Results for 'Style timing'

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  1.  17
    Style and time: essays on the politics of appearance.Andrew E. Benjamin - 2006 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Offers a sustained meditation on the role of interruption in modernity. This book departs from and elaborates an important but overlooked dimension of Walter Benjamin's discourse: the question of style as it bears upon temporality and spatiality. This work suggests that the time has come to revise existing paradigms.
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    Refutation-Aware Gentzen-Style Calculi for Propositional Until-Free Linear-Time Temporal Logic.Norihiro Kamide - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (6):979-1014.
    This study introduces refutation-aware Gentzen-style sequent calculi and Kripke-style semantics for propositional until-free linear-time temporal logic. The sequent calculi and semantics are constructed on the basis of the refutation-aware setting for Nelson’s paraconsistent logic. The cut-elimination and completeness theorems for the proposed sequent calculi and semantics are proven.
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  3.  30
    Space, Time, and Philosophical Style.Berel Lang - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 2 (2):263.
    philosophers have been largely indifferent to questions about their own means of expression. It is as though they had tacitly established a distinc- tion between form and matter, and had also asserted an order of priority between them: the "matter" was what they would deal with-the form of its expression being an accidental feature of the acts of conception and communication. To be sure, there is a method, or at least a dogma, behind this inclination.
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    Stock picking, market timing and style differences between socially responsible and conventional pension funds: evidence from the United Kingdom.Luis Ferruz, Fernando Muñoz & Maria Vargas - 2010 - Business Ethics: A European Review 19 (4):408-422.
    As far as we are aware, this study presents the first comparative analysis of the stock picking and market timing abilities of managers of conventional and socially responsible (SR) pension funds, and of their use of superior information. For the United Kingdom, the results obtained show a slight stock picking ability on the part of SR pension fund managers (although it disappears if multifactorial models are considered), and a negative market timing ability on the part of both SR (...)
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  5. Time and Style, A Psycho-Linguistic Essay in Classical Literature.[author unknown] - 1968 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 30 (4):800-801.
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    Time and Style. A Psycho-Linguistic Essay in Classical Literature.Lionel Pearson, Harry Thornton & Agathe Thornton - 1964 - American Journal of Philology 85 (2):214.
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    “Mythic Space” And “Mythic Time” Perception In The Tradition of Ashik Style Poetry.KÖSE Serkan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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  8. Thought styles: critical essays on good taste.Mary Douglas - 1996 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    We know we have thoughts, but are we aware that we have styles of thought? This book, written by one of the most gifted and celebrated social thinkers of our time, is a contribution to understanding the rules of the different styles of thinking. Author Mary Douglas takes us through a range of thought styles from the vulgar to the refined. Throughout this fascinating journey, Thought Styles shows us how the different styles work and how outsiders can learn the styles (...)
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  9.  24
    The uses of style and the ‘big picture’ history of science: Chunglin Kwa: Styles of knowing: A new history of science from ancient times to the present. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011, 376pp, $27.95 PB.Victor D. Boantza - 2014 - Metascience 23 (3):625-631.
  10.  14
    Styles of Discourse.Ioannis Vandoulakis & Tatiana Denisova (eds.) - 2021 - Kraków: Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie.
    The volume starts with the paper of Lynn Maurice Ferguson Arnold, former Premier of South Australia and former Minister of Education of Australia, concerning the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (International Exposition of Art and Technology in Modern Life) that was held from 25 May to 25 November 1937 in Paris, France. The organization of the world exhibition had placed the Nazi German and the Soviet pavilions directly across from each other. Many papers are devoted (...)
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    Local Styles and Experimental LogicHistory of the American Physiological Society: The First Century, 1887 - 1987. John R. Brobeck, Orr E. Reynolds, Toby A. AppelPhysiology in the American Context, 1850 - 1940. Gerald L. GeisonWalter B. Cannon: The Life and Times of a Young Scientist. Saul Benison, A. Clifford Barger, Elin L. WolfeThe Development of American Physiology: Scientific Medicine in the Nineteenth Century. W. Bruce FyeThe Investigative Enterprise: Experimental Physiology in Nineteenth-Century Medicine. William Coleman, Frederic L. Holmes. [REVIEW]Steve Sturdy - 1989 - Isis 80 (2):289-294.
  12. On the Philosophical Styles of the Times: Some Questions Concerning the Meaning of Deconstruction.Adrian Costache - 2011 - Journal for Communication and Culture 1 (2):20-29.
