Results for 'Sports Sociological aspects'

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  1.  12
    Sport and modernity.Richard S. Gruneau - 2017 - Malden, MA, USA: Polity Press.
    Athletics, body imagery and spectacle : Greco-Roman practices, discourses and ideologies -- The politics of representation : English sport as an object and project of modernity -- "Staging" (capitalist/colonial) modernity : international exhibitions and Olympics -- German modernism, anti-modernism and the critical theory of sport -- A savage sorting of "winners" and "losers" : modernization, development, sport, and the challenge of slums.
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    Leftist Theories of Sport: A Critique and Reconstruction.William J. Morgan & William John Morgan - 1994 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    The degradation of modern sport--its commercialization, trivialization, widespread cheating, cult of athletic stars and celebrities, and manipulation by the media--has led to calls for its transformation. William J. Morgan constructs a critical theory of sport that shores up the weak arguments of past attempts and points a way forward to making sport more humane, compelling, and substantive. Drawing on the work of social theorists, Morgan challenges scholars and fans alike to explore new spaces in sport culture and imagine the rich (...)
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  3. Filosofía sociología y política deportiva: cultura física.Williams Sánchez Díaz - 1994 - Quito, Ecuador: Artevivo & Buho.
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    The Ethics of Sport: Essential Readings.Arthur L. Caplan & Brendan Parent (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Sports are more than just "games". They can unite countries, start wars, and revolutionize views on race, class, and gender. Through works from philosophy, sociology, medicine, and law, this collection explores intersections of sports and ethics, and identifies the immense role of sports in shaping and reflecting social values.
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    Modern sport ethics: a reference handbook.Angela Lumpkin - 2016 - Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO An Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.
    The descriptions and examples of unethical behaviors in sport in this book will challenge readers to rethink how they view sport and question whether participating in sport builds character--especially at the youth and amateur levels. * Describes and analyzes key ethical issues, such as cheating, fair play, violence, discriminatory actions, and the use of performance-enhancing drugs, in a single volume * Identifies how ethical problems in sport affect sport in the United States and internationally but also significantly impact society overall (...)
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    Philosophy, Sport and the Pandemic.Jeffrey P. Fry & Andrew Edgar (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on every aspect of our social, cultural and commercial lives, including the world of sport. This book examines the ethical and philosophical dimensions of the intersection of COVID-19 and sport. The book goes beyond simple description of the impact of the pandemic on sport to offer normative judgments about how the sporting world responded to challenges posed by COVID-19, as well as philosophical speculation as to how COVID-19 will change our understanding and appreciation (...)
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    Figures de la rationalité dans les STAPS.Loïc Jarnet - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Pourquoi les STAPS (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives), discipline universitaire et de recherche sont-elles fragmentées en une multitude de programmes et de sous-programmes? Qui est-ce qui assure le succès général des sports comme contenus d'éducation physique scolaire et explique l'accueil extrêmement favorable qui leur est fait dans nos sociétés? Les STAPS peuvent-elles être une science?
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    Institutionalisation in E-Sports.Cem Abanazir - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (2):117-131.
    Following its economic impact and rising popularity, ‘e-sports’ has become a theme within the academic debate on sports. The current discussion revolves around the definitions of sports provided by the philosophy and sociology of sports and how in turn, this can be adapted to e-sports. The premise of this article is the analysis of ‘institutionalisation’, which is claimed to be an element of modern sport. The governance and production aspects of e-sports will be (...)
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    Ethics and governance in sport: the future of sport imagined.Yves Vanden Auweele, Elaine Cook & S. J. Parry (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
    What is, or what should be, the function of sport in a globalized, commercialized world? Why does sport matter in the 21st century? In Ethics and Governance in Sport: the future of sport imagined, an ensemble of leading international experts from across the fields of sport management and ethics calls for a new model of sport that goes beyond the traditional view that sport automatically encourages positive physical, psychological, social, moral and political values. Acknowledging that sport is beset by poor (...)
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    La tyrannie sportive: théorie critique d'un opium du peuple.Jean-Marie Brohm - 2006 - Paris: Beauchesne.
