Results for 'Tobias Lappy'

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    Affective Representation: Social Media's Implications for Political Representation.Tobias Lappy - forthcoming - Constellations.
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    Tobias Kasmann: Wertholismus. Zur Einheit des moralischen Urteils: Münster: Mentis 2015, ISBN 9783957430359, 234 Pages, € 38.Tobias Gutmann - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (4):1075-1077.
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  3. The Nomological Account of Ground.Tobias Wilsch - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (12):3293-3312.
    The article introduces and defends the Nomological Account of ground, a reductive account of the notion of metaphysical explanation in terms of the laws of metaphysics. The paper presents three desiderata that a theory of ground should meet: it should explain the modal force of ground, the generality of ground, and the interplay between ground and certain mereological notions. The bulk of the paper develops the Nomological Account and argues that it meets the three desiderata. The Nomological Account relies on (...)
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    The Racer’s Brain – How Domain Expertise is Reflected in the Neural Substrates of Driving.Otto Lappi - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  5. The Racer's Mind—How Core Perceptual-Cognitive Expertise Is Reflected in Deliberate Practice Procedures in Professional Motorsport.Otto Lappi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Universal Object Format-An Archiving and Exchange Format for Digital Objects.Tobias Steinke - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4172--552.
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    Systematic Observation of an Expert Driver's Gaze Strategy—An On-Road Case Study.Otto Lappi, Paavo Rinkkala & Jami Pekkanen - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  8. Gaze Strategies in Driving–An Ecological Approach.Otto Lappi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human performance in natural environments is deeply impressive, and still much beyond current AI. Experimental techniques, such as eye tracking, may be useful to understand the cognitive basis of this performance, and “the human advantage.” Driving is domain where these techniques may deployed, in tasks ranging from rigorously controlled laboratory settings through high-fidelity simulations to naturalistic experiments in the wild. This research has revealed robust patterns that can be reliably identified and replicated in the field and reproduced in the lab. (...)
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    Ernst Cassirer: Forms and transformations of the philosophical concept of truth (1929).Tobias Endres & Simon Truwant - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):289-303.
    This special issue focuses on two related topics in Ernst Cassirer’s thought: objectivity and truth. Through this lens, the guest editors attempt to illuminate (a) the historical and systematic value of Cassirer’s philosophical project, (b) the continuing relevance of his account of the plurality and universality of human understanding in view of the crisis of truth that currently permeates Western culture, and (c) the way Cassirer’s style can inspire contemporary scholars who wish to evade the analytic-continental divide. Tobias Endres (...)
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    Models as information carrying artifacts.Otto Lappi & Anna-Mari Rusanen - unknown
    In science, models are used in many different ways: to test empirical hypotheses, to help in theory formation, to visualize data, and so on. Scientists construct and study the behavior of models, and compare this to observed behavior of a target system. We propose that for this to be possible models must carry information about their targets. When models are viewed as information carrying entities, this property can be used as a foundation for a representational theory of models. This account (...)
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    The Ethics of Peace and War: From State Security to World Community. By Iain Atack.Tobias Winright - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (4):713-715.
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    A Vision of Nature: Traces of the Original World.Michael Tobias - 1995 - Kent State University Press.
    Tobias examines the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean, the ascetics of Sinai and Tibet, and the Pure Land Buddhists. He introduces the reader to the Jains of India, whose lifestyle is one of the most ecologically balanced in all of human history. In profiling various artists of 19th-century Europe and America, Tobias discovers incisive continuities among such luminaries as British poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, Austrian impressionist Emilie Mediz-Pelikan, and American intimist painters Ralph Blakelock and George Inness.
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  13. Turing machines and causal mechanisms in cognitive science.Otto Lappi & Anna-Mari Rusanen - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari Federica Russo, Causality in the Sciences. Oxford University Press. pp. 224--239.
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  14. Moral Intuitions: Are Philosophers Experts?Kevin Tobia, Wesley Buckwalter & Stephen Stich - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (5):629-638.
    Recently psychologists and experimental philosophers have reported findings showing that in some cases ordinary people's moral intuitions are affected by factors of dubious relevance to the truth of the content of the intuition. Some defend the use of intuition as evidence in ethics by arguing that philosophers are the experts in this area, and philosophers' moral intuitions are both different from those of ordinary people and more reliable. We conducted two experiments indicating that philosophers and non-philosophers do indeed sometimes have (...)
