. While most CTC research programs have a well-defned plan to detect and disclose IFs, such plans are largely communicated only verbally. Written consent documents should also inform subjects of how IFs of potential medical signifcance will be detected and reported in CTC research studies.
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  18.  23
    The Ethics of Gene Editing from an Islamic Perspective: A Focus on the Recent Gene Editing of the Chinese Twins.Qosay A. E. Al-Balas, Rana Dajani & Wael K. Al-Delaimy - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1851-1860.
    In light of the development of “CRISPR” technology, new promising advances in therapeutic and preventive approaches have become a reality. However, with it came many ethical challenges. The most recent worldwide condemnation of the first use of CRISPR to genetically modify a human embryo is the latest example of ethically questionable use of this new and emerging field. Monotheistic religions are very conservative about such changes to the human genome and can be considered an interference with God’s creation. Moreover, these (...)
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    Analyses et comptes rendus.Dan Arbib, Anaïs Delambre, Gilles Blanc-Brude, Roselyne Dégremont, Alexandre Lissner, Nicolas Rialland, Éric Blondel, Henri Dilberman, Catherine König-Pralong, Sarah Bernard-Granger, Norbert Waszek, Myriam Bienenstock, Raphaël Authier, Patrick Cerutti, Jean-Marc Durand-Gasselin, Jean-Maurice Monnoyer, Souâd Ayada, Georges Chapouthier, Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Jean Dubray, Christian Bonnet, Jean-François Aenishanslin, Stanislas Deprez, Gilles Bert, Rima Hawi & Éva Abouahi - 2023 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 148 (2):217-277.
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    Le stage en formation.Philippe Maubant, Emmanuel Triby & Souâd Denoux - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):1.
    Referring to the workplace learning theories and to the transmission theories, this article is interested in the civil engineering foremen training whose profession belongs to the field of the experience works. It examines the impact of the professional organization features, the role of the interactions with the tutors and the more experienced colleagues as well as the use by the trainees of the corporate resources. The analysis of interviews with trainees and trainers and the data coming from the field observations (...)
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    The Effects of a Reading-Based Intervention on Emotion Processing in Children Who Have Suffered Early Adversity and War Related Trauma.Julia E. Michalek, Matteo Lisi, Deema Awad, Kristin Hadfield, Isabelle Mareschal & Rana Dajani - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Early adversity and trauma can have profound effects on children’s affective development and mental health outcomes. Interventions that improve mental health and socioemotional development are essential to mitigate these effects. We conducted a pilot study examining whether a reading-based program improves emotion recognition and mental health through socialization in Syrian refugee and Jordanian non-refugee children aged 7–12 years old living in Jordan. To measure emotion recognition, children classified the expression in faces morphed between two emotions, while mental health was assessed (...)
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  22. Histoire de la physique.Pierre Duhem, Jean-François Stoffel & Souad Ben Ali - 2017 - In Jean-François Stoffel & Souad Ben Ali (eds.), Pierre Duhem, cent ans plus tard (1916-2016) : actes de la journée d’étude internationale tenue à Tunis le 10 mars 2016, suivis de l’édition française de l’_Histoire de la physique_ (1911) de Pierre Duhem. Tunis, Tunisie: Université de Tunis. pp. 311-406.
    French text publication of the manuscript of the English article en-titled "Physics, History of" and published by Duhem in Volume 12 of the 1911 "Catholic Encyclopedia".
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    Towards a Cultural History of the Mamluk Era. Edited by Mahmoud Haddad, Arnim Heinemann, John L. Meloy, and Souad Slim.Daniel Martin Varisco - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (3).
    Towards a Cultural History of the Mamluk Era. Edited by Mahmoud Haddad, Arnim Heinemann, John L. Meloy, and Souad Slim. Beiruter Texte und Studien, vol. 118. Beirut: Orient-Institut, 2010. [Distributed by Ergon Verlag Würzburg.] Pp. xii + 164 + 152, illus. €68.
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  24. Issues and agendas of Islam and science.Nidhal Guessoum - 2012 - Zygon 47 (2):367-387.
    Abstract The publication of Islam's Quantum Question coincided with a burst of interest in the subject of Islam and science. This article first places the book in context (academic and cultural); in particular, an update is given on the two strong current trends of I'jaz, the “miraculous scientific content in the Qur’an” and Muslim creationism, and a note is made of the “Arab Spring” and its potential effect on science in the Arab-Muslim world. The second part is devoted to a (...)
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  25. The mission: journalism, ethics and the world.Joseph B. Atkins (ed.) - 2002 - Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: Contributors ix -- Foreword by Douglas A. Boyd andJoseph D. Straubhaar xiii -- Preface byMariaHenson xv -- Acknowledgments xvii -- Part I. Introduction 1 -- Chapter 1. Journalism as a Mission: Ethics and Purpose -- from an International Perspective -- by Joseph B. Atkins 3 -- Chapter 2. Chaos and Order: Sacrificing the Individual for the -- Sake of Social Harmony -- by John C. Merrill 17 -- Part II. In the United States and Latin America (...)
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