Results for 'Taras Tkachuk'

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  1. (1 other version)The importance of the subject in objective morality: Distinguishing objective from intrinsic value: Tara Smith.Tara Smith - 2008 - Social Philosophy and Policy 25 (1):126-148.
    This essay contends that the debate between subjectivism and objectivism in ethics is better understood as a dispute among three alternatives: subjectivism, objectivism, and intrinsicism. Ayn Rand has identified intrinsicism – the belief that certain things are good “in, by, and of” themselves – as the doctrine that is actually operative in many defenses of moral objectivity. What intrinsicism fails to appreciate, however, is the significant role of the subject, the person to whom and for whom anything can be valuable. (...)
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    Gender Identity, the Sexed Body, and the Medical Making of Transgender.Tara Gonsalves - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (6):1005-1033.
    In this article, I argue that the medical conceptualization of gender identity in the United States has entered a “new regime of truth.” Drawing from a mixed-methods analysis of medical journals, I illuminate a shift in the locus of gender identity from external genitalia and pathologization of families to genes and brain structure and individualized self-conception. The sexed body itself has also undergone a transformation: Sex no longer resides solely in genitalia but has traveled to more visible parts of the (...)
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    Knowledge and freedom in Indian philosophy.Tara Chatterjea - 2002 - Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
    In this groundbreaking collection of articles, Tara Chatterjea brings Indian philosophy into proximity with contemporary analytic thought.
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    Феномен пам’яті в ретроспективі античності.Bohdana V. Tkachuk - 2019 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 60:21-28.
    The article deals with the formation of understanding and interpretation of the phenomenon of memory in the European philosophical tradition. The historical-cultural and linguistic-semantic connections of the ideological paradigm of Ancient Greek thinkers and philosophers are researched. In article revealded a peculiarities of the main philosophical categories of Plato’s philosophy in the context of explaining the phenomenon of memory and memories. We realized a distinction for better understanding of the phenomenon of memory for ancient culture into two branches: 1) memory (...)
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    Speusippus of Athens: A Critical Study with a Collection of the Related Texts and Commentary.Leonardo Tarán (ed.) - 1981 - Leiden: Brill.
    CHAPTER ONE LIFE The extant evidence about Speusippus' life is scanty, and little of it is reliable. The reasons are not difficult to discover : the greater ...
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    Galilean and Lorentz Transformations in a Space with Generalized Uncertainty Principle.V. M. Tkachuk - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (12):1666-1679.
    We consider a space with Generalized Uncertainty Principle which can be obtained in the frame of the deformed commutation relations. In the space with GUP we have found transformations relating coordinates and times of moving and rest frames of reference in the first order over the parameter of deformation. In the non-relativistic case we find the deformed Galilean transformation which is rotation in Euclidian space–time. This transformation is similar to the Lorentz one but written for Euclidean space–time where the speed (...)
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  7. Pryhazhostsʹ dushėŭnai︠a︡.Taras Khadkevich - 1963
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  8. Anna Wintour: The Truth behind the Bob.Tara Kloeppel - 2011 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 16 (1):n1.
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    Філософський символізм багатократного дублювання.Taras Lyuty - 2021 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 6:14-27.
    The article focuses on the historical, psychological, anthropological, and sociocultural aspects of the phenomenon of a double. Compared with other beings, a human is constantly forming strategies for the realization of his or her freedom. Therefore, human beings do not adapt to the world but create unusual projections of themselves. As a result, there are specific models of entering into the Being, based on a symbolic construction. Symbolism as the main component of duplication is the central point of the study. (...)
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    Григорій Сковорода і західноєвропейська філософія: між берегами містики та раціоналізму.Taras Lyuty - 2022 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 9:3-22.
    Задум статті полягає у встановленні зв’язків між ученням Григорія Сковороди та чільними тенденціями в західній філософії. Оскільки шукані впливи, подібності та паралелі є переважно неявними, головною метою розвідки є виявлення спільних мотивів мислення, а не прямої залежності. Проте найбільша трудність полягає в тому, що українського філософа непросто зарахувати до якогось конкретного новочасного інтелектуального руху. Припускають, що його місце у філософії десь на перехресті між містичною та раціоналістичною традиціями. Спочатку в статті порівняно погляди німецьких містиків із концептами Сковороди. А потім детальніше (...)
