Results for 'Sumana Ghosh'

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  1.  48
    Hypothesis-driven science in large-scale studies: the case of GWAS.Sumana Sharma & James Read - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (5):1-21.
    It is now well-appreciated by philosophers that contemporary large-scale ‘-omics’ studies in biology stand in non-trivial relationships to more orthodox hypothesis-driven approaches. These relationships have been clarified by Ratti (2015); however, there remains much more to be said regarding how an important field of genomics cited in that work—‘genome-wide association studies’ (GWAS)—fits into this framework. In the present article, we propose a revision to Ratti’s framework more suited to studies such as GWAS. In the process of doing so, we introduce (...)
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    R̥gveda meṃ dārśnika tattva, eka vaijñānika adhyayana.Sumana Miśrā - 1994 - Kānapura: Abhisheka Prakāśana.
    Study of the philosophical aspect of the R̥gveda.
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  3. Papiya Ghosh.Tuktuk Ghosh - 2011 - Diogenes 58 (4):19-20.
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    Papiya Ghosh.Tuktuk Kumar Ghosh - 2010 - Diogène 232 (4):26.
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    Humanity over and above divinity: a contemporary Indian approach: (essays in honour of Professor Raghunath Ghosh).Raghunath Ghosh & Ranjit Kumar Barman (eds.) - 2017 - New Delhi: Abhijeet Publications.
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    Threats from the Western Biomedical Paradigm: Implications for Chinese Herbology and Traditional Thai Medicine.Edwin Hui, Sumana Tangkanasingh & Harold Coward - 2006 - In Joan Anderson, Arthur Blue, Michael Burgess, Harold Coward, Robert Florida, Barry Glickman, Barry Hoffmaster, Edwin Hui, Edward Keyserlingk, Michael McDonald, Pinit Ratanakul, Sheryl Reimer Kirkham, Patricia Rodney, Rosalie Starzomski, Peter Stephenson, Khannika Suwonnakote & Sumana Tangkanasingh, A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics. Wilfrid Laurier Press. pp. 226-235.
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  7. Śrīmadbhāgavata Mahāpurāṇa meṃ Vishṇu kā svarūpa evaṃ Vaishṇava siddhānta.Sumana Śarmā - 2016 - Dillī: Nirmala Pablikeśansa. Edited by Omaprakāśa Śāstrī.
    On Vishnu, Hindu deity as portrayed in Bhāgavatapurāna, Hindu mythological text and Vaiṣṇava philosophy.
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  8. Strategic Reasoning: Building Cognitive Models from Logical Formulas.Sujata Ghosh, Ben Meijering & Rineke Verbrugge - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (1):1-29.
    This paper presents an attempt to bridge the gap between logical and cognitive treatments of strategic reasoning in games. There have been extensive formal debates about the merits of the principle of backward induction among game theorists and logicians. Experimental economists and psychologists have shown that human subjects, perhaps due to their bounded resources, do not always follow the backward induction strategy, leading to unexpected outcomes. Recently, based on an eye-tracking study, it has turned out that even human subjects who (...)
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    From republican to liberal liberty.Eric Ghosh - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (1):132-167.
    Philip Pettit's narrative of the eclipse of republican by liberal liberty in late eighteenth-century Britain adds colour and plausibility to his analytical contrast between republican and liberal liberty. The narrative supports his argument that republicanism and liberalism can be helpfully contrasted in terms of non-domination and non- interference conceptions of liberty. While the narrative has not been scrutinized in the literature, it is in fact flawed. The flaws raise new questions about how stringent a value liberty as non-domination is and (...)
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  10.  25
    Max Weber and 'the Protestant Ethic': Twin Histories.Peter Ghosh - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    An intellectual biography of Max Weber which uses his most famous work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism as its starting point, with wider reference to the social, political, and religious thought of the time.
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    The plastic turn.Ranjan Ghosh - 2022 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Ghosh introduces the term 'plastic turn' and gives a new direction for how we can interpret and experience the turn today. By what he calls the material-aesthetic, he opens up a fresh direction in our experience and understanding of plastic through the correspondence that plastic as a material brings with the aesthetic that it inspires and figures"-.
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  12.  30
    Comparing strengths of beliefs explicitly.S. Ghosh & D. de Jongh - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (3):488-514.
  13. Studying strategies and types of players: experiments, logics and cognitive models.Sujata Ghosh & Rineke Verbrugge - 2018 - Synthese 195 (10):4265-4307.
