Results for 'Théophile Dufour'

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    Correspondance générale de J.-J. Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Théophile Dufour & Pierre Paul Plan - 1925 - A. Colin.
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  2. Sonnet by sire Theophile.Sire Theophile - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (4):427-428.
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  3. Sonnet Par le sieur Theophile.Sieur Theophile - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (4):426-426.
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    Peut-on délibérer dans une démocratie de masse? Une autre division politique du travail délibératif.Théophile Pénigaud - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (2):547-560.
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    Arguing Around Mathematical Proofs.Michel Dufour - 2013 - In Andrew Aberdein & Ian J. Dove (eds.), The Argument of Mathematics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 61-76.
    More or less explicitly inspired by the Aristotelian classification of arguments, a wide tradition makes a sharp distinction between argument and proof. Ch. Perelman and R. Johnson, among others, share this view based on the principle that the conclusion of an argument is uncertain while the conclusion of a proof is certain. Producing proof is certainly a major part of mathematical activity. Yet, in practice, mathematicians, expert or beginner, argue about mathematical proofs. This happens during the search for a proof, (...)
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    Visual motion disambiguation by a subliminal sound.Andre Dufour, Pascale Touzalin, Michèle Moessinger, Renaud Brochard & Olivier Després - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):790-797.
    There is growing interest in the effect of sound on visual motion perception. One model involves the illusion created when two identical objects moving towards each other on a two-dimensional visual display can be seen to either bounce off or stream through each other. Previous studies show that the large bias normally seen toward the streaming percept can be modulated by the presentation of an auditory event at the moment of coincidence. However, no reports to date provide sufficient evidence to (...)
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    Husserl and spatiality: a phenomenological ethnography of space.Tao DuFour - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    Husserl and Spatiality is an exploration of the phenomenology of space and embodiment, based on the work of Edmund Husserl. Little known in architecture, Husserl's phenomenology of embodied spatiality established the foundations for the works of later phenomenologists, including Maurice Merleau-Ponty's well-known phenomenology of perception. Through a detailed study of his posthumously published and unpublished manuscripts, DuFour examines the depth and scope of Husserl's phenomenology of space. The book investigates his analyses of corporeity and the 'lived body,' extending to (...)
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    Le Marxisme politique et ses débats.Frédérick-Guillaume Dufour, Jonathan Martineau & Ellen Meiksins Wood - 2011 - Actuel Marx 50 (2):98-118.
    E. M. Wood, one of the main figures of political Marxism, is interviewed by Frédérick-Guillaume Dufour and Jonathan Martineau and discusses the different directions of her work. The main questions she is asked concern : her relationship to Marx ; her specific approach to history and how it differs from other Marx-inspired types of analysis ; the situation of contemporary capitalism ; the dead ends of intellectual debates in recent years and the challenges of the current political situation.
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    Truth, the People, and Climate Change: Toward a Non-Ideal Approach to Democratic Legitimacy.Theophile Penigaud - 2024 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 36 (1-2):20-44.
    Democracy in Spite of the Demos challenges democratic authority when the people are no longer able to make good decisions in an economic environment generating systemic social delusion. However, the solution offered to overcome the stalemate remains precarious, and the tension between democracy and emancipation is addressed with wrong conceptual tools. This calls for a reflection on the conditions for a democratically legitimate refoundation of democracy, bridging the gap between critical and democratic theory.
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  10. Résurrection de Jésus et message pascal.Xavier Leon-Dufour - 1971
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    Representative government as anti-imperialism: Edward Carpenter's radical critique of Victorian civilization.Théophile Deslauriers - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    This paper examines the relationship between the critique of civilization, anti-imperialism, gender and representative government in the political thought of the neglected communist, environmentalist, and gay liberationist Edward Carpenter (1844–1929). In recent years, there has been a dramatic growth in the historical literatures on anti-imperialism and representative government, yet these two topics are rarely connected. Meanwhile, a voluminous literature on the concept of civilization and its role in British imperialism has largely ignored its role in justifying social and political domination (...)
