Results for 'Susana Llorens'

583 found
  1.  27
    In Memory of Edward Diener: Reflections on His Career, Contributions and the Science of Happiness.Weiting Ng, William Tov, Ruut Veenhoven, Sebastiaan Rothmann, Maria José Chambel, Sufen Chen, Matthew L. Cole, Chiara Consiglio, Arianna Costantini, Jesus Alfonso Daep Datu, Zelda Di Blasi, Susana Llorens Gumbau, Alexandra Huber, Saskia M. Kelders, Jeff Klibert, Hans Henrik Knoop, Claude-Hélène Mayer, Mirna Nel, Marisa Salanova, Marijke Schotanus-Dijkstra, Rebecca Shankland, Akihito Shimazu, Peter M. ten Klooster, Maria Vera, Maria A. J. Zondervan-Zwijnenburg & Llewellyn Ellardus van Zyl - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs Leads to Better Academic Performance via Increased Psychological Capital: A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study Among High School Students.Marcos Carmona-Halty, Wilmar B. Schaufeli, Susana Llorens & Marisa Salanova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Innovación, transferencia de conocimientos y desarrollo económico territorial: una política pendiente.Francisco Alburquerque Llorens - 2008 - Arbor 184 (732):687-700.
    La actual fase de desarrollo económico, basada en la incorporación de conocimientos, muestra la importancia de la introducción de innovaciones en los procesos productivos, un hecho que no es únicamente tecnoeconómico sino que incorpora, igualmente, un proceso social, político y cultural. Este proceso de incorporación de innovaciones no es lineal sino complejo, y requiere asegurar la vinculación territorial entre poseedores de conocimiento y usuarios del mismo. El debate sobre la construcción de sistemas territoriales de innovación no ha sido suficientemente amplio (...)
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  4. Galvano della Volpe: Razón dialéctica y estética científica.Tomás Llorens - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):17-41.
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  5. Información y semiosis (II).Tomás Lloréns - 1975 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):213-232.
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  6. Información y semiosis (I).Tomás Lloréns - 1974 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):55-89.
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  7. eSport Gaming: The Rise of a New Sports Practice.Llorens Mariona Rosell - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (4):464-476.
    Over recent years, the eSport phenomenon has grown in players and audience. The broadcast of certain eSport events have become worldwide mass events. Conceiving eSport gaming as an actual sports practice is not yet common, but it is current issue that deserves careful attention. This article stands on the idea that eSport gaming could be considered a sport and it examines some reasons on that regard. First of all, the piece will elucidate what the practice of gaming involves and if (...)
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    La biblioteca universitaria como difusor de la innovación educativa. Estrategia y política institucional de la Universidad de Alicante.Faraón Llorens Largo - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):89-100.
    En este artículo expondré cómo la innovación educativa en estos momentos se asienta en la tecnología y los contenidos, es decir, en los Servicios de Informática y las Bibliotecas Universitarias. Y cómo al mismo tiempo estos servicios universitarios deben actualizarse para atender estas demandas. En un artículo anterior argumenté que la tecnología era el motor de la actual innovación educativa, por lo que aquí no voy a entrar en ello. En este artículo defenderé el papel de las bibliotecas universitarias como (...)
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    Preservation of Interference Effects in Working Memory After Orbitofrontal Damage.Anaïs Llorens, Ingrid Funderud, Alejandro O. Blenkmann, James Lubell, Maja Foldal, Sabine Leske, Rene Huster, Torstein R. Meling, Robert T. Knight, Anne-Kristin Solbakk & Tor Endestad - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  10.  50
    Linking Employee Stakeholders to Environmental Performance: The Role of Proactive Environmental Strategies and Shared Vision.Francisco Javier Lloréns-Montes, Emilio Pablo Díez-de-Castro & Elisa Alt - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):167-181.
    Drawing on the natural-resource-based view, we propose that employee stakeholder integration is linked to environmental performance through firms’ proactive environmental strategies, and that this link is contingent on shared vision. We tested our model with a cross-country and multi-industry sample. In support of our theory, results revealed that firms’ proactive environmental strategies translated employee stakeholder integration into environmental performance. This relationship was pronounced for high levels of shared vision. Our findings demonstrate that shared vision represents a key condition for advancing (...)
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    Servidumbre y grandeza de la filosofía.Rodolf Llorens I. Jordana - 2010 - Mallorca: Objeto Perdido.
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    Intra-Cranial Recordings of Brain Activity During Language Production.Anaïs Llorens, Agnès Trébuchon, Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel & F. -Xavier Alario - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Escenarios liminales fuera del aula.Josefa-María Zárraga Llorens - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-11.
