Results for 'Thomas Martin Herbert'

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  1. The Realistic Assumptions of Modern Science Examined.Thomas Martin Herbert - 1879 - Mind 4 (16):570-575.
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    The Realistic Assumptions of Modern Science Examined.Thomas Martin Herbert & James Muscutt Hodgson - 2010 - Read Books.
    Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
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    Philosophical Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment.Axel Honneth, Thomas McCarthy, Claus Offe & Albrecht Wellmer (eds.) - 1992 - MIT Press.
    Together, the two volumes underscore the richness and variety of Habermas's project.Contributors: Karl-Otto Apel. Richard J. Bernstein. Peter Burger. Martin Jay. Thomas McCarthy. Herbert Schnadelbach. Charles Taylor. Michael Theunissen.
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    Review of Pamela H. Johnson: Hungry Gulliver: An English Critical Appraisal of Thomas Wolfe; Herbert J. Muller: Thomas Wolfe[REVIEW]Martin Gardner - 1948 - Ethics 58 (4):304-306.
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    Visions of Utopia.Edward Rothstein, Herbert Muschamp & Martin Marty - 2003 - Oup Usa.
    From the sex-free paradise of the Shakers to the worker's paradise of Marx, utopian ideas seem to have two things in common--they all are wonderfully plausible at the start and they all end up as disasters. In Visions of Utopia, three leading cultural critics--Edward Rothstein, Martin Marty, and Herbert Muschamp--look at the history of utopian thinking, exploring why they fail and why they are still worth pursuing. Edward Rothstein, New York Times cultural critic, contends that every utopia is (...)
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    Eranos: An Alternative Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century.Hans Thomas Hakl & Christopher McIntosh - 2011 - Routledge.
    Every year since 1933 many of the world's leading intellectuals have met on Lake Maggiore to discuss the latest developments in philosophy, history, art and science and, in particular, to explore the mystical and symbolic in religion. The Eranos Meetings - named after the Greek word for a banquet where the guests bring the food - constitute one of the most important gatherings of scholars in the twentieth century. The book presents a set of portraits of some of the century's (...)
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  7. Interview with Professor Stanley Fish.Thomas Bustamante & Margaret Martin - 2023 - In Thomas da Rosa de Bustamante & Margaret Martin, New essays on the Fish-Dworkin debate. New York: Hart Publishing, An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
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    Gramsci without the Prince.Martin Thomas - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (2):158-173.
    Peter Thomas, inThe Gramscian Moment, explains well how Gramsci strove to re-educate the communist movement in an expansive spirit, around the united front. He makes clear that the united-front approach advocated by Gramsci, based on working-class mobilisation and accompanied by clear communist criticism, was distinct from the policy of bourgeois alliances to be advocated by the Stalinist parties after 1935 under the name ‘popular front’. He demystifies the concept in Gramsci of working-class ‘hegemony’, from which so many speculations are (...)
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    Loose: The Future of Business is Letting Go.Martin Thomas - 2011 - Headline.
    How_more open ways of thinking and operating are beginning to pervade even the largest and most complex institutions, from global corporations to government departments _ The future of business is loose-loose organizations, management styles, brands, thinking, and communications. For example,_Google breaks the traditional rules of branding by changing its logo everyday, Doritos handed over the premium advertising slot in the Superbowl to a couple of amateur filmmakers, and even Pope Benedict XVI has embraced the inclusive "Obama model" of communication with (...)
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    Four Missing Years.Martin Thomas - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (4):165-179.
    Thomas Twiss has written a careful, well-documented study of the evolution of Trotsky’s ideas on theUSSRbureaucracy until 1936. He also traces Trotsky’s assessments of the causes and meaning of the Moscow Trials and the Terror in 1936–8; but essentially the detailed study stops in 1936. In fact, Trotsky’s thinking continued to develop in response to new developments after 1936. The puzzle which Trotsky grappled with – the ‘workers’ state’ which is simultaneously the instrument of fascistic terror against the workers (...)
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    Un critère simple.Thomas Blossier & Amador Martin-Pizarro - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (4):639-663.
    Nous isolons des propriétés valables dans certaines théories de purs corps ou de corps munis d’opérateurs afin de montrer qu’une théorie est simple lorsque les clôtures définissables et algébriques sont contrôlées par une théorie stable associée.
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    À la recherche du Tore perdu.Thomas Blossier, Amador Martin-Pizarro & Frank O. Wagner - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (1):1-31.
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    Von der Kreuzzugsgeschichte zum Reisebuch Zur Historia Hierosolymitana des Robertus Monachus.Thomas Martin Buck - 2002 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 76 (3):321-355.
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    Three Traditions? Marxism and the USSR.Martin Thomas - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (3):207-243.
