Results for 'Stephane Raymond'

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  1.  96
    Fostering Children’s Connection to Nature Through Authentic Situations: The Case of Saving Salamanders at School.Stephan Barthel, Sophie Belton, Christopher M. Raymond & Matteo Giusti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:302887.
    The aim of this paper is to explore how children learn to form new relationships with nature. It draws on a longitudinal case study of children participating in a stewardship project involving the conservation of salamanders during the school day in Stockholm, Sweden. The qualitative method includes two waves of data collection: when a group of 10-year-old children participated in the project (2015) and two years after they participated (2017). We conducted 49 interviews with children as well as using participant (...)
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    Neutron scattering studies on URu2Si2.Frederic Bourdarot, Stephane Raymond & Louis-Pierre Regnault - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (32-33):3702-3722.
  3.  44
    Against essentialism in theories of rational action: A reply to Raymond Boudon.Stephan Fuchs - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (1):37 – 39.
    (1993). Against essentialism in theories of rational action: A reply to Raymond Boudon. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 37-39.
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  4. Review: Raymond Martin and John Barresi: The Rise and Fall of Soul and Self: An Intellectual History of Personal Identity. [REVIEW]Stephan Blatti - 2008 - Mind 117 (465):191-195.
    This is a review of Raymond Martin and John Barresi's The Rise and Fall of Soul and Self: An Intellectual History of Personal Identity (Columbia University Press, 2006).
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    K ärin N ickelsen, Explaining Photosynthesis: Models of Biochemical Mechanisms, 1840 – 1960, Springer, Dordrecht, 2015.Stéphane Tirard - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (2):20.
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    Tallis In Wonderland.Raymond Tallis - 2018 - Philosophy Now 127:52-53.
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    Raturer la théorie mimétique : Marion au-delà de Girard.Stéphane Vinolo - 2018 - Universitas Philosophica 35 (71):201-231.
    The mimetic theory forged by René Girard is completely closed by its own violence. Given that human violence was contained for centuries, by the victimary mechanism, its deconstruction by the Cross has unleashed a complete and total violence, leading us to the possibility of a real Apocalypse. We show here that this closure is based on a metaphysical view of desire, guiding us from the objet to the being of the model. Since Girard is always confined into metaphysics by his (...)
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    (1 other version)Mirror self-recognition and symbol-mindedness.Stephane Savanah - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy.
    Abstract The view that mirror self-recognition (MSR) is a definitive demonstration of self-awareness is far from universally accepted, and those who do support the view need a more robust argument than the mere assumption that self-recognition implies a self-concept (e.g. Gallup in Socioecology and Psychology of Primates, Mouton, Hague, 1975 ; Gallup and Suarez in Psychological Perspectives on the Self, vol 3, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, 1986 ). In this paper I offer a new argument in favour of the view that MSR (...)
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    El neorrealismo absoluto en el ser Y la Nada de Jean-Paul Sartre.Stéphane Vinolo - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 36:193-222.
    RESUMEN Tal como el siglo XX fue aquel de la fenomenología, el siglo XXI se caracteriza por el auge de los realismos. Se podría pensar que este cambio marca un giro radical en la filosofía. No obstante, es de recordar que en 1943 Jean-Paul Sartre quiso construir, desde la fenomenología, un neorrealismo absoluto que pueda conservar cierto realismo dentro de la fenomenología. Mediante una lectura de El ser y la nada se propone mostrar que el neorrealismo absoluto impone superar la (...)
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    Narrative identity in schizophrenia.Stéphane Raffard, Arnaud D’Argembeau, Claudia Lardi, Sophie Bayard, Jean-Philippe Boulenger & Martial Van der Linden - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):328-340.
  11. From emotions to desires.Stéphane Lemaire - 2002 - European Review of Philosophy 5:109-136.
    In this paper, I defend the view that our knowledge of our desires is inferential and based on the consciousness we have of our emotions, and on our experiences of pain and pleasure.
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    As Dewey Was Hegelian, So We Should Be Deweyan.Raymond D. Boisvert - 2003 - In William J. Gavin (ed.), In Dewey's Wake: Unfinished Work of Pragmatic Reconstruction. State University of New York Press. pp. 89-108.
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    Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic (éd.), Augustin, Contre les Académiciens = Contra Academicos.Stéphane Marchand - 2024 - Philosophie Antique 24 (24).