    Este trabajo describe la experiencia docente sobre el trabajo de campo experimental que se lleva a cabo desde la asignatura Nuevos Espacios Escenográficos del Máster de Producción Artística que se imparte en la Universitat Politècnica de València. La asignatura se fundamenta en las nuevas actitudes escénicas contemporáneas y el concepto de teatro expandido, siendo este el motivo de realizar la practica fuera del aula y colaborar entre instituciones para encontrar un espacio multidisciplinar donde desarrollar la propuesta que debe integrar la (...)
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    Carlos THIEBAUT, Historia del nombrar.Núria Llorens Moreno - 1992 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 18:83.
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    La memoria involuntaria: Marcel Proust y el descubrimiento poético del interior. Un análisis desde la perspectiva filosófica de Walter Benjamin.María Llorens - 2018 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 30 (2):305-331.
    “Involuntary Memory: Marcel Proust and the Poetic Discovery of the Inner Self. An Analysis from the Philosophical Perspective of Walter Benjamin”. In this article, we undertake, from the perspective of Walter Benjamin’s philosophical work, the phenomenon of involuntary memory discovered by Marcel Proust in the writing process –exercise of subjectification– of In Search of Lost Time. In the analysis the following approaches are developed: the relation between oblivion and memory, the poetic discovery of involuntary memory, the conditions for the revelation (...)
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  16.  37
    Neurolímits.Òscar Llorens I. Garcia - 2018 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 22:15-32.
    La neurociencia promete explicar asuntos filosóficos, tanto éticos como filosóficos en general, desde la actividad del cerebro. En este artículo nos proponemos exponer el carácter naturalista de la neurofilosofía, enumerar los problemas de esta propuesta, mostrar como una ontología dualista permite tratar estos problemas de forma más eficaz y ofrecer algunas alternativas a tal dualismo.Neuroscience promises us to explain philosophical issues, from ethics to general philosophy, as brain activity. I this paper we will propose expose the naturalistic view of neurophilosphy, (...)
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    Caminando por un mito dibujado de Clorindo Testa. La peste en Ceppaloni (1977-1997) y la ecología Inmersiones en un mito dibujado. [REVIEW]Mara Sánchez-Llorens - 2022 - Aisthesis 72:340-358.
    Este artículo propone una interpretación amplificada de la serie La Peste en Ceppaloni (1977-1997) del artista-arquitecto ítalo argentino Clorindo Testa: un conjunto de mapas, dibujos y murales que trabaja en torno a la incidencia de los problemas ecológicos en la condición humana y su hábitat. El texto plantea en su desarrollo una triple aproximación a la obra: la narrativa-visual, la arqueológica y la antropológica. Desciframos la estructura de mito dibujado que se desarrolla en el Medievo en la ciudad italiana de (...)
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  18.  54
    Architecture as Representation of Nature.Tomàs Llorens - 1980 - Semiotics:307-317.
  19. III Simposio de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia.Tomás LLorens - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):101-111.
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  20.  24
    La tecnología como motor de la innovación educativa. Estrategia y política institucional de la Universidad de Alicante.Faraón Llorens Largo - 2009 - Arbor 185 (Extra):21-32.
    La innovación educativa debe de oficializarse. No es sólo cuestión de unos pocos locos que no tienen otra cosa mejor a la que dedicar su tiempo que experimentar con las ideas y herramientas que los avances tecnológicos ponen a nuestro alcance. Las universidades deben reconocer y potenciar esas buenas prácticas innovadoras. Deben alinearlas con su misión y establecer estrategias que nos conduzcan a su cumplimiento. Pero la política interna de cada universidad debe basarse en unos fundamentos que la justifiquen y (...)
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  21. Lecciones de filosofía.Llorens Y. Barba & Francisco Javier[From Old Catalog] - 1920 - Barcelona: Impr. Elzeviriana.
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  22. Servidumbre y grandeza de la filosofía.Llorens Y. Jordana & Rodolfo[From Old Catalog] - 1949 - Buenos Aires,: J. Serra.
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  23. Reflexiones cartesianas a propósito de" The matrix".Oscar Llorens García - 2007 - In César Moreno, Rafael Lorenzo & Alicia Ma de Mingo, Filosofía y realidad virtual. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
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    Competition Enhances the Effectiveness and Motivation of Attention Rehabilitation After Stroke. A Randomized Controlled Trial.María Dolores Navarro, Roberto Llorens, Adrián Borrego, Mariano Alcañiz, Enrique Noé & Joan Ferri - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  25.  13
    La vieille dame et le politique : la participation électorale des personnes 'gées dépendantes'.Barbara Lucas & Lloren - 2008 - Éthique Publique 10 (2).
