Results for 'Karolina Gortych-Michalak'

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  1.  25
    Polish, Greek and Cypriot Civil Procedure Terminology in Translation. A Parametric Approach.Karolina Gortych-Michalak - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 49 (1):73-88.
    The paper discusses the problem of translating selected Civil Procedure terminology from Greek into Polish and from Polish into Greek. The research material includes corpora of normative acts and more precisely those, which regulate Civil Procedure of Poland, Greece and the Republic of Cyprus. The research methodology is based on the concept of parameterisation, according to which the legal linguistic reality becomes axiomatic. Then the set of relevant dimensions and parameters is extracted. The set of parameters are a tool where (...)
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    Performatives in Cypriot, Greek and Polish Texts of Normative Acts. A Comparative Study.Karolina Gortych-Michalak - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 38 (1):103-122.
    The theory of speech acts, formulated by Austin and developed by Searle, is widely applied to analyse and classify various speech acts. In this paper it is assumed that legal texts, especially normative acts i.e. constitutions and statutes, are direct speech acts. Normative acts are linguistic entities and they do not exist outside the language, thus the theory of speech acts may be applied to examine them. They are also considered to be performative utterances according to Austin’s classification. In this (...)
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    A hybrid exact algorithm for complete set partitioning.Tomasz Michalak, Talal Rahwan, Edith Elkind, Michael Wooldridge & Nicholas R. Jennings - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 230 (C):14-50.
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    Rereading Paul B. Preciado’s An Apartment on Uranus through Latin American Decolonial Transfeminism(s).M. Michalak - 2023 - Paragraph 46 (1):90-107.
    What can be learnt from Paul B. Preciado’s ecological framing of trans* and migrant world-making in An Apartment on Uranus? How might trans* and migrant solidarities affirm life in the context of capitogenic climate catastrophe and what Françoise Vergès has named the ‘racial capitalocene’? Through these guiding questions, I connect recent calls to ‘decolonize trans* imaginaries’ with translocal hispanophone knowledges that reaffirm the plurality of gender/sexuality in las Amé ricas before the conquest by braiding together strands of Preciado’s writing with (...)
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    Ethics as a Subject of School Teaching in Poland.Joanna Madalińska-Michalak - 2023 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 43:13-29.
    The article presents partial results of nationwide research devoted to teaching ethics. It discusses the place of ethics in the Polish education system and the development trends visible since its introduction (1991). When it comes to legislature, acts and ordinances of the Minister of National Education were analyzed. Next to legal acts also judgments of the Constitutional Tribunal, regulating the principles of teaching and assessing the subject of ethics, were discussed. An important aspect of these regulations, due to their practical (...)
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    Hē autopragmatōsē tou prosōpou: dokimia.Michalakēs I. Maratheutēs - 1994 - Leukōsia: [S.N.].
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  7. Against Individualism. The Unification of Female Clothing in the Period between Belle Epoque and Post-Revolutionary Russia.Irmina Michalak - 2007 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 9:223-242.
  8.  11
    Jana Pawła II apel o etyczny wymiar globalizacji.Urszula Michalak - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):135-142.
    In the teaching of John Paul II’s the need of solidarity globalization is particularly stressed out as well as that of humanization of globalization processes. With the aim of doing it, one should be guided by unchanging social values: the truth, freedom, justice, solidarity, subsidiarity, love. The globalization has two faces: ▪ the benefits which it brings to the world, individual countries and its main beneficiaries, that is international corporations. ▪ negative effects which the developing countries and all people of (...)
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  9.  17
    Mindfulness, embodiment, and depression.J. Michalak, J. Burg & Thomas Heidenreich - 2012 - In Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller, Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. John Benjamins. pp. 84--393.
  10.  34
    Motives of espionage against ones own country in the light of idiographic studies.Sebastian Michalak - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (1):1-4.
    Motives of espionage against ones own country in the light of idiographic studies The money is perceived as the common denominator among people who have spied against their own country. This assumption is common sense and appears to be self-evident truth. But do we have any hard evidences to prove the validity of such a statement? What method could be applied to determine it? This article is a review of the motives behind one's resorting to spying activity which is a (...)
