Results for 'Surgery, Plastic Law and legislation'

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  1. al-Jawānib al-qānūnīyah wa-al-sharʻīyah li-jirāḥat al-tajmīl: dirāsah muqāranah.Muḥammad al-Saʻīd Rushdī - 1987 - [Cairo: [S.N.].
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    Confounding Extremities: Surgery at the Medico-Ethical Limits of Self-Modification.Annemarie Bridy - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (1):148-158.
    Controversy swept the U.K. in January of 2000 over public disclosure of the fact that a Scottish surgeon named Robert Smith had amputated the limbs of two able-bodied individuals who reportedly suffered from a condition known as apotemnophilia. The patients, both of whom had sought and consented to the surgery, claimed they had desperately desired for years to live as amputees and had been unable, despite considerable efforts, to reconcile themselves psychologically to living with the bodies with which they were (...)
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    Why UK doctors should be troubled by female genital mutilation legislation.Arianne Shahvisi - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 12 (2):102-108.
    A UK doctor was recently acquitted of charges of reinstating a variety of female genital mutilation after delivering a child. In this paper, I contend that this incident reflects a broader confusion concerning the ethico-legal status of non-therapeutic genital surgeries for children and adults, which are not derivable from tenets of medical ethics, but rather violate them. I argue that medical professionals have an obligation to announce and address this confusion in order to motivate legislative reform, since the inconsistency of (...)
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    Making Sense of Interlinkages in EU Marine Environment Legislation: Unearthing Effectiveness.Thomas Appleby, Juliette Scott, Wesley Flannery & Edward Donelan - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (7):2287-2341.
    Crises such as water quality, pollution, climate change, overfishing, biodiversity, energy, waste, and carbon sequestration mean that legislation protecting the marine environment is under intense pressure to be effective and to demonstrate positive results in a vast array of public and private spheres. Thus far, scholarship of EU marine environmental law has been focused primarily on (i) interaction with international agreements (ii) spatial/jurisdictional studies (iii) analysis of new laws, plans and programmes (iv) principles (e.g. good environmental status, precautionary approach, (...)
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    Legislating clear-statement regimes in national-security law.Jonathan F. Mitchell & GMU Law School Submitter - unknown
    Congress's national-security legislation will often require clear and specific congressional authorization before the executive can undertake certain actions. The War Powers Resolution, for example, prohibits any law from authorizing military hostilities unless it "specifically authorizes" them. And the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 required laws to amend FISA or repeal its "exclusive means" provision before they could authorize warrantless electronic surveillance. But efforts to legislate clear-statement regimes in national-security law have failed to induce compliance. The Clinton Administration inferred (...)
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    Plastic Surgery for the Monadology: Leibniz via Heidegger.Graham Harman - 2011 - Cultural Studies Review 17 (1):211-229.
    The article discusses fascinating points of similarity and difference between Leibniz's Monadology and Heidegger's 'The Thing', two of the greatest short works in the history of philosophy. But the key point of intersection between them is not widely recognised: indirect causation.
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    Permanent Sterilization in Nulliparous Patients: Is Legislative Anxiety an Indication for Surgery?Julie Chor, Katherine Rivlin, Neha Bhardwaj, Hillary McLaren, Camille Johnson & Catherine Hennessey - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (4):320-327.
    The Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, first leaked to the public on 2 May 2022 and officially released on 24 June 2022, overturned Roe v. Wade and thereby determined that abortion is no longer a federally protected right under the Constitution. Instead, the decision gives individual states the right to regulate abortion. Since the Dobbs decision first leaked, our institution has received numerous requests for permanent contraception from individuals stating that their motivation to pursue permanent contraception (...)
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    Uncertain legislator: Georges Cuvier's laws of nature in their intellectual context.Dorinda Outram - 1986 - Journal of the History of Biology 19 (3):323-368.
    We should now be able to come to some general conclusions about the main lines of Cuvier's development as a naturalist after his departure from Normandy. We have seen that Cuvier arrived in Paris aware of the importance of physiology in classification, yet without a fully worked out idea of how such an approach could organize a whole natural order. He was freshly receptive to the ideas of the new physiology developed by Xavier Bichat.Cuvier arrived in a Paris also torn (...)
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    Kelly’s Plastic Surgery.Jeanne Sokolec - 2007 - Teaching Ethics 7 (2):105-108.
