Results for 'Universitas Indonesia. Dissertations'

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  1.  7
    Berpijak pada filsafat: kumpulan sinopsis disertasi Program Pascasarjana Filsafat, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia.Toeti Heraty (ed.) - 2013 - Depok: Komunitas Bambu.
    Sumarries of dissertations on philosophy written by doctors of philosophy at Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia.
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  2. A semiotic and socio-cultural exploration of symbols of faith and unity in indonesia.Universitas Indonesia - 2008 - In Katharina Endriati Sukamto & Soenjono Dardjowidjojo (eds.), Kelana bahana sang bahasawan: persembahan untuk Prof. Soenjono Dardjowidjojo, Ph. D. dalam rangka ulang tahunnya yang ke-70. Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya. pp. 1--405.
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  3. Rasa kejawaan Dan pengungkapan tindak tutur pengancam muka di kalangan orang jawa'.Universitas Indonesia - 2008 - In Katharina Endriati Sukamto & Soenjono Dardjowidjojo (eds.), Kelana bahana sang bahasawan: persembahan untuk Prof. Soenjono Dardjowidjojo, Ph. D. dalam rangka ulang tahunnya yang ke-70. Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya. pp. 1--427.
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  4. Are women more polite than men? An observation from indonesian data.Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia - 2008 - In Katharina Endriati Sukamto & Soenjono Dardjowidjojo (eds.), Kelana bahana sang bahasawan: persembahan untuk Prof. Soenjono Dardjowidjojo, Ph. D. dalam rangka ulang tahunnya yang ke-70. Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya. pp. 369.
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    Das Mitleid in der neueren Ethik: Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doktorwürde der Hohen Philosophischen Fakultät der Vereinigten Friedrichs-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.Willy Giessler - 1903 - Halle a.S.: Hofbuchdruckerei von C.A. Kaemmerer & Co..
    Excerpt from Das Mitleid in der Neueren Ethik: Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Philosophischen Doktorwürde der Hohen Philosophischen Fakultät der Vereinigten Friedrichs-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Zwei Philosophen der Neuzeit haben in ihren moral philosophischen Untersuchungen dem Mitleid besondere Beachtung geschenkt und dadurch das Interesse weiterer Kreise für diesen Gegenstand wachgerufen, Schopenhauer und sein Schüler, Nietzsche. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten (...)
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    Dialog Kristen dengan azas-azas etik non-Kristen di Indonesia: orasi yang diucapkan pada upacara dies natalis XIV pada Fakultas Theologia, Universitas Kristen Indonesia di Tomohon, pada hari Kamis 7 Oktober 1976.J. A. B. Jongeneel - 1977 - Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia.
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    Melanchthons Psychologie (seine Schrift De anima): in ihrer Abhängigkeit von Aristoteles und Galenos: Inaugural-Dissertation der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Jena zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde.Johann Rump - 1897 - Kiel: Verlag von E. Marquardsen.
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  8. Das Problem des Bösen bei Fichte: Inaugural-Dissertation der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Jena zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde.Wassil Nikoltschoff - 1898 - Jena: Frommannsche Hof-Buchdruckerei (Hermann Pohle).
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    Sarjana filsafat di Indonesia.Kees Bertens - 1985 - Jakarta, Indonesia: Atma Jaya, Pusat Pengembangan Etika Atma Jaya. Edited by A. A. Nugroho.
    List of philosphers graduated from universities in Indonesia, includes titles of their theses.
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    Karl Marx und die Universität Jena.Joachim Bauer & Stefan Gerber (eds.) - 2019 - Jena: Vopelius.
    Mit einer Dissertation über griechische Philosophie wurde der 23-jährige Karl Heinrich Marx aus Trier 1841 an der Universität Jena mit dem Prädikat "vorzüglich würdig" promoviert.0In der vorliegenden Edition werden die örtlichen Hintergründe im Umfeld der "Hohen Schule" der Ernestiner, die Begleitumstände des amtlichen akademischen Verfahrens und die aufsehenerregende Wirkungsgeschichte im Umgang mit der Qualifikationsschrift behandelt.0Zugleich hatte sich die Alma mater Jenensis ein bleibendes Denkmal für die Förderung eines aufstrebenden und später berühmt gewordenen Nachwuchsgelehrten durch die Jenaer Bildungsstätte gesetzt. Für die (...)
