Results for 'Tim Grayburn'

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    Fake It ‘Til You Make It.Bryony Kimmings & Tim Grayburn - 2016 - Studies in Social Justice 10 (1):136-146.
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  2. Animalism and the varieties of conjoined twinning.Tim Campbell & Jeff McMahan - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (4):285-301.
    We defend the view that we are not identical to organisms against the objection that it implies that there are two subjects of every conscious state one experiences: oneself and one’s organism. We then criticize animalism —the view that each of us is identical to a human organism—by showing that it has unacceptable implications for a range of actual and hypothetical cases of conjoined twinning : dicephalus, craniopagus parasiticus, and cephalopagus.
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  3. Delusions as Doxastic States: Contexts, Compartments, and Commitments.Tim Bayne - 2010 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (4):329-336.
    Although delusions are typically regarded as beliefs of a certain kind, there have been worries about the doxastic conception of delusions since at least Bleuler’s time. ‘Anti-doxasticists,’ as we might call them, do not merely worry about the claim that delusions are beliefs, they reject it. Reimer’s paper weighs into the debate between ‘doxasticists’ and ‘anti-doxasticists’ by suggesting that one of the main arguments given against the doxastic conception of delusions—what we might call the functional role objection—is based on a (...)
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    The superiority of economics and the economics of externalism – a sketch.Tim Winzler - 2019 - Science in Context 32 (4):431-447.
    ArgumentThe article takes as its starting point the relationship of academic economists and the wider society. First, various bodies of literature that deal empirically with this matter are discussed: epistemologically, they range from a bold structuralism via a form of symbolic interactionism to a form of radical constructivism. A Bourdieusian approach is recommended to complement these perspectives with a comprehensive perspective that is sensible to the cultural differences between social groups. Starting from the established notions of field, capital and habitus, (...)
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  5. Aspects of Psychologism.Tim Crane - 2014 - Cambridge Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Aspects of Psychologism is a penetrating look into fundamental philosophical questions of consciousness, perception, and the experience we have of our mental lives. Psychologism, in Tim Crane’s formulation, presents the mind as a single subject-matter to be investigated not only empirically and conceptually but also phenomenologically: through the systematic examination of consciousness and thought from the subject’s point of view.
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  6. The natures of selection.Tim Lewens - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (2):313-333.
    Elliott Sober and his defenders think of selection, drift, mutation, and migration as distinct evolutionary forces. This paper exposes an ambiguity in Sober's account of the force of selection: sometimes he appears to equate the force of selection with variation in fitness, sometimes with ‘selection for properties’. Sober's own account of fitness as a property analogous to life-expectancy shows how the two conceptions come apart. Cases where there is selection against variance in offspring number also show that selection and drift (...)
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    Allusive Apuleius.Tim Whitmarsh - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (2):414-415.
  8.  54
    Qur anic reasoning as an academic practice.Tim Winter - 2006 - Modern Theology 22 (3):449-463.
    The increasing engagement of Muslim theologians with issues of textual criticism raises larger questions relating to the space provided by Western universities for Muslim theological practice. In this essay, these questions are examined in the context of the rapidly‐increasing Muslim participation in the Scriptural Reasoning project. It is suggested that classical Muslim theological and mystical scriptural commentary will demonstrate continued relevance and vitality, particularly in conversation with Jewish readers, despite the considerable difference in method resulting from the distinctive shape of (...)
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  9. Consciousness, Concepts and Natural Kinds.Tim Bayne & Nicholas Shea - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (1):65-83.
    We have various everyday measures for identifying the presence of consciousness, such as the capacity for verbal report and the intentional control of behavior. However, there are many contexts in which these measures are difficult to apply, and even when they can be applied one might have doubts as to their validity in determining the presence/absence of consciousness. Everyday measures for identifying consciousness are particularly problematic when it comes to ‘challenging cases’—human infants, people with brain damage, nonhuman animals, and AI (...)
