Results for 'Ulpiano Vázquez Moro'

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  1. El discurso sobre Dios en la obra de E. Levinas.Ulpiano Vázquez Moro - 1982 - Madrid: UPCM.
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    The “Discovery” of the Autograph of Thomas More's De Tristitia Christi through Andrés Vázquez de Prada.Frank Mitjans - 2007 - Moreana 58 (1):112-124.
    Frank Mitjans is an architect who has worked in London since 1976. He was introduced to the significance of the figure of St. Thomas More by Andrés Vázquez de Prada, author of the biography, Sir Tomás Moro, Lord Canciller de Inglaterra. In 1977 Vázquez de Prada invited Mitjans to visit with him the Thomas More Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, which stimulated his interest in representations of More, his family and his friends. Since August 2002 he (...)
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    In Memoriam Dominic Baker-Smith.Frank Mitjans & Elizabeth McCutcheon and - 2007 - Moreana 53 (3-4):7-15.
    Frank Mitjans is an architect who has worked in London since 1976. He was introduced to the significance of the figure of St. Thomas More by Andrés Vázquez de Prada, author of the biography, Sir Tomás Moro, Lord Canciller de Inglaterra. In 1977 Vázquez de Prada invited Mitjans to visit with him the Thomas More Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, which stimulated his interest in representations of More, his family and his friends. Since August 2002 he (...)
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    Reviewing and Correcting the Article on the Date of Birth of Thomas More.Frank Mitjans - 2007 - Moreana 49 (3-4):251-262.
    Frank Mitjans is an architect who has worked in London since 1976. He was introduced to the significance of the figure of St. Thomas More by Andrés Vázquez de Prada, author of the biography, Sir Tomás Moro, Lord Canciller de Inglaterra. In 1977 Vázquez de Prada invited Mitjans to visit with him the Thomas More Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, which stimulated his interest in representations of More, his family and his friends. Since August 2002 he (...)
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    Pedro de Ribadeneyra's “Ecclesiastical History of the Schism of the Kingdom of England”: A Spanish Jesuit's History of the English Reformation, ed. and trans. Spencer J. Weinreich. [REVIEW]Frank Mitjans - 2007 - Moreana 55 (1):113-119.
    Frank Mitjans is an architect who has worked in London since 1976. He was introduced to the significance of the figure of St. Thomas More by Andrés Vázquez de Prada, author of the biography, Sir Tomás Moro, Lord Canciller de Inglaterra. In 1977 Vázquez de Prada invited Mitjans to visit with him the Thomas More Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, which stimulated his interest in representations of More, his family and his friends. Since August 2002 he (...)
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    Thinking about ‘Presentism’ from a Historian's Perspective: Herbert Butterfield and Hélène Metzger.Oscar Moro-Abadía - 2009 - History of Science 47 (1):55-77.
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    Family Business Ethics: At the Crossroads of Business Ethics and Family Business.Pedro Vazquez - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):691-709.
    In spite of the considerable development of research in the fields of business ethics and family business, a comprehensive review and integration of the area where both disciplines intersect has not been undertaken so far. This paper aims at contributing to the call for more research on family business ethics by answering the following research questions: What is the status of the current research at the intersection of business ethics and family business? Why and how do family firms differ from (...)
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  8. On the nature of the conjunction fallacy.Rodrigo Moro - 2009 - Synthese 171 (1):1 - 24.
    In a seminal work, Tversky and Kahneman showed that in some contexts people tend to believe that a conjunction of events (e.g., Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement) is more likely to occur than one of the conjuncts (e.g., Linda is a bank teller). This belief violates the conjunction rule in probability theory. Tversky and Kahneman called this phenomenon the “conjunction fallacy”. Since the discovery of the phenomenon in 1983, researchers in psychology and philosophy (...)
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    Nuclear Energy in the Public Sphere: Anti-Nuclear Movements vs. Industrial Lobbies in Spain.Luis Sánchez-Vázquez & Alfredo Menéndez-Navarro - 2015 - Minerva 53 (1):69-88.
    This article examines the role of the Spanish Atomic Forum as the representative of the nuclear sector in the public arena during the golden years of the nuclear power industry from the 1960s to 1970s. It focuses on the public image concerns of the Spanish nuclear lobby and the subsequent information campaigns launched during the late 1970s to counteract demonstrations by the growing and heterogeneous anti-nuclear movement. The role of advocacy of nuclear energy by the Atomic Forum was similar to (...)
