Results for 'Troy Quast'

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  1.  25
    Abortion Facility Closings and Abortion Rates in Texas.Troy Quast, Fidel Gonzalez & Robert Ziemba - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801770094.
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  2. Expertise: A Practical Explication.Christian Quast - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):11-27.
    In this paper I will introduce a practical explication for the notion of expertise. At first, I motivate this attempt by taking a look on recent debates which display great disagreement about whether and how to define expertise in the first place. After that I will introduce the methodology of practical explications in the spirit of Edward Craig’s Knowledge and the state of nature along with some conditions of adequacy taken from ordinary and scientific language. This eventually culminates in the (...)
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  3. Towards a Balanced Account of Expertise.Christian Quast - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (6):397-418.
    The interdisciplinary debate about the nature of expertise often conflates having expertise with either the individual possession of competences or a certain role ascription. In contrast to this, the paper attempts to demonstrate how different dimensions of expertise ascription are inextricably interwoven. As a result, a balanced account of expertise will be proposed that more accurately determines the closer relationship between the expert’s dispositions, their manifestations and the expert’s function. This finally results in an advanced understanding of expertise that views (...)
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  4. Love’s Vision.Troy Jollimore - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    "Something in between : on the nature of love" -- Love's blindness (1) : love's closed heart -- Love's blindness (2) : love's friendly eye -- Beyond comparison -- Commitments, values, and frameworks -- Valuing persons -- Love and morality -- Afterword. Between the universal and the particular.
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  5. What is a disposition?Troy Cross - 2005 - Synthese 144 (3):321-41.
    Attempts to capture the distinction between categorical and dispositional states in terms of more primitive modal notions – subjunctive conditionals, causal roles, or combinatorial principles – are bound to fail. Such failure is ensured by a deep symmetry in the ways dispositional and categorical states alike carry modal import. But the categorical/dispositional distinction should not be abandoned; it underpins important metaphysical disputes. Rather, it should be taken as a primitive, after which the doomed attempts at reductive explanation can be transformed (...)
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    Dying in the City of the Blues: Sickle Cell Anemia and the Politics of Race and Health.Troy Duster & Keith Wailoo - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (4):46.
    "Dying in the City of Blues: Sickle Cell Anemia and the Politics of Race and Health" by Keith Wailoo is reviewed.
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  7. The morality of socioscientific issues: Construal and resolution of genetic engineering dilemmas.Troy D. Sadler & Dana L. Zeidler - 2004 - Science Education 88 (1):4-27.
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    On How Expertise Ascriptions Work.Christian Quast - 2020 - Analyse & Kritik 42 (2):399-430.
    Expertise is often ascribed to persons who are considered exceptionally competent in a particular subject matter. In contrast to this traditional approach, the present paper introduces a contextual understanding of expertise ascriptions. More precisely, this paper introduces two different kinds of contextuality by advancing and advocating the thesis that expertise ascriptions are true if and only if their content within their context of use is true against standards in the context of assessment. This means that expertise ascriptions have indexical content (...)
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  9. Changing the subject: On the subject of subjectivity.Troy Catterson - 2008 - Synthese 162 (3):385 - 404.
    In this paper I shall attempt to argue for the simple view of personal identity. I shall first argue that we often do have warrant for our beliefs that we exist as continuing subjects of experience, and that these beliefs are justified independently of any reductionist analysis of what it means to be a person. This has two important implications that are relevant to the ongoing debate concerning the number of persons that are in existence throughout any duration in time: (...)
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    Präsentation: Das Geistliche Spiel des Spätmittelalters zwischen Präsenz und Repräsentation.Bruno Quast - 2021 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 55 (1):255-267.
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    Media Use, Race and the Environment: The Converging of Environmental Attitudes Based on Self-Reported News Use.Troy Elias & Jay Hmielowski - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (4):477-500.
    Using a purposive sample with an even distribution of 299 non-Hispanic Whites, 294 African Americans, 292 Asian Americans and 295 Hispanics, we test a moderated mediation model that examines the relationship between self-reported news media consumption (e.g., non-conservative and conservative) and environmental behavioural intentions. Our study found evidence supporting the mainstreaming hypothesis (converging attitudes) across key variables within the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Our results also reveal non-conservative outlets to be associated with more favourable environmental attitudes, subjective norms and (...)
