Results for 'Steve Hughes'

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  1. The Coalgebraic Dual of Birkhoff's Variety.Steve Awodey & Jesse Hughes - unknown
    ulations and show that they are definable by a trivial kind of coequation— namely, over one "color". We end with an example of a covariety which is not closed under bisimulations.
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    Modal Operators and the Formal Dual of Birkhoff's Completeness Theorem.Steve Awodey & Jess Hughes - unknown
    Steve Awodey and Jesse Hughes. Modal Operators and the Formal Dual of Birkhoff's Completeness Theorem.
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    The Coalegebraic Dual of Birkoff's Variety Theorem.Steve Awodey & Jesse Hughes - unknown
    Steve Awodey and Jesse Hughes. The Coalegebraic Dual of Birkoff's Variety Theorem.
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    A Study of Categorres of Algebras and Coalgebras.Jesse Hughes, Steve Awodey, Dana Scott, Jeremy Avigad & Lawrence Moss - unknown
    This thesis is intended t0 help develop the theory 0f coalgebras by, Hrst, taking classic theorems in the theory 0f universal algebras amd dualizing them and, second, developing an interna] 10gic for categories 0f coalgebras. We begin with an introduction t0 the categorical approach t0 algebras and the dual 110tion 0f coalgebras. Following this, we discuss (c0)a,lg€bra.s for 2. (c0)monad and develop 2. theory 0f regular subcoalgebras which will be used in the interna] logic. We also prove that categories 0f (...)
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  5. The patenting of genes for agricultural biotechnology.Steve Hughes - forthcoming - Bioethics for Scientists:153--170.
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  6. GM crops and food: a scientific perspective.Steve Hughes & John Bryant - forthcoming - Bioethics for Scientists:113--140.
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    REVIEWSphin_1423 380..386.Hugh Upton - unknown
    It is a familiar idea that in learning to do philosophy we have to acquire new habits of thought, a supposition that may help explain why it does not happen quickly and why, especially in retrospect, the process has something of the feeling of an upbringing, of being gradually drawn into a distinctive way of life. Familiar also, to many, will be the instruction to concentrate purely on the arguments of those philosophers we study, ignoring the irrelevancies of character and (...)
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    Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins regulate angiotensin‐converting enzyme expression: crosstalk between cellular and endocrine metabolic regulators suggested by RNA interference and genetic studies.Sukhbir S. Dhamrait, Cecilia Maubaret, Ulrik Pedersen-Bjergaard, David J. Brull, Peter Gohlke, John R. Payne, Michael World, Birger Thorsteinsson, Steve E. Humphries & Hugh E. Montgomery - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (S1):107-118.
    Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) regulate mitochondrial function, and thus cellular metabolism. Angiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) is the central component of endocrine and local tissue renin–angiotensin systems (RAS), which also regulate diverse aspects of whole‐body metabolism and mitochondrial function (partly through altering mitochondrial UCP expression). We show that ACE expression also appears to be regulated by mitochondrial UCPs. In genetic analysis of two unrelated populations (healthy young UK men and Scandinavian diabetic patients) serum ACE (sACE) activity was significantly higher amongst UCP3‐55C (rather than (...)
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    Reflections on RRI in “TAS for Health at Home”.Nils Jäger, Liz Dowthwaite, Pepita Barnard, Ann-Marie Hughes, Roshan das Nair, David Crepaz-Keay, Sue Cobb, Alexandra Lang, Farid Vayani & Steve Benford - 2022 - Journal of Responsible Technology 12 (C):100049.
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    (1 other version)Clarity, charity and criticism, wit, wisdom and worldliness: Avoiding intellectual impositions. [REVIEW]David Turnbull, Henry Krips, Val Dusek, Steve Fuller, Alan Sokal, Jean Bricmont, Alan Frost, Alan Chalmers, Anna Salleh, Alfred I. Tauber, Yvonne Luxford, Nicolaas Rupke, Steven French, Peter G. Brown, Hugh LaFollette & Peter Machamer - 2000 - Metascience 9 (3):347-498.
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  11. Hugh J. Silverman, Algis Mickunas, Theodore Kisiel, and Alphonso Lingis, eds., The Horizons of Continental Philosophy: Essays on Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Steve Fuller - 1989 - Philosophy in Review 9 (5):203-205.
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    Hume's Definition of Miracles Revised.Steve Clarke - 1999 - American Philosophical Quarterly 36 (1):49 - 57.
