Results for 'Theoretical province of meaning'

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  1.  62
    Crossing the Finite Provinces of Meaning. Experience and Metaphor.Gerd Sebald - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (4):341-352.
    Schutz’s references to literature and arts in his theoretical works are manifold. But literature and theory are both a certain kind of a finite province of meaning, that means they are not easily accessible from the paramount reality of everyday life. Now there is another kind of referring to literature: metaphorizing it. Using it, as may be said with Lakoff and Johnson, to understand and to experience one kind of thing in terms of another. Literally metapherein means (...)
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    Richard Kearney’s Anatheism and the Religious and Theoretical Provinces of Meaning.Michael Barber - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (2-3):973-1008.
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    Resistance to Pragmatic Tendencies in the World of Working in the Religious Finite Province of Meaning.Michael D. Barber - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (4):565-588.
    This essay describes some of the basic pragmatic tendencies at work in the world of working and then shows how the finite provinces of meaning of theoretical contemplation and literature act against those pragmatic tendencies. This analysis prepares the way to see how the religious province of meaning in a similar but also distinctive way acts back against these pragmatic tendencies. These three finite provinces of meaning make it possible to see the world from another (...)
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    The religious finite province of meaning and suffering.Michael D. Barber - 2016 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 36 (2):100-114.
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    Religion as a Province of Meaning: The Kantian Foundations of Modern Theology.Adina Davidovich - 1993 - Burns & Oates.
    "The thought of Immanuel Kant has had incalculable - and, many would say, negative - impact on the modern estimation of religion, religious belief, and religious knowledge. Yet, Davidovich argues in the strikingly original interpretation, the chief lines and import of Kant's work on religion have been crippingly misunderstood." "Davidovich radically refigures Kant scholarship by focusing decisively on his Third Critique, long thought his weakest, where she finds Kant confronting the results of his strong distinction between theoretical and practical (...)
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    A theory of intersubjectivity: experience, interaction and the anchoring of meaning.Iddo Tavory - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-20.
    Based on the work of Alfred Schutz, this article develops a theory of intersubjectivity—one of the basic building blocks of social experience—and shows how such a theory can be empirically leveraged in sociological work. Complementing the interactionist and ethnomethodological emphasis on the situated production of intersubjectivity, this paper revisits the basic theoretical assumptions undergirding this theory. Schutz tied intersubjectivity to the way people experience the world of everyday life: a world that he held as distinct from other provinces of (...)
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    A moment of unconditional validity? Schutz and the habermas/rorty debate.Michael D. Barber - 2004 - Human Studies 27 (1):51-67.
    Richard Rorty challenges Jurgen Habermas's belief that validity-claims raised within context-bound discussions contain a moment of universality validity. Rorty argues that immersion within contingent languages prohibits any neutral, context-independent ground, that one cannot predict the defense of one's assertions before any audience, and that philosophy can no more escape its contextual limitations than strategic counterparts. Alfred Schutz's phenomenological account of motivation, the reciprocity of perspectives, and the theoretical province of meaning can articulate Habermas's intuitions.Since any claim can (...)
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  8.  10
    Finite Provinces Of Meaning: The Expansive Context Of Relevance.Michael Barber - 2018 - In Jan Strassheim & Hisashi Nasu (eds.), Relevance and Irrelevance: Theories, Factors and Challenges. De Gruyter. pp. 51-68.
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  9. A proof-theoretic defence of meaning-invariant logical pluralism.Bogdan Dicher - 2016 - Mind 125 (499):727-757.
    In this paper I offer a proof-theoretic defence of meaning-invariant logical pluralism. I argue that there is a relation of co-determination between the operational and structural aspects of a logic. As a result, some features of the consequence relation are induced by the connectives. I propose that a connective is defined by those rules which are conservative and unique, while at the same time expressing only connective-induced structural information. This is the key to stabilizing the meaning of the (...)
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  10.  15
    Considering Finite Provinces of Meaning: The Problem of Communication in the Social Sciences.Jerry Williams - 2020 - Schutzian Research 12:155-170.
    This essay considers social science as a finite province of meaning. It is argued that teasing out common-sense meanings from social scientific conceptions is difficult because the meanings of scientific concepts are often veiled in life-worldly taken-for-grantedness. If social scientists have successfully created a scientific province of meaning, attempts to communicate findings outside of this reduced sphere of science should be somewhat problematic.
