Results for 'The Polish Constitution'

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  1. Argumentation and Discourse of Polish Constitutional Tribunal Case-Law on Reprivatisation of Warsaw Real-Estate.Gniewomir Wycichowski-Kuchta - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-22.
    The paper examines the argumentation strategies of the Constitutional Tribunal’s case law on the reprivatisation of Warsaw real estate, a significant social issue in modern Poland. Following the post-war expropriation by the communist regime, legal successors of dispossessed individuals (both heirs and buyers of the claims to particular land) initiated widespread litigations to reclaim property and obtain compensation. This process led to the forceful eviction of thousands of tenants and the relocation of public institutions. This complex legal landscape lacks a (...)
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    Can Informative Traffic Signs Also Be Obligatory? Polish Constitutional Tribunal and Supreme Court Versus Traffic Signs.Michał Dudek - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (4):771-785.
    This article discusses a rare instance of the highest national courts explicitly addressing traffic signs in their judgments or decisions. It critically examines the standpoint expressed by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Court, according to which the basic traffic sign categories in Poland—obligatory, prohibitory, informative and warning—are not separable [e.g. prima facie non-normative signs can also be normative ]. These courts formulated this idea when addressing the legal question concerning the applicability of legal provision penalizing failure to (...)
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    Reconsidering Constitutional Formation II Decisive Constitutional Normativity: From Old Liberties to New Precedence.Ulrike Müssig (ed.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This second volume of ReConFort, published open access, addresses the decisive role of constitutional normativity, and focuses on discourses concerning the legal role of constitutional norms. Taken together with ReConFort I (National Sovereignty), it calls for an innovative reassessment of constitutional history drawing on key categories to convey the legal nature of the constitution itself (national sovereignty, precedence, justiciability of power, judiciary as constituted power). In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, constitutional normativity began to complete the legal (...)
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    Autonomous Constitutional Interpretation.Tomasz Stawecki - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (4):505-535.
    Certain works in the most recent Polish constitutional law literature suggest that there is acceptance of the principle or the concept of autonomous interpretation of a constitution (autonomy of interpretation of constitutional terms). The Constitutional Tribunal also makes reference to this in numerous rulings. Paradoxically, however, that concept is not very popular in legal theory. It might seem that Polish legal theoreticians and philosophers do not appreciate the concept of interpretation of a constitution devised through practice (...)
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  5. Specyfika ograniczenia wolności i praw konstytucyjnych w stanach nadzwyczajnych [Extraordinary Measures and Restrictions of Constitutional Freedoms and Rights].Marek Piechowiak - 2021 - In Mirosław Granat (ed.), Sądownictwo konstytucyjne. Teoria i praktyka. Tom IV. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW. pp. 217-261.
    STRESZCZENIE Opracowanie zmierza do udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie, czym – z punktu widzenia struktury procesu wykładni i struktury wchodzących w grę wartości konstytucyjnych – różni się ograniczanie wolności i praw w ramach stosowania „zwykłych środków konstytucyjnych”, od ograniczania wolności i praw dopuszczalnego w stanach nadzwyczajnych. Podjęta zostaje problematyka dotyczącą kwestii materialnych, a poza zakresem rozważanych zagadnień pozostają kwestie dotyczące formalnych warunków dopuszczalności ograniczeń, jak publiczne ogłoszenie zagrożenia czy możliwość wprowadzania ograniczeń w aktach podustawowych. Stawiane tezy są polemiczne wobec poglądów, że (...)
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  6. Introduction: Polish Philosophical Revisionists in Marxism.Barbara Tuchanska - 2017 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 37:I-XV.
    Who and how revised Marxism in Poland? The simple answer is that it was done by young intellectuals seeing themselves as obligated to social and political activity, eager to participate in the process of the constitution of a new postwar Communist society. Marxism was for them a philosophical world-view and a political program rising hopes for a better socio-economic reality. Revisionists were committed Communists and their attitude toward Marxism was almost religious. Marxism, Promethean and scientific at the same time, (...)
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    Move Analysis of Legal Justifications in Constitutional Tribunal Judgments in Poland: What They Share and What They Do Not.Stanislaw Gozdz-Roszkowski - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (3):581-600.