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    Cosmetic Surgery: Regulatory Challenges in a Global Beauty Market.Danielle Griffiths & Alex Mullock - 2018 - Health Care Analysis 26 (3):220-234.
    The market for cosmetic surgery tourism is growing with an increase in people travelling abroad for cosmetic surgery. While the reasons for seeking cosmetic surgery abroad may vary the most common reason is financial, but does cheaper surgery abroad carry greater risks? We explore the risks of poorly regulated cosmetic surgery to society generally before discussing how harm might be magnified in the context of cosmetic tourism, where the demand for cheaper surgery drives the market and makes surgery accessible for (...)
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    An ethics analysis of the rationale for publicly funded plastic surgery.Lars Sandman & Emma Hansson - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-14.
    Background Healthcare systems are increasingly struggling with resource constraints, given demographic changes, technological development, and citizen expectations. The aim of this article is to normatively analyze different suggestions regarding how publicly financed plastic surgery should be delineated in order to identify a well-considered, normative rationale. The scope of the article is to discuss general principles and not define specific conditions or domains of plastic surgery that should be treated within the publicly financed system. Methods This analysis uses a (...)
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    Legislative Intent in Law's Empire.Richard Ekins - 2011 - Ratio Juris 24 (4):435-460.
    This article considers Dworkin's influential argument against legislative intent in chapter 9 of Law's Empire. The argument proves much less than is often assumed for it fails to address the possibility that the institution of the legislature may form and act on intentions. Indeed, analysis of Dworkin's argument lends support to that possibility. Dworkin aims to refute legislative intent in order to elucidate his own theory of statutory interpretation. That theory fails to explain plausibly legislative action. Dworkin's argument does not (...)
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  13.  23
    Legislation as commitment – a defence of the ‘Standard Picture’ of statutory law on the basis of a commitment-based theory of communication.Marat Shardimgaliev - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Reading
    According to the Standard Picture of how law works, the content of the law that is created by legal texts such as statutes and constitutional provisions is determined by the meaning of these texts. Most proponents of this picture claim more specifically that the relevant notion of meaning in play is the communicative content of legal texts and that communicative content is itself determined by considerations of the intentions of legal authorities. In recent years, the Standard Picture has become the (...)
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    Legislating Character: Moral Education in North Carolina's Public Schools.Aaron Cooley - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 43 (3):188-205.
    This article analyzes the epistemological aims and justification of character education legislation passed by the North Carolina General Assembly. I take this specific state law as representative of the broader national trends in the character education movement. I primarily use the work of Richard Rorty as the theoretical lens for the analysis and critique. I conclude by commending aspects of the legislative effort, but I suggest that greater emphasis must be placed on strengthening students' ethics through democratic action inside (...)
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    (1 other version)Sensitivity to the uncanny valley in facial plastic surgery.Joshua Choo & Gerald O’Daniel - 2015 - Interaction Studiesinteraction Studies Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems 16 (2):215-218.
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  16. Legislating proportionately.Richard Ekins - 2014 - In Grant Huscroft, Bradley W. Miller & Grégoire C. N. Webber, Proportionality and the Rule of Law: Rights, Justification, Reasoning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Legislative epidemics: the role of model law in the transnational trend to criminalise HIV transmission.Daniel Grace - 2013 - Medical Humanities 39 (2):77-84.
    HIV-related state laws are being created transnationally though the use of omnibus model laws. In 2004, the US Agency for International Development funded the creation of one such guidance text known as the USAID/Action for West Africa Region Model Law, or N'Djamena Model Law, which led to the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS laws, including the criminalisation of HIV transmission, across much of West and Central Africa . In this article, I explicate how an epidemic of highly problematic legislation spread (...)
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    Legislation on Intellectual Property in the Russian Federation: Novels Introduced in 2014.Eduard P. Gavrilov - 2015 - Creative and Knowledge Society 5 (2):1-10.
    Purpose of this article is to tell foreign readers about novels made in Russian intellectual property law in 2014. As is known modern Russian revolution in the field of intellectual property legislation occurred January 1, 2008 when Russian intellectual property legislation was codified, included in the text of part fourth of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part fourth of the Russian CC entered into force on January 1, 2008. At the same day seven sectoral intellectual property (...)
