Results for 'Ulrike Grömping'

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  1.  65
    Ulrike Strate-Schneider: Einmischen - Mitmischen. Beiträge der Arbeitsstelle Sozial-, Kultur- und Erziehungswissenschaftliche Frauenforschung. TU Berlin 1980 bis 1992.Ulrike Ramming - 1994 - Die Philosophin 5 (10):113-114.
  2.  45
    How Communication Can Make Voters Choose Less Well.Ulrike Hahn, Momme von Sydow & Christoph Merdes - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (1):194-206.
    In recent years, the receipt and the perception of information has changed in ways which have fueled fears about the fates of our democracies. However, real information on these possibilities or the direction of these changes does not exist. Into this gap, Hahn and colleagues bring the power of Condorcet's (1785) Jury Theorem to show that changes in our information networks have affected voter inter‐dependence so that it is likely that voters are now collectively more ignorant even if individual voter (...)
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  3.  43
    How Good Is Your Evidence and How Would You Know?Ulrike Hahn, Christoph Merdes & Momme von Sydow - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):660-678.
    This paper examines the basic question of how we can come to form accurate beliefs about the world when we do not fully know how good or bad our evidence is. Here, we show, using simulations with otherwise optimal agents, the cost of misjudging the quality of our evidence. We compare different strategies for correctly estimating that quality, such as outcome‐ and expectation‐based updating. We also identify conditions under which misjudgment of evidence quality can nevertheless lead to accurate beliefs, as (...)
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    Rational argument, rational inference.Ulrike Hahn, Adam J. L. Harris & Mike Oaksford - 2012 - Argument and Computation 4 (1):21 - 35.
    (2013). Rational argument, rational inference. Argument & Computation: Vol. 4, Formal Models of Reasoning in Cognitive Psychology, pp. 21-35. doi: 10.1080/19462166.2012.689327.
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  5. Fanny Lewald (1811-1889).Ulrike Wagner - 2023 - In Kristin Gjesdal (ed.), The Oxford handbook of nineteenth-century women philosophers in the German tradition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    A Difference in Kind? Jürgen Habermas and Charles Taylor on Post-secularism.Ulrike Spohn - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (2):120-135.
    In this essay I examine the debate between Jürgen Habermas and Charles Taylor on the post-secular state. I argue that, although their views on the relation of religion and politics converge in certain respects, a profound difference remains between their overall approaches. Their disagreement on the epistemic status of religious as opposed to secular moral reasons, and on the role religious arguments can play in the public sphere testify to a deeper schism. Thus what might at first seem like a (...)
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  7.  19
    ›New Israel‹ in der Neuen Welt und der Ursprung der ›Indianer‹. Zur millenaristischen Ethnographie des frühen amerikanischen Puritanismus.Ulrike Brunotte - 2000 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 8 (2):109-124.
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    Experiential Limitation in Judgment and Decision.Ulrike Hahn - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (2):229-244.
    The statistics of small samples are often quite different from those of large samples, and this needs to be taken into account in assessing the rationality of human behavior. Specifically, in evaluating human responses to environmental statistics, it is the effective environment that matters; that is, the environment actually experienced by the agent needs to be considered, not simply long‐run frequencies. Significant deviations from long‐run statistics may arise through experiential limitations of the agent that stem from resource constraints and/or information‐processing (...)
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  9. Machineries for Making Publics: Inscribing and De-scribing Publics in Public Engagement.Ulrike Felt & Maximilian Fochler - 2010 - Minerva 48 (3):219-238.
    This paper investigates the dynamic and performative construction of publics in public engagement exercises. In this investigation, we, on the one hand, analyse how public engagement settings as political machineries frame particular kinds of roles and identities for the participating publics in relation to ‘the public at large’. On the other hand, we study how the participating citizens appropriate, resist and transform these roles and identities, and how they construct themselves and the participating group in relation to wider publics. The (...)
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  10.  53
    Truth tracking performance of social networks: how connectivity and clustering can make groups less competent.Ulrike Hahn, Jens Ulrik Hansen & Erik J. Olsson - 2020 - Synthese 197 (4):1511-1541.
    Our beliefs and opinions are shaped by others, making our social networks crucial in determining what we believe to be true. Sometimes this is for the good because our peers help us form a more accurate opinion. Sometimes it is for the worse because we are led astray. In this context, we address via agent-based computer simulations the extent to which patterns of connectivity within our social networks affect the likelihood that initially undecided agents in a network converge on a (...)
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  11.  61
    The rationality of informal argumentation: A Bayesian approach to reasoning fallacies.Ulrike Hahn & Mike Oaksford - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (3):704-732.