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  11. Odmiany odpowiedzialności nauczyciela. Rozważania kategorialne.Joanna M. Michalak - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 75 (2):219-232.
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    Transparentność i przenikanie w modularnych kompozycjach architektonicznych.Hanna Michalak & Jerzy Suchanek - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (3):463-480.
    Budynki o czytelnej strukturze modularnej (w aspekcie kompozycji i konstrukcji) powinny charakteryzować się także klarownością układu funkcjonalnego, co wydaje się szczególnie istotne dla budynków użyteczności publicznej. Rola światła w prawidłowym czytaniu funkcji takich obiektów (także poprzez zastosowane archetypy – symbole w sekwencjach przestrzeni wewnętrznych) przez użytkownika, w połączeniu z oddziaływaniem mniej lub bardziej pożądanych efektów akustycznych, w budowlach zabytkowych i współczesnych realizacjach z wykorzystaniem klasycznych i nowych środków wyrazu to zasadniczy temat niniejszego artykułu rozeznany i opisany na podstawie autopsji oraz (...)
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    Własność a etyka akumulacji kapitału we współczesnej katolickiej doktrynie społecznej.Andrzej Michalak - 1997 - Szczecin: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.
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  14. Spinoza on Essences, Universals, and Beings of Reason.Karolina Hübner - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97 (1):58-88.
    The article proposes a new solution to the long-standing problem of the universality of essences in Spinoza's ontology. It argues that, according to Spinoza, particular things in nature possess unique essences, but that these essences coexist with more general, mind-dependent species-essences, constructed by finite minds on the basis of similarities that obtain among the properties of formally-real particulars. This account provides the best fit both with the textual evidence and with Spinoza's other metaphysical and epistemological commitments. The article offers new (...)
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  15.  32
    Coalition structure generation: A survey.Talal Rahwan, Tomasz P. Michalak, Michael Wooldridge & Nicholas R. Jennings - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 229 (C):139-174.
  16.  22
    Attachment centrality: Measure for connectivity in networks.Oskar Skibski, Talal Rahwan, Tomasz P. Michalak & Makoto Yokoo - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 274 (C):151-179.
  17. Representation and Mind-Body Identity in Spinoza’s Philosophy.Karolina Hübner - 2022 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (1):47-77.
  18.  18
    Anytime coalition structure generation in multi-agent systems with positive or negative externalities.Talal Rahwan, Tomasz Michalak, Michael Wooldridge & Nicholas R. Jennings - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 186 (C):95-122.
  19. Rethinking Gibbard’s Riverboat Argument.Karolina Krzyżanowska, Sylvia Wenmackers & Igor Douven - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (4):771-792.
    According to the Principle of Conditional Non-Contradiction (CNC), conditionals of the form “If p, q” and “If p, not q” cannot both be true, unless p is inconsistent. This principle is widely regarded as an adequacy constraint on any semantics that attributes truth conditions to conditionals. Gibbard has presented an example of a pair of conditionals that, in the context he describes, appear to violate CNC. He concluded from this that conditionals lack truth conditions. We argue that this conclusion is (...)
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  20. Spinoza on Being Human and Human Perfection.Karolina Hübner - 2014 - In Andrew Youpa Matthew Kisner, Essays on Spinoza's Ethical Theory.
  21.  69
    The experimental philosophy of law: New ways, old questions, and how not to get lost.Karolina Magdalena Prochownik - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (12):e12791.
    The experimental philosophy of law is a recent movement that aims to inform traditional debates in jurisprudence by conducting empirical research. This paper introduces and provides a systematic overview of the main lines of research in this field. It also covers the most important debates in the literature regarding the implications of these findings for the philosophy and theory of law. It argues that three challenges arise when addressing (old) legal-philosophical questions in (new) experimental ways by drawing normative implications from (...)
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  22. On the Significance of Formal Causes in Spinoza’s Metaphysics.Karolina Hübner - 2015 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 97 (2).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 97 Heft: 2 Seiten: 196-233.