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    Pessimismus als Ressentiment.Tobias Dahlkvist - 2006 - In Renate Reschke & Volker Gerhardt, Friedrich Nietzsche – Zwischen Musik, Philosophie Und Ressentiment. Akademie Verlag. pp. 129-136.
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    II Die Psychologie des Geistes in Aristoteles’ De Anima und ihre spekulative Deutung durch Hegel.Tobias Dangel - 2013 - In Hegel Und Die Geistmetaphysik des Aristoteles. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 155-242.
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    Geglaubte Verzweiflung: Wider eine atheistische Lesart Kierkegaards und ihre Ursächlichkeits-Rhetorik.Tobias Junker - 2016 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2016 (1):15-38.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 1 Seiten: 15-38.
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  18. Water is and is not H 2 O.Kevin P. Tobia, George E. Newman & Joshua Knobe - 2019 - Mind and Language 35 (2):183-208.
    The Twin Earth thought experiment invites us to consider a liquid that has all of the superficial properties associated with water (clear, potable, etc.) but has entirely different deeper causal properties (composed of “XYZ” rather than of H2O). Although this thought experiment was originally introduced to illuminate questions in the theory of reference, it has also played a crucial role in empirically informed debates within the philosophy of psychology about people’s ordinary natural kind concepts. Those debates have sought to accommodate (...)
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  19. Erkenntnistheoretischer Dualismus.Tobias Schlicht - 2007 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 10 (1):113-136.
    The dominant position in current debates on the mind-body problem is some version of physicalism, according to which the mind is reducible to the brain and mental phenomena are ultimately explainable in physical terms. But there seems to be an explanatory gap between physicalistic descriptions of neuronal processes and the subjectivity of conscious experience. Some dualists conclude that, therefore, consciousness must be ontologically distinct from any physical properties or entities. This article introduces and argues for a different perspective on these (...)
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  20. Aquinas on Free Will and Intellectual Determinism.Tobias Hoffmann & Cyrille Michon - 2017 - Philosophers' Imprint 17.
    From the early reception of Thomas Aquinas up to the present, many have interpreted his theory of liberum arbitrium to imply intellectual determinism: we do not control our choices, because we do not control the practical judgments that cause our choices. In this paper we argue instead that he rejects determinism in general and intellectual determinism in particular, which would effectively destroy liberum arbitrium as he conceives of it. We clarify that for Aquinas moral responsibility presupposes liberum arbitrium and thus (...)
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  21. Personal Identity, Direction of Change, and Neuroethics.Kevin Patrick Tobia - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (1):37-43.
    The personal identity relation is of great interest to philosophers, who often consider fictional scenarios to test what features seem to make persons persist through time. But often real examples of neuroscientific interest also provide important tests of personal identity. One such example is the case of Phineas Gage – or at least the story often told about Phineas Gage. Many cite Gage’s story as example of severed personal identity; Phineas underwent such a tremendous change that Gage “survived as a (...)
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    Abschluss.Tobias Blanke - 2006 - In Das Böse in der Politischen Theorie: Die Furcht Vor der Freiheit Bei Kant, Hegel Und Vielen Anderen. Transcript Verlag. pp. 205-216.
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    Egocentric Chunking in the Predictive Brain: A Cognitive Basis of Expert Performance in High-Speed Sports.Otto Lappi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:822887.
    What principles and mechanisms allow humans to encode complex 3D information, and how can it be so fast, so accurately and so flexibly transformed into coordinated action? How do these processes work when developed to the limit of human physiological and cognitive capacity—as they are in high-speed sports, such as alpine skiing or motor racing? High-speed sports present not only physical challenges, but present some of the biggest perceptual-cognitive demands for the brain. The skill of these elite athletes is in (...)
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    Qualitative Quantitative and Experimental Concept Possession, Criteria for Identifying Conceptual Change in Science Education.Otto Lappi - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (6):1347-1359.
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    zu François de Callières' Der staatserfahrene Abgesandte.Tobias Nanz - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 6 (2):75-82.
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    12. Nachwort.Tobias Nünlist - 2015 - In Dämonenglaube Im Islam. De Gruyter. pp. 523-525.