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    Easy-to-Read als Differenzierungsinstrument für neu zugewanderte Schüler*innen im Englischunterricht.Michaela Quast - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    In einer Mixed-Methods-Studie werden elf neu zugewanderten Schüler*innen in der Jahrgangsstufe Einführungsphase am Gymnasium im Rahmen einer Unterrichtsreihe Texte in Easy-to-Read-Versionen (Deutsch: Leichte Sprache) vorgelegt und sowohl sprachliche/fachliche als auch emotionale/soziale Auswirkungen auf die Lernenden untersucht. Außerdem wird ein auf die Zielgruppe angepasstes, zweifach gestuftes Regelwerk für die Erstellung solcher Textversionen entwickelt und Rahmenbedingungen für dessen Einsatz konkretisiert. Ziel ist es, dass neu zugewanderten Schüler*innen, die u.U. wenig oder kaum Englisch können, aber aufgrund ihres Alters in eher fortgeschrittene Englischlerngruppen eingegliedert (...)
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    Objective Expertise and Functionalist Constraints: A Comment on Croce.Christian Quast - 2019 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 8 (8):15-28.
    Any conceptual investigation into a given phenomenon may fail in several ways. It may be, for instance, inconsistent, too inclusive or exclusive, or even materially inappropriate. In a recent reply, Michel Croce raises all of these objections to what I have called a “balanced account of expertise” (2018). First, he claims there is a “compromising tension” between two basic components of my account (cf. sect. 3.1). This would be the charge of inconsistency, as Croce states, “Quast cannot have his (...)
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    The Self in Its Worlds: East and West.Troy Wilson Organ - 1988
    Using the term world to mean a creative response to objective reality, this book considers the ways in which Eastern and Western peoples construct their natural, social, aesthetic, and religious worlds. It points the way to a view of Eastern and Western as complementary, rather than contradictory, descriptions.
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    Low birth weight, intrauterine growth-retarded, and pre-term infants.Troy D. Abell - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (4):335-378.
    Low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, and prematurity are overwhelming risk factors associated with infant mortality and morbidity. The lack of efficacious prenatal screening tests for these three outcomes illuminates the problems inherent in bivariate estimates of association. A biocultural strategy for research is presented, integrating societal and familial levels of analysis with the metabolic, immune, vascular, and neuroendocrine systems of the body. Policy decisions, it is argued, need to be based on this type of biocultural information in order to (...)
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    Tradition & revolution.Troy Southgate - 2010 - [Great Britain]: Arktos Media. Edited by Patrick Boch, Jacob Christiansen & John B. Morgan.
    For twenty-five years, Troy Southgate has been a leading figure in radical politics, and he is currently one of the leading exponents of the English New Right. This anthology is a selection of his best essays, interviews, stories and poems. Through an analysis of both historical and contemporary events, he calls for an abandonment of the traditional Left/Right dichotomy and the creation of autonomous communities outside the prevailing order which can uphold and preserve traditional values. Also offered are (...)'s practical suggestions for how this might be put into practice, as well as his in-depth analysis of Julius Evola's Men Among the Ruins, which originally appeared in the Russian Pravda Online. This book has much to offer everyone of a revolutionary disposition. 'Troy's ideals are for power to return to local communities and their chosen leaders, firmly rooted in time-tested principles of honour, labour and responsibility. From this vantage point, it is clear that it is the forces of international capitalism which are the true heirs of the totalitarian movements, and not those such as Troy who are merely seeking a secure island upon which to ride out the coming deluge when it all falls apart... Therefore, one who wants to become active in the arena of radical politics owes it to himself to become familiar with Troy's writings. In doing so, he will avoid many of the problems and pitfalls that plague all would-be radical movements.' --John Morgan, from the Introduction. (shrink)
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    Introduction: The Philosophy of Expertise—What is Expertise?Christian Quast & Markus Seidel - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):1-2.
