Results for 'Steven Ferguson'

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  1.  11
    Opportunities and challenges of the next quarter century.Steven Ferguson, George Kovats & Tom McCallie - 1996 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 13 (4):22-26.
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    A Model for the Assessment of Medical Students' Competency in Medical Ethics.Amanda Favia, Lily Frank, Nada Gligorov, Steven Birnbaum, Paul Cummins, Robert Fallar, Kyle Ferguson, Katherine Mendis, Erica Friedman & Rosamond Rhodes - 2013 - AJOB Primary Research 4 (4):68-83.
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    Maps of Utopia: H. G. Wells, Modernity, and the End of Culture by Simon J. James (review). [REVIEW]Christine Ferguson - 2013 - Utopian Studies 24 (2):355-358.
    H. G. Wells has long occupied a curious place in the literary history of the early twentieth century, positioned as an extremely popular yet myopic outsider whose seeming miscalculation of the post-1910 literary zeitgeist acted in a directly inverse relation to his uncannily accurate technological predictions of the world to come. Wells’s reputation as a literary innovator in this period sunk in opposite relation to his rising stature as a futurologist, a shift whose repercussions for the author’s legacy are, as (...)
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    John Ferguson: Callimachus. Pp. 185. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. $13.95 . - Steven F. Walker: Theocritus. Pp. 167. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. $14.95. [REVIEW]Malcolm Campbell - 1982 - The Classical Review 32 (1):94-95.
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  5. "Hinweise auf": Karl Löwith: Mein Leben in Deutschland vor und nach 1933; Adam Ferguson: Versuch über die Geschichte der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft; Hayden White: Auch Klio dichtet: die Fiktion des Faktischen; D. Davidson: Wahrheit und Interpretation Steven Lukes: Marxism and Morality; Georg Henrik von Wright: Wittgenstein; William Lyons: The Disappearance of Introspection; R. Burggraeve: Emmanuel Levinas.Bernhard Waldenfels - 1987 - Philosophische Rundschau 34:158-160.
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  6. 人骨から見た暴力と戦争: 国外での議論を中心に.Tomomi Nakagawa & Hisashi Nakao - 2017 - Journal of the Japanese Archaeological Association 44:65-77.
    Violence and warfare in prehistory have been intensely discussed in various disciplines recently. Especially, some controversies are found on whether prehistoric hunter-gatherers had been already engaged in inter-group violence and warfare. Japanese archaeology has traditionally argued that warfare has begun in the Yayoi period with an introduction of full-fledged agriculture though people in the Jomon period, when subsistence system had been mainly hunting and gathering, had not been involved in inter-group violence and warfare. However, Lawrence Keeley, Samuel Bowles, Steven (...)
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    Defending eliminative structuralism and a whole lot more.Steven French - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 74:22-29.
    Ontic structural realism argues that structure is all there is. In (French, 2014) I argued for an ‘eliminativist’ version of this view, according to which the world should be conceived, metaphysically, as structure, and objects, at both the fundamental and ‘everyday’ levels, should be eliminated. This paper is a response to a number of profound concerns that have been raised, such as how we might distinguish between the kind of structure invoked by this view and mathematical structure in general, how (...)
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    The Elm and the Expert.Steven Horst - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (183):243-246.
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  9. There’s No Time like the Present.Steven F. Savitt - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):574.
    Mark Hinchliff concludes a recent paper, "The Puzzle of Change," with a section entitled "Is the Presentist Refuted by the Special Theory of Relativity?" His answer is "no." I respond by arguing that presentists face great difficulties in merely stating their position in Minkowski spacetime. I round up some likely candidates for the job and exhibit their deficiencies.
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  10. The replacement of time.Steven F. Savitt - 1994 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (4):463 – 474.
  11.  94
    Imagination in Scientific Practice.Steven French - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (3):1-19.
    What is the role of the imagination in scientific practice? Here I focus on the nature and role of invitations to imagine in certain scientific texts as represented by the example of Einstein’s Special Relativity paper from 1905. Drawing on related discussions in aesthetics, I argue, on the one hand, that this role cannot be simply subsumed under ‘supposition’ but that, on the other, concerns about the impact of genre and symbolism can be dealt with, and hence present no obstacle (...)
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  12. Self-reference, Phenomenology, and Philosophy of Science.Steven James Bartlett - 1980 - Methodology and Science: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Empirical Study of the Foundations of Science and Their Methodology 13 (3):143-167.
    The paper begins by acknowledging that weakened systematic precision in phenomenology has made its application in philosophy of science obscure and ineffective. The defining aspirations of early transcendental phenomenology are, however, believed to be important ones. A path is therefore explored that attempts to show how certain recent developments in the logic of self-reference fulfill in a clear and more rigorous fashion in the context of philosophy of science certain of the early hopes of phenomenologists. The resulting dual approach is (...)
