Results for 'T. A. Horne'

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  1. Moral and Economic Improvement: Francis Hutcheson on Property.T. A. Horne - 1986 - History of Political Thought 7 (1):115-30.
  2.  42
    “I don’t need my patients’ opinion to withdraw treatment”: patient preferences at the end-of-life and physician attitudes towards advance directives in England and France.Ruth Horn - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (3):425-435.
    This paper presents the results of a qualitative interview study exploring English and French physicians’ moral perspectives and attitudes towards end-of-life decisions when patients lack capacity to make decisions for themselves. The paper aims to examine the importance physicians from different contexts accord to patient preferences and to explore the role of advance directives in each context. The interviews focus on problems that emerge when deciding to withdraw/-hold life-sustaining treatment from both conscious and unconscious patients; decision-making procedures and the participation (...)
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    Dying is Hard to Describe: Metonymies and Metaphors of Death in the Iliad.Fabian Horn - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (2):359-383.
    Homer'sIliadis an epic poem full of war and battles, but scholars have noted that ‘[t]he Homeric poems are interested in death far more than they are in fighting’. Even though long passages of the poem, particularly the so-called ‘battle books’ (Il.Books 5–8, 11–17, 20–2), consist of little other than fighting, individual battles are often very short with hardly ever a longer exchange of blows. Usually, one strike is all it takes for the superior warrior to dispatch his opponent, and death (...)
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    Lie-toe-tease: double negatives and unexcluded middles.Laurence Horn - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (1):79-103.
    Litotes, “a figure of speech in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary” has had some tough reviews. For Pope and Swift, litotes—stock examples include “no mean feat”, “no small problem”, and “not bad at all”—is “the peculiar talent of Ladies, Whisperers, and Backbiters”; for Orwell, it is a means to affect “an appearance of profundity” that we can deport from English “by memorizing this sentence: A not unblack dog was chasing a not unsmall rabbit across (...)
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    Jason BeDuhn, Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma. Vol. 1: Conversion and Apostasy, 373–388 CE Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009. D. Jeffrey Bingham, ed., The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. New York: Routledge, 2009. Virginia Burrus, ed., Late Ancient Christianity: A People's History of Christianity, vol. [REVIEW]Franklin T. Harkins, György Heidl, Cornelia B. Horn, Robert P. Phenix & Joseph Lam C. Quy - 2009 - Augustinian Studies 40 (2):323.
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  6. Epistemic Closure, Home Truths, and Easy Philosophy.Walter Horn - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy 115 (1):34-51.
    In spite of the intuitiveness of epistemic closure, there has been a stubborn stalemate regarding whether it is true, largely because some of the “Moorean” things we seem to know easily seem clearly to entail “heavyweight” philosophical things that we apparently cannot know easily—or perhaps even at all. In this paper, I will show that two widely accepted facts about what we do and don’t know—facts with which any minimally acceptable understanding of knowledge must comport—are jointly inconsistent with the truth (...)
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    Preserving women’s reproductive autonomy while promoting the rights of people with disabilities?: the case of Heidi Crowter and Maire Lea-Wilson in the light of NIPT debates in England, France and Germany.Adeline Perrot & Ruth Horn - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):471-473.
    On July 2021, the UK High Court of Justice heard the Case CO/2066/2020 on the application of Heidi Crowter who lives with Down’s syndrome, and Máire Lea-Wilson whose son Aidan has Down’s syndrome. Crowter and Lea-Wilson, with the support of the disability rights campaign, ‘Don’t Screen Us Out’, have been taking legal action against the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (the UK Government) for a review of the 1967 Abortion Act: the removal of section 1(1)(d) making termination (...)
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    Past, Present, and Future Research on Teacher Induction: An Anthology for Researchers, Policy Makers, and Practitioners.Betty Achinstein, Krista Adams, Steven Z. Athanases, EunJin Bang, Martha Bleeker, Cynthia L. Carver, Yu-Ming Cheng, Renée T. Clift, Nancy Clouse, Kristen A. Corbell, Sarah Dolfin, Sharon Feiman-Nemser, Maida Finch, Jonah Firestone, Steven Glazerman, MariaAssunção Flores, Susan Hanson, Lara Hebert, Richard Holdgreve-Resendez, Erin T. Horne, Leslie Huling, Eric Isenberg, Amy Johnson, Richard Lange, Julie A. Luft, Pearl Mack, Julia Moore, Jennifer Neakrase, Lynn W. Paine, Edward G. Pultorak, Hong Qian, Alan J. Reiman, Virginia Resta, John R. Schwille, Sharon A. Schwille, Thomas M. Smith, Randi Stanulis, Michael Strong, Dina Walker-DeVose, Ann L. Wood & Peter Youngs - 2010 - R&L Education.