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    Secret Messages.Tim Maudlin - 2002 - In Quantum non-locality and relativity: metaphysical intimations of modern physics. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 148–172.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Limits for Uncommunicative Partners How Much Does a Particle Need to Know? Evaluation of Results Simulators Does Nature Simulate?
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    Psychology and Consumer Culture: The Struggle for a Good Life in a Materialistic World.Tim Kasser & Allen D. Kanner (eds.) - 2004 - American Psychological Association.
    This book provides an in-depth analysis of consumerism that draws from a wide range of theoretical, clinical and methodological approaches. Contributors demonstrate that consumerism and the culture that surrounds it exert profound and often undesirable effects on both people's individual lives and on society as a whole. Far from being distant influences, advertising, consumption, materialism and the capitalistic economic system affect personal, social and ecological well-being on many levels. Contributors also provide a variety of potential interventions for counteracting the negative (...)
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  12. Cultural evolution : integration and scepticism.Tim Lewens - 2012 - In Harold Kincaid (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science. Oxford University Press.
  13. Toward a pluralist account of parenthood.Tim Bayne & Avery Kolers - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (3):221–242.
    What is it that makes someone a parent? Many writers – call them ‘monists’– claim that parenthood is grounded solely in one essential feature that is both necessary and sufficient for someone's being a parent. We reject not only monism but also ‘necessity’ views, in which some specific feature is necessary but not also sufficient for parenthood. Our argument supports what we call ‘pluralism’, the view that any one of several kinds of relationship is sufficient for parenthood. We begin by (...)
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  14. Libet and the case for free will scepticism.Tim Bayne - 2011 - In Richard Swinburne (ed.), Free Will and Modern Science. New York: OUP/British Academy.
    Free will sceptics claim that we do not possess free will—or at least, that we do not possess nearly as much free will as we think we do. Some free will sceptics hold that the very notion of free will is incoherent, and that no being could possibly possess free will (Strawson this volume). Others allow that the notion of free will is coherent, but hold that features of our cognitive architecture prevent us from possessing free will. My concern in (...)
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    Transformative experience and the shark problem.Tim Campbell & Julia Mosquera - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (11):3549-3565.
    In her ground-breaking and highly influential book Transformative Experience, L.A. Paul makes two claims: (1) one cannot evaluate and compare certain experiential outcomes (e.g. being a parent and being a non-parent) unless one can grasp what these outcomes are like; and (2) one can evaluate and compare certain intuitively horrible outcomes (e.g. being eaten alive by sharks) as bad and worse than certain other outcomes even if one cannot grasp what these intuitively horrible outcomes are like. We argue that the (...)
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    Zipper arguments and duties regarding future generations.Tim Meijers - 2024 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 23 (2):181-204.
    Most of us believe that it would be unjust to act with indifference about the plight of future generations. Zipper arguments in intergenerational justice aim to show that we have duties of justice regarding future generations, regardless of whether we have duties of justice to future generations. By doing so, such arguments circumvent the foundational challenges that come with theorising duties to remote future generations, which result from the non-existence, non-identity and non-contemporaneity of future generations. I argue that zipper arguments (...)
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    Ethics and Experience: Life Beyond Moral Theory.Tim Chappell - 2009 - Routledge.
    "Ethics and Experience" presents a wide-ranging and thought-provoking introduction to the question famously posed by Socrates: How is life to be lived? 'An excellent primer for any student taking a course on moral philosophy, the book introduces ethics as a single and broadly unified field of inquiry in which we apply reason to try and solve Socrates' question. "Ethics and Experience "examines the major forms of ethical subjectivism and objectivism - including expressivism, error theory', naturalism, and intuitionism. The book lays (...)
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  18. Uniform and Modular Sequent Systems for Description Logics.Tim Lyon & Jonas Karge - 2022 - In Ofer Arieli, Martin Homola, Jean Christoph Jung & Marie-Laure Mugnier (eds.), Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022).
    We introduce a framework that allows for the construction of sequent systems for expressive description logics extending ALC. Our framework not only covers a wide array of common description logics, but also allows for sequent systems to be obtained for extensions of description logics with special formulae that we call "role relational axioms." All sequent systems are sound, complete, and possess favorable properties such as height-preserving admissibility of common structural rules and height-preserving invertibility of rules.