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    Religion and Humor as Emancipating Provinces of Meaning.Michael Barber - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    ​This book illustrates how non-pragmatic finite provinces of meaning emancipate one from pragmatic everyday pressures. Barber portrays everyday life originally, as including the interplay between intrinsic and imposed relevances, the unavoidable pursuit of pragmatic mastery, and the resulting tensions non-pragmatic provinces can relieve. But individuals and groups also inevitably resort to meta-level strategies of hyper-mastery to protect set ways of satisfying lower-level relevances—strategies that easily augment individual anxiety and social pathologies. After creatively interpreting the Schutzian dialectic between the world (...)
  12.  1
    Social Relationships in the Finite Province of Meaning of Reading Literature.Michael Barber - 2024 - Schutzian Research 16:51-74.
    In dialogue with theorists of reading (Iser, Rogers) in the Schutzian tradition of phenomenology, this paper focuses on social relationships in novels, between the author and the reader (as a relation of Predecessor to Successors), and especially the relationship between reader and characters of the novel. The lack of the reader’s bodily engagement with the characters contrasts with everyday life, in which one can bodily affect one’s interlocutor, resembles “direct social observation” and can function as a kind of epoché, initiating (...)
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  13.  16
    Resilience and Responsiveness: Alfred’s Schutz’s Finite Provinces of Meaning.Michael Barber - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book extends Alfred Schutz’s “On Multiple Realities” by describing the provinces of meaning of play, music, religious ritual, and African-American folkloric humor. Throughout these provinces, the author traces two themes: resilience and responsiveness. In resilience, individuals or communities run up against obstacles, imposed relevances, which they come to terms with, or give meaning to (in phenomenological parlance), by modifying, evading, overcoming, or accepting them. Responsiveness emerges from Schutz’s idea of making music together, which the author takes further (...)
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  14.  86
    Multiple Realities: The Changing Life Worlds of Actors.Charlotte L. Doyle - 2016 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 47 (2):107-133.
    This is an empirical phenomenological interview study into the experiences of professional actors as they create and perform roles for the stage. Prior research was inadequate for capturing actors’ changing life worlds over time. Analyzing the interviews using the descriptive phenomenological method yielded general structural descriptions and pointed to the relevance of Schütz’s description of multiple realities. Being cast in a role changes the pace and goals of actors’ everyday worlds and leads the actors intermittently and with intention to enter (...)
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    “Secularization” or Plurality of Meaning Structures? A. Schutz's Concept of a Finite Province of Meaning and the Question of Religious Rationality.Marek Chojnacki - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):92-99.
    Referring to basic Weberian notions of rationalization and secularization, I try to find a more accurate sense of the term “secularization”, intending to describe adequately the position of religion in modernity. The result of this query is—or at least should be—a new, original conceptualization of religion as one of finite provinces of meaning within one paramount reality of the life-world, as defined by Alfred Schutz. I proceed by exposing a well known, major oversimplification of the Weberian concept of secularization, (...)
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  16.  26
    A Response to Valerie Trollinger, "A Reconception of Performance Study in Music Education Philosophy".Paul Louth - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):231-233.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Response to Valerie Trollinger, “A Reconception of Performance Study in the Philosophy of Music Education”Paul LouthAs an educator who is a former professional trombonist I can certainly appreciate the issues raised in this discussion. Because I am inclined to agree with the spirit (if not always the substance) of Trollinger's remarks, I would like to respond with some thoughts on the manner in which she tends to frame (...)
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  17. Theoretical Modeling of Cognitive Dysfunction in Schizophrenia by Means of Errors and Corresponding Brain Networks.Yuliya Zaytseva, Iveta Fajnerová, Boris Dvořáček, Eva Bourama, Ilektra Stamou, Kateřina Šulcová, Jiří Motýl, Jiří Horáček, Mabel Rodriguez & Filip Španiel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Experimental Reality: the Cognitive Style of a Finite Province of Meaning.Paul Becker & George Psathas - 1972 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 3 (1):35-52.