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  19. Petition to Include Cephalopods as “Animals” Deserving of Humane Treatment under the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.New England Anti-Vivisection Society, American Anti-Vivisection Society, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, The Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society Legislative Fund, Jennifer Jacquet, Becca Franks, Judit Pungor, Jennifer Mather, Peter Godfrey-Smith, Lori Marino, Greg Barord, Carl Safina, Heather Browning & Walter Veit - forthcoming - Harvard Law School Animal Law and Policy Clinic.
  20.  86
    The dignity of legislation.Jeremy Waldron - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    0n a lucid, concise volume, Jeremy Waldron defends the role of legislation, presenting it as an important mode of governance. Aristotle, Locke and Kant emerge as proponents of the dignity of legislation. Waldron's arguments are of obvious importance and topicality, especially in countries that are considering the introduction of a Bill of Rights. The Dignity of Legislation is original in conception, trenchantly argued and very clearly presented, and will be of interest to a wide range of scholars (...)
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    Legislation.Jeremy J. Waldron - 2004 - In Martin P. Golding & William A. Edmundson, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 236–247.
    This chapter contains section titled: Images of Legislation Legislation in Legal Theory Analytics of the Legislative Process Interpreting and Applying Legislation A Forum of Principle? References.
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  22. Self-legislation in Kant's moral philosophy.Patrick Kain - 2004 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 86 (3):257-306.
    Kant famously insisted that “the idea of the will of every rational being as a universally legislative will” is the supreme principle of morality. Recent interpreters have taken this emphasis on the self-legislation of the moral law as evidence that Kant endorsed a distinctively constructivist conception of morality according to which the moral law is a positive law, created by us. But a closer historical examination suggests otherwise. Kant developed his conception of legislation in the context of his (...)
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    Legislative Discretionary Powers of the Executive Institutions in the Field of Regulation of Higher Education in Lithuania.Birutė Pranevičienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (2):547-560.
    The article analyzes the system of legal regulation of the higher education in Lithuania with the purpose to determine the boundaries of exercising the discretionary powers of the executive institutions in the field of higher education. The article is made of two parts. Discretionary powers of the executive institutions in legislative field are discussed in the first part. The power of legislative discretion is described as a right to set the legal regulation by way of a subject who is granted (...)
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    Spillover Effects of State Mandated Benefit Laws: The Case of Outpatient Breast Cancer Surgery.John Bian, Joseph Lipscomb & Michelle M. Mello - 2009 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 46 (4):433-447.
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    Placebo Surgery for Parkinson's Disease: Do the Benefits Outweigh the Risks?Peter A. Clark - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (1):58-68.
    In April 1999, Dr. Curt Freed of the University of Colorado in Denver and Dr. Stanley Fahn of Columbia Presbyterian Center in New York presented the results of a four-year, $5.7 million government-financed study using tissue from aborted fetuses to treat Parkinson’s disease at a conference of the American Academy of Neurology. The results of the first government-financed, placebo-controlled clinical study using fetal tissue showed that the symptoms of some Parkinson’s patients had been relieved. This research study involved forty subjects, (...)
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  26.  65
    Should Gender Reassignment Surgery be Publicly Funded?Johann J. Go - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (4):527-534.
    Transgender people have among the highest rates of suicide attempts of any group in society, driven strongly by the perception that they do not belong in the sex of their physical body. Gender reassignment surgery is a procedure that can change the transgender person’s physical body to accord with their gender identity. The procedure raises important ethical and distributive justice concerns, given the controversy of whether it is a cosmetic or medical procedure and the economic costs associated with performing the (...)
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    The Legislative Authority.M. E. Newhouse - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (4):531-553.
    This article develops an account of the nature and limits of the state’s legislative authority that closely attends to the challenge of harmonizing Kant’s ethical and juridical theories. It clarifies some key Kantian concepts and terms, then explains the way in which the state’s three interlocking authorities – legislative, executive, and judicial – are metaphysically distinct and mutually dependent. It describes the emergence of the Kantian state and identifies the preconditions of its authority. Then it offers a metaphysical model of (...)
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    Legislation governing pluripotent stem cells in South Africa.Michael Sean Pepper, C. Gouveia & M. Nőthling Slabbert - 2015 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 8 (2):23.