    It appears that we know surprisingly little about how judges frame linguistically the rationale behind their decisions and how such texts are structured. Using the concept of rhetorical moves, this paper adopts a genre-based approach to examine the rhetorical structure of legal justifications provided in the decisions of the Polish Constitutional Court. The goal of the study is to verify the claim that the way justifications are drafted is becoming more and more uniform and conventional. The results show that (...)
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    Polish Logic, 1920-1939. [REVIEW]P. K. H. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (4):762-763.
    The publication of this book constitutes a real service to students of logic and of the foundations and philosophy of mathematics. Here, "under one roof," are translations of seventeen of the most important papers on logic and metalogic by Ajdukiewicz, Chwistek, Jaskowski, Jordan, Lesniewski, Lukasiewicz, S upecki, Sobocinski, and Wajsberg. All but two of them appear in English for the first time. Notably absent are papers by Alfred Tarski, but this omission is fully justified in view of the publisher's well-known (...)
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    Russian Military Occupation and Polish Historical Myths.Jerzy J. Kolarzowski & Lesław Kawalec - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (3):47-53.
    The early 18th century saw the beginnings of Russian military occupation of Poland, followed by a secret agreement by the neighboring countries, meant to maintain a political status quo in the internal affairs of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Then, the dynamics of the economic transformations of the European continent led to a permanent economic deadlock, particularly in the regions with large agricultural areas, such as Poland. Five years from the turn of the 18th century the Polish polity disappeared from (...)
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  10. Larry A. Alexander.What Constitutions Are - 2004 - In Martin P. Golding & William A. Edmundson (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    David S. law1.I. Two Types Of Constitution - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    L'écart: Merleau-Ponty's Separation.Constituting Consciousness - 2010 - In Kascha Semonovitch Neal DeRoo (ed.), Merleau-Ponty at the Limits of Art, Religion, and Perception. Continuum. pp. 95.
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  13. Weber y Habermas o los umbrales de la modernidad progresista: constitución, interpretación y comprensión.Interpretation Constitution & Understand Fernando J. Vergara Henríquez - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (52):81-104.
    Este artículo presenta a Weber y Habermas como los umbrales o polos de una modernidad que tiene al progreso como horizonte teórico-práctico. El diagnóstico weberiano sobre la modernidad y su proceso de desencantamiento del mundo y la injustificada reducción de la actividad racional a una actividad utilitario-estratégica desprovista de su carácter veritativo y de su orientación valórica, Habermas la utiliza para justificar su propuesta teórico-crítica respecto a la modernidad y la "paradoja de la racionalización", distinguiendo "sistema" y "mundo vital". Aquí (...)
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    Performatives in Cypriot, Greek and Polish Texts of Normative Acts. A Comparative Study.Karolina Gortych-Michalak - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 38 (1):103-122.
    The theory of speech acts, formulated by Austin and developed by Searle, is widely applied to analyse and classify various speech acts. In this paper it is assumed that legal texts, especially normative acts i.e. constitutions and statutes, are direct speech acts. Normative acts are linguistic entities and they do not exist outside the language, thus the theory of speech acts may be applied to examine them. They are also considered to be performative utterances according to Austin’s classification. In this (...)
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    Communism as a Generational Herstory: Reading Post-Stalinist Memoirs of Polish Communist Women.Agnieszka Mrozik - 2017 - History of Communism in Europe 8:261-284.
    The objective of this article is to revise the dominating narrative of communism as male generational history. With the aid of memoirs of communist women, many of whom started their political activity before WWII and belonged to the power-wielding elites of Stalinist Poland, the author shows that the former constituted an integral part of the generation which had planned a revolution and ultimately took over power. Their texts were imbued with a matrilineal perspective on the history of communism: the authors (...)
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    Disobedience of Judges as a Problem of Legal Philosophy and Comparative Constitutionalism: A Polish Case.Mateusz Pilich - 2021 - Res Publica 27 (4):593-617.
    The article takes up the difficult problem of the so-called disobedience of judges against the background of the experiences of the Polish departure from constitutional democracy in 2015–2020. The special role and responsibility of a judge in the state imposes restrictions on her freedom of opinion in the public sphere. Openly manifesting opposition to government policy, which in the case of an ordinary citizen is only the implementation of human rights and freedoms, may be described as controversial and contrary (...)
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  17. Professional ethics in Polish Medicine.Stefan Konstanczak & Bogna Choinska - 2011 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 1 (1-2):14-20.
