Results for 'Theo Mota'

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  1.  22
    Bimodal Patterning Discrimination in Harnessed Honey Bees.Breno E. Mansur, Jean R. V. Rodrigues & Theo Mota - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Theorie des Naturalismus. Hrsg. v. Theo Meyer. [2.] (print.).Theo Meyer - 1973 - Stuttgart,: Reclam.
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    Principle in Practice.Nicholas Hayes-Mota - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (2):207-228.
    This article draws on Alasdair MacIntyre’s influential theory of practice and employs it as a framework to analyze community organizing, focusing on the organizing tradition of Saul Alinsky. As a practice in MacIntyre’s sense, it argues, community organizing constitutes a teleological form of social activity that is oriented toward distinctive kinds of “internal goods” and that functions to develop new capacities within its practitioners to recognize, desire, and attain those goods, relying on standards of excellence, characteristic institutions, and its own (...)
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    Introduction.Nicholas Hayes-Mota, Erin Brigham & Richard L. Wood - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (2):201-206.
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    E. Sachregister.Theo Herrmann - 1965 - In Psychologie der Kognitiven Ordnung. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 343-350.
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    Gustavo Leyva, La filosofía en México en el siglo XX : un ensayo de reconstrucción histórico-sistemática : [reseña].Edgar Daniel Manchinelly Mota - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (140):211.
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    Fenomenologia nos estudos de enfermagem.Hugo Ribeiro Mota, Betânia Da Mata Ribeiro Gomes, Dan Zahavi & Kristian M. M. Martiny - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 66 (1):e39223.
    O objetivo deste artigo é, primeiro, apresentar e considerar as críticas de Paley com mais detalhes e, em seguida, discutir algumas das aplicações significativas da fenomenologia que muitas vezes foram negligenciadas pelos pesquisadores qualitativos. Como foi amplamente demonstrado ao longo dos anos, a fenomenologia pode não apenas fazer a diferença no manuseio, análise e interpretação dos dados disponíveis, mas também em como os dados são obtidos em primeiro lugar, por exemplo, através de técnicas especiais de entrevista. Consideraremos algumas figuras centrais (...)
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    Born to adapt, but not in your dreams.Theo Mulder, Jacqueline Hochstenbach, Pieter U. Dijkstra & Jan H. B. Geertzen - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1266-1271.
    The brain adapts to changes that take place in the body. Deprivation of input results in size reduction of cortical representations, whereas an increase in input results in an increase of representational space. Amputation forms one of the most dramatic disturbances of the integrity of the body. The brain adapts in many ways to this breakdown of the afferent–efferent equilibrium. However, almost all studies focus on the sensorimotor consequences. It is not known whether adaptation takes place also at other “levels” (...)
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    A Mere Shadow of an Institution: the Unhappy Story of the Portuguese Geological Survey (PGS) in the Period Between the Two World Wars.Teresa Alves Da Mota - 2007 - Annals of Science 64 (1):19-40.
    Summary In the period between the two World Wars, the Portuguese Geological Survey (Serviços Geológicos de Portugal: PGS) was legally dependent on the General Directorate of Mines and Geological Survey (Direcção Geral de Minas e Serviços Geológicos: GDMGS). Portugal was then living through troubled times, and the PGS struggled with financial problems and a lack of technical personnel. This situation did not allow the PGS to work properly as a scientific institution, and achieve its main function: the making and publication (...)
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  10. Quand détruire c'est dire.Théo Háchez - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 101:145-150.
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    Estresse e resiliência em doença de Chagas.Daniela Cristina Grégio D. Arce Mota, Ana Maria T. Benevides-Pereira, Mônica Lúcia Gomes & Silvana Marques de Araújo - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:57-68.
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    Entre livros e Eudoro: relato de algumas experiências.Marcus Mota - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 8:57-74.
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    Neoliberalismo e sociedade judiciária em Foucault.Thiago Mota - 2021 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 26 (1).
    Este artigo reconstrói a análise genealógica de Foucault acerca do neoliberalismo alemão ou ordoliberalismo, para em seguida abordar o problema da relação entre neoliberalismo e sociedade judiciária na contemporaneidade. Na sociedade neoliberal, a promoção da concorrência entre as empresas, inevitavelmente, acarreta conflitos que, em muitos casos, convertem-se em demandas judiciais. Ocorre que a concepção de que os conflitos não devem ser erradicados, mas geridos, reconvertidos em relações de concorrência e devolvidos ao mercado, tem se generalizado entre os operadores do direito. (...)