    In this paper I will introduce a practical explication for the notion of expertise. At first, I motivate this attempt by taking a look on recent debates which display great disagreement about whether and how to define expertise in the first place. After that I will introduce the methodology of practical explications in the spirit of Edward Craig’s Knowledge and the state of nature along with some conditions of adequacy taken from ordinary and scientific language. This eventually culminates in the (...)
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  18. Permissivism and Intellectual Virtue.Troy Seagraves - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper argues for a permissivism of personal rationality, a rationality concerning the epistemic evaluation of persons. I work from the perspective of virtue epistemology where the standards of evaluation are the intellectual character virtues. On this picture, an agent is personally rational in having a doxastic attitude when having it is the result of some exemplification of an intellectual virtue. Permissive cases arise when the emotional components of intellectual virtues conflict, making some potential conclusions both enabled and disabled for (...)
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    From Monitors to Monitors: A Primitive History.Troy K. Astarte - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (1):51-71.
    As computers became multi-component systems in the 1950s, handling the speed differentials efficiently was identified as a major challenge. The desire for better understanding and control of ‘concurrency’ spread into hardware, software, and formalism. This paper examines the way in which the problem emerged and was handled across various computing cultures from 1955 to 1985. In the machinic culture of the late 1950s, system programs called ‘monitors’ were used for directly managing synchronisation. Attempts to reframe synchronisation in the subsequent algorithmic (...)
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  20. Skeptical Success.Troy Cross - 2005 - Oxford Studies in Epistemology 3:35-62.
    The following is not a successful skeptical scenario: you think you know you have hands, but maybe you don't! Why is that a failure, when it's far more likely than, say, the evil genius hypothesis? That's the question.<br><br>This is an earlier draft.
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    Was sind Experten? Eine begriffliche Grundlegung.Christian Quast - 2021 - Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland: Campus Verlag.
    In komplexen Gesellschaften muss man sich im Arbeits- und Privatleben auf weit mehr Personen verlassen, als man deren Vertrauenswürdigkeit jemals überprüfen könnte. Dies steht im scharfen Kontrast zum wachsenden Misstrauen in die Leistungsträger*innen aus Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik. Im Zentrum dieses Gegensatzes steht die Figur des Experten. Doch was sind Experten*innen und wie kann man sie erkennen? Christian Quast widmet sich diesen Fragen aus philosophischer Perspektive. Eine zentrale These lautet, dass trotz des unvermeidlichen Vertrauens in Expert*innen, sich diese auch (...)
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  22. Reducing reductionism: on a putative proof for Extreme Haecceitism.Troy Thomas Catterson - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 140 (2):149-159.
    Nathan Salmon, in his paper Trans-World Identification and Stipulation (1996) purports to give a proof for the claim that facts concerning trans-world identity cannot be conceptually reduced to general facts. He calls this claim ‘Extreme Haecceitism.’ I argue that his proof is fallacious. However, I also contend that the analysis and ultimate rejection of his proof clarifies the fundamental issues that are at stake in the debate between the reductionist and haecceitist solutions to the problem of trans-world identity. These issues (...)
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  23. Grim Reaper Paradoxes and Patchwork Principles: Severing the Case for Finitism.Troy Dana & Joseph C. Schmid - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Benardete paradoxes involve infinite collections of Grim Reapers, assassins, demons, deafening peals, or even sentences. These paradoxes have recently been used in arguments for finitist metaphysical theses such as temporal finitism, causal finitism, and discrete views of time. Here we develop a new finite Benardete-like paradox. We then use this paradox to defend a companions in guilt argument that challenges recent applications of patchwork principles on behalf of the aforementioned finitist arguments. Finally, we develop another problem for those applications by (...)
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    Methodological challenges in the study of fetal growth.Troy D. Abell - 1994 - Human Nature 5 (1):23-67.
    Several conceptual and methodological challenges must be solved in order to create knowledge that can be useful to pregnant women, their families, and any clinicians who serve them: (1) going beyond nominal and ordinal hypotheses and presenting estimates of conditional probabilities; (2) focusing on clearly defined outcomes; (3) modeling the relationship of fetal growth and length of gestation; (4) understanding the process of fetal growth even though most of our data is cross-sectional; (5) estimating the independent effects of genetics, race, (...)