    Une étude sociologique critique du fait sportif contemporain, dans laquelle l'auteur montre que dans le contexte de la mondialisation capitaliste, le sport est devenu une marchandise globale.
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    Stanisław Kowalczyk. Elementy filozofii i teologii sportu [The elements of philosophy and theology of sport].Stanisław Kowalczyk & Jan Kłos - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8 (1):293-294.
    Sport plays today an eminent role in man's life and in societies. Various sciences have made it the subject-matter of their reflection, i.e. psychology, sociology, the natural and humanistic sciences, art, philosophy, and theology. The present work seeks to answer some fundamental questions connected with the phenomenon of sport: what is it for man? whether and when does it serve the social integration of a community? what are the premises and principles of the ethics of sportive activity? what is the (...)
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  12. Breathing battles and sensory embodiment in sports and physical cultures.Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson - 2022 - Corps 20 (1).
    Within the sociology of sport, phenomenologically-inspired perspectives on sensory embodiment have emerged in recent years. This corpus includes investigations into the senses in water-based sports such as scuba diving (Merchant, 2011), performance swimming (Allen-Collinson et al., 2021 ; McNarry et al., 2021) and in land-based sports such as distance running (Allen-Collinson et al., 2018, 2021 ; Allen-Collinson & Jackman, 2021), and cycling (Hammer, 2015 ; Spinney, 2006). In this article, I draw upon phenomenological sociology (Allen-Collinson, 2009) and ‘sensory (...)
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  13.  14
    Handlungsfähigkeit jugendlicher Leistungssportler*innen: eine lebensweltliche Ethnografie.Marina Swat - 2020 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Marina Swat nutzt die sozialpädagogische Theorie der Lebensbewältigung, um die Handlungsfähigkeit jugendlicher Leistungssportler*innen differenziert zu analysieren. Ausgangspunkt dazu ist die Beobachtung, dass die sportlichen Karrieren der Jugendlichen entweder als besonders ‚wertvolle‘ Ressource im Lebenslauf betrachtet wird, die auch positive Effekte im Hinblick auf das Leben nach dem Leistungssport hat oder als Risiko für deren Lebenslauf, weil damit eine umfassende Orientierung am Leistungssport einhergeht und andere Teilbereiche des Lebenslaufs (z.B. Bildung) nachrangig werden. Im Ergebnis zeigen sich Spannungsmomente und Herausforderungen ebenso deutlich (...)
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    L'emprise sportive.Robert Redeker - 2012 - Paris: François Bourin éditeur.
    Envahissant, saturant l'espace et le temps, le sport est vécu aujourd'hui comme une activité allant de soi. Il n'est jamais questionné, échappant à toute critique approfondie. Le sport est pourtant, en quelque sorte, le moule dans lequel notre société est formée. Il est le nouveau pouvoir spirituel. Il façonne les âmes autant que les corps. Il promeut un corps fabriqué de type inédit, quand l'âme du sportif lui a été enlevée pour être remplacée par le mental. Robert Redeker se livre (...)
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  15.  37
    Philosophical Perspectives on Gender in Sports.Paul Davis & Charlene Weaving (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    There are a broad variety of sex and gender resonances in sport, from the clash of traditional ideas of femininity and athleticism represented by female athletes, to the culture of homophobia in mainstream male sport. Despite the many sociological and cultural volumes addressing these subjects, this collection is the first to focus on the philosophical writings that they have inspired. The editors have selected twelve of the most thought-provoking philosophical articles on these subjects from the past thirty years, to (...)
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  16.  52
    Eighteenth-Century Anticipations of the Sociology of Conflict: The Case of Adam Ferguson.Lisa Hill - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (2):281-299.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.2 (2001) 281-299 [Access article in PDF] Eighteenth-Century Anticipations of the Sociology of Conflict: The Case of Adam Ferguson Lisa Hill Adam Ferguson (1723-1816), a leading figure of the Scottish Enlightenment, is a most interesting figure in the history of sociological thought. Though sometimes perceived as a secondary figure, there have been some attempts to recover him as one of, if not (...)