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    Putting Universal Healthcare on the Religious Agenda.Daniel A. Moros & Rosamond Rhodes - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (3):233-234.
    In modern industrial society the issue of access to healthcare is inseparable from the question of whether there is a right to healthcare and whether government has the correlative duty to assure a minimum level of care to all citizens. While discussion in terms of rights and duties tends to direct our attention to broader, more theoretical ethical issues, discussion in terms of invites consideration of more practical concerns. The news media rarely report in terms of whether a citizen's right (...)
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    Viewing cognitive mechanisms in the context of biology.Linda Hermer-Vazquez - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):689-690.
    Cognitive mechanisms are based in organisms’biology, and results from biological studies suggest that there is unlikely to be a single mechanism for reorienting or for combining information across modules or domains. Rather, there are likely to be multiple, partly overlapping systems for accomplishing nearly all cognitive and behavioral goals, as is the case for biological mechanisms more generally.
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  12. (1 other version)C. Maigné, Johann Friedrich Herbart, Paris 2007.Nadia Moro - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (1):190-193.
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    Ciencia y religión: metodología, historia y perspectivas en Latinoamérica.Enrique R. Moros - 2015 - Scientia et Fides 3 (1):273-278.
    Science and Religion: Methodology, History and Prospects in Latin America.
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    La Perspectiva GenealóGica de la Historia.Óscar Moro Abadía - 2006 - Santander: Universidad de Cantabria.
    Pretende construir el autor, tomando como referencia a Foucaul y Nietzsche, una perspectiva genealógica de la historia capaz de responder a una serie de preguntas que expliquen cómo hemos llegado a ser lo que somos, ¿qué es la historia y para qué sirve?, ¿es una ciencia?, ¿cuál es su relación con la filosofía?, ¿es posible un conocimiento histórico objetivo?..
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    La verdad. Desde Tomás de Aquino a John McDowell pasando por Richard Rorty.Enrique Moros & Juan José Salinas - 2016 - Acta Philosophica 25 (2):275-300.
    In this paper a comparison is made between the notion of truth as offered by Thomas Aquinas and John McDowell’s reflections on knowledge and truth. We suggest that some correspondences can be drawn between the thomist idea of trascendental truth and McDowell’s proposal of the unboundedness of the conceptual, and between the realist thesis that truth of things measure our understanding and McDowell’s defense of objectivity, understood as the constraint exerted by external reality on our thinking, which makes possible a (...)
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    Los Tribunales Interdiocesanos de Sevilla: Nueva estructura judicial de la Iglesia.Ulpiano Pacho Sardón - 2023 - Isidorianum 6 (12):471-497.
    El 1 de febrero de 1982 se constituyeron en la Archidiócesis de Sevilla los Tribunales Interdiocesanos de Primera y Segunda Instancia. Se trata de Tribunales Eclesiásticos de Justicia extracanónicos, que se originaron primero en Italia según el Motu Propio 'Qua Cura' de Pío XI, y luego se extendieron a la Iglesia en general, para integrarse finalmente en el actual Derecho Canónico. Este ensayo describe el desarrollo y la naturaleza de estos Tribunales de Justicia, así como su funcionamiento en la Archidiócesis (...)
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  17. El derecho subjetivo de acuerdo con la teoría pura.Eduardo Villarreal Moro - 1961 - México,:
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  18. El papel de la filosofía y las humanidades frente a la nueva barbarie.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - 2025 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 94:145-157.
    Las disciplinas humanísticas y, en concreto, la filosofía, están viendo reducidas su presencia en todos los niveles del sistema educativo. Orientados hacia la formación profesional, los itinerarios educativos siguen una agenda de maximización del beneficio. La educación es vista más como un gasto que como una inversión y se buscan los resultados inmediatamente. La necesidad de ofrecer una perspectiva distinta, que reivindique la presencia de los contenidos humanísticos en nuestra sociedad, es la única salida frente al auge de la nueva (...)
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    Stakeholders Pressures and Strategic Prioritisation: An Empirical Analysis of Environmental Responses in Argentinean Firms.D. A. Vazquez-Brust, C. Liston-Heyes, J. A. Plaza-Úbeda & J. Burgos-Jiménez - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S2):171 - 192.