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  19. Exploring the Province of Legislation: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives in Legisprudence.Francesco Ferraro & Silvia Zorzetto (eds.) - 2022
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    Robert W. Brockway. Myth from the Ice Age to Mickey Mouse. Pp. x+ 187.(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993.) $16.95. Don Cupitt. After All: Religion Without Alienation. Pp. 121.(London: SCM Press, 1994.)£ 9· 95 pb. Adina Davidovich. Religion as a Province of Meaning: The KantianFoundations of Modern Theology. Pp. xvii+ 338.(Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993.) Immanuel Kant. The One Possible Basis for a Demonstration of theExistence of God. Translated and introduced by Gordon Treash. Pp. 247 ... [REVIEW]Brian R. Clack - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (4):539-542.
  21.  18
    The vice of nationality and virtue of patriotism in 17th century Czech Lands.Kateřina Šolcová - 2022 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 12 (3-4):183-189.
    While the emancipatory efforts of the Czech national revival culminated at the end of the 18th and in the 19th century, manifestations of national feeling in the 17th century Czech Lands were rather rare. The article focuses on the concept of nationality as it was treated by scholars from the monastic orders such as the German provincial of the Czech Franciscan province, Bernhard Sannig (1637–1704), or the Czech Jesuit Bohuslav Balbín (1621–1688), whose views are briefly compared with those of (...)
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  22.  31
    Adaptation of the Spiritual Health and Life-Orientation Measure to Turkish Culture.Ali Baltaci & Mehmet Kamil Coşkun - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):415-439.
    The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool for determining students' spiritual health and life orientation. For this purpose, the Spiritual Health and Life-Orientation Measure (SHALOM) inventory developed by Fisher (2010) is adapted to Turkish. The adaptation study was carried out on 1591 high school students in three study groups studying in Ankara and Muş. The original English measure consisting of four dimensions and twenty items was translated into Turkish, factor analysis, validity and reliability (...)
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  23. The theoretical pragmatics of non-philosophy: Explicating Laruelle's suspension of the principle of sufficient philosophy with Brandom's meaning-use diagrams.Rocco Gangle - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (2):45-57.
    Brandom's method of analyzing pragmatic relations among different practices and vocabularies through meaning-use diagrams is used to specify how Laruelle's nonphilosophical suspension of the Principle of Sufficient Philosophy may be distinguished from the philosophical auto-critiques of such thinkers as Badiou and Derrida. A superposition of diagrams modeling philosophical sufficiency on the one hand and supplementation through the Other on the other provides a schematic representation of the core duality of what Laruelle calls The-Philosophy. In contrast to this self-implicating and (...)
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  24.  11
    (1 other version)The Province of Jurisprudence Democratized.Allan C. Hutchinson - 2009 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Province of Jurisprudence Democratized explores the implications of taking a vigorously democratic approach to issues of traditional legal theory. Allan C. Hutchinson introduces the democratic vision and examines the complementary philosophy of a Dewey-inspired pragmatism. This is followed by an examination from a pragmatic perspective of the dominant theories of analytical jurisprudence in both their positivist and naturalist forms. He emphasizes the contested concepts of 'truth', 'facts' and 'law/morality relation' and explores what a more uncompromising democratic/pragmatic agenda for (...)
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  25.  60
    The Constitution of Rhetoric's Tradition.Maurice Rene Charland - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (2):119-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.2 (2003) 119-134 [Access article in PDF] The Constitution of Rhetoric's Tradition Maurice Charland Rhetoric is not a discipline. That is to say, as a domain of theoretical and practical knowledge, rhetoric is weakly institutionalized, lacking a centralized arbiter and standardized set of procedures for establishing truth claims. It also lacks the basic characteristics that Michel Foucault defines as disciplinary, for while we can identify (...)
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  26.  8
    Experiment and the Making of Meaning: Human Agency in Scientific Observation and Experiment.D. C. Gooding - 1994 - Springer.
    ... the topic of 'meaning' is the one topic discussed in philosophy in which there is literally nothing but 'theory' - literally nothing that can be labelled or even ridiculed as the 'common sense view'. Putnam, 'The Meaning of Meaning' This book explores some truths behind the truism that experimentation is a hallmark of scientific activity. Scientists' descriptions of nature result from two sorts of encounter: they interact with each other and with nature. Philosophy of science has, (...)