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    L’immanence en Question.Gabrielle Dufour-Kowalska - 2007 - Phainomenon 13 (1):83-101.
    Among the main concepts of Michel Henry’s work, it was mostly the immanence concept that has brought more controversy and was Jess understood. It was determinant to Material Phenomenology, due to its radical innovation and it represents the key of its interpretation. To disclose this concept against its opponents means to become aware of the principle of transcendence - not discussed by Husserl and Heidegger - and to legitimate the objective knowledge, science and, at the same time, to oppose to (...)
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    Les défis posés au chrétien par la technique médicale.Théophile Godfraind - 1986 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 17 (1):5-21.
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    Monuments figurés de Delphes : Les caryatides du trésor de Siphnos.Théophile Homolle - 1900 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 24 (1):582-611.
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    Legal Aspects of Slavery in Babylonia, Assyria and Palestine: A Comparative Study, 3000-500 B. C.Theophile J. Meek & Isaac Mendelsohn - 1933 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 53 (1):72.
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    Teleological perception without a biological perceiver?Théophile Ohlmann, Bernard Amblard & Brice Isableu - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):888-889.
    Strong between- and within-animal differences during spatial activities lead us to claim that a given animal is directly sensitive to a given substructure of the global array. This vicarious subset is not cut out by the senses but by redundancies emerging from physical properties. We argue that the subset is not a single ambient array, or a combination of single ambient arrays, but a complex holistic part of the global array.
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    Sur le ciel: (Ennéade II, 1 (40)). Plotinus & Richard Dufour - 2003 - Vrin.
    L'histoire de la philosophie a toujours vu en Plotin un metaphysicien. Porphyre ne dit-il pas de son maitre qu'il connaissait parfaitement la geometrie, l'arithmetique, la mecanique, l'optique et la musique, mais qu'il n'etait pas enclin a approfondir davantage ces disciplines? Ce peu de gout pour les mathematiques et la physique n'a pourtant pas empeche Plotin de rediger quelques traites exclusivement connsacres a des questions de physique et de cosmologie, traites qui furent les grands oublies des etudes neioplatoniciennes. Parmi ceux-ci, le (...)
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    Etude critique sur la formation de la doctrine des races au XVIIIe siècle et son expansion au XIXe siècle.Théophile Simar - 1922 - Geneve: Slatkine.
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  19. Aufruf zum Widerstand.Theophil Spoerri - 1965 - Konstanz,: Bahn.
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    Die Struktur der Existenz.Theophil Spoerri - 1951 - Zürich,: Speer-Verlag.
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    Michel Henry, un philosophe de la vie et de la praxis.Gabrielle Dufour-Kowalska - 1980 - Paris: Vrin.
    Au moment où des tentatives parcellaires se font jour au sein de l'intelligentsia occidentale pour débusquer les traces du totalitarisme sous toutes ses formes, on ne se doute peut-être pas qu'un philosophe français - l'auteur de L'Essence de la Manifestation-élabore depuis vingt ans déjà une philosophie de l'individu et qu'il apporte les principes d'une critique rigoureuse de l'entité collective. En consacrant un ouvrage à la philosophie de Michel Henry, G. Dufour-Kowalska a songé à ce qui sans doute manque le (...)
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  22.  19
    How can strategies based on performance measurement and feedback support changes in nursing practice? A theoretical reflection drawing on Habermas' social perspective.Emilie Dufour & Arnaud Duhoux - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12628.
    Strategies based on performance measurement and feedback are commonly used to support quality improvement among nurses. These strategies require practice change, which, for nurses, rely to a large extent on their capacity to coordinate with each other effectively. However, the levers for coordinated action are difficult to mobilize. This discussion paper offers a theoretical reflection on the challenges related to coordinating nurses' actions in the context of practice changes initiated by performance measurement and feedback strategies. We explore how Jürgen Habermas' (...)