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  14. Cognitive Structures in Scientific Inquiry: Essays in Debate with Theo Kuipers.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2005 - New York: Rodopi NY.
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    Peptidylprolylisomerases, Protein Folders, or Scaffolders? The Example of FKBP51 and FKBP52.Theo Rein - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (7):1900250.
    Peptidylprolyl‐isomerases (PPIases) comprise of the protein families of FK506 binding proteins (FKBPs), cyclophilins, and parvulins. Their common feature is their ability to expedite the transition of peptidylprolyl bonds between the cis and the trans conformation. Thus, it seemed highly plausible that PPIase enzymatic activity is crucial for protein folding. However, this has been difficult to prove over the decades since their discovery. In parallel, more and more studies have discovered scaffolding functions of PPIases. This essay discusses the hypothesis that PPIase (...)
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    Mind matters: Physicalism and the autonomy of the person.Theo C. Meyering - 1998 - In Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Berkeley (USA): Notre Dame: University Notre Dame Press.
    Theo C. Meyering, in “Mind Matters: Physicalism and the Autonomy of the Person,” takes yet a third approach to the issue of reduction. He states that “if (true, downward) mental causation implies nonreducibility [as Stoeger and Murphy argue] and physicalism implies the converse, it is hard to see how these two views could be compatible.” Meyering distinguishes three versions of reductionism: radical (industrial strength) physicalism; ideal (regular strength) physicalism, and mild or token physicalism. Radical physicalism asserts that all special (...)
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    Descartes and the Dutch: Early Reactions to Cartesian Philosophy, 1637-1650.Theo Verbeek - 1992 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Theo Verbeek provides the first book-length examination of the initial reception of Descartes’s written works. Drawing on his research of primary materials written in Dutch and Latin and found in libraries all over Europe, even including the Soviet Union, Theo Verbeek opens a period of Descartes’s life and of the development of Cartesian philosophy that has been virtually closed since Descartes’s death. Verbeek’s aim is to provide as complete a picture as possible of the discussions that accompanied the (...)
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  18. Physicalism and downward causation in psychology and the special sciences.Theo C. Meyering - 2000 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 43 (2):181-202.
    Physicalism ? or roughly the view that the stuff that physics talks about is all the stuff there is ? has had a popular press in philosophical circles during the twentieth century. And yet, at the same time, it has become quite fashionable lately to believe that the mind matters in this world after all and that psychology is an autonomous science irreducible to physics. However, if (true, downward) mental causation implies non-reducibility and Physicalism implies the converse, it is hard (...)
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    Philosophical foundations of India.Theos Bernard - 1945 - London, New York,: Rider.
    "Philosophical Foundations of India" is a 1945 work by Theos Bernard. Within it, he attempts to outline the fundamental principles of the six classic systems of Hindu philosophy, namely: Nyaya, Vaisesika, Samkhya, Yoga, and Vedanta. Presented in a clear, easy-to-understand form, this volume is highly recommended for those looking for an introduction to Indian philosophy and related subjects. Contents: "Preface," "Introduction," "Nyaya," "Vaisesika," "Semkhya," "Yoga," "Mimamsa," "Vedanta," "Kasmir Saivism," "Bibliography," "Glossary." Theos Casimir Bernard (1908-194) was an author and explorer most (...)
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    After the Slippery Slope.Theo A. Boer - 2003 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 23 (2):225-242.
    "When a country legalizes active euthanasia, it puts itself on a slippery slope from where it may well go further downward." If true, this is a forceful argument in the battle of those who try to prevent euthanasia from becoming legal. The force of any slippery slope argument, however, is by definition limited by its reference to future developments which cannot empirically be sustained. Experience in the Netherlands—where a law regulating active euthanasia was accepted in April 2001—may shed light on (...)
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    Experiência, Filosofia e Educação.Fernanda Antônia Barbosa da Mota & Heraldo Aparecido Silva - 2017 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 27:69-85.
    Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar algumas considerações sobre a noção da experiência no âmbito da filosofia da educação. Na transposição dos ideais formativos iluminista e romântico para os sistemas escolares ocorre a marginalização da experiência, a centralidade das noções modelares hegemônicas (a cientifica-especializada e a crítica-reflexiva) e o problema da redução da experiência ao empírico. Na contemporaneidade, indicamos caminhos alternativos para a retomada da experiência no campo de estudos da filosofia da educação.
