Results for 'Tazio Morandini'

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    A newspaper for the Italian revolution: Giovanni Antonio Ranza’s Monitore italiano politico e letterario.Tazio Morandini - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Giovanni Antonio Ranza’s Italian newspaper Monitore italiano politico e letterario is an ideal case for understanding the diffusion of revolutionary ideas not as a circulation or a transfer, but as an entanglement, through which revolutionary values grow in the process of their own reinterpretation and application onto the pragmatism of cultural and political struggle. Published from January to June 1793 in Nice, this periodical was conceived as a tool to explain the developments of the French Revolution and to radicalize the (...)
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    Il tempo sarà bello: fondamenti etici e teologici per nuovi stili di vita.Simone Morandini - 2003 - Bologna: EMI.
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    Alla fine della vita: religioni e bioetica.Simone Morandini & Renzo Pegoraro (eds.) - 2003 - Padova: Gregoriana.
    I grandi interrogativi sul significato della vita umana - sull'origine e la fine di ognuno - sull'origine e la fine dell'esistenza di ognuno - sono al cuore della riflessione filosofica e teologica, ma interpellano in maniera nuova anche le discipline scientifiche, psicologiche, sociali e giuridiche. Soprattutto toccano il nostro agire; è la sfera dell'etica ad essere coinvolta, come valori, principi e norme che guidano le decisioni da prendere. Le religioni e le tradizioni culturali hanno sempre accompagnato queste realtà, elaborando principi (...)
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    La diversità feconda: un dialogo etico tra religioni nella città.Simone Morandini (ed.) - 2021 - Bologna: EDB Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna.
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    L'épistémologie thomiste.Francesco Morandini - 1951 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 49 (24):641-651.
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  6. Genetic essentialism: The mediating role of essentialist biases on the relationship between genetic knowledge and the interpretations of genetic information.Kate E. Lynch, Ilan Dar Nimrod, Ruth Kuntzman, Georgia MacNevin, Marlon Woods & James Morandini - 2021 - European Journal of Medical Genetics 64 (1):104119.
    Purpose Genetic research, via the mainstream media, presents the public with novel, profound findings almost on a daily basis. However, it is not clear how much laypeople understand these presentations and how they integrate such new findings into their knowledge base. Genetic knowledge (GK), existing causal beliefs, and genetic essentialist tendencies (GET) have been implicated in such processes; the current study assesses the relationships between these elements and how brief presentations of media releases of scientific findings about genetics are consumed (...)
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    causal reasoning about genetics: synthesis and future directions.Kate E. Lynch, Ilan Dar Nimrod, Paul Edmund Griffiths & James Morandini - 2019 - Behavior Genetics 2 (49):221-234.
    When explaining the causes of human behavior, genes are often given a special status. They are thought to relate to an intrinsic human 'essence', and essentialist biases have been shown to skew the way in which causation is assessed. Causal reasoning in general is subject to other pre-existing biases, including beliefs about normativity and morality. In this synthesis we show how factors which influence causal reasoning can be mapped to a framework of genetic essentialism, which reveals both the shared and (...)
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    Obras Generales.Expone Las Intervenciones de Ua Padovani, Van Steenberghen Bataglia, C. Fabro, A. Guzzo, G. Flores, L. Stefanini, F. Morandini, G. Mattai & R. Ceñal - 1952 - Filosofia 111:317-350.
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  9. Juan Zaragüeta: "francisco Morandini, S. J.".Enrique DÍaz MÉndez & Staff - 1968 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 27 (104/107):297.
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