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  19. Platform cooperativism and freedom as non-domination in the gig economy.Tim Christiaens - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory.
    While the challenges workers face in the gig economy are now well-known, reflections on emancipatory solutions in political philosophy are still underdeveloped. Some have pleaded for enhancing workers' bargaining power through unionisation; others for enhancing exit options in the labour market. Both strategies, however, come with unin-tended side-effects and do not exhaust the full potential for worker self-government present in the digital gig economy. Using the republican theory of freedom as non-domination , I argue that G.D.H. Cole's 20th-century defence of (...)
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  20. Natural Separateness: Why Parfit's Reductionist Account of Persons Fails to Support Consequentialism.Tim Christie - 2009 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (2):178-195.
    My goal in this essay will be to show, contra Parfit, that the separateness of human persons—although metaphysically shallow—has a moral significance that should not be overlooked. Parfit holds that his reductionist view of personal identity lends support to consequentialism; I reject this claim because it rests on the assumption that the separateness of human persons has an arbitrariness that renders it morally insignificant. This assumption is flawed because this separateness is grounded in our 'person practices', which reflect some of (...)
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  21. Level Theory, Part 3: A Boolean Algebra of Sets Arranged in Well-Ordered Levels.Tim Button - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (1):1-26.
    On a very natural conception of sets, every set has an absolute complement. The ordinary cumulative hierarchy dismisses this idea outright. But we can rectify this, whilst retaining classical logic. Indeed, we can develop a boolean algebra of sets arranged in well-ordered levels. I show this by presenting Boolean Level Theory, which fuses ordinary Level Theory (from Part 1) with ideas due to Thomas Forster, Alonzo Church, and Urs Oswald. BLT neatly implement Conway’s games and surreal numbers; and a natural (...)
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    Untangling the Paradoxical Relationship Between Religion and Business: A Systematic Literature Review of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Religiosity Research.Tim Heubeck - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (1):191-214.
    Despite numerous chief executive officers (CEOs) citing their religious convictions as the primary guiding framework for their decision-making, leadership behavior, business philosophy, and motivation to contribute to society, the impact of CEOs’ religious convictions is relatively limited in the business literature. However, the widespread yet potentially ambiguous impact of CEO religiosity, encompassing both a CEO’s religious denomination and level of religiosity, on individual, organizational, economical, and societal levels remains a neglected area of research. This gap is attributed to challenges in (...)
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    Problems with Unity of Consciousness Arguments for Substance Dualism.Tim Bayne - 2018 - In Jonathan J. Loose, Angus John Louis Menuge & J. P. Moreland (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism. Oxford, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 208–225.
    In the early modern period one can find unity of consciousness arguments in the writings of Rene Descartes and G. W. Leibniz, and in the recent literature they have been defended by David Barnett, William Hasker, and Richard Swinburne (among others). Descartes's unity of consciousness argument for dualism is to be found in the sixth of his Meditations on First Philosophy. Descartes claims that his unity of consciousness argument was itself sufficient to establish substance dualism. Swinburne's central line of argument (...)
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    The Architecture of Happiness.Tim Lomas, Meike Bartels, Margot Van De Weijer, Michael Pluess, Jeffrey Hanson & Tyler J. VanderWeele - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (4):288-309.
    Happiness is an increasingly prominent topic of interest across academia. However, relatively little attention has been paid to how it is created, especially not in a multidimensional sense. By ‘created’ we do not mean its influencing factors, for which there is extensive research, but how it actually forms in the person. The work that has been done in this arena tends to focus on physiological dynamics, which are certainly part of the puzzle. But they are not the whole picture, with (...)
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    Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th–17th Centuries, edited by Hans W. Blom.Tim Hochstrasser - 2022 - Grotiana 43 (2):475-477.
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    Migrants by plane and migrants by stork: can we refuse citizenship to one, but not the other?Tim Meijers - 2022 - Ethics and Global Politics 15 (3):69-90.