    La reconnaissance des droits civiques des vieillards en institution peut-elle contribuer à une progressive reconquête de leur autonomie sociale ? Dans un contexte d’inégalité de sexe, que devient la citoyenneté des femmes âgées dépendantes ? À Genève, le projet pilote « Voter en EMS ! Réseau de politologues pour l’animation politique en institution » offre aux résidents l’occasion de renouer avec le débat public et leurs droits politiques. Premier bilan exploratoire.
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    Subjective, behavioral, and physiological responses to the rubber hand illusion do not vary with age in the adult phase.Priscila Palomo, Adrián Borrego, Ausiàs Cebolla, Roberto Llorens, Marcelo Demarzo & Rosa M. Baños - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 58:90-96.
  27.  14
    Survey on AI-Generated Plagiarism Detection: The Impact of Large Language Models on Academic Integrity.Shushanta Pudasaini, Luis Miralles-Pechuán, David Lillis & Marisa Llorens Salvador - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-34.
    A survey conducted in 2023 surveyed 3,017 high school and college students. It found that almost one-third of them confessed to using ChatGPT for assistance with their homework. The rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and Gemini has led to a surge in academic misconduct. Students can now complete their assignments and exams just by asking an LLM for solutions to the given problem, without putting in the effort required for learning. And, what is more worrying, educators (...)
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    Putting Oneself in the Body of Others: A Pilot Study on the Efficacy of an Embodied Virtual Reality System to Generate Self-Compassion.Ausiàs Cebolla, Rocío Herrero, Sara Ventura, Marta Miragall, Miguel Bellosta-Batalla, Roberto Llorens & Rosa Ma Baños - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  29.  32
    What names for covert awareness? A systematic review.Caroline Schnakers, Chase Bauer, Rita Formisano, Enrique Noé, Roberto Llorens, Nicolas Lejeune, Michele Farisco, Liliana Teixeira, Ann-Marie Morrissey, Sabrina De Marco, Vigneswaran Veeramuthu, Kseniya Ilina, Brian L. Edlow, Olivia Gosseries, Matteo Zandalasini, Francesco De Bellis, Aurore Thibaut & Anna Estraneo - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundWith the emergence of Brain Computer Interfaces, clinicians have been facing a new group of patients with severe acquired brain injury who are unable to show any behavioral sign of consciousness but respond to active neuroimaging or electrophysiological paradigms. However, even though well documented, there is still no consensus regarding the nomenclature for this clinical entity.ObjectivesThis systematic review aims to 1) identify the terms used to indicate the presence of this entity through the years, and 2) promote an informed discussion (...)
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    What if my boss is a narcissist? The effects of chief executive officer narcissism on female proportion in top management teams.Jennifer Martínez-Ferrero, Emma García-Meca & M. Camino Ramón-Llorens - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1201-1216.
    For the period 2015–2019 and based on a Spanish sample of 145 listed companies, this paper provides insights into how narcissistic chief executive officers (CEOs) influence the proportion of women in top management teams (TMTs). As a further analysis and in line with social psychology and upper echelons theories, we study whether the power and gender of a CEO and the female proportion in the firm's board moderate the relationship. Our results reveal that narcissistic CEOs are less likely to support (...)
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  31. Polvo en la tierra: la poesía temprana de Susana March.Susana Cavallo - 2006 - Arbor 182 (720):447-453.
    Se estudia la producción poética primera de la escritora barcelonesa Susana March (1915-1990) perteneciente a la Generación del 36. Su actividad poética más fecunda cabe datarla en el periodo de 1938-1953. Razones de estrechez económica la obligaron, junto con su marido Ricardo Fernández de la Reguera, a producir una literatura de carácter comercial. Se analizan sus poemarios: Rutas, Poemas de la Plaza Real y La pasión desvelada.
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    Enseñanza de la ecuación de segundo grado en un marco competencial.Ana María Zarco García & Almudena Lloréns Payá - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-15.
    En este artículo se presenta una revisión de los diferentes enfoques de enseñanza de la ecuación de segundo grado para Educación Secundaria que se conjetura serían necesarios con el fin de aumentar la calidad del aprendizaje con el rigor y el tratamiento requerido, resaltando el valor de este tópico en sí mismo y de sus aplicaciones. Además, se aportan los resultados de un estudio descriptivo exploratorio realizado sobre los conocimientos de la ecuación de segundo grado de alumnado de Enseñanza Secundaria (...)
