Results for 'Thoughts on identity'

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  1.  52
    Some Thoughts on Identity of Islamic Philosophy.Bo Mou - 2012 - Comparative Philosophy 3 (2):36-40.
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  2. Trading on Identity and Singular Thought.Rachel Goodman - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (2):296-312.
    On the traditional relationalist conception of singular thought, a thought has singular content when it is based on an ‘information relation’ to its object. Recent work rejects relationalism and suggests singular thoughts are distinguished from descriptive thoughts by their inferential role: only thoughts with singular content can be employed in ‘direct’ inferences, or inferences that ‘trade on identity’. Firstly this view is insufficiently clear, because it conflates two distinct ideas—one about a kind of inference, the other (...)
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    Mindwaves: Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity, and Consciousness.Colin Blakemore & Susan Greenfield - 1987 - Blackwell. Edited by Colin Blakemore & Susan Greenfield.
  4.  17
    From Iff to Is: Some New Thoughts on Identity in Relevant Logics.Edwin Mares - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 343-363.
    In this paper, I set out a semantics for identity in relevant logic that is based on an analogy between the biconditional and identity. This analogy supports the semantics that Priest has set out for identity in basic relevant logic and it motivates a version of the Routley–Meyer semantics in which identities can be viewed as constraints on the ternary relation that is used to treat implication.
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    Dialogical thought and identity: trans-different religiosity in present day societies.Ephraim Meir - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    In discussion with M. Buber, F. Rosenzweig, A.J. Heschel, F. Fischer and E. Levinas, Ephraim Meir outlines a novel conception of a selfhood that is grounded in dialogical thought. He focuses on the shaping of identity in present day societies and offers a new view on identity around the concepts of self-transcendence, self-difference, and trans-difference. It is suggested that in trans-different religiosity, one may discover what unites people.
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    Is Being Thought?: On What Spirit’s Systematic Role can Teach Us about Hegel’s Identity of Thought and Being.Lorenzo Sala - 2018 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):112-116.
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    Review: Wiggins' Second Thoughts on Identity[REVIEW]Harold Noonan - 1981 - Philosophical Quarterly 31 (124):260 - 268.
    Critical study of David Wiggins's Sameness and Substance (1980).
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    Thoughts on the Radical Exteriority of Identity.Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback - 2017 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 9 (2):174-183.
    This article discusses Alejandro Vallega’s book, Latin American Philosophy: From Identity to Radical Exteriority, proposing a series of questions in which the problem of situating Latin American thought in the topos of Western philosophy is addressed. Further questions considered here include how to rethink identity and difference from the perspective of Latin American experience, and, last but not least, what do “situated thinking” and “engaged thought” mean?
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    Bodies of thought: embodiment, identity, and modernity.Ian Burkitt - 1999 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    `The work develops and articulates a brilliant and original central thesis; namely that modern individuals are best understood as complex bodies of thought, as embodied symbolic and material beings. Future work on mind, self, body, society and culture will have to begin with Burkitt's text' - Norman K. Denzin, University of Illinois `After his excellent Social Selves, Ian Burkitt has produced a new theory of embodiment which will become required reading for those working in the areas of social theory, sociology, (...)
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  10. Vico theorem on identical origin of theory and practice and dogmatic form of thought.Ferdinand Fellmann - 1978 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 85 (2):259-273.
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  11. De Re Thought, Object Identity, and Knowing-Wh*.Ludovic Soutif - 2012 - Analytica (Rio) 16 (1-2):133-164.
    In this paper, I discuss a view of de re thoughts that can be naturally endorsed in the wake of Russell's account. This is the view that a thought is about the very thing (res) rather than a mere characterization of it if and only if it is constitutively tied, if not to the existence, at least to the identity of its object and the thinker knows which/who the object of his/her thought is. Faced with the challenge of (...)
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  12. Further Thoughts on the Identity Theory.J. J. C. Smart - 1972 - The Monist 56 (2):149-162.
  13.  7
    Comment on “Impact of college English education thoughts on enhancing national cultural identity”.Wang Hui - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e02400261.