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  27.  25
    A View of Women's Studies from Afar and Near.Lisa Rofel - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):396.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:396 Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Lisa Rofel A View of Women’s Studies from Afar and Near As a member of the editorial collective of Feminist Studies, I have had the pleasure of reading the submissions to this special issue on the state of women’s, gender, feminist, and sexuality (WGFS) studies programs. All the accepted articles highlight why WGFS studies programs have been, (...)
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    On a Distinction of Two Facets of Meaning and its Role in Proof-theoretic Semantics.Nissim Francez - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (1):121-127.
    I show that in the context of proof-theoretic semantics, Dummett’s distinction between the assertoric meaning of a sentence and its ingredient sense can be seen as a distinction between two proof-theoretic meanings of a sentence: 1.Meaning as a conclusion of an introduction rule in a meaning-conferring natural-deduction proof system. 2.Meaning as a premise of an introduction rule in a meaning-conferring natural-deduction proof system. The effect of this distinction on compositionality of proof-theoretic meaning is discussed.
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    One Stage Is Not Enough.Andrew W. Young & Karel W. De Pauw - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):55-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.1 (2002) 55-59 [Access article in PDF] One Stage Is Not Enough Andrew W. Young and Karel W. de Pauw Keywords: delusions, Cotard delusion, Capgras delusion, cognitive neuropsychiatry. WE WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY to offer our reflections on Philip Gerrans' interesting paper. Our opinion is that on fundamental issues we agree quite a bit—but there are clear differences when it comes to details.The most basic issue (...)
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  30. A lack of meaning?Anne Sauka - 2020 - Approaching Religion 10 (2):125 - 140.
    This article explores the ‘lack of meaning’ in contemporary society as a consequence of Western dualist thought paradigms and ontologies, via Gilles Deleuze’s concept of ‘reactive nihilism’ following the colloquial murder of God. The article then explores processual and new materialist approaches in the understanding of the lived and carnal self, arguing for immanent and senseful materiality as an ethical platform for religious, environmental, and societal solidarity for tomorrow. For the theoretical justification of the processual approach in understanding (...)
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  31.  36
    Unconscious elements in linguistic communication: Language and social reality.Pieter A. M. Seuren - 2015 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 6 (2):185-194.
    The message of the present article is, first, that, besides and below the strictly linguistic aspects of communication through language, of which speakers are in principle fully aware, a great deal of knowledge not carried in virtue of the system of the language in question but rather transmitted by the form of the intended message, is imparted to listeners or readers, without either being in the least aware of this happening. For example, listeners quickly register the social status, regional origin (...)
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  32. The proper province of philosophy.Justin Sytsma - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (3):427-445.
    The practice of conceptual analysis has undergone a revival in recent years. Although the extent of its role in philosophy is controversial, many now accept that conceptual analysis has at least some role to play. Granting this, I consider the relevance of empirical investigation to conceptual analysis. I do so by contrasting an extreme position (anti-empirical conceptual analysis) with a more moderate position (non-empirical conceptual analysis). I argue that anti-empirical conceptual analysis is not a viable position because it has no (...)
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  33.  11
    Dispersion of meaning: the fading out of the doctrinaire world?Matko Meštrović - 2008 - Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book present interdisciplinary research in the social sciences and humanities by connecting seemingly disparate sources through a sensitivity to endangered human values. It links reflections on the contemporary relationship between art and technology in a post-modern context, seeing art in terms of crossing boundaries and exploring virtuality. It deals with the consequences of economics colonising other disciplines, in terms of the processes by which the social becomes the economic. Using Jantsch''s evolutionary paradigm, the concept of self-transcendence is seen as (...)
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  34.  47
    Two Versions of Meaning Failure: A Contributing Essay to the Explanation of the Split Between Analytical and Phenomenological Continental philosophy.Lucas Ribeiro Vollet - 2023 - Husserl Studies 40 (1):1-23.
    Theories of meaning developed within the analytic tradition, starting with Gottlob Frege, and within continental philosophy, starting with Husserl, can be distinguished by their disagreement about the phenomenon of collapse or failure of meaning. Our text focuses on Frege’s legacy, taken up by Rudolph Carnap, which culminated in a view of the collapse of meaning defined first by a purely syntactic conception of categorial error and second, when Tarski entered the scene, by the paradoxes created by the (...)