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  23. Spinoza on Intentionality, Materialism, and Mind-Body Relations.Karolina Hübner - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    The paper examines a relatively neglected element of Spinoza's theory of mind-body relations: the intentional relation between human minds and bodies, which for Spinoza constitutes their “union”. Prima facie textual evidence suggests, and many readers agree, that because for Spinoza human minds are essentially ideas of bodies, Spinoza is also committed to an ontological and explanatory dependence of certain properties of human minds on properties of bodies, and thus to a version of materialism. The paper argues that such dependence would (...)
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  24.  14
    The Cambridge Spinoza lexicon.Karolina Hübner & Justin Steinberg (eds.) - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The Lexicon cuts through the daunting profusion of scholarship on Spinoza by supplying compact entries that contextualize Spinoza's thought, elucidate crucial concepts, and point to the relevant scholarly debates and studies. A vital resource for novices and experts alike seeking to expand their knowledge of Spinoza.
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  25.  55
    Between a conditional’s antecedent and its consequent: Discourse coherence vs. probabilistic relevance.Karolina Krzyżanowska, Peter J. Collins & Ulrike Hahn - 2017 - Cognition 164 (C):199-205.
    Reasoning with conditionals is central to everyday life, yet there is long-standing disagreement about the meaning of the conditional. One example is the puzzle of so-called missing-link conditionals such as "if raccoons have no wings, they cannot breathe under water." Their oddity may be taken to show that conditionals require a connection between antecedent ("raccoons have no wings") and consequent ("they cannot breathe under water"), yet most accounts of conditionals attribute the oddity to natural language pragmatics. We present an experimental (...)
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  26. Spinoza on negation, mind-dependence and the reality of the finite.Karolina Hübner - 2015 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed, The Young Spinoza: A Metaphysician in the Making. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 221-37.
    The article explores the idea that according to Spinoza finite thought and substantial thought represent reality in different ways. It challenges “acosmic” readings of Spinoza's metaphysics, put forth by readers like Hegel, according to which only an infinite, undifferentiated substance genuinely exists, and all representations of finite things are illusory. Such representations essentially involve negation with respect to a more general kind. The article shows that several common responses to the charge of acosmism fail. It then argues that we must (...)
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  27.  58
    The Role of Emotion Modulation in Moral Bioenhancement Debate.Karolina Kudlek - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):113-123.
    This paper aims to analyze technical and internal aspects of one particular type of human moral enhancement, i.e. enhancement of moral motivation via direct emotion modulation. More precisely, it challenges the assumption that modifying certain emotions will have the results desired by the advocates of this theory. It is argued that neuropsychological understanding of the role and function of emotions, as well as of underlying cognitive mechanisms, might be relevant for the discussion about biomedical enhancement of moral capacities. Moreover, typical (...)
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  28.  67
    Is human enhancement intrinsically bad?Karolina Kudlek - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (2):269-279.
    A pertinent concern in the human enhancement debate is that human enhancement technologies (HET) are intrinsically bad and, hence, morally impermissible. This article evaluates the related claims about the intrinsic badness of HET by looking into philosophical theories of intrinsic value. It investigates how well-established conceptions of intrinsic value map onto typical bioconservative arguments about HET's intrinsic badness. Three predominant variants of these arguments are explored and found wanting: (i) HET are intrinsically bad owing to their unnaturalness; (ii) the pursuit (...)
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  29. Merit and Reaction Qualifications.Karolina Wisniewska - 2024 - Political Philosophy 1 (2):488–513.
    When selecting between applicants for a job, when and how should we take into account the reactions that they elicit from others? On one hand, applicants’ “reaction qualifications” often speak to their merit, in which case we seem required to consider them. On the other hand, others’ reactions are often rooted in prejudicial attitudes, in which case considering reaction qualifications can make the hiring process prejudicial. According to a popular view, we should refrain from considering reaction qualifications just in case (...)
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    Challenges in the Human Enhancement Debate.Karolina Kudlek - 2022 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 26 (2):300-327.
