Results for 'Tomasz Kacprzak'

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  1. The Polish School of Argumentation: A Manifesto.Katarzyna Budzynska, Michal Araszkiewicz, Barbara Bogołȩbska, Piotr Cap, Tadeusz Ciecierski, Kamila Debowska-Kozlowska, Barbara Dunin-Kȩplicz, Marcin Dziubiński, Michał Federowicz, Anna Gomolińska, Andrzej Grabowski, Teresa Hołówka, Łukasz Jochemczyk, Magdalena Kacprzak, Paweł Kawalec, Maciej Kielar, Andrzej Kisielewicz, Marcin Koszowy, Robert Kublikowski, Piotr Kulicki, Anna Kuzio, Piotr Lewiński, Jakub Z. Lichański, Jacek Malinowski, Witold Marciszewski, Edward Nieznański, Janina Pietrzak, Jerzy Pogonowski, Tomasz A. Puczyłowski, Jolanta Rytel, Anna Sawicka, Marcin Selinger, Andrzej Skowron, Joanna Skulska, Marek Smolak, Małgorzata Sokół, Agnieszka Sowińska, Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Tomasz Stawecki, Jarosław Stepaniuk, Alina Strachocka, Wojciech Suchoń, Krzysztof Szymanek, Justyna Tomczyk, Robert Trypuz, Kazimierz Trzȩsicki, Mariusz Urbański, Ewa Wasilewska-Kamińska, Krzysztof A. Wieczorek, Maciej Witek, Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska, Olena Yaskorska, Maria Załȩska, Konrad Zdanowski & Żure - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):267-282.
    Building on our diverse research traditions in the study of reasoning, language and communication, the Polish School of Argumentation integrates various disciplines and institutions across Poland in which scholars are dedicated to understanding the phenomenon of the force of argument. Our primary goal is to craft a methodological programme and establish organisational infrastructure: this is the first key step in facilitating and fostering our research movement, which joins people with a common research focus, complementary skills and an enthusiasm to work (...)
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    (1 other version)Warsaw Argumentation Week (Waw 2018) Organised by the Polish School of Argumentation and Our Colleagues from Germany and the UK, 6th-16th September 2018. [REVIEW]Katarzyna Budzynska, Michał Araszkiewicz, Agnieszka Budzyńska-Daca, Martin Hinton, John Lawrence, Sanjay Modgil, Matthias Thimm, Jacky Visser, Tomasz Żurek, Marcin Koszowy, Katie Atkinson, Kamila Dębowska-Kozłowska, Magdalena Kacprzak, Paweł Łupkowski, Barłomiej Skowron, Mariusz Urbański & Maria Załęska - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 55 (1):231-239.
    In September 2018, the ArgDiaP association, along with colleagues from Germany and the UK, organised one of the longest and most interdisciplinary series of events ever dedicated to argumentation - Warsaw Argumentation Week, WAW 2018. The eleven-day ‘week’ featured a five day graduate school on computational and linguistic perspectives on argumentation (3rd SSA school); five workshops: on systems and algorithms for formal argumentation (2nd SAFA), argumentation in relation to society (1st ArgSoc), philosophical approaches to argumentation (1st ArgPhil), legal argumentation (2ndMET-ARG) (...)
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  3. Reviewing the Impacts of Electronic Governance in Asia: Bridging the Internal Divide.Adegboyega Ojo, Mohamed Shareef & Tomasz Janowski - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):159 - +.
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    Killing for museums: European bison as a museum exhibit.Anastasia Fedotova, Tomasz Samojlik & Piotr Daszkiewicz - 2018 - Centaurus 60 (4):315-332.
    The European bison is one of the last remnants of the megafauna that once roamed through Europe. By the early modern period, it had already disappeared from most of its former range and had become a coveted natural curiosity as well as been designated as royal game. In the 18th century, the last population of lowland European bison surviving in the Białowieża Forest became an object of study for naturalists. When the forest became a part of the Russian Empire during (...)