    States combine the routine refusal of citizenship to migrants with policies that grant newborns of citizens (or residents) full membership of society without questions asked. This paper asks what, if anything, can justify this differential treatment of the two types of newcomers. It explores arguments for differential treatment based on the differential environmental impact, different impact on the (political) culture of the society in question and differences between the positions of the newcomers themselves. I conclude that, although some justification for (...)
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    Philosophy of Religion: A Very Short Introduction.Tim Bayne - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophy of religion contains some of our most burning questions about the role of religion in the world, and the relationship between believers and God. Tim Bayne considers the core debates surrounding the concept of God; the relationship between faith and reason; and the problem of evil, before looking at reincarnation and the afterlife.
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    Physiocognitive Modeling: Explaining the Effects of Caffeine on Fatigue.Tim Halverson, Christopher W. Myers, Jeffery M. Gearhart, Matthew W. Linakis & Glenn Gunzelmann - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (4):860-872.
    Most computational theories of cognition lack a representation of physiology. Understanding the cognitive effects of compounds present in the environment is important for explaining and predicting changes in cognition and behavior given exposure to toxins, pharmaceuticals, or the deprivation of critical compounds like oxygen. This research integrates physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model predictions of caffeine concentrations in blood and tissues with ACT-R's fatigue module to predict the effects of caffeine on fatigue. Mapping between the PBPK model parameters and ACT-R model (...)
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    Précis zu From a Rational Point of View – How We Represent Subjective Perspectives in Practical Discourse.Tim Henning - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 76 (1):77-82.
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  30. Numbers and Propositions: Reply to Melia.Tim Crane - 1992 - Analysis 52 (4):253-256.
    Is the way we use propositions to individuate beliefs and other intentional states analogous to the way we use numbers to measure weights and other physical magnitudes? In an earlier paper [2], I argued that there is an important disanalogy. One and the same weight can be 'related to' different numbers under different units of measurement. Moreover, the choice of a unit of measurement is arbitrary,in the sense that which way we choose doesn't affect the weight attributed to the object. (...)
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    ‘Intergenerational Justice’, by Janna Thompson.Tim Dare - 2012 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (2):407-410.
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 90, Issue 2, Page 407-410, June 2012.
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    Logical Form and Radical Interpretation.Tim McCarthy - 1989 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 30 (3):401-419.
  33. Accountability Accentuates Interindividual-Intergroup Discontinuity by Enforcing Parochialism.Tim Wildschut, Femke van Horen & Claire Hart - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Classifying spaces and the Lascar group.Tim Campion, Greg Cousins & Jinhe Ye - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1396-1431.
    We show that the Lascar group $\operatorname {Gal}_L$ of a first-order theory T is naturally isomorphic to the fundamental group $\pi _1|)$ of the classifying space of the category of models of T and elementary embeddings. We use this identification to compute the Lascar groups of several example theories via homotopy-theoretic methods, and in fact completely characterize the homotopy type of $|\mathrm {Mod}|$ for these theories T. It turns out that in each of these cases, $|\operatorname {Mod}|$ is aspherical, i.e., (...)
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    How famous names originated: Waterstone on Waterstone's: Creating the world's third largest bookseller.Tim Waterstone - 2007 - Logos 18 (3):132-137.
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    The Philosophy of Psychiatry: A Companion.Tim Thornton (ed.) - 2004 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This is a comprehensive resource of original essays by leading thinkers exploring the newly emerging interdisciplinary field of the philosophy of psychiatry. The contributors aim to define this exciting field and to highlight the philosophical assumptions and issues that underlie psychiatric theory and practice, the category of mental disorder, and rationales for its social, clinical, and legal treatment.
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    Prelinguistic agents will form only egocentric representations.Michael L. Anderson & Tim Oates - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):284-285.
    The representations formed by the ventral and dorsal streams of a prelinguistic agent will tend to be too qualitatively similar to support the distinct roles required by PREDICATE(x) structure. We suggest that the attachment of qualities to objects is not a product of the combination of these separate processing streams, but is instead a part of the processing required in each. In addition, we suggest that the formation of objective predicates is inextricably bound up with the emergence of language itself, (...)