    It is argued that Hume’s definition of miracle stands in need of revision because it fails to be inclusive of acts of supernatural intervention in the world which are non-law-violating. Potential revisions of the definition, due to Paul Dietl and Christopher Hughes are considered and found to be inadequate, and a new definition is put forward; a miracle is "an intended outcome of an intervention in the natural world by a supernatural agent." An objection to this definition is anticipated (...)
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    The Cosmology of Joseph Grange: Nature, The City, Soul.Robert Cummings Neville - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (3):663-676.
    The late Joseph Grange is perhaps the most sharply focused and elegantly lucid of the group of North American philosophers to build new aesthetic metaphysical visions from the legacies of process philosophy and pragmatism. His peers include, among others, George Allan,1 Roger Ames,2 Chung-ying Cheng,3 Robert Corrington,4 Frederick Ferre,5 Warren Frisina,6 David L. Hall,7 Judith Jones,8 Elizabeth Kraus,9 Hugh P. McDonald,10 Steve Odin,11 Sandra Rosenthal,12 Robert Smid,13 David Weissman,14 and myself, along with our many students and colleagues. This group (...)
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  14. The structure and interpretation of quantum mechanics.R. I. G. Hughes - 1989 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    R.I.G Hughes offers the first detailed and accessible analysis of the Hilbert-space models used in quantum theory and explains why they are so successful.
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  15. Models and representation.Richard Hughes - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):336.
    A general account of modeling in physics is proposed. Modeling is shown to involve three components: denotation, demonstration, and interpretation. Elements of the physical world are denoted by elements of the model; the model possesses an internal dynamic that allows us to demonstrate theoretical conclusions; these in turn need to be interpreted if we are to make predictions. The DDI account can be readily extended in ways that correspond to different aspects of scientific practice.
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    Exchange of Letters: Hughes and Jacobs.Glenn Hughes & Jane Jacobs - 1989 - Lonergan Workshop 7 (9999):287-292.
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  17. The Didascalicon of Hugh of St. Victor. Hugh - 1961 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Jerome Taylor.
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    Hugh Lacey e a busca por uma epistemologia engajada | Hugh Lacey and the search for an engaged epistemology.Léo Peruzzo Júnior & Hugh Lacey - 2023 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 35.
    Hugh Lacey (1939) é pesquisador emérito na Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, Estados Unidos, onde começou a lecionar em 1972. É Doutor em História e Filosofia da Ciência pela Universidade de Indiana (EUA), tendosido professor visitante na Universidade de São Paulo em diversas ocasiões (1973, 1996, 2000 e 2004). Seus trabalhos atribuem lugares próprios aos valores dentro da tecnociência, procurando mostrar que a abordagem científica materialista precisa assumir também o lugar que as coisas ocupam em sistemas ecológicos e sociais. Lacey é autor (...)
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    (1 other version)The theoretical practices of physics: philosophical essays.R. I. G. Hughes - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    R.I.G. Hughes presents a series of eight philosophical essays on the theoretical practices of physics. The first two essays examine these practices as they appear in physicists' treatises (e.g. Newton's Principia and Opticks ) and journal articles (by Einstein, Bohm and Pines, Aharonov and Bohm). By treating these publications as texts, Hughes casts the philosopher of science in the role of critic. This premise guides the following 6 essays which deal with various concerns of philosophy of physics such (...)
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  20. Kripke: names, necessity, and identity.Christopher Hughes - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Saul Kripke, in a series of classic writings of the 1960s and 1970s, changed the face of metaphysics and philosophy of language. Christopher Hughes offers a careful exposition and critical analysis of Kripke's central ideas about names, necessity, and identity. He clears up some common misunderstandings of Kripke's views on rigid designation, causality and reference, and the necessary a posteriori and contingent a priori. Through his engagement with Kripke's ideas Hughes makes a significant contribution to ongoing debates on, (...)
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    Interview with Carole Pateman by Steve On.Steve On - 2010 - Contemporary Political Theory 9 (2):239-250.
  22. (1 other version)The Structure and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.R. I. G. Hughes, James T. Cushing & Ernan Mcmullin - 1991 - Synthese 86 (1):99-122.
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  23. (1 other version)Epistemic Dilemmas: A Guide.Nick Hughes - forthcoming - In Essays on Epistemic Dilemmas. Oxford University Press.