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  17. Bewegung der Form: Prozesse der Ordnungsbildung und ihre wirklichkeitskonstituierende Bedeutung: Sportphilosophietagung Marburg 2008.Monika Roscher & Jörg Bietz (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: Lehmanns Media.
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    Reflexiones acerca de la evolución del hecho deportivo.José Luis Domínguez - 1995 - [San Sebastián]: Universidad del Pais Vasco.
    El deporte como realización genuinamente humana, su evolución a través del tiempo y su configuración actual son algunas de las claves que plantea esta obra para tratar de aproximar al lector al complejo mundo de la realidad deportiva. A caballo entre el estudio científico y el ensayo, el libro resume a lo largo de sus cuatro capítulos todas las pautas y componentes que de alguna manera han podido influir en la historia pasada y presente; e incluso se nos muestran las (...)
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    Sports' Sociology.Raluca Galos - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (29):218-223.
    Review of Cristina Gavriluţă, Nicu Gavriluţă, Sociologia sportului. Toerii, metode, aplicaţii (Sports' Sociology. Theories, methods, applications) , (Iaşi: Polirom Publishing House, 2010).
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    Ti yu zhe xue yan jiu.Tao Yu (ed.) - 2009 - Beijing: Beijing ti yu da xue chu ban she.
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    Deleuze and the physically active body.Pirkko Markula - 2019 - London ; New York ;: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
    This volume examines Gilles Deleuze's philosophy as it relates to the study of the physically active body. It explores theoretical and practical examples of how the physically active body can be examined as a material, social, political, and cultural entity using a Deleuzian perspective. Examining topics such as, the formation of thought within a capitalist system; sport, exercise, and dance as cultural arrangements; researching the physically active body from a Deleuzian perspective; and Deleuze on Foucault, this book shows ways of (...)
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  22. Feeling good, sensory engagements, and time out: Embodied pleasures of running.Patricia Jackman, Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Noora Ronkainen & Noel Brick - 2022 - Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 14 (Online early).
    Despite considerable growth in understanding of various aspects of sporting and exercise embodiment over the last decade, in-depth investigations of embodied affectual experiences in running remain limited. Furthermore, within the corpus of literature investigating pleasure and the hedonic dimension in running, much of this research has focused on experiences of pleasure in relation to performance and achievement, or on specific affective states, such as enjoyment, derived after completing a run. We directly address this gap in the qualitative literature on (...)
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    Sociological aspects of the information process.Paul Kecskemeti - 1953 - Santa Monica,: Rand.
    The thesis of the paper is that the distinction between evidential and non-evidential grounds for adopting beliefs is crucial to the study of the sociology of knowledge.
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    Sociological aspects of Heidegger'sbeing and time.Stanley Paluch - 1963 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 6 (1-4):300-307.
    Heidegger's phenomenological approach, as exhibited in Being and Time, provides a conceptual background to discussions in role?theory. His work was not meant as an empirical contribution to sociology, nor does he assimilate sociology to conceptual inquiry. Heidegger's contention is, rather, that if we understand the way in which human beings exist (the nature of Dasein) we shall understand why empirical role?theoretical inquiries are possible. Without experience, without paying attention to the facts of human life, there could be no phenomenological enterprise. (...)
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    Sociological aspects of law and international adjustment.Charles Boasson - 1950 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
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    Sociological Aspects of Industrial Aesthetics: Industrial Design as a Popular Art-Form in a Technological Civilisation.Gillo Dorfles & Sally Bradshaw - 1971 - Diogenes 19 (74):111-122.
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  27. Cooperation: sociological aspects.Andreas Diekmann & Siegwart Lindenberg - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 4--2751.
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    Panser la mort: la mort, le médecin et le citoyen.Bernard Sportès - 2023 - [Montreuil]: Le Temps des cerises.