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    Egypt: Ancient History of African Philosophy.Théophile Obenga - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu (ed.), A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 29–49.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Problem Method The Question of Ancient Egypt Ancient Egyptian Concepts of “Philosophy” The First Definition of a “Philosopher” in World History Hieroglyphic Signs and Philosophy The Dynamic Character of Egyptian Thinking on “Existence” The Egyptian Conception of the Universe Egyptian Logic The Being and Essence of the Cosmos and of Humans The Metaphysical Problem of “Evil” Maat, the Keystone of Egyptian Philosophy Conclusion.
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    Maturity and individuality in the later writings of J.S. Mill: a unified account.Théophile Deslauriers - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (5):536-554.
    ABSTRACT This paper offers an integrated account of maturity and the requisites of individuality in the political thought of John Stuart Mill, bridging his writings on the individual and society. To do so, it focuses on Mill's account of the relationship between civilization, democracy, class, individuality and custom in his later political thought. Mill draws on these concepts to flesh out his account of maturity in both individuals and societies. Mill's conception of custom, in particular, bridges the individual and society. (...)
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    Ciencia y lógica de mundos posibles.Adrian Dufour - 2001 - New York: Lang.
    Ciencia y lógica de mundos posibles indaga en un aspecto negativo de la visión positivista de la historia del pensamiento. Según esta interpretación, determinante dentro del pensamiento contemporáneo, existe una oposición irredimible entre la metodología del conocimiento científico y la metafísica. El estudio de los supuestos ontológicos de la epistemología aristotélica y de la nueva metodología galileana evidencia, sin embargo, que históricamente la ciencia moderna no nace en oposición a la metafísica, sino que surge a partir de una concepción metafísica (...)
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    L'ethique reconstructive Jean-Marc Ferry Collection «Humanités» Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 1996, 119 p.Mario Dufour - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (1):196-.
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  27. Pierre Verstraeten, et. al., Autour de Jean-Paul Sartre, Littérature et Philosophie Reviewed by.Michel Dufour - 1982 - Philosophy in Review 2 (2/3):151-155.
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    (1 other version)The Social Structures of the Economy.Frédérick Guillaume Dufour - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (1):178-192.
    This paper is divided into two sections. The first section presents a concise survey of the intellectual itinerary of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu in the French intellectual field. Then, after a short presentation of Bourdieu’s The Social Structures of the Economy, I proceed to a broader discussion of his economic sociology. After a presentation of Bourdieu’s key conceptual contributions, I question some aspects of Bourdieusian sociology with regard to its ambition of historicising the ‘economic field’. I identify the limitations (...)
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  29. Bulletin d'exégèse du Nouveau Testament: l'évangile de Jean.X. Léon-Dufour - 1987 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 75 (1):77-96.
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    Cachets et Cylindres-Sceaux de Style Sumérien Archaïque et de Styles dérivés du Musée de Cannes (Collection Lycklama)Cachets et Cylindres-Sceaux de Style Sumerien Archaique et de Styles derives du Musee de Cannes.Theophile J. Meek & Joseph Billiet - 1933 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 53 (1):70.
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    Catalogue of Sumerian Tablets in the John Rylands Library.Theophile J. Meek & T. Fish - 1933 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 53 (1):71.
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  32. Jacques Maritain, Ernest Psichari : une amitié sous influence.Frédérique Neau-Dufour - 2022 - In Hubert Borde & Bernard Hubert (eds.), Actualité de Jacques Maritain. Paris: Pierre Téqui éditeur.
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    Tracking the Time Course of Word‐Frequency Effects in Auditory Word Recognition With Event‐Related Potentials.Sophie Dufour, Angèle Brunellière & Ulrich H. Frauenfelder - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (3):489-507.
    Although the word-frequency effect is one of the most established findings in spoken-word recognition, the precise processing locus of this effect is still a topic of debate. In this study, we used event-related potentials (ERPs) to track the time course of the word-frequency effect. In addition, the neighborhood density effect, which is known to reflect mechanisms involved in word identification, was also examined. The ERP data showed a clear frequency effect as early as 350 ms from word onset on the (...)
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    Inhibitory priming effects in auditory word recognition: when the target's competitors conflict with the prime word.Sophie Dufour & Ronald Peereman - 2003 - Cognition 88 (3):B33-B44.