    How do people reason about their opponent in turn-taking games? Often, people do not make the decisions that game theory would prescribe. We present a logic that can play a key role in understanding how people make their decisions, by delineating all plausible reasoning strategies in a systematic manner. This in turn makes it possible to construct a corresponding set of computational models in a cognitive architecture. These models can be run and fitted to the participants’ data in terms of (...)
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  14.  68
    Deliberative Democracy and the Countermajoritarian Difficulty: Considering Constitutional Juries.Eric Ghosh - 2010 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 30 (2):327-359.
    The literature on the democratic legitimacy of judicial review and also on institutionalizing deliberative democracy neglects the possibility of employing juries rather than judges to determine bill-of-rights matters. This neglect is unfortunate, for there are findings emerging especially from deliberative polling that support the feasibility of such juries. Such feasibility would raise a new countermajoritarian concern with judicial review. The argument supporting this new concern also casts fresh light on the traditional countermajoritarian concern.
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  15.  47
    The Relevance of Spirituality and Corporate Social Responsibility in Management Education: Insights from Classical Indian Wisdom.Sumona Ghosh & Sanjoy Mukherjee - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 19 (4):469-497.
    In this technology-driven Digital Age, Management Education is primarily engaged in development of skills and techno-economic competence of students with dominant thrust on sharpening their rational faculties and quantitative ability. Deeper questions and nobler qualittative issues like Spirituality, Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics are naturally assigned low priority in the rush for money, career, fame, power and position both at the individual and organizational levels. The present paper engages in a Qualitative Research by conducting Focus group Interviews among Participants at (...)
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  16. Strategies made explicit in dynamic game logic.Sujata Ghosh - 2008 - In Giacomo Bonanno, Wiebe van der Hoek & Michael Wooldridge, Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory. Amsterdam University Press.
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    Why I Am NOT a Theist.Prabir Ghosh - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 263–269.
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    Aesthetics, politics, pedagogy and Tagore: a transcultural philosophy of education.Ranjan Ghosh - 2017 - London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book provides a radical rethinking of the prominent Indian thinker Rabindranath Tagore, exploring how his philosophy of education relates to the ideas of Western theorists such as Kant, Plato and Aristotle. Tagore's thoughts on pedagogy, university and formal education are subjected to a fascinating critique within Ghosh's transcultural framework, referencing a wide range of thinkers across varying time periods, places, and cultures, and developing a greater sensitivity to other traditions, languages, and forms of thinking and writing. The book (...)
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  19.  8
    Presence: philosophy, history and cultural theory for the twenty-first century.Ranjan Ghosh & Ethan Kleinberg (eds.) - 2013 - Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    The philosophy of “presence” seeks to challenge current understandings of meaning and understanding. One can trace its origins back to Vico, Dilthey, and Heidegger, though its more immediate exponents include Jean-Luc Nancy, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, and such contemporary philosophers of history as Frank Ankersmit and Eelco Runia. The theoretical paradigm of presence conveys how the past is literally with us in the present in significant and material ways: Things we cannot touch nonetheless touch us. This makes presence a post-linguistic or (...)
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  20.  55
    Velocity-dependent inertial induction: a possible tired-light mechanism.Amitabha Ghosh - 1991 - Apeiron 9:10-35.
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    Gramscian hegemony: an absolutely historicist approach.Peter Ghosh - 2001 - History of European Ideas 27 (1):1-43.
  22.  46
    Mill before Liberalism (parts I and II).Peter Ghosh - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (5):785-836.
    Current understanding of Mill as a founding father of liberalism is a Cold War creation. Discarding this conception opens the way to a general reassessment of his thought: who was the historical Mill? He did not define himself as liberal and there is no simple template. Most obviously he is a pluralist, defined by a plural heritage received through his father. This framework permitted great creativity in political and social theory, but it was diffuse. The one clear unifying theme is (...)
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  23.  9
    Nature of Vedic Ethics and its Critique as Soteriology.Swagata Ghosh - 2024 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):135-148.
    The present paper deals with the idea of understanding Vedic ethics as a code of righteous living, in the light of Mīmāṁsā philosophy. The paper also intends to reflect upon the possibility of such methods as a means of attaining liberation. In other words, the Vedas provide us with prescriptive codes of right and wrong actions. It commands us about duties and non-duties, through the performance of rituals, in order to lead a good life. We know that human endeavours are (...)