    This book's importance is derived from three sources: careful conceptualization of teacher induction from historical, methodological, and international perspectives; systematic reviews of research literature relevant to various aspects of teacher induction including its social, cultural, and political contexts, program components and forms, and the range of its effects; substantial empirical studies on the important issues of teacher induction with different kinds of methodologies that exemplify future directions and approaches to the research in teacher induction.
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  9. No Pairing Problem.Andrew M. Bailey, Joshua Rasmussen & Luke Van Horn - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 154 (3):349-360.
    Many have thought that there is a problem with causal commerce between immaterial souls and material bodies. In Physicalism or Something Near Enough, Jaegwon Kim attempts to spell out that problem. Rather than merely posing a question or raising a mystery for defenders of substance dualism to answer or address, he offers a compelling argument for the conclusion that immaterial souls cannot causally interact with material bodies. We offer a reconstruction of that argument that hinges on two premises: Kim’s Dictum (...)
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    On the Horns of a Dilemma: Bodily Resurrection or Disembodied Paradise?James T. Turner - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 (5):406-421.
    In the sixteenth century, Sir Thomas More criticized Martin Luther’s purported denial of a conscious intermediate state between bodily death and bodily resurrection. In the same century, William Tyndale penned a response in defense of Luther’s view. His argument essentially defended the proposition: If the Intermediate State obtains, then bodily resurrection is superfluous for those in the paradisiacal state. In this article, I enter the fray and argue for the truth of this conditional claim. And, like William Tyndale, I use (...)
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    On a homework problem of Larry horn's.Francis Jeffry Pelletier - unknown
    Larry Horn is justifiably famous for his work on the semantics of the English conjunction or and both its relationship to the formal logic truth functions ∨ and @ (“inclusive” and “exclusive” disjunction respectively1) and its relationship to the ways people employ or in natural discourse. These interests have been present since his 1972 dissertation, where he argued for a “scalar implicature-based” account of many of these relationships as opposed to a presuppositional account. They have surfaced in his “Greek Grice” (...)
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  12. Was heißt konservativ in der Kunst? Das Horn im 19. Jahrhundert und das Es-Dur-Trio op. 40 von Johannes Brahms: eine ästhetische Fallstudie.Andreas Dorschel - 2005 - Brahms-Studien 14:55-66.
    What does it mean to be conservative? What could it mean in the arts? Whoever merely conserves works of art may be a collector but is not an artist. Brahms’s trio op. 40 conserves the hand horn idiom. Yet its aesthetics will not be captured by the opposition of ‘conservative’ versus ‘progressive’. What is superior in terms of technology, Brahms maintained, need not be superior in terms of art.
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    Continuous fuzzy Horn logic.Vilém Vychodil - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (2):171-186.
    The paper deals with fuzzy Horn logic which is a fragment of predicate fuzzy logic with evaluated syntax. Formulas of FHL are of the form of simple implications between identities. We show that one can have Pavelka-style completeness of FHL w.r.t. semantics over the unit interval [0, 1] with left-continuous t-norm and a residuated implication, provided that only certain fuzzy sets of formulas are considered. The model classes of fuzzy structures of FHL are characterized by closure properties. We also give (...)
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  14. Hume’s Big Brother: counting concepts and the bad company objection.Roy T. Cook - 2009 - Synthese 170 (3):349 - 369.
    A number of formal constraints on acceptable abstraction principles have been proposed, including conservativeness and irenicity. Hume’s Principle, of course, satisfies these constraints. Here, variants of Hume’s Principle that allow us to count concepts instead of objects are examined. It is argued that, prima facie, these principles ought to be no more problematic than HP itself. But, as is shown here, these principles only enjoy the formal properties that have been suggested as indicative of acceptability if certain constraints on the (...)
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  15. Egoism or the problem of evil: a dilemma for sceptical theism.Benjamin T. Rancourt - 2013 - Religious Studies 49:313-325.
