Results for 'Teresinka Pereira'

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  1.  19
    Neomalthusianismo e movemento libertario na Galiza de anteguerra.Dionisio Pereira González & Eliseo Fernández - 2009 - In Francisco Díaz-Fierros Viqueira (ed.), O darwinismo e Galicia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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    Capacities and Limitations of Using Polygenic Risk Scores for Reproductive Decision Making.Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Stacey Pereira, Meghna Mukherjee, Kristin Marie Kostick-Quenet, Shai Carmi, Todd Lencz & Dorit Barlevy - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):42-45.
    In their article “Implementing Expanded Prenatal Genetic Testing: Should Parents Have Access to Any and All Fetal Genetic Information?” Bayefsky and Berkman briefly mention that: “[s]ome are...
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  3. Full Bayesian Significance Test Applied to Multivariate Normal Structure Models.Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira, Julio Michael Stern & Shelemiahu Zacks - 2003 - Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 17:147-168.
    Abstract: The Pull Bayesian Significance Test (FBST) for precise hy- potheses is applied to a Multivariate Normal Structure (MNS) model. In the FBST we compute the evidence against the precise hypothesis. This evi- dence is the probability of the Highest Relative Surprise Set (HRSS) tangent to the sub-manifold (of the parameter space) that defines the null hypothesis. The MNS model we present appears when testing equivalence conditions for genetic expression measurements, using micro-array technology.
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  4.  18
    The ASGLOS Study: A global survey on how predatory journals affect scientific practice.Alessandro Martinino, Oshin Puri, Juan Pablo Scarano Pereira, Eloise Owen, Surobhi Chatterjee, Mohamed Abouelazayem, Wah Yang, Francesk Mulita, Yitka Graham, Chetan Parmar, Dharmanand Ramnarain, Arda Isik, Shruti Yadav, Bhargavi R. Budihal, Shankarsai Kashyap, Mohammad Aloulou, Mrinmoy Kundu, Arturan Ibrahimli, Eshwar Rajesh, Reewen George D. Silva, Gaurang Bhatt, Kashish Malhotra, Riccardo Magnani, Frank W. J. M. Smeenk & Sjaak Pouwels - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (3):207-216.
    Predatory journals and conferences are an emerging problem in scientific literature as they have financial motives, without guaranteeing scientific quality and exposure. The main objective of the ASGLOS project is to investigate the predatory e‐email characteristics, management, and possible consequences and to analyse the extent of the current problem at each academic level. To collect the personal experiences of physicians’ mailboxes on predatory publishing, a Google Form® survey was designed and disseminated from September 2021 to April 2022. A total of (...)
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    Women and new reproductive technologies.C. Lema, C. Pereira, A. Cambron & C. Susanne - 1997 - Global Bioethics 10 (1-4):129-137.
    If few authors have paid much attention to the feminine concerns in new reproductive technologies, actually it is mainly some feminist authors, who, to a great extent, have allowed these concerns to enter into public debate. On the other hand, the preoccupation about women's interests and points of view is a feature in common of all feminist approaches, independently of their other philosophical concepts. Nevertheless, another feature of feminist discourses is their plurality and heterogeneity. So, we have not find back (...)
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  6.  21
    Mística na tradição ocidental em Lima Vaz.Hélio Pereira Lima - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1487-1508.
    This Work aims at reflecting on mystics, within the Western tradition, departing Lima Vaz’ thought, in order to try identifying the function that rested reserved to Mystic Experience, in the Modern Society, Society that, as It purposes Itself destroying the Sacred one up the World, has put aside Religion as a factor of legitimation regarding to public sphere. Its purpose is recovering some historical-philosophical aspects regarding to Christian Tradition in order to understanding better the level regarding to crisis of meaning (...)
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  7.  33
    Edmund Becher Wilson’s Early Contributions to the Chromosome Theory of Heredity: A Case Study of Instrumentalism in Science.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (9).
