Results for 'Two-level models'

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  1.  18
    The Two-Level Model of Moral Thinking and Psychological Realism.Jihan Lyou - 2012 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (84):53-81.
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    Studies in Plato's Two-Level Model (review).Ian Mueller - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (2):272-273.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Studies in Plato's Two-Level ModelIan MuellerHolger Thesleff. Studies in Plato's Two-Level Model. Helsinki: Societas Scientarum Fennica, 1999. Pp. vi + 143. N. P.After some 30 years of incisive intervention in Platonic scholarship, Holger Thesleff here offers us "an attempt to elaborate and ground more firmly some basic theses which I have propounded in various contexts before," (1) a rather modest description of what he also describes (...)
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    What a Wonderful World: The Metaphysical Monism of Plato Under the Two-Level Model of Holger Thesleff.Necip Fikri Alican - 2024 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 20 (2):94–134.
    This article is a critical appraisal of the two-level model of Holger Thesleff as an interpretive paradigm for the philosophy of Plato. The primary emphasis is on the metaphysics of the model, which revolves around the idea of a single world composed of two levels. Conceived as an alternative to the dualism of worlds traditionally attributed to Plato, the levels in question complement each other in a symbiotic relationship between intelligible phenomena and sensible matter, which jointly account for the (...)
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    Studies in Plato's two-level model.Holger Thesleff - 1999 - Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica.
  5.  80
    Studies in Plato’s Two-Level Model. [REVIEW]Thomas A. Blackson - 2001 - Ancient Philosophy 21 (2):480-482.
  6.  33
    Moral Thinking and Utilitarianism: R. M. Hare's Two Level Model and J. Greene's Dual Process Theory.Yang Sunmo - 2019 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (126):237-257.
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    A Critical Review on the Problem of R. M. Hare’s Akrasia -Focusing on the Two-Level Model of Moral Thinking-. 이민재 - 2019 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (126):209-235.
    헤어의 아크라시아에 관한 전기 입장을 살펴보면, 진실한 도덕 판단에 이르는 한, 아크라시아 현상은 불가능한 것이다. 하지만 헤어의 아크라시아에 관한 전기 입장은 언어 논리에 지나치게 치중한 나머지, 현실에서 종종 볼 수 있는 도덕적 갈등, 죄책감, 후회와 같은 일상의 경험을 설명하는 데 부족하다는 비판을 받는다. 이와 달리 헤어의 아크라시아에 관한 후기 입장은 인간학적 한계를 고려하여 현실의 인간을 설명함으로써 아크라시아 문제에 관해 좀 더 설득력 있는 논의를 펼친다. 헤어의 아크라시아에 관한 후기 입장은 도덕적 사유의 두 수준 이론을 통해, 아크라시아에 관한 논의를 2가지 관점에서 (...)
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    An introduction to studies in Plato's two-level model.Holger Thesleff - 2002 - Plato Journal 2.
  9.  31
    Sculpting Computational‐Level Models.Mark Blokpoel - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (3):641-648.
    In this commentary, I advocate for strict relations between Marr's levels of analysis. Under a strict relationship, each level is exactly implemented by the subordinate level. This yields two benefits. First, it brings consistency for multilevel explanations. Second, similar to how a sculptor chisels away superfluous marble, a modeler can chisel a computational-level model by applying constraints. By sculpting the model, one restricts the set of possible algorithmic- and implementational-level theories.
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    H. Thesleff: Studies in Plato’s Two-Level Model. Pp. vi + 143. Helsinki: The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, 1999. Paper. ISBN: 951-653-298-5. [REVIEW]Scott La Barge - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):623-623.
  11.  31
    V. A two stage model for deep level capture.R. M. Gibb, G. J. Rees, B. W. Thomas, B. L. H. Wilson, B. Hamilton, D. R. Wight & N. F. Mott - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (4):1021-1034.