    The present paper deals with the philosophical styles of the hermeneutic project and deconstruction and tries to answer the question whether there really is, as Derrida argues, a fundamental difference, even an opposition between them. In this sense, taking the questions Derrida addressed Gadamer in their famous Paris encounter in 1981 as a clue, the author retraces the fundamental articulations of deconstruction, descending from Derrida's own description of the idea to his actual deconstructive practice, and shows that the presupposition Derrida (...)
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  13.  39
    Supervisor Narcissism and Time Theft: Investigating the Mediating Roles of Emotional Exhaustion and the Moderating Roles of Attachment Style.Zhihui Ding, Wenxing Liu, Guanglei Zhang & Huaqiang Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Affective Style and Affective Disorders: Perspectives from Affective Neuroscience.Richard J. Davidson - 1998 - Cognition and Emotion 12 (3):307-330.
    Individual differences in emotional reactivity or affective style can be decomposed into more elementary constituents. Several separable of affective style are identified such as the threshold for reactivity, peak amplitude of response, the rise time to peak and the recovery time. latter two characteristics constitute components of affective chronometry The circuitry that underlies two fundamental forms of motivation and and withdrawal-related processes-is described. Data on differences in functional activity in certain components of these are next reviewed, with an (...)
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  15.  56
    Kripke-Style Models for Logics of Evidence and Truth.Henrique Antunes, Walter Carnielli, Andreas Kapsner & Abilio Rodrigues - 2020 - Axioms 9 (3).
    In this paper, we propose Kripke-style models for the logics of evidence and truth LETJ and LETF. These logics extend, respectively, Nelson’s logic N4 and the logic of first-degree entailment with a classicality operator ∘ that recovers classical logic for formulas in its scope. According to the intended interpretation here proposed, these models represent a database that receives information as time passes, and such information can be positive, negative, non-reliable, or reliable, while a formula ∘A means that the information (...)
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  16.  29
    Decision-Making Competence, Social Orientation, Time Style, and Perceived Stress.Martin Geisler & Carl Martin Allwood - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  17. Style esthdtique et lieu theologique.R. Court - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (4):537-556.
    Quel lien y a-t-il entre le style, qui exprime un rapport au monde, et la théologie qui engage un rapport à Dieu ? Ce lien a été très fort dans le passé. À travers Augustin et le Pseudo-Denys, la pensée néoplatonicienne transmet au Moyen Âge le thème de la lumière intelligible. L’univers médiéval s’appréhende comme un cosmos transfiguré par la lumière de Dieu qui s’irradie sur toutes choses. Les Sommes théologiques baignent dans ce même symbolisme lumineux. Cependant, la pensée (...)
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  18.  45
    Style, Function, and Cultural Evolutionary Processes.Robert Boyd & Peter Richerson - unknown
    Version 4.4 October, 1994 Introduction When explaining human behavior, anthropologists frequently distinguish the things that people do of their own free will from the things they do because they have to. In much of anthropology, and most American archaeology, this is the difference between style and function. Functional behaviors are the things people are constrained to do; stylistic behaviors are the things people do when unconstrained. Where necessity stops and free choice begins is, of course, a classic problem of (...)
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  19.  8
    Novel Style: Ethics and Excess in English Fiction Since the 1960s.Ben Masters - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    Marrying lyrical close reading with critical awareness, Novel Style argues for the ethical value of elaborate styles of writing and demonstrates that artistic excessiveness can provide dynamic responses to the moral complexities of our times.
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    A Note Concerning Irving H. Anellis "Distortions and Discontinuities of Mathematical Progress: A Matter if Style, A Matter of Luck, A Matter of Time, A Matter of Fact".Paul Ernest - 1992 - Philosophica 50 (2):123-125.
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  21.  10
    Time tells.Masha Tupitsyn - 2023 - New York City: Hard Wait Press. Edited by Felix Bernstein.
    Time Tells is a grand study of time, technology, performance, the attention economy, and comedy. Using the cinematic time-jump, "a numerical shorthand for a fated intermission," to weave a narrative of chronopolitics, memoir, and cultural study, Masha Tupitsyn constructs a unique literary and visual phenomenology on the loss of time, presence, and attention in the digital age. Structured into two interlocked inquiries--Time and Acting--Time Tells focuses on the internet to talk about the ethics of presence and attention, comedy to talk (...)
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  22. The Style and Content of Science.Boris G. Kuznetsov - 1975 - Diogenes 23 (89):44-65.