    Commented article: LIANG, T. Impact of College English Education Thoughts on Enhancing National Cultural Identity. Trans/Form/Ação: revista de filosofia da Unesp, v. 47, n. 4, “Eastern thought”, e0240065, 2024. Available at:
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    Comment on “Impact of college English education thoughts on enhancing national cultural identity”.Ning Wang - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e02400260.
    Commented article: LIANG, T. Impact of College English Education Thoughts on Enhancing National Cultural Identity. Trans/Form/Ação: revista de filosofia da Unesp, v. 47, n. 4, “Eastern thought”, e0240065, 2024. Available at:
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  15. Second Thoughts on Nationalism, Imperialism & Identity.Ewa M. Thompson - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (1/2):277-295.
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    Mindwaves: Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity and Consciousness.David Mitchell - 1989 - Philosophical Books 30 (1):40-43.
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    Hume’s Third Thoughts on Personal Identity.Tito Magri - 2022 - Hume Studies 47 (2):231-260.
    Abstract:I suggest that Hume’s recantation, in the Appendix to the Treatise, of his account of the idea of personal identity in section 1.4.6 hinges on the contrast between the first-personal cognitive roles of that idea and its imagination-based explanation. In stark, if implicit, contrast with Locke, Hume’s account divorces personal identity from consciousness, considering oneself as oneself. But, later in the Appendix, Hume realized, if imperfectly, that something was missing from the idea of self he had constructed. I (...)
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    Hume’s Second Thoughts on Personal Identity.Sunny Yang - 2018 - Problemos 94:182.
    [full article, abstract in English; only abstract in Lithuanian] In this paper, I present an interpretation on how Hume can escape from his intellectual ordeal concerning personal identity in the Appendix of the Treatise. First of all, I present the source of Hume’s despair to offer an interpretation on what would have truly bothered Hume in the Appendix, and I identify several lines of interpretation. Recently Jonathan Ellis has distinguished various ways of understanding Hume’s predicament. Of the four groups (...)
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    Comment on “Impact of college English education thoughts on enhancing national cultural identity”.Yanyu Tan - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e02400304.
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  20. Hume’s First and Second Thoughts on Personal Identity.Robert Imlay - 1985 - In Robert F. McRae, Moyal, J. D. Georges & Stanley Tweyman, Early Modern Philosophy. Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books.
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    Impact of college English education thoughts on enhancing national cultural identity.Tianzhu Liang - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e0240065.
    Resumen: La cuestión hoy en día de la identidad cultural es una manifestación inevitable del progreso económico y social de China en el ámbito de la cultura. Sus raíces se encuentran en el lento desarrollo social de la China moderna y en la invasión de la cultura extranjera, que se manifiesta en la apatía hacia la gran cultura tradicional. El inglés es una lengua internacional de uso común que se habla en todo el mundo. Con la creciente popularidad del inglés, (...)
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  22. Thought experiments and personal identity in africa.Simon Beck - 2021 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 7 (4):239-452.
    African perspectives on personhood and personal identity and their relation to those of the West have become far more central in mainstream Western discussion than they once were. Not only are African traditional views with their emphasis on the importance of community and social relations more widely discussed, but that emphasis has also received much wider acceptance and gained more influence among Western philosophers. Despite this convergence, there is at least one striking way in which the discussions remain apart (...)
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  23. Perception of unity, persistence, and identity: Thoughts on infants' conceptions of objects.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 1985 - In Jacques Mehler & Robin Fox, Neonate Cognition: Beyond the Blooming Buzzing Confusion. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 89--113.
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    Barnes, J.(1987) Early Greek Philosophy, London: Penguin Books. Blackburn, S.(1994) The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Blakemore, C. and Greenfield, S.(eds)(1987) Mindwaves. Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity and Consciousness, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. [REVIEW]P. S. Churchland, F. Crick & C. Koch - 1999 - In M. James C. Crabbe, From soul to self. New York: Routledge. pp. 273--153.
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    Thought experiments in personal identity: A dialogue with Beck, Wagner and Wilkes.Alfonso Muñoz-Corcuera - 2017 - South African Journal of Philosophy 36 (4):456-469.