    The discussion about human enhancement technologies has primarily focused on exchanging views about the dangers and benefits of these interventions. However, the debate could benefit from a systematic attempt to move beyond pro et contra exchange. Thus, in this paper, I analyze key issues in the human enhancement debate, and I outline a set of methodological guidelines that could help to progress future research. I propose that we should pay special attention to the following conditions: (i) whether a particular enhancement (...)
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  31.  65
    The Kantian Promise and Peril of Moral Bioenhancement.Karolina Kudlek & Patrick Taylor Smith - 2022 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (3):487-503.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  32.  14
    Zagadnienia etyczne w procesach przekształceń własnościowych Województwa Łódzkiego.Danuta Barańska & Marek Jacek Michalak - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (2):121-129.
    The Polish society has perceived privatization as an issue of special importance which enables a free market economy in a short time. Privatization has always raised hopes and expectations. It is the lack of experience in the field of ownership transformations, the level of their complexity and the economic, legal, psychological and other conditionings that have confronted those transformations with many hindrances. They have also raised numerous moral and ethical dilemmas among the staff of privatized companies and founding organs including (...)
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  33.  12
    A predictive evolutionary algorithm for dynamic constrained inverse kinematics problems.Patryk Filipiak, Krzysztof Michalak & Piotr Lipinski - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 610--621.
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    Apo to atomo sto prosōpo: mia nea theōrēsē tou anthrōpou, tēs koinōnias kai tēs paideias.Michalakēs I. Maratheutēs - 2011 - Leukōsia: Ekdosē Homilou Pneumatikēs Ananeōseōs.
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  35. Hē ekpaideusis tōn didaskalōnhypo to prisma tēs philosophias tou prosōplamou.Michalakēs I. Maratheutēs - 1967 - Leukōsia,:
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    When Physicians and a Parent Conflict on When to Limit Treatment for a Child With Significant Disabilities.Teresa A. Savage & Debra M. Michalak - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2):73-75.
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    Efficient algorithms for game-theoretic betweenness centrality.Piotr L. Szczepański, Tomasz P. Michalak & Talal Rahwan - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 231 (C):39-63.
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  38. (1 other version)Spinoza's Thinking Substance and the Necessity of Modes.Karolina Hübner - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 89 (3):3-34.
    The paper offers a new account of Spinoza's conception of “substance”, the fundamental building block of reality. It shows that it can be demonstrated apriori within Spinoza's metaphysical framework that (i) contrary to Idealist readings, for Spinoza there can be no substance that is not determined or modified by some other entity produced by substance; and that (ii) there can be no substance (and hence no being) that is not a thinking substance.
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    Disgust Sensitivity Among Women During the COVID-19 Outbreak.Karolina Miłkowska, Andrzej Galbarczyk, Magdalena Mijas & Grazyna Jasienska - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The emotion of disgust is suggested to be an adaptation that evolved to keep us away from sources of infection. Therefore, individuals from populations with greater pathogen stress should have a greater disgust sensitivity. However, current evidence for a positive relationship between disgust sensitivity and the intensity of infectious diseases in the environment is limited. We tested whether disgust and contamination sensitivity changed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Disgust was assessed in 984 women in 2017 and 633 women in (...)
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  40.  37
    Williamson on conditionals and testimony.Karolina Krzyżanowska & Igor Douven - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (1):121-131.
    In _Suppose and Tell_, Williamson makes a new case for the material conditional account. He tries to explain away apparently countervailing data by arguing that these have been misinterpreted because researchers have overlooked the role of heuristics in the processing of conditionals. Cases involving the receipt of apparently conflicting conditionals play an important dialectical role in Williamson’s book: they are supposed to provide evidence for the material conditional account as well as for the defeasibility of a key procedure underlying our (...)
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    Towards a systematic evaluation of moral bioenhancement.Karolina Kudlek - 2022 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 43 (2-3):95-110.
    The ongoing debate about moral bioenhancement has been exceptionally stimulating, but it is defined by extreme polarization and lack of consensus about any relevant aspect of MBE. This article reviews the discussion on MBE, showing that a lack of consensus about enhancements’ desirable features and the constant development of the debate calls for a more rigorous ethical analysis. I identify a list of factors that may be of crucial importance for illuminating the matters of moral permissibility in the MBE debate (...)
