Results for 'Thomas F. Hellmann'

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  1.  37
    Thomas Starkey, an Unknown Conciliarist at the Court of Henry VIII.Thomas F. Mayer - 1988 - Journal of the History of Ideas 49 (2):207.
  2. Romantic Idealism and Roman Catholicism: Schelling and the Theologians.Thomas F. O’Meara - 1982.
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  3. Thomas Starkey's Aristocratic Reform Programme.Thomas F. Mayer - 1986 - History of Political Thought 7 (3):439-61.
  4.  17
    A. J. Greimas in the world: travels, translations, transmissions.Thomas F. Broden - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (243):187-228.
    This essay adopts a semiotic perspective focused on practices of communication, movement, and translation to examine the global impact of A. J. Greimas and his oeuvre. The linguist and semiotician’s lecture trips abroad, the number and provenance of international students in his Paris seminar, and the chronology and linguistic geography of translations of his work help describe, gauge, and explain the dissemination and development of his ideas throughout the world. His project has engendered distinctive appropriations and at times productive institutional (...)
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    The Influence of Shared Visual Context on the Successful Emergence of Conventions in a Referential Communication Task.Thomas F. Müller, James Winters & Olivier Morin - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (9).
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  6. Normality and actual causal strength.Thomas F. Icard, Jonathan F. Kominsky & Joshua Knobe - 2017 - Cognition 161 (C):80-93.
    Existing research suggests that people's judgments of actual causation can be influenced by the degree to which they regard certain events as normal. We develop an explanation for this phenomenon that draws on standard tools from the literature on graphical causal models and, in particular, on the idea of probabilistic sampling. Using these tools, we propose a new measure of actual causal strength. This measure accurately captures three effects of normality on causal judgment that have been observed in existing studies. (...)
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  7. Suicidal thoughts: Hobbes, Foucault and the right to die.Thomas F. Tierney - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (5):601-638.
    Liberal articulations of the right to die generally focus on balancing individual rights against state interests, but this approach does not take full advantage of the disruptive potential of this contested right. This article develops an alternative to the liberal approach to the right to die by engaging the seemingly discordant philosophical perspectives of Michel Foucault and Thomas Hobbes. Despite Foucault’s objections, a rapprochement between these perspectives is established by focusing on their shared emphasis on the role that death (...)
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  8. The Preservation and Ownership of the Body.Thomas F. Tierney - 1999 - In Gail Weiss & Honi Fern Haber (eds.), Perspectives on Embodiment: The Intersections of Nature and Culture. Routledge. pp. 233--261.
    In this essay I will examine the changing historical relationship between two fundamentally modern concepts: self-preservation and self-ownership. These two concepts have served a dual function in modernity. On the one hand, they are crucial parts of the theoretical underpinning of liberalism: the natural law of self-preservation is the foundation of the rational inclination to form civil society (e.g., Hobbes); and self-ownership provides the foundation for the liberal (i.e., Lockean) notion of private property. But on the other hand, these two (...)
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  9.  11
    Qualitative rigid-body mechanics.Thomas F. Stahovich, Randall Davis & Howard Shrobe - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 119 (1-2):19-60.
  10. The School of Faith: An Anthology of catechisms translated, edited, and with an introductory essay.Thomas F. Torrance - 1959
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  11. Bayes, Bounds, and Rational Analysis.Thomas F. Icard - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (1):79-101.
    While Bayesian models have been applied to an impressive range of cognitive phenomena, methodological challenges have been leveled concerning their role in the program of rational analysis. The focus of the current article is on computational impediments to probabilistic inference and related puzzles about empirical confirmation of these models. The proposal is to rethink the role of Bayesian methods in rational analysis, to adopt an independently motivated notion of rationality appropriate for computationally bounded agents, and to explore broad conditions under (...)
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  12.  48
    Representing argumentation schemes with Constraint Handling Rules.Thomas F. Gordon, Horst Friedrich & Douglas Walton - 2018 - Argument and Computation 9 (2):91-119.
    We present a high-level declarative programming language for representing argumentation schemes, where schemes represented in this language can be easily validated by domain experts, including developers of argumentation schemes in informal logic and philosophy, and serve as executable specifications for automatically constructing arguments, when applied to a set of assumptions. This new rule language for representing argumentation schemes is validated by using it to represent twenty representative argumentation schemes.
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    The pleadings game.Thomas F. Gordon - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 2 (4):239-292.