    In a recent series of papers, Beck and Wagner have been arguing about the general role that thought experiments can play in the debate on personal identity, showing their disagreement about the famous criticisms that Wilkes’ launched against their use. In this article I come back to Wilkes’ criticisms to show that her position is deeply problematic. If we adopt instead the mental model account of thought experiments, we can accommodate Wilkes’ criticisms and justify the use of thought experiments (...)
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    Joining the Radical Enlightenment: Some Thoughts on Intellectual Identity, Precarity and Sociability in the Eighteenth Century.Jordy Geerlings - 2014 - Philosophica 89 (1).
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  27. The Stoics on Identity, Identification, and Peculiar Qualities.Tamer Nawar - 2017 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 32 (1):113-159.
    In this paper, I clarify some central aspects of Stoic thought concerning identity, identification, and so-called peculiar qualities (qualities which were seemingly meant to ground an individual’s identity and enable identification). I offer a precise account of Stoic theses concerning the identity and discernibility of individuals and carefully examine the evidence concerning the function and nature of peculiar qualities. I argue that the leading proposal concerning the nature of peculiar qualities, put forward by Eric Lewis, faces a (...)
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  28. (1 other version)On Scepticism About Personal Identity Thought Experiments.Andrew J. Latham, Kristie Miller, Caroline West & Wen Yu - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy 1.
    Many philosophers have become sceptical of the use of thought experiments in theorising about personal identity. In large part this is due to work in experimental philosophy that appears to confirm long held philosophical suspicions that thought experiments elicit inconsistent judgements about personal identity, and hence judgements that are thought to be the product of cognitive biases. If so, these judgements appear to be useless at informing our theories of personal identity. Using the methods of experimental philosophy, (...)
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  29. Personal identity and thought-experiments.Tamar Szabo Gendler - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (206):34-54.
    Through careful analysis of a specific example, Parfit’s ‘fission argument’ for the unimportance of personal identity, I argue that our judgements concerning imaginary scenarios are likely to be unreliable when the scenarios involve disruptions of certain contingent correlations. Parfit’s argument depends on our hypothesizing away a number of facts which play a central role in our understanding and employment of the very concept under investigation; as a result, it fails to establish what Parfit claims, namely, that identity is (...)
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    Attack on identity. (Russian culture as an existential threat to Ukraine).Oleh Bilyi - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:145-160.
    The article deals with the role of Russian culture in the period of the RF war against Ukraine. The history is considered as the basic structure that shapes the discursive foundation of identity. Historical narratives as well as the cultural background of imperial identity and risks of the full scale representation of Russian culture in the Ukrainian social consciousness are analyzed. The two tendencies are also comprehended — junk science foundation of geopolitical projects and devalu- ation of the (...)
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    Identity Theft: A Thought Experiment on the Fragility of Identity.David Menčik - 2020 - Conatus 5 (1):71.
    This paper intends to discuss some aspects of what we conceive as personal identity: what it consists in, as well as its alleged fragility. First I will try to justify the methodology used in this paper, that is, the use of allegories in ontological debates, especialy in the form of thought experiments and science fiction movies. Then I will introduce an original thought experiment I call “Who am I actually?,” one that was coined with the intent to shed light (...)
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  32. Collingwood on re-enactment and the identity of thought.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):87-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 38.1 (2000) 87-101 [Access article in PDF] Collingwood on Re-Enactment and The Identity of Thought Giuseppina D'oro University of Keele Collingwood's The Idea of History is often discussed in the context of the issue of the reducibility/non-reducibility of explanations in the social sciences to explanations in the natural sciences. In the 1950s and 60s, following the publication of Hempel's influential article, "The (...)
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    Nietzsche and our discourses on identity.Douglas G. Lawrie - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3):8.
    Through his views on perspectivism and the will to power, Nietzsche indirectly influences many current discourses on identity. This article places these themes in the broader context of Nietzsche’s thought. Firstly, it is indicated how difficult it is to speak of someone’s identity by showing how many ‘Nietzsches’ appear in his writings, notebooks and letters and the accounts of his contemporaries. Such comparative readings, although they may cast new light on Nietzsche’s philosophy, are rare in Nietzsche scholarship. Next, (...)
