Results for 'The Book of Documents'

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  1.  27
    Chapter 2. discussion of the book of documents.Yoav Ariel - 1989 - In K'ung-Ts'ung-Tzu: The K'ung Family Masters' Anthology. Princeton University Press. pp. 79-86.
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    Jeong Yak-yong(丁若鏞) and Shim Dae-yoon(沈大允)’s Pluralistic Understanding of the Concept of Sokhyung(贖刑) in The Book of Documents: From the Perspective of Heumhul(欽恤). 徐世榮 - 2023 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 59:145-176.
    This article aims to review the concept of ‘Sokhyung(贖刑)’ as an example of a pluralistic interpretation of ‘Heumhul(欽恤)’ in The Book of Documents in the 18th and 19th centuries, and compared and reviewed the interpretation of The Book of Documents by Jeong Yak-yong(丁若鏞) and Shim Dae-yoon(沈大允). Sokhyung is to replace the original sentence by paying property after the sentence is confirmed. It is a specific application example of Heumhul, which means careful and lenient application of punishment. (...)
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    Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes Volume 1: Western Scholarly Networks and Debates.Dragos Calma (ed.) - 2019 - Boston: BRILL.
    _Reading Proclus and the_ Book of Causes: _Western Scholarly Networks and Debates, Volume 1_ provides a fresh account, based on previously unknown documents, of the diffusion of Hellenic and Islamic thought in the Latin West (12th -16th centuries).
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    (1 other version)Woodbrooke Studies: Christian documents in Syriac, Arabic, and Garshūni, edited and translated with a critical apparatus. Fasciculus 5: Vision of Theophilus. Or the book of the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt.A. Mingana - 1929 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 13 (2):383-474.
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    The Ethics of Tension: The Sage Kings in the Documents. 백영선 - 2021 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 149:1-29.
    이 글은 『상서』의 성왕들에게 나타나는 구체적인 모습으로서의 겸손(謙遜)의 기원 또는 그 계기를 『상서』 내부에서 찾아본다. 이를 위해, 성왕들이 세상을 이해하는 방식을 복선화음(福善禍淫: 착한 사람은 복을 받고 나쁜 사람은 재앙을 받음)의 원리로 규정하고, 이를 ‘확신의 윤리(ethics of confidence)’라고 명명한다. 반면, 성왕들은 덕에 대한 특정한 이해, 왕이라는 정치적 지위와 책무, 자기 행위의 한계성으로 인해 자신의 덕에 대해 확신하지 못하는데, 이를 ‘불확신의 윤리(ethics of uncertainty)’라고 명명한다. 이런 불확신의 윤리는 확신의 윤리에서 비롯될 수 있는 자만과 교만, 그로 인한 방탕과 사치, 태만, 타인에 대한 부정적인 (...)
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    The book of disputation: a Mudejar religious-philosophical treatise against Christians and Jews: a study and an accompanying text edition.Mònica Colominas Aparicio - 2024 - Boston: Brill.
    This is the first critical edition and study of a unique and important Muslim polemic against Christians and Jews. The Book of Disputation was written in Arabic by a Mudejar (subject Muslim living under Christian rule in late medieval Iberia) and offers new insight into the cultural and intellectual life of this Muslim minority. The text advances arguments drawn from natural philosophy-largely from Aristotle and Averroes-along with more traditional revealed sources such as the Qur'an and the Bible. Mudejar communities (...)
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    The Books of Jacob.Colin Richmond - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (2):287-287.
    In old age, I seldom keep the books I read, but The Books of Jacob has been shelved next to Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah; my copy of the latter bears an inscription on its flyleaf, “Gift of Jacob Taubes to Tantur, 1978,” which in some way (possibly mystical) authenticates bringing the two books together. It seems I have been waiting for the conjunction since first reading Gerhom Scholem on the Frankists, in his Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, in the (...)
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  8.  14
    Research Doctorate Programs in the United States: Continuity and Change.Marvin L. Goldberger, Brendan A. Maher, Pamela Ebert Flattau, Committee for the Study of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States & Conference Board of Associated Research Councils - 1995 - National Academies Press.