  12.  85
    An ounce of prevention or a pound of cure? Multi-level modelling on the antecedents of mobile-wallet adoption and the moderating role of e-WoM during COVID-19.Ahmad M. A. Zamil, Saqib Ali, Petra Poulova & Minhas Akbar - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the COVID-19 epidemic, personal safety has received increasing attention, leading to behavioral changes. Mobile-wallet makes it easier for people to keep social distance, which helps stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Evolving Internet technology has brought about changes in consumer lifestyle. The current situation of COVID-19 has created a business environment to shift from traditional ways and adopt e-commerce solutions worldwide. Grounded in technology acceptance model theory, this study’s objective is two-fold: First, this study intends to examine perceived (...)
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    Reconciling Two Computational Models of Working Memory in Aging.Violette Hoareau, Benoît Lemaire, Sophie Portrat & Gaën Plancher - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (1):264-278.
    It is well known that working memory performance changes with age. Two recent computational models of working memory, TBRS* and SOB-CS, developed from young adults WM performances are opposed regarding the postulated causes of forgetting, namely time-based decay and interference for TBRS* and SOB-CS, respectively. In the present study, these models are applied on a set of complex span data produced by young and older adults. As expected, these models are unable to account for the older adult (...)
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  14.  39
    Stochasticity, Selection, and the Evolution of Cooperation in a Two-Level Moran Model of the Snowdrift Game.Brian McLoone, Wai-Tong Louis Fan, Adam Pham, Rory Smead & Laurence Loewe - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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  15.  33
    Named Entity Recognition with Character-Level Models.Dan Klein - unknown
    We discuss two named-entity recognition models which use characters and character n-grams either exclusively or as an important part of their data representation. The first model is a character-level HMM with minimal context information, and the second model is a maximum-entropy conditional markov model with substantially richer context features. Our best model achieves an overall F1 of 86.07% on the English test data (92.31% on the development data). This number represents a 25% error reduction over the same model (...)
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    A Study on David Hume’s Two-level Passion Model and Moral Theory. 권오영 - 2019 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (125):171-194.
    흄(D. Hume)은 도덕적 주제에 대한 과학적 탐구의 결과 ‘이성에 대한 정념의 우위’라는 도덕에서의 일반 원리를 도출한다. 오직 이성만으로는 의지에 영향을 줄 수 없다는 ‘동기 유발 논변’과 도덕적 구별은 이성적 판단이 아니라 느끼는 것이라는 ‘도덕적 구별 논변’에 의해 정립된다. 흄의 도덕론에 대한 입증에도 불구하고, 도덕에서 ‘이성에 대한 정념의 우위 논제’는 2가지 핵심적인 비판에 당면한다. 첫 번째는 정념에 의한 구별은 주관주의 또는 상대주의로 나아가 도덕적 불일치의 문제를 해결할 수 없다는 비판이고, 두 번째는 도덕에서 이성을, 즉 기존에 실천 이성이라고 불리는 것을 무시할 가능성이 (...)
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  17.  9
    Psychometric Evaluation of the Czech Version of Group Cohesiveness Scale (GCS) in a Clinical Sample: A Two-Dimensional Model.Adam Klocek, Tomáš Řiháček & Hynek Cígler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The Group Cohesiveness Scale measures patient-rated group cohesiveness. The English version of the scale has demonstrated good psychometric properties. This study describes the validation of the Czech version of the GCS. A total of 369 patients participated in the study. Unlike the original study, the ordinal confirmatory factor analysis supported a two-dimensional solution. The analysis demonstrated the existence of two moderately to highly associated domains of group cohesiveness—affective and behavioral. The two-dimensional model was invariant across genders, age, education, and time (...)
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  18.  49
    Two-Level Luck Egalitarianism: Reconciling Rights, Respect, and Responsibility.Johann Go - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (3):543-566.
    Luck egalitarianism has come under a lot of criticism for its apparent harshness towards negligent victims of voluntary actions (the harshness objection) and its inability to respond to morally-acceptable voluntary acts that lead to disadvantage (the discrimination objection). This paper surveys a series of responses in the luck egalitarian literature, showing that for the most part each one is unable to respond, on its own, to the crux of the objections. These responses often face a dilemma: Either they must bite (...)
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  19.  24
    Possible mechanisms for a multiple-level model of evolution.H. C. Plotkin & F. J. Odling - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):257-268.