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    Legislative Approaches to Surrogate Motherhood.R. Alta Charo - 1988 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 16 (1-2):96-112.
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    The Province of Legislation Determined: Legal Theory in Eighteenth-Century Britain.David Lieberman - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    A comprehensive account of English legal thought in the age of Blackstone and Bentham for nearly a century, The Province of Legislation Determined advances an ambitious reinterpretation of eighteenth-century attitudes to social change and law reform. Professor Lieberman's bold synthesis rests on a wide survey of legal materials and on a detailed discussion of Blackstone's Commentaries, the jurisprudence of Lord Kames and the Scottish Enlightenment, the chief justiceship of Lord Mansfield, the penal theories of Eden and Romilly, and the (...)
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    Legislative Efforts to Reform Medical Malpractice: Unconstitutional in Practice?Lee J. Dunn - 1980 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 8 (4):8-10.
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    Legislative activity: DOJ gives Oregon's Death with Dignity Act preliminary approval.H. H. Schooley - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (1):77.
  33. How eu secondary legislation encodes humanitarian aid policies.Cristina Pennarola - 2008 - In V. K. Bhatia, Christopher Candlin & Paola Evangelisti Allori, Language, culture and the law: the formulation of legal concepts across systems and cultures. New York: Peter Lang.
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  34. Bioethics legislation in selected countries.Wendy I. Zeldin, Clare Feikert-Ahalt, Edith Palmer, Sayuri Umeda, Laney Zhang, Ruth Levush, Tariq Ahmad, Hanibal Goitom, Kelly Buchanan, Eduardo Soares & Peter Roudik (eds.) - 2012 - Washington, DC: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Center.
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    The Impetus for Legislation Revoking the Joint Commission's Deemed Status as a Medicare Accrediting Agency.Juliet Battard Menendez - 2010 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 12 (3):69-76.
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    18th Annual Legislative Update.Susanne J. Phillips - 2006 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 8 (2):60-64.
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    Federal Privacy Legislation.Beverly Woodward - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (1):80-81.
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    The role of legislation in K-12 school discipline: The silence of action.Mengmeng Bo & Gift Chinemerem Onwubuya - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Researchers have consistently identified the disparity between teachers’ practical and legal knowledge regarding teachers’ right to discipline students. However, few studies have investigated teachers’ construction processes that form construction outcomes, which would help navigate the role of legislation in school discipline. This study contributes to a holistic picture of the neglected disciplinary rights that teachers construct in teaching practice and their underexplored attitude toward the law, using an interview-based constructionist method on twelve teachers of Lvliang city in a Chinese (...)
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    The Legislator’s Educative Task In Rousseau’s Political Theory.Patrice Canivez - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 40:15-21.
    In Rousseau’s political theory, the Legislator’s task is to draft the best possible Constitution for a given people. His goal is to maintain the public liberties and to ensure the preservation and prosperity of the State. However, the main problem is “to put law above men” – that is: above the citizens in general and the members of the executive in particular. This paper examines how the Legislator takes up the problem by educating the citizens. The process of education implies (...)
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  40. The process of legislation on abs in china : A new long March.Tianbao Qin - 2009 - In Evanson C. Kamau & Gerd Winter, Genetic resources, traditional knowledge and the law: solutions for access and benefit sharing. Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
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    Beyond Legislative Intent.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 2024 - Legal Theory 30 (1):45-70.
    There is a widely held view that legislative intention determines the meaning of a statute. The focus of this article is meaning in the sense of full linguistic content, which may not be the same as legal content. Linguistic intentionalism appears to have its greatest appeal when a statute has a partly implied linguistic meaning. It seems natural to suppose that the part of the meaning that is implied by the explicit wording in the statute is determined by an intention (...)
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    Legislative Intent/Essays.Gerald Cushing MacCallum - 1993 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    In the last years of his life, Gerald C. MacCallum, Jr., defied illness to continue his work on the philosophy of law. This book is a monument to MacCallum’s effort, containing fourteen of his essays, five of them published here for the first time. Two of those previously published are widely admired and reprinted: “Legislative Intent,” certainly one of the best papers ever published on its topic, and “Negative and Positive Freedom,” which offered a new way of looking at a (...)
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    Legislated Quantites.Nicholas Rescher - 2009 - Public Affairs Quarterly 23 (2):135-142.