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  35.  9
    Weimojie jing si xiang xin lun.Xinshui Wang - 2009 - Hefei Shi: Huang Shan shu she.
    This paper includes seven chapters. The first chapter discusses the purport and the structure of Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra. Its purport is inconceivable liberation-development and liberation of living beings-purification of Buddha-fields. These three items are one essentially, the inconceivable liberation being the essence of its purport and the development and liberation of living beings and the purification of Buddha-fields being the function of it. Essence and function are identical. This sutra has a structure that goes forward step by step and arranges (...)
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    Minangkabau Social Formations: Indonesian Peasants and the World-Economy.Joel S. Kahn - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this anthropological investigation of the nature of an underdeveloped peasant economy, Joel S. Kahn attempts to develop the insights generated by Marxist theorists, by means of a concrete case study of a peasant village in the Indonesian province of West Sumatra. He accounts for the specific features of this regional economy, and, at the same time, examines the implications for it of the centuries-old European domination of Indonesia. The most striking feature of the Minangkabau economy is the predominance (...)
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  37.  14
    Realms of meaning: an introduction to semantics.Thomas Ronald Hofmann - 1993 - New York: Longman.
    learning about language is an exciting and ambitious new series of introductions to fundamental topics in language, linguistics and related areas. The books are designed for students of linguistics and those who are studying language as part of a wider course. In Realms of Meaning Thomas Hofmann provides an introduction to semantics that will be accessible to a student without any formal knowledge of the subject. This book provides an understanding of the way meaning works in natural languages (...)
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    Bilateralism does not provide a proof theoretic treatment of classical logic.Michael Gabbay - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 25:S108-S122.
    In this short paper I note that a key metatheorem does not hold for the bilateralist inferential framework: harmony does not entail consistency. I conclude that the requirement of harmony will not suffice for a bilateralist to maintain a proof theoretic account of classical logic. I conclude that a proof theoretic account of meaning based on the bilateralist framework has no natural way of distinguishing legitimate definitional inference rules from illegitimate ones (such as those for tonk). Finally, as an (...)
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    Type-theoretic interpretation of iterated, strictly positive inductive definitions.Erik Palmgren - 1992 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 32 (2):75-99.
    We interpret intuitionistic theories of (iterated) strictly positive inductive definitions (s.p.-ID i′ s) into Martin-Löf's type theory. The main purpose being to obtain lower bounds of the proof-theoretic strength of type theories furnished with means for transfinite induction (W-type, Aczel's set of iterative sets or recursion on (type) universes). Thes.p.-ID i′ s are essentially the wellknownID i -theories, studied in ordinal analysis of fragments of second order arithmetic, but the set variable in the operator form is restricted to occur only (...)
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    Sheaf-theoretic representation of quantum measure algebras.Elias Zafiris - 2006 - Journal of Mathematical Physics 47 (9).
    We construct a sheaf-theoretic representation of quantum probabilistic structures, in terms of covering systems of Boolean measure algebras. These systems coordinatize quantum states by means of Boolean coefficients, interpreted as Boolean localization measures. The representation is based on the existence of a pair of adjoint functors between the category of presheaves of Boolean measure algebras and the category of quantum measure algebras. The sheaf-theoretic semantic transition of quantum structures shifts their physical significance from the orthoposet axiomatization at the level of (...)
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  41. Knowledge of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Theory.Richard K. Larson & Gabriel M. A. Segal - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Current textbooks in formal semantics are all versions of, or introductions to, the same paradigm in semantic theory: Montague Grammar. Knowledge of Meaning is based on different assumptions and a different history. It provides the only introduction to truth- theoretic semantics for natural languages, fully integrating semantic theory into the modern Chomskyan program in linguistic theory and connecting linguistic semantics to research elsewhere in cognitive psychology and philosophy. As such, it better fits into a modern graduate or undergraduate program (...)
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  42.  12
    The Mediating Role of Meaning in Life in the Effects of Calling on Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Growth: A Longitudinal Study of Navy Soldiers Deployed to the Gulf of Aden.Jeong Hoon Seol, Yonguk Park, Jinsoo Choi & Young Woo Sohn - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study examined the mediating role of meaning in life in the effect of calling on posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic growth among navy soldiers of the Republic of Korea deployed to the Gulf of Aden, Somalia. Participants responded to the questionnaire survey three times at 4-month intervals. From the first, second, and third surveys, data were collected for 223, 195, and 103 respondents, respectively. Results showed that calling had a negative effect on PTSD, fully mediated by meaning (...)