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    The Complicated Relationship Between Business and Peace.Tara J. Radin, Beverly Kracher & Craig P. Dunn - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:221-226.
    The purpose of this panel is to engage an increasingly multidisciplinary audience in a developing conversation about the relationship between business and peace. Topics covered will include an overview of existing scholarship; an examination the connection between stakeholder thinking and a more robust understanding of the firm; an inquiry into workplaces, work, and workers; and an exploration of the multifaceted role of technology. Our goal is to provoke further discussion of these topics and others to become part of the ongoing (...)
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    Дмитро поспєхов: Філософ, психолог, богослов.Maryna Tkachuk - 2021 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 7:3-16.
    The article dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Dmytro Vasyliovych Pospiekhov, a philosopher, psychologist, theologian and translator, for the first time in the scientific literature, highlights the milestones of his academic biography and more than 50 years of professor’s tenure at the Department of Philosophy of Kyiv Theological Academy. Based on the analysis of a significant array of printed sources and archival documents, memories of colleagues and students of Dmytro Pospiekhov, the content and specifics of his educational, administrative, editorial and (...)
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    A Word of Welcome From the Editor-in-Chief.Maryna Tkachuk - 2021 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 8:v-v.
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    Ethymological Features of Modern Research in Memory Philosophy.Bohdana Tkachuk - 2019 - Visnyk of the Lviv University Series Philosophical Sciences 23:101-107.
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    Introduction.Taras Zakydalsky - 1997 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 36 (3):4-6.
    The first four selections in this issue are devoted to the question of the future of science in Russia. A. V. Iurevich and I. P. Tsapenko outline the depressed state of Russian science today and the tendencies that, unless checked, will bring about its complete collapse. The precipitous decline in government financing of research has not been offset by support from international foundations or private business in Russia. The salaries of scientists are among the lowest in the economy—below the official (...)
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  16. Measuring Ethical Sensitivity and Evaluation.Tara J. Shawver & John T. Sennetti - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (4):663-678.
    Measures of student ethical sensitivity and their increases help to answer questions such as whether accounting ethics should be taught at all. We investigate different sensitivity measures and alternatives to the well-established Defining Issues Test (DIT-2, Rest, J. R. et al. [1999, Postconventional Moral Thinking: A Neo-Kohlbergian Approach (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ]), frequently used to measure the effects of undergraduate accounting ethics education. Because the DIT measures cognitive development, which increases with age, the DIT scores for younger accounting students (...)
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  17. The Struggle Against Sweatshops: Moving Toward Responsible Global Business.Tara J. Radin & Martin Calkins - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (2-3):261-272.
    Today's sweatshops violate our notions of justice, yet they continue to flourish. This is so because we have not settled on criteria that would allow us to condemn and do away with them and because the poor working conditions in certain places are preferable to the alternative of no job at all. In this paper, we examine these phenomena. We consider the definitional dilemmas posed by sweatshops by routing a standard definition of sweatshops through the precepts put forward in the (...)
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    Considering materiality in educational policy: Messy objects and multiple reals.Tara Fenwick & Richard Edwards - 2011 - Educational Theory 61 (6):709-726.
    Educational analysts need new ways to engage with policy processes in a networked world of complex transnational connections. In this discussion, Tara Fenwick and Richard Edwards argue for a greater focus on materiality in educational policy as a way to trace the heterogeneous interactions and precarious linkages that enact policy as complex manifestations. In particular, Fenwick and Edwards point to the methodologies of actor-network theory (ANT), at least in its most recent permutations, as a useful approach to materiality in policy (...)
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    Academic dishonesty amongst Australian criminal justice and policing university students: individual and contextual factors.Tara Renae McGee & Li Eriksson - 2015 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 11 (1).
    Over the past few decades, a body of research has developed examining the academic dishonesty of university and college students. While research has explored academic dishonesty amongst American criminal justice and policing students, no research has specifically focused on investigating the dynamics and correlates of academic dishonesty amongst Australian criminology students. This study drew upon data obtained from a survey of 79 undergraduate criminal justice and policing students studying at an Australian university. Overall, the results suggest that male gender, viewing (...)
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    Viable Values: A Study of Life as the Root and Reward of Morality.Tara Smith - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Viable Values examines the most basic foundations of value and morality, demonstrating the shortcomings of major traditional views and proposing that morality is grounded in the objective requirements of human life. Smith argues that morality depends on a proper understanding of the concept of values, and that values depend on the alternative of life or death. She proposes that human beings need to be moral in order to live, explaining how life is the standard of morality, how flourishing is the (...)