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  11. Philosophische Dissertationen deutscher Universitäten, 1660-1750: eine Auswahlbibliographie: Hanspeter Marti, unter Mitarbeit von Karin Marti.Hanspeter Marti - 1982 - New York: Saur. Edited by Karin Marti.
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  12. Etika kedokteran: tinjauan kurikulum pada fakultas kedokteran di universitas Islam di Jakarta.Fika Ekayanti - 2022 - Ngaglik, Sleman: Deepublish.
    On medical ethics curricula according to Islamic aspects in medicine faculty of several Islamic universities in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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    Philosophische Dissertationen deutscher Universitäten, 1660-1750: eine Auswahlbibliographie: Hanspeter Marti, unter Mitarbeit von Karin Marti.Hanspeter Marti & Karin Marti - 1982 - New York: Saur. Edited by Karin Marti.
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  14. Komitmen organisasi: Suatu telaah teoretis Dan empiris.Liche Seniati - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 8 (1).
    Since introduced in 1961, many researchers have placed on Organizational Commitment as dependent variable, independent variable, or mediator variable. As a result many journals and books of industrial and organizational psychology, occupational psychology, and organizational behavior write about this topic. This article summarizes theories and researchers in Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia on Organizational Commitment as the dependent variable.  .
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  15. rethinking machine ethics in the era of ubiquitous technology.Jeffrey White (ed.) - 2015 - Hershey, PA, USA: IGI.
    Table of Contents Foreword .................................................................................................... ......................................... xiv Preface .................................................................................................... .............................................. xv Acknowledgment .................................................................................................... .......................... xxiii Section 1 On the Cusp: Critical Appraisals of a Growing Dependency on Intelligent Machines Chapter 1 Algorithms versus Hive Minds and the Fate of Democracy ................................................................... 1 Rick Searle, IEET, USA Chapter 2 We Can Make Anything: Should We? .................................................................................................. 15 Chris Bateman, University of Bolton, UK Chapter 3 Grounding Machine Ethics within the Natural System ........................................................................ 30 Jared Gassen, JMG Advising, USA Nak Young Seong, Independent Scholar, South (...)
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    F. Budi Hardiman (ed.), Franz Magnis-Suseno: Sosok dan Pemikirannya, Jakarta: Kompas, 2016, x+342 hlm.Toety Heraty N. Roosseno - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (2):214-230.
    Buku berjudul Franz Magnis Suseno: Sosok dan Pemikirannya, berisi tiga belas artikel yang terdiri dari empat artikel mengenai sosok Franz Magnis-Suseno, lima artikel mengenai pemikiran Magnis, dan empat artikel sebagai catatan, ditulis oleh beliau-beliau yang tidak diragukan lagi profesionalisme mereka. Baiklah kini dimulai dengan mengulas dahulu lima pokok pemikiran yang secara singkat dapat disebut secara tematis: 1) tentang Pancasila, 2) tentang Etika Dialog, 3) tentang sosok agama modern, 4) tentang menalar Tuhan dari dunia, 5) tentang pendekatan ilmiah sesuai teori multijagat (...)
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    Avant-propos : La totalité est-elle un tout comme un autre?Maud Pouradier - 2016 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 53:7-12.
    Dans la Dissertation de 1770, Kant écrit que la « totalité absolue, bien qu’elle ait l’apparence d’un concept courant et facile […] est une croix pour le philosophe ». Alors que l’ensemble total (universitas) de tout ce qui existe semble saisissable par le concept de tout (totum), sa synthèse effective sous la condition du temps est inaccessible. Déchirée entre simplicité du tout abstrait et complexité infinie de la totalité synthétique, la rais...
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    Transitioning from Monodisciplinary in Arabic Education: Indonesian Insights.R. Taufiqurrochman & Lubna Farah - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:915-924.
    This study reveals that monodisciplinary approaches still dominate student research in Indonesia, including at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang Indonesia. This research aims to identify and analyze the distribution of research approaches and the factors influencing student preferences. The methods used include data analysis from the titles of theses and dissertations from 2018 to 2024, as well as interviews with program heads. The results show that although there is an increase in the use of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary (...)
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    Transformative research and the sustainable development goals: challenges and a vision from Bandung, West Java.Donna M. Mertens & Ida Widianingsih - 2019 - International Journal for Transformative Research 6 (1):27-35.
