Results for 'Ugo Luigi Aparo'

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  1.  36
    Continuous training as a key to increase the accuracy of administrative data.Luca Lorenzoni, Roberto Da Cas & Ugo Luigi Aparo - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (4):371-377.
  2. Spirito Ugo, volpicelli Arnaldo, volpicelli Luigi, "Benedetto Croce". [REVIEW]Emilio Chiocchetti - 1930 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 22:148.
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  3. Il problema della conoscenza giuridica.Pier Luigi Zampetti - 1953 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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    Philosophia Transalpina: deutsch-italienische Wechselwirkungen in der Philosophie der Moderne.Thomas Buchheim & Jörg Noller (eds.) - 2015 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Betrachtet man das breite Spektrum an produktiven Wechselwirkungen zwischen den beiden Kulturnationen Italien und Deutschland, so ist es verwunderlich, dass die italienische Philosophie in Deutschland immer noch als „terra incognita“ (Ugo Perone) gelten darf. Darum bringt dieser Band das ‚transalpine‘ Wechselspiel von Rezeption und Transformation im deutsch-italienischen Denken exemplarisch zur Sprache. Im Zentrum stehen die Bereiche der Aufklärung (Vico, Herder), der klassischen deutschen Philosophie (Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel), der Philosophie des Risorgimento (Rosmini, Gioberti) und der Philosophie der Gegenwart (Luigi (...)
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    Il forse bifronte: l'emergenza della libertà nel pensiero di Dio.Gianluca De Candia - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
    parte prima, Dalla Modernità al compimento dell'Idealismo : il forse minore e il forse maggiore: Il forse minore radicale : René Descartes -- Il forse maggiore della scommessa : Blaise Pascal -- Il forse maggiore teoretico e pratico : Immanuel Kant -- Davanti al forse il "salto mortale" : F.H. Jacobi -- L'altro forse della "filosofia positiva" : F.W.J. Schelling -- Soglia : L'emergenza della libertà -- Parte seconda, Dopo Heidegger : declinazioni di un forse rivelativo : L'indecidibile forse : (...)
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    The Theological Epistemology of Augustine's de Trinitate.Luigi Gioia Osb - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Luigi Gioia provides a fresh description and analysis of Augustine's monumental treatise, De Trinitate, working on a supposition of its unity and its coherence from structural, rhetorical, and theological points of view. The main arguments of the treatise are reviewed first: Scripture and the mystery of the Trinity; discussion of 'Arian' logical and ontological categories; a comparison between the process of knowledge and formal aspects of the confession of the mystery of the Trinity; an account of the so called (...)
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    Kant on the Purposiveness of the Reflecting Power of Judgment.Luigi Filieri - 2021 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 14 (2):29-40.
    In this paper I argue that 1) Kant’s power of judgment is constitutively always reflecting, as its lawful employments involve a preliminary self-reference of the faculties the power of judgment itself is required to connect and let them match with each other. Accordingly, I claim that 2) the principle of purposiveness is the principle of the power of judgment as such, and not just of an allegedly self-standing reflecting branch of this faculty. I criticize the view that Kant draws a (...)
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    (1 other version)The Rank Function and Hilbert'S Second ϵ‐Theorem.Pier Luigi Ferrari - 1989 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 35 (4):367-373.
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    How Long Has the Earth Existed? Persuasion and World‐Picture in Wittgenstein's On Certainty.Luigi Perissinotto - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (2):154-177.
    In some sections of On Certainty, Wittgenstein uses the term “persuasion,” pitting it, on the one hand, against “giving reasons”, and comparing it, on the other, to conversion, while, finally, defining it as “giving someone one's own picture of the world.” In this essay, I analyse these sections, in an effort to fit them into the broader context of On Certainty, and to clarify the meaning and the limits of the comparison between persuasion and conversion. My aim is to show (...)
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    David Ricardo: Notes on Malthus's 'Measure of Value'.Pier Luigi Porta (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a companion volume to the Royal Economic Society edition of The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, edited by Piero Sraffa with the collaboration of Maurice Dobb. It completes the record on Ricardian value theory by showing Ricardo's reaction to Malthus's pamphlet The Measure of Value Stated and Illustrated of 1823. Ricardo's Notes are, in Sraffa's words, 'the only considerable item' not appearing in the Royal Economic Society edition of his works. In addition, the recent publication by (...)
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    Reflexive Modernization and Beyond.Luigi Pellizzoni - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (4):99-125.
    The relationship between knowledge and values, experts and lay people, represents a major issue of the debate involving environment and technology. There is a growing awareness that the connection between value commitments and technical solutions, scientific expertise and lay competence, is much more entangled than once was believed. The article deals with this issue by analysing Robert Dahl's `minipopulus' and Silvio Funtowicz and Jerry Ravetz's `extended peer communities' arguments. They are subsequently inserted into the sociological debate which is, at present, (...)
