Results for 'Stanislaus von Moos'

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    Avant garde und Industrie.Stanislaus von Moos & Chris Smeenk - 1983
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    Zwischen Schriftlichkeit und Mündlichkeit: Dialogische Interaktion im lateinischen Hochmittelalter (Vorstellung des neuen Teilprojekts H im SFB 231).Peter von Moos - 1991 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 25 (1):300-314.
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    Gottschalks Gedicht O mi custos — eine confessio.Peter von Moos - 1970 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 4 (1):201-230.
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  4. Die angesehene Meinung: Studien zum endoxon im Mittelalter.P. von Moos - 1998 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 45 (3):343-380.
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    Moralisches Unbehagen: Die theologische Debatte um Flucht und Migration und das Verhältnis von Politik und Moral.Thorsten Moos - 2018 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 62 (4):248-262.
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    Paul Tillichs Interpretation der Naturwissenschaften im „System der Wissenschaften“ von 1923.Thorsten Moos - 2012 - International Yearbook for Tillich Research 7 (1):1-32.
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  7. Die Philosophie der Musik von Kant bis Eduard von Hartmann.Paul Moos - 1922 - Stuttgart,: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt.
  8. Stanislaus von Dunin-Borkowski. Carl Gebhardt.V. Oppen - 1934 - Kant Studien 39:402.
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    Das Recht im Blick der Anderen: zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Eberhard Schmidt-Assmann.Eberhard Schmidt-Assmann & Thorsten Moos (eds.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: The modern age understands justice not only as being an object of jurisprudence. Historical, philosophical, social and cultural studies along with theological approaches each draw near to justice in their own way. This collection devotes itself to the intricate interaction of outside perspectives with the judicial-interdisciplinary thematisation of the law, presenting revised papers delivered at the Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research's symposium in honour of Professor Dr. Dres. h.c. Eberhard Schmidt-Aamann. The case studies and basic considerations deal with, (...)
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    Peter von Moos: Mittelalterforschung und Ideologiekritik. Der Gelehrtenstreit um Héloise. (Kritische Information, Band 15) Wilhelm Fink Verlag München 1974, 138 pp. [REVIEW]Wolf Gewehr - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (3):269-270.
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    Feeling low, thinking slow? Associations between situational cues, mood and cognitive function.Sophie von Stumm - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (8):1545-1558.
    ABSTRACTWithin-person changes in mood, which are triggered by situational cues, for example someone’s location or company, are thought to affect contemporaneous cognitive function. To test this hypothesis, data were collected over 6 months with the smartphone application moo-Q that prompted users at random times to rate their mood and complete 3 short cognitive tests. Out of 24,313 people across 154 countries, who downloaded the app, 770 participants submitted 10 or more valid moo-Q responses. Confirming previous research, consistent patterns of association (...)
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  12. Authors reviewed: Ernst Cassirer, W. P. Alexander, Niels Møller, Rudolf Carnap. Stanislaus von Dunin Borkowski, Folke Leander, Ernst von Aster, Bertil Pfannenstill, Anders Karitz, Philosophy & History. Essays presented to Ernst Cassirer. [REVIEW]Walter Dubislav - 1937 - Theoria 3 (2/3):343.
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  13. von Dunin-Borkovski, Stanislaus, S. J., Spinoza. [REVIEW]H. Meyer - 1937 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 50:135-136.
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    Ist die welt zu erkennen oder ist ihre perfekte regularität zu bewundern und nachzuahmen? Bemerkungen zur interpretation eines sermo Von Stanislaus de scarbimiria.Jerzy Drewnowski - 1983 - In Andreas Speer (ed.), Mensura, 1. Halbband: Mass, Zahl, Zahlensymbolik Im Mittelalter. De Gruyter. pp. 162-176.
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    Treiber, Hubert, und Heinz Steinert: Die Fabrikation des zuverlässigen Menschen über die>> Wahlverwandtschaft « von Kloster und Fabrikdisziplin. Mit einem Vorwort von Adolf Holl. München: Heinz-Moos-Verlag 1980, 142 S. 34,-DM. [REVIEW]Rolf-Peter Calliess - 1988 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 32 (1):78-78.