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  42.  37
    Art training and personality traits as predictors of aesthetic experience of different art styles among Polish students.Karolina Pietras & Karolina Czernecka - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:466-474.
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    On the uneasy alliance between moral bioenhancement and utilitarianism.Karolina Kudlek - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (2):210-217.
    Moral bioenhancement (MBE) is often associated with a consequentialist, especially utilitarian, framework, owing to its capacity to prevent great harm and motivate acts in accordance with basic moral principles such us universal impartial altruism or benevolence. However, it remains unclear whether we could de facto justify MBE on utilitarian grounds. This article examines whether there is a plausible utilitarian case for MBE and what the obstacles for justifying MBE on utilitarian grounds could be. More specifically, it explores the relationship between (...)
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  44.  13
    Skąd się bierze kradzież lub akceptacja kradzieży własności intelektualnej?Karolina Wigura & Jarosław Kuisz - 2004 - Etyka 37:195-214.
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    Disengagement with ethics in robotics as a tacit form of dehumanisation.Karolina Zawieska - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):869-883.
    Over the past two decades, ethical challenges related to robotics technologies have gained increasing interest among different research and non-academic communities, in particular through the field of roboethics. While the reasons to address roboethics are clear, why not to engage with ethics needs to be better understood. This paper focuses on a limited or lacking engagement with ethics that takes place within some parts of the robotics community and its implications for the conceptualisation of the human being. The underlying assumption (...)
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    The Trouble with Feelings, or Spinoza on the Identity of Power and Essence.Karolina Hübner - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (1):35-53.
    Spinoza claims both that a thing’s essence is identical to power, and that emotions are fundamentally variations in this power. The conjunction of these two theses creates difficulties for his metaphysics and ethics alike. The three main worries concern the coherence of Spinoza’s accounts of essence, diachronic identity, and emotional “bondage,” and put in question his ability to derive ethical and psychological doctrines from his metaphysical claims. In response to these difficulties, this paper offers a new interpretation of Spinoza’s account (...)
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    Dlaczego zmurszenie?: wprowadzenie do polskiej wersji numeru= Why mouldering?: preface to the English version of the issue/Redaktorzy" Avant. Pismo Awangardy Filozoficzno-Naukowej"; transl. Karolina Karmaza. [REVIEW]Karolina Karmaza - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (1):13 - 19.
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    Umbrella and basket trials in oncology: ethical challenges.Karolina Strzebonska & Marcin Waligora - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-10.
    Novel precision oncology trial designs, such as basket and umbrella trials, are designed to test new anticancer agents in more effective and affordable ways. However, they present some ethical concerns referred to scientific validity, risk-benefit balance and informed consent. Our aim is to discuss these issues in basket and umbrella trials, giving examples of two ongoing cancer trials: NCI-MATCH (National Cancer Institute – Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice) and Lung-MAP (Lung Cancer Master Protocol) study. We discuss three ethical requirements for (...)
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  49. Spinoza on the Limits of Explanation.Karolina Hübner - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (2):341-358.
    Commentators standardly ascribe to Spinoza a belief in an exceptionless conceptual closure of mental and physical realms: no intention can allow us to understand a bodily movement, no bodily injury can make intelligible a sensation of pain. This counterintuitive doctrine, most often now referred to as Spinoza's 'attribute barrier', has weighty repercussions for his views on intelligibility, nature of the mind, identity, and causality. I argue against the standard reading of the doctrine, by showing that it produces an inconsistent epistemological (...)
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  50.  27
    Spinoza on Universals.Karolina Hübner - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed, A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 204–213.
    The problem of universals is one of the oldest problems in philosophy. One of the oddities of Spinoza's view of universals is that he endorses both Realism and Nominalism. An analogous Realist account can be given for all thinking things: all ideas, really do have something in common, intrinsically, constitutively, and mind‐independently: namely, thought as a determinable, qualitative, essential substantial nature. Spinoza's accounts of the nature of the human mind and of human emotions both can be read as accounts of (...)
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