  15. Schopenhauer, Beckett, and the Impoverishment of Knowledge.Martin Thomas - 2014 - Evental Aesthetics 2 (4):66-91.
    In this paper I will explore Samuel Beckett’s significant, yet overlooked, contribution to the study of asceticism and ascetic thought. I will present a reading of Beckett’s seminal play, Waiting for Godot, so as to illustrate the way in which Beckett utilizes and develops numerous aspects of Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophical system. As I understand it, the Beckettian asceticism manifested in the tragedies of Beckett’s middle period not only utilizes aspects of Schopenhauerian asceticism, it also incorporates broader, non-ascetic aspects of Schopenhauerian (...)
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    New Light on Edmund Husserl's “Cartesian Meditations”.Thomas Attig, Herbert Spiegelberg & S. Strasser - 1976 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 7 (1):3-23.
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  17. (1 other version)Readings in the philosophy of education.John Martin Rich - 1966 - Belmont, Calif.,: Wadsworth Pub. Co..
    What knowledge is of most worth? / Herbert Spencer -- The basis of education / Robert M. Hutchins -- The ultimate aims of education / Edward L. Thorndike and Arthur I. Gates -- Aims in education / John Dewey -- Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes -- Of civil government, second treatise / John Locke -- Man and society : the art of living together / Reinhold Niebuhr -- Civilization and its discontents / Sigmund Freud -- Education and nationality / (...)
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  18. Waorani grief and the witch-killer's rage: Worldview, emotion, and anthropological explanation.John M. DeCicco & Martin Thomas - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  19. De Corpore Politico., or, the Elements of Lavv, Moral & Politick. With Discourses Upon Several Heads; as of the Law of Nature. [Of] Oathes and Covenants. [Of] Severall Kind of Government. With the Changes and Revolutions of Them.Thomas Hobbes, J. Martin & Ridley - 1650 - Printed for J. Martin, and J. Ridley, and Are to Be Sold at the Castle in Fleet-Street, by Ram-Alley.
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    The Return of Cosmopolitan Capital: Globalization, the State and War.Peter Green & Martin Thomas - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (4):203-232.
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    The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction.Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert & Richard Middleton (eds.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    The Cultural Study of Music is an anthology of new writings that will serve as a basic textbook on music and culture. Increasingly, music is being studied as it relates to specific cultures-not only by ethnomusicologists, but by traditional musicologists as well. Drawing on writers from music, anthropology, sociology, and the related fields, the book both defines the field-i.e., "What is the relation between music and culture?"-and then presents case studies of particular issues in world musics. This book would serve (...)
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    Both Human and HumaneThe Process of EducationThe Creative Arts in American Education.W. Arnold Lloyd, Charles E. Boewe, Roy F. Nichols, Jerome S. Bruner, Thomas Munro & Herbert Read - 1961 - British Journal of Educational Studies 10 (1):90.
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    Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas, and Univocity.Herbert Thomas Schwartz - 1953 - New Scholasticism 27 (4):373-403.
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    Formative Factors in Character: A Psychological Study in the Moral Development of Childhood.Herbert Martin - 1925 - Longmans, Green and Co.
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    Developmental Dynamics of General and School-Subject-Specific Components of Academic Self-Concept, Academic Interest, and Academic Anxiety.Katarzyna Gogol, Martin Brunner, Franzis Preckel, Thomas Goetz & Romain Martin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Analogy in St. Thomas and Cajetan.Herbert Thomas Schwartz - 1954 - New Scholasticism 28 (2):127-144.
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    The Soul--A Study of Past and Present Beliefs. [REVIEW]Herbert Martin - 1905 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 2 (6):159-160.
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  28. rnett on the Soul. [REVIEW]Herbert Martin - 1905 - Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):23.
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    A Bibliography of John Dewey 1882–1939.Milton Halsey Thomas & Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1939 - Columbia University Press.
    Includes published writings of John Dewey, from 1882-1939. Dewey's writings address his views on topics of education, philosophy, epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, art, logic, social theory.
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  30. Modern Physical Fatalism and the Doctrine of Evolution, Including an Examination Of... Herbert Spencer's 'First Principles'.Thomas Rawson Birks & Herbert Spencer - 1876
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    The Red Notebook of Charles Darwin.Sandra Herbert, Charles Darwin, P. Thomas Carroll, Paul H. Barrett & Ralph Colp - 1982 - Journal of the History of Biology 15 (3):467-471.
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    A Bibliography of John Dewey.Milton Halsey Thomas & Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1929 - Columbia University Press.
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    The intrinsic topology of Martin-Löf universes.Martín Hötzel Escardó & Thomas Streicher - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (9):794-805.
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    Zufall und Gesetz: Drei Dissertationen unter Schlick: H. Feigl – M. Natkin – Tscha Hung.Herbert Feigl, Rudolf Haller & Thomas Binder (eds.) - 1999 - Atlanta, GA: Brill | Rodopi.
    Gesamtinhaltverzeichnis: Vorwort (Rudolf Haller). -Einleitung (Rudolf Haller). - Editorische Vorbemerkung (Thomas Binder). - I. Herbert Feigl: Zufall und Gesetz. - II. Marcel Natkin: Einfachheit, Kausalitaet und Induktion. - III. Tscha Hung: Das Kausalproblem in der heutigen Physik.".