    Doctoral programs at U.S. universities play a critical role in the development of human resources both in the United States and abroad. This volume reports the results of an extensive study of U.S. research-doctorate programs in five broad fields: physical sciences and mathematics, engineering, social and behavioral sciences, biological sciences, and the humanities. Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States documents changes that have taken place in the size, structure, and quality of doctoral education since the widely used 1982 editions. (...)
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  9.  41
    The Role of Book Features in Young Children's Transfer of Information from Picture Books to Real-World Contexts.Gabrielle A. Strouse, Angela Nyhout & Patricia A. Ganea - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:299131.
    Picture books are an important source of new language, concepts, and lessons for young children. A large body of research has documented the nature of parent-child interactions during shared book reading. A new body of research has begun to investigate the features of picture books that support children's learning and transfer of that information to the real world. In this paper, we discuss how children's symbolic development, analogical reasoning, and reasoning about fantasy may constrain their ability to take away (...)
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  10.  21
    The Art of Ancient Greece: Sources and Documents.J. J. Pollitt - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book, a companion volume to Professor Pollitt's The Art of Rome: Sources and Documents, presents a comprehensive collection in translation of ancient literary evidence relating to Greek sculpture, painting, architecture, and the decorative arts. Its purpose is to make this important evidence available to students who are not specialists in the Classical languages or Classical archaeology. The author's translations of a wide selection of Greek and Latin texts are accompanied by an introduction, explanatory commentary, and a full (...)
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  11.  8
    The Birth of Novalis: Friedrich von Hardenberg’s Journal of 1797, with Selected Letters and Documents.Bruce Donehower (ed.) - 2012 - SUNY Press.
    A frank and candid glimpse into the early life of the maturing poet.
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    The failure of individualism: a documented essay.Richard S. Devane - 1948 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  13.  15
    Eternal Truth and the Mutations of Time: Archival Documents and Claims of Timeless Truth.Peter Heehs - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):143-153.
    Philosophical texts regarded as «inspired» present special difficulties for textual editors and intellectual historians that can be mitigated by the study of archival documents. The works of the philosopher and yogī Aurobindo Ghose are considered important contributions to twentieth-century Indian literature and philosophy. Some of his followers regard them as inspired and therefore not subject to critical study. Aurobindo himself accepted the reality of inspiration but also thought that inspired texts, such as the Bhagavad Gītā, contain a temporal as (...)
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  14. Lay people in the church: A critical study of the theology of the laity in the documents of the federation of Asian bishops' conferences with special reference to John Paul's apostolic exhortation [Book Review].Edmund Kee-Fook Chia - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (3):370.
    Chia, Edmund Kee-Fook Review of: Lay people in the church: A critical study of the theology of the laity in the documents of the federation of Asian bishops' conferences with special reference to John Paul's apostolic exhortation, by Peter Nguyen Van Hai, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015, pp. 290, US$76.95.
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  15.  6
    Documents in the history of American philosophy, from Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey.Morton White - 1972 - New York,: Oxford University Press.
    The selections in this anthology provide original sources for an understanding of the development of American thought and society. The central theme of the book deals with the impact of modern science and scientific method upon thinkers from the time of Edwards to that of Dewey. Some philosophers responded by trying to limit the scope of science in order to protect their threatened moral and religious beliefs. Others tried to use science and scientific method to restructure common sense, theology, (...)
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  16.  26
    Documents of Utopia: The Politics of Experimental Ethnography by Paolo Magagnoli. [REVIEW]Kamil Lipiński - 2022 - Substance 51 (2):115-119.
    In Documents of Utopia: The Politics of Experimental Ethnography, Paolo Magagnoli has undertaken the complex task of linking different aesthetic contexts through a study of experimental documentary audiovisual projects, treating the work of contemporary artists such as Hito Steyerl, Joachim Koester, Tacite Dean, Matthew Buckingham, Zoe Leonard, Jean-Luc Moulène, Ilye and Emilie Kabakov, Jon Thompson and Alison Craighead, and Aniri Sala. In what follows, I wish to develop three critical arguments that I hope will illuminate the book's central (...)
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  17.  28
    An Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States: Biological Sciences.Lyle V. Jones, Gardner Lindzey, Porter E. Coggeshall & Conference Board of the Associated Research Councils - 1982 - National Academies Press.