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    (1 other version)Comptes et inventaires des temples déliens en l'année 279.Théophile Homolle - 1890 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 14 (1):389-511.
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    Are Fallacies Frequent?Michel Dufour - 2023 - Informal Logic 43 (3):369-416.
    This paper provides methodological tools and considers the reasons why it is difficult to address the controversial question, “Are fallacies frequent?” After preliminary remarks on the need to clarify the meaning of both ‘fallacy’ and ‘frequency,’ this paper shows that the emphasis on whether fallacies occur frequently is recent and bound to contemporary definitions that make it a necessary condition. Then, it discusses three different, debated empirical approaches that are intended to support the claim that fallacies are frequent. All of (...)
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    Environmentality: A Phenomenology of Generative Space in Husserl.Tao DuFour - 2023 - Research in Phenomenology 53 (3):331-358.
    This article explores aspects of the theory of the constitution of space in the work of Edmund Husserl that appear in his late, posthumously published writings on the themes of intersubjectivity and generativity, which the article proposes imply a theory of environmental experience. It identifies and examines Husserl’s use of the locution Umweltlichkeit as it appears in these late works, proposing a rendering of this term as environmentality. This concept, the article argues, functions operatively in Husserl’s late work, indicating a (...)
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  38. Old and New Fallacies in Port-Royal Logic.Michel Dufour - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (2):241-267.
    The paper discusses the place and the status of fallacies in Arnauld and Nicole’s Port-Royal Logic, which seems to be the first book to introduce a radical change from the traditional Aristotelian account of fallacies. The most striking innovation is not in the definition of a fallacy but in the publication of a new list of fallacies, dropping some Aristotelian ones and adding more than ten new ones. The first part of the paper deals with the context of the book’s (...)
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    Corrections au texte grec de la Mantissa, édition Sharples 2008.Richard Dufour - 2011 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 67 (3):587-588.
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    De la pitié à la reconnaissance : identification, distanciation et invisibilisation dans le travail de care et dans les politiques du handicap.Pierre Dufour, Audrey Parron & Tristan Salord - 2014 - Cahiers Philosophiques 1:44.
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  41. Ennéades II, 1 (40), 6, 23-24, Anaxagore ou Numénius?Richard Dufour - 2000 - Dionysius 18:39-44.
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    Histoire politique et psychologie historique.Alain Dufour - 1966 - Genève,: Droz.
  43.  6
    L'origine; l'essence de l'origine, l'origine selon l'Éthique de Spinoza.Gabrielle Dufour-Kowalska - 1973 - Paris,: Beauchesne.
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    Les mesures d’accommodements et d’accompagnement perçues par des étudiants en situation de handicap en contexte de stage à l’enseignement en Belgique et au Québec.France Dufour, Stéphanie Dondeyne, Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven & Amélie Piché Richard - 2019 - Revue Phronesis 8 (1-2):81-95.
    This exploratory research aims to identify the accommodation and support measures, the challenges and the needs, for students with disabilities in teaching internship context. By answering an online questionnaire, 158 SH trainees in teaching in Belgium and Quebec, affirm, for the most part, that their situation of disability has repercussions on their internships. Their main challenges and needs are related to organization and written communication. However, few accommodation and support measures have been established during the internship.
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    Qu'est-ce que la musique?Eric Dufour - 2005 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    Une interrogation sur la musique suivie de textes D'E.-T. Hoffman et de L. Wittgenstein.
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    Deux bas-reliefs néo-attiques du Musée de Lisbonne.Théophile Homolle - 1892 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 16 (1):325-343.
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    Un nouveau nom d'artiste grec.Théophile Homolle - 1888 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 12 (1):419-424.
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  48. Vocabulaire de Théologie Biblique.Xavier Léon-Dufour - 1962
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    Goucher College Cuneiform Inscriptions. Vol. I: Archives from Erech. Time of Nebuchadrezzar and Nabonidus.Theophile J. Meek & Raymond Philip Dougherty - 1925 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 45:91.
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    Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire, Parts 1-3.Theophile J. Meek & Leroy Waterman - 1933 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 53 (1):68.
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