    Many of the commentaries cohere around two major points of criticism. The first is that we have omitted discussion of the mechanisms that are assumed to operate at levels 2, 3, and 4.Campbell, Cloak, Dewsbury, Eckberg, Mundinger, Pulliam, Richerson & Boyd, Slobodkin, Simon, Williams, andWahlstenall make comments that bear on this point. The second point is that we have omitted discussion of the fact that "organisms change the environment by their activities" and thereby modify the selection pressures that act on (...)
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  20.  17
    Relationship between Team Conflict and Performance in Green Enterprises: A Cross-Level Model Moderated by Leaders’ Political Skills.Yanhong Tu & Leilei Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    It is evident that, being a member of the organization, the team has to cue the influx of the green management concepts. This study focuses on the aspect of team management in green enterprises. Applying leadership theory to sample green enterprises, this paper proposes that political skills of team leadership have moderating effects on the relationship between team conflict and performance at both the individual and team levels. Empirical data were collected from 85 dyads of leaders and team members in (...)
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  21.  71
    A Two-Level Perspective on Preference.Fenrong Liu - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (3):421 - 439.
    This paper proposes a two-level modeling perspective which combines intrinsic 'betterness' and reason-based extrinsic preference, and develops its static and dynamic logic in tandem. Our technical results extend, integrate, and re-interpret earlier theorems on preference representation and update in the literature on preference change.
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  22.  4
    How Has the COVID‐19 Crisis Affected the Link Between ESG Disclosure and Firm Value? A Two‐Level Analysis of European Listed Companies.Aziza Garsaa - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    This paper examines the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure scores on the firm value of European listed companies before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Using a two-level model and a unique dataset of 264 multinational firms covering the period 2019–2022, we find a negative relationship between ESG disclosure scores and firm value. Nevertheless, the effect of the social and environmental disclosure scores disappears during the crisis, and returns negative during the recovery period. Almost all empirical (...)
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    Modelling Accelerated Proficiency in Organisations: Practices and Strategies to Shorten Time-to-Proficiency of the Workforce.Raman K. Attri - 2018 - Dissertation, Southern Cross University
    This study aimed to explore practices and strategies that have successfully reduced time-to-proficiency of the workforce in large multinational organisations and develop a model based on them. The central research question of this study was: How can organisations accelerate time-to-proficiency of employees in the workplace? The study addressed three aspects: the meaning of accelerated proficiency, as seen by business leaders; the business factors driving the need for shorter time-to-proficiency and benefits accrued from it; and practices and strategies to shorten time-to-proficiency (...)
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    The “problem” of dreaming in NREM sleep continues to challenge reductionist (two generator) models of dream generation.Tracey L. Kahan - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):956-958.
    The “problem” of dreaming in NREM sleep continues to challenge models that propose a causal relationship between REM mechanisms and the psychological features of dreaming. I suggest that, ultimately, efforts to identify correspondences among multiple levels of analysis will be more productive for dream theory than attempts to reduce dreaming to any one level of analysis. [Hobson et al. ; Nielsen].
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  25. Mass terms and model-theoretic semantics.Harry C. Bunt - 1985 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    'Mass terms', words like water, rice and traffic, have proved very difficult to accommodate in any theory of meaning since, unlike count nouns such as house or dog, they cannot be viewed as part of a logical set and differ in their grammatical properties. In this study, motivated by the need to design a computer program for understanding natural language utterances incorporating mass terms, Harry Bunt provides a thorough analysis of the problem and offers an original and detailed solution. An (...)
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  26. EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING AND THE TWO-FACTOR MODEL OF PSYCHOPATHY: NO DIFFERENTIAL RELATION?Mol Bart, Pancras van den Bos, Youri Derks & Jos Egger - 2009 - International Journal of Neuroscience 119:124–140.
    There are indications that the interpersonal affective factor and the social deviation factor, both of which are underlying dimensions of psychopathy, have a positive and a negative relationship, respectively, with executive functioning. However, this is seldom taken into consideration in the research on the relationship between executive functioning and psychopathy, which may be an explanation for the many inconsistent results in this area as reported in the literature (e.g., Rogers, 2006). In the present study, executive functioning was studied using the (...)