    Justifying the existence of professional ethics in medicine is usually connected with the traditions of a profession and with a humanistic dimension of these ethics, pointing at the same time to their culture-forming character. With such an attitude, professional ethics is treated as a part of all mankind’s output, and its teaching turns out to be an important element of preparation for taking part in culture. Taking into account the cultural meaning of professional ethics, one should notice that all discussions (...)
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  18. Filozoficzne podstawy rozumienia dobra wspólnego.Marek Piechowiak - 2003 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 31 (2):5-35.
    "Philosophical Foundations of Understanding of the Common Good". The central question is whether recognizing the common good as the central value in the new Polish Constitution of 1997, means accepting the primacy of the state over an individual. The answer is negative. The preparatory work to the constitution is analyzed and the philosophical perspective is outlined which corresponds to the intentions of the authors of the constitution. The analyses concentrate on the philosophical tradition reaching from Plato (...)
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    David S. Law1.V. Methodological Possibilities & Can Constitutions Be - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    After Alice After Cats in Derrida's L'animal que donc je suis.Jessica Polish - 2014 - Derrida Today 7 (2):180-196.
    In this essay, I argue that Derrida cannot pursue the question of being/following unless he thinks through the question of sexual difference posed by figures of little girls in philosophical texts and in literature, specifically as posed by Lewis Carroll's Alice whom Derrida references in L'animal que donc je suis. At stake in thinking being after animals after Alice is the thought of an other than fraternal following, a way of being-with and inheriting from (other than human) others that calls (...)
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    Just Interpretations: Law Between Ethics and Politics.Michel Rosenfeld & Professor of Human Rights and Director Program on Global and Comparative Constitutional Theory Michel Rosenfeld - 1998 - Univ of California Press.
    "An important contribution to contemporary jurisprudential debate and to legal thought more generally, Just Interpretations is far ahead of currently available work."--Peter Goodrich, author of Oedipus Lex "I was struck repeatedly by the clarity of expression throughout the book. Rosenfeld's description and criticism of the recent work of leading thinkers distinguishes his work within the legal theory genre. Furthermore, his own theory is quite original and provocative."--Aviam Soifer, author of Law and the Company We Keep.
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  22. Constitutive and Consequentialist Essence.Justin Zylstra - 2019 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):190-199.
    Recent work on essence describes essence as assimilated to definition. It also posits a plurality of kinds of essence.Howdoes assimilation relate to pluralism? According to one view, a kind of essence is adequate only if it is definitional: something is essential to an item, in the relevant sense, only if it is part of what it is to be that item. In this paper, I argue that assimilation and pluralism are in tension with respect to consequentialist essence. This is problematic (...)
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  23. Constitution and Causation.Nick Zangwill - 2012 - Metaphysica 13 (1):1-6.
    I argue that the constitution relation transmits causal efficacy and thus is a suitable relation to deploy in many troubled areas of philosophy, such as the mind–body problem. We need not demand identity.
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  24. Constitutions and Future Generations.Axel Gosseries - 2008 - The Good Society 17 (2):32-37.
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    Constitutional revolution.Gary J. Jacobsohn - 2020 - New Haven: Yale University Press. Edited by Yaniv Roznai.
    Few terms in political theory are as overused, and yet as under-theorized, as constitutional revolution. In this book, Gary Jacobsohn and Yaniv Roznai argue that the most widely accepted accounts of constitutional transformation, such as those found in the work of Hans Kelsen, Hannah Arendt, and Bruce Ackerman, fail adequately to explain radical change. For example, a "constitutional moment" may or may not accompany the onset of a constitutional revolution. The consolidation of revolutionary aspirations may take place over an extended (...)
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    Constituting Objectivity. Transcendental Perspectives on Modern Physics.P. Kerszberg, J. Petitot & M. Bitbol (eds.) - 2009 - Hal Ccsd.
    In recent years, many philosophers of modern physics came to the conclusion that the problem of how objectivity is constituted (rather than merely given) can no longer be avoided, and therefore that a transcendental approach in the spirit of Kant is now philosophically relevant. The usual excuse for skipping this task is that the historical form given by Kant to transcendental epistemology has been challenged by Relativity and Quantum Physics. However, the true challenge is not to force modern physics into (...)