    This article focusses on corporate attitudes to stakeholder environmental pressures in Argentina. It uses a cross section survey of 505 CEOs of Argentinean firms to gather information on environmental attitudes and a stakeholder theory framework to design and interpret the statistical analyses. It is underpinned by theoretical and empirical findings in the literature on stakeholder management, targeting in particular studies that deal with corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Latin America. Its general aim is to gain a deeper empirical understanding of (...)
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  20.  30
    Teleology and Sophistic Endeavour in the Euthydemus.Daniel Vázquez & Saloni de Souza - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (2):183-190.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, we build upon M.M. McCabe's [2021] characterisation of two accounts of logos and Socratic endeavour in Plato's Euthydemus. We argue that the brothers, Euthydemus and Dionysodorus, are engaged in and committed to an endeavour which has features in common with Socrates’. It has an aim, rules, and is subject to failure. It is also a unified activity in which structure, process and continuity are important. However, the brothers’ only aim is impressing their audience and they seem (...)
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    Crítica al pensamiento trascendental en Franz Hinkelammert.Eduardo Solano Vázquez - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (130):105-117.
    A partir de la crítica que Franz Hinkelammert emite al pensamiento trascendental-abstracto, el cual ostenta y soporta a la modernidad iluminista-capitalista a través de sus ciencias empíricas: derecho, economía, sociología, se ha realizado este texto. Éste resalta las repercusiones del pensamiento en la realidad histórica, de ahí que junto a Hinkelammert y la tradición del pensamiento crítico se considera que pensamiento-contexto social e histórico se implican e influyen entre sí. Por otro lado, el pensamiento trascendental-abstracto de la modernidad iluminista-capitalista ha (...)
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    The Boundaries of Babel: The Brain and the Enigma of Impossible Languages.Andrea Moro - 2008 - MIT Press.
    In _The Boundaries of Babel_, Andrea Moro tells the story of an encounter between two cultures: contemporary theoretical linguistics and the cognitive neurosciences. The study of language within a biological context has been ongoing for more than fifty years. The development of neuroimaging technology offers new opportunities to enrich the "biolinguistic perspective" and extend it beyond an abstract framework for inquiry. As a leading theoretical linguist in the generative tradition and also a cognitive scientist schooled in the new imaging (...)
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    Medicine’s Commitment to Science and the Duties That Bind Clinicians.Daniel A. Moros & Rosamond Rhodes - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (8):73-75.
    We whole-heartedly support Andrew Garland, Stephanie Morain, and Jeremy Sugarman’s claim that clinicians have a duty to participate in pragmatic clinical trials (Garland, Morain, and Sugarman 2023)...
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    Thinking Critically in Medicine and its Ethics: relating applied science and applied ethics.Daniel A. Moros, Rosamond Rhodes, Bernard Baumrin & James J. Strain - 1987 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (2):229-243.
    ABSTRACT While interest in philosophy and medicine has burgeoned in the past two decades, there remains a need for an analysis of the intellectual activity embodied in good medical practice. In this setting, ethical and scientific decision‐making are complexly interrelated. The following paper, collaboratively written by physicians and philosophers, presents a view of applied (clinical) science and applied ethics. Making extensive use of illustrations drawn from routine case material, we seek to indicate a variety of philosophic issues to be found (...)
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    Detection, exploitation and mitigation of memory errors.Oscar Llorente-Vazquez, Igor Santos-Grueiro, Iker Pastor-Lopez & Pablo Garcia Bringas - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (2):281-292.
    Software vulnerabilities are the root cause for a multitude of security problems in computer systems. Owing to their efficiency and tight control over low-level system resources, the C and C++ programming languages are extensively used for a myriad of purposes, from implementing operating system kernels to user-space applications. However, insufficient or improper memory management frequently leads to invalid memory accesses, eventually resulting in memory corruption vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities are used as a foothold for elaborated attacks that bypass existing defense methods. (...)
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    The Politics of Viagra: Gender, Dysfunction and Reproduction in Japan.Genaro Castro-Vázquez - 2006 - Body and Society 12 (2):109-129.
    The introduction of Viagra in Japan is largely associated with the construction of ‘abject masculinities’. The approval of the drug comes amidst worries about hormones polluting the environment and Japanese men's unwillingness to perform their ‘appropriate gender role’ in a country coping with problems in the economy, a growing number of unmarried people, an ageing population and declining birth rates. In this article, I analyse how impotence, gender and reproduction are entangled in the ways in which Japanese physicians report erectile (...)