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  25. Letting The Dead Bury Their Own Dead: A Reply to Palle Yourgrau.Troy T. Catterson - 2003 - In Charles Tandy (ed.), Death and anti-death. Palo Alto, Calif.: Ria University Press. pp. 1--413.
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    The project.Troy Cross - 2005 - In Tamar Szabó Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.), Oxford Studies in Epistemology. Oxford University Press. pp. 3--35.
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    Contemporary Pragmatism.Troy Deters - 2007 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 35 (106):20-25.
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    Publicity, Recruitment, and History: Society of Women Engineers.Troy Eller - 2012 - Centaurus 54 (4):299-304.
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    Using university rankings as a potential indicator of student experiences in American higher education.Troy A. Heffernan - 2019 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 23 (1):12-17.
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  30. Meditation.Troy Hicks - 2019 - In Kristen Hawley Turner (ed.), The ethics of digital literacy: developing knowledge and skills across grade levels. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Five. Commitments, Values, and Frameworks.Troy Jollimore - 2011 - In Love’s Vision. Princeton University Press. pp. 95-122.
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    On Aaron Ben-Ze'ev, The Arc of Love.Troy Jollimore - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 2 (1):27-33.
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  33. Der belief in Hume's kausalitätstheorie..Otto Quast - 1903 - Halle,: Druck von E. Karras.
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    Der Tod steht uns gut: Vanitas heute.Tobias A. J. Quast - 2013 - Berlin: Nicolai.
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  35. Putting Testimony in its Place.Christian Quast, Karen Meyer-Seitz & David P. Schweikard - 2016 - In Amrei Bahr & Markus Seidel (eds.), Ernest Sosa: Targeting His Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 33-52.
    In this paper, we set out to inquire into how exactly testimony is and should be placed within the framework of virtue epistemology, and more specifically within Ernest Sosa’s exposition and defense thereof. We begin this inquiry (in Sect. 3.2) by formulating conditions of adequacy that can be extracted from recent criticisms of virtue epistemological approaches more generally. In Sect. 3.3, we reconstruct two branches of Sosa’s treatment of testimony, with respect to which we point out problems of inner coherence (...)
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    Open‐Mindedness in a “Post‐Truth” Era.Troy Richardson - 2019 - Educational Theory 69 (4):439-453.
  37.  13
    On the Challenges of Removing Race from Relational Philosophies of Education.Troy A. Richardson - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:277-282.
  38.  11
    Kierkegaard and the Publisher’s Peritext.Troy Wellington Smith - 2021 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 26 (1):549-565.
    Bruun and Hansen claim that Kierkegaard decided to publish Two Ethical-Religious Essays on commission with Gyldendal so as not to be linked to the penname H.H. Elsewhere, however, Kierkegaard indicates that the Essays, although they stand outside of the authorship, are to be understood in relation to it. Furthermore, Bruun and Hansen do not explain why Kierkegaard chose Gyldendal and not some other house. Drawing on Gérard Genette’s concept of the peritext, I argue that it was Gyldendal’s reputation as a (...)
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    Beyond Political Liberalism: Toward a Post-Secular Ethics of Public Life.Troy Lewis Dostert - 2006 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    "In this fresh critique of Rawls’s political liberalism, Dostert offers a bold and stimulating account of the political potential of religion that actually enhances the prospects of a genuinely democratic public discourse. Drawing lessons from the civil rights movement to the Jubilee 2000 effort, _Beyond Political Liberalism_ presents a profoundly hopeful challenge to the ways of thinking about liberalism and religion that dominate both political science and religious studies today. Setting aside worn diatribes and tattered dichotomies, _Beyond Political Liberalism _constructs (...)
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    Three. Love’s Blindness : Love’s Friendly Eye.Troy Jollimore - 2011 - In Love’s Vision. Princeton University Press. pp. 46-73.