  12.  14
    Die Bedeutung antiker Theorien für die Genese und Systematik von Kants Philosophie: Eine Analyse der drei Kritiken.Ulrike Santozki - 2006 - De Gruyter.
    Bei Kant tauchen viele antike Autoren und Theorien auf. In dieser ersten Gesamtbearbeitung zum Thema wird gegen eine langjährige Forschungsmeinung gezeigt, dass nicht so sehr Platon und Aristoteles als vielmehr der hellenistischen Philosophie die entscheidende Rolle für sein Denken zukommt. Anhand der drei Kritiken werden Konstanzen und Umbrüche seines Antikeverständnisses herausgearbeitet und in ihren Konsequenzen für die Kantdeutung beleuchtet.
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  13.  51
    First- and Second-Level Bias in Automated Decision-making.Ulrik Franke - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-20.
    Recent advances in artificial intelligence offer many beneficial prospects. However, concerns have been raised about the opacity of decisions made by these systems, some of which have turned out to be biased in various ways. This article makes a contribution to a growing body of literature on how to make systems for automated decision-making more transparent, explainable, and fair by drawing attention to and further elaborating a distinction first made by Nozick between first-level bias in the application of standards and (...)
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  14.  30
    Bot, or not? Comparing three methods for detecting social bots in five political discourses.Ulrike Klinger, Tobias R. Keller, Paul Samula & Franziska Martini - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Social bots – partially or fully automated accounts on social media platforms – have not only been widely discussed, but have also entered political, media and research agendas. However, bot detection is not an exact science. Quantitative estimates of bot prevalence vary considerably and comparative research is rare. We show that findings on the prevalence and activity of bots on Twitter depend strongly on the methods used to identify automated accounts. We search for bots in political discourses on Twitter, using (...)
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    Lessons from pragmatism: Organizational learning as resolving tensions at work.Ulrik Brandi & Bente Elkjaer - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (5):448-458.
    In the article, we propose to frame organizational learning as inquiry into and resolving tensions arising from the performance of different commitments to work and its organizing. We expand learning as participation with its focus upon identity and membership to the development of work and the experiences and knowledge of its participants. The proposal is inspired by pragmatist philosophy both through its emphasis on learning as ascribing meaning to experience and its sociological version, symbolic interactionism with its emphasis on work (...)
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    Rawls’s Original Position and Algorithmic Fairness.Ulrik Franke - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1803-1817.
    Modern society makes extensive use of automated algorithmic decisions, fueled by advances in artificial intelligence. However, since these systems are not perfect, questions about fairness are increasingly investigated in the literature. In particular, many authors take a Rawlsian approach to algorithmic fairness. This article aims to identify some complications with this approach: Under which circumstances can Rawls’s original position reasonably be applied to algorithmic fairness decisions? First, it is argued that there are important differences between Rawls’s original position and a (...)
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    Collectives and Epistemic Rationality.Ulrike Hahn - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (3):602-620.
    Topics in Cognitive Science, Volume 14, Issue 3, Page 602-620, July 2022.
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    Algorithmic Transparency, Manipulation, and Two Concepts of Liberty.Ulrik Franke - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-6.
    As more decisions are made by automated algorithmic systems, the transparency of these systems has come under scrutiny. While such transparency is typically seen as beneficial, there is a also a critical, Foucauldian account of it. From this perspective, worries have recently been articulated that algorithmic transparency can be used for manipulation, as part of a disciplinary power structure. Klenk (Philosophy & Technology 36, 79, 2023) recently argued that such manipulation should not be understood as exploitation of vulnerable victims, but (...)
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    Similarity as transformation.Ulrike Hahn, Nick Chater & Lucy B. Richardson - 2003 - Cognition 87 (1):1-32.
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    Cognitive deficits are a matter of emotional context: Inflexible strategy use mediates context-specific learning impairments in OCD.Ulrike Zetsche, Winfried Rief, Stefan Westermann & Cornelia Exner - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (2):360-371.
  21.  9
    Rawlsian Algorithmic Fairness and a Missing Aggregation Property of the Difference Principle.Ulrik Franke - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-19.
    Modern society makes extensive use of automated algorithmic decisions, fueled by advances in artificial intelligence. However, since these systems are not perfect, questions about fairness are increasingly investigated in the literature. In particular, many authors take a Rawlsian approach to algorithmic fairness. Based on complications with this approach identified in the literature, this article discusses how Rawls’s theory in general, and especially the difference principle, should reasonably be applied to algorithmic fairness decisions. It is observed that proposals to achieve Rawlsian (...)