    The quality of doctoral-level biochemistry (N=139), botany (N=83), cellular/molecular biology (N=89), microbiology (N=134), physiology (N=101), and zoology (N=70) programs at United States universities was assessed, using 16 measures. These measures focused on variables related to: (1) program size; (2) characteristics of graduates; (3) reputational factors (scholarly quality of faculty, effectiveness of programs in educating research scholars/scientists, improvement in program quality during the last 5 years); (4) university library size; (5) research support; and (6) publication records. Chapter I discusses prior attempts (...)
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  18.  27
    Rape and the Politics of Consent in Classical Athens (Book).Nancy Baker Worman - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (4):617-620.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.4 (2003) 617-620 [Access article in PDF] ROSANNA OMITOWOJU. Rape and the Politics of Consentin Classical Athens. Cambridge Classical Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. x + 249 pp. Cloth, $60. This book is an account of the treatment of heterosexual rape and related topics (e.g., the status of women, adultery) in two Athenian genres: forensic oratory and New Comedy. Omitowoju focuses primarily on (...)
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  19.  19
    The Alleged Fourth Book on the Sentences of Odo Rigaud and Related Documents.Kilian F. Lynch - 1949 - Franciscan Studies 9 (2):87-145.
  20.  17
    Provisions against wealth and poverty in Plato’s Cretan city and in ancient Israel: A comparison of the Book of Deuteronomy with Plato’s Nomoi.Eckart Otto - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (3):5.
    The way in which a nation’s economy is structured is of great importance for the material welfare of its people as well as the people’s relationship with the state and the operation of the state itself. It is also important for the proper functioning of a nation as a people and its psychological welfare. If the gap between rich and poor increases, the structure of an economy, and therefore the welfare of the state and the nation, is at risk. Two (...)
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  21.  27
    (1 other version)A New Document for the Study of Mao Zedong's Philosophical Thought: Introducing The Philosophical Annotations of Mao Zedong.Shi Zhongquan - 1992 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 23 (3):126-143.
    The soon to be published The Philosophical Annotations of Mao Zedong is yet another volume in the specialist series of works by Mao Zedong compiled by the Chinese Communist Party's Central Documents Research Centre . This volume contains annotations on and extracts from the Marxist philosophical books studied by Mao Zedong from the 1930s to the 1960s, and it is the first time that the bulk of these has been published. Its publication provides the study of Mao Zedong's thought, (...)
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  22.  28
    On the Arabic Titles of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. The Case of “Book of Letters”.Amos Bertolacci - 2023 - Quaestio 22:107-146.
    The article has three interrelated aims. First, to document that the title “Book of Letters”, despite its fame, was far from being ‘traditional’ in Arabic philosophy, as it is often presented, but...
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  23.  8
    Oppression and Salvation: Annotated Legal Documents from the Ottoman Book of Complaints of 1675. By Haim Gerber.Boǧaç Ergene - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (3).
    Oppression and Salvation: Annotated Legal Documents from the Ottoman Book of Complaints of 1675. By Haim Gerber. Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker, vol. 27. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz, 2018. Pp. 188. €68.
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    The Language of Argumentation.Ronny Boogaart, Henrike Jansen & Maarten van Leeuwen (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    Bringing together scholars from a broad range of theoretical perspectives, The Language of Argumentation offers a unique overview of research at the crossroads of linguistics and theories of argumentation. In addition to theoretical and methodological reflections by leading scholars in their fields, the book contains studies of the relationship between language and argumentation from two different viewpoints. While some chapters take a specific argumentative move as their point of departure and investigate the ways in which it is linguistically manifested (...)
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  25.  13
    Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu (Classic of Documents).Martin Kern & Dirk Meyer (eds.) - 2017 - BRILL.
    _Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy_. explores the composition, language, thought, and early history of the _Shangshu_ (Classic of Documents), showing its texts as dynamic cultural products that expressed and shaped the political and intellectual discourses of different times and communities.
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    Spinoza's Book of Life: Freedom and Redemption in the Ethics (review).Gary L. Cesarz - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):361-362.
    Gary L. Cesarz - Spinoza's Book of Life: Freedom and Redemption in the Ethics - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.3 361-362 Steven B. Smith. Spinoza's Book of Life: Freedom and Redemption in the Ethics. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003. Pp. xxvi + 230. Cloth, $35.00. Smith's well-crafted narrative contributes substantially to revealing the moral and political intentions "at the core" of the Ethics . Its focus is the role (...)