    The chromosome theory of inheritance was established during the three first decades of the 20th century. During the early stage of its substantiating, there were lots of puzzles and little evidence that could validate it. The cytological processes were obscure and several scientists maintained serious doubts concerning the existence of a connection between Mendel’s principles and the behaviour of chromosomes during cell division. It was vital to associate an external, observable characteristic of the organism to a specific chromosome, and this (...)
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  8.  22
    The concept of justice of the Sovran Maxims from Epicurus.João Pereira de Matos - 2012 - Cultura:115-124.
    A partir das máximas que, nas Máximas Capitais, se referem ao conceito de justiça, procede-se a uma circunscrição do que era para Epicuro a justiça e comparam-se as suas concepções sobre o tema com a tradição dominante do direito romano-germânico baseada no ius suum cuique tribuendi do Corpus Iuris Civilis e com os conceitos modernos e contemporâneos contratualistas de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes e John Rawls e da Gevalt de Jacques Derrida e de Hannah Arendt.
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  9.  24
    Movimentos axiológicos e(m) semiotizações de memórias de bem-estar promovidas por uma escola do interior baiano.Fernanda de Castro Modl, Maria do Alívio Pessoa Caires Pereira, Cristiane Campos Marques, Anderson de Jesus Caires & Marina Santos Soares Pereira - forthcoming - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação.
    Este artigo visa analisar modos de axiologizar o bem-estar na escola em enunciados produzidos por alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola municipal do interior baiano. Interessa-nos, especialmente, compreender como os sujeitos semiotizam, em seus enunciados, o que consideram o evento mais marcante de suas experiências ao longo dos anos finais do ensino fundamental e o que isso nos informa sobre os valores ali mobilizados relativos ao papel social e institucional da escola e(m) suas modalidades de convivência (...)
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    Psychological Capital Profiles and Their Relationship With Internal Learning in Teams of Undergraduate Students.Rosa Lutete Geremias, Miguel Pereira Lopes & André Escórcio Soares - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to analyze the relationship between psychological capital profiles and internal learning in teams. The participants in this study were 480 undergraduate students. We performed a cluster analysis using the SPSS and yielded four distinct psychological capital profiles. The student profile with the highest scores in self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience exhibited also the highest scores of internal learning in teams. On the other hand, the student profile with the lowest scores in self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience presented (...)
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  11.  22
    Entrevista com professoras (es) de filosofia do ensino superior do ceará (bloco I).Ada Beatriz Gallicchio Kroef, Vicente Thiago Freire Brazil, Roberta Liana Damasceno Costa, Elizabeth Bezerra Furtado, Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa & Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):284-306.
    ENTREVISTA COM PROFESSORAS (ES) DE FILOSOFIA DO ENSINO SUPERIOR DO CEARÁ – BLOCO ICom: Ada Beatriz Gallicchio Kroef, Vicente Thiago Freire Brazil, Roberta Liana Damasceno Costa, Elizabeth Bezerra FurtadoPor: Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa, Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima.
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  12.  15
    Science on the verge.Alice Benessia, Silvio Funtowicz, Andrea Saltelli, Mario Giampietro, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Jerome R. Ravetz, Roger Strand & Jeroen P. Van der Sluijs (eds.) - 2016 - Tempe, AZ: Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes.
    A crisis looms over the scientific enterprise. Not a day passes without news of retractions, failed replications, fraudulent peer reviews, or misinformed science-based policies. The social implications are enormous, yet this crisis has remained largely uncharted-until now. In Science on the Verge, luminaries in the field of post-normal science and scientific governance focus attention on worrying fault-lines in the use of science for policymaking, and the dramatic crisis within science itself. This provocative new volume in The Rightful Place of Science (...)
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  13.  9
    As relações interdisciplinares em Ciências das Religiões.Elisa Pereira Gonsalves Possebon & Fabricio Possebon - forthcoming - Horizonte:1252.
    O artigo apresenta uma reflexão, no ambiente acadêmico, sobre as relações interdisciplinares, que são distintas da disciplinaridade e da multidisciplinaridade, estas já bem sedimentadas. Para tanto, compreende a disciplina como um campo específico de conhecimento, em termos teóricos e metodológicos, situando a interdisciplinaridade como uma resposta às limitações impostas pela especialização disciplinar. A partir de uma metodologia que utiliza a revisão bibliográfica como elemento central, conclui que a vocação do campo de conhecimento das Ciências das Religiões para a interdisciplinaridade se (...)