    This is an opinionated guide to the literature on epistemic dilemmas. It discusses seven kinds of situations where epistemic dilemmas appear to arise; dilemmic, dilemmish, and non-dilemmic takes on them; and objections to dilemmic views along with dilemmist’s replies to them.
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    A New Start For The Humanities Is Required For The 21st Century: A Debate Among Steve Fuller, Ronald Schleifer And Robert Markley.Steve Fuller, Ronald Schleifer & Robert Markley - 2009 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 44 (1):109-122.
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    Clitophon’s Challenge: Dialectic in Plato's Meno, Phaedo, and Republic.Hugh H. Benson - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    Hugh H. Benson explores Plato's answer to Clitophon's challenge, the question of how one can acquire the knowledge Socrates argues is essential to human flourishing-knowledge we all seem to lack. Plato suggests two methods by which this knowledge may be gained: the first is learning from those who already have the knowledge one seeks, and the second is discovering the knowledge one seeks on one's own. The book begins with a brief look at some of the Socratic dialogues where Plato (...)
  26.  40
    An Introduction to Daoist Philosophies.Steve Coutinho - 2013 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Steve Coutinho explores in detail the fundamental concepts of Daoist thought as represented in three early texts: the _Laozi_, the _Zhuangzi_, and the _Liezi_. Readers interested in philosophy yet unfamiliar with Daoism will gain a comprehensive understanding of these works from this analysis, and readers fascinated by ancient China who also wish to grasp its philosophical foundations will appreciate the clarity and depth of Coutinho's explanations. Coutinho writes a volume for all readers, whether or not they have a background (...)
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    Education for Civil Society.Hugh Sockett - 2017 - Philosophy of Education 73:411-424.
  28. Rethinking Jewish philosophy: beyond particularism and universalism / Aaron W. Hughes.Aaron W. Hughes - 2014 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Introduction: occupation -- Impossibilities -- Irreconcilability -- Kaddish -- Authoritarianism: a case study -- Rosenzweig's patient -- Beyond.
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  29. The first book of rhythms / by Langston Hughes ; pictures by Robin King.Langston Hughes - 1954 - New York: Franklin Watts. Edited by Robin King, Mabel M. Smythe & Langston Hughes.
    Let's make a rhythm -- The beginnings of rhythm -- Varying rhythms -- Sources of rhythm -- The rhythms of nature -- Rhythms of music -- Rhythm and words -- Some mysteries of rhythm -- Athletics -- Broken rhythms -- Machines -- Rhythms may be felt--and smelled -- Unseen rhythms -- Rhythms in daily life -- Furniture -- How rhythms take shape -- This wonderful world.
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    Acquisition of a non-vocal ‘language’ by aphasic children.Jennifer Hughes - 1974 - Cognition 3 (1):41-55.
  31. Is knowledge the ability to ϕ for the reason that p?Nick Hughes - 2014 - Episteme 11 (4):457-462.
    Hyman (1999, 2006) argues that knowledge is best conceived as a kind of ability: S knows that p iff S can φ for the reason that p. Hyman motivates this thesis by appealing to Gettier cases. I argue that it is counterexampled by a certain kind of Gettier case where the fact that p is a cause of the subject’s belief that p. One can φ for the reason that p even if one does not know that p. So knowledge (...)
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  32. On a complex theory of a simple God: an investigation in Aquinas' philosophical theology.Christopher Hughes - 1989 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    [I] Divine Simplicity: God and His Existence Types of Divine Simplicity Of the properties ascribed to God in Aquinas' natural theology, we may call one sort ...
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  33. (1 other version)Socratic wisdom: the model of knowledge in Plato's early dialogues.Hugh H. Benson - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    While the early Platonic dialogues have often been explored and appreciated for their ethical content, this is the first book devoted solely to the epistemology of Plato's early dialogues. Author Hugh H. Benson argues that the characteristic features of these dialogues- -Socrates' method of questions and answers, his fascination with definition, his professions of ignorance, and his thesis that virtue is knowledge- -are decidedly epistemological. In this thoughtful study, Benson uncovers the model of knowledge that underlies these distinctively Socratic views. (...)
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    John Buridan on Self-Reference: Chapter Eight of Buridan's 'Sophismata', with a Translation, an Introduction, and a Philosophical Commentary.G. E. Hughes (ed.) - 1982 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    John Buridan was a fourteenth-century philosopher who enjoyed an enormous reputation for about two hundred years, was then totally neglected, and is now being 'rediscovered' through his relevance to contemporary work in philosophical logic. The final chapter of Buridan's Sophismata deals with problems about self-reference, and in particular with the semantic paradoxes. He offers his own distinctive solution to the well-known 'Liar Paradox' and introduces a number of other paradoxes that will be unfamiliar to most logicians. Buridan also moves on (...)