    À l'heure où le débat sur la fin de vie resurgit, Bernard Sportès nous ouvre de nouveaux horizons, dépasse les arguments simplistes et nous aide à comprendre tabous et angoisses. Son analyse, ancrée dans son expérience des fins de vie, nous rappelle que cet accompagnement ultime doit bien rester un soin. Sa vision humaniste se refuse à ces morts administrées selon des critères médicaux prédéfinis, auxquelles il oppose une mort accompagnée, assistée jusqu'aux derniers instants. Cette proposition, nouvelle dans ce vieux (...)
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    Sociological aspects of the relation between language and philosophy.Lewis S. Feuer - 1953 - Philosophy of Science 20 (2):85-100.
    Language is the primary fact which concerns contemporary philosophy. Men have been speaking and writing for a long time, but it is only recently that the task of philosophy has been said to be the analysis of language. Ethical perplexities, social anxieties, the nature of scientific knowledge, religious speculations, are held not to be directly the problems of the philosopher. They enter his study by way of a domain of languages and sub-languages. This preoccupation with language is itself an unusual (...)
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    Social Aspects of Science.On Sociological Biographies - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (3):453-455.
  31.  22
    The family in its sociological aspects.R. A. Fisher - 1914 - The Eugenics Review 6 (2):165.
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  32. Paradigms, Politics and Persuasion: Sociological Aspects of Musical Controversy in Style, Politics and the Future of Philosophy.M. Brody & A. Janik - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 114:225-263.
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    Theodor W. Adorno.Gerard Delanty (ed.) - 2004 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
    Theodor W.Adorno was one of the towering intellectuals of the twentieth century. His contributions cover such a myriad of fields, including the sociology of culture, social theory, the philosophy of music, ethics, art and aesthetics, film, ideology, the critique of modernity and musical composition, that it is difficult to assimilate the sheer range and profundity of his achievement. His celebrated friendship with Walter Benjamin has produced some of the most moving and insightful correspondence on the origins and objects of the (...)
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  34. Life course: sociological aspects.G. Elder - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 13.
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  35. PhiMSAMP. Philosophy of Mathematics: Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice.Benedikt L.öwe & Thomas Müller (eds.) - 2010 - College Publications.
  36. Earth(l)y pleasures and air-borne bodies: Elemental haptics in women’s cross-country running.Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson & Patricia Jackman - 2022 - International Review for the Sociology of Sport 57 (4):634-651.
    A rich and multi-stranded sociology of sporting embodiment has begun to emerge in recent years. Calls have been made to analyze more deeply not only the sensory dimensions of lived sporting bodies but also the values prevailing within particular physical–cultural worlds. This article contributes to a small, developing research corpus by employing theoretical perspectives drawn from phenomenological sociology to explore cross-country runners' sensory encounters with the elemental, contoured by the values of the running lifeworlds they inhabit. Autoethnographic and autophenomenographic data (...)
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  37. Alfred Schutz's "Sociological Aspect of Literature": Construction and Complementary Essays.Lester Embree & Alfred Schutz - 2004 - Human Studies 27 (4):455-461.
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    Forms of uncertainty reduction: decision, valuation, and contest.Patrik Aspers - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (2):133-149.
    Uncertainty is an intriguing aspect of social life. Uncertainty is epistemic, future-oriented, and implies that we can neither predict nor foresee what will happen when acting. In cases in which no institutionalized certainty about future states exists, or can be generated, judgment is needed. This article presents the forms by which uncertainty is reduced as a result of judgments made about different alternatives in a process involving several actors. This type of uncertainty may exist, for example, about which artist is (...)
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    THE INSTITUTIONAL and PERSONAL NEED for PHILOSOPHY.Ulrich De Balbian - 2017 - Oxford: Academic Publishers.
    She has always existed and is more than a citizen of multiverses,‭ ‬most likely the ground of all.‭ ‬In the West she was introduced around C.570‭ ‬and since then many individuals have searched for her,‭ ‬tried to become familiar with her and created all sorts of,‭ ‬frequently ridiculous,‭ ‬things in her name. Once someone has a passion for her it cannot be extinguished but increases.‭ ‬Objectively this need for her is referred to as‭ ‘‬love of wisdom‭’‬,‭ ‬the need for wisdom,‭ (...)