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    Os profetas também temem: Análise narrativa da fuga de Elias – 1 Reis 19, 1-21 (Prophets fear too: Narrative analysis of Elijah's flight – 1 Ki 19, 1-21). [REVIEW]Karina Andrea Pereira Garcia Coleta - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):775-799.
    À primeira vista, parece óbvia a mensagem contida no episódio em que o profeta Elias, ao fugir para o deserto, alcança o monte Horeb. Há os que percebem na narrativa uma clara referência a uma jornada interior, empreendida pelo profeta, com vistas à renovação de seu chamado ou mesmo como um retorno às fontes da fé. No entanto, a análise das estratégias de construção da narrativa pode levar ao propósito da mensagem conforme engendrada pelo narrador. O presente artigo consiste em (...)
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  15.  13
    Experiências de uma Riot Grrrl: Kathleen Hanna, feminismo, DIY e cultura remix.Gabriela Cleveston Gelain, Milene Migliano & Pedro de Assis Pereira Scudeller - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):152-188.
    Por meio dos fragmentos de narrativas da trajetória da musicista e ativista Kathleen Hanna, pioneira do movimento Riot Grrrl, remontamos, a partir do documentário The Punk Singer, a terceira onda do movimento feminista, evidenciando a interseccionalidade e protagonismo juvenil. Através de fanzines, arte, colagens, letras de música, performances e formação de bandas a partir de uma filosofia punk do it yourself (DIY), salientamos a ampla contribuição de Hanna para o feminismo contemporâneo ao desafiar um cenário opressor dentro do movimento punk, (...)
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  16.  27
    Localization of excitation in InGaN epilayers.V. Kachkanov, K. P. O’Donnell, S. Pereira & R. W. Martin - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (13):1999-2017.
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  17.  12
    O Pensamento de Ada Kroef Como Potência Para o Ensino de Filosofia.Cristiane Maria Marinho & Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):104-122.
    Este artigo apresenta a potência do pensamento da filósofa e professora Ada Kroef para o ensino de Filosofia e a Educação. Para tanto, abordaremos os livros Currículo-nômade: sobrevoos de bruxas e travessias de piratas Inspirada pela Filosofia da Diferença (2018) e Escola como polo cultural: contornos mutantes em fronteiras fixas (2017). Nessas obras, a autora questiona teorias e práticas conservadoras do ensino e da educação de forma geral, propondo a criação de novas práticas e posicionamentos teóricos. A estrutura desse artigo (...)
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  18.  37
    ‘Do-It-Yourself’ Healthcare? Quality of Health and Healthcare Through Wearable Sensors.Lucia Vesnic-Alujevic, Melina Breitegger & Ângela Guimarães Pereira - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (3):887-904.
    Wearable sensors are an integral part of the new telemedicine concept supporting the idea that Information Technologies will improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare. The use of sensors in diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients not only potentially changes medical practice but also one’s relationship with one’s body and mind, as well as the role and responsibilities of patients and healthcare professionals. In this paper, we focus on knowledge assessment of the online communities of Fitbit and the Quantified Self (...)
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    Anemias raras y fallos medulares hereditarios.Joan Lluis Vives Corrons, Maria Del Mar Mañú Pereira, Juan Pablo Trujillo, Jordi Surrallés & Julián Sevilla - 2018 - Arbor 194 (789):463.
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  20. Entrevista de Alfredo Pereira Jr.Alfredo Pereira Jr & Leonardo Ferreira Almada - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (1):e025001.
    This text is an interview given by Prof. Dr. Alfredo Pereira Jr. to Leonardo Ferreira Almada, on the occasion of the call for publication of interviews with different Brazilian philosophers. In response to the goal of the Trans/Form/Ação journal call, we sought to carry out an interview in which a PhD professor with an established career presents some elements of his personal and academic stories, as well as clarifies important points of his research, some of his theses and vision (...)