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    Three Moments in the Crisis of Exemplarity: Boccaccio-Petrarch, Montaigne, and Cervantes.Karlheinz Stierle - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (4):581-595.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Three Moments in the Crisis of Exemplarity: Boccaccio-Petrarch, Montaigne, and CervantesKarlheinz StierleIn his recent book History as Topic Peter von Moos denies that there was any crisis for the exemplum in the Renaissance. 1 He strongly argues against my essay on “History as exemplum,” where I pointed out that in Montaigne, as earlier in Boccaccio, the pragmatic form of exemplum is put into question. 2 My main interest (...)
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    The Varieties of Goodness.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1963 - London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.
    IN 1959 and 1960 I gave the Gifford Lectures in the University of St. Andrews. The lectures were called 'Norms and Values, an Inquiry into the Conceptual Foundations of Morals and Legislation'. The present work is substantially the same as the content of the second series of lectures, then advertised under the not very adequate title 'Values'. It is my plan to publish a revised version of the content of the first series of lectures, called 'Norms', as a separate book. (...)
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  18. Das Spiel des Lebens: zur Möglichkeit einer physiozentrischen Erweiterung der Spieltheorie.Colin von Negenborn - 2023 - Studia Philosophica 82:66-79.
    Humans and animals interact frequently, although the degrees of freedom as well as the consequences are distributed rather unevenly in these interactions. The language of game theory allows to study such interactions systematically. However, while game theory has become increasingly influential in moral and political philosophy, it has done so within a purely anthropocentric framework. Either, it focused on interaction between humans alone, or it treated animals as mere instruments to human welfare. This article argues that a physiocentric extension of (...)
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  19. Anankastic conditionals.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    1. Plot................................................................................................ ..................................1 2. What is an anankastic conditional? ..................................................................................3 3. Previous Analyses of Anankastic Conditionals.................................................................5..
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  20. A problem for a compositional treatment of de re attitudes.Arnim von Stechow & Thomas Ede Zimmermann - 2005 - In Greg N. Carlson & Francis Jeffry Pelletier (eds.), Reference and Quantification: The Partee Effect. CSLI Publications.
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    Causality and determinism.Georg Henrik Von Wright - 1974 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
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    A social relational account of affect.Christian von Scheve - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (1):39-59.
    Sociologists usually conceive of emotions as individual, episodic, and categorical phenomena while emphasizing their social and cultural construction. At the same time, the term emotion refers to a wide range of conceptually and ontologically distinct components and is therefore best thought of as a relatively unspecific umbrella term. This article argues that the routes leading to the social and cultural construction of emotion, for example, norms, rules, values, and discourse, are unlikely to be applicable to each of these components in (...)
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  23. Well-Being as Harmony.Hasko von Kriegstein - 2020 - In David Kaspar (ed.), Explorations in Ethics. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 117-140.
    In this paper, I sketch out a novel theory of well-being according to which well-being is constituted by harmony between mind and world. The notion of harmony I develop has three aspects. First there is correspondence between mind and world in the sense that events in the world match the content of our mental states. Second there is positive orientation towards the world, meaning that we have pro-attitudes towards the world we find ourselves in. Third there is fitting response to (...)
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    Welche Natur brauchen wir? Analyse einer anthropologischen Grundproblematik des 21. Jahrhunderts.Gerald Hartung & Thomas Kirchhoff (eds.) - 2014 - Freiburg: Alber.
    Was Natur für uns ist und welche Bereiche unserer Umwelt als natürlich erfahren werden, scheint sich einer prinzipiellen Bestimmung zu entziehen. Auch ist weitgehend unklar, worauf sich der verantwortliche Umgang "des" Menschen mit "der" Natur beziehen soll? Etwa auf die Erhaltung des Status quo der Natur oder auf die maßvolle Steuerung des Wandels der Natur? Ist in den gegenwärtigen umweltpolitischen und den Naturschutz betreffenden Überlegungen tatsächlich "die" Natur der Referenzrahmen verantwortlichen Handelns oder geht es uns vor allem um die Erhaltung (...)