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    Perceived Group Identity Alters Task‐Unrelated Thought and Attentional Divergence During Conversations.Alexander Colby, Aaron Wong, Laura Allen, Andrew Kun & Caitlin Mills - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13236.
    Task-unrelated thought (TUT) occurs frequently in our daily lives and across a range of tasks, but we know little about how this phenomenon arises during and influences the way we communicate. Conversations also provide a novel opportunity to assess the alignment (or divergence) in TUT during dyadic interactions. We conducted a study to determine: (a) the frequency of TUT during conversation as well as how partners align/diverge in their rates of TUT, (b) the subjective and behavioral correlates of TUT and (...)
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  35. Derrida on identity and difference: A radical democratic reading of the other heading.Matthew Calarco - 2000 - Critical Horizons 1 (1):51-69.
    What is the significance of and logic behind Jacques Derrida's recent "political" writings? While Derrida's work refuses to obey any singular movement or register, he does, nonetheless, make recurrent attempts to negotiate between a politics of identity and difference. A similar undertaking can be found in the radical democratic writings of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. An encounter between these thinkers is here carried out in order to elucidate key themes in Derrida's The Other Heading. The reading aims at (...)
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  36. Madness as method: on Locke’s thought experiments about personal identity.Kathryn Tabb - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (5):871-889.
    ABSTRACTJohn Locke is famous for popularizing the method of the philosophical thought experiment in discussions of personal identity; the cases introduced in the second edition of An Essay Concerning Understanding are still employed by contemporary philosophers. Here I argue that Locke’s method is nonetheless importantly different from later efforts in ways that can help us better appreciate his larger projects. Rather than pumping the reader’s intuitions in support of his preferred account, Locke’s thought experiments serve to illustrate common errors (...)
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  37. On the Identity of Thought Experiments: Thought Experiments Rethought.Alisa Bokulich & Mélanie Frappier - 2017 - In Michael T. Stuart, Yiftach Fehige & James Robert Brown, The Routledge Companion to Thought Experiments. London: Routledge.
  38.  42
    Hume on Identity in Part IV of Book I of the Treatise.Harold W. Noonan - 2010 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 13 (1):90-104.
    In Part IV of Book I of Hume’s Treatise Hume frequently appeals to an identity ascribing mechanism of the imagination. A psychological mechanism of which it is a special case, to ‘compleat the union’, is also prominent. These mechanisms belong to the imagination narrowly conceived according to a distinction in section ix of Part III. The role and significance of these mechanisms in the development of Hume’s scepticism is explored. Appreciation of their significance is also argued to cast light (...)
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  39. Technological Fictions and Personal Identity: On Ricoeur, Schechtman and Analytic Thought Experiments.Simon Beck - 2016 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 47 (2):117-132.
    Paul Ricoeur and Marya Schechtman express grave doubts about the acceptability and informativeness of the thought-experiments employed by analytic philosophers (notably Derek Parfit) in the debate about personal identity, and for what appear to be related reasons. I consider their reasoning and argue that their reasons fail to justify their doubts. I go on to argue that, from this discussion of possible problems concerning select thought-experiments, something positive can be learned about personal identity.
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    Process and Pluralism: Chinese Thought on the Harmony of Diversity.Zhihe Wang - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    This book offers a uniquely process relational oriented Chinese approach to inter-religious dialogue called Chinese Harmonism. The key features of Chinese harmonism are peaceful co-existence, mutual transformation, and openness to change. As developed with help from Whiteheadian process thought, Chinese harmonism provides a middle way between particularism and universalism, showing how diversity can exist within unity. Chinese harmonism is open to similarities among religions, but it also emphasizes that differences among religions can be complementary rather than contradictory. Thus Chinese harmonism (...)
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    Leibnizian Rejection of Standard Thought Experiments against Identity of Indiscernibles.Ari Maunu - 2015 - Metaphysica 16 (2):189-193.
    It is argued that from a genuine Leibnizian point of view the well-known thought experiment, call it BTE, involving a possible world with only two exactly similar objects, cannot be used to refute Leibniz's Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles (LIdI). If the claim that there are two objects in BTE is based on primitive thisnesses, the Leibnizian objection is that there are no such things; and even if there were, then, quite generally, something true of one object – (...)