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  22. Ethical Particularism: An Essay on Moral Reasons.Ulrik Kihlbom - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (217):642-645.
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    Exemplar similarity and rule application.Ulrike Hahn, Mercè Prat-Sala, Emmanuel M. Pothos & Duncan P. Brumby - 2010 - Cognition 114 (1):1-18.
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  24. Reasons and impossibility.Ulrike Heuer - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 147 (2):235 - 246.
    In this paper, I argue that a person can have a reason to do what she cannot do. In a nutshell, the argument is that a person can have derivate reasons relating to an action that she has a non-derivative reason to perform. There are clear examples of derivative reasons that a person has in cases where she cannot do what she (non-derivatively) has reason to do. She couldn’t have those derivative reasons, unless she also had the non-derivative reason to (...)
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  25.  74
    Attachment Style of Volunteer Counselors in Telephone Emergency Services Predicts Counseling Process.Ulrike Dinger, Simone Jennissen & Isabelle Rek - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Raz on Values and Reasons.Ulrike Heuer - 2004 - In R. Jay Wallace, Philip Pettit, Samuel Scheffler & Michael Smith (eds.), Reason and Value: Themes From the Moral Philosophy of Joseph Raz. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 129-152.
    Explaining the relation of values and reasons is a major focus of Joseph Raz’s work. I examine his account of the relation of values and reasons, focusing in particular on practical reasons. As a preliminary way of delineating two basic alternatives for mapping the relation of values and reasons, let me pose the Euthyphro-style question: (1) Is something valuable because we have reasons to behave in some way with respect to it? Or: (2) Do we have reasons to behave in (...)
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    Corine Pelluchon: L’être et la mer. Pour un existentialisme écologique.Ulrike Bardt - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (4):372-376.
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    Die Geburt der Venus als zweite kopernikanische Wende?Ulrike Gehring - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2011 (2):196-201.
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    The notion of distal similarity is ill defined.Ulrike Hahn & Nick Chater - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):474-475.
    We argue that the notion of distal similarity on which Edelman's reconstruction of the process of perception and the nature of representation rests is ill defined. As a consequence, the mapping between world and description that is supposedly at stake is, in fact, a mapping between two different descriptions or “representations.”.
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  30. (ries, 22.) Amsterdam & Philadel-phia: John Benjamins, 1992. Pp. xiii, 402. Cloth $79.00.Ulrike Hartge & Michel de Fornel - 1994 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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  31. Beyond wrong reasons : the buck-passing account of value.Ulrike Heuer - 2010 - In Michael S. Brady (ed.), New Waves in Metaethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  32. What Eric Berne meant by "unconscious": Aspects of depth psychology in transactional analysis.Ulrike Müller - 2002 - Transactional Analysis Journal 32 (2):107-115.
  33.  38
    Letting reality become real: On mystery and reality in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's ethics.Ulrik Becker Nissen - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (2):321-343.
    In Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ethics the notion of reality plays a central role. The present article focuses on the ethical implications of the Chalcedonian Christology underlying this concept. This approach is tied to the debate on the relationship between the universal and specific identity of Christian social ethics in public discourse. In the opening section the article outlines the pertinence of this debate with regard to Bonhoeffer's Christological ethic. In the following section the article analyzes Bonhoeffer's concept of reality and the (...)
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    Einführung in die analytische Philosophie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.Ulrike Notarp - 2006 - Wrocław: Wydawn Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    Apuleius, De magia. Zur Historizität der Rede.Ulrike Riemer - 2006 - História 55 (2):178-190.
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  36. Zur hölle mit ihnen die konstruktion kultureller identitäten und alteritäten auf kreta am beispiel Von wandmalereien Des 14. jahrhunderts in kritsa.Ulrike Ritzerfeld - 2013 - Byzantion 83:339-361.
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    "Weichenstellungen und Abstellgleise": eine Reise durch das Körper-Geist-Problem auf dem Weg von der Antike bis heute.Ulrike Santozki - 2010 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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    Traditional Chinese Pharmacology: An Analysis of Its Development in the Thirteenth Century.Ulrike Unschuld - 1977 - Isis 68 (2):224-248.
  39.  12
    Melodien aus der Jenaer Liederhandschrift.Ulrike Zuckschwerdt - 2014 - In Bruder Wernher: Sangsprüche: Transliteriert, Normalisiert, Übersetzt Und Kommentiert. De Gruyter. pp. 667-677.
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    Ton II. Teil 2.Ulrike Zuckschwerdt - 2014 - In Bruder Wernher: Sangsprüche: Transliteriert, Normalisiert, Übersetzt Und Kommentiert. De Gruyter. pp. 291-418.