    La prestigieuse collection de la Bibliothèque Augustinienne (BA) s’enrichit d’un nouveau volume entièrement dédié à l’un des tout premiers dialogues philosophiques d’Augustin, consacré à la question du scepticisme, le Contra Academicos. L’édition ancienne et minimaliste de René Jolivet (1939, BA 4/1) rendait cette nouvelle édition nécessaire. Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic (dorénavant ABT) livre ici un volume particulièrement complet : l’édition du texte latin et sa traduction (p. 265-535) so...
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    Narrative identity in schizophrenia.Stéphane Raffard, Arnaud D'Argembeau, Claudia Lardi, Sophie Bayard, Jean-Philippe Boulenger & Martial Der Lindevann - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):328-340.
    This study examined narrative identity in a group of 81 patients with schizophrenia and 50 healthy controls through the recall of self-defining memories. The results indicated that patients’ narratives were less coherent and elaborate than those of controls. Schizophrenia patients were severely impaired in the ability to make connections with the self and extract meaning from their memories, which significantly correlated with illness duration. In agreement with earlier research, patients exhibited an early reminiscence bump. Moreover, the period of the reminiscence (...)
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  15.  29
    ¿Qué más da? - La estética en Jean-Luc Marion.Stéphane Vinolo - 2017 - Escritos 25 (54):197-220.
    En este artículo se desea mostrar la distinción que Jean-Luc Marion realiza entre fenómenos de derecho común y fenómenos saturados, se refleja de manera paradigmática su concepción de arte al presentar el ídolo como una modalidad saturada de los fenómenos; a su vez se presenta la diferencia entre los objetos construidos o los fenómenos constituidos por un sujeto que son presentados como principio y fundamento. Desde aquí se considera la pintura como una experiencia fenoménica de anamorfosis, donde la mirada del (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Happiness and Politics.Raymond Geuss - 2002 - Arion 10 (1).
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    The concept possession hypothesis of self-consciousness.Stephane Savanah - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):713-720.
    This paper presents the hypothesis that concept possession is sufficient and necessary for self-consciousness. If this is true it provides a yardstick for gauging the validity of different research paradigms in which claims for self-consciousness in animals or human infants are made: a convincing demonstration of concept possession in a research subject, such as a display of inferential reasoning, may be taken as conclusive evidence of self-consciousness. Intuitively, there appears to be a correlation between intelligence in animals and the existence (...)
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  18. Race Representation and Nation.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1997-1998 - Australian Canadian Studies 15 (2):43-65.
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    Hegel’s Concept of Embodiment.Raymond M. Herbenick - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:109-112.
    FRENCH philosophers from Descartes on have been particularly concerned with the philosophical significance of the human body. Perhaps, as Hyppolite declares, Merleau-Ponty most clearly articulates an ontology of the animate body. Such an interest is by no means confined to philosophers in the French tradition. Surprising, as it may seem, the early Hegel also had a strong interest in the theme of embodiment, the significance of which even Merleau-Ponty in his essay ‘Hegel’s Existentialism’ fails to grasp. The French phenomenologist argues (...)
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  20. (1 other version)The bible and the caesurae of time.Stéphane Mosès - 2007 - Naharaim - Zeitschrift Für Deutsch-Jüdische Literatur Und Kulturgeschichte 1 (1).
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    A response to Dow’s and Musholt’s commentaries on the concept possession hypothesis of self-consciousness.Stephane Savanah - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):725-726.
    In this short piece I defend my position on self-consciousness against the objections raised by Dow and Musholt to a paper in the same issue. These are that (1) Bermudez’s (1998) The Paradox of Self-Consciousness broadly supports the CP Hypothesis; (2) the self-concept requires no further complexity than knowledge of one’s own existence and capacity to take deliberate action; (3) understanding the idea of a perceiver requires understanding the concept of an agent that performs the action of perception; (4) Dow (...)
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  22. Considérations théologiques sur l'embryon humain.Frère Stephane-Marie - 1986 - Nova et Vetera 61 (3):106-121.
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  23. Petit traité sur l'oraison attribué à la mère Madeleine de Saint-Joseph (1578-1637).Frère Stephane-Marie du Coeur de Jesus - 1988 - Nova et Vetera 63 (3):221-231.
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  24. Complexity analysis of term rewriting systems.Stéphane Kaplan & Michèle Soria - forthcoming - Complexity.
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    La tentation moderne de Jean-Luc Marion : le scandale de la saturation.Stéphane Vinolo - 2016 - Dialogue 55 (2):343-362.
    Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenology reveals two attitudes regarding the classification of phenomena. On the one hand, they are classified by type. On the other, the “banality of saturation” reduces these types topossibleinterpretations, in which case saturation isn’t a qualitative rupture anymore, but a possible hermeneutic attitude to any phenomenon. Hence, there is, in Marion’s phenomenology, a tension between a metaphysical attitude that maintains categorial discontinuities, and a hermeneutic temptation driven by the recovery of quantitative continuities between all phenomena. Yet, Marion does (...)
