Results for 'Theodulf Orleans'

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  1. 'On the Seven Liberal Arts as Shown in a Certain Picture'(Original Latin and English translation by Christopher Perricone).Theodulf Orleans - 2002 - Philosophical Forum 33 (3):220-227.
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    Sanctuary, Penance, and Dispute Settlement under Charlemagne: The Conflict between Alcuin and Theodulf of Orléans over a Sinful Cleric.Rob Meens - 2007 - Speculum 82 (2):277-300.
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    Sacred retreat: using natural cycles to recharge your life.Pia Orleane - 2017 - Rochester, Vermont: Bear & Company.
    Restoring our biological cycles to heal ourselves, our culture, and our planet Shows how, just like the tides and the moon phases, both women and men have biological cycles of growth and renewal necessary for healthy bodies and minds. Explains how the seclusion of women during menstruation and of men during vision quests offers a cleansing process for body and mind to awaken innate creativity and sensitivity, re-attune us with the deeper rhythms of the body and nature, and restore harmony (...)
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    Essentialisme monétaire et relativisme méthodologique.André Orléan - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):190-195.
    According to André Orléan, the characteristics of the economical sciences dead ends in the analysis of Jacques Sapir, is the desire expressed by the orthodox movement to radically split up from the social sciences in order to establish the economical science as autonomous. André Orléan also points out Jacques Sapir-,s criticism to his book The monetary violence, according to which it induces a form of monergol essentialism that would render the currency an essential and contradictory social relation.
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    Mimetic contagion and speculative bubbles.André Orléan - 1989 - Theory and Decision 27 (1-2):63-92.
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    Le néolibéralisme entre théorie et pratique.André Orléan - 2013 - Cahiers Philosophiques 2:9.
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  7. American Association of I mm~ Joint Annual Meet.New Orleans Hilton - forthcoming - Substance.
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    Association for symbolic logic.New Orleans Marriott & Sheraton New Orleans - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (3).
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    Every Fifth Child: The Population of China.Robert P. Gardella & Leo A. Orleans - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):119.
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    André Orléan: L’Empire de la valeur. Refonder l’économie: Seuil, Paris, 2011.Jörg Potthast - 2015 - Human Studies 38 (1):185-190.
    Consider waiting in lines. On the one hand, they offer an ad hoc illustration of how the scarcity of commodities relates to supply and demand. In this respect, they recall what neoclassical economics posit as the general law of the market. On the other hand, queuing is often referred to as a basic form of social interaction among those who wait. In this perspective, waiting is not about individuals waiting for something, but about waiting together, social gatherings, collectives, or communities. (...)
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    New Orleans Marriott and Sheraton New Orleans Hotels New Orleans, LA January 8–9, 2011.Jeremy Avigad, Ulrich W. Kohlenbach, Henry Towsner, Samson Abramsky, Andreas Blass, Larry Moss, Alf Onshuus Nino, Patrick Speissegger, Juris Steprans & Monica VanDieren - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (1).
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    New Orleans Marriott and Sheraton New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana January 7–8, 2007.Matthew Foreman, Su Gao, Valentina Harizanov, Ulrich Kohlenbach, Michael Rathjen, Reed Solomon, Carol Wood & Marcia Groszek - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (3).
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  13. Matthew of Orléans: Sophistaria Sive Summa Communium Distinctionum Circa Sophismata Accidentium.Joke Spruyt (ed.) - 2000 - Boston: Brill.
    This critical edition of Matthew of Orléans' Sophistaria contains valuable information about the author's views on matters of ontology, modality, natural philosophy, and theology, and gives us a clear outline of the way in which thirteenth-century authors approached these subjects in works of logic.
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    Driven from New Orleans: How Nonprofits Betray Public Housing and Promote Privatization, John Arena, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012.Parastou Saberi - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (3):213-228.
    InDriven from New Orleans, John Arena focuses on the contradictory role of nonprofits in facilitating the consensual removal of poor, black residents from inner-city spaces as the result of the privatisation and demolition of public housing. His account is constructive for delving into the on-the-ground struggles around public housing and the complexities of urban politics, and, more importantly, for situating the housing question at the heart of working-class struggles. His emphasis on how the gradual construction of consent was imperative (...)
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    Réponse à Deleplace et Orléan.Jacques Sapir - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):196-201.
    In responding to G. Delplace, J. Sapir specifies that he defends a methodological « holist-subjectivist » position, in which the individual behaviours are influenced by collective contexts, constituting an alternative to the Theory of General Balance. In responding to A. Orléan, he confirms his opposition to a vision that rends currency the economical institution or the central social relation. The monetary crisis expressed by the return of barter et the fragmentation off the subsisting monetary space will find no other issue (...)
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    Theodulph of orleans (760–821): "On the seven liberal arts as shown in a certain picture".Christopher Perricone - 2002 - Philosophical Forum 33 (3):220–227.