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    Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.Theo C. Meyering (ed.) - 1998 - Berkeley (USA): Notre Dame: University Notre Dame Press.
    This collection of 21 essays explores the creative interaction among the cognitive neurosciences, philosophy, and theology. It is the result of an international research conference co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory, Rome, and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley.
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    Arte e Política: Uma Leitura da Obra Voltairiana À Luz de Jacques Rancière.Vladimir de Oliva Mota - 2019 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (31).
    O que aqui se pretende é analisar a forma voltairiana de relacionar arte e política presente em sua obra, apontando seus alcances e limites a partir da noção da relação entre arte e política em Jacques Rancière. Para tal, este trabalho se divide em três momentos: no primeiro, expor a proposta voltairiana de relacionar arte e política; em seguida, entender como essa relação se dá a partir de categorias de Rancière – “partilha do sensível”, “estética da política”, “política”, “polícia”, “dissenso” (...)
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    Dos concepciones del lenguaje: Wittgenstein y Chomsky en torno a la recursión como “buena” explicación de la naturaleza humana.Sergio Mota - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 46:125-149.
    En este artículo me propongo discutir si la propiedad de la recursión supone una buena explicación de la especificidad humana. Para ello, analizaré dos aproximaciones al estudio del lenguaje humano: las concepciones computacional y antropológica. La principal conclusión de este trabajo es doble. Por un lado, la recursión no es una buena explicación de la esencia humana. Por otro, lo que sí es específicamente humano es la construcción de una mitología, análoga a la metafísica, revestida en este caso con el (...)
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    O Mito das Danaides em suas fontes: Tradução e notas.Marcus Mota - 2024 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 34:e03422.
    O mito das Danaides é registrado com variações em diversos textos poéticos e não poéticos da Antiguidade Clássica. Neste artigo são recolhidos e traduzidos os principais textos que colaboram para construir a recepção do mito em suas tentativas de se construir uma saga para figuras femininas e suas ambivalências.
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    ¿Qué es un algoritmo? Una respuesta desde la obra de Wittgenstein.Sergio Mota - 2015 - Endoxa 36:317.
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    Uma introdução ao pensamento pedagógico do Professor Agostinho da Silva.Helena Maria Briosa E. Mota & Margarida Larcher Santos Carvalho - 1996 - Lisboa: Hugin. Edited by Margarida Larcher Santos Carvalho.
  28. In AI we trust? Perceptions about automated decision-making by artificial intelligence.Theo Araujo, Natali Helberger, Sanne Kruikemeier & Claes H. de Vreese - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (3):611-623.
    Fueled by ever-growing amounts of (digital) data and advances in artificial intelligence, decision-making in contemporary societies is increasingly delegated to automated processes. Drawing from social science theories and from the emerging body of research about algorithmic appreciation and algorithmic perceptions, the current study explores the extent to which personal characteristics can be linked to perceptions of automated decision-making by AI, and the boundary conditions of these perceptions, namely the extent to which such perceptions differ across media, (public) health, and judicial (...)
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    Introduction and Overview.Theo Kuipers & Gerhard Schurz - 2011 - Erkenntnis 75 (2):151-163.
    Introduction and Overview Content Type Journal Article Category Introduction Pages 151-163 DOI 10.1007/s10670-011-9288-9 Authors Theo Kuipers, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Gerhard Schurz, Department of Philosophy, University of Duesseldorf, Universitaetsstrasse 1, Geb. 23.21, 40225 Duesseldorf, Germany Journal Erkenntnis Online ISSN 1572-8420 Print ISSN 0165-0106 Journal Volume Volume 75 Journal Issue Volume 75, Number 2.
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    CWI Tract.Theo M. V. Janssen - 1986
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    Nomic Truth Approximation Revisited.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This monograph presents new ideas in nomic truth approximation. It features original and revised papers from a philosopher of science who has studied the concept for more than 35 years. Over the course of time, the author's initial ideas evolved. He discovered a way to generalize his first theory of nomic truth approximation, viz. by dropping an unnecessarily strong assumption. In particular, he first believed to have to assume that theories were maximally specific in the sense that they did not (...)
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    A Morte de Empédocles de Hölderlin: A Tragédia Como Obra Filosófica.Theo Machado Fellows - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (5):240-251.