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    Epicureanism and the Wrongness of Killing.Tim Burkhardt - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 24 (2):177-192.
    This paper argues that Epicureanism about death is consistent with grounding the wrongness of killing in the interests of the victim. Both defenders and critics of Epicureanism should agree that, if we knew Epicureanism to be false, then we would have a moral reason not to kill people. We would have this reason because we would know that killing people harms them. And even Epicureans should agree that, given their evidence, Epicureanism could be false. Given that it could be false, (...)
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    Authority, Plebs and Patricians.Tim Gorringe - 1998 - Studies in Christian Ethics 11 (2):24-29.
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    The Vision of Gabriel Marcel: Epistemology, Human Person, the Transcendent.Tim Weldon - 2010 - Philosophia Christi 12 (1):231-233.
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    Love and Providence: Recognition in the Ancient Novel by Silvia Montiglio (review).Tim Whitmarsh - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (1):166-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Love and Providence: Recognition in the Ancient Novel by Silvia MontiglioTim WhitmarshSilvia Montiglio. Love and Providence: Recognition in the Ancient Novel. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. ix + 255 pp. Cloth, $74.Terence Cave’s Recognitions: A Study in Poetics (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988) opened up the subject of recognition scenes to a new readership, with sparkling discussions not just of the medieval and renaissance literature of his own (...)
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    Melancholy, Love, and Time: Boundaries of the Self in Ancient Literature.Tim Whitmarsh - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (2):281-294.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:...
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    Memories of Odysseus. Frontier Tales from Ancient Greece (Book).Tim Whitmarsh - 2003 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 123:217-218.
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    Theomachy and Theology in Early Greek Myth.Tim Whitmarsh - 2018 - Philosophie Antique 18:13-36.
    Cet article se penche sur la représentation de la famille des Éolides dans le Catalogue des femmes du pseudo-Hésiode. Les Éolides, qui apparaissent très tôt dans le cycle mythique (et de façon particulièrement proche de la phase originelle de la vie humaine dans laquelle dieux et mortels ont été convives), présentent un cas remarquable de jalousie du divin. Ils cherchent en particulier à rivaliser avec la divinité en faisant usage d’artefacts humains : le langage, l’artisanat, le spectacle. Cette emphase sur (...)
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    Heritage, Culture and Politics in the Postcolony.Tim Winter - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (4):424-425.
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    Response to Christopher Insole.Tim Winter - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (2):219-222.
    A reading of Kant as a theological rationalist may cohere with some Mu’tazilite views of morality, but is alien to mainstream Sunnism. Those who seek to engage Muslims would be well-advised to recall that they hold to a law-oriented ethics based in revelation, not on what reason might discover as compatible with God’s mind.
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    Response to Ruth Armstrong.Tim Winter - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (3):310-313.
    The growth in Muslim chaplaincy provision in UK prisons disguises a paucity of resources, particularly in the area of offender rehabilitation. Islam’s distinctive approach to antisocial behaviour, repentance and forgiveness needs to be better known among social administrators, particularly in the probation service.
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    Detlef the Adventurer.Tim Maudlin - 2024 - In Angelo Bassi, Sheldon Goldstein, Roderich Tumulka & Nino Zanghi (eds.), Physics and the Nature of Reality: Essays in Memory of Detlef Dürr. Springer. pp. 23-33.
    Detlef Dürr was a remarkable figure in many different ways. I recall some adventures we had with him in Abu Dhabi.
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    Reliability and Validity in Psychiatric Classification: Values and neo-Humeanism.Tim Thornton - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (3):229-235.
  50.  39
    The Gospels - R. A. Burridge: What are the Gospels? A Comparison with Graeco–Roman Biography. (Society for New Testament Studies. Monograph Series, 70.) Pp. xiii+292; 15 figs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995 (First Cased edn, 1992). Paper, £12.95.Tim Duff - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):265-266.
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