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    TWO-LEVEL, OPEN, PLASTIC AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL HUMAN NATURE. AN ONTOLOGICAL RIDDLE.Małgorzata Czarnocka - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism (1):19-30.
    I present—in an extremely sketchy form—a model of two-level, open, plastic and multidimensional human nature. Due to the included attribute of multidimensionality this model opposes the reductive conceptions of man dominating in today’s philosophy. The main objective of the paper is the ontological status of man, especially the ontic foundation of multidimensional man. I demonstrate that this status remains a riddle; one only knows that from the ontological perspective man is a wholly exceptional object, not explainable by to-date ontological (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Models for prediction, explanation and control: recursive bayesian networks.Jon Williamson - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (1):5-33.
    The Recursive Bayesian Net (RBN) formalism was originally developed for modelling nested causal relationships. In this paper we argue that the formalism can also be applied to modelling the hierarchical structure of mechanisms. The resulting network contains quantitative information about probabilities, as well as qualitative information about mechanistic structure and causal relations. Since information about probabilities, mechanisms and causal relations is vital for prediction, explanation and control respectively, an RBN can be applied to all these tasks. We show in particular (...)
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    Main Models of the Temporal Structure of Consciousness.Alina S. Zaykova - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (3):98-115.
    The paper considers three main models of temporal consciousness proposed in grappling with the “paradox of temporal awareness”. They are based on the notion that there is a basic element of perception in the form of some “mental frame” or “apparent present” which, while effective for describing some perceptual features, does not fully reflect our phenomenal experience. It is argued that a two-level model based on the separation of the “specious present” and “current present” is best correlated with (...)
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  30.  44
    A minimalist two-level foundation for constructive mathematics.Maria Emilia Maietti - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (3):319-354.
    We present a two-level theory to formalize constructive mathematics as advocated in a previous paper with G. Sambin.One level is given by an intensional type theory, called Minimal type theory. This theory extends a previous version with collections.The other level is given by an extensional set theory that is interpreted in the first one by means of a quotient model.This two-level theory has two main features: it is minimal among the most relevant foundations for constructive mathematics; (...)
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  31.  39
    Two-Level Domain Adaptation Neural Network for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition.Guangcheng Bao, Ning Zhuang, Li Tong, Bin Yan, Jun Shu, Linyuan Wang, Ying Zeng & Zhichong Shen - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Emotion recognition plays an important part in human-computer interaction. Currently, the main challenge in electroencephalogram -based emotion recognition is the non-stationarity of EEG signals, which causes performance of the trained model decreasing over time. In this paper, we propose a two-level domain adaptation neural network to construct a transfer model for EEG-based emotion recognition. Specifically, deep features from the topological graph, which preserve topological information from EEG signals, are extracted using a deep neural network. These features are then passed (...)
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  32. Bread prices and sea levels: why probabilistic causal models need to be monotonic.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2024 - Philosophical Studies (9):1-16.
    A key challenge for probabilistic causal models is to distinguish non-causal probabilistic dependencies from true causal relations. To accomplish this task, causal models are usually required to satisfy several constraints. Two prominent constraints are the causal Markov condition and the faithfulness condition. However, other constraints are also needed. One of these additional constraints is the causal sufficiency condition, which states that models must not omit any direct common causes of the variables they contain. In this paper, I (...)
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  33. Laboratory models, causal explanation and group selection.James R. Griesemer & Michael J. Wade - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (1):67-96.
    We develop an account of laboratory models, which have been central to the group selection controversy. We compare arguments for group selection in nature with Darwin's arguments for natural selection to argue that laboratory models provide important grounds for causal claims about selection. Biologists get information about causes and cause-effect relationships in the laboratory because of the special role their own causal agency plays there. They can also get information about patterns of effects and antecedent conditions in nature. (...)
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  34.  12
    A Model for Conceptualizing the Moral Dynamic in Health Care.Susan Foley Pierce - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (6):483-495.
    Ethics involves an organized, reasoned approach to gathering and processing data in order to arrive at decisions about what to do, what to value, and/or what virtues to cultivate. A model is proposed for conceptualizing this complex dynamic, which incorporates elements of both rule-and-principle ethics and the ethic of care. The model suggested here has two levels. The first level identifies the components that comprise philosophical reasoning; the second contextualizes and operationalizes the model in relation to the processor’s philosophical (...)