  41.  13
    Eine altfranzösische Übersetzung der Consolatio philosophiae des Boethius (Handschrift Troyes Nr. 898): Edition und Kommentar.Rolf Boethius, Schroth & Bibliothèque de Troyes - 1976 - Frankfurt M.: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften. Edited by Rolf Schroth.
    Die Untersuchung der wallonischen consolatio-Übersetzung führte zur Entdeckung und Neudatierung eines lateinischen consolatio-Kommentars, der auch von Jean de Meun benutzt wurde. Somit kann durch Gegenüberstellung von Vorlage und Übersetzung an einem konkreten Beispiel Einblick in die Übersetzungspraxis im Mittelalter gewonnen werden.
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  42. A threshold model of content knowledge transfer for socioscientific argumentation.Troy D. Sadler & Samantha R. Fowler - 2006 - Science Education 90 (6):986-1004.
  43. The significance of content knowledge for informal reasoning regarding socioscientific issues: Applying genetics knowledge to genetic engineering issues.Troy D. Sadler & Dana L. Zeidler - 2005 - Science Education 89 (1):71-93.
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  44. Impartiality.Troy Jollimore - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  45. Conscious and unconscious processes: The effects of motivation.Troy A. W. Visser & Philip M. Merikle - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (1):94-113.
    The process-dissociation procedure has been used in a variety of experimental contexts to assess the contributions of conscious and unconscious processes to task performance. To evaluate whether motivation affects estimates of conscious and unconscious processes, participants were given incentives to follow inclusion and exclusion instructions in a perception task and a memory task. Relative to a control condition in which no performance incentives were given, the results for the perception task indicated that incentives increased the participants' ability to exclude previously (...)
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    Anxious feelings, anxious friends: on anxiety and friendship.Troy Jollimore - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14709-14724.
    Although anxiety is frequently seen as a predominantly negative phenomenon, some recent researchers have argued that it plays an important positive function, serving as an alert to warn agents of possible problems or threats. I argue that not only can one’s own, first-personal anxiety perform this function; because it is possible for others—in particular, one’s friends—to feel anxious on one’s behalf, their anxious feelings can sometimes play the same role in our functioning, and make similar contributions to our well-being. I (...)
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  47.  11
    On Loyalty.Troy A. Jollimore - 2012 - Routledge.
    Loyalty is a highly charged and important issue, often evoking strong feelings and actions. What is loyalty? Is loyalty compatible with impartiality? How do we respond to conflicts of loyalties? In a global era, should we be trying to transcend loyalties to particular political communities? Drawing on a fascinating array of literary and cinematic examples - The Remains of the Day , No Country for Old Men , The English Patient , The Third Man , and more - Troy (...)
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    Arithmetical definability over finite structures.Troy Lee - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (4):385.
    Arithmetical definability has been extensively studied over the natural numbers. In this paper, we take up the study of arithmetical definability over finite structures, motivated by the correspondence between uniform AC0 and FO. We prove finite analogs of three classic results in arithmetical definability, namely that < and TIMES can first-order define PLUS, that < and DIVIDES can first-order define TIMES, and that < and COPRIME can first-order define TIMES. The first result sharpens the equivalence FO =FO to FO = (...)
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    Innovative Stakeholder Relations: When “Ethics Pays” (and When it Doesn’t).Troy R. Harting, Susan S. Harmeling & S. Venkataraman - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (1):43-68.
    Abstract:Business ethicists are eager to connect the ethical treatment of stakeholders with financial rewards. However, little attention has been paid to the cultural and industry context that influences how stakeholders are regarded by the firm, and how innovative strategies for engaging stakeholders can help a firm outperform its competitors. By reconnecting stakeholder theory to its roots in the field of strategy, we provide a framework for understanding the dynamic interplay between stakeholder relationships, innovation, and competitive advantage. The result is a (...)
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    Morality, Perspective, and Fantasy: A Comment on Sarah Buss.Troy Jollimore - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (1):51-57.
    A response to Sarah Buss's article, ‘Some Musings about the Limits of an Ethics that Can Be Applied,’ focusing on issues connected with Buss’s claims about human insignificance, and the indifference to self that the recognition of insignificance allegedly engenders.
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