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  27.  15
    The Practices of Global Ethics: Historical Backgrounds, Current Issues, and Future Prospects.Clark A. Miller, BruceVE Grelle, Sumner B. Twiss & Kusumita Pedersen - 2016 - Edinburgh University Press.
    The Practices of Global Ethics takes a unique look at global ethics: not as mere written statements but as a set of practices undertaken by thousands of organisations and hundreds of thousands of people to shape the normative trajectory of human affairs. It looks at statements of global ethical principles including The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Earth Charter and the Rio Documents and positions them as the outcomes and expression of ongoing practices. Offering innovative, critical and thoughtful (...)
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    The implications of immanence: toward a new concept of life.Leonard Lawlor - 2006 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The Implications of Immanence develops a philosophy of life in opposition to the notion of “bio-power,” which reduces the human to the question of power over what Giorgio Agamben terms “bare life,” mere biological existence. Breaking with all biologism or vitalism, Lawlor attends to the dispersion of death at the heart of life, in the “minuscule hiatus” that divides the living present, separating lived experience from the living body and, crucially for phenomenology, inserting a blind spot into a visual field.Lawlor (...)
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  29.  15
    The Birth of a Philosopher (Review on N.A. Gromova’s “Otherworldly Friend. The Love Story of Lev Shestov and Varvara Malahieva-Mirovich in Letters and Documents”. Moscow: AST Publishing House: Edited by Elena Shubina, 2021. 413 p.). [REVIEW]К.В Ворожихина - 2022 - History of Philosophy 27 (2):131-136.
    The review is devoted to a new book by the writer and literary historian Natalia A. Gromova, in which, on the basis of letters and archival documents, the love story of Varvara Malahieva-Mirovich and Lev Shestov is reconstructed. According to Gromova, their relationship became an impulse that had a key influence on the formation of Shestov as an existential thinker, whose philosophy is not based on speculative contemplation, but is inextricably linked with life experience. Shestov’s philosophy of tragedy (...)
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  30.  25
    The beginnings of Nietzsche's theory of language.Claudia Crawford - 1988 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    The Beginnings of Nietzsche's Theory of Language is concerned with the years 1865 through Winter/Spring 1870-71. Four texts of Nietzsche's, "Vom Ursprung der Sprache", "Zur Teleologie", "Zu Schopenhauer", and "Anschauung Notes", are translated into English and interpreted from the perspective of Nietzsche's developing theory of language. An examination of the major influences of Schopenhauer, Kant, Eduard von Hartmann, and Frederick A. Lange are pursued. ;Theory, in this work, does not assume that it is possible to take a position of authority (...)
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  31.  13
    America (The Book).Jason Holt & Steve Vanderheiden - 2013 - In Jason Holt & William Irwin (eds.), The Ultimate Daily Show and Philosophy: More Moments of Zen, More Indecision Theory. Wiley. pp. 265–280.
    The Daily Show has emerged as one of the most influential media sources for political information. The same reliance on satire and parody as a means of social and political critique is on display in the show's spin‐off book, America. Both the book and television show aim to hold up a mirror to the contemporary United States. The lack of meaningful public participation in self‐governance isn't America's only critique of contemporary American democracy. A second theme is the narrow (...)
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  32.  11
    The Creationist Writings of Byron C. Nelson: A ten-Volume Anthology of Documents, 1903–1961.Paul Nelson & Ronald L. Numbers - 1995 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1995 this is the fifth volume in the series Creationism in 20th Century America. It re-publishes After Its Kind - a critique on theories of biological evolution and a defense of the biblical account of creation which Nelson wrote when he was a Pastor in New Jersey where he also attended classes in genetics and zoology at Rutgers university. His 1931 volume The Deluge Story in Stone: A History of the Flood Theory of Geology, also reprinted here (...)
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  33.  40
    Plato and the Foundations of Metaphysics: A Work on the Theory of the Principles and Unwritten Doctrines of Plato with a Collection of the Fundamental Documents.Hans Joachim Krämer - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    About the relationship of the two traditions of Platonic interpretation the indirect and the direct traditions, the written dialogues and the unwritten doctrines.