    Sceptical theists undermine the argument from evil by claiming that our ability to distinguish between justified and unjustified evil is weak enough that we must take seriously the possibility that all evil is justified. However, I argue that this claim leads to a dilemma: either our judgements regarding unjustified evil are reliable enough that the problem of evil remains a problem, or our judgements regarding unjustified evil are so unreliable that it would be misguided to use them in our decision-making. (...)
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  16. Brain Theory Between Utopia and Dystopia: Neuronormativity Meets the Social Brain.Charles T. Wolfe - 2015 - In Matteo Pasquinelli (ed.), Alleys of Your Mind: Augmented Intelligence and Its Traumas. Lüneburg: Meson Press. pp. 173-184.
    The brain in its plasticity and inherent 'sociality' can be proclaimed and projected as a revolutionary organ. Far from the old reactions which opposed the authenticity of political theory and praxis to the dangerous naturalism of 'cognitive science' (with images of men in white coats, the RAND Corporation or military LSD experiments), recent decades have shown us some of the potentiality of the social brain (Vygotsky, and more recently Negri 1995 and Negri 2000, Virno 2001). Is the brain somehow inherently (...)
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    Central inhibitory dysfunctions: Mechanisms and clinical implications.Z. Wiesenfeld-Hallin, H. Aldskogius, G. Grant, J.-X. Hao, T. Hökfelt & X.-J. Xu - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):420-425.
    Injury to the central or peripheral nervous system is often associated with persistent pain. After ischemic injury to the spinal cord, rats develop severe mechanical allodynia-like symptoms, expressed as a pain-like response to innocuous stimuli. In its short-lasting phase the allodynia can be relieved with the [gamma]-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-B receptor agonist baclofen, which also reverses the hyperexcitability of dorsal horn interneurons to mechanical stimuli. Furthermore, there is a reduction in GABA immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn of allodynic rats. Clinical neuropathic (...)
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  18. Error, reference, and the first horn of Hempel's dilemma.Colin Klein - unknown
    It would be nice if our definition of ‘physical’ incorporated the distinctive content of physics. Attempts at such a definition quickly run into what’s known as Hempel’s dilemma. Briefly: when we talk about ‘physics’, we refer either to current physics or to some idealized version of physics. Current physics is likely wrong and so an unsuitable basis for a definition. ‘Ideal physics’ can’t itself be cashed out except as the science which has completed an accurate survey of the physical; appeals (...)
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  19. The Christian Year.Edward T. Horn - 1957
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  20. A Natural History of Negation.Laurence R. Horn - 1989 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book offers a unique synthesis of past and current work on the structure, meaning, and use of negation and negative expressions, a topic that has engaged thinkers from Aristotle and the Buddha to Freud and Chomsky. Horn's masterful study melds a review of scholarship in philosophy, psychology, and linguistics with original research, providing a full picture of negation in natural language and thought; this new edition adds a comprehensive preface and bibliography, surveying research since the book's original publication.
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    Logics of Political Secrecy.Eva Horn - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (7-8):103-122.
    In the modern age, the political secret has acquired a bad reputation. With modern democracy’s ideal of transparency, political secrecy is identified with political crime or corruption. The article argues that this repression of secrecy in modern democracies falls short of a substantial understanding of the structure and workings of political secrecy. By outlining a genealogy of political secrecy, it elucidates the logic as well as the blind spots of a current culture of secrecy. It focuses on two fundamental logics (...)
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  22.  23
    The stress relaxation of zone-refined iron at 77°K.Peter J. Wray & G. T. Horne - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (125):899-911.
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    Nichtideale Normativität: ein neuer Blick auf Kants politische Philosophie.Christoph Horn - 2014 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  24.  5
    Letters on Infidelity.George Horne, Daniel Prince, J. Cooke, T. Cadell & George Robinson - 1784 - At the Clarendon Press. Sold by D. Prince and J. Cooke, Oxford: G. Robinson, J. F. And C. Rivington, and T. Cadell, London.
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    Comparison of Shod and Unshod Gait in Patients With Parkinson's Disease With Subthalamic and Nigral Stimulation.Martin A. Horn, Alessandro Gulberti, Ute Hidding, Christian Gerloff, Wolfgang Hamel, Christian K. E. Moll & Monika Pötter-Nerger - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: The Parkinsonian [i.e., Parkinson's disease ] gait disorder represents a therapeutical challenge with residual symptoms despite the use of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus and medical and rehabilitative strategies. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different DBS modes as combined stimulation of the STN and substantia nigra and environmental rehabilitative factors as footwear on gait kinematics.Methods: This single-center, randomized, double-blind, crossover clinical trial assessed shod and unshod gait in patients with PD with (...)