    It would be unproblematically correct to say "the laws of Pennsylvania have it that a person is eligible to vote at age eighteen." But whether someone is actually mature enough to exercise his electoral franchise appropriately will very much depend on the individual. In setting the voting age by fiat, Society leaps in where Nature fears to tread. Many quantities that figure importantly in shaping our conduct of affairs are not specified by nature but are artifacts of human contrivance. At (...)
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    Platonic Legislations: An Essay on Legal Critique in Ancient Greece.David Lloyd Dusenbury - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book discusses how Plato, one the fiercest legal critics in ancient Greece, became – in the longue durée – its most influential legislator. Making use of a vast scholarly literature, and offering original readings of a number of dialogues, it argues that the need for legal critique and the desire for legal permanence set the long arc of Plato’s corpus—from the Apology to the Laws. Modern philosophers and legal historians have tended to overlook the fact that Plato was the (...)
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    Legislative exploration of domestic violence in the People’s Republic of China: A sociosemiotic perspective.Xin le ChengWang - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (224):249-268.
    Battles against domestic violence in the People’s Republic of China have been carried out since 1995. In this study, legislative progression of laws related to domestic violence is first examined and clarified; second, findings from the legislative review are investigated on the basis of civil and criminal cases; third, the interaction among social and traditional norms, legislation, and judicial outcomes is explored and interpreted from a sociosemiotic perspective. It is found in this study that: 1) legislation and judicial (...)
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  46. Legislating a Solution to Animal Shelter Euthanasia: A Case Study of California's Controversial SB 1785.Sarah A. Balcom - 2000 - Society and Animals 8 (1):129-150.
    On September 22, 1998, California Governor Pete Wilson signed Senate Bill 1785 into law, dramatically affecting the entire California animal sheltering community. Dubbed the "Hayden law" by the animal protection community after the bill's sponsor, it represents the state of California's attempt to legislate a solution to both the companion animal overpopulation problem and the friction between the agencies trying to end it. The persistence of the bill's primary supporters, a Los Angeles veterinarian and a UCLA law school professor and (...)
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    Traités de Législation Civile Et Pénale (Classic Reprint).Jeremy Bentham & Etienne Dumont - 2017 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Traites de Legislation Civile Et PenaleMais ce n'est pas un panegyrique que je fais. Il faut bien avouer que le soin d'arranger et de polir a peu d' attraits pour le genie de l'auteur. Tant qu'il est pousse par une force creatrice, il ne sent que le plaisir de la composition. S'agit-il de donner des formes, de rediger, de finir, il n'en sent plus que la fatigue. Que l'ouvrage soit interrompu, le mal est irreparable: le charme disparait, (...)
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  48. Legislative hazard: keeping patients living, against their wills.L. L. Heintz - 1988 - Journal of Medical Ethics 14 (2):82-86.
    Natural death act legislation which is intended to assist patients who wish to refuse or limit medical treatment may actually erode patients' rights. By use of a 'living will' the legislation intends to extend the patients' role in decision-making to the time when patients can no longer speak for themselves. However, the legislation erodes and constricts the right of refusal. The erosion is the result of two sets of conditions found in the legislation. The first requires (...)
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    Legislative sovereignty: moving from jurisprudence towards metaphysics.Marc R. Johnson - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (3):360-386.
    ABSTRACT Legislative sovereignty is often discussed with one eye on the past and one eye on the procedural functions of law-making in the present. This limits the scope for a conceptual understanding of legislative sovereignty and hinders its theoretical progress. This article argues that legislative sovereignty contains within it the concept of an idol and that understanding the scope and impact of the idol of sovereignty is necessary for future development in this field. Theories from Kant, Nietzsche, von Mises and (...)
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    Domestic Violence Legislation Reforms in the Republic of North Macedonia.Vedije Ratkoceri - 2023 - Seeu Review 18 (1):63-74.
    The phenomenon of domestic violence is as old as humanity itself, but legal protection against violence both internationally and nationally begins to be provided very late. In the Republic of North Macedonia, until 2004, there was no legal protection of victims of domestic violence, nor was adequate sanctioning of perpetrators. Only since 2004, with the amendments and additions to the Criminal Code in the criminal sphere, and the Law on the Family in the civil sphere, the phenomenon of domestic violence (...)
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