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    La destrucción de la metafísica como ausencia en M. Heidegger.María Jimena Clavel Vázquez - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 27:185-189.
    During the project of the fundamental ontology, Heidegger refers to destruction as a moment of phenomenology –among other two that are equally constitutive– which has a mainly historical character. Now, this paper aims to show that the notion of philosophy as destruction is intensified as Heidegger’s thought moved forward. Destruction, in Heidegger’s first lectures, demands an analysis on both the limits and possibilities of the philosophical tradition. It is in this analysis when we come to realize that the question of (...)
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    La teoría cuántica de la gravedad y la física de partículas elementales.Enrique Álvarez Vázquez - 1998 - Arbor 159 (626):139-151.
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  29. (1 other version)A. Brancacci (a cura di), Herbart e Platone, Napoli 2011.Nadia Moro - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 67 (2):438-441.
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    Agostino, Vedere Dio (lettera 147), traduzione, introduzione e note a cura di Giovanni Catapano.Enrico Moro - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):623-626.
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  31. Contro la pena capitale : fondamenti e limito della concezione abolizionista di Cesare Beccaria.Paolo Moro - 2015 - In Giovanni Rossi & Francesca Zanuso (eds.), Attualità e storicità del Dei delitti e delle pene a 250 anni dalla pubblicazione. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Dios como ser. Sobre un nuevo estilo de teología natural.Enrique Moros - 2012 - Studia Poliana 14:145-174.
    Dios es el Ser. A partir de esta afirmación tomista clásica se estudia la nueva forma de plantear la teología natural como consecuencia del abandono del límite mental en cuanto método de la metafísica. Dicho abandono permite pensar los primeros principios en su carácter existencial y en su mutua vigencia. Se descubre que el carácter existencial de Dios es el primer principio de identidad. A partir de ahí se estudia a Dios como Incausado. Se reflexiona sobre el alcance de la (...)
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    La filosofía analítica y la encíclica "Fides et ratio".Enrique R. Moros - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (65):697-724.
    The criticism of Bernstein on the encyclical Fides et ratio, claiming that it does not take into account the progress made by the best philosophies of this Century on the analysis of truth, is false. This paper show that the encyclical does take into account the achievements of analytical epistemology. Also it says that the even challenges analytical philosophy to deal with even more important issues such as the role of metaphysics in the analysis of human knowledge and conceptual language.
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  34. Tonpsychologische Gestalten : pieces of a theory of tonal fusion by J.F. Herbart and C. Stumpf.Nadia Moro - 2011 - In G.-J. Boudewijnse & S. Bonacchi (eds.), Carl Stumpf: From philosophical reflection to interdisciplinary scientific investigation. Wien: Krammer.
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    Usage de l’objet, signification et émergence de la conscience à l’étape préverbale du développement: Une perspective édusémiotique.Christiane Moro - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (212):129-153.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 212 Seiten: 129-153.
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    The walking stick of Aesculapius: its history.Isael Armando Pérez Vazquez & Sánchez Lera - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):220-237.
    Se realizó la revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de que los jóvenes profesionales de la salud conozcan acerca de la historia, origen y significado del distintivo que representa a la Medicina en todos sus campos con un carácter humanista y elevados valores éticos y morales: el emblema de Esculapio, al que se le atribuyen dotes para calmar o apaciguar. Esta imagen del bastón con la serpiente es la que ha quedado como un atributo del dios curativo y ha llegado hasta (...)
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    Justicia constitucional, derechos humanos Y argumento contramayoritario.Rodolfo Vázquez - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:249-264.
    El autor, en el contexto del debate sobre la relación entre la justicia constitucional y el proceso democrático, argumenta a favor de considerar al control jurisdiccional de constitucionalidad como un requisito necesario, pero no suficiente, para la existencia de un Estado democrático de derecho. Tras analizar las posturas y argumentos generales de ese debate, así como aspectos singulares del modo en que se viene desarrollando en Latinoamérica, abogará por un modelo de democracia débil, en el que una serie de derechos, (...)
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    Progreso científico y verdad.Juan Vázquez - 1991 - Critica 23 (69):101-135.
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    Nietzsche’s shadow: On the origin and development of the term nihilism.Juan Luis Toribio Vazquez - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (10):1199-1212.
    While the term ‘nihilism’ has become increasingly widespread throughout the past two centuries, not only in academic discourses but in popular culture more widely, there is a surprising lack of con...