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  13. The Correspondence of Adam Ferguson.Adam Ferguson, Vincenzo Merolle & Kenneth Wellesley - 1995
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    Self-reference: reflections on reflexivity.Steven James Bartlett & Peter Suber (eds.) - 1987 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    From the Editor’s Introduction: -/- THE INTERNAL LIMITATIONS OF HUMAN UNDERSTANDING -/- We carry, unavoidably, the limits of our understanding with us. We are perpetually confined within the horizons of our conceptual structure. When this structure grows or expands, the breadth of our comprehensions enlarges, but we are forever barred from the wished-for glimpse beyond its boundaries, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much credence we invest in the substance of our learning and mist of speculation. -/- (...)
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  15.  48
    Cerebral processing in the minimally conscious state.Steven Laureys, Fabien Perrin & Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville - 2004 - Neurology 63 (5):916-918.
  16. Connectionism: Theorye and Practice.Steven Davis (ed.) - 1991 - Oxford University Press.
  17.  6
    What Counts as an Individual for Spinoza?Steven Barbone - 2002 - In Olli Koistinen & John Ivan Biro (eds.), Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes. New York: Oup Usa.
    This essay explores Spinoza’s concept of an individual. It focuses on the ontological status of the political state, and rejects Matheron’s view that political states are individuals. For Spinoza, the individual is first and foremost, and it follows that political institutions take second place in importance to the individuals who live in them. The state exists for the benefit of each individual, and it cannot be the case that an individual exists for the benefit of the state.
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  18. Is classical mechanics time reversal invariant?Steven F. Savitt - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (3):907-913.
  19. Queer-ing sociology, sociologizing queer theory: An introduction.Steven Seidman - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (2):166-177.
  20.  41
    William of Ockham, the Subalternate Sciences, and Aristotle's Theory of metabasis.Steven J. Livesey - 1985 - British Journal for the History of Science 18 (2):127-145.
    Historians of fourteenth-century science have long recognized the extraordinary work at both Oxford and Paris in which natural philosophy was becoming highly mathematical. The movement to subject natural philosophy to a mathematical analysis and to quantify such qualities as heat, color, and of course speed surely stands as one of the most significant aspects of late medieval science. Yet as Edith Sylla has observed, because qualities and quantities pertain to different categories in Aristotelian theory, one might expect Aristotelian theorists to (...)
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    Madness and Possession in P?li Texts.Steven Collins - 2015 - Buddhist Studies Review 31 (2):195-214.
    In the context of contemporary interest in the use of Buddhist meditation practices in modern psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, this article offers a preliminary survey of a subject hitherto almost completely unstudied: madness in Premodern P?li texts. Using story-literature as well as doctrinal and jurisprudential texts, the article aims to collect together material on three ways in which the ideas and behaviours of madness are used: the literal-pathological, in comparisons, and in the metaphorical-evaluative sense where it is alleged that everyone (...)
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    The oxford calculatores, quantification of qualities, and Aristotle's prohibition of metabasis.Steven J. Livesey - 1986 - Vivarium 24 (1):50-69.
  23. Malcolm A. Ferguson-Smith and.Marie E. Ferguson-Smith - 1989 - In Gordon Reginald Dunstan & Elliot A. Shinebourne (eds.), Doctors' decisions: ethical conflicts in medical practice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 18.
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    Knowing the natural law: from precepts and inclinations to deriving oughts.Steven J. Jensen - 2015 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    The problem -- The text -- Inclinations -- Good -- Nature -- The will -- Ought -- Obligation -- Principles -- Action.
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    Experiencing the Meaning of Exercise.Steven Edwards - 2002 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 2 (2):1-9.
    This article sets out to explore the essential meaning of the experience of exercise through obtaining descriptions of the experience of exercise in relation to various questions about the nature of this experience. The paper proceeds to discuss contemporary research related to aspects of the exercise experience and uses poetry as a vehicle to sensitize readers to the subtleties of the experiences associated with exercise. Using a qualitative methodology, forty three culturally-diverse postgraduate students were given a questionnaire that examined their (...)
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    The God/Attribute Distinction in Spinoza's Metaphysics: A Defense of Causal Objectivism.Steven Parchment - 1996 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 13 (1):55 - 72.
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    Is the Spiritual Formation Movement Dead?Steven L. Porter - 2015 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 8 (1):2-7.
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    Schlick On Aesthetics.Steven Barbone - 1997 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):105-113.
    Review of Mortiz Schlick's "Basic Problems of Aesthetics in the Light of Evolutionary Theory" and "On the Meaning of Life." From these, the paper suggests an aesthetic theory that describes art-making as play. This theory may be useful to identify artworks from non-artworks.
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    From the Second to the Third Person and Back Again.Steven Hendley - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Research 30:169-188.
    Habermas and Brandom remain divided on a key point in their theories of language concerning the priority of a participant vs. a third-person, observational perspective onto language. I examine this dispute as it has played out in a recent exchange between them, attempting to explicate and defend a qualified version of Habermas’s claim in the light of his more developed treatment of this issue elsewhere. Once the defensible content of Habermas’s claim is clarified, I argue that Habermas’s critique of Brandom (...)
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    Captivating Pictures and Liberating Language.Steven G. Affeldt - 1999 - Philosophical Topics 27 (2):255-285.