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  34. The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions.Karine Chemla (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    This radical, profoundly scholarly book explores the purposes and nature of proof in a range of historical settings. It overturns the view that the first mathematical proofs were in Greek geometry and rested on the logical insights of Aristotle by showing how much of that view is an artefact of nineteenth-century historical scholarship. It documents the existence of proofs in ancient mathematical writings about numbers and shows that practitioners of mathematics in Mesopotamian, Chinese and Indian cultures knew how (...)
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    Plato and the Foundations of Metaphysics: A Work on the Theory of the Principles and Unwritten Doctrines of Plato with a Collection of the Fundamental Documents.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    This is a book about the relationship of the two traditions of Platonic interpretation -- the indirect and the direct traditions, the written dialogues and the unwritten doctrines. Kramer, who is the foremost proponent of the Tubingen School of interpretation, presents the unwritten doctrines as the crown of Plato's system and the key revealing it. Kramer unfolds the philosophical significance of the unwritten doctrines in their fullness. He demonstrates the hermeneutic fruitfulness of the unwritten doctrines when applied to the (...)
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  36.  7
    The decay of truth in education: implications and ideas for its restoration as a value.Kevin S. Krahenbuhl - 2018 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Why has the spread of fake news taken grip on society so quickly? Why has there been a significant increase in violence among those who disagree on issues? Why is it that increasingly our society is shutting down speech they disagree with rather than engage in civil debate? This book explores each of these issues and traces their connection to the same root cause: the decay of truth in education. It presents a compelling case that documents how educational (...)
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    The emergence of personhood: a quantum leap?Malcolm A. Jeeves (ed.) - 2015 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    Despite the many well-documented similarities -- genetic, cognitive, behavioral, social -- between our human selves and our evolutionary forebears, a significant gulf remains between us and them. Why is that? How did it come about? And how did we come to be the way we are? In this book fourteen distinguished scholars -- including humanist, atheist, and theist voices -- address such questions as they explore how and when human personhood emerged. Representing various disciplines, the contributors all offer significant (...)
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  38.  22
    Spinoza’s Book of Life: Freedom and Redemption in the Ethics.Steven B. Smith - 2003 - Yale University Press.
    Most readers of Spinoza treat him as a pure metaphysician, a grim determinist, or a stoic moralist, but none of these descriptions captures the author of the _Ethics, _argues Steven B. Smith in this intriguing book. Offering a new reading of Spinoza’s masterpiece, Smith asserts that the Ethics is a celebration of human freedom and its attendant joys and responsibilities and should be placed among the great founding documents of the Enlightenment. Two aspects of Smith’s book distinguish (...)
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  39.  12
    The evolution of power: a new understanding of the history of life.Geerat J. Vermeij - 2023 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    A sweeping new account of the role of power in the evolution of all life on Earth. Power has many dimensions, from individual attributes such as strength and speed to the collective advantages of groups. The Evolution of Power takes readers on a breathtaking journey across history and the natural world, revealing how the concept of power unifies a vast range of phenomena in the evolution of life - and how natural selection has placed humanity and the planet itself on (...)
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    The Invention of the Passport: Surveillance, Citizenship and the State.John C. Torpey - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents the first detailed history of the modern passport and why it became so important for controlling movement in the modern world. It explores the history of passport laws, the parliamentary debates about those laws, and the social responses to their implementation. The author argues that modern nation-states and the international state system have 'monopolized the 'legitimate means of movement',' rendering persons dependent on states' authority to move about - especially, though not exclusively, across international boundaries. This (...)
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    The Philosophy of Japanese Wartime Resistance: A Reading, with Commentary, of the Complete Texts of the Kyoto School Discussions of "the Standpoint of World History and Japan".David Williams - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    The transcripts of the three Kyoto School roundtable discussions of the theme of 'The standpoint of world history and Japan' may now be judged to form the key source text of responsible Pacific War revisionism. Published in the pages of Chuo Koron, the influential magazine of enlightened elite Japanese opinion during the twelve months after Pearl Harbor, these subversive discussions involved four of the finest minds of the second generation of the Kyoto School of philosophy. Tainted by controversy and shrouded (...)
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    Book review: Tuomo Hiippala, The Structure of Multimodal Documents: An Empirical Approach. [REVIEW]Qichang Ye - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (5):631-632.