    The Pleadings Game is a normative formalization and computational model of civil pleading, founded in Roberty Alexy''s discourse theory of legal argumentation. The consequences of arguments and counterarguments are modelled using Geffner and Pearl''s nonmonotonic logic,conditional entailment. Discourse in focussed using the concepts of issue and relevance. Conflicts between arguments can be resolved by arguing about the validity and priority of rules, at any level. The computational model is fully implemented and has been tested using examples from Article Nine of (...)
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  14.  40
    Chronology of A. J. Greimas.Thomas F. Broden - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (214):9-13.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 214 Seiten: 9-13.
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    (1 other version)The Carneades model of argument and burden of proof.Thomas F. Gordon, Henry Prakken & Douglas Walton - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (10-15):875-896.
    We present a formal, mathematical model of argument structure and evaluation, taking seriously the procedural and dialogical aspects of argumentation. The model applies proof standards to determine the acceptability of statements on an issue-by-issue basis. The model uses different types of premises (ordinary premises, assumptions and exceptions) and information about the dialectical status of statements (stated, questioned, accepted or rejected) to allow the burden of proof to be allocated to the proponent or the respondent, as appropriate, for each premise separately. (...)
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  16.  48
    Criteria for evaluating hypotheses regarding information processing and schizophrenia.Thomas F. Oltmanns - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):610-611.
  17. Creation, providence and quantum chance.Thomas F. Tracy - 2009 - In Fount LeRon Shults, Nancey C. Murphy & Robert John Russell (eds.), Philosophy, science and divine action. Boston: Brill.
  18.  26
    Thucydides 1.22.1: Content and Form in the Speeches.Thomas F. Garrity - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (3):361-384.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thucydides 1.22.1: Content and Form in the SpeechesThomas F. GarrityThe interpretive problem posed by the speeches of Thucydides is one of the oldest chestnuts in classical scholarship. It has long been debated whether the historian claimed and/or attempted to present verbatim accounts of the arguments put forward by the speakers on each occasion as best he could, or whether he felt free to modify or to invent particular arguments (...)
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  19.  11
    The Church at 30,000 Feet.Thomas F. Dailey - 2019 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 16 (2):319-337.
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    (1 other version)The comparative reception of Darwinism.Thomas F. Glick (ed.) - 1974 - Austin,: University of Texas Press.
    'The majority of the chapters deal with the reception accorded Darwin's work in specific countries: England, the United States, Germany, France, Russia, the Netherlands, Spain, Mexico, and the Arab countries. Several chapters, however, also investigate the response to Darwinism made by specific social circles--such as social scientists in Russia and the United States.
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    Revelation, creation and law.Thomas F. Torrance - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (3):273–283.
    Through faith we understand that the worlds were made by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear By faith we understand that the universe was framed by God's command, so that the visible came forth from the invisible.
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  22. What buildings do.Thomas F. Gieryn - 2002 - Theory and Society 31 (1):35-74.
  23. The Comparative Reception of Relativity.Thomas F. Glick, Christopher Ray, Mendel Sachs & Elie Zahar - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (3):413-423.
  24. Learning without Metaphor.Thomas F. Green - 1993 - In Andrew Ortony (ed.), Metaphor and Thought. Cambridge University Press. pp. 610-620.
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  25.  16
    The Holy Ghost in the Ink Bottle.Thomas F. Staley - 1979 - Renascence 31 (4):249-255.
  26.  53
    The darwinologists.Thomas F. Glick - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (4):507-510.
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  27. Space, Time and Incarnation.Thomas F. Torrance - 1969 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 33 (3):595-596.
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    Coke is It! Reply to Diamond.Thomas F. Gieryn - 1988 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 13 (1-2):78-81.
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    Interpreting true arithmetic in the Δ 0 2 -enumeration degrees.Thomas F. Kent - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (2):522-550.
    We show that there is a first order sentence φ(x; a, b, l) such that for every computable partial order.
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    Classic cases - global disasters: Inquiries into management ethics.Thomas F. Mcmahon & Robert E. Allinson - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (1):99-104.
    This book review outlines and critiques Robert Allinson's book _Global Disasters: Inquiries into Management Ethics_ (New York: Prentice Hall, 1993). The reviewer first outlines the structure of the book and then moves on to discussing the main arguments of the book, including but not limited to the distinctions between "monocausality" and "multi-causality" and "scapegoating" and "multiple responsibility" that Allinson highlights. Central to Allinson's argument is the thesis that problems in management (and the disasters that often result from them) are conceptual (...)
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    Breaking Bad, Dostoevsky, Nihilism, and Marketplace Morality.Thomas F. Connolly - 2022 - The European Legacy 28 (2):173-185.