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  21.  63
    Educação religiosa da primeira inf'ncia na perspectiva de João Amós Comenius - DOI: DOI – 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n31p1106. [REVIEW]Edson Pereira Lopes - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):1106-1128.
    No estudo de Philippe Ariès observou-se que a partir do século XVII, houve uma crescente ênfase na instituição escolar que propunha a substituição da família, por profissionais da educação, no ensino dedicado à criança, que de depreciada, começava a receber destaque e se tornava figura central na família. A criança de filho passou a ser intuída como aluno e percebida como criança-aluno. Nesse contexto, Comenius, Pai da Pedagogia Moderna, um apologista da instituição escolar, ao propor sua organização escolar, inicia pela (...)
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]S. M. Easton, F. Seddon, Robert B. Louden, David Ingram, Michael Howard, Philip Moran, N. G. O. Pereira & Thomas A. Shipka - 1984 - Studies in East European Thought 28 (2):219-229.
  23.  50
    The Jesuits and the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk : The Diary of Thomas Pereira, S. J.B. Szczesniak, Thomas Pereira & Joseph Sebes - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (1):162.
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    Sintomas de estresse em educadores brasileiros.Ana Maria T. Benevides Pereira, Tatiana Justo, Fabíola Batista Gomes, Sarah Gisele Martins Silva & Daiane Cristina Volpato - 2003 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 17:63-72.
    Stress has been being pointed as the evil of the current world and can affect as much adults as children. The disorders associated with stress are varied, and people who suffer from it frequently present physical and psychological problems, influencing their behavior and social environment. The care..
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  25.  17
    Intuições sensíveis em Kant: nem conceitualismo nem não-conceitualismo.Roberto Pereira - 2010 - Manuscrito 33 (2):467-495.
    Nesse trabalho, pretendo poder mostrar que é um grave equívoco interpretarmos o papel das representações sensíveis na obra teórica de Kant como conteúdos não-conceituais (na acepção contemporânea técnica do termo “conteúdo” que, tais como dêiticos mentais, representariam o que aparece no espaço e no tempo de forma de re. A interpretação alternativa que me parece adequada é a seguinte: sem possuírem um conteúdo representacional próprio, a representação sensível deve ser entendida fundamentalmente como uma relação cognitiva entre o sujeito e as (...)
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  26.  10
    La filosofia nel Medioevo: secoli VI-XV.Michela Pereira - 2008 - Roma: Carocci.
  27.  10
    Gomez Pereira's Antoniana margarita: a work on natural philosophy, medicine and theology.García Valverde, José Manuel, P. G. Maxwell-Stuart & Gometius Pereira (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Gómez Pereira's Antoniana Margarita (1554) represents one of the most original works of his time. Its author develops some issues of great impact in later philosophy, such as animal automatism, soul-body radical separation and self-awareness.
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    As doutrinas estéticas em Portugal do romantismo à presença.José Carlos Francisco Pereira - 2011 - Linda-a-Velha: Editorial Hespéria.
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    On the estimation of the length of normal derivations.Luiz Carlos P. D. Pereira - 1982 - Stockholm: Akademilitteratur.
  30.  38
    The evolution of buddhist systematics from the Buddha to Vasubandhu.Jose Pereira & Francis Tiso - 1988 - Philosophy East and West 38 (2):172-186.
  31.  40
    What The Cognitive Neurosciences Mean To Me.Alfredo Pereira Jr - 2007 - Mens Sana Monographs 5 (1):158.
    _Cognitive Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary area of research that combines measurement of brain activity (mostly by means of neuroimaging) with a simultaneous performance of cognitive tasks by human subjects. These investigations have been successful in the task of connecting the sciences of the brain (Neurosciences) and the sciences of the mind (Cognitive Sciences). Advances on this kind of research provide a map of localization of cognitive functions in the human brain. Do these results help us to understand how mind relates (...)
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    Écrire, lire, raconter – le roman d'amour de Sinhá, Malhado, Carybé et Jorge Amado.Cláudia Sousa Pereira - 2002 - Diogène 198 (2):40-48.