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    Benadé, Leon, From Technicians to Teachers: Ethical teaching in the context of globalized education reform.Steven Arnold - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (5):525-527.
  32. Albertus magnus and the categorization of motion.Steven Baldner - 2006 - The Thomist 70 (2):203-235.
  33. The Use of Complexity for Policy Exploration.Steven Bankes - 2011 - In Peter Allen, Steve Maguire & Bill McKelvey (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Complexity and Management. Sage Publications. pp. 570--589.
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  34. St. Bonaventure's Journey Into God.Steven Barbone - 1996 - Franciscan Studies 38 (112):57-66.
    Analysis and exegesis attempting to isolate the distinctive uses Bonaventure makes of “ad Deum,” “in Deo,” and “in Deum.” While by itself this exegesis may bear little on Bonaventurean studies, applying it to his theology, especially his Christology, may prove quite useful in understanding humanity’s relationship to Christ. Applied to philosophy, the distinction between the passage toward God and into God, since it does involve emanation and conception of the Trinity, may help shed further light, not just on St. Bonaventure’s (...)
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  35. Spinoza in Love?Steven Barbone - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy (ed.), Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 99-108.
    This short work asks how Baruch Spinoza might have valued the phenomenon of falling in love: is it a passion to be avoided or an action to seek? The question is illustrated by Somerset Maugham's On Human Bondage.
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  36. Ancients and Moderns Under the Empire of Circe: Machiavelli's The Ass, Commentary.Steven Berg - 2015 - Interpretation 41 (3):279-312.
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  37. The Monopolistic Competition Revolution in Retrospect.Steven Brakman & Ben J. Heijdra (eds.) - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    In 1977 a seminal paper was published by Avinash Dixit and Joseph Stiglitz that revolutionized the modeling of imperfectly competitive markets. It launched what might be called the second monopolistic competition revolution, which has been far more successful than the first one, initiated by Edward Chamberlin and Joan Robinson in the 1930s. In this 2003 collection of essays experts in the fields of macroeconomics, international trade theory, economic geography, and international growth theory address the question of why the second revolution (...)
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    Pali: A Grammar of the Language of the Theravada Tipitaka, with a Concordance to Pischel's Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen.Steven Collins & Thomas Oberlies - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):911.
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    Subodhālaṅkāra (Porāṅa-ṭtīkā, Abhinava-ṭtīkā)Subodhalankara.Steven Collins & Padmanabh S. Jaini - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):215.
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    The Buddhist Path to Awakening: A Study of the Bodhi-Pakkhiyā DhammāThe Buddhist Path to Awakening: A Study of the Bodhi-Pakkhiya Dhamma.Steven Collins & Rupert Gethin - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (1):157.
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    Who bullies whom online: A social network analysis of cyberbullying in a school context.Steven Eggermont, Heidi Vandebosch & Denis Wegge - 2014 - Communications 39 (4):415-433.
    Young adolescents’ online bullying behavior has raised a significant amount of academic attention. Nevertheless, little is known about the social context in which such negative actions occur. The present paper addresses this issue and examines how the patterns of traditional bullying and cyberbullying are related, and how electronic forms of bullying can be linked to the social context at school. To address these questions, social network analysis was applied to examine the networks of social interactions and bullying among an entire (...)
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    A History of Geomorphology.Steven French - 2007 - Metascience 16 (3):519-523.
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  43. Centro de Logica, Epistemologia e Historia da Ciencia e Departamento de FilosofiajUNlCAMP.Steven French - 1988 - Manuscrito 11.
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    Erratum.Steven French - 2008 - Metascience 18 (1):169-177.
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    Judges. By Serge Frolov.Steven Grosby - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (1).
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    Latent stimulus control develops in extinction after very brief feature-negative, but not feature-positive, discrimination training in the runway.Steven J. Haggbloom - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (1):74-76.
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    The Quiddity of Philosophy according to Averroes and Falaquera, a Muslim Philosopher and his Jewish Interpreter.Steven Harvey - 1998 - In Jan Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.), Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au moyen âge? What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?: Akten des X. Internationalen Kongresses für Mittelalterliche Philosophie der Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médié. Erfurt: De Gruyter. pp. 904-913.
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    Jewish Neo-Platonism.Steven T. Katz (ed.) - 1980 - New York: Beaufort Books.
  49.  20
    Reg Neg Redux: The Career of a Procedural Reform.Steven Kochevar & Peter H. Schuck - 2014 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 15 (2):417-446.
    This Article traces the trajectory of negotiated rulemaking within American administrative law. The popularity of negotiated rulemaking - among scholars, politicians, and regulators - has waxed and waned since its start in the 1980s. This Article describes and assesses these shifts, charting the birth of negotiated rulemaking, its incorporation into the APA, and its infrequent use in recent years. In mapping the rise and fall of negotiated rulemaking, we focus on two particular critiques - that it violates normative commitments to (...)
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  50. The holy one of God: the holiness of Jesus.Steven J. Lawson - 2010 - In Thabiti M. Anyabwile (ed.), Holy, holy, holy: proclaiming the perfections of God. Orlando, Fla.: Reformation Trust.
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