    Born and Pauli, in talking of the style of science, meant its relatively stable features, which characterized a long period of scientific progress. “I do not mean,” wrote Born in 1953, “that there exist (outside mathematics) any unchanging principles, a priori principles in the strict sense of the term. But I think that certain general tendencies of thought exist, which change very slowly and which form definite philosophical periods with their own characteristic ideas in all fields of human activity, (...)
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  23.  21
    Styles of Science and Engineering: The Case of Early Long-Distance Telephony.Helge Kragh - 2009 - Centaurus 51 (3):175-188.
    In the historiography of the relationship between technology and theoretical science, electrical communication plays an important role. It was by means of mathematical reasoning based on the new theory of electromagnetism that it was first understood how to extend the range of telephony by inserting self-inductance in the line. This paper surveys developments from around 1880 to 1910, at a time when ‘pupinization’ had become a reality and mathematical physics an accepted part of the research strategy of a few advanced (...)
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  24.  29
    Facing danger: how do people behave in times of need? The case of adult attachment styles.Tsachi Ein-Dor - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Should Chinese Intellectuals Abandon the Style of Medieval Times?Wang Xiaobo - 1997 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 29 (2):63-71.
    To this day I still do not know exactly what sort of people are to be regarded as intellectuals, and what sort of people are not. When I was being re-educated in the countryside during the Cultural Revolution, a military representative once told me that I was a "petty bourgeois intellectual." I was only seventeen at the time, had received six years of primary school education, and was barely literate, so I felt I did not deserve to be called an (...)
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  26.  34
    Aesthetic Style: How Material Objects Structure an Institutional Field.Gary J. Adler, Daniel DellaPosta & Jane Lankes - 2022 - Sociological Theory 40 (1):51-81.
    How does material culture matter for institutions? Material objects are increasingly prominent in sociological research, but current studies offer limited insight for how material objects matter to institutional processes. We build on sociological insights to theorize aesthetic style, a shared pattern of material object presence and usage among a cluster of organizations in an institutional field. We use formal relational methods and a survey of material objects from religious congregations to uncover the aesthetic styles that are part of the (...)
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  27. Should Chinese intellectuals abandon the style of medieval times?X. B. Wang - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 29 (2):63-71.
  28. Chunglin Kwa, Styles of Knowing: A New History of Science from Ancient Times to the Present. [REVIEW]Sean F. Johnston - 2012 - Ambix 59:294-295.
  29.  11
    The essentials of style: a handbook for seeing and being seen.Benjamin Sells - 2022 - Thompson, Conn.: Spring Publications.
    Sells encourages a radical departure from the usual introspection and self-centeredness of psychology in our time. By placing style first, Sells argues that we must turn our eyes and minds outward to the greater world. Emphasizing beauty over emotion and appreciation over feeling, he attempts to break the stranglehold of the self so as to reconstitute our proper place among the many things of the world.
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    Reading style in Dickens.Robert Alter - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):130-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reading Style In DickensRobert AlterIt is a sad symptom of the devolution of literary studies and of our culture’s relation to language that it should at all be necessary to explain that style is crucial to the experience of reading. As the language of literature has been variously designated a mask for ideology, an expression of the “poetics of culture,” or a medium of communication not different (...)
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  31.  44
    Types, Styles, and Spaces of Possibility : Phenomenology and Musical Improvisation.Mitchell Atkinson - 2020 - Gestalt Theory 42 (3):253-270.
    Summary I outline an approach to the phenomenology of improvised music which takes typification and the development of multi‐ordered phenomenological structures as central. My approach here is firmly in line with classical Husserlian phenomenology, taking the discussion of types in Experience and Judgment (Husserl, 1973) and Brudzińska (2015) as guide. I provide a phenomenological analysis of musical types as they are found in improvisational contexts, focusing on jazz in the 20th century. Styles are higher‐order musical types. Musical types are structures (...)
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  32.  85
    Two Styles of Reasoning in Scientific Practices: Experimental and Mathematical Traditions.Mieke Boon - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (3):255 - 278.
    This article outlines a philosophy of science in practice that focuses on the engineering sciences. A methodological issue is that these practices seem to be divided by two different styles of scientific reasoning, namely, causal-mechanistic and mathematical reasoning. These styles are philosophically characterized by what Kuhn called ?disciplinary matrices?. Due to distinct metaphysical background pictures and/or distinct ideas of what counts as intelligible, they entail distinct ideas of the character of phenomena and what counts as a scientific explanation. It is (...)
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  33.  54
    Style as Instrument, Style as Person.Berel Lang - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 4 (4):715-739.