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    Multi-language transfer learning for low-resource legal case summarization.Gianluca Moro, Nicola Piscaglia, Luca Ragazzi & Paolo Italiani - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (4):1111-1139.
    Analyzing and evaluating legal case reports are labor-intensive tasks for judges and lawyers, who usually base their decisions on report abstracts, legal principles, and commonsense reasoning. Thus, summarizing legal documents is time-consuming and requires excellent human expertise. Moreover, public legal corpora of specific languages are almost unavailable. This paper proposes a transfer learning approach with extractive and abstractive techniques to cope with the lack of labeled legal summarization datasets, namely a low-resource scenario. In particular, we conducted extensive multi- and cross-language (...)
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    How Not to Learn From Catastrophe.Antonio Y. Vázquez-Arroyo - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (5):738-765.
    This essay conceptualizes the intersections between contemporary catastrophes and political life by exploring how narratives of catastrophe mediate discursive and objective processes of catastrophization. It argues for the need to counteract catastrophization, a discursive and objective political phenomenon, by not only re-cognizing how catastrophes impinge on political life but by offering a more critical understanding of this intersection. The essay thus calls for the politicization of catastrophe as a response to the “catastrophization of political life.” Apropos of these concerns, it (...)
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  42. Feminist archives: narrating embodied vulnerabilities and practices of care.Valentina Moro - 2022 - Biblioteca Della Libertà 57 (235):39-71.
    The outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 has exposed a shared condition of vulnerability on a global scale. How can we use vulnerability as an effective paradigm in order to foster collective political initiatives? This essay claims that the idea of care is key to understand the vulnerability framework as being both an epistemic and a political resource to address ethical issues. The first half of the essay recollects several arguments in Adriana Cavarero’s and Judith Butler’s most recent works, insofar as both theorists (...)
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  43. Agonized liberalism-The liberal theory of William E Connolly.Antonio Y. Vázquez-Arroyo - 2004 - Radical Philosophy 127:8-19.
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    Tácito, Saavedra, y la “Censura sobre los Anales de Tácito (Ms. 13086)”.María Teresa Cid Vázquez - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    Se reflexiona sobre la posible autoría del documento que se conserva en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, “_Censura_ sobre los Anales de Tácito…”, ms. 13086. El colector de la miscelánea lo catalogó como anónimo a pesar del nombre que figura en una hoja adjunta al documento: Pedro Ponce de León. En este artículo se plantea una hipótesis sobre su posible autoría: Pedro Ponce de León podría ser el seudónimo con el que ocultó su identidad don Diego de Saavedra Fajardo.
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  45. La persistencia del marxismo: entrevista con Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez.Gabriel Vargas Lozano & Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez - 1996 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 7:185-194.
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    Marcuse, Benjamin y Heidegger: tres reflexiones en torno al fenómeno de la técnica moderna y sus implicancias sociales.Betina Vazquez - 2023 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 8 (1):1-14.
    La cuestión de la técnica y los posibles efectos e implicancias de la misma en las sociedades contemporáneas es una temática recurrente en pensadores del siglo XX. Se trata de un fenómeno que de una u otra manera fue abordado por quienes intentaron comprender el ritmo de las sociedades de la época. Nos interesa particularmente pensar los desarrollos de tres autores que, según nuestro criterio, han reflexionado sobre la cuestión de la técnica moderna junto a otros aspectos sociales y culturales (...)
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    A vueltas con la ética escéptica: reflexiones desde la racionalidad escéptica.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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  48. The mechanistic foundation of Weber’s law.Jose Pardo-Vazquez, Juan Castiñeiras-de Saa, Mafalda Valente, Iris Damião, Tiago Costa, M. Inês Vicente, André Mendonça, Zachary Mainen & Alfonso Renart - 2019 - Nature Neuroscience 22 (9):1493–1502.
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    Just war in the classical world: Grece and Rome.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - 2019 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 53 (3):41.
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    Intervals of Quasi-Decompositionality and Emergent Properties.Emilio Cáceres Vázquez & Cristian Saborido - 2017 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 32 (1):89-108.
    The notion of emergence has accompanied philosophy of science since the late XIX century, claiming that in some systems there are properties in certain levels that cannot be deduced from properties of their components as seen in more fundamental levels. Throughout the XX century, emergence has been characterized by four pillars: unpredictability, novelty, restriction and downward causation. These four pillars have been related to the assumption of a hierarchical order of reality in different levels of organization. In this paper, we (...)
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