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  27. Constitutive and Epistemic Principles.D. Bonevac - 2000 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 71:182-218.
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  28. A constitutional niche for civil disobedience? : Reflections on Arendt.William Smith - 2012 - In Marco Goldoni & Christopher McCorkindale (eds.), Hannah Arendt and the law. Portland, Or.: Hart Pub.2.
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    Constitutional quandaries and critical elections.Norman Schofield - 2003 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 2 (1):5-36.
    In his book on Liberalism against Populism , William Riker argued that Lincoln's success in the 1860 election was the culmination of a long progression of strategic attempts by the Whig coalition of commercial interests to defeat the `Jeffersonian-Jacksonian' Democratic coalition of agrarian populism. Riker adduced Lincoln's success to his `heresthetic' maneuver to force his competitor, Douglas, in the 1858 Illinois Senate race, to appear anti-slavery, thus splitting the Democratic Party in 1860. Riker also suggested that electoral preferences in 1860 (...)
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    La constitution d’une mémoire de la fin de l’Ancien Régime, 1789-1815.Jean-Jacques Tatin-Gourier - 2006 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 25:197.
  31. Constitutional law and epistemic injustice : hate speech, stereotyping and recognition harm.Rebecca Tsosie - 2023 - In Paul Giladi & Nicola McMillan (eds.), Epistemic injustice and the philosophy of recognition. New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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  32. Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation.Ken Greenawalt - 2002 - In Jules Coleman & Scott J. Shapiro (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 268--268.
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  33. Constitutional liberty in western civilization.Peter J. Stanlis - 1984 - In Adlai E. Stevenson & W. Lawson Taitte (eds.), The Citizen and his government. Austin, Tex.: the University of Texas Press.
  34. Constitutions.John Quinn - 1968 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 42:74.
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  35. Constitutional rights and statutory limitations.Julian Rivers - 2012 - In Matthias Klatt (ed.), Institutionalized reason: the jurisprudence of Robert Alexy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  36. Constitutive and Epistemic Principles Commentary.M. Lance - 2000 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 71:182-218.
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    (1 other version)Constitutional and Other Persons.Gerard V. Bradley - 2013 - In John Keown & Robert P. George (eds.), Reason, morality, and law: the philosophy of John Finnis. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 249.
  38. From constitutional necessities to causal necessities.Jessica Wilson - 2010 - In Helen Beebee & Nigel Sabbarton-Leary (eds.), The Semantics and Metaphysics of Natural Kinds. New York: Routledge.
    Humeans and non-Humeans reasonably agree that there may be necessary connections between entities that are identical or merely partly distinct—between, e.g., sets and their individual members, fusions and their individual parts, instances of determinates and determinables, members of certain natural kinds and certain of their intrinsic properties, and (especially among physicalists) certain physical and mental states. Humeans maintain, however, that as per “Hume’s Dictum”, there are no necessary connections between entities that are wholly distinct;1 and in particular, no necessary causal (...)
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  39. Constitutional and statutory interpretation.Ken Greenawalt - 2002 - In Jules L. Coleman & Scott Shapiro (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 268--268.
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    Constitutional possibilities.Lawrence B. Solum - 2008 - Indiana Law Journal 83:307-337.
    What are our constitutional possibilities? The importance of this question is illustrated by the striking breadth of recent discussions, ranging from the interpretation of the United States Constitution as a guarantee of fundamental economic equality and proposals to restore the lost constitution to arguments for the virtual abandonment of structural provisions of the Constitution of 1789. Such proposals are conventionally understood as placing constitutional options on the table as real options for constitutional change. Normative constitutional theory asks (...)
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  41. Constitutional law and epistemic injustice : hate speech, stereotyping and recognition harm.Rebecca Tsosie - 2023 - In Paul Giladi & Nicola McMillan (eds.), Epistemic injustice and the philosophy of recognition. New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Constitutional Interpretation and Institutional Perspectives: A Deliberative Proposal.Donald Bello Hutt - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 31 (2):235-255.
    Legal scholars generally consider the theorisation and constitutionalisation of constitutional interpretation as a matter for the courts. This article first challenges this tendency on conceptual grounds, showing that no institutional commitment follows from the nature of interpretation in law, constitutional law included. It then provides guidance for thinking about institutional perspectives according to two criteria: the nature and normative strength of the sources interpreted and the capacity of the interpreter to include and consider every possibility affected when her interpretation carries (...)