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  25. (1 other version)The turbulent age of innovation.Lucien von Schomberg & Vincent Blok - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 19):1-17.
    The concept of innovation has entered a turbulent age. On the one hand, it is uncritically understood as ‘technological innovation’ and ‘commercialized innovation.’ On the other hand, ongoing research under the heading responsible research and innovation suggests that current global issues require innovation to go beyond its usual intent of generating commercial value. However, little thought goes into what innovation means conceptually. Although there is a focus on enabling outcomes of innovation processes to become more responsible and desirable, the technological (...)
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    The Principle of Merit and the capital-labour split.Jeppe von Platz - 2022 - Economics and Philosophy 38 (1):1-23.
    Some meritocratic defenders of capitalism rely on the principle that cooperators should receive a share of the product commensurate with their contribution. However, such defences of capitalism fail due to a dilemma. Either they rely on an understanding of contribution that arguably will be reflected by the capital-labour split in suitably idealized capitalist economies, but cannot serve as a plausible standard of merit; or they rely on an interpretation of contribution that is a plausible standard of merit, but which won’t (...)
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  27. Epistemic Modals: A Linguistic Perspective.Kai von Fintel - unknown
    Expressions of epistemic modality mark the possibility/necessity of the prejacent proposition relative to some body of evidence/knowledge.
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    Chimpanzees’ Bystander Reactions to Infanticide.Claudia Rudolf von Rohr, Carel P. van Schaik, Alexandra Kissling & Judith M. Burkart - 2015 - Human Nature 26 (2):143-160.
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    Hermeneutics and Reflection: Heidegger and Husserl on the Concept of Phenomenology.Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann - 2013 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Edited by Kenneth Maly.
  30. Special supplement: The Wittgenstein papers.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1969 - Philosophical Review 78 (4):483-503.
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    Distance Education for European Women: The Threats and Opportunities of New Educational Forms and Media.Christine von Prümmer & Gill Kirkup - 1997 - European Journal of Women's Studies 4 (1):39-62.
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    Moira. Fate, Good, and Evil in Greek Thought.Kurt von Fritz & William Chase Greene - 1945 - American Journal of Philology 66 (4):417.
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  33. Binding by verbs: Tense, person and mood under attitudes.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    .................................................................................................... ..................... 2 2 LF-Binding and Feature Deletion......................................................................................... 3..
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  34. Five Elements of Normative Ethics - A General Theory of Normative Individualism.Dietmar von der Pfordten - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (4):449 - 471.
    The article tries to inquire a third way in normative ethics between consequentialism or utilitarianism and deontology or Kantianism. To find such a third way in normative ethics, one has to analyze the elements of these classical theories and to look if they are justified. In this article it is argued that an adequate normative ethics has to contain the following five elements: (1) normative individualism, i. e., the view that in the last instance moral norms and values can only (...)
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  35. On the proper treatment of tense.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    This paper is mainly concerned with tense in embedded constructions. I believe that recent research – notably the work by Ogihara (1989) and Abusch (1993) – has contributed much to our better understanding of its semantics. The proposals made by the two authors are, however, still too simplistic in some regards. Among other things, they neglect the interplay of tense with temporal adverbs of quantification and with frame-setters. To get this composition right is a touchstone for every theory of tense (...)
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    Mapping the Domain of Mental Illness.Barbara Von Eckardt & Jeffrey Poland - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    We argue that dominant research approaches concerning mental illness, which are centered on traditional categories of psychiatric classification as codified in the DSM-IV, have serious empirical, conceptual, and foundational problems. These problems have led to a classification scheme and body of research findings that provide a very poor map of the domain of mental illness, a map that, in turn, undermines clinical and research pursuits. We discuss some current efforts to respond to these problems and argue that the DSM-5 revision (...)
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  37. Probleme des Erklärens und Verstehens von Handlungen.Gh Von Wright - 1985 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 19 (47):3-19.