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  40. The relationship to Churches of Origin: General perspective and sociological aspects.Thomas E. Bird - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40 (1-4):49-64.
  41. The ideological struggle: philosophic and sociological aspects.Dimitŭr T︠S︡ekov - 1979 - [Sofia]: Sofia Press.
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  42.  73
    Hedonistic morality and the art of life: Jean-Marie Guyau revisited.Lev Kreft - 2014 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 8 (2):137-146.
    The aim of this paper is to defend the position that aesthetics and ethics in sport are not two separate domains or aspects. In sport, the aesthetic and the ethical both arise from sport’s attractiveness or from the pleasure sport offers to its activists and consumers. To think about sport philosophically, we should find a link and a principle beyond this division as a source of both the aesthetic and the ethical in sport. The philosophy and philosophical sociology of (...)
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  43.  46
    Legal justification and control: Sociological aspects of legal philosophy. [REVIEW]Hannu Tapani Klami - 1985 - Law and Philosophy 4 (2):199 - 215.
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    (1 other version)University Mission in Western-European Culture (Ethical and Sociological Aspects). P.1.Mariya Mikhaylivna Rogozha & Sergiy Volodymirovych Kurbatov - 2017 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 21 (2):29-45.
    The paper is devoted to the problem of historical development of university community through the lenses of understanding of university mission. The authors undertake critical reflections of the scheme of evolution of university mission, which was elaborated by American researcher John Scott, as far as add some theoretical and methodological suggestions to this scheme. In this respect, typical for late medieval university mission of teaching and corporate based building of university community in the modern times are supplemented by the mission (...)
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    Humanism; its philosophical, ethical and sociological aspects.Marii︠a︡ Isaakovna Petrosi︠a︡n - 1972 - Moscow,: Progress Publishers.
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    Cultural Meanings and Social Institutions: Social Organization Through Language.David R. Heise - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Pivot.
    Employing three methods of assessing meaning, this book demonstrates that the thousands of human identities in English coalesce into groups that are recognizable as role sets in the contemporary social institutions of economy, kinship, religion, polity, law, education, medicine, sport, and arts. After establishing a theoretical and a methodological framework for his empirical work, David Heise presents the results obtained when meanings are assessed via dictionary definitions, collocates, and word associations. A close comparison of the results reveals that similar outcomes (...)
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    Play and Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives.Alice Koubová & Petr Urban (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the complex and multi-layered relationships between democracy and play, presenting important new theoretical and empirical research. It builds new paradigmatic bridges between philosophical enquiry and fields of application across the arts, political activism, children's play, education and political science. Play and Democracy addresses four principal themes. Firstly, it explores how the relationship between play and democracy can be conceptualized and how it is mirrored in questions of normativity, ethics and political power. Secondly, it examines different aspects (...)
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    A Philosophy of Fear.Lars Svendsen - 2008 - Reaktion Books.
    Surveillance cameras. Airport security lines. Barred store windows. We see manifestations of societal fears everyday, and daily news reports on the latest household danger or raised terror threat level continually stoke our sense of impending doom. In _A Philosophy of Fear_, Lars Svendsen now explores the underlying ideas and issues behind this powerful emotion, as he investigates how and why fear has insinuated itself into every aspect of modern life. Svendsen delves into science, politics, sociology, and literature to explore the (...)
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    Sociology of Sport and Physical Education: An Introduction.Anthony Laker - 2001 - Routledge.
    This text, intended for undergraduates on various education and sport related degree courses, covers the key, current issues in the field of sociology of sport and physical education. The first section of the text covers the importance of sport in culture, its theoretical background, and methodological issues in research. The main body of the text then discusses issues including the sporting body, participation and socialisation into sport, the hidden curriculum, critical pedagogy, and sport and the media. Laker discusses in depth (...)
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  50. Ross, E. A. And Others - War And Militarism In Their Sociological Aspects[REVIEW]C. Delisle Burns - 1918 - Scientia 12 (24):491.
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