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    El pensamiento identitario.Hugo E. Biagini - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (15):93-99.
    The analysis, research and interpretation of the concept of identity in Latin America is far from over. In this article an outline of new proposals that are being formulated in relation to this important theme is presented. Also new thoughts on identity are found to be “oriented towards an und..
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  43. Martha Nussbaum and the Foundations of Ethics: Identity, Morality and Thought-Experiments.Simon Beck - 2009 - South African Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):261-270.
    Martha Nussbaum has argued in support of the view (supposedly that of Aristotle) that we can, through thought-experiments involving personal identity, find an objective foundation for moral thought without having to appeal to any authority independent of morality. I compare the thought-experiment from Plato’s Philebus that she presents as an example to other thought-experiments involving identity in the literature and argue that this reveals a tension between the sources of authority which Nussbaum invokes for her thought-experiment. I also (...)
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    The Non-Identity Problem and the Admissibility of Outlandish Thought Experiments in Applied Philosophy.Adrian Walsh - 2020 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):229-246.
    The non-identity problem, which is much discussed in bioethics, metaphysics and environmental ethics, is usually examined by philosophers because of the difficulties it raises for our understanding of possible harms done to present human agents. In this article, instead of attempting to solve the non-identical problem, I explore an entirely different feature of the problem, namely the implications it has for the admissibility of outlandish or bizarre thought experiments. I argue that in order to sustain the claim that later (...)
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  45. Religious parties, religious political identity, and the cold shoulder of liberal democratic thought.Nancy L. Rosenblum - 2003 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 6 (1):23-53.
    Elements of the relation between religion and politics are standard themes in political theory: toleration and free exercise rights; the parameters of separation of church and state; arguments for and against constraints imposed on religious discourse by philosophic norms of public reason. But religious parties and partisanship are no part of political theory, despite contemporary interest in value pluralism and in liberal democratic theory's capacity to address multicultural, religious, and ethnic group claims. This essay argues that religious parties are missing (...)
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  46. Further Thoughts on Memory: Replies to Schechtman, Adams, and Goldberg.Sven Bernecker - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 153 (1):109-121.
    This is a response to three critical discussions of my book Memory: A Philosophical Study (Oxford University Press 2010): Marya Schechtman, Memory and Identity , Fred Adams, Husker Du? , and Sanford Goldberg The Metasemantics of Memory.
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    Reason’s Traces: Identity and Interpretation in Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Thought.Matthew Kapstein - 2001 - Boston: Wisdom Publications.
    Reason's Traces is a collection of essays by one of the foremost authorities on Indian and Tibetan Buddhism.
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    R. G. Collingwood on the identity of thoughts.Heikki Saari - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (1):77-89.
    R. G. Collingwood's re-enactment doctrine has been widely discussed in recent years by his commentators. However, most philosophers who discuss the re-enactment doctrine touch only briefly on his view of the identity of thoughts. This is surprising because Collingwood claims that the historian's successful re-enactment of the thought behind the historical agent's action involves re-thinking the same thought as the agent and not merely a copy of his thought.
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    Identity and Thought Experiment. [REVIEW]A. D. H. - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (3):602-603.
    The author, a member of the faculty in philosophy at Visva-Bharati University, produced this volume under appointment as Visiting Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, after having studied in England. These four essays are concerned with recent analytic thought, concentrating upon the problem of identity and the experiments of reflection which have appeared in modern British philosophy, such as Strawson’s world of nothing but sound. Chandra’s central concern is to analyse the relationship between identity and continuity, (...)
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    Friendship and Self-Identity in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur.Cristina Bucur - unknown
    This dissertation discusses friendship in relation to self-identity in the thought of Paul Ricoeur. Its main claim is that Ricoeur's notion of self-identity designates a hermeneutically mediated experience, and that this complex experience can only be illumined by a phenomenology that is sensitive to ethical aspects. Another finding is that, according to Ricoeur, whatever we do, say, or write, takes on the form of narrative experience. Finally, the dissertation shows that what looks like the force of the discourse, (...)
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