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  35.  75
    The two sides of warfare: An extended model of altruistic behavior in ancestral human intergroup conflict.Hannes Rusch - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (3):359-377.
    Building on and partially refining previous theoretical work, this paper presents an extended simulation model of ancestral warfare. This model (1) disentangles attack and defense, (2) tries to differentiate more strictly between selfish and altruistic efforts during war, (3) incorporates risk aversion and deterrence, and (4) pays special attention to the role of brutality. Modeling refinements and simulation results yield a differentiated picture of possible evolutionary dynamics. The main observations are: (i) Altruism in this model is more likely to evolve (...)
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  36.  90
    Saturated models in institutions.Răzvan Diaconescu & Marius Petria - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (6):693-723.
    Saturated models constitute one of the powerful methods of conventional model theory, with many applications. Here we develop a categorical abstract model theoretic approach to saturated models within the theory of institutions. The most important consequence is that the method of saturated models becomes thus available to a multitude of logical systems from logic or from computing science. In this paper we define the concept of saturated model at an abstract institution-independent level and develop the fundamental (...)
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  37. A model of saccade generation based on parallel processing and competitive inhibition.John M. Findlay & Robin Walker - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):661-674.
    During active vision, the eyes continually scan the visual environment using saccadic scanning movements. This target article presents an information processing model for the control of these movements, with some close parallels to established physiological processes in the oculomotor system. Two separate pathways are concerned with the spatial and the temporal programming of the movement. In the temporal pathway there is spatially distributed coding and the saccade target is selected from a Both pathways descend through a hierarchy of levels, the (...)
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  38. Beyond the comparator model: A multi-factorial two-step account of agency.Matthis Synofzik, Gottfried Vosgerau & Albert Newen - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):219-239.
    There is an increasing amount of empirical work investigating the sense of agency, i.e. the registration that we are the initiators of our own actions. Many studies try to relate the sense of agency to an internal feed-forward mechanism, called the ‘‘comparator model’’. In this paper, we draw a sharp distinction between a non-conceptual level of feeling of agency and a conceptual level of judgement of agency. By analyzing recent empirical studies, we show that the comparator model is (...)
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  39. Can Emotion be Modelled on Perception?Mikko Salmela - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (1):1-29.
    Perceptual theories of emotion purport to avoid the problems of traditional cognitivism and noncognitivism by modelling emotion on perception, which shares the most conspicuous dimensions of emotion, intentionality and phenomenality. In this paper, I shall reconstrue and discuss four key arguments that perceptual theorists have presented in order to show that emotion is a kind of perception, or that there are close analogies between emotion and perception. These arguments are, from stronger to weaker claims: the perceptual system argument; the argument (...)
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  40. Naturalism Meets the Personal Level: How Mixed Modelling Flattens the Mind.Robert D. Rupert - manuscript
    In this essay, it is argued that naturalism of an even moderate sort speaks strongly against a certain widely held thesis about the human mental (and cognitive) architecture: that it is divided into two distinct levels, the personal and the subpersonal, about the former of which we gain knowledge in a manner that effectively insulates such knowledge from the results of scientific research. -/- An empirically motivated alternative is proposed, according to which the architecture is, so to speak, flattened from (...)
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    Biological effects of low level radiation: Values, dose-response models, risk estimates.Helen E. Longino - 1989 - Synthese 81 (3):391 - 404.
    Predictions about the health risks of low level radiation combine two sorts of measures. One estimates the amount and kinds of radiation released into the environment, and the other estimates the adverse health effects. A new field called health physics integrates and applies nuclear physics to cytology to supply both these estimates. It does so by first determining the kinds of effects different types of radiation produce in biological organisms, and second, by monitoring the extent of these effects produced (...)
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  42. The Valuationist Model of Human Agent Architecture.Chandra Sripada - manuscript
    In computational cognitive science, a valuationist picture of human agent architecture has become widespread. At the heart of valuationism is a simple and sweeping claim: Every time an agent acts, they do so on the basis of value representations, which are, roughly, representations of the expected value of one’s response options. In this essay, I do three things. First, I give a systematic, philosophically rich account of the valuationist picture of agency. I also highlight the generality of the model in (...)