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    Themes from G.e. Moore: New essays in epistemology and ethics * by Susana Nuccetelli and Gary Seay.Susana Nuccetelli & Gary Seay - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):167-169.
    G.E. Moore's philosophical legacy is ambiguous. On the one hand, Moore has a special place in the hearts of many contemporary analytic philosophers. He is, after all, one of the fathers of the movement, his broadly commonsensical methodology informing how many contemporary analytic philosophers practise their craft. On the other hand, many contemporary philosophers keep Moore's own substantive positions at arm's distance. According to many epistemologists, one can find no finer example of how to beg the question than Moore's case (...)
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  34. Animal moral psychologies.Susana Monsó & Kristin Andrews - 2022 - In Manuel Vargas & John Doris, The Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    Observations of animals engaging in apparently moral behavior have led academics and the public alike to ask whether morality is shared between humans and other animals. Some philosophers explicitly argue that morality is unique to humans, because moral agency requires capacities that are only demonstrated in our species. Other philosophers argue that some animals can participate in morality because they possess these capacities in a rudimentary form. Scientists have also joined the discussion, and their views are just as varied as (...)
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  35. Animal Morality: What It Means and Why It Matters.Susana Monsó, Judith Benz-Schwarzburg & Annika Bremhorst - 2018 - The Journal of Ethics 22 (3-4):283-310.
    It has been argued that some animals are moral subjects, that is, beings who are capable of behaving on the basis of moral motivations. In this paper, we do not challenge this claim. Instead, we presuppose its plausibility in order to explore what ethical consequences follow from it. Using the capabilities approach, we argue that beings who are moral subjects are entitled to enjoy positive opportunities for the flourishing of their moral capabilities, and that the thwarting of these capabilities entails (...)
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  36. New Essays on Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge.Susana Nuccetelli (ed.) - 2003 - MIT Press.
    This book shows that the debate over the compatibility of externalism and self-knowledge has led to the investigation of a variety of topics, including the a...
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  37. How to Tell If Animals Can Understand Death.Susana Monsó - 2019 - Erkenntnis 87 (1):117-136.
    It is generally assumed that humans are the only animals who can possess a concept of death. However, the ubiquity of death in nature and the evolutionary advantages that would come with an understanding of death provide two prima facie reasons for doubting this assumption. In this paper, my intention is not to defend that animals of this or that nonhuman species possess a concept of death, but rather to examine how we could go about empirically determining whether animals can (...)
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  38.  24
    An Introduction to Latin American Philosophy.Susana Nuccetelli - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Latin American philosophy is best understood as a type of applied philosophy devoted to issues related to the culture and politics of Latin America. This introduction provides a comprehensive overview of its central topics. It explores not only the unique insights offered by Latin American thinkers into the traditional pre-established fields of Western philosophy, but also the many 'isms' developed as a direct result of Latin American thought. Many concern matters of practical ethics and social and political philosophy, such as (...)
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  39. Death is common, so is understanding it: the concept of death in other species.Susana Monsó & Antonio J. Osuna-Mascaró - 2020 - Synthese (1-2):2251-2275.
    Comparative thanatologists study the responses to the dead and the dying in nonhuman animals. Despite the wide variety of thanatological behaviours that have been documented in several different species, comparative thanatologists assume that the concept of death is very difficult to acquire and will be a rare cognitive feat once we move past the human species. In this paper, we argue that this assumption is based on two forms of anthropocentrism: an intellectual anthropocentrism, which leads to an over-intellectualisation of the (...)
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  40. Morality without mindreading.Susana Monsó - 2017 - Mind and Language 32 (3):338-357.
    Could animals behave morally if they can’t mindread? Does morality require mindreading capacities? Moral psychologists believe mindreading is contingently involved in moral judgements. Moral philosophers argue that moral behaviour necessarily requires the possession of mindreading capacities. In this paper, I argue that, while the former may be right, the latter are mistaken. Using the example of empathy, I show that animals with no mindreading capacities could behave on the basis of emotions that possess an identifiable moral content. Therefore, at least (...)
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  41. Empathy and morality in behaviour readers.Susana Monsó - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (5):671-690.
    It is tempting to assume that being a moral creature requires the capacity to attribute mental states to others, because a creature cannot be moral unless she is capable of comprehending how her actions can have an impact on the well-being of those around her. If this assumption were true, then mere behaviour readers could never qualify as moral, for they are incapable of conceptualising mental states and attributing them to others. In this paper, I argue against such an assumption (...)
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  42. Knowing that one knows what one is talking about.Susana Nuccetelli - 2003 - In New Essays on Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge. MIT Press. pp. 169--184.