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  38. Wahrscheinlichkeit, Statistik, und Wahrheit.R. von Mises - 1937 - Mind 46 (184):478-491.
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  39. Fiktionale Namen.Tatjana von Solodkoff - 2015 - In Nikola Kompa (ed.), Handbuch Sprachphilosophie. Stuttgart: Metzler.
    Zeitgenössische Positionen in der Debatte über fiktionale Namen lassen sich in zwei Lager aufteilen: deskriptivistische und Millsche Ansätze. Deskriptivisten nehmen an, dass der semantische Inhalt eines Namens synonym mit einer Kennzeichnung sei, während Millianerinnen, behaupten, dass der semantische Inhalt eines Namens sein Bezugsobjekt sei. Da es sich bei diesen Ansätzen um Theorien handelt, die sich nicht auf fiktionale Namen beschränken, sondern Eigennamen generell behandeln, müssen sie sich auch Einwänden stellen, die nicht nur auf fiktionale Namen zutreffen. Dieses Kapitel konzentriert sich (...)
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  40. Extending the Harm Principle:'Remote'Harms and Fair Imputation.Andrew Von Hirsch - 1996 - In A. P. Simester & A. T. H. Smith (eds.), Harm and culpability. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  41. A new system of deontic logic.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1970 - In Risto Hilpinen (ed.), Deontic logic: introductory and systematic readings. Hingham, MA: Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston.
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  42. The Convergence of Cultural Traditions in the Mediterranean Area.Gustav E. von Grunebaum - 1970 - Diogenes 18 (71):1-17.
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    Collected Works.von Reutern - 1968 - Philosophy and History 1 (2):156-158.
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    Problems in Stoicism.Heinrich von Staden & A. A. Long - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (2):232.
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  45. (1 other version)Deontic Logic and the Theory of Conditions.G. H. Von Wright - 1968 - Critica 2 (6):3.
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    ‘Not the Wolf Itself’: Distinguishing Hunters’ Criticisms of Wolves from Procedures for Making Wolf Management Decisions.Erica von Essen & Michael Allen - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (1):97-113.
    Swedish hunters sometimes appeal to an inviolate ‘right to exist’ for wolves, apparently rejecting NIMBY. Nevertheless, the conditions existence hunters impose on wolves in practice fundamentally contradict their use of right to exist language. Hunters appeal to this language hoping to gain uptake in a conservation and management discourse demanding appropriately objective ecological language. However, their contradictory use of ‘right to exist' opens them up to the charge that they are being deceptive – indeed, right to exist is a 'disguised (...)
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  47. Handbuch Semantik.Arnim von Stechow & Dieter Wunderlich (eds.) - 1991 - De Gruyter.
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    American caudillo: Princely performative populism and democracy in the Americas.Diego von Vacano - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (4):413-428.
    Populism is on the rise throughout the world and it poses a challenge to democratic theory. Conventional political thought has not dealt seriously with this challenge throughout most of its history. The article takes the challenge seriously, underscoring the rise of Donald Trump as an example of populism. I argue that dominant paradigms in the study of the history of political thought and in normative, Rawlsian approaches do not elucidate populism. I argue that we need to look beyond the mainstream (...)
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    Nietzsche on Nausea.Gudrun Von Tevenar - 2019 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 50 (1):58-78.
    Reading Nietzsche's work, one can be struck and sometimes even offended by his emphatic, occasionally aggressive use of the term "nausea". Not only does Nietzsche use the term frequently in a triple exclamation,1 he also uses it in places where one would expect more differentiated and, arguably, more precise terms, such as "disgust," "disdain," "aversion," "repugnance," "revulsion," "loathing," and the like. Obviously, Nietzsche, that superb master of language, was not lacking an appropriate vocabulary; hence, an explanation for this fact is (...)
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  50. Urban richness and the art of building.Pauline Von Bonsdorff - 2007 - In Arnold Berleant & Allen Carlson (eds.), The Aesthetics of Human Environments. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
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