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    Nurses as agents of disruption: Operationalizing a framework to redress inequities in healthcare access among Indigenous Peoples.Tara C. Horrill, Donna E. Martin, Josée G. Lavoie & Annette S. H. Schultz - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (3):e12394.
    Health equity is a global concern. Although health equity extends far beyond the equitable distribution of healthcare, equitable access to healthcare is essential to the achievement of health equity. In Canada, Indigenous Peoples experience inequities in health and healthcare access. Cultural safety and trauma‐ and violence‐informed care have been proposed as models of care to improve healthcare access, yet practitioners lack guidance on how to implement these models. In this paper, we build upon an existing framework of equity‐oriented care for (...)
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    Understanding access to healthcare among Indigenous peoples: A comparative analysis of biomedical and postcolonial perspectives.Tara Horrill, Diana E. McMillan, Annette S. H. Schultz & Genevieve Thompson - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12237.
    As nursing professionals, we believe access to healthcare is fundamental to health and that it is a determinant of health. Therefore, evidence suggesting access to healthcare is problematic for many Indigenous peoples is concerning. While biomedical perspectives underlie our current understanding of access, considering alternate perspectives could expand our awareness of and ability to address this issue. In this paper, we critique how access to healthcare is understood through a biomedical lens, how a postcolonial theoretical lens can extend that understanding, (...)
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    Collected papers, 1962-1999.Leonardo Tarán - 2001 - Boston: Brill.
    This book consists in a reprint of papers dealing mostly with Grecoroman philosophy, ranging from the 5th century BC to the 6th century AD, and concerned mainly ...
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    Внесок Інституту філософії НАН України у розвиток філософії та релігієзнавства в НаУКМА.Maryna Tkachuk - 2022 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 9:23-33.
    The article for the first time in the scientific literature highlights the place and role of the Institute of Philosophy of H. S. Skovoroda of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the creation and development of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (NaUKMA), established 1992. Focusing on important role of the scientists of the Institute of Philosophy in the actualization of the intellectual heritage and institutional memory of the glorious Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (...)
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    Settling for second best: when should doctors agree to parental demands for suboptimal medical treatment?Tara Nair, Julian Savulescu, Jim Everett, Ryan Tonkens & Dominic Wilkinson - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (12):831-840.
    Background Doctors sometimes encounter parents who object to prescribed treatment for their children, and request suboptimal substitutes be administered instead. Previous studies have focused on parental refusal of treatment and when this should be permitted, but the ethics of requests for suboptimal treatment has not been explored. Methods The paper consists of two parts: an empirical analysis and an ethical analysis. We performed an online survey with a sample of the general public to assess respondents’ thresholds for acceptable harm and (...)
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    Gender and Emotion Expression: A Developmental Contextual Perspective.Tara M. Chaplin - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):14-21.
    Small but significant gender differences in emotion expressions have been reported for adults, with women showing greater emotional expressivity, especially for positive emotions and internalizing negative emotions such as sadness. But when, developmentally, do these gender differences emerge? And what developmental and contextual factors influence their emergence? This article describes a developmental bio-psycho-social model of gender differences in emotion expression in childhood. Prior empirical research supporting the model, at least with mostly White middle-class U.S. samples of youth, is presented. Limitations (...)
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  27. Is torture part of your social network.Tara Atluri - 2014 - In Matthew Flisfeder & Louis-Paul Willis (eds.), Zizek and Media Studies: A Reader. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    10.5840/jbee20118140.Tara L. Ceranic - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (1):410-415.
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    The New Corporate Men.Tara L. Ceranic & Wendy S. Harman - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:3-8.
    Women in the business school are beginning to assume characteristics that will prove both ineffective and detrimental in the workplace. This paper seeks to present a framework for understanding these changes as well as their implications. We present several testable hypotheses as well as suggestions for easing the tensions felt by women in business settings.
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  30. (2 other versions)The Individual in the Legal and Political Thought and Institutions of India.Tara Chand - 1967 - In Charles Alexander Moore (ed.), The Indian mind. Honolulu,: East-West Center Press. pp. 374--375.
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    Особливості конфесійного життя римо-католицької церкви в західних областях україни у 1953–1958 рр.Taras Diduh - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:158-164.