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    How Does L1 and L2 Exposure Impact L1 Performance in Bilingual Children? Evidence from Polish-English Migrants to the United Kingdom. [REVIEW]Ewa Haman, Zofia Wodniecka, Marta Marecka, Jakub Szewczyk, Marta Białecka-Pikul, Agnieszka Otwinowska, Karolina Mieszkowska, Magdalena Łuniewska, Joanna Kołak, Aneta Miękisz, Agnieszka Kacprzak, Natalia Banasik & Małgorzata Foryś-Nogala - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:274876.
    Most studies on bilingual language development focus on children’s second language (L2). Here, we investigated first language (L1) development of Polish-English early migrant bilinguals in four domains: vocabulary, grammar, phonological processing and discourse. We first compared Polish language skills between bilinguals and their Polish non-migrant monolingual peers, and then investigated the influence of the cumulative exposure to L1 and L2 on bilinguals’ performance. We then examined whether high exposure to L1 could possibly minimize the gap between monolinguals and bilinguals. We (...)
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  6. Sesja panelowa: „Peer review” – jak zapewnić trafność selekcji najlepszych projektów badawczych?Ewa Okoń-Horodyńska, Tomasz Dietl, Nina Kancewicz-Hoffman, Paweł Koteja, Marcin Liana, Krzysztof Nawotka & Karol Życzkowski - 2014 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 50 (201).
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    50 Years After Wittgenstein’s Vienna. On Wittgenstein, Toulmin and Philosophy. Tomasz Zarębski in Conversation With Allan Janik.Tomasz Zarębski & Allan Janik - forthcoming - Nordic Wittgenstein Review.
    In this interview, Tomasz Zarębski speaks with Allan Janik, co-author of _Wittgenstein’s Vienna_ (1973, with Stephen Toulmin), on the occasion of the 50 th anniversary of the publication of this pathbreaking book. The conversation concerns the circumstances, motivations and reasons for his undertaking the work on the book, as well as its reception and place in Wittgenstein scholarship. A large part of the discussion refers to his perspective of Wittgenstein, Toulmin’s philosophical writings, and Janik’s own vision of philosophy. The (...)
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    Dialogue Protocols for Formal Fallacies.Magdalena Kacprzak & Olena Yaskorska - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):349-369.
    This paper presents a dialogue system called Lorenzen–Hamblin Natural Dialogue (LHND), in which participants can commit formal fallacies and have a method of both identifying and withdrawing formal fallacies. It therefore provides a tool for the dialectical evaluation of force of argument when players advance reasons which are deductively incorrect. The system is inspired by Hamblin’s formal dialectic and Lorenzen’s dialogical logic. It offers uniform protocols for Hamblin’s and Lorenzen’s dialogues and adds a protocol for embedding them. This unification required (...)
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    Św. Tomasz z Akwinu: dysputy problemowe o prawdzie = S. Thomae Aquinatis: Quaestiones disputatae de veritate.Tomasz Z. Akwinu - 1999 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Edited by Aleksander Białek & Andrzej Maryniarczyk.
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  10. Non-locality and Possible Worlds: A Counterfactual Perspective on Quantum Entanglement.Tomasz F. Bigaj - 2006 - Ontos Verlag.
    This book uses the formal semantics of counterfactual conditionals to analyze the problem of non-locality in quantum mechanics. Counterfactual conditionals enter the analysis of quantum entangled systems in that they enable us to precisely formulate the locality condition that purports to exclude the existence of causal interactions between spatially separated parts of a system. They also make it possible to speak consistently about alternative measuring settings, and to explicate what is meant by quantum property attributions. The book develops the possible-world (...)
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  11. Tomasz Mróz, Wincenty Lutosławski 1863-1954. Jestem obywatelem utopii.Tomasz Skrzyński - 2009 - Ruch Filozoficzny 66 (2).
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    A Sat-Based Approach to Unbounded Model Checking for Alternating-Time Temporal Epistemic Logic.M. Kacprzak & W. Penczek - 2004 - Synthese 142 (2):203-227.