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  26. A Natural History of Negation.Laurence R. Horn - 1989 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 24 (2):164-168.
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    A pragmatic approach to certain ambiguities.Laurence R. Horn - 1980 - Linguistics and Philosophy 4 (3):321 - 358.
  28. Euthanasia and end-of-life practices in France and Germany. A comparative study.Ruth Horn - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (2):197-209.
    The objective of this paper is to understand from a sociological perspective how the moral question of euthanasia, framed as the “right to die”, emerges and is dealt with in society. It takes France and Germany as case studies, two countries in which euthanasia is prohibited and which have similar legislation on the issue. I presuppose that, and explore how, each society has its own specificities in terms of practical, social and political norms that affect the ways in which they (...)
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    A Single Counterexample Leads to Moral Belief Revision.Zachary Horne, Derek Powell & John Hummel - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1950-1964.
    What kind of evidence will lead people to revise their moral beliefs? Moral beliefs are often strongly held convictions, and existing research has shown that morality is rooted in emotion and socialization rather than deliberative reasoning. In addition, more general issues—such as confirmation bias—further impede coherent belief revision. Here, we explored a unique means for inducing belief revision. In two experiments, participants considered a moral dilemma in which an overwhelming majority of people judged that it was inappropriate to take action (...)
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    Kant’s Theory of Historical Progress: A Case of Realism or Antirealism?Christoph Horn - 2017 - In Elke Elisabeth Schmidt & Robinson dos Santos (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 45-66.
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  31. Part I. invited papers dedicated to Daniel Greenberger-for Daniel Greenberger on his 65th birthday.Michael A. Horne, Abner Shimony & Anton Zeilinger - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (3):323-324.
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    Gender, gestation and ectogenesis: self-determination for pregnant people ahead of artificial wombs.Claire Horn - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):787-788.
    In this short response, I agree with Cavaliere’s recent invitation to consider ectogenesis, the process of gestation occurring outside the body, as a political perspective and provocation to building a world in which reproductive and care labour are more justly distributed. But I argue that much of the literature Cavaliere addresses in which scholars argue that artificial wombs may produce greater gender equality has the limitation of taking a fixed, binary and biological approach to sex and gender. I argue that (...)
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    (1 other version)The ‘French exception’: the right to continuous deep sedation at the end of life.Ruth Horn - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (3):204-205.
    In 2016, a law came into force in France granting terminally ill patients the right to continuous deep sedation until death. This right was proposed as an alternative to euthanasia and presented as the ‘French response’ to problems at the end of life. The law draws a distinction between CDS and euthanasia and other forms of sympton control at the end of life. France is the first country in the world to legislate on CDS. This short report describes the particular (...)
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    Kritische Bemerkungen zum aktuellen Gerechtigkeitsdiskurs.Christoph Horn - 2014 - Angewandte Philosophie. Eine Internationale Zeitschrift 1 (1):121-147.
    Many contemporary philosophers consider justice to be the crucial normative concept of ethics and political philosophy. This view goes back to J. S. MillÏs Utilitarianism (ch. 5), and to J. RawlsÏ A Theory of Justice. In this paper, I challenge this view. As I take it, justice is not the core of our normative convictions for many normative convictions do not concern questions of justice. I aim to show that our idea of justice has a very specific content and function.
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    Literarische Modalität: das Erleben von Wirklichkeit, Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit in der Literatur.András Horn - 1981 - Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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    Prolegomenon to a theory of deception.Winston A. Van Horne - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (2):171-182.
  37.  6
    Challenge & Perspective in Higher Education.Francis H. Horn & Delyte W. Morris - 1971 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    A professor, dean, and college president for more than twenty years, Francis H. Horn is one of America’s most penetrating educational analysts. And while in this collection of sixteen of his most significant and controversial papers he addresses himself primarily to educational ad­ministrators, the nonspecialist can read what he has to say with pleasure and profit. Extremely well written and jargon free, the essays represent the tenets of Mr. Horn’s main beliefs, many of which go against contemporary conventional views. The (...)
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    A Phenomenology of the Ground.O’Neil van Horn - 2020 - Environmental Philosophy 17 (2):253-270.