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    Temporal pattern similarity in human MEG and intracranial EEG reveals the reinstatement of episodic memory trajectories.Staudigl Tobias, Vollmar Christian, Noachtar Soheyl & Hanslmayr Simon - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    A counterfactual simulation model of causal judgments for physical events.Tobias Gerstenberg, Noah D. Goodman, David A. Lagnado & Joshua B. Tenenbaum - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (5):936-975.
  29. Personal identity and the Phineas Gage effect.Kevin P. Tobia - 2015 - Analysis 75 (3):396-405.
    Phineas Gage’s story is typically offered as a paradigm example supporting the view that part of what matters for personal identity is a certain magnitude of similarity between earlier and later individuals. Yet, reconsidering a slight variant of Phineas Gage’s story indicates that it is not just magnitude of similarity, but also the direction of change that affects personal identity judgments; in some cases, changes for the worse are more seen as identity-severing than changes for the better of comparable magnitude. (...)
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  30. Challenging algorithmic profiling: The limits of data protection and anti-discrimination in responding to emergent discrimination.Tobias Matzner & Monique Mann - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    The potential for biases being built into algorithms has been known for some time, yet literature has only recently demonstrated the ways algorithmic profiling can result in social sorting and harm marginalised groups. We contend that with increased algorithmic complexity, biases will become more sophisticated and difficult to identify, control for, or contest. Our argument has four steps: first, we show how harnessing algorithms means that data gathered at a particular place and time relating to specific persons, can be used (...)
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  31. Deepfakes and Dishonesty.Tobias Flattery & Christian B. Miller - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (120):1-24.
    Deepfakes raise various concerns: risks of political destabilization, depictions of persons without consent and causing them harms, erosion of trust in video and audio as reliable sources of evidence, and more. These concerns have been the focus of recent work in the philosophical literature on deepfakes. However, there has been almost no sustained philosophical analysis of deepfakes from the perspective of concerns about honesty and dishonesty. That deepfakes are potentially deceptive is unsurprising and has been noted. But under what conditions (...)
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    Kant and Cognitive Science Revisited.Tobias Schlicht & Albert Newen - 2015 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 18 (1):87-113.
    To which extent is it justified to adopt Kant as a godfather of cognitive science? To prepare the stage for an answer of this question, we need to set aside Kant’s general transcendental approach to the mind which is radically anti-empiricist and instead turn our attention to his specific topics and claims regarding the mind which are often not focus of Kant’s epistemological investigations. If someone is willing to take this stance, it turns out that there are many bridges connecting (...)
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  33. The Deductive-Nomological Account of Metaphysical Explanation.Tobias Wilsch - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (1):1-23.
    The paper explores a deductive-nomological account of metaphysical explanation: some truths metaphysically explain, or ground, another truth just in case the laws of metaphysics determine the latter truth on the basis of the former. I develop and motivate a specific conception of metaphysical laws, on which they are general rules that regulate the existence and features of derivative entities. I propose an analysis of the notion of ‘determination via the laws’, based on a restricted form of logical entailment. I argue (...)
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  34. Experimental Jurisprudence.Kevin Tobia - 2022 - University of Chicago Law Review 89:735-802.
    “Experimental jurisprudence” draws on empirical data to inform questions typically associated with jurisprudence or legal theory. Scholars in this flourishing movement conduct empirical studies about a variety of legal language and concepts. Despite the movement’s growth, its justification is still opaque. Jurisprudence is the study of deep and longstanding theoretical questions about law’s nature, but “experimental jurisprudence,” it might seem, simply surveys laypeople. This Article elaborates and defends experimental jurisprudence. Experimental jurisprudence, appropriately understood, is not only consistent with traditional jurisprudence; (...)
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  35. The Value Handbook: The Affective Sciences of Values and Valuation.Tobias Brosch & David Sander (eds.) - 2015
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    Überblick über die weltweit existierenden Linien humaner embryonaler Stammzellen im Kontext ihrer Verwertbarkeit unter Annahme verschiedener Modelle der Novellierung des Stammzellgesetzes.Tobias Cantz - 2007 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 12 (1):263-284.
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    Protoplasmast omailmani.Tobias Cheung - 2004 - Sign Systems Studies 32 (1-2):167-167.
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    The Emergence of a Scientific Culture. Science and the Shaping of Modernity 1210-1685.Tobias Cheung - 2009 - Early Science and Medicine 14 (4):559-560.
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    Die falsche offene Gesellschaft: zur Kritik der real existierenden offenen Gesellschaft zuzüglich einiger Überlegungen zum "Ende der Geschichte": Bewältigungsversuche eines Überwältigten.Tobias Erler - 2014 - Münster: Edition Octopus.