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    Life stories in the pastoral planning method see-judge-act.Luigi Pellegrino - 2017 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 36:113-133.
    Es bien conocido el aprecio que desde hace tiempo tiene la Iglesia por el método ver-juzgar-actuar, sin embargo, las reflexiones de la filosofía y la sociología hacen considerar hoy la necesidad de enriquecer el momento del ver, con unos elementos fenomenológicos y hermenéuticos que lo hagan más histórico y menos objetivista y de lograr además una mayor interacción entre los tres momentos. En este sentido, la investigación propone la inserción de las historias de vida de las personas y las comunidades (...)
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  13. Light as a metaphor of science: A pre-established disharmony.Luigi Borzacchini - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (136).
  14. Pasado y futuro del estado de derecho.Luigi Ferrajoli - 2001 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 17:31-46.
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    Autonomy, dignity and history in Caranti’s Kant’s political legacy.Luigi Filieri - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (4):586-597.
    In this paper I discuss some relevant theses of Caranti?s Kant?s Political Legacy, whose aim is to provide a consistent account of how we could develop Kant?s political thought and see to what extent Kant?s insights can help us to critically understand the 21st century?s political world. First, I will focus on autonomy as the ground of dignity and discuss Caranti?s arguments against the exclusiveness of the Categorical Imperative as the sole principle of true moral agency. Second, I will take (...)
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    Scienza e linguaggio.Luigi Foschini - 2015 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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    Fondamenti e svolgimenti della scienza giuridica: nuovi saggi.Luigi Garofalo - 2015 - Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore.
    Principi e ordinamento romano : una riflessione sulle orme di Fritz Schulz -- Homo liber e homo sacer : due archetipi dell'appartenenza -- L'humanitas tra diritto romano e totalitarismo hitleriano -- Sull'eccezione di dolo generale -- L'arbitraggio sul prezzo -- Diritto romano e scienza del diritto -- Roma e i suoi giuristi nel pensiero di Nicolás Gómez Dávila -- Tradizione e misura umana del diritto: considerazioni sulla figura del giurista a partire da Giuseppe Grosso.
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  18. Il padre Cristoforo e il «parere di Perpetua».Berrà Luigi - 1951 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 6.
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    The Schematism of Reason from the Dialectic to the Architectonic.Luigi Filieri - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (3):447-457.
    In The Architectonic of Reason Lea Ypi argues that Kant ultimately fails in his attempt at grounding the systematic unity of reason because of the lack of the practical domain of freedom in the first Critique. I aim to advance a more nuanced reading of Kant’s alleged failure by (1) distinguishing between the schematism of the ideas in the Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic and the schematism of pure reason in the Architectonic. (2) I suggest that, while the practical domain (...)
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    Pindar, Nemean 3.36: Εγκονητι and Greek Lexica.Luigi Battezzato & Federico Della Rossa - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):17-25.
    This paper argues that: (a) the transmitted text of Pind. Nem. 3.35–6 ποντίαν Θέτιν κατέμαρψεν | ἐγκονητί (‘[Peleus] caught the sea-nymph Thetis quickly’) is not the original text of Pindar; (b) ἐγκονητί does not fit the context, is not an attested Greek word and should be eliminated from dictionaries of ancient Greek; (c) Byzantine etymological works, followed by many modern scholars, base their explanations on the late antique form ἀκονητί, which should be eliminated from classical, Hellenistic and imperial texts; (d) (...)
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    Sellars and Kant on Givenness and Intuition.Luigi Filieri - 2021 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2 (2):17-35.
    In this paper, I argue that Sellars’s conceptualist reading of Kant, though less radical than more contemporary approaches (e. g., Brandom, McDowell), relies on a controversial account of the relations between the givenness of intuitions, the productive imagination and the power of judgment. I will discuss: 1) how Sellars reconsidered Kant’s account of intuition; and 2) the kind of conceptualism he argues for. I will raise two main claims. First, Sellars’s conceptualist reading of intuition overlooks the role of space and (...)
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    La "novitas essendi" della creatura in Tommaso D'Aquino.Luigi Baldi - 2000 - Idee 45:35-56.
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    Über Das wappen und die vermeintliche triorchidie Von bartolomeo colleoni.Luigi Belloni - 1950 - Centaurus 1 (1):43-61.
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    The Human Sciences in Contemporary Education.Luigi Berlinguer & Luca Maria Scarantino - 2014 - Diogenes 61 (2):73-78.