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    Whose right to (farm) the city? Race and food justice activism in post-Katrina New Orleans.Catarina Passidomo - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):385-396.
    Among critical responses to the perceived perils of the industrial food system, the food sovereignty movement offers a vision of radical transformation by demanding the democratic right of peoples “to define their own agriculture and food policies.” At least conceptually, the movement offers a visionary and holistic response to challenges related to human and environmental health and to social and economic well-being. What is still unclear, however, is the extent to which food sovereignty discourses and activism interact with and affect (...)
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    Black Pete, King Balthasar, and the New Orleans Zulus: Can black make-up traditions ever be justified?Bouke Https://Orcidorg de Vries - 2021 - .
    Wearing black make-up to impersonate black individuals has become highly controversial in many countries, even when it is part of long-standing cultural traditions. Prominent examples of such traditions include Saint Nicolas celebrations in the Netherlands (which feature a black character known as “Black Pete” who hands out candy to children), Epiphany parades in Spain (which feature impersonations of the biblical king Balthasar who is traditionally portrayed as black) and the annual Zulu parade in New Orleans (which features impersonations of (...)
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    The new orleans session— March 2002.Ronald Aronson, Ronald E. Santoni & Robert Stone - 2003 - Sartre Studies International 9 (2):9-25.
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  20. Truth, ID, and New Orleans.Arthur Caplan - 2005 - Free Inquiry 26:16-17.
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    Quelques problèmes théologiques discutés par Gilles d'Orléans et la censure de 1277.Zdzisław Kuksewicz - 1998 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 3 (1):87-98.
    Giles of Orleans' philosophy evolved from an orthodox Christian interpretation of Aristotle to an Averroism; and his successive commentaries testify to this evolution: De generatione version I, De generatione version II, Physics version I and Physics version II. The first work presents orthodox Christian solutions, the second and the third testify to some Averroistic influences and the last is a clearly Averroistic commentary. Giles did not obey the regulation of 1272 which forbade the masters of the facilitas artium to (...)
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    Gilles d'Orléans était-il averroïste?Zdzislaw Kuksewicz - 1990 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 88 (1):5-24.
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    Waiting for Godot in New Orleans: A tragicomedy in two acts, a project in three parts.Paul Chan - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):2-165.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Waiting for Godot in New Orleans A tragicomedy in two acts, a project in three partsPaul Chan Click for larger view View full resolutionDrawing of “stage” (2007) (Page 2) Click for larger view View full resolutionOrganizing map of New Orleans 1 (2007) (Page 14) Click for larger view View full resolutionDrawing of bicycle for Pozzo (2007) (Page 28) Click for larger view View full resolutionDrawing of shopping (...)
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    The politics of authenticating: revisiting New Orleans jazz.Richard Ekins - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books. Edited by Robert Porter.
    This book is part jazz historiography, part autoethnography and part memoir. It sets forth a grounded theory of 'authenticating' as a basic socio-political process, with reference to Richard Ekins' participation in the social worlds of New Orleans jazz, and his life as a social constructionist social scientist and cultural theorist.
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  25. Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana January 12–13, 2001.James Cummings, Marcia Groszek & Dave Marker - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3).
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    Masterless Mistresses: the New Orleans Ursulines and the Development of a New World Society, 1727–1834. By Emily Clark.Anne Dawson - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (5):872-873.
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    Do you know what it means to miss new orleans?Geoffrey Nunberg - 2002 - Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (5-6):671-680.
    1. I have fond memories of the Linguistic Society of America meeting in New Orleans just after Christmas in 1988, the last time I was able to see all my humanist friends from graduate school who were attending the concurrent meeting of the MLA. Shortly after that, the LSA decided to forego the company of humanists and assemble by itself during the first week of January. It's hard to fault the decision. Over and above the obvious practical advantages, like (...)
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    Isabelle Havelange (dir.), Journaux de voyage et d’éducation de Louis-Philippe d’Orléans et Charles Gardeur-Lebrun, Spa, été 1787, préface de Dominique.Pierre Caspard - 2017 - Clio 45.
    L’ombre de Madame de Genlis plane sur les deux journaux de voyage dont Isabelle Havelange nous propose une édition critique. On sait que depuis 1782, elle a été gouverneur (et surtout pas « gouvernante ») des enfants du duc d’Orléans, parmi lesquels le futur roi Louis-Philippe, né en 1773. L’attribution de cette éminente fonction à une femme constituait en soi une innovation remarquable, et remarquée, dans l’histoire de l’éducation des princes. On sait aussi avec quel soin jaloux elle a reven...
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    The Winchcombe Sacramentary (Orléans, Bibliothèque municipale. [REVIEW]J. Robert Wright - 1997 - Speculum 72 (1):138-139.
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    Victims, authority, and terror: The parallel deaths of d'Orléans, Custine, Bailly, and Malesherbes.Nancy N. Barker - 1985 - History of European Ideas 6 (1):95-96.