    The question, How is style possible? assumes the existence of style and sufficient evidence for this assertion, as well as for determining what it means, appears in the talk about style, in the deployment of stylistic categories. That talk extends in common usage to such attenuated references as styles in dress, styles of social exchange, life-styles. To limit the discussion, I speak here primarily of artistic style, but it will be clear that the ramifications of the (...)
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  34. Time and Chance.David Z. Albert - 2000 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    This book is an attempt to get to the bottom of an acute and perennial tension between our best scientific pictures of the fundamental physical structure of the world and our everyday empirical experience of it. The trouble is about the direction of time. The situation (very briefly) is that it is a consequence of almost every one of those fundamental scientific pictures--and that it is at the same time radically at odds with our common sense--that whatever can happen can (...)
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  35.  51
    Style and the Mole: Domestic aesthetics in the wind in the willows.Seth Lerer - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (2):pp. 51-63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Style and the Mole: Domestic Aesthetics in The Wind in the WillowsSeth Lerer (bio)Writing to her husband’s first illustrator, Graham Robertson, in 1931, Elspeth Grahame thanked him for the gift of his recently published memoirs. She called them “entrancing” and goes on to note: “The touch is so light yet so sure that whatever the subject the reading of it would be full of pleasure to any lover (...)
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  36.  13
    Context Matters: Teaching Styles and Basic Psychological Needs Predicting Flourishing and Perfectionism in University Music Students.Dora Herrera, Lennia Matos, Rafael Gargurevich, Benjamín Lira & Rafael Valenzuela - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Professional musicians are expected to perform at a very high level of proficiency. Many times, this high standard is associated with perfectionism, which has been shown to prompt both adaptive and maladaptive motivational dynamics and outcomes among music students. The question about how perfectionism interplays with motivational dynamics in music students is still unanswered and research within this line is scarce, especially in Latin America. In the light of Self-Determination Theory, this cross-sectional study investigated the relationship between the perceptions of (...)
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  37.  52
    The Style of Linguistics: Aby Warburg, Karl Vossler, and Hermann Osthoff.Anna Guillemin - 2008 - Journal of the History of Ideas 69 (4):605-626.
    The art historian Aby Warburg articulated his theory of emotive formulas around 1905, at the same time that the Romanist Karl Vossler developed his Neo-Idealist philology. Working independently, each used the linguist Herman Osthoff's theory of suppletion to conceptualize style. Each saw in suppletion a means of describing style formation as a radical break with convention. With linguistics as a model, each found stylistics to entail complexities that earlier theories had elided. Although linguistics did not prove an ideal (...)
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  38.  16
    The Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions in Corporate Sector.Ammad Zafar - 2023 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 62 (1):43-62.
    _This study investigates the relationship between employee job satisfaction, work environment, and intention to leave a company. It delves into the impact of two leadership styles, transformational and participative, aiming to address employee satisfaction and retention issues. Data was collected from 300 individuals using a quantitative research approach. The findings of the study reveal a strong connection between transformational and participative leadership styles, job satisfaction, and the inclination to leave one's current job. Statistical analysis, specifically chi-square tests, demonstrates significant associations (...)
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  39.  24
    Economic and Social History of Germany. Economic Styles and Ways of Life from Pre-Historic Times up to the Present.Ernst Klein - 1969 - Philosophy and History 2 (1):68-70.
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    Teachers’ Interpersonal Style in Physical Education: Exploring Patterns of Students’ Self-Determined Motivation and Enjoyment of Physical Activity in a Longitudinal Study.Gracielle Fin, Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia, Jaime León, Elisabeth Baretta & Rudy José Nodari Júnior - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    This longitudinal study explored patterns of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation, as well as its association with the teaching style and the physical activity enjoyment in a group of students. The sample consisted of 200 secondary education students (105 girls and 95 boys) aged 11 to 13 years (M= 12.65,SD= 0.79) at the start of the study. Students were assessed twice in a 22 month-period. Descriptive analyses were conducted between major variables at both time points, and to explore (...)
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  41.  29
    Gender, Management Styles, and Forms of Capital.Salvador Carmona, Mahmoud Ezzamel & Claudia Mogotocoro - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):357-373.
    Extant research notes a tendency to propound the idea that female managers are secondary to men. Gender differences constitute an ethical issue and the discursive constructions of gender management are central to research in business ethics. Drawing on evidence gathered from a time–space intersection that has been widely neglected by research in this area, we address whether female business leaders develop gender-stereotypic management styles as well as their propensity to adopt masculine management patterns such as making risky decisions and implementing (...)
