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Toshihiro Kobayashi [9]Toshiaki Kobayashi [8]Tadashi Kobayashi [4]T. Kobayashi [3]
Takehiko Kobayashi [3]Tessei Kobayashi [3]Takeshi Kobayashi [2]Takuya Kobayashi [2]

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  1.  42
    Baby arithmetic: one object plus one tone.Tessei Kobayashi, Kazuo Hiraki, Ryoko Mugitani & Toshikazu Hasegawa - 2004 - Cognition 91 (2):B23-B34.
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  2.  32
    Ostension affects infant learning more than attention.Yuko Okumura, Yasuhiro Kanakogi, Tessei Kobayashi & Shoji Itakura - 2020 - Cognition 195 (C):104082.
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  3.  47
    Individual differences in object-processing explain the relationship between early gaze-following and later language development.Yuko Okumura, Yasuhiro Kanakogi, Tessei Kobayashi & Shoji Itakura - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):418-424.
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  4. Insights & Perspectives.David S. Goodsell, Wallace F. Marshall, Anthony M. Poole, Takehiko Kobayashi, Austen Rd Ganley, Bertrand Jordan, Luke Isbel, Emma Whitelaw, Dylan Owen & Astrid Magenau - unknown - Bioessays 34:718 - 720.
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  5.  55
    Social equality and the conditional justifiability of political inequality.Takuto Kobayashi - 2024 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 23 (3):252-272.
    Social or relational egalitarians try to defend democracy non-instrumentally as a constitutive element of a society where no one stands as inferior or superior to anyone else. However, they face an instrumentalist challenge from within: Why not uphold a non-democratic regime if it outperforms democracy in protecting or promoting egalitarian social relations, for example, by stably producing substantive political decisions that guard against social hierarchies? This article explores the best response to this challenge from the social egalitarian non-instrumentalist standpoint. It (...)
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  6.  37
    The Shifting Other in Karatani Kōjin’s Philosophy.Toshiaki Kobayashi & John W. M. Krummel - 2016 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 4:17-31.
    In this article Kobayashi Toshiaki discusses the importance in all periods of Karatani’s oeuvre of the notion of an “exterior” that necessarily falls beyond the bounds of a system, together with the notion of “singularity” as that which cannot be contained within a “universal.” The existential dread vis-à-vis the uncanny other that Karatani in his early works of literary criticism had initially found to be the underlying tone in Sōseki’s works remained with Karatani himself throughout his career and is what (...)
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  7.  16
    Evolution of sex‐determination in dioecious plants: From active Y to X/A balance?Yusuke Kazama, Taiki Kobayashi & Dmitry A. Filatov - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (11):2300111.
    Sex chromosomes in plants have been known for a century, but only recently have we begun to understand the mechanisms behind sex determination in dioecious plants. Here, we discuss evolution of sex determination, focusing on Silene latifolia, where evolution of separate sexes is consistent with the classic “two mutations” model—a loss of function male sterility mutation and a gain of function gynoecium suppression mutation, which turned an ancestral hermaphroditic population into separate males and females. Interestingly, the gynoecium suppression function in (...)
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  8.  7
    Kagaku gijutsu shakairon to wa nani ka =.Yūko Fujigaki & Tadashi Kobayashi (eds.) - 2020 - Tōkyō-to Meguro-ku: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
    科学技術と社会の間に、「新たな関係」を構築する。原発事故、気候工学、ゲノム編集、...現代に生じるさまざまな課題にどう取り組むか?科学技術社会論(STS)は、日ごろあたりまえと考えられている事柄の見え 方を変える力をもつ。イノベーション論や科学技術政策との関係もふくめて問い直す。.
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  9.  28
    A new role of the rDNA and nucleolus in the nucleus—rDNA instability maintains genome integrity.Takehiko Kobayashi - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (3):267-272.
    The nucleolus is a region of the nucleus with high protein density and it acts as a ribosome factory. The nucleolus contains a distinct region of the genome, the ribosomal RNA gene repeats (rDNA) that supply ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules. The rDNA is the most‐abundant gene and occupies a large part of the genome, for example, there are thousands of rDNA copies in the genomes of plant cells. Therefore, it is natural to suppose that the condition of the rDNA, such (...)
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  10. Chūgoku kindai shisō kenkyū.Takeshi Kobayashi - 2019 - Kyōto-shi: Hōyū Shoten.
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  11. Gendai no hō: taikeiteki 50-kō.Takasuke Kobayashi (ed.) - 1963 - Tōkyō: Waseda Daigaku Shuppanbu.
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  12. Hēgeru kenkyū.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1971
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  13.  7
    Hirata kokugaku no reikonkan.Takerō Kobayashi - 2017 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Kōbundō.
  14. Hiromatsu Wataru, kindai no chōkoku.Toshiaki Kobayashi - 2007 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
  15.  79
    Japan's reception of science in the light of social epistemology.Tadashi Kobayashi - 1999 - Social Epistemology 13 (3 & 4):251 – 256.
  16.  9
    Jitsuzon shugi: ningen to wa nani ka.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1986 - Tōkyō: Sanshūsha.
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  17.  6
    Jitsuzon shugi o megutte.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1992 - Tōkyō: Kindai Bungeisha.