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    Moral Enhancement Requires Multiple Virtues.James J. Hughes - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (1):86-95.
  36. Bell's Theorem, Ideology, and Structural Explanation.R. I. G. Hughes - 1989 - In James T. Cushing & Ernan McMullin, Philoophical Consequences of Quantum Theory. University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 195--207.
  37. Is a thing just the sum of its parts?Christopher Hughes - 1986 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 86:213-234.
    Christopher Hughes; XII*—Is A Thing Just The Sum Of Its Parts?, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 86, Issue 1, 1 June 1986, Pages 213–234, https:/.
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  38. Grief, alienation, and the absolute alterity of death.Emily Hughes - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (1):61-65.
    Disturbances to one's sense of self, the feeling that one has ‘lost a part of oneself’ or that one ‘no longer feels like oneself,’ are frequently recounted throughout the bereavement literature. Engaging Allan Køster's important contribution to this issue, this article reinforces his suggestion that, by rupturing the existential texture of self-familiarity, bereavement can result in experiences of estrangement that can be meaningfully understood according to the concept of self-alienation. Nevertheless, I suggest that whilst Køster's relational interpretation of alienation as (...)
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  39. Aristotle on Ethics.Gerard J. Hughes - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (1):176-176.
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    Views of the person with dementia.Julian C. Hughes - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (2):86-91.
    In this paper I consider, in connection with dementia, two views of the person. One view of the person is derived from Locke and Parfit. This tends to regard the person solely in terms of psychological states and his/her connections. The second view of the person is derived from a variety of thinkers. I have called it the situated-embodied-agent view of the person. This view, I suggest, more readily squares with the reality of clinical experience. It regards the person as (...)
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  41. Hugh MacColl: Existential import of propositions.Hugh Maccoll - 1905 - Mind 14 (3):401-402.
  42. Hugh J. Silverman — from utopia/dystopia to heterotopia: An interpretive topology.Hugh J. Silverman - 1980 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 7 (2):170-182.
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  43. Kripke: Names, Necessity, and Identity.Christopher Hughes - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (3):605-605.
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    That positive instances are no help.Hughes Leblanc - 1963 - Journal of Philosophy 60 (16):453-462.
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  45. Forgiveness.Paul M. Hughes - 1975 - Analysis.
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    Bodies for sale-whole or in parts.Nancy Scheper-Hughes - 2002 - In Nancy Scheper-Hughes & Loïc J. D. Wacquant, Commodifying bodies. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 1--8.
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    Transcendence and History: The Search for Ultimacy From Ancient Societies to Postmodernity.Glenn Hughes - 2003 - University of Missouri.
    _Transcendence and History_ is an analysis of what philosopher Eric Voegelin described as “the decisive problem of philosophy”: the dilemma of the discovery of transcendent meaning and the impact of this discovery on human self-understanding. The explicit recognition and symbolization of transcendent meaning originally occurred in a few advanced civilizations worldwide during the first millennium?.?.e. The world’s major religious and wisdom traditions are built upon the recognition of transcendent meaning, and our own cultural and linguistic heritage has long since absorbed (...)
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    Theoretical Explanation.R. I. G. Hughes - 1993 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 18 (1):132-153.
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    Conscientious objection in healthcare: why tribunals might be the answer.Jonathan A. Hughes - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):213-217.
    A recent focus of the debate on conscientious objection in healthcare is the question of whether practitioners should have to justify their refusal to perform certain functions. A recent article by Cowley addresses a practical aspect of this controversy, namely the question of whether doctors claiming conscientious objector status in relation to abortion should be required, like their counterparts claiming exemption from military conscription, to defend their claim before a tribunal. Cowley argues against the use of tribunals in the medical (...)
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  50. Same-kind coincidence and the ship of theseus.Christopher Hughes - 1997 - Mind 106 (421):53-67.
    Locke thought that it was impossible for there to be two things of the same kind in the same place at the same time. I offer (what looks to me like) a counterexample to that principle, involving two ships in the same place at the same time. I then consider two ways of explaining away, and one way of denying, the apparent counterexample of Locke's principle, and I argue that none is successful. I conclude that, although the case under discussion (...)
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