    In light of the already-here disasters of the Anthropocene, what might it mean to define “ground” phenomenologically? That is, if one is to get beyond the ‘merely rational’ and enter into the ‘dustier’ matters of ecological philosophizing, how might one phenomenologically consider the ground? This article will dwell on the nature of the earth-ground—or, soil—as a rematerialized grounding principle for phenomenology in this age of climate crisis. Contending with Heidegger, among others, this poietic article limns possibilities for a ‘grounded’ phenomenology.
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    "The poor have a claim founded in the law of nature": William Paley and the rights of the poor.Thomas A. Horne - 1985 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 23 (1):51-70.
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    Politics in a Corrupt Society: William Arnall's Defense of Robert Walpole.Thomas Horne - 1980 - Journal of the History of Ideas 41 (4):601.
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    Promoting responsible research conduct in a developing world academic context.Lyn Margaret Horn - 2013 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 6 (1):19.
    CITATION: Horn, L. M. 2015. Promoting responsible research conduct in a developing world academic context. South African Journal of Bioethics and Law, 6:21-24, doi:10.7196/SAJBL.256.
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    Research vulnerability: An illustrative case study from the south african mining industry.Lyn Horn - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (3):119–127.
    ABSTRACTThe concept of ‘vulnerability’ is well established within the realm of research ethics and most ethical guidelines include a section on ‘vulnerable populations’. However, the term ‘vulnerability’, used within a human research context, has received a lot of negative publicity recently and has been described as being simultaneously ‘too broad’ and ‘too narrow’.1 The aim of the paper is to explore the concept of research vulnerability by using a detailed case study – that of mineworkers in post‐apartheid South Africa. In (...)
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    O NESEF como intelectual org'nico-coletivo: dos pés à cabeça e da cabeça aos pés.Geraldo Balduino Horn - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-58.
    Resumo: O presente artigo visa apresentar, sistematizar e analisar, à luz da teoria social crítica, as ações desenvolvidas pelo NESEF (Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre o Ensino de Filosofia) ao longo de duas décadas de existência na Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR. Procura situar e referenciar as diferentes atividades desenvolvidas coletivamente no campo da pesquisa e da extensão. Parte do entendimento que a Filosofia só é Filosofia à medida que ela se nega e, por conseguinte, se realiza; e (...)
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    Political science.Cale D. Horne - 2016 - Phillipsburg , New Jersey: P&R Publishing.
    With their biblically grounded understanding of human nature, Christians are well prepared to engage political science. Horne presents a Christian framework, showing how this academic discipline can be studied faithfully.
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  45. Welfare rights as property rights.Thomas A. Horne - 1988 - In J. Donald Moon (ed.), Responsibility, rights, and welfare: the theory of the welfare state. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 107--132.
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    We are all the Smallest Woman in the World.Luz Horne & Translated by Jane Brodie - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (2):45-56.
    This essay explores the place in Clarice Lispector’s literature that seeks to touch a primary ground of the living with a language that exceeds the symbolic in order to read it from an anthropocenic, posthuman, and feminist present. It argues that the story “A menor mulher do mundo” (Laços de família, 1960) takes to an extreme what happens in all of Lispector’s literature at the point that we can find in Macabéa’s character from A hora da estrela (1976), a sort (...)
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  47. Property Rights and Poverty. Political Argument in Britain, 1605-1834.Thomas A. Horne - 1991 - Utopian Studies 2 (1):198-199.
  48. Implicature.Larry Horn - manuscript
    1. Implicature: some basic oppositions IMPLICATURE is a component of speaker meaning that constitutes an aspect of what is meant in a speaker’s utterance without being part of what is said. What a speaker intends to communicate is characteristically far richer than what she directly expresses; linguistic meaning radically underdetermines the message conveyed and understood. Speaker S tacitly exploits pragmatic principles to bridge this gap and counts on hearer H to invoke the same principles for the purposes of utterance interpretation. (...)
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    Kant’s Political Philosophy as a Theory of Non-Ideal Normativity.Christoph Horn - 2016 - Kant Studien 107 (1):89-110.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 1 Seiten: 89-110.
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    Building capacity for the development of a critical democratic citizenry through the redefinition of education.Raymond A. Horn Jr - 2004 - World Futures 60 (3):169 – 182.
    This article answers the question, How can we build capacity for the development of a critical democratic citizenry? This is achieved by generally describing postmodern society, and by introducing the idea of evolutionary consciousness as the next step in meeting the needs of a postmodern society. Secondly, the current nature of education is described, which is followed by a redefinition of education within the context of a critical ideal. The discussion concludes with a presentation of the pragmatics of building capacity (...)
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