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    The Mystery of Sacramentality: Christ, the Church, and the Seven Sacraments.Charles Journet & Aaron D. Henderson - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (2):611-680.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Mystery of Sacramentality:Christ, the Church, and the Seven SacramentsCharles JournetTranslated by Aaron D. Henderson, with Introduction and NoteOriginally: Charles Journet, "Le Mystère de la sacramentalité: Le Christ, l'Église, les sept sacrements," Nova et Vetera 49 (1974): 161–214.Translator's IntroductionThe thought of Charles Cardinal Journet, venerable founder of the present journal and unparalleled twentieth-century master of Thomistic ecclesiology, merits a wider reception and a more ardent love.1 Not a few (...)
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    The Star of Redemption.William W. Hallo (ed.) - 1971 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    “Franz Rosenzweig’s _The Start of Redemption _is one of the few lasting books of our century, a work whose originality transcends the disciplinary limits of philosophy and religion and which must be read by anyone whose concern with the meaning of daily life is urgent and abiding.” —_Maurice Natanson, Yale University_ _The Star of Redemption _is widely recognized as a key document of modern existential thought and a significant contribution to Jewish theology in the twentieth century. An affirmation of what (...)
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    The Role Of The Case Study Method In The Foundations Of Psychoanalysis.Adolf Grünbaum - 1988 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18 (December):623-658.
    In my 1984 book on The Foundations of Psychoanalysis, I addressed two main questions: Are the analyst’s observations in the clinical setting reliable as ‘data,’ and if so, can they actually support the major hypotheses of the theory of repression or psychic conflict, which is the cornerstone of the psychoanalytic edifice, as we know? In the book, I argued for giving a negative answer to both of these questions. Clearly, if the evidence from the couch is unreliable from (...)
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  46.  10
    The archparadox of death: martyrdom as a philosophical category.Dariusz Karłowicz - 2016 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The book deals with martyrdom understood as a philosophical category. The main question pertains to the evidential value of the Christian witness through death. The author approaches an answer through a philosophical interpretation of the belief in the evidential role of martyrdom. Numerous historical documents confirm that ancient martyrdom might have been considered as a kind of proof also by people unaffiliated with the Church. The author observes the theology and the reality of martyrdom through the perspective of (...)
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  47.  24
    The Quantification of Bodies in Health: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.Joaquim Braga, Btihaj Ajana & Simone Guidi (eds.) - 2021 - Bingley, Reino Unido: Emerald Publishing Limited.
    The use of digital tracking technologies is a widespread phenomenon. Millions of people around the world now track, document, and analyse their physical activities, vital functions, and daily habits through wearable devices, apps, and platforms. The aim is to assess and improve health, productivity, and wellbeing. The current Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the uptake of tracking technologies. At the heart of this trend lies the quantification of the body, deemed as a key element in medical practice and personal self-care. While (...)
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  48. The Myth of Renaissance Atheism and the French Tradition of Free Thought.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (3):233-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Myth of Renaissance Atheism and the French Tradition of Free Thought PAUL OSKAR KRISTELLER WITHIN THE VAST AND COMPLEX area of Renaissance philosophy, the thought of Pietro Pomponazzi and of the entire Italian school of Aristotelianism of which he is the best known representative has not yet been studied in all its aspects? Apart from a number of recent studies, mostly Italian or American, there is an important (...)
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    Baltic Conferences on History of Science: Documenting the History of Science of the Baltic Countries in 1958–2019.Giedrė Miknienė & Birutė Railienė - 2022 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 10 (1):5-25.
    The first attempt to bring together the historians of science from the Baltic States took place in Riga in 1958. Prof. Pauls Stradiņš initiated and organised a joint meeting for historians of science from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania under the supervision of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. A program for future joint activities was developed, and the tradition of joint conferences—the Baltic Conference on History of Science —in each country followed. In 1991, the Baltic Association of the History (...)
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    The correspondence of Thomas carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, vol. I.Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1884 - unknown.
    This is an important book historically, documenting the long friendship and correspondence of Emerson and Carlyle. It should be noted that there is a more up-to-date edition, done in the 20th century (edited by Joseph Slater, Columbia U.P. 1964). Many of the common themes and interests of the two thinkers are indicated in the correspondence, and often enough, one can also see evidence of the differences and how they approached them.
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