    In the article the author analyzed changes in the confessional life of the Rome-Catholic Church in the territory of western regions of Ukraine in 1953–1958 years. Investigating features of the relationship between the soviet authorities and the Roman Catholics in the period liberalization social and political life in the USSR.
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    Cardiorespiratory Fitness May Protect Memory for Poorer Sleepers.Tara Kuhn & Jennifer Heisz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesPhysical activity has been shown to protect executive functions against the deleterious effects of poorer sleep among older adults ; however, it is unknown whether memory is protected too, and if this relationship differs by age. The present study investigated the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness, sleep, and memory in both older and young adults.MethodsThis observational study recruited 26 OA and 35 YA. Participants completed the Rockport 1-mile walk test to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness. Participants wore an actigraph for 1 week to (...)
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    Criticism of the guidelines of cartesian philosophy by Ch. Pierce.Taras Mamenko - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:176-192.
    The article intends to show the significance of Ch. Peirce’s ideas for the development of contemporary philosophy, to find out the main directions of his criticism of the principles of Cartesian and more broadly modern philosophy (where it comes from Descartes) and to consider the positive program of his philosophy, which he offers as an alternative to Modern philosophy. Peirce starts from a pragmatic and semiotic approach to human nature, consciousness and cognition. Thanks to this approach, he managed to undermine (...)
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  34. Developing an Aboriginal Archaeology: Receiving Gifts from the White Buffalo Calf Woman.Tara Million - 2005 - In Claire Smith & Hans Martin Wobst (eds.), Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonizing Theory and Practice. Routledge. pp. 43--55.
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    Танець як мистецтво, ритуал та історія.Taras Osadtsiv - 2016 - Схід 2 (142):57-61.
    Пропонована стаття розкриває нові аспекти розуміння історичного процесу та відгуку людської спільноти на них. Адаптаційні процеси, згідно з історичною антропологією, можуть виявлятися в мистецтві та ритуалі. У контексті цієї статті автор розглядає танець, хореографічне мистецтво, як безпосередню реакцію людей на швидкі зміни історичних обставин. Це надає можливість визначати танець як надзвичайно важливий маркер реакції спільноти на нові обставини, у яких ця спільнота опинилася.
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    The Role of Law in Supporting Secondary Uses of Electronic Health Information.Tara Ramanathan, Cason Schmit, Akshara Menon & Chanelle Fox - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (S1):48-51.
    For decades, health information has been collected and shared for health care delivery and public health purposes. While the “primary use” of patient data for providing direct health care services is the cornerstone of health care practice, health departments rely on data sharing for research and analysis to support disease prevention and health promotion in the population. As the U.S. health system undergoes a digital revolution, health information that was previously captured in paper form now can be captured electronically. Electronic (...)
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  37. The Inflation of Rights.Tara Smith - 1990 - Dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University
    In recent decades, we have seen a remarkable proliferation of the kinds of moral rights that people are thought to have. While many of these new rights have gained sizable support, the theoretical underpinnings of all rights have remained uncertain. The danger in the growth of rights claims is that we may weaken rights. As more and more desirable goods are demanded as people's "rights," the actual protection which rights afford is diminished. Abundant rights will bump up against one another, (...)
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  38. Kyïvsʹka akademichna filosofii︠a︡ XIX--pochatku XX st.: metodolohichni problemy doslidz︠h︡enni︠a︡.Maryna Tkachuk - 2000 - Kyïv: T︠S︡entr praktychnoï filosofiï.
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    Symphonic Compositions in the Literary and Epistolary Heritage of Hryhorii Skovoroda.Taras Kononenko - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:69-92.
    The article explores the phenomenon of symphonism in the written and other intellectual heritage of Hryhorii Skovoroda. The study reveals that the conclusion about systemic symphonismbeing a property of the thinker’s reflections can only be hypothetical at this stage. This is due tothe fact that the source base of the present study includes a significant number of diverse works by the philosopher that have not yet received a proper archaeographic description. The matter of archaeographic description of sources in the history (...)
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    Introduction: Reclaiming and Renewing Actor Network Theory for Educational Research.Tara Fenwick & Richard Edwards - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (S1):1-14.
    In considering two extended examples of educational reform efforts, this discussion traces relations that become visible through analytic approaches associated with actor‐network theory . The strategy here is to present multiple readings of the two examples. The first reading adopts an ANT approach to follow ways that all actors—human and non‐human entities, including the entity that is taken to be ‘educational reform’—are performed into being through the play of linkages among heterogeneous elements. Then, further readings focus not only on the (...)