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  26.  43
    Social influence: Representation, imagination and facts.Stéphane Laurens - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (4):401–413.
    Studies on social influence bring us to fear that influence may alienate us and turn us into an agent of the will and desire of the other. This fear relies on a representation of the relationship of influence: it would be an asymmetrical relationship involving two basically opposite and complementary entities, the source and the target .If some experiments in social psychology demonstrate the effectiveness of some techniques of influence and manipulation, they must however be analysed in detail. Many experiments (...)
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  27.  7
    André Dumas et la figure de l’intellectuel chrétien.Stéphane Lavignotte - 2022 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 154 (2):171-187.
    Alors que la figure de l’intellectuel chrétien semble aujourd’hui en difficulté de légitimité dans les débats publics en France, il y a un intérêt à s’intéresser à André Dumas (1918-1996), aujourd’hui relativement oublié, qui fut un des intellectuels protestants les plus connus en France de son vivant. Les gestes de son éthique dans le débat public montrent comment il passe d’une figure intellectuelle à une autre : intellectuel universel, officiel, organique, traditionnel, spécifique... Étudier cette mobilité est une manière de reprendre (...)
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    Le marxisme oublié de Foucault.Stéphane Legrand - 2004 - Actuel Marx 36 (2):27-43.
    Foucault’s Forgotten Marxism. This article tries to point out several methodological issues concerning Foucault’s Surveiller et punir, such as the equivocal status of some of Foucault’s main concepts, or the assumed homogeneity of the various disciplinary institutions analyzed in this book. And it aims at suggesting that such issues might find a solution, should one consider the Marxist background on which, as the Lectures at the Collège de France of the year 1973 clearly show, Foucault’s theories were dependant. In the (...)
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    La philosophie en Europe.Raymond Klibansky, David Francis Pears & Unesco - 1993 - Editions Gallimard.
    L'Europe prétend être une personnalité culturelle née voilà des siècles dans l'Athènes des philosophes. Cette certitude est-elle lieu commun ou réalité vérifiée? Raymond Klibansky et David Pears ont dirigé, à la demande de l'Unesco, cette vaste enquête visant à dresser un état des lieux de la philosophie en Europe aujourd'hui. On y trouvera donc des inventaires, pays par pays, des grandes tendances et interrogations en philosophie, mais également, à partir de quelques coups de sonde très diversifiés - sur l'éthique (...)
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  30. Dewey's Metaphysics.Raymond D. BOISVERT - 1988 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 25 (3):361-369.
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  31. (1 other version)John Dewey: Rethinking our Time.Raymond D. Boisvert - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (195):270-272.
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  32.  54
    The Angel of History: Rosenzweig, Benjamin, Scholem.Stéphane Mosès - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    Franz Rosenzweig : the other side of the West -- Dissimilation -- Hegel taken literally -- Utopia and redemption -- Walter Benjamin : the three models of history -- Metaphors of origin : ideas, names, stars -- The esthetic model -- The angel of history -- Gershem Scholem : the secret history -- The paradoxes of messianism -- Kafka, Freud, and the crisis of tradition -- Language and secularization.
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    Why minds are not computers (continued).Raymond Tallis - 2004 - The Philosophers' Magazine 28 (28):60-60.
  34. Tableau De La Comédie Française De La Renaissance.Raymond Lebègue - 1946 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 8:278-344.
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  35. The FA Analysis of Emotional Values and Practical Reasons.Stephane Lemaire - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (1):31-53.
    ABSTRACT: Confronted with the “wrong kind of reason problem”, several proponents of the fitting attitude analysis of emotional values have argued in favor of an epistemic approach. In such a view, an emotion fits its object because the emotion is correct. However, I argue that we should reorient our search towards a practical approach because only practical considerations can provide a satisfying explanation of the fittingness of emotional responses. This practical approach is partially revisionist, particularly because it is no longer (...)
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    (2 other versions)Condillac.Raymond Lenoir - 1923 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 95:225 - 275.
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    Religion et idéologie.Raymond Légaré - 2002 - Horizons Philosophiques 13 (1):27-42.
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  38. Aux origines du despotat d'Épire et de la principauté d'Achaïe.Raymond J. Loenertz - 1973 - Byzantion 43:360-394.