  33.  56
    Normalization, Soundness and Completeness for the Propositional Fragment of Prawitz’ Ecumenical System.Luiz Carlos Pereira & Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez - 2017 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73 (3-4):1153-1168.
    In 2015 Dag Prawitz proposed an Ecumenical system where classical and intuitionistic logic could coexist in peace. The classical logician and the intuitionistic logician would share the universal quantifier, conjunction, negation and the constant for the absurd, but they would each have their own existential quantifier, disjunction and implication, with different meanings. Prawitz’ main idea is that these different meanings are given by a semantical framework that can be accepted by both parties. The aim of the present paper is [1] (...)
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  34.  46
    Artificial intelligence and institutional critique 2.0: unexpected ways of seeing with computer vision.Gabriel Pereira & Bruno Moreschi - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (4):1201-1223.
    During 2018, as part of a research project funded by the Deviant Practice Grant, artist Bruno Moreschi and digital media researcher Gabriel Pereira worked with the Van Abbemuseum collection (Eindhoven, NL), reading their artworks through commercial image-recognition (computer vision) artificial intelligences from leading tech companies. The main takeaways were: somewhat as expected, AI is constructed through a capitalist and product-focused reading of the world (values that are embedded in this sociotechnical system); and that this process of using AI is (...)
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    Means and Capabilities in the Discussion of Distributive Justice.Gustavo Pereira - 2006 - Ratio Juris 19 (1):55-79.
  36.  61
    What is Consciousness?: Towards a Preliminary Definition.Alfredo Pereira Jr & H. Ricke - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (5):28-45.
    There is little or no general agreement about what researchers should focus on when studying consciousness. The most active scientific studies often use the methods of Cognitive Neuroscience and focus mainly on vision. Other aspects and contents of consciousness, namely thoughts and emotions, are much less studied, possibly leading to a biased view of what consciousness is and how it works. In this essay we describe what we call a referential nucleus, implicit in much of consciousness research. In this context, (...)
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  37. The Singular Relational plus Relativistic Content View.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (1):93-114.
    My aim is to defend a peculiar epistemic version of the particularity thesis, which results from a sui generis combination of what I call the ‘singular relational view’ and what I call the ‘relativistic content view.’ Particulars are not represented as part of putative singular content. Instead, we are perceptually acquainted with them in the relevant sense that experience puts us in direct perceptual contact with them. And the content of experience is best modeled as a propositional function, that is, (...)
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    Las exigencias del pensamiento moderno según M. Blondel.Jose Javier Fernández Pereira - 2004 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 31:87-106.
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    Understanding How Climate Change Impacts Food Security and Human Development in the Fragile States.Ane Cristina Figueiredo Pereira de Faria - 2018 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 28 (1):3-39.
    Human security is being threatened as a consequence of climate change. However, the human security paradigm still needs to be addressed as a cause and effect of environmental degradation. Therefore, this article aims to comprehend the impacts of climate change in fragile states regarding food security and human development. The article is a comparative case study of the five most vulnerable countries in Africa: Somalia, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Sudan, and Congo (Dem. Republic). This research contends that climate change (...)
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    Bādarāyana: Creator of Systematic Theology.JosÉ Pereira - 1986 - Religious Studies 22 (2):193 - 204.
    It is sometimes asserted that Philo of Alexandria is the creator of systematic theology – not because he created systematics , that is, a body of doctrine classified and integrated by a set of principles defined in philosophical terms, but because he created theology , that is, a mode of philosophizing which derives its main categories from a supernatural revelation. Such a mode was pursued by Philo's Christian disciples, among whom was Origen , one of the first of his faith (...)
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    Fundamentos e aplicações da sentiômica: a ciência da capacidade de sentir.Alfredo Pereira Jr & Vinícius Jonas de Aguiar - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe1):57-86.
    Sentience, defined as the unconscious capacity of having conscious feeling experiences, is a psychobiological phenomenon involving dynamic patterns of electrochemical waves in living systems. The process of feeling can be studied in two ways: a) Empirical identification and analysis of the universal temporal patterns that characterize feeling, forming a science to be called Sentiomics; b) Introspective identification and report of the variety of qualitative conscious experiences, from a first-person perspective, a study that could be called Qualiomics. Qualiomics is undoubtedly a (...)