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  43. Mental models in conditional reasoning and working memory.Pierre Barrouillet & Jean-Francois Lecas - 1999 - Thinking and Reasoning 5 (4):289 – 302.
    Johnson-Laird's mental models theory claims that reasoning is a semantic process of construction and manipulation of models in working memory of limited capacity. Accordingly, both a deduction and a given interpretation of a premise would be all the harder the higher the number of models they require. The purpose of the present experiment was twofold. First, it aimed to demonstrate that the interpretation of if...then conditional sentences in children (third, sixth, and ninth graders) evolves as a function (...)
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    Mind the Gap: Three Models of Democracy, One Missing; Two Political Paradigms, One Dwindling.Gerard Drosterij - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (1):45-66.
    The article revisits two basic questions of political theory posed by Jon Elster. First, should the political process be defined as private or public, and second, should its purpose be understood instrumentally or intrinsically? Having posed these questions, Elster arrives at three views of politics: social choice , republican and discourse theory . I argue for a fourth view , and explain Elster's omission of this model by referring to his underlying paradigm of politics, that is, as will formation. The (...)
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    Two-Stage Robust Optimization Model for Fresh Cold Chain considering Carbon Emissions and Uncertainty.Deqiang Qu & Zhong Wu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    Sustainable development is an everlasting theme and lasting strategy in today’s era. Low-carbon economy is an inevitable approach to the implementation of sustainable development. Cold chain logistics has become one of the main sources of carbon emissions. However, in the research on location planning of cold chain logistics, the costs of carbon emissions have not been taken into consideration in previous studies. The two-stage stochastic optimization model was established based on the comprehensive consideration of transportation costs, time penalty costs, and (...)
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    Mind the Gap: Three Models of Democracy, One Missing; Two Political Paradigms, One Dwindling.Nathan Widder - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (1):45-66.
    The article revisits two basic questions of political theory posed by Jon Elster. First, should the political process be defined as private or public, and second, should its purpose be understood instrumentally or intrinsically? Having posed these questions, Elster arrives at three views of politics: social choice , republican and discourse theory . I argue for a fourth view , and explain Elster's omission of this model by referring to his underlying paradigm of politics, that is, as will formation. The (...)
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  47. Models of group selection.Deborah G. Mayo & Norman L. Gilinsky - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (4):515-538.
    The key problem in the controversy over group selection is that of defining a criterion of group selection that identifies a distinct causal process that is irreducible to the causal process of individual selection. We aim to clarify this problem and to formulate an adequate model of irreducible group selection. We distinguish two types of group selection models, labeling them type I and type II models. Type I models are invoked to explain differences among groups in their (...)
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    Two Models of the Two Truths: Ontological and Phenomenological Approaches. [REVIEW]Douglas S. Duckworth - 2010 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 38 (5):519-527.
    Mipam (‘ju mi pham rgya mtsho, 1846–1912), an architect of the Nyingma (rnying ma) tradition of Tibet in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, articulates two distinct models of the two truths that are respectively reflected in Madhyamaka and Yogācāra Buddhist traditions. The way he positions these two models sheds light on how levels of description are at play in his integration of these traditions. Mipam positions one kind of two-truth model as the product of an ontological (...)
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  49. Some experiments with a hybrid model for learning sequential decision making.Ron Sun & Todd Peterson - unknown
    To deal with reactive sequential decision tasks we present a learning model which is a hybrid connectionist model consisting of both localist and distributed representations based on the two level approach proposed in..
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  50. A Model-Theoretic Interpretation of Science.Emma Ruttkamp - 1997 - South African Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):31-36.
    I am arguing that it is only by concentrating on the role of models in theory construction, interpretation and change, that one can study the progress of science sensibly. I define the level at which these models operate as a level above the purely empirical (consisting of various systems in reality) but also indeed below that of the fundamental formal theories (expressed linguistically). The essentially multi-interpretability of the theory at the general, abstract linguistic level, implies (...)
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