    The transformative research lens incorporates ideas such as consciously addressing power differences with strategies that allow for the inclusion of the voices of the full range of stakeholders, including those who are most marginalized. The goal of transformative research is to support the development of culturally responsive interventions that foster increased respect for human rights and achievement of social, economic, and environmental justice. In this article, we use a case study from Universitas Padjadjaran in Indonesia to illustrate the application (...)
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    O movimento pela volta da Filosofia ao ensino médio no contexto pós-1964: o primeiro Encontro Nacional de Departamentos de Filosofia e o Documento de Brasília.Renê José Trentin Silveira - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-30.
    Resumo: A reforma na educação básica promovida Lei 5.692/1971, no contexto do regime militar pós-1964, teve como uma de suas consequências a exclusão da Filosofia do ensino médio. Em resposta, educadores, estudantes e entidades ligadas a essa área de conhecimento iniciaram um amplo movimento pela volta da disciplina às escolas. No centro desse movimento estavam os Departamentos de Filosofia de algumas das principais universidades do país, os quais promoveram encontros nacionais para debater e planejar ações voltadas a esse objetivo. O (...)
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    Beiträge zum Problem der Ursprünglichkeit der mittelalterlich-scholastischen Ontologie.Hans Blumenberg - 2020 - Berlin: Suhrkamp. Edited by Benjamin Dahlke & Matthias Laarmann.
    1947 legt Hans Blumenberg aus Bargteheide in Holstein an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel seine unter schwierigsten persönlichen Umständen entstandene Dissertation 'Beiträge zum Problem der Ursprünglichkeit der mittelalterlich-scholastischen Ontologie" vor. Hinter diesem Titel verbirgt sich eine mit ständigem Bezug auf die Philosophie Heideggers und seine "Fundamentalontologie' geführte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Denken des christlichen Mittelalters, in dem die Frage nach dem Grund des Seins eine so krisenhafte wie produktive Zuspitzung erfahren hatte. Die Dissertation wird von den Gutachtern Ludwig Landgrebe und Rudolf Schneider (...)
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    El Primer Principio del Obrar Moral y las Normas Especificas en el Pensamiento de G. Grisez y J. Finnis by Aurelio Ansaldo.William E. May - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):332-337.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS El Primer Principia del Obrar Moral y las Normas Especificas en el Pensamiento de G. Grisez y!. Finnis. By AURELIO A.NSALDO. Roma: Pontificia Universita Lateranense, 1990. Pp. xiii+ 255. This unusually excellent and important doctoral dissertation was written in Rome at the Istituto Giovanni Paolo II per Studi su Matrimonio e Famiglia, a component of the Lateran University. The author currently teaches at the Ateneo Romano della (...)
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    Bahasa dan sastra dalam perspektif pendidikan.Dadang S. Anshori, Sumiyadi & S. Kosadi Hidayat (eds.) - 2009 - Bandung: Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FPBS UPI.
    Study and teaching on languages and literatures in Indonesia; festschrift in honor of Kosadi Hidayat S., a professor of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
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    R.S. Sugirtharajah, The Bible in Asia: From the Pre-Christian Era to the Postcolonial Age, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013, 303 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):91-95.
    Sugirtharajah, seorang pakar biblika kelahiran Sri Lanka, yang mengajar di Universitas Birmingham, U.K., dan dikenal sebagai godfather penelitian pascakolonial dalam bidang Alkitab, menambahkan suatu karya inovatif lagi pada daftar tulisan-tulisannya yang sudah sangat mengesankan. Perhatiannya untuk suara penafsiran pinggiran sudah diketahui dari karyanya yang paling terkenal, Voices from the Margin (1991). Meskipun Alkitab berasal dari Asia, namun kebanyakan peneliti-an tentang Alkitab dan juga tentang pengaruhnya sepanjang sejarah, terfokus pada Eropa dan Amerika, dengan meminggirkan Asia. Itu mendorong S untuk mengadakan (...)
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    Inga Römer: Das Zeitdenken bei Husserl, Heidegger und Ricoeur: Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer, 2010, €130,79, ISBN 978-90-481-8589-4. [REVIEW]Arun A. Iyer - 2013 - Husserl Studies 29 (2):163-170.
