Results for 'Steven Curry'

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  1. Indigenous Rights.Steven Curry - 2003 - In Tom Campbell, Jeffrey Denys Goldsworthy & Adrienne Sarah Ackary Stone (eds.), Protecting Human Rights: Instruments and Institutions. Oxford University Press.
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    The Politics of Property, Labour, Freedom and Belonging.Steven Curry - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (1):105-108.
  3.  22
    Lukasiewicz Jan. Sur la formalisation des théories mathématiques. Les méthodes formelles en axiomatique, Paris, décembre 1950, Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique no. 36, Paris 1953, pp. 11–19.Bernays Paul, Robinson Abraham, Curry Haskell B.. Discussion. Les méthodes formelles en axiomatique, Paris, décembre 1950, Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique no. 36, Paris 1953, pp. 19–21. [REVIEW]Steven Orey - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (2):214-214.
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    Molecules and minds: essays on biology and the social order.Steven Peter Russell Rose - 1987 - Philadelphia: Open University Press.
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    Combinatory Logic.Haskell B. Curry, J. Roger Hindley & Jonathan P. Seldin - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (1):109-110.
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    Outlines of a formalist philosophy of mathematics.Haskell Brooks Curry - 1951 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
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    Transposing the Merton Thesis: Apostolic Spirituality and the Establishment of the Jesuit Scientific Tradition.Steven J. Harris - 1989 - Science in Context 3 (1):29-65.
    The ArgumentDespite more than fifty years of debate on the Merton thesis, there have been few attempts to substantiate Merton's argument through empirically based comparative studies. This study of the Jesuit scientific tradition is intended to serve as a test of some of Merton's central claims.Jesuit science is remarkable for its scope and longevity, and is distinguished by its markedly empirical and utilitarian orientation. In this paper I examine the ideological structure of the Society of Jesus and find at its (...)
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    Is there a universal need for positive self-regard?Steven J. Heine, Darrin R. Lehman, Hazel Rose Markus & Shinobu Kitayama - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (4):766-794.
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    The Eternity of the World in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas and his Contemporaries ed. by J. B. M. Wissink.Steven Baldner - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):146-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:146 BOOK REVIEWS the years passed since Father Garrigou-Lagrange last published his De Revelatione would have allowed Thomistic scholars to retrieve and de· velop Aquinas's theological insights in their fullness. The danger of apologetics is that it can lead one to develop a teaching only along the lines set by those challenging the traditional teaching of the Church. In this particular instance, the Catholic apologists of the antimodernist period (...)
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    Nietzsche, Eternal Recurrence and Education: The Role of the Great Cultivating Thought in the Art of Self‐Cultivation ( Bildung ).Steven A. Stolz - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (1):186-203.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 186-203, February 2021.
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  11. The Postmodern Turn.Steven Best & Douglas Kellner - 1999 - Science and Society 63 (4):515-518.
  12. On the Perils of Race Neutrality and Anti-Blackness: Philosophy as an Irreconcilable Obstacle to Thought.Tommy J. Curry - 2018 - American Journal of Economics and Sociology 3 (77):657-687.
  13. Code switching.Steven Gross - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 508--511.
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    The Buddha or the Bomb: Ethical Implications in Nishitani Keiji's View of Science.Steven Heine - 1991 - In Charles Wei-Hsun Fu & Sandra Ann Wawrytko (eds.), Buddhist ethics and modern society: an international symposium. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 281--295.
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  15. Thinking on the edge: Heidegger, Derrida, and the daoist gateway ( men 門).Steven Burik - 2010 - Philosophy East and West 60 (4):499-516.
    Beware of the abysses and the gorges, but also of the bridges and the barriers.It is fair to say that many philosophical interpretations of the Daoist classics have proceeded, or continue to proceed, to read into these works the quest for a transcendental, foundational principle, a permanent moment of rest beyond the turmoil of ever-changing things. According to this interpretation the Daoist sages are those who have for all time found this metaphysical ground of all things—"The Way" (dao 道)—and who (...)
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    What Counts as an Individual for Spinoza?Steven Barbone - 2002 - In Olli Koistinen & John Ivan Biro (eds.), Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes. New York: Oup Usa.
    This essay explores Spinoza’s concept of an individual. It focuses on the ontological status of the political state, and rejects Matheron’s view that political states are individuals. For Spinoza, the individual is first and foremost, and it follows that political institutions take second place in importance to the individuals who live in them. The state exists for the benefit of each individual, and it cannot be the case that an individual exists for the benefit of the state.
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  17. How Beliefs are like Colors.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    Teresa believes in God. Maggie’s wife believes that the Earth is flat, and also that Maggie should be home from work by now. Anouk—a cat—believes it is dinner time. This dissertation is about what believing is: it concerns what, exactly, ordinary people are attributing to Teresa, Maggie’s wife, and Anouk when affirming that they are believers. Part I distinguishes the attitudes of belief that people attribute to each other (and other animals) in ordinary life from the cognitive states of belief (...)