    This paper deals with the problem of verification of game-like structures by means of symbolic model checking. Alternating-time Temporal Epistemic Logic (ATEL) is used for expressing properties of multi-agent systems represented by alternating epistemic temporal systems as well as concurrent epistemic game structures. Unbounded model checking (a SAT based technique) is applied for the first time to verification of ATEL. An example is given to show an application of the technique.
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    Semisimplicity, EDPC and discriminator varieties of residuated lattices.Tomasz Kowalski - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (2):255 - 265.
    We prove that all semisimple varieties of FL ew-algebras are discriminator varieties. A characterisation of discriminator and EDPC varieties of FL ew-algebras follows. It matches exactly a natural classification of logics over FL ew proposed by H. Ono.
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    Król elekt August III.Tomasz Ciesielski - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (4):70-80.
    W artykule omówione zostały sprawy organizacyjne, przebieg i znaczenie polityczne pobytu elektora saskiego Fryderyka Augusta w Opolu w dniach 15 grudnia 1733 r. – 3 stycznia 1734 r. Jest to ważny epizod tak w dziejach miasta, jak i Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów, pomijany jednak do tej pory w historiografii. Tymczasem na przełomie 1733 i 1734 r. o wizycie przyszłego króla polskiego w Opolu było stosunkowo głośno w Europie, a notatki informujące o tym publikowane były w prasie wydawanej w Austrii, Rzeszy Niemieckiej, (...)
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    Optimizing Firm Inventory Costs as a Fuzzy Problem.Dariusz Kacprzak & Witold Kosiński - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 37 (1):89-105.
    The fixed order quantity model of inventory management system is used in the deterministic part. Several elements of inventory cost, such as ordering cost, transportation and storing costs, frozen capital cost, as well as extra rebates, are taken into account in the model. Then the fuzzy optimization problem for the total cost function is formulated within the space of Ordered Fuzzy Numbers when all variables of the model are fuzzy. After the choice of a particular defuzzification functional an appropriate theorem (...)
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    Self-esteem and sociosexuality – differences in sexual behavior among people dating online.Kamila Kacprzak-Wachniew & Natalia Pilarska - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:67-75.
    The present study aimed to investigate the importance of self-esteem for sociosexual orientation and to compare groups of dating online users in terms of engaging in casual sex, performed in one night stand (ONS) and friends with benefit (FWB). This issue seems particularly important in the context of psychosexual health. The exploratory study was conducted online among 416 adults who have participated in online dating. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), the revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R), the author’s questionnaire, concerning having (...)
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  17. Spór o istnienie świata rozniecony na nowo? Idee i Husserla a (możliwa) przyszłość fenomenologii.Tomasz Kąkol - 2014 - Fenomenologia 12:145-154.
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    Modal Boolean Connexive Logics: Semantics and Tableau Approach.Tomasz Jarmużek & Jacek Malinowski - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (3):213-243.
    In this paper we investigate Boolean connexive logics in a language with modal operators: □, ◊. In such logics, negation, conjunction, and disjunction behave in a classical, Boolean way. Only implication is non-classical. We construct these logics by mixing relating semantics with possible worlds. This way, we obtain connexive counterparts of basic normal modal logics. However, most of their traditional axioms formulated in terms of modalities and implication do not hold anymore without additional constraints, since our implication is weaker than (...)
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    In Defense of Expert Knowledge in Bioethical Discussions on Human Genome Editing.Tomasz Rzepiński - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (12):93-95.
    The development of innovative biomedical technologies that use gene editing tools opens up new possibilities in the treatment of rare diseases, as well as diseases that were not previously treated...
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  20. Slur Reclamation and the polysemy/homonymy distinction.Tomasz Zyglewicz - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Reclamation of a slur involves the creation of a new, positively-valenced meaning that gradually replaces the old pejorative meaning. This means that at a critical stage, the slur is ambiguous. It has been claimed that this ambiguity is polysemy. However, it is far from clear whether the view can explain why the introduction of the new meaning forces the old one out of existence. I argue that this datapoint can be explained by invoking the mechanism of homonymic conflict, and, therefore, (...)