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    William James, l'attitude empiriste.Stéphane Madelrieux - 2008 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    La pensée, disait William James, doit garder ses portes et ses fenêtres grandes ouvertes. Car notre monde est ainsi : inachevé, brouillon, multiple, imprévisible, risqué et sans garantie. Contre ceux qui cherchent des solutions purement spéculatives aux problèmes de ce monde, en se tournant vers les univers plus lumineux et mieux ordonnés que la religion ou la métaphysique peuvent offrir, James se range du côté de ceux qui acceptent le combat et mettent de l'ordre dans cet univers lui même, par (...)
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    Jeff Loveland, Rhetoric and natural history: Buffon in polemical and literary context.Stéphane Schmitt - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 59 (2):361-362.
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    Hidden Effects of Influence and Persuasion.Stéphane Laurens - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (1):9-21.
    This paper revisits the different notions of influence, persuasion and influencebound subjects. It illustrates and critiques the dominant prevailing concept of influence and its effects, which, though diversely denominated and presented through various theories, always comes down to reaffirming the relationship of dominance and the possibility of the nullification of the subject within the relationship with the other. With this aim, it studies the classical theories of interpersonal influence and brings to attention some of the bodies of information which have (...)
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    Annos undeviginti natus: Augustus and Romulus in Res gestae 1.1.Raymond J. Starr - 2009 - História 58 (3):367-369.
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    (1 other version)Computational Artifacts: the Things of Computer Science.Raymond Turner - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 10 (2):47-69.
    The reviewers Rapaport, Stephanou, Angius, Primiero, and Bringsjord of Turner cover a broad range of topics in the philosophy of computer science. They either challenge the positions outlined in Turner or offer a more refined analysis. This article is a response to their challenges.
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    The operationalization of general hypotheses versus the discovery of empirical laws in Psychology.Stéphane Vautier - 2011 - Philosophia Scientiae 15 (2):105-122.
    L’enseignement de la méthodologie scientifique en Psychologie confère un rôle paradigmatique à l’opérationnalisation des « hypothèses générales » : une idée sans rapport précis à l’observation concrète se traduit par la tentative de rejeter une hypothèse statistique nulle au profit d’une hypothèse alternative, dite de recherche, qui opérationnalise l’idée générale. Cette démarche s’avère particulièrement inadaptée à la découverte de lois empiriques. Une loi empirique est définie comme un trou nomothétique émergeant d’un référentiel de la forme Ω x M(X) x M(Y), (...)
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    (1 other version)Jean-Luc Marion and the Cartesian hauntology of the phenomenology of givenness.Stéphane Vinolo - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    Pour la phénoménologie de Jean-Luc Marion, Descartes est le philosophe ayant achevé la métaphysique. Mais il faut entendre toute la polyphonie de ce terme. D’un côté, il l’a achevée au sens où il l’a parachevée, la portant à son sommet en fixant ses concepts et ses enjeux pour la modernité à venir. De l’autre, il l’a achevée en montrant ses brisures, la rendant caduque par la mise au jour de son dépassement possible selon deux concepts qui déterminent aussi deux moments (...)
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  46.  13
    Temáticas heideggerianas en El ser y la nada de Jean-Paul Sartre.Stéphane Vinolo - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34 (1):242-262.
    La filosofía de Sartre es en gran parte heredera de la ontología de Heidegger. De hecho, es para salir de una lectura idealista de la obra de Husserl que Sartre se orientó hacía la ontología heideggeriana con el fin de establecer una ontología fenomenológica. Sin embargo, el autor muestra que, sobre los conceptos fundamentales que marcan el cruce entre ambos autores, Sartre resignifica constantemente los aportes heideggerianos, lo que permite entender la ruptura fundamental entre ambos autores, ruptura según la cual, (...)
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    Temps et vigilance.Raymond Duval - 1990 - Paris: Vrin.
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    Children's use of geometry and landmarks to reorient in an open space.Stéphane Gouteux & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2001 - Cognition 81 (2):119-148.
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  49. The Gospel According to John (i–xii).Raymond E. Brown - 1966
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    La philosophie mathématique de Giordano Bruno.Stéphane Bonnet - 2005 - Archives de Philosophie 2:315-330.
    Plusieurs textes de Giordano Bruno définissent le statut des mathématiques en reprenant la classification aristotélicienne des sciences théorétiques. Toutefois cette classification change radicalement de sens à la lumière du monisme brunien. Les mathématiques restent certes une science abstraite, mais, pour le métaphysicien, elles deviennent l’instrument qui permet de penser le rapport de la substance aux modes, le déploiement dans l’unité de la substance de la pluralité infinie des formes; en d’autres termes, elles deviennent une véritable logique de l’être.
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