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    La constitution des idéalités est-elle une création?Dominique Pradelle - 2008 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 85 (2):227.
    Le but de l'article est de cerner le sens précis du concept de constitution, central dans la pensée de Husserl, et ce afin de comprendre la portée ontologique de son idéalisme transcendantal: en quel sens s'agit-il d'un idéalisme? Le sujet constituant produit-il le sens et l'être des objets? On s'interroge d'abord sur le champ d'objets qui sert à Husserl de fil conducteur pour l'élaboration de ce concept: est-ce celui des objets immanents, des choses spatio-temporelles, ou des idéalités? Ayant montré (...)
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    Constitution and Causal Roles.Lorenzo Casini & Michael Baumgartner - unknown
    Alexander Gebharter has recently proposed to use Bayesian network causal discovery methods to identify the constitutive dependencies that underwrite mechanistic explanations. The proposal depends on using the assumptions of the causal Bayesian network framework to implicitly define mechanistic constitution as a kind of deterministic direct causal dependence. The aim of this paper is twofold. In the first half, we argue that Gebharter’s proposal incurs severe conceptual problems. In the second half, we present an alternative way to bring Bayesian network (...)
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    On constitutional welfare liberalism: An old-liberal perspective.Michael P. Zuckert - 2007 - Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (1):266-288.
    One new form of liberalism is a doctrine that might be called Constitutional Welfare Liberalism. It stands in some continuity with the varieties of welfare and equality oriented liberalism that emerged in the Nineteenth Century and which found expression in the U.S. in political movements like the New Deal of F.D.R. and the Great Society of L.B.J. Constitutional Welfare Liberalism differs somewhat from earlier versions of Welfare Liberalism in that it claims to be solidly grounded in the fundamentals of the (...)
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  46. Uncovering constitutive relevance relations in mechanisms.Alexander Gebharter - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (11):2645-2666.
    In this paper I argue that constitutive relevance relations in mechanisms behave like a special kind of causal relation in at least one important respect: Under suitable circumstances constitutive relevance relations produce the Markov factorization. Based on this observation one may wonder whether standard methods for causal discovery could be fruitfully applied to uncover constitutive relevance relations. This paper is intended as a first step into this new area of philosophical research. I investigate to what extent the PC algorithm, originally (...)
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    Constitutional Consequentialism: Bargain Democracy versus Median Democracy.Robert Cooter - 2002 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 3 (1).
    Depending on how people respond to it, a constitution can cause suffering on a vast scale or lay the foundation for a nation’s liberty, prosperity, and equality. As currently practiced, constitutional theory and interpretation especially concern the meaning, history, and philosophy of constitutional texts. These approaches cannot predict the responses of people to constitutions. Constitutional consequentialism, which I advocate, is a research program that aims to predict the effect of alternative forms and interpretations of constitutions on policy values, especially (...)
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    Constitutional law and privacy.Anita L. Allen - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 145–159.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Focus: The United States Theorizing about Privacy Meaning and Definition Questions of Value Conclusion References.
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  49. Constitutive Relevance, Mutual Manipulability, and Fat-Handedness.Michael Baumgartner & Alexander Gebharter - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 67 (3):731-756.
    The first part of this paper argues that if Craver’s ([2007a], [2007b]) popular mutual manipulability account (MM) of mechanistic constitution is embedded within Woodward’s ([2003]) interventionist theory of causation--for which it is explicitly designed--it either undermines the mechanistic research paradigm by entailing that there do not exist relationships of constitutive relevance or it gives rise to the unwanted consequence that constitution is a form of causation. The second part shows how Woodward’s theory can be adapted in such a (...)
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    Meaning Constitution and Epistemic Rationality.Paul Horwich - 2005 - In Reflections on meaning. New York : Oxford University Press,: Clarendon Press ;.
    Our beliefs and inferential transitions are subject to evaluation as rational or irrational by reference to general epistemic norms. But what could determine certain norms as the correct ones? This chapter explores and opposes the answer that certain patterns of belief formation are justified by virtue of the fact that they constitute the relevant concepts or the meanings of the relevant words. This ‘semantogenetic’ proposal goes back to Hilbert, Poincare, and the logical positivists, and was recently defended by Boghossian, Peackocke, (...)
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