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    Ideological Interpretations of Nietzsche’s Philosophical Views in the Ukrainian Cultural Context.Taras Lyuty - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (1):71-82.
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    Justice as a Personal Virtue.Tara Smith - 1999 - Social Theory and Practice 25 (3):361-384.
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    Beyond markets: The DADA case for NFTs in art.Tara Merk - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (1):73-89.
    The rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has been astonishing, in particular for the arts and creative industries. The dominant discourse both in mainstream media and in academia today focuses predominantly on what this new technology can do for the art market rather than art itself. However, framing NFTs in art in the context of money and markets draws attention away from the more subtle and creative role of NFTs. Consequently, this article asks: What is the role of NFTs in art, (...)
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    Are There Gender Differences When Professional Accountants Evaluate Moral Intensity for Earnings Management?Tara J. Shawver & Lynn H. Clements - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (3):557-566.
    Gender differences in ethical evaluations may vary across types of behaviors. This controlled experiment explores gender differences in ethical evaluations, moral judgment, moral intentions, and moral intensity evaluations by surveying a group of professional accountants to elicit their views on a common earnings management technique. We find that there are no significant differences between male and female professional accountants when they make an ethical evaluation involving earnings management by shipping product early to meet a quarterly bonus. Both male and female (...)
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  45. Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist.Tara Smith - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Ayn Rand is well known for advocating egoism, but the substance of that instruction is rarely understood. Far from representing the rejection of morality, selfishness, in Rand's view, actually demands the practice of a systematic code of ethics. This book explains the fundamental virtues that Rand considers vital for a person to achieve his objective well-being: rationality, honesty, independence, justice, integrity, productiveness, and pride. Tracing Rand's account of the harmony of human beings' rational interests, Smith examines what each of these (...)
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    The Effectiveness of Global Codes of Conduct: Role Models That Make Sense.Tara J. Radin - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (4):415-447.
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    (1 other version)Reading Educational Reform with Actor‐Network Theory: Fluid Spaces, Otherings, and Ambivalences.Tara Fenwick - 1991 - In Tara Fenwick & Richard Edwards (eds.), Researching Education Through Actor-Network Theory. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 97–116.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction ANT, After‐ANT, and Educational Reform Network Readings and Educational Reform A First Reading of Reform: Extending the Network Re‐thinking the Reading: Centrality and Otherness A Second Reading: Mobilizing and Sustaining Reform Re‐reading Reform: Fluid Spaces and Ambivalent Belongings Conclusion Notes References.
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    Perceptual Diversity: Is Polyphasic Consciousness Necessary for Global Survival?Tara W. Lumpkin - 2001 - Anthropology of Consciousness 12 (1):37-70.
    Perceptual diversity allows human beings to access knowledge through a variety of perceptual processes, rather than merely through everyday waking reality. Many of these perceptual processes are transrational altered states of consciousness (meditation, trance, dreams, imagination) and are not considered valid processes for accessing knowledge by science (which is based primarily upon quantification, reductionism, and the experimental method). According to Erika Bourguignon's (1973) research in the 1970s, approximately 90 percent of cultures have institutionalized forms of altered states of consciousness, meaning (...)
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    Moral Intensity Revisited: Measuring the Benefit of Accounting Ethics Interventions.Tara J. Shawver & William F. Miller - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3):587-603.
    The purpose of this study was to determine whether accounting students’ perception of moral intensity could be enhanced through a limited ethics intervention in an Advanced Accounting course. Ethical decisions are heavily influenced by the intensity of the moral problem: the more egregious the act, the more the people view it as unethical. This controlled experiment measures the change in perceptions of moral intensity with the pre- and post-test instruments using five accounting specific vignettes containing moral dilemmas which are progressively (...)
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    Monograph by A. Kolodnyi "Religious Life of Ukraine in the Persons of Its Persons and Researchers".Maryna Tkachuk, Anatoliy Yermolenko, Pavlo Movchan & Petro Yarotskiy - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:146-154.
    Monograph by A. Kolodnyi "Religious Life of Ukraine in the Persons of Its Persons and Researchers" - assessments of its reviewers M. Tkachuk, P.Movchan, A.Yermolenko and P.Yarotsky.
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