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    Proof-Theoretic Aspects of Paraconsistency with Strong Consistency Operator.Victoria Arce Pistone & Martín Figallo - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-38.
    In order to develop efficient tools for automated reasoning with inconsistency (theorem provers), eventually making Logics of Formal inconsistency (_LFI_) a more appealing formalism for reasoning under uncertainty, it is important to develop the proof theory of the first-order versions of such _LFI_s. Here, we intend to make a first step in this direction. On the other hand, the logic _Ciore_ was developed to provide new logical systems in the study of inconsistent databases from the point of view of _LFI_s. (...)
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  44. The New Science of Meaning.Keith Markman, Travis Proulx & Matthew Lindberg - 2013 - In Keith Douglas Markman, Travis Proulx & Matthew J. Lindberg (eds.), The Psychology of Meaning. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. pp. 3-14.
    We summarize some of the classic theoretical underpinnings of the emerging psychology of meaning, with special emphasis on the existentialist perspective that understood meaning in a way that converges with our present understanding and provides a blueprint for subsequent efforts. As we go on to describe, all of these perspectives intersect at a central understanding of meaning making: the ways that we make sense of ourselves and our environment, the feelings that are aroused when these understandings (...)
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    A situation-theoretic representations of text meaning: anaphora, quantification, and negation'.Dag Westerståhl, Björn Haglund & Torbjörn Lager - 1993 - In Peter Aczel, David Israel, Yosuhiro Katagiri & Stanley Peters (eds.), Situation Theory and its Applications Vol. CSLI Publications. pp. 375--408.
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    A Construction in Set‐Theoretic Topology by Means of Elementary Substructures.Ingo Bandlow - 1991 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 37 (26-30):467-480.
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    Aesthetics, Affect, and Educational Politics.Alex Means - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (10):1088-1102.
    This essay explores aesthetics, affect, and educational politics through the thought of Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Rancière. It contextualizes and contrasts the theoretical valences of their ethical and democratic projects through their shared critique of Kant. It then puts Rancière's notion of dissensus to work by exploring it in relation to a social movement and hunger strike organized for educational justice in Chicago's Little Village neighborhood. This serves as a context for understanding how educational provisions are linked to the (...)
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  48. Towards a type-theoretical account of lexical semantics.Christian Bassac, Bruno Mery & Christian Retoré - 2010 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 19 (2):229-245.
    After a quick overview of the field of study known as “Lexical Semantics”, where we advocate the need of accessing additional information besides syntax and Montague-style semantics at the lexical level in order to complete the full analysis of an utterance, we summarize the current formulations of a well-known theory of that field. We then propose and justify our own model of the Generative Lexicon Theory, based upon a variation of classical compositional semantics, and outline its formalization. Additionally, we discuss (...)
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  49. Word Senses as Clusters of Meaning Modulations: A Computational Model of Polysemy.Jiangtian Li & Marc F. Joanisse - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12955.
    Most words in natural languages are polysemous; that is, they have related but different meanings in different contexts. This one‐to‐many mapping of form to meaning presents a challenge to understanding how word meanings are learned, represented, and processed. Previous work has focused on solutions in which multiple static semantic representations are linked to a single word form, which fails to capture important generalizations about how polysemous words are used; in particular, the graded nature of polysemous senses, and the flexibility (...)
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    Emergence of Public Meaning from a Teleosemantic and Game Theoretical Perspective.Karim Baraghith - 2019 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 33 (1):23-52.
    The generalized theory of evolution suggests that evolutionary algorithms apply to biological and cultural processes like language alike. Variation, selection and reproduction constitute abstract and formal traits of complex, open and often self-regulating systems. Accepting this basic assumption provides us with a powerful background methodology for this investigation: explaining the emergence and proliferation of semantic patterns, that become conventional. A teleosemantic theory of public (conventional) meaning (Millikan 1984; 2005) grounded in a generalized theory of evolution explains the proliferation of (...)
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