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    (1 other version)Remarks on discussive propositional calculus.Tomasz Furmanowski - 1975 - Studia Logica 34 (1):39 - 43.
  22. Entanglement of N Distinguishable Particles.Tomasz Bigaj - 2012 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 27 (40).
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    Dissecting weak discernibility of quanta.Tomasz Bigaj - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 50:43-53.
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    Granice wykładni prawa: znaczenie językowe tekstu prawnego jako granica wykładni.Tomasz Spyra - 2006 - Kraków: "Zakamycze".
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    Beliefs about Obedience Levels in Studies Conducted within the Milgram Paradigm: Better than Average Effect and Comparisons of Typical Behaviors by Residents of Various Nations.Tomasz Grzyb & Dariusz Dolinski - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Is Nature Deterministic?: A Branching Perspective on EPR Phenomena.Tomasz Placek - 2000
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    The indispensability argument – a new chance for empiricism in mathematics?Tomasz Bigaj - 2003 - Foundations of Science 8 (2):173-200.
    In recent years, the so-calledindispensability argument has been given a lotof attention by philosophers of mathematics.This argument for the existence of mathematicalobjects makes use of the fact, neglected inclassical schools of philosophy of mathematics,that mathematics is part of our best scientifictheories, and therefore should receive similarsupport to these theories. However, thisobservation raises the question about the exactnature of the alleged connection betweenexperience and mathematics (for example: is itpossible to falsify empirically anymathematical theorems?). In my paper I wouldlike to address this (...)
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    The concept of intelligent system for horizontal transport in a copper ore mine.Tomasz Chlebus & Pawel Stefaniak - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho (eds.), Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 267--273.
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    Measurable combinatorics and orbit equivalence relations.Tomasz Cieśla - 2020 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 26 (3-4):300-301.
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  30. Bruno Latour i „koniec” postmodernizmu.Tomasz Szymon Markiewka - 2012 - Diametros 33:101-119.
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    Kultura bezpieczeństwa w środowiskach firmowych w świetle nowoczesnych metod edukacji pracowniczej.Tomasz Śmigla - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (3):481-496.
    Nowoczesne przedsiębiorstwa są bytami w szczególny sposób narażonymi na cyberzagrożenia powiązane z _metodami _inżynierii społecznej, szeroko wykorzystywanymi przez cyberkryminalistów. Dziś środowiska firmowe muszą niemalże na co dzień mierzyć się z próbami kradzieży danych opartymi na wielu pochodnych współczesnych odmian phishingu, a jednym z głównych sposobów walki z tego rodzaju zagrożeniami pozostaje w dalszym ciągu edukacja pracownicza, która przyjmować może różne formy. Człowiek z reguły określany jest jako najsłabszy element „łańcucha bezpieczeństwa” danego poprawnie skonfigurowanego systemu informatycznego. Ten stan rzeczy biorą pod (...)
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  32. Felicjan Antoni Kozłowski – pierwszy tłumacz dialogów Platona na język polski.Tomasz Mróz - 2011 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 56.
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  33. Filozofia i nauki szczegółowe.Tomasz Puczyłowski (ed.) - 2002 - Warszawa: Koło Filozoficzne przy MISH, Uniwersytet Warszawski.
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  34. Some Aspects Of Refutation Rules.Tomasz Skura - 1995 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:109-116.
    The purpose of the paper is to make a few remarks on the following aspects of refutation rules: a characteristic property of a logic, elegant and constructive completeness proofs. In particular a new constructive completeness proof for the provability logic G is given.
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  35. O pojęciu języka i roli reguł u późnego Wittgensteina: Cavell versus Pole.Tomasz Zarębski - 2010 - Principia 53:49-66.
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    How to Justify the Symmetrization Postulate in Quantum Mechanics.Tomasz Bigaj - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (3):239-257.
    The aim of this paper is to reconstruct and correct one argument in support of the symmetrization postulate in quantum mechanics. I identify the central premise of the argument as a thesis specifying a particular ontic property of quantum superpositions. The precise form of this thesis depends on some underlying assumptions of a metaphysical character. I compare the exchange degeneracy argument with alternative formal arguments for the symmetrization postulate, and I discuss the role and meaning of labels in the symmetric/antisymmetric (...)