    This book, based on Inga Ro¨mer’s dissertation at Bergische Universita¨t Wuppertal, is a comprehensive and extensively annotated expository account of the notion of time as discussed by Husserl, Heidegger and Ricoeur. Ro¨mer undertakes the Herculean task of synthesizing the several accounts of time scattered across the various research manuscripts and texts composed by these three thinkers. She also exhibits an encyclopedic knowledge of the secondary sources on this issue in English, French and German, engaging with them rigorously in her 818 (...)
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  26. Pragmatik Dan beberapa segi metode penelitiannya.Universitas Sebelas Maret - 2008 - In Katharina Endriati Sukamto & Soenjono Dardjowidjojo (eds.), Kelana bahana sang bahasawan: persembahan untuk Prof. Soenjono Dardjowidjojo, Ph. D. dalam rangka ulang tahunnya yang ke-70. Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya. pp. 505.
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  27. Register sabung ayam di Bali.Fakultas Sastra Universitas Gadjah Mada - 2008 - In Katharina Endriati Sukamto & Soenjono Dardjowidjojo (eds.), Kelana bahana sang bahasawan: persembahan untuk Prof. Soenjono Dardjowidjojo, Ph. D. dalam rangka ulang tahunnya yang ke-70. Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya. pp. 477.
  28. Personal Character: From Naturalism to Phenomenology.Università Degli Studi di Parma Andrea Sebastiano Staiti Dipartimento Dusic & Italy Parma - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophical Studies:1-17.
    In this paper I address the naturalistic assumptions in the contemporary philosophical debate about character. I begin with a brief reconstruction of the controversy between dispositionalists and situationists in moral psychology and then turn to Christian Miller’s recent proposal of a Mixed-Traits approach to character in Section I. Section II raises the familiar problem of explanatory circularity in the appeal to character traits and discusses Miller’s proposed solution in terms of grounding character traits in deeper dispositions to form beliefs and (...)
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  29. Paraenesis and argument in Arrian’s Dissertations of Epictetus.Jula Wildberger - 2013 - In M. Erler & J. E. Heßler (eds.), Argument und literarische Form in antiker Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 411-434.
    Close reading of the argumentative and logical structure of Diatribe 1.4 and the means of protreptic persuasion used in it. The paper argues that Arrian represents Epictetus as using deliberately bad arguments to showcase and exemplify the audience's muddled thinking.
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    Solar sacrifice: Bataille and Poplavsky on friendship.Culture Isabel Jacobs Comparative Literature, Culture UKIsabel Jacobs is A. PhD Candidate in Comparative Literature, Aesthetics An Interest in Socialist Ecologies, the History of Science Her Dissertation on Alexandre Kojève is Funded by the London Arts Political Theology, E. -Flux Humanities Partnershipher Writings Appeared in Radical Philosophy, Studies in East European Thought Aeon & Others She Co-Founded the Soviet Temporalities Study Group - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-16.
    This article reconstructs the forgotten friendship between Georges Bataille and the Russian émigré poet and philosopher Boris Poplavsky. Comparing their solar metaphysics, I focus on conceptions of friendship, sacrifice and depersonalisation. First, I retrace Bataille’s relationship to early Surrealis and Russian circles in interwar Paris, with a focus on his friendship with Irina Odoevtseva. I then offer a novel reading of Poplavsky’s poetry through the lens of Bataille’s philosophy, analysing a recurring motif that I call ‘dark solarity’. Uncovering a hidden (...)
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    Is die kerk volgens kerkregtelike beginsels 'n universitas of 'n societas?J. J. P. Müller - 1981 - HTS Theological Studies 37 (3).
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    On Two Argumentative Uses of the Notion of Uncertainty in Law in Leibniz's Juridical Dissertations about Conditions.Alexandre Thiercelin - 2008 - In Marcelo Dascal (ed.), Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Springer. pp. 251--266.
  33. Addenda to the Locke Bibliography: Austrian and German Dissertations.G. Heismann - 1994 - Locke Studies 25.
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    Die Stellung der Philosophie in der "Universitas litterarum".Erich Heintel - 1990 - Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
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  35. Works, Now Fully Collected, with Selections From His Unpublished Letters Pref., Notes and Supplementary Dissertations.Thomas Reid, William Hamilton & Dugald Stewart - 1880 - Maclachlan & Stewart.
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  36. Éléments de philosophie. II. Logique, métaphysique, morale, histoire de la philosophie, sujets de dissertations.G. Fonsegrive - 1893 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