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  40. Einleitung.Tobias Keiling - 2013 - In Heideggers Marburger Zeit: Themen, Argumente, Konstellationen. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann. pp. 11--37.
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    Phänomenologie des Ortes zwischen Husserl und Heidegger. Zu Edward Caseys Geschichtsschreibung der Phänomenologie.Tobias Keiling - 2012 - Grenzen (Über)Denken. Beiträge Zum 9. Österreichischen Kongress Für Philosophie.
    Der Raum ist eines der ersten Themen nicht zuletzt der Phänomenologie, nicht zuletzt der Art und Weise, wie Heidegger diese gegenüber Husserl entwickelt. Am Leitfaden eines Begriffs und Phänomens, dem des "Ortes", und seiner Fassung bei Husserl und Heidegger lässt sich zeigen, wie sich eine Phänomenologie des Ortes entwickeln lässt und warum Orte für die Phänomenologie von herausgehobener Bedeutung sind. Es sollte aus sich heraus klar werden, dass dieses Phänomen Möglichkeiten bietet, die Grundlinien gemeinsamer Anliegen der Phänomenologie ebenso abzuheben wie (...)
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    14. Bibliographie.Tobias Nünlist - 2015 - In Dämonenglaube Im Islam. De Gruyter. pp. 527-562.
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    Cultura potiguar em xeque.Tobias Queiroz - 2004 - História 2:1.
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    Just Cause and Preemptive Strikes in the War on Terrorism.Tobias Winright - 2006 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 26 (2):157-181.
    ETHICISTS HAVE CRITICIZED THE GEORGE W. BUSH ADMINISTRATION'S INvocation of "war" language as a response to the threat of terrorism in the post—September 11, 2001, world. Calling instead for a "police" model, these ethicists are found among both the pacifist and the just war traditions. This essay explores what a policing model might entail. First, it highlights some expressions of interest by just war ethicists in a police approach for tackling terrorism. Second, it critically surveys some representative examples of pacifist (...)
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    The Ethics of Peace and War: From State Security to World Community. By Iain Atack.Tobias Winright - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (6):1019-1021.
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    Expressive association and the ideal of the university in the Solomon amendment litigation.Tobias Barrington Wolff & Andrew Koppelman - 2008 - Social Philosophy and Policy 25 (2):92-122.
    In this article, Professors Wolff and Koppelman offer a critical analysis of the free speech claims that were asserted by the law schools and law faculty that sought to challenge the Solomon Amendment. Solomon is a federal statute that requires law schools to grant full and equal access to military recruiters during the student interview season. The military discriminates against gay men and lesbians under its t Ask, Don policy, and the law professors claimed a right to exclude the military (...)
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  47. Number; The Language of Science.Tobias Dantzig - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (24):517-519.
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    Listening to your intuition in the face of distraction: Effects of taxing working memory on accuracy and bias of intuitive judgments of semantic coherence.Tobias Maldei, Sander L. Koole & Nicola Baumann - 2019 - Cognition 191 (C):103975.
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  49. How People Judge What Is Reasonable.Kevin P. Tobia - 2018 - Alabama Law Review 70 (2):293-359.
    A classic debate concerns whether reasonableness should be understood statistically (e.g., reasonableness is what is common) or prescriptively (e.g., reasonableness is what is good). This Article elaborates and defends a third possibility. Reasonableness is a partly statistical and partly prescriptive “hybrid,” reflecting both statistical and prescriptive considerations. Experiments reveal that people apply reasonableness as a hybrid concept, and the Article argues that a hybrid account offers the best general theory of reasonableness. -/- First, the Article investigates how ordinary people judge (...)
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  50. Does religious belief impact philosophical analysis?Kevin P. Tobia - 2016 - Religion, Brain and Behavior 6 (1):56-66.
    One popular conception of natural theology holds that certain purely rational arguments are insulated from empirical inquiry and independently establish conclusions that provide evidence, justification, or proof of God’s existence. Yet, some raise suspicions that philosophers and theologians’ personal religious beliefs inappropriately affect these kinds of arguments. I present an experimental test of whether philosophers and theologians’ argument analysis is influenced by religious commitments. The empirical findings suggest religious belief affects philosophical analysis and offer a challenge to theists and atheists, (...)
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