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  37. The Variety Of Residuated Lattices Is Generated By Its Finite Simple Members.Tomasz Kowalski & Hiroakira Ono - 2000 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:59-77.
    We show that the variety of residuated lattices is generated by its finite simple members, improving upon a finite model property result of Okada and Terui. The reasoning is a blend of proof-theoretic and algebraic arguments.
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    Why can’t we just ask? The influence of research methods on results. The case of the “bystander effect”.Tomasz Grzyb - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (2):233-235.
    The article discusses the issue of the departure from examining real behaviours in a real environment, a trend in social psychology which has been observed going back several years, and the impact of this phenomenon for social psychology as a scientific discipline. The article presents two studies on the well-known and explored “bystander effect”. This phenomenon is examined in two ways – once by way of a “traditional” field experiment conducted in natural conditions, and once through a survey. As it (...)
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  39. O kulturze po amerykańsku - recenzja książki R. Scrutona pt. "Przewodnik po kulturze amerykańskiej dla inteligentnych".Aleksandra Kacprzak - 2007 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 6.
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    Scaffolded Minds And The Evolution Of Content In Signaling Pathways.Tomasz Korbak - 2015 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 41 (1):89-103.
    Hutto and Myin famously argue that basic minds are not contentful and content exists only as far as it is scaffolded with social and linguistic practices. This view, however, rests on a troublesome distinction between basic and scaffolded minds. Since Hutto and Myin have to account for language purely in terms of joint action guidance, there is no reason why simpler communication systems, such as cellular signaling pathways, should not give rise to scaffolded content as well. This conclusion remains valid (...)
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    (1 other version)Mózgi w naczyniu.Tomasz Albiński - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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    (1 other version)Prawo O wieloznaczności pojęcia.Tomasz Bekrycht - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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  43. Z Ojcem prof. Mieczysławem A. Krąpcem rozmawia Henryk Kiereś.Tomasz Duma - 2010 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:291-294.
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    Photoemission investigations of URu2Si2.Tomasz Durakiewicz - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (32-33):3723-3736.
  45. Prawo do własności prywatnej.Tomasz Dzięgiel - 2005 - Diametros 4:1-11.
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  46. An outline of the Anselmian theory of God.Tomasz Jarmużek, Maciej Nowicki & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):317-330.
    The article presents a formalization of Anselm's so-called Ontological Arguments from Proslogion . The main idea of our research is to stay to the original text as close as is possible. We show, against some common opinions, that (i) the logic necessary for the formalization must be neither a purely sentential modal calculus, nor just non-modal first-order logic, but a modal first-order theory; (ii) such logic cannot contain logical axiom ⌜ A → ⋄ A ⌝; (iii) none of Anselm's reasonings (...)
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  47. Aleksander Hercen oczami Isaiaha Berlina, czyli liberalna interpretacja filozofii rosyjskiego myśliciela.Michał Cyprian Kacprzak - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 87 (3):165-176.
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    Co teologia ma do powiedzenia ekonomii? Kilka uwag teologiczno-moralnych na temat życia gospodarczego.ks Jacek Kacprzak - 2015 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 18 (2):67-80.
    Is theology able to communicate anything to the economy at all? Would not it be an invasion to an autonomous field of knowledge capable to organize economic activity of man according to its internal rules? However, when asking the economic question of how to satisfy material needs, one cannot ultimately avoid another question – an ethical one – of what the purpose of satisfying those needs is. What is man really looking for? Theology, on the plane of faith and reason, (...)
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    PDL has interpolation.Tomasz Kowalski - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):933-946.
    It is proved that free dynamic algebras superamalgamate. Craig interpolation for propositional dynamic logic and superamalgamation for the variety of dynamic algebras follow.
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  50. Frozen Time Versus Total Temporalization - Two Extremes of Boredom.Tomasz Majewski - 2001 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 3:245-252.
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