    Dividido entre a filosofia e a poesia, Hölderlin e seu drama incompleto A morte de Empédocles são hoje peças essenciais para se pensar o trágico na Modernidade. Ponte entre a nostalgia da Antiguidade e uma filosofia que nega o projeto metafísico do Idealismo Alemão – projeto que Hölderlin, ironicamente, ajudou a erigir – esta empreitada hölderliniana é uma singular investigação não somente da relação entre arte e pensamento, mas também coloca em questão a constituição da própria Modernidade.
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    Governing the Anthropocene: Agency, governance, knowledge.Aurea Mota & Gerard Delanty - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):9-38.
    The growing body of literature on the idea of the Anthropocene has opened up serious questions that go to the heart of the social and human sciences. There has been as yet no satisfactory theoretical framework for the analysis of the Anthropocene debate in the social and human sciences. The notion of the Anthropocene is not only a condition in which humans have become geologic agents, thus signalling a temporal shift in Earth history: it can be seen as a new (...)
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    Dialogische Existenz.Theo Balle - 1967 - [Bamberg]: Bamberger Fotodruck.
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    …Quia insignis est psalmus iste de insigni materia….Theo Bell - 1980 - Bijdragen 41 (4):419-435.
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    Da catástrofe às virtudes: a crítica de Alasdair MacIntyre ao liberalismo emotivista.Francisco Sassetti da Mota - 2012 - Parede: Princípia.
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    Lady Macbeth's Night Walking With Dissociative Symptoms Diagnosed by the First Sleep Medicine Record.Marleide da Mota Gomes & Antonio E. Nardi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  38. Die Verteidigung der fundamentalen Rechtsprinzipien, eine Aufgabe aller Juristen.Theo Friedenau - 1955 - [n.p.,:
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  39. Children's Attitudes to the Natural Environment.Theo Gerritsen - 1991 - Science Education 1.
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    Business Ethics and Catholic Social Thought.Nicholas Hayes-Mota - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (1):209-210.
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    Luxus und Sozialordnung

    Kulturelle Selbstbestimmung und die Grenzen des Konsums am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts.
    Theo Jung - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2013 (1):199-203.
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  42. Comparatief versus dichotoom realisme.Theo Ae Kuipers - 2008 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 100 (3).
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    Filosofen in actie.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 1992
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    Self-application of Merton's norms: Reply to Henk Zandvoort.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 84 (1):499-501.
  45. Nietzsche-rezeption bei Thomas Mann und Gottfried Benn.Theo Meyer - 2002 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 28 (1):249-299.
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  46. A comparison among four language research methods: Ethnography, Grounded Theory, Case Study, and Life History.José Javier Timal Mota - 2007 - Episteme 3 (11).
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    Estresse e resiliência em doença de Chagas.Daniela Cristina Grégio D'Arce Mota, Ana Maria T. Benevides-Pereira, Mônica Lúcia Gomes & Silvana Marques de Araújo - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:57-68.
    Estudos indicam que o estresse altera o sistema imune e pode influir na etiologia, progressão e severidade de doenças. A resiliência pode ser definida como a capacidade que algumas pessoas desenvolvem e as ajudam a passar por situações adversas na vida, a superá-las, e ainda a saírem fortalecidas ou..
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    Há cidade por vir? Pensamentos para além da metrópole.Artur Dória Mota - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (1):91-114.
    Partindo de dois modelos clássicos que fundamentaram a emergência do conceito do que entendemos hoje enquanto cidade, a polis e a civitas, este texto busca compreender e questionar a cidade contemporânea em sua condição metropolitana, marcada por políticas de imobilidade e sufocamento que demandam uma intensa produção de subjetividades. Trazendo pensadores dos campos da filosofia e da política como Giorgio Agamben, Massimo Cacciari e Vinícius NicastroHonesko, entre outros, nos propomos a pensar outras chaves de relações para o que denominamos cidade, (...)
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    Uma partitura da tensão: dialogismo e poesia em Lavoura arcaica.Bruno Curcino Mota - 2013 - Bakhtiniana 8 (1):157-175.
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    Het biologische lichaam.Theo Wobbes - 2021 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 113 (4):585-606.
    The biological body: The body as thing in a postphenomenological perspective In phenomenology the lived body (le corps vécu) is considered as the subject of reflection while the biological body (le corps objective) is destined for medical sciences. As an alternative I give a view on the basis of the philosophical anthropology of Helmuth Plessner who thinks a person as a subject to have a lived body (Leib) and a biological body (Körper) from an eccentric or third perspective (excentric positionality). (...)
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