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  24.  22
    Virtue in School Leadership: Conceptualization and Scale Development Grounded in Aristotelian and Confucian Typology.Koustab Ghosh - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (3):243-261.
    Six cardinal leadership virtues based on Aristotelian and Confucian typology were advanced through this study by developing a measurement instrument and examining its predictive validity by studying the causal association with perceived leader happiness. Based on a sample of 183 school principals engaged in various types of schools, the results of both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses generated satisfactory empirical outcomes by finding adequate support for the overall leadership virtue scale and the constituent subscale elements. The paper concluded with the (...)
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    De-Moralizing Gay Rights– an overview.Cyril Ghosh - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (7):1056-1060.
    In this overview, I begin by situating De-Moralizing Gay Rights within the field of queer studies/queer theory. I then delineate the book’s principal arguments. The book critically interrogates three sets of distortions in 21st century public discourse on LGBT+ rights in the United States. The first relates to the critique of pinkwashing, often advanced by scholars who claim to be proponents of a radical politics. I suggest that this critique sometimes suffers from analytical overreach. The second concerns a recent US (...)
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  26.  4
    The Concept of Freedom in Indian Philosophy.Raghunath Ghosh - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (3):37-44.
    The paper deals with the concepts of determinism and freedom as found in the philosophy of the Indian origin. Actually, there is a long controversy regarding these concepts among different schools of philosophy. The problem has been dealt with and solved by Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. My effort is to justify Radhakrishnan’s position with some favourable arguments from the Indian standpoint. As per an observation of Radhakrishnan it is concluded that both the divine power and human effort are essential for any (...)
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  27.  37
    The Concept of Anumāna in Navya-nyāya.Raghunath Ghosh - 2023 - Studia Humana 12 (1-2):4-11.
    According to the Navya Naiyāyikas, inference is the knowledge, which is produced out of consideration. But what is to be understood by the term ‘consideration’ or ‘parāmarśa’? According to them, parāmarśa or consideration is the factor through the operation of which the inferential conclusion can be attained. Parāmarśa has been defined as the knowledge of the existence of the hetu or reason in the pakṣa or subject, which reason is characterized by its being concomitant with the sādhya, the knowledge in (...)
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  28.  92
    Discussion.Ranjan K. Ghosh & Richard Shusterman - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (3):293–298.
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  29.  47
    Max Weber's idea of ‘Puritanism’: a case study in the empirical construction of the Protestant ethic.P. Ghosh - 2003 - History of European Ideas 29 (2):183-221.
    The article examines the construction of ‘Puritanism’ in Max Weber's famous essays on the Protestant Ethic, and finds that the principal, empirical source for this lies in a set of neglected writings deriving from the religious margins of Britain: Scotland, Ireland and English Unitarianism. However, the impulse to construct “Puritanism” was not simply empirical, but conceptual. Historical ‘Puritanism’ would never have aroused so much of Weber's attention except as a close approximation to ‘ascetic Protestantism’—the avowed subject of the Protestant Ethic (...)
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  30.  5
    CargO-S: A pattern-based well-founded legal domain ontology for the traceability of goods in logistic sea corridors.Mirna El Ghosh & Habib Abdulrab - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (3):339-378.
    Building legal domain ontologies is a prominent challenge in the ontology engineering community. The ontology builders confront issues such as the complexity of the legal domain, the difficulty of applying existing ontology engineering approaches, and the intention of developing legal models faithful to realities. In this paper, we discuss constructing a well-founded legal domain ontology, named CargO-S, for the traceability of goods in logistic sea corridors. For building CargO-S, a pattern-oriented approach is applied, supported by ontology-driven conceptual modeling, ontology layering, (...)
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    Work Points in the People’s Republic of China, 1950s to the 1980s.Arunabh Ghosh - 2025 - Isis 116 (1):146-157.
    Even though agriculture was not the central thrust of planning in Mao-era China (1949–1976), starting in the 1950s, the party-state progressively nationalized land, reorganized social relations in the countryside, and instituted a universal system of wages that fundamentally reshaped rural China. Quantifying and measuring agricultural labor, in particular, developed into an increasingly important task as the state became not just the sole purveyor but also the sole provider of people’s incomes. At the heart of this measurement was the system of (...)
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  32.  33
    Continuity postulates and solvability axioms in economic theory and in mathematical psychology: a consolidation of the theory of individual choice.Aniruddha Ghosh, M. Ali Khan & Metin Uyanık - 2022 - Theory and Decision 94 (2):189-210.