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  42.  47
    The Style Of Materialist Skepticism: Diderot's Jacques le Fataliste.Whitney Mannies - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (1A):32-48.
    Jacques le fataliste et son maître,1 Diderot’s “novel that is not a novel,” has no beginning and multiple endings. The narrator lacks credibility, is dismissive or even rude to the reader, and actually strives to be boring. The flow of narration is interrupted no less than fifty-one times, often just so the narrator can relish his power to direct the story. The fictional reader, a character embedded in the narrative, asks no fewer than forty-seven questions, usually requesting clarification, sometimes registering (...)
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  43. part 1. Sonic nuptials : sounds and gestures of time. Deleuze's syntheses of time and their aesthetical prolongations : form, style, and achievement.Jean-Marc Chouvel - 2019 - In Paulo de Assis & Paolo Giudici (eds.), Aberrant nuptials: Deleuze and artistic research 2. Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press.
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    Chunglin Kwa. Styles of Knowing: A New History of Science from Ancient Times to the Present. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011. Pp. viii+366. $27.95. [REVIEW]Elay Schech - 2014 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 4 (1):161-165.
  45.  63
    Aesthetic Style as a Postructural Business Ethic.John Dobson - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (3):393-400.
    The article begins with a brief history of aesthetic theory. Particular attention is given to the postructuralist ‘aesthetic return’: the resurgence of interest in aesthetics as an ontological foundation for human being-in-the-world. The disordered individual-as-emergent-artist-and-artifact, who is at the centre of this ‘aesthetic return’, is then translated into the ‘dis’-organization that is the firm. The firm is thus defined in terms of its primal sensory impact on the world. It invokes a myriad of aesthetic relations between its disorganized self and (...)
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  46.  33
    Linear time in hypersequent framework.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2016 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 22 (1):121-144.
    Hypersequent calculus, developed by A. Avron, is one of the most interesting proof systems suitable for nonclassical logics. Although HC has rather simple form, it increases significantly the expressive power of standard sequent calculi. In particular, HC proved to be very useful in the field of proof theory of various nonclassical logics. It may seem surprising that it was not applied to temporal logics so far. In what follows, we discuss different approaches to formalization of logics of linear frames and (...)
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    Work style and network management: Gendered patterns and economic consequences in martinique.Katherine E. Browne - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (3):435-456.
    Working women in the Caribbean and Latin America are more active in the labor market than their counterparts in most other regions of the world. Yet, they remain much less economically mobile than working men. Using research from a long-term study in Martinique, this article offers a new view of the cross-class construction of women's economic immobility. Research results suggest that irrespective of a woman's socioeconomic status, household structure, education, skills, or freedom from domestic chores, the organization of her work (...)
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  48. Le christianisme comme style: Relecture du thème Esthétique et théologie.Christoph Theobald - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (4):505-600.
    L'esthétique moderne, tout éloignée qu'elle est de la conception religieuse de l’œuvre d'art dominante jusqu'à la Renaissance, reste traversée par une sourde inquiétude au sujet du sacré, qu'on est autorisé à interpréter comme une quête spirituelle, comme une ouverture vers une altérité innommée. Quelques théologiens contemporains, de leur côté, souvent influencés par la fréquentation des beaux-arts, tendent à substituer aux stratégies apologétiques ou dogmatiques du passé une approche esthétique du mystère du monde, de l'homme et de la révélation. La notion (...)
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    Europe: Space, Spirit, Style.Thorsten Botz-Bornstein - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (2):179-187.
    Firstly, politicians tend to define Europe in terms of space. Scientific connotations of space, however, make such procedures less suitable for cultural expression. Since Europe is obviously constituted also by various concrete elements, it cannot be located in a purely abstract sphere. Secondly, Heidegger argues that mortals should first have to "put up" with the space they are living in before developing a "technological" relationship with this space. What is lacking in Heidegger's place is the--typically European--element of multiculture. Thirdly, Nietzsche (...)
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  50.  18
    Does Group Contact Shape Styles of Pictorial Representation? A Case Study of Australian Rock Art.C. Granito, J. J. Tehrani, J. R. Kendal & T. C. Scott-Phillips - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (3):237-260.
    Image-making is a nearly universal human behavior, yet the visual strategies and conventions to represent things in pictures vary greatly over time and space. In particular, pictorial styles can differ in their degree of figurativeness, varying from intersubjectively recognizable representations of things to very stylized and abstract forms. Are there any patterns to this variability, and what might its ecological causes be? Experimental studies have shown that demography and the structure of interaction of cultural groups can play a key role: (...)
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