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  35. Preface to the Second Edition of 'Modern Physical Fatalism' by Thomas Rawson Birks, Being a Reply to the Strictures of H. Spencer [in an Appendix to the 4th Ed. Of First Principles].Charles Pritchard, Thomas Rawson Birks & Herbert Spencer - 1882
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    Editorial: The Janus Face of Language: Where Are the Emotions in Words and Where Are the Words in Emotions?Cornelia Herbert, Thomas Ethofer, Andreas J. Fallgatter, Peter Walla & Georg Northoff - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  37. A Reply: The Demonstration of God's Existence.Herbert Thomas Schwartz - 1943 - The Thomist 6:19-48.
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    "Stets zu Diensten?": welche Philosophie braucht die Theologie heute?Martin Blay, Thomas Schärtl, Christian Schröer & Christian Tapp (eds.) - 2019 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    New Prospects for de Broglie Interferometry.Thomas Juffmann, Stefan Nimmrichter, Markus Arndt, Herbert Gleiter & Klaus Hornberger - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (1):98-110.
    We consider various effects that are encountered in matter wave interference experiments with massive nanoparticles. The text-book example of far-field interference at a grating is compared with diffraction into the dark field behind an opaque aperture, commonly designated as Poisson’s spot or the spot of Arago. Our estimates indicate that both phenomena may still be observed in a mass range exceeding present-day experiments by at least two orders of magnitude. They both require, however, the development of sufficiently cold, intense and (...)
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    Information transmission rates in a task requiring memory.Herbert M. Kaufman, Thomas J. Hammell & Jerry C. Lamb - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 91 (1):74.
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    Storage and recall of verbal and pictorial information.Herbert Weingartner, Thomas Walker, James E. Eich & Dennis L. Murphy - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (4):349-351.
  42. Ontheessenceandconceptof.Thomas Sheehan & Martin Heidegger - unknown
    Since those times "nature" has become the basic word designating essential relations that Western historical humanity has to beings, both to itself and to beings other than itself. This fact is shown by a rough list of dichotomies that have become prevalent: nature and grace (i.e., super-nature).
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    Values and Public Policy.Martin Allen, Henry J. Aaron & Thomas E. Mann - 1994 - Brookings Institution Press.
    It is not uncommon to hear that poor school performance, welfare dependancy, youth unemployment, and criminal activity result more from shortcomings in the personal makeup of individuals than from societal forces beyond their control. Are American values declining as so many suggest? And are those values at the root of many social problems today?Shaped by experience and public policies, people's values and social norms do change. What role can or should a democratic government play in shaping values? And how do (...)
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    Burge and the Hierarchy.Herbert Heidelberger & Thomas C. Ryckman - 1981 - Critica 13 (39):83-85.
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    The Oldest Manuscript of Juvencus.Herbert Thoma - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (3-4):95-96.
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    Finite but Unbounded: New Approaches in Philosophical Anthropology.Thomas Schwarz Wentzer, Martin Gustafsson & Kevin M. Cahill (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    World-leading anthropologists and philosophers pursue the perplexing question fundamental to both disciplines: What is it to think of ourselves as human? A common theme is the open-ended and context-dependent nature of our notion of the human, one upshot of which is that perplexities over that notion can only be dealt with in a piecemeal fashion, and in relation to concrete real-life circumstances. Philosophical anthropology, understood as the exploration of such perplexities, will thus be both recognizably philosophical in character and inextricably (...)
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    Essential Readings in heideger.Martin Heidegger & Thomas Sheehan - 1979 - Research in Phenomenology 9 (1):225-228.
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    A modest disposal: Loving the critical bathwater after the baby has been discarded.Thomas L. Martin - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (2):435-446.
    One professor of literature renounces his fight to discriminate wrong from right readings. He succumbs to pressures from theorists and practitioners in the profession at large and enters a world of unimagined intellectual freedom. After all, to suggest that some readings might be wrong is not only to engage in intellectual discrimination, but to enter into complicity with a number of imperious gestures that carry dire political consequences. Coming to terms with his newfound freedom to embrace all interpretations of texts (...)
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    Retirement of Officers.Thomas Martin - 1963 - British Journal for the History of Science 1 (4):396-396.
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    Formative evaluation of the CASUS authoring system for problem-based learning.Martin Fischer, Cornelia Gräsel, Sepp Bruckmoser, Jana Konschak, Thomas Baehring, Heinz Mandl & Peter Christian Scriba - unknown
    CASUS is an authoring system, which should enable physicians to produce problem-based computer learning programs with minimal technical effort and give them sound instructional support. The theoretical background of CASUS are constructivist approaches to learning and instruction, which deal mainly with the question, how to design problem-based learning environments. The paper presents the constructivist concept of CASUS and results of a forma-tive evaluation. Four authors were observed and interviewed while developing a learning case with CASUS. The evaluation pursued mainly the (...)
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