    This paper presents four theorems that connect continuity postulates in mathematical economics to solvability axioms in mathematical psychology, and ranks them under alternative supplementary assumptions. Theorem 1 connects notions of continuity (full, separate, Wold, weak Wold, Archimedean, mixture) with those of solvability (restricted, unrestricted) under the completeness and transitivity of a binary relation. Theorem 2 uses the primitive notion of a separately continuous function to answer the question when an analogous property on a relation is fully continuous. Theorem 3 provides (...)
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  33.  27
    Preface.Sujata Ghosh & R. Ramanujam - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (1):1-2.
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    A Theory of "Fuzzy" Edge Detection in the Light of Human Visual System.K. Ghosh, S. Sarkar & K. Bhaumik - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (1-3):229-246.
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    Ahiṁsā, Buddhist and Gandhian.Indu Mala Ghosh - 1988 - Delhi, India: Balaji Enterprises.
  36. Artistic communication and symbol: Some philosophical reflections.Ranjan K. Ghosh - 1987 - British Journal of Aesthetics 27 (4):319-325.
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    Śabdapramāṇa in Indian philosophy.Manjulika Ghosh & Bhaswati Bhattacharya (eds.) - 2006 - New Delhi: Northern Book Centre.
    Contributed research papers; published under the auspices of the Special Assistance Programme in Philosophy (UGC), Dept. of Philosophy, University of North Bengal.
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  38.  40
    Ab initiostudy on the formation of chemically ordered Zr2Al phase by coupled replacive–displacive transformation.P. S. Ghosh, A. Arya, R. Tewari, U. D. Kulkarni & G. K. Dey - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (33):4040-4055.
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  39. A Logical Illumination of Syadvada.R. Ghosh - 2003 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 30 (1):119-126.
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    Aesthetics of Hunger:(In) fusion Approach, Literature, and the Other.Ranjan Ghosh - 2011 - Symploke 19 (1-2):143-157.
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    Ab-initiostudy of long-period superstructures and anti-phase boundaries in Al-richγ-TiAl -based alloys.P. S. Ghosh, A. Arya, U. D. Kulkarni, G. K. Dey, S. Hata, T. Nakano, K. Hagihara & H. Nakashima - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (11):1202-1218.
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  42.  28
    A Portrait of Friendship.Manjulika Ghosh - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (2):81-97.
    This paper on friendship starts with noticing the cultural specificities of the words, “friend” and “friendship”: how they possess rich nuances and meanings in some cultures not available in others. It has then delved into Aristotle’s treatment of friendship in his three ethical treatises with special reference to the relationship between friendship and morality and that between friendship and self-knowledge. Some comments are made on whether friendship is possible between persons of unequal virtues and whether they are capable of attaining (...)
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  43.  5
    A scientific approach to our educational cultural problems.Shibdas Ghosh - 1974 - [Calcutta: P. Ghosh.
  44.  19
    A study of yoga.Jajneswar Ghosh - 1977 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
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    Aesthetic theory and art: a study in Susanne K. Langer.Ranjan K. Ghosh - 1979 - Delhi: Ajanta Publications : distributors, Ajanta Books International.
  46.  35
    Berkeley's Idealism-Internal Realism and Incommensurability-Thesis.Taritmoy Ghosh - 1998 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 25 (2):241-252.
  47. Bijñānabāda.Batakrishna Ghosh - 1988 - Kalikātā: Saṃskr̥ta Pustaka Bhāṇḍāra. Edited by Sunil Bandyopadhyay.
    On Indic philosophy in the light of Buddhism; transcript of author's lectures; includes bibliography of the author.
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  48.  13
    Condwiramurs.Shami Ghosh - 2008 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 82 (1):3-25.
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  49. Communication as Inessential to Art.Ranjan Ghosh - 1978 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 6 (1):13-20.
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  50.  10
    Conceptual Evolution of Newtonian and Relativistic Mechanics.Amitabha Ghosh - 2018 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    This book provides an introduction to Newtonian and relativistic mechanics. Unlike other books on the topic, which generally take a 'top-down' approach, it follows a novel system to show how the concepts of the 'science of motion' evolved through a veritable jungle of intermediate ideas and concepts. Starting with Aristotelian philosophy, the text gradually unravels how the human mind slowly progressed towards the fundamental ideas of inertia physics. The concepts that now appear so obvious to even a high school student (...)
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