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  18. Michael Brown and the need for a genre study of Black male death and dying.Tommy J. Curry - 2014 - Theory and Event 3 (17).
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  19. Neutrality and Responsibility.Steven Wall - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy 98 (8):389-410.
  20. Outlines of a Formalist Philosophy of Mathematics.Haskell B. Curry & Abraham Robinson - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (10):197-200.
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    On the appearance of contingency: A rejoinder to Blum.Steven R. Bayne - 1989 - Philosophia 19 (4):457-460.
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  22. The Australian's Review of Books, 2001. Reprinted in.Steven Buckle - 2001 - Bioethics Outlook 12 (3).
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    The classification of small weakly minimal sets. III: Modules.Steven Buechler - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (3):975-979.
    Theorem A. Let M be a left R-module such that Th(M) is small and weakly minimal, but does not have Morley rank 1. Let $A = \mathrm{acl}(\varnothing) \cap M$ and $I = \{r \in R: rM \subset A\}$ . Notice that I is an ideal. (i) F = R/I is a finite field. (ii) Suppose that a, b 0 ,...,b n ∈ M and a b̄. Then there are s, r i ∈ R, i ≤ n, such that sa + (...)
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  24. The strange case of John shmarb: An aesthetic puzzle.Steven M. Cahn & L. Michael Griffel - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (1):21-22.
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  25. Private Prayer and Public Audiences.Steven K. Green - 2000 - Nexus 5:27.
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    Reply to LaFleur.Steven Heine - 1986 - Philosophy East and West 36 (3):287.
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    Relativism and truth: A reply to davson-Galle.Steven Rappaport - 1998 - Philosophia 26 (3-4):519-524.
    In a previous article in _Philosophia, I claim that one can be a metaphysical relativist without being a truth relativist. One premise my argument for this claim relies on is (R2) truth relativism is inconsistent with the deflationary theory of truth. Peter Davson-Galle criticizes my argument for (R2), and also argues directly for the falsity of (R2). I try to show that Davson-Galle's effort to undermine (R2) founders due to his blurring the distinction between a taxonomy or classification system on (...)
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    Trungpa's Barbarians and Merton's Titan: Resuming a Dialogue on Spiritual Egotism.Steven R. Shippee - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:109-125.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Trungpa's Barbarians and Merton's Titan:Resuming a Dialogue on Spiritual EgotismSteven R. ShippeeA Dialogue Begun: The Meeting of Chögyam Trungpa and Thomas MertonMuch of the dialogue on the spiritual life between Buddhists and Christians has centered on two locations in the United States. The first is Naropa Institute (now University) in Boulder, Colorado. This institution was founded in 1974 by Chögyam Trungpa, a Tibetan master and lineage holder of both (...)
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    7. Machiavelli and the Art of Political Founding.Steven B. Smith - 2012 - In Political philosophy. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 109-139.
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    Duties to the Deceased in Kant.Steven J. Winkelman - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 757-768.
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    Arnauld’s God.Steven Nadler - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):pp. 517-538.
    In this paper, I argue that Arnauld’s conception of God is more radical than scholars have been willing to allow. It is not the case that, for Arnauld, God acts for reasons, with His will guided by wisdom (much as the God of Malebranche and Leibniz acts), albeit by a wisdom impenetrable to us. Arnauld’s objections to Malebranche are directed not only at the claim that God’s wisdom is transparent to human reason, but at the whole distinction between will and (...)
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    Philosophy of Physics.Steven French - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (177):538-540.
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    Empirical or Imperial?: Issues in the Manipulation of Du Bois’ Intellectual Historiography in Kwame Anthony Appiah’s Lines of Descent.Tommy J. Curry - 2014 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 35 (1-2):391-419.
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    Combinatory Logic Vol. 1.Haskell Brooks Curry & Robert M. Feys - 1958 - Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland Publishing Company.
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    Tachyons without paradoxes.Steven C. Barrowes - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (7-8):617-627.
    Tachyon paradoxes, including causality paradoxes, have persisted within tachyon theories and left little hope for the existence of observable tachyons. This paper presents a way to solve the causality paradoxes, along with two other paradoxes, by the introduction of an absolute frame of reference in which a tachyon effect may never precede its cause. Relativity for ordinary matter is unaffected by this, even if the tachyons couple to ordinary particles. Violations of the principle of relativity due to the absolute frame (...)
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  36. (2 other versions)Classics of Western philosophy.Steven M. Cahn (ed.) - 1977 - Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co..