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    Stress “deafness” in a Language with Fixed Word Stress: An ERP Study on Polish.Ulrike Domahs, Johannes Knaus, Paula Orzechowska & Richard Wiese - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  42. Reasons for actions and desires.Ulrike Heuer - 2004 - Philosophical Studies 121 (1):43–63.
    It is an assumption common to many theories of rationality that all practical reasons are based on a person's given desires. I shall call any approach to practical reasons which accepts this assumption a "Humean approach". In spite of many criticisms, the Humean approach has numerous followers who take it to be the natural and inevitable view of practical reason. I will develop an argument against the Humean view aiming to explain its appeal, as well as to expose its mistake. (...)
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  43. The Paradox of Deontology, Revisited.Ulrike Heuer - 2011 - In Mark Timmons (ed.), Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Volume 1. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 236-67.
    It appears to be a feature of our ordinary understanding of morality that we ought not to act in certain ways at all. We ought not to kill, torture, deceive, break our promises (say)—exceptional circumstances apart. Many moral duties are thought of in this way. Killing another person would be wrong even if it achieved a great good, and even if it led to preventing the deaths of several others. This feature of moral thinking is at the core of deontological (...)
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  44.  26
    Negotiating the reuse of health-data: Research, Big Data, and the European General Data Protection Regulation.Ulrike Felt & Johannes Starkbaum - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    Before the EU General Data Protection Regulation entered into force in May 2018, we witnessed an intense struggle of actors associated with data-dependent fields of science, in particular health-related academia and biobanks striving for legal derogations for data reuse in research. These actors engaged in a similar line of argument and formed issue alliances to pool their collective power. Using descriptive coding followed by an interpretive analysis, this article investigates the argumentative repertoire of these actors and embeds the analysis in (...)
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  45. Beyond Wrong Reasons: The Buck-Passing Account of Value.Ulrike Heuer - 2010 - In Michael S. Brady (ed.), New Waves in Metaethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The buck-passing account of value (BPA) is very fertile ground that has given rise to a number of interpretations and controversies. It has originally been proposed by T.M. Scanlon as an analysis of value: according to it, being good ‘is not a property that itself provides a reason to respond to a thing in certain ways. Rather, to be good or valuable is to have other properties that constitute such reasons’. Buck-passing stands in a complicated relation to the fitting-attitude analysis (...)
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  46. Reasons to Intend.Ulrike Heuer - 2018 - In Daniel Star (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. pp. 865-890.
    Donald Davidson writes that “[r]easons for intending to do something are very much like reasons for action, indeed one might hold that they are exactly the same except for time.” That the reasons for forming an intention and the reasons for acting as intended are in some way related is a widely accepted claim. But it can take different forms: (1) the reasons may mirror each other so that there is a (derivative) reason to intend whenever there is a reason (...)
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  47.  17
    Similarity and Categorization.Ulrike Hahn & Michael Ramscar (eds.) - 2001 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Concepts allow us to treat different objects equivalently according to shared attributes, and hence to communicate about, draw inferences from, reason with, and explain these objects. Understanding how concepts are formed and used is thus essential to understanding and applying these basic processes, and the topic of similarity-based classification is central to psychology, artificial intelligence, statistics, and philosophy. This book brings together leading researchers, reflecting the key topics and important developments in the field and provides a uniquely interdisciplinary overview of (...)
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  48.  25
    The Value of Doubt: Humanities-Based Literacy in Management Education.Ulrike Landfester & Jörg Metelmann - 2020 - Humanistic Management Journal 5 (2):159-175.
    Our paper addresses the question of what exactly the contribution of the humanities to management education could or should be, suggesting the concept of Literacy as both this contribution’s goal and method. Though there seems to emerge a consensus in the debate about the future of management education that the humanities should be involved with shaping it, some misconceptions about the humanities obscure the understanding of the why and how of it, most notably as to the manner in which they (...)
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  49.  15
    Transitions, Expansions, Engagements: Science, Technology, & Human Values between 2002 and 2007.Ulrike Felt - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (4):650-655.
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  50.  95
    A normative framework for argument quality: argumentation schemes with a Bayesian foundation.Ulrike Hahn & Jos Hornikx - 2016 - Synthese 193 (6):1833-1873.
    In this paper, it is argued that the most fruitful approach to developing normative models of argument quality is one that combines the argumentation scheme approach with Bayesian argumentation. Three sample argumentation schemes from the literature are discussed: the argument from sign, the argument from expert opinion, and the appeal to popular opinion. Limitations of the scheme-based treatment of these argument forms are identified and it is shown how a Bayesian perspective may help to overcome these. At the same time, (...)
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