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  25. La verità dell'uomo.Luigi Bogliolo - 1969 - Roma,: Pontificia Università Lateranense.
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    La pace: dall'emozione alla responsabilità.Luigi Bonanate, Antonio Pavan & Angelo Tabaro (eds.) - 1991 - Genova: Marietti.
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    The Landmark Arrian (review).Luigi Bravi - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (4):562-563.
  28. ΠOIKIΛIA nei proemi storiografici Bizantini.Luigi Piccirilli - 2004 - Byzantion 74 (2):330-347.
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  29. Lazzati e la città dell'uomo.Luigi Pizzolato - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Antonio Labriola: celebrazioni del centenario della morte: atti del convegno di studi, Cassino, 7-8-9 ottobre 2004.Luigi Punzo (ed.) - 2006 - Cassino: Edizioni dell'Università degli studi di Cassino.
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    The discovery of language invariance and variation, and its relevance for the cognitive sciences.Luigi Rizzi - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (5):467-468.
    Modern linguistics has highlighted the fundamental invariance of human language: A rich invariant structure has emerged from comparative studies nourished by sophisticated formal models; languages also differ along important dimensions, but variation is constrained in severe and systematic ways. I illustrate this research direction in the domains of island constraints, word order restrictions, and the expression of referential dependencies. Both language invariance and language variability within systematic limits are highly relevant for the cognitive sciences.
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    Ontologia della libertà: il male e la sofferenza.Luigi Pareyson - 1995
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    Truth and Interpretation.Luigi Pareyson, Robert T. Valgenti & Gianni Vattimo - 2005 - Albany: State University of New York Press. Edited by Robert T. Valgenti, Silvia Benso & Gianni Vattimo.
    A resolute defense of philosophy and hermeneutics against the threats of dogmatism and relativism.
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  34. La distonia etica delle etere.Ugo di Toro - 2012 - In Aldo Marroni & Ugo di Toro (eds.), Muse ribelli. Complicità e conflitto nel sentire al femminile. ombre corte. pp. 113-129.
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    Pensare per immagini. Tra scienza e arte di Olaf Breidbach e Federico Vercellone.Adriano Fabris & Ugo Perone - 2013 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 26 (2):415-424.
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  36. Introduction Human freedom and human nature.Luigi Filieri & Sofie Møller the Legislation of the Realm Of Freedom - 2023 - In Luigi Filieri & Sofie Møller (eds.), Kant on Freedom and Human Nature. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Kant on Freedom and Human Nature.Luigi Filieri & Sofie Møller (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book provides new readings of Kant's account of human nature. The chapters show that Kant's point is not to state once and for all what the human being actually is, but to unite pure reason's efforts within a unitary teleological perspective.
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  38. Kant on Language.Luigi Filieri & Konstantin Pollok (eds.) - forthcoming - Cambridge University Press.
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    Produzione del senso e linguaggio.Luigi Paolo Finizio - 1980 - Roma: Bulzoni.
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    Traduzioni dei "Ragguagli" di Traiano Boccalini.Luigi Firpo - 1965 - Firenze,:
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    La fenomenologia dell'essere.Ugo Lo Bosco - 1990 - Poggibonsi: Lalli.
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    Existentialisme 1941.Luigi Pareyson - 1994 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 99 (1):73 - 88.
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  43. Esemplarità dell'opera d'arte.Luigi Pareyson - 1954 - Filosofia 5 (3):349.
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  44. Lettura, interpretazione e critica dell' opera d'arte.Luigi Pareyson - 1953 - Filosofia 4 (4):529.
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  45. La stupeur de la raison selon Schelling.Luigi Pareyson - 2010 - In Jean-François Courtine & Gérard Bensussan (eds.), Schelling. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf.
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  46. Stile, materia e contenuto nell'arte.Luigi Pareyson - 1953 - Filosofia 4 (2):195.
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  47. Schelling Presentazione E Antologia.Luigi Pareyson & Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 1975 - Marietti.
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  48. Schellingiana rariora, coll. « Philosophica varia inedita rariora ».Luigi Pareyson - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (1):140-141.
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  49. Un inedito distico latino di Schelling.Luigi Pareyson - 1976 - Filosofia 27 (1):47.
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    Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians: A 'Revolution in Economics' to Be Accomplished.Luigi L. Pasinetti - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    What was the Keynesian revolution in economics? Why did it not succeed to the extent that Keynes and his close pupils had hoped for? Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians addresses these and other questions by tracing the historical development of Keynesian economics. The book is split into three parts. Part I contains the author's Caffè Lectures on Keynes's 'unaccomplished revolution'. Part II is a series of biographical essays where the author, himself a witness and participant of the group on which (...)
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