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    Questions about God: today's philosophers ponder the Divine.Steven M. Cahn & David Shatz (eds.) - 1973 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    From young children, with their guileless, searching questions, to the recently bereaved, trying to make sense of tragic loss, humans wrestle with our relationship to God--and with God's essence, motivations, and power--throughout our lives: Why does God permit catastrophe and senseless tragedy, again and again? Is God's power limited in any way? Can He change the past? Does He know the future? Why does God require prayer? Why does He not provide stronger evidence of His presence? Whom does God consign (...)
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    Partisanship and the Boundaries of the Political Liberal Project.Steven Wall - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide or Voluntary Euthanasia: A Meaningless Distinction for Practicing Physicians?H. I. Schwartz, L. Curry, K. Blank & C. Gruman - 2001 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 12 (1):51-63.
  40. Ain't Gonna Study War No More: Biblical Ambiguity and the Abolition of War.Albert Curry Winn - 1993
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    Care Theory and "caring" systems of agriculture.Janel M. Curry - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19 (2):119-131.
    Care Theory is a growing schoolof ethics that starts with the assumption ofthe relational nature of human beings. Incontrast, the dominant assumption of theautonomous view of human nature has made itdifficult to integrate ``relational'' aspects ofreality into the realm of political actionrelated to agriculture. Variables such ascommunity attachment, community vitality andrichness, and environmental ``fit'' cannot beincorporated into policy because such variablesare perceived to be tainted by ``attachment,''and compromise rational judgement. Feministagricultural theorists parallel Care Theory andhave the potential of extending Care (...)
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    Modeling in Biology: looking backward and looking forward.Steven Hecht Orzack & Brian McLoone - 2019 - Studia Metodologiczne 39.
    Understanding modeling in biology requires understanding how biology is organized as a discipline and how this organization influences the research practices of biologists. Biology includes a wide range of sub-disciplines, such as cell biology, population biology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, and systems biology among others. Biologists in sub-disciplines such as cell, molecular, and systems biology believe that the use of a few experimental models allows them to discover biological universals, whereas biologists in sub-disciplines such as ecology and evolutionary biology believe (...)
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    Pacifism and Nonviolence as Philosophical Mandate.Greg Moses - 2018 - The Acorn 18 (1):1-4.
    Long about 2014 or 2015 Andrew Fiala was negotiating the title of a handbook project. Meanwhile, in March of 2016, editors of The Acorn were deliberating a revised subtitle for the journal. Both projects landed on the same key terms: pacifism and nonviolence. A zeitgeist was afoot. In this volume, we present Fiala’s framing of philosophical pacifism. Exemplary virtues still by and large belong to the warrior (nor are we here to dismiss the warrior’s honor as such.) Yet, as (...) Steyl reports, the mid-20th Century revival of virtue ethics was accompanied by overt hostility to pacifism. If we are to take a courageous turn towards pacifism, we must learn to see how the history of nonviolence asserts compelling examples of virtue that deserve deep philosophical engagement on their own terms. On the surface, Tommy Curry’s American Book Award winning The Man-Not may appear to lie far afield from philosophical studies in pacifism and nonviolence. But closer engagement with the work teaches us things we did not know about the virtue of compassion. In Curry’s work we learn what it means to care deeply and unapologetically for the persons and livelihoods of Black men in America. (shrink)
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    Behavioral momentum: Issues of generality.Steven L. Cohen - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):95-96.
    Nevin & Grace's behavioral-momentum model accommodates a large body of data. This commentary highlights some experimental findings that the model does not always predict. The model does not consistently predict resistance to change when response-independent food is delivered simultaneously with response-contingent food, when drugs are used as response disrupters, and when responding is reinforced under single rather than multiple schedules of reinforcement.
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    No title available: Religious studies.Steven Collins - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (4):535-537.
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    Moral reasoning for journalists.Steven R. Knowlton - 2009 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger. Edited by Bill Reader.
    This volume is an introduction to the underpinnings of journalism ethics, and a guide for journalists and journalism teachers looking for ways to form consistent and informed ethical decisions.
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    Bringing ethical inquiry into international law.Steven R. Ratner - unknown
    International law and ethics share a common goal of helping us understand the norms and institutions needed to promote a just world order. Yet each of the two fields has approached this shared task with little regard for the insights of other, and interdisciplinary collaboration is now imperative. This essay shows the complementary nature of inquiries in political and moral philosophy, on the one hand, and international law, on the other, by examining the so-called New Haven School (or policy-oriented jurisprudence), (...)
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    A real defense of tolerance.Steven L. Ross - 1988 - Journal of Value Inquiry 22 (2):127-145.
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    Personal decisions and political justifications.Steven L. Ross - 1983 - Metaphilosophy 14 (1):1–11.
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    Introducing a fund for open-access fees.Steven Sloman, Albert Kim, Jean-François Bonnefon, Johan Wagemans, Michael C. Frank, Jennifer E. Arnold, Gregory Murphy, Manos Tsakiris, Jacob Feldman, Stella F. Lourenco & Karen Wynn - 2016 - Cognition 154 (C):iii-iv.
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