    From the perspective of the television series Breaking Bad (2008–2013), Walter White, its antihero, is not just an “angry middle-aged white guy”. He represents the repressed rage of countless ill-used Ph.Ds. This is why “he is the danger.” The cultural moment of Breaking Bad may serve for us in Siegfried Kracauer’s term as a “close-up shot or establishing shot.” The series is an index of Kracauer’s “law of levels.” White has lived his life according to what he thought was standard (...)
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  32.  22
    Introduction: From A. J. Greimas to romance semiotics today.Thomas F. Broden - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):3-12.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Michael Polanyi and the Christian Faith.Thomas F. Torrance - 2000 - Tradition and Discovery 27 (2):26-32.
    My personal relation with Polanyi, discussions with him in Oxford, contribution to the International Academy of the Philosophy of Science, the relevance of his innovative thought for Christian worship and theology, Magda and Michael in Oxford, the role of his literary executor.
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    Commemorative essay.A. J.Greimas.Thomas F. Broden - 1995 - Semiotica 105 (3-4):207-242.
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    Voices: The Educational Formation of Conscience A response to professors Kaufmann, Westphal and Diller.Thomas F. Green - 2003 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 22 (6):521-533.
  36.  17
    Emotional responsiveness and obsessive-compulsive behaviour.Thomas F. Oltmanns & Natalie A. Gibbs - 1995 - Cognition and Emotion 9 (6):563-578.
  37.  25
    Toward a State of the Semiotics Art in 2008 North America.Thomas F. Broden - 2008 - Semiotics:15-37.
  38.  57
    Newton, Einstein and Scientific Theology.Thomas F. Torrance - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (3):233 - 250.
    Everything about us today tells us that we live in a world which will be increasingly dominated by empirical and theoretic science. This is the world in which the Church lives and proclaims its message about Jesus Christ. It is not an alien world, for it is in this world of space and time that God has planted us. He made the universe and endowed man with gifts to investigate and understand it. Just as he made life to produce itself, (...)
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  39. Training the samurai mind: a bushido sourcebook.Thomas F. Cleary (ed.) - 2008 - Boston: Distributed in the United States by Random House.
    Honor, fearlessness, calm, decisive action, strategic thinking, and martial prowess have been the hallmarks of the Japanese samurai culture through the ages. Their ethos is known as bushido, or the way of the warrior-knight. Here is an insider’s view of the samurai—their moral and psychological development, the ethical standards they strive to uphold, their training in both martial arts and strategy, and the enormous role that the traditions of Shintoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism had in influencing their ideals. Thomas (...)
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  40. Resource Rationality.Thomas F. Icard - manuscript
    Theories of rational decision making often abstract away from computational and other resource limitations faced by real agents. An alternative approach known as resource rationality puts such matters front and center, grounding choice and decision in the rational use of finite resources. Anticipated by earlier work in economics and in computer science, this approach has recently seen rapid development and application in the cognitive sciences. Here, the theory of rationality plays a dual role, both as a framework for normative assessment (...)
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    Victimization and the Problem of Evil.Thomas F. Tracy - 1992 - Faith and Philosophy 9 (3):301-319.
  42. Liberty and Equity in Educational Finance.Thomas F. Green & Aera Annual Meeting - 1983 - I.S.T.S.
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    Spatiotemporal unit formation.Thomas F. Shipley - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (6):772-772.
    Findings in dynamic unit formation suggest that completion processes reflect the optics of our world. Dynamic unit formation may depend on patterns of motion signals that are consistent with the causes of optical changes. In addition, dynamic completion conforms to a local curvature minimization constraint. Such relational aspects of vision are important to consider in linking perceptual experience and neural activity.
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    Objectivity for these times.Thomas F. Gieryn - 1994 - Perspectives on Science 2 (3):324-349.
  45.  25
    Michel Foucault’s Physics of Human Sexuality.Thomas F. N. Puckett - 2000 - American Journal of Semiotics 15 (1-4):251-266.
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    Peirce, Semiosis, and Time.Thomas F. Broden - 2011 - Semiotics:338-349.
  47. Do You Mind? The Anthropological Question Underlying Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Bioethical Discussions.Thomas F. Dailey, Std Osfs & Peter J. Leonard - 2006 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Philosophy of Understanding 29 (1-2):110-21.
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    Introduction.Thomas F. Gieryn - 1993 - Science, Technology and Human Values 18 (1):3-4.
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    Ethics: theory and practice.Thomas F. McGann - 1971 - Chicago,: Loyola University Press.
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    Ethics--the social dimension: individualism and the Catholic tradition.Thomas F. Schindler - 1989 - Wilmington, Del.: M. Glazier.
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