    Twin-earth thought experiments, standardly construed, support the externalist doctrine that the content of propositional attitudes involving natural-kind terms supervenes upon properties external to those who entertain them. But this doctrine in conjunction with a common view of self-knowledge might have the intolerable consequence that substantial propositions concerning the environment could be knowable a priori. Since both doctrines, externalism and privileged self-knowledge, appear independently plausible, there is then a paradox facing the attempt to hold them concurrently. I shall argue, however, that (...)
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    Ethics and Integrity in Research: Why Bridging the Gap Between Ethics and Integrity Matters.Susana Magalhães - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (1):137-147.
    Ethics and integrity should be intertwined within the concept of Responsible Research. Integrity Officers should also be Ethics Officers, enforcing compliance with rules and norms, but also raising awareness on the meaning of ethics in researchers’ daily work. Paul Ricoeur’s definition of Ethics – “the aim of living a good life with and for others in just institutions” (Ricoeur in Oneself as Another. University of Chicago Press, 1994 ) –, points out the relational dimension of Ethics that matters to all (...)
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  44. An Alternative to the Orthodoxy in Animal Ethics? Limits and Merits of the Wittgensteinian Critique of Moral Individualism.Susana Monsó & Herwig Grimm - 2019 - Animals 12 (9):1057.
    In this paper, we analyse the Wittgensteinian critique of the orthodoxy in animal ethics that has been championed by Cora Diamond and Alice Crary. While Crary frames it as a critique of “moral individualism”, we show that their criticism applies most prominently to certain forms of moral individualism (namely, those that follow hedonistic or preference-satisfaction axiologies), and not to moral individualism in itself. Indeed, there is a concrete sense in which the moral individualistic stance cannot be escaped, and we believe (...)
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    Engaging Stakeholders During Intergovernmental Conflict: How Political Attributions Shape Stakeholder Engagement.Susana C. Esper, Luciano Barin-Cruz & Jean-Pascal Gond - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 191 (1):1-27.
    When conflicts regarding industrial operations erupt between countries, relationships between corporations and stakeholders may be affected. We combine insights from stakeholder theory and studies on government and corporate social responsibility to investigate how intergovernmental politics shapes stakeholder engagement. Relying on attribution theory and a qualitative analysis of the Finnish Metsä-Botnia (hereafter Botnia) company during the intergovernmental conflict between Uruguay and Argentina, we explore the mediating role of political attributions—defined as the stakeholder network actors’ inferences regarding governmental motives—in the process by (...)
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  46. Tactful animals: How the study of touch can inform the animal morality debate.Susana Monsó & Birte Wrage - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (1):1-27.
    In this paper, we argue that scientists working on the animal morality debate have been operating with a narrow view of morality that prematurely limits the variety of moral practices that animals may be capable of. We show how this bias can be partially corrected by paying more attention to the touch behaviours of animals. We argue that a careful examination of the ways in which animals engage in and navigate touch interactions can shed new light on current debates on (...)
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    (1 other version)Latin American Philosophy: Metaphilosophical Foundations.Susana Nuccetelli - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  48. (1 other version)A Companion to Latin American Philosophy.Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.) - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This comprehensive collection of original essays written by aninternational group of scholars addresses the central themes inLatin American philosophy. Represents the most comprehensive survey of historical andcontemporary Latin American philosophy available today Comprises a specially commissioned collection of essays, manyof them written by Latin American authors Examines the history of Latin American philosophy and itscurrent issues, traces the development of the discipline, andoffers biographical sketches of key Latin American thinkers Showcases the diversity of approaches, issues, and styles thatcharacterize the field.
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    Latin American Thought: Philosophical Problems And Arguments.Susana Nuccetelli - 2002 - Westview Press.
    Many of the philosophical questions raised by Latin American thinkers are problems that have concerned philosophers at different times and in different places throughout the Western tradition. But in fact the issues are not altogether the same-- for they have been adapted to capture problems presented by new circumstances, and Latin Americans have sought resolutions in ways that are indeed novel. This book explains how well-established philosophical traditions gave rise in the "New World" to a distinctive manner of thinking. There (...)
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  50. Problems with basing insect ethics on individuals’ welfare.Susana Monsó & Antonio José Osuna Mascaró - 2020 - Animal Sentience 29 (8).
    In their target article, Mikhalevich & Powell (M&P) argue that we should extend moral protection to arthropods. In this commentary, we show that there are some unforeseen obstacles to applying the sort of individualistic welfare-based ethics that M&P have in mind to certain arthropods, namely, insects. These obstacles have to do with the fact that there are often many more individuals involved in our dealings with insects than our ethical theories anticipate, and also with the fact that, in some sense, (...)
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