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    Bibel und Exegese als Kommunikationsmedium zwischen Franken und ‚Fremden‘ unter Karl dem Großen: Das Beispiel der gelehrten ‚Fremden‘ Theodulf und Alkuin.Jan Clauß - 2020 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 54 (1):105-130.
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    Cooking Creoleness: Lafcadio Hearn in New Orleans and Martinique.Valérie Loichot - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (1):1-21.
    Martinican creolist Raphaël Confiant claims in an unabashed praise of Lafcadio Hearn that the nineteenth century writer “invented what today we might call ‘multiple identity’ or ‘creoleness’ [créolité].” Critic Chris Bongie notes that the word “creolization” appeared for the first time in the English language in Hearn’s 1890 novel Youma. In a letter written to his friend Henry Krehbel in 1883, Hearn himself announces this allegiance to all things creole as he signs “your creolized friend.” These comments identify the nineteenth (...)
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    Almost five years later. Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans health care, and the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center.Fred A. Lopez - 2010 - The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha 73 (3):8.
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    [Book review] new orleans dockworkers, race, labor, and unionism, 1892-1923. [REVIEW]Daniel Rosenberg - 1991 - Science and Society 55 (2):223-226.
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  35. Supplément A La Bibliographie Des Ouvrages Imprimés Par Éloi Gibier A Orléans.L. Desgraves - 1970 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 32 (1):127-131.
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    Phenomenological Sociology Reconsidered: On The New Orleans Sniper.Thomas S. Eberle - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (1):121-132.
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    Home/Sick: Memory, Place, and Loss in New Orleans.Margaret E. Farrar - 2009 - Theory and Event 12 (4).
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  38. Lettre De Jacques Groslot, Bailli D'orléans Au Cardinal Jean Du Bellay.Michel François - 1941 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 1:193-196.
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  39. Department of Mathematics Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana.Of Geometrodynamics - 1980 - In A. R. Marlow (ed.), Quantum theory and gravitation. New York: Academic Press. pp. 199.
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    Would our physician forebear Sir William Osler have liked a jazz funeral New Orleans style?James A. Kinght - 1992 - Journal of Medical Humanities 13 (4):247-252.
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    The Search for Ethical Journalism in Central America and the Failure of the New Orleans Declaration.Rick Rockwell - 2002 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 17 (4):304-313.
    In this analysis I use the first regional Central America ethics code to discuss the wider problems of corruption and media complicity with central governments in the region. Luis Moreno Ocampo of Transparency International has noted that to understand corruption factors one must first study formalized rules for the system. Following Moreno's suggestion, in this article I focus on the code and the actions it inspired to highlight the widespread corrupt media practices of the region. Although the code had an (...)
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    Jonas of Orléans, The “De institutions regia”: A Ninth-Century Political Tract, trans. R. W. Dyson. Smithtown, N.Y.: Exposition Press, 1983. Pp. ix, 62. $7. [REVIEW]Karl F. Morrison - 1985 - Speculum 60 (2):481-482.
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  43. The green revolution of the Enlightenment: the two learned societies of Orleans at the end of the eighteenth century.Claude Hartmann - 1996 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 49 (1):5-22.
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    (Re)faire le corpus d’Orléans quarante ans après :quoi de neuf, linguiste?Olivier Baude & Céline Dugua - 2011 - Corpus 10:99-118.
    La comparaison de deux corpus d’enquêtes sociolinguistiques réalisés à quarante ans d’intervalle permet de mettre en perspective certains aspects centraux de la constitution des données et d’interroger, par delà une description des différents choix méthodologiques et théoriques opérés, la place des données dans la linguistique de corpus.
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  45. Katrina and the future of New Orleans.Walter Block & Llewellyn H. Rockwell - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (139):170-185.
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    La petite flamme de l’Aufklärung : la naissance de la tolérance sous l’obscurantisme du Roy-Soleil à travers la correspondance allemande de la duchesse d’Orléans.Louis Lanoix - 1993 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 12:17.
  47. Allied Social Science Associations New Orleans, LA.Esther-Mirjam Sent, Uskali Malu, James Wible, Kumaraswami Velupillai, Massimo Egidi & Maarten-Pieter Schinkel - 1996 - Journal of Economic Methodology 3 (2,353).
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    Maurepas' influence on science: the botanist Jean Prat in New Orleans, 1735-1746.Roland Lamontagne - 1996 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 49 (1):113-126.
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  49. (1 other version)William of Champeaux on Boethius' Topics according to Orléans Bibl. Mun. 266.Niels Jergen Green-Pedersen - 1974 - Cahiers de L’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 13:13-30.
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  50. The philosophical correspondence of Fenelon-The letters to Dom Francis Lamy and to the duke of Orleans.J. Le Brun - 2001 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 93 (2):208-220.
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