  18. Jitsuzon tetsugaku e no michi.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1954 - [n.p.]:
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  19. Meiji zenki shisō.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1988 - Kyōto-shi: Sanwa Shobō.
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  20.  4
    Nishida Kitarō no yūutsu.Toshiaki Kobayashi - 2003 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
    西田幾多郎(一八七〇‐一九四五)の人生。それは一人の人間の個別的な営みを超え、明治から昭和に至る奔流のただなかに姿を見せ始めた「日本」を集約し、体現するものだった。同時代の多彩な資料に基づく実証的手法 によって克明に描き出される哲学者の苦悩と格闘の人生に、近代日本の成立過程に現出した幾多の問題系を照射する斬新な評伝的批評。.
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  21.  7
    Ninomiya Sontoku: zai no seimei wa toku o ikasu ni ari.Tadashi Kobayashi - 2009 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
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  22.  5
    Nishida tetsugaku o hiraku: "eien no ima" o megutte.Toshiaki Kobayashi - 2013 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
    西田幾多郎の中心概念「永遠の今」を外部の多様な言説に向けて開放することで、西田哲学の新たな可能性を切り開く。プラトン、アウグスティヌス、ハイデッガー、九鬼周造、デリダ、アガンベン、木村敏といった西洋哲 学、宗教学、現代思想、精神病理学の代表者たちの議論と西田の言説を突き合わせ、その緻密な解釈と検証を通して、これまで時間論で見逃されてきたカイロスの系譜とその意義を照らし出す。既成の西田研究に問題を投げ かける著者十年の集大成。岩波現代文庫オリジナル版。.
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  23.  21
    Preferential penetration path of gallium into grain boundary in practical aluminium alloy.M. Kobayashi, H. Toda, K. Uesugi, T. Ohgaki, T. Kobayashi, Y. Takayama & B. -G. Ahn - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (28):4351-4366.
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  24.  29
    Reactivity of human cortical oscillations reflecting conscious perception in binocular rivalry.T. Kobayashi & K. Kato - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta, No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins. pp. 33--261.
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  25. Ronri to ronrigaku.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1971 - Edited by Heiji Teranaka.
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  26.  7
    Seishin byōri kara miru gendai shisō.Toshiaki Kobayashi - 1991 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
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  27.  23
    Scientific Knowledge in Society and it's Communication.Tadashi Kobayashi - 2010 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 43 (2):33-45.
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  28.  11
    Shinmatsu kōri shisō to Nihon.Takeshi Kobayashi - 2011 - Tōkyō: Kenbun Shuppan. Edited by Yutaka Satō.
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  29.  7
    "Shutai" no yukue: Nihon kindai shisōshi e no ichi shikaku.Toshiaki Kobayashi - 2010 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
    「主体」はもちろんsubjectの翻訳語である。明治以降、この語がわが国に入ってくると、「主観」「主体」「主語」などさまざまな翻訳語があらわれる。たとえば西田幾多郎は、初期は「主観」をつかっているが、 後期になると「主体」しか出てこなくなる。この移行ははたして何を意味するのだろうか。戦後には、「主体性論争」がわき起こり、たとえば学生運動では「主体性」という言葉がキーワードとなった。明治期の受容から、 戦後、そして現代に至るまで、それぞれの時代の趨勢となった思想に伏流する「主体」を追い続け、日本近代思想史にあらたな視座を提供する、知的興奮にあふれた一冊。.
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  30.  8
    Shina shisō to Furansu.Taichirō Kobayashi - 1939
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  31.  5
    Shakai shisō.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1983 - Tōkyō: Sanshūsha.
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  32.  36
    The growth of snow crystals at low supersaturations.T. Kobayashi - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (71):1363-1370.
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  33. Tetsugaku.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1973
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  34.  7
    Zoku Shakai shisō.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1983 - Tōkyō: Sanshūsha. Edited by Toshihiro Kobayashi.
  35.  28
    A positive role for yeast extrachromosomal rDNA circles?Anthony M. Poole, Takehiko Kobayashi & Austen Rd Ganley - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (9):725-729.
    Graphical AbstractYeast mitochondria frequently mutate, and some dysfunctional mitochondria out-compete wild-type versions. The retrograde response enables yeast to tolerate dysfunction, but also produces ribosomal DNA circles (ERCs). We propose that ERC accumulation increases expression of the rDNA antisense gene, TAR1, which counteracts spread of respiration-deficient mitochondria in matings with wild-type yeast.
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  36.  25
    Surface mesostructure change of B2-type FeAl single crystals by condensation of supersaturated thermal vacancies.Kyosuke Yoshimi *, Takayuki Kobayashi, Akira Yamauchi, Tomohide Haraguchi & Shuji Hanada - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (2-3):331-344.
  37.  48
    Effects of Internet use on self-efficacy: perceived network-changing possibility as a mediator. [REVIEW]Kaichiro Furutani, Tetsuro Kobayashi & Mitsuhiro Ura - 2009 - AI and Society 23 (2):251-263.
    The effect of Internet use as a mediating variable on self-efficacy as it relates to the cognition of network-changing possibility (i.e., connecting people or groups with different social backgrounds) was examined. The results showed that Internet use (i.e., the frequency of sending e-mail, friends made on the Internet) had a positive effect on the cognition of network-changing possibility. The cognition that it is possible to connect people with different social backgrounds by using the Internet also had a positive effect on (...)
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