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  42.  13
    Hindu theology: a reader.José Pereira (ed.) - 1976 - Garden City, N.Y.: Image Books.
  43.  18
    Physical Activity Levels of Adult Virtual Football Players.Ana M. Pereira, Evert Verhagen, Pedro Figueiredo, André Seabra, António Martins & João Brito - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Esports, including virtual football, are a worldwide phenomenon. Yet, little is known about the physical activity levels of individuals engaged in virtual football game play. Therefore, we aimed to perform a preliminary evaluation of the levels of physical activity, sedentarism, and habits of physical training of adults engaged with virtual football in Portugal. This was a cross-sectional investigation based on a structured online survey using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and a set of questions regarding habits of physical training. The (...)
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    The Role of Sentience in the Theory of Consciousness and Medical Practice.A. Pereira Jr - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (7-8):22-50.
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    A identidade em parâmetros curriculares: em questão a subjetividade do professor de Português.Alex Pereira De Araújo & Élida Paulina Ferreira - 2011 - Revista Eletrônica de Educação 5 (2):96-123.
    Utilizando a abordagem discursivo-desconstrutiva, este trabalho busca refletir sobre a política linguística nacional veiculada nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Português (ensino fundamental) cujo discurso se traduz em um método sofisticado de controle e em uma forma eficaz de gerir a mudança (LAWN, 2001, p. 117) para impor uma nova identidade ao professor. Através dessa abordagem, pretende-se apresentar e discutir os resultados analisados, cujo foco recai sobre as representações da (s) identidade (s) e competências construídas para os professores neste discurso, representações (...)
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    Toward an Explanation of the Genesis of Ketamine-Induced Perceptual Distortions and Hallucinatory States.Alfredo Pereira Jr - 2003 - Brain and Mind 4 (3):307-326.
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    Gadamer e a situação da filosofia na sociedade.Gustavo Freitas Pereira - 2014 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 4 (8):31.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer é bem conhecido por sua abordagem compreensivista quanto aos problemas tradicionais da metafísica e filosofia em geral. Seu posicionamento teórico e crítico aproximam sua obra da tradição compreensivista iniciada em fins do século XIX e levada adiante a partir do início do século XX. Nesse trabalho, proponho uma breve discussão acerca de uma de suas comunicações nos anos 1960 em que o autor procura refletir e elucidar a situação da filosofia naquele contexto específico. Fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, (...)
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  48. Polèmica acerca de Mousikè no Adversus musicos de sexto empírico.Aires Rodeia Pereira - 1996 - Humanitas 48:117-140.
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    Understanding consciousness: A collaborative attempt to elucidate contemporary theories.Alfredo Pereira Jr, J. C. W. Edwards, C. Nunn, A. Trehub & M. Velmans - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (5-6):5-6.
    Nature Network Groups hosted an invited workshop on 'Theories of Consciousness' during the second semester of 2009. There were presentations by each of 15 authors active in the field, followed by debate with other presenters and invitees. A week was allocated to each of the theories proposed; general discussion threads were also opened from time to time, as seemed appropriate. We offer here an account of the principal outcomes. It can be regarded as a contemporary, 'state of the art' snapshot (...)
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  50. Para além de Vigiar e Punir: o controle social do corpo e a recodificação da memória popular em filmes de horror.Alex Pereira de Araújo & Nilton Milanez - 2015 - Unidad Sociológica 4 (2):56-64.
    Este estudio se ocupa del control social del cuerpo y de la reconfiguración de la memoria popular en películas de horror a través de la perspectiva genealógica de Foucault, presentada en su libro Vigilar y Castigar, publicado hace 40 años. Por lo tanto, tomaremos, À l’interieur e Frontière (s), dos producciones de horror cinematográfico hechas por directores franceses, ambos publicados en 2007. La hipótesis principal es que las películas de terror se muestran como una nueva forma de vigilancia y control (...)
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