Results for 'Steve Russell'

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  1. Economic drivers of biological complexity.Steve Phelps & Yvan I. Russell - 2015 - Adaptive Behavior 23:315-326.
    The complexity that we observe in nature can often be explained in terms of cooperative behavior. For example, the major transitions of evolution required the emergence of cooperation among the lower-level units of selection, which led to specialization through division-of-labor ultimately resulting in spontaneous order. There are two aspects to address explaining how such cooperation is sustained: how free-riders are prevented from free-riding on the benefits of cooperative tasks, and just as importantly, how those social benefits arise. We review these (...)
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  2. Religion as an Evolutionary Byproduct: A Critique of the Standard Model.Russell Powell & Steve Clarke - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (3):457-486.
    The dominant view in the cognitive science of religion (the ‘Standard Model’) is that religious belief and behaviour are not adaptive traits but rather incidental byproducts of the cognitive architecture of mind. Because evidence for the Standard Model is inconclusive, the case for it depends crucially on its alleged methodological superiority to selectionist alternatives. However, we show that the Standard Model has both methodological and evidential disadvantages when compared with selectionist alternatives. We also consider a pluralistic approach, which holds that (...)
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    Religion, Intolerance, and Conflict: A Scientific and Conceptual Investigation.Steve Clarke, Russell Powell & Julian Savulescu (eds.) - 2013 - Oxford University Press.
    The relationship between religion, intolerance and conflict has been the subject of intense discussion, particularly in the wake of the events of 9-11 and the ongoing threat of terrorism. This book contains original papers written by some of the world's leading scholars in anthropology, psychology, philosophy and theology exploring the scientific and conceptual dimensions of religion and human conflict. The volume will be of great interest to academics across avariety of disciplines, including religious studies, philosophy, psychology, theology, cognitive science, anthropology, (...)
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    An ethical and prudential argument for prioritizing the reduction of parasite-stress in the allocation of health care resources.Russell Powell, Steve Clarke & Julian Savulescu - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (2):90-91.
    The link between parasite-stress and complex psychological dispositions implies that the social, political, and economic benefits likely to flow from public health interventions that reduce rates of non-zoonotic infectious disease are far greater than have traditionally been thought. We sketch a prudential and ethical argument for increasing public health resources globally and redistributing these to focus on the alleviation of parasite-stress in human populations.
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  5. Religion, Intolerance, and Conflict: A Scientific and Conceptual Investigation.Steve Clark Russell Powell & Julian Savulescu (eds.) - 2013 - Oxford University Press.
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    How do you measure pleasure? A discussion about intrinsic costs and benefits in primate allogrooming.Yvan I. Russell & Steve Phelps - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (6):1005-1020.
    Social grooming is an important element of social life in terrestrial primates, inducing the putative benefits of β-endorphin stimulation and group harmony and cohesion. Implicit in many analyses of grooming (e.g. biological markets) are the assumptions of costs and benefits to grooming behaviour. Here, in a review of literature, we investigate the proximate costs and benefits of grooming, as a potentially useful explanatory substrate to the well-documented ultimate (functional) explanations. We find that the hedonic benefits of grooming are well documented. (...)
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    Disruption, Spring 1997.Steve Russell - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (2):1-2.
  8.  18
    A good entry to the science of genomics Introduction to Genomics. (2007). By Arthur M. Lesk. Oxford University Press. 410 pp. ISBN: 978‐0199296958. [REVIEW]Steve Russell - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (10):1066-1067.
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  9. Section II. Advancing the debate. Enhancing conservatism / Rebecca Roache and Julian Savulescu ; Maclntyre's paradox / Bernadette Tobin ; Partiality for humanity and enhancement / Jonathan Pugh, Guy Kahane, and Julian Savulescu ; Enhancement, mind-uploading, and personal identity / Nicholas Agar ; Levelling the playing field : on the alleged unfairness of the genetic lottery / Michael Hauskeller ; Buchanan and the conservative argument against human enhancement from biological and social harmony / Steve Clarke ; Moral enhancement, enhancement, and sentiment / Gregory E. Kaebnick ; The evolution of moral enhancement. [REVIEW]Russell Powell & Allen Buchanan - 2016 - In Steve Clarke, Julian Savulescu, C. A. J. Coady, Alberto Giubilini & Sagar Sanyal, The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    A brief history of analytic philosophy: from Russell to Rawls.Steve Schwartz - 2012 - Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
    A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls presents a comprehensive overview of the historical development of all major aspects of analytic philosophy, the dominant Anglo-American philosophical tradition in the twentieth century. Features coverage of all the major subject areas and figures in analytic philosophy - including Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell, G.E. Moore, Gottlob Frege, Carnap, Quine, Davidson, Kripke, Putnam, and many others Contains explanatory background material to help make clear technical philosophical concepts Includes listings of suggested (...)
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    Is There a New Conspiracism?Steve Clarke - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (1):127-140.
    The authors of a much discussed recent book A Lot of People are Saying: The New Conspiracism and the Assault on Democracy, Russell Muirhead and Nancy L. Rosenblum argue that ‘a new conspiracism’ has emerged recently. Their examples include Donald Trump’s allegations that elections have been rigged, ‘Birther’ accusations about Barack Obama, ‘QAnon’ and ‘Pizzagate’. They characterize these as ‘conspiracism without the theory’. They argue that the new conspiracism is validated by repetition, disregards experts, and is satisfied with the (...)
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  12. Descriptive vs Revisionary Social Epistemology: The Former as Seen by the Latter.Steve Fuller - 2004 - Episteme 1 (1):23-34.
    When Peter Strawson subtitled the most celebrated book in ordinary language philosophy, Individuals, ‘An essay in descriptive metaphysics’, he shocked mainly for having reintroduced ‘metaphysics’ into intellectually respectable English a quarter-century after A.J. Ayer had consigned it to the logical positivists' index of forbidden philosophical words . Few at the time appreciated the import of the modifiers ‘descriptive’ and its opposite, ‘revisionary’. Now, another half century on, philosophers have come around to Bertrand Russell's original view that both the ordinary (...)
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    Religion, Intolerance, and Conflict: A Scientific and Conceptual Investigation. By Steve Clarke, Russell Powell, and Julian Savulescu. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2013. xviii + 282 pp. Hardcover £30.00/$55.00. [REVIEW]Christoffer H. Grundmann - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):259-260.
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    Religion, Intolerance, and Conflict: A Scientific and Conceptual Investigation. Edited by Steve Clarke, Russell Powell, and Julian Savulescu. Pp. cclxxxii, 282, Oxford University Press, 2013, £30.00. [REVIEW]John Friday - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (3):512-513.
  15. Some Lisp History and Some Programming Language Ideas.John McCarthy - unknown
    • Lisp was intended to be compiled at first. However, a universal Lisp function eval in 1959 to show that neater language for computability theory than Turing Steve Russell pointed out that the universal function taken as an interpreter for pure Lisp, and hand-compiled..
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  16. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.S. Matthew Liao (ed.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    "Featuring seventeen original essays on the ethics of Artificial Intelligence by some of the most prominent AI scientists and academic philosophers today, this volume represents the state-of-the-art thinking in this fast-growing field and highlights some of the central themes in AI and morality such as how to build ethics into AI, how to address mass unemployment as a result of automation, how to avoiding designing AI systems that perpetuate existing biases, and how to determine whether an AI is conscious. As (...)
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    Darwin.Philip Appleman - 1970 - New York,: Norton. Edited by Philip Appleman.
    Overview * Part I: Introduction * Philip Appleman, Darwin: On Changing the Mind * Part II: Darwin’s Life * Ernst Mayr, Who Is Darwin? * Part III: Scientific Thought: Just before Darwin * Sir Gavin de Beer, Biology before the Beagle * Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population * William Paley, Natural Theology * Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck, Zoological Philisophy * Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology * John Herschell, The Study of Natural Philosophy (...)
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  18. Bertrand Russell: premio Nobel per la letteratura 1950.Bertrand Russell - 1967 - [Fabbri].
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    Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell: A Lifelong Fight for Peace, Justice, and Truth in Letters to the Editor.Bertrand Russell & Ray Perkins - 2002 - Open Court Publishing.
    "Yet Russell was more than a great intellect; he was also a political animal. From the beginning of his long professional life he emphasized the importance of practice as well as theory. He was twice imprisoned by the British government for his political utterances. With his razor-sharp irony and morally impassioned rhetoric, Russell took on the forces of injustice, ignorance, and cruelty; one of his chief weapons was the letter to the editor.".
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    The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell - 1967 - New York: Routledge.
    Bertrand Russell was born in 1872 and died in 1970. One of the most influential figures of the twentieth century, he transformed philosophy and can lay claim to being one of the greatest philosophers of all time. He was a Nobel Prize winner for Literature and was imprisoned several times as a result of his pacifism. His views on religion, education, sex, politics and many other topics, made him one of the most read and revered writers of the age. (...)
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    Maroon Philosophy: An Interview with Russell “Maroon” Shoatz.Russell “Maroon” Shoatz & Lisa Guenther - 2015 - In Lisa Guenther, Geoffrey Adelsberg & Scott Zeman, Death and Other Penalties: Philosophy in a Time of Mass Incarceration. Fordham UP. pp. 60-74.
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    Thomas Kuhn: A Philosophical History for Our Times.Steve Fuller - 2000 - University of Chicago Press.
    This work discusses whether Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was revolutionary. Steve Fuller argues that Kuhn held a profoundly conservative view of science and how one ought to study its history.
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    The Russell memorandum.Bertrand Russell - 1970 - [Broadway, Brisbane,: Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation (Queensland Branch).
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    L'autobiografia Di Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell - 1969 - Longanesi.
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    A Brief Introduction to Logical Atomism [review of Ali Benmakhlouf, Bertrand Russell: L'atomisme logique ].Russell Wahl - 1998 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 18 (2):184-187.
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    Interview with Carole Pateman by Steve On.Steve On - 2010 - Contemporary Political Theory 9 (2):239-250.
  27. Atmospheric Justice: A Political Theory of Climate Change.Steve Vanderheiden - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    When the policies and activities of one country or generation harm both other nations and later generations, they constitute serious injustices. Recognizing the broad threat posed by anthropogenic climate change, advocates for an international climate policy development process have expressly aimed to mitigate this pressing contemporary environmental threat in a manner that promotes justice. Yet, while making justice a primary objective of global climate policy has been the movement's noblest aspiration, it remains an onerous challenge for policymakers. -/- Atmospheric Justice (...)
  28.  18
    Philosophy of science and its discontents.Steve Fuller - 1989 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    The most important and exciting recent development in the philosophy of science is its merging with the sociology of scientific knowledge. Here is the first text book to make this development available.
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    Mr. F. C. Russell Still Demurs.Francis C. Russell - 1909 - The Monist 19 (4):620-627.
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    A New Start For The Humanities Is Required For The 21st Century: A Debate Among Steve Fuller, Ronald Schleifer And Robert Markley.Steve Fuller, Ronald Schleifer & Robert Markley - 2009 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 44 (1):109-122.
  31.  40
    An Introduction to Daoist Philosophies.Steve Coutinho - 2013 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Steve Coutinho explores in detail the fundamental concepts of Daoist thought as represented in three early texts: the _Laozi_, the _Zhuangzi_, and the _Liezi_. Readers interested in philosophy yet unfamiliar with Daoism will gain a comprehensive understanding of these works from this analysis, and readers fascinated by ancient China who also wish to grasp its philosophical foundations will appreciate the clarity and depth of Coutinho's explanations. Coutinho writes a volume for all readers, whether or not they have a background (...)
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  32. Morals, reason, and animals.Steve F. Sapontzis - 1987 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    This book criticizes the common belief that we are entitled to exploit animals for our benefit because they are not as rational as people. After discussing the moral (in)significance of reason in general, the author proceeds to develop a clear, commonsensical conception of what "animal rights" is about and why everyday morality points toward the liberation of animals as the next logical step in Western moral progress. The book evaluates criticisms of animal rights that have appeared in recent philosophical literature (...)
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  33.  56
    Kuhn vs. Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science.Steve Fuller - 2004 - Columbia University Press.
    Thomas Kuhn's _Structure of Scientific Revolutions_ has sold over a million copies in more than twenty languages and has remained one of the ten most cited academic works for the past half century. In contrast, Karl Popper's seminal book _The Logic of Scientific Discovery_ has lapsed into relative obscurity. Although the two men debated the nature of science only once, the legacy of this encounter has dominated intellectual and public discussions on the topic ever since. Almost universally recognized as the (...)
  34. Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970.Bertrand Russell (ed.) - 1971 - Valencia,: Departamento de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Universidad.
    El pensamiento de Bertrand Russell, por M. Garrido.--La lógica y la matemática en la producción de Bertrand Russell, por J. Sanniartín Esplugues.--Bertrand Russell, filósofo, por J.L. Blasco.--La teoría y la praxis social de Bertrand Russell, por J. Carabaña.--Dos textos de Bertrand Russell.--Bio-bibliografía de Bertrand Russell, por A. García Suárez (p. [53]-79).
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  35. Social Epistemology.Steve Fuller - 1990 - Erkenntnis 33 (1):131-135.
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    The sociology of intellectual life: the career of the mind in and around the academy.Steve Fuller - 2009 - London: SAGE.
    The Sociology of Intellectual Life outlines a social theory of knowledge for the 21st century. Steve Fuller deals directly with a world in which it is no longer taken for granted that universities and academics are the best places and people to embody the life of the mind. While Fuller defends academic privilege, he takes very seriously the historic divergences between academics and intellectuals, attending especially to the different features of knowledge production that they value."--BOOK JACKET.
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    The Bloomsbury Companion to Bertrand Russell.Russell Wahl (ed.) - 2018 - New York, USA: Bloomsbury.
    A founder of modern analytic philosophy and one of the most important logicians of the twentieth century, Bertrand Russell has influenced generations of philosophers. The Bloomsbury Companion to Bertrand Russell explores this influence in detail and responds to renewed interest in Russell's philosophical approach, presenting the best guide to research in Russell studies today. -/- Bringing new insights into Russell's relationship with his contemporaries, a team of experts explore his life-long battles with important philosophical issues. (...)
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  38. Bertrand Russell's best.Bertrand Russell - 1958 - New York: New American Library.
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    Science.Steve Fuller - 1997 - Minneapolis: Routledge.
    In this challenging and provocative book, Steve Fuller contends that our continuing faith in science in the face of its actual history is best understood as the secular residue of a religiously inspired belief in divine providence. Our faith in science is the promise of a life as it shall be, as science will make it one day. Just as men once put their faith in God's activity in the world, so we now travel to a land promised by (...)
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  40. The Philosophy of Science and Technology Studies.Steve Fuller - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    As the field of Science and Technology Studies has become more established, it has increasingly hidden its philosophical roots. While the trend is typical of disciplines striving for maturity, Steve Fuller, a leading figure in the field, argues that STS has much to lose if it abandons philosophy. In his characteristically provocative style, he offers the first sustained treatment of the philosophical foundations of STS and suggests fruitful avenues for further research. With stimulating discussions of the Science Wars, the (...)
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  41.  13
    Knowledge: The Philosophical Quest in History.Steve Fuller - 2014 - Routledge.
    The theory of knowledge, or epistemology, is often regarded as a dry topic that bears little relation to actual knowledge practices. Knowledge: The Philosophical Quest in History addresses this perception by showing the roots, developments and prospects of modern epistemology from its beginnings in the nineteenth century to the present day. Beginning with an introduction to the central questions and problems in theory of knowledge, Steve Fuller goes on to demonstrate that contemporary epistemology is enriched by its interdisciplinarity, analysing (...)
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    The Life of Bertrand Russell in Pictures and in His Own Words.Bertrand Russell, Chris Farley & D. C. Hodgson - 1972 - Nottingham,: Spokesman Books. Edited by Chris Farley & David Hodgson.
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    When conspiracy theorists win.Steve Clarke - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    ‘Generalists’ hold that conspiracy theories, as a class, have epistemic defects. Well confirmed theories that invoke conspiracies, such as the theory that the Nixon administration conspired to orchestrate the break in at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex, on 17 June 1972, – the ‘Watergate theory’ – raise a problem for generalists as it’s hard to understand how such theories can have epistemic defects. The Watergate theory is often not considered a mere conspiracy theory, because it enjoys (...)
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  44. Bertrand Russell's theory of judgment.Russell Wahl - 1986 - Synthese 68 (3):383 - 407.
  45. Composition as pattern.Steve Petersen - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (5):1119-1139.
    I argue for patternism, a new answer to the question of when some objects compose a whole. None of the standard principles of composition comfortably capture our natural judgments, such as that my cat exists and my table exists, but there is nothing wholly composed of them. Patternism holds, very roughly, that some things compose a whole whenever together they form a “real pattern”. Plausibly we are inclined to acknowledge the existence of my cat and my table but not of (...)
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  46. Conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorizing.Steve Clarke - 2002 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 32 (2):131-150.
    The dismissive attitude of intellectuals toward conspiracy theorists is considered and given some justification. It is argued that intellectuals are entitled to an attitude of prima facie skepticism toward the theories propounded by conspiracy theorists, because conspiracy theorists have an irrational tendency to continue to believe in conspiracy theories, even when these take on the appearance of forming the core of degenerating research program. It is further argued that the pervasive effect of the "fundamental attribution error" can explain the behavior (...)
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    Humanity 2.0: what it means to be human past, present and future.Steve Fuller - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Social thinkers in all fields are faced with one unavoidable question: What does it mean to be human in the 21st century? This ambitious and groundbreaking book provides the first synthesis of historical, philosophical and sociological insights needed to address this question in a thoughtful and creative manner.
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  48. Socially Responsible Investing in the United States.Steve Schueth - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (3):189 - 194.
    Socially responsible investing (SRI) has emerged in recent years as a dynamic and quickly growing segment of the U.S. financial services industry involving over $2 trillion in professionally managed assets. Its conceptual origins can be found in the early history of civilization, with it's modern roots in the 1960s. This paper provides an overview of the breadth and depth of the concept and practice of socially and environmentally responsible investing, describes the investment strategies that together define SRI as currently practiced (...)
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    Category Theory.Steve Awodey - 2006 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    A comprehensive reference to category theory for students and researchers in mathematics, computer science, logic, cognitive science, linguistics, and philosophy. Useful for self-study and as a course text, the book includes all basic definitions and theorems, as well as numerous examples and exercises.
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    "To carve nature at its joints": On the existence of discrete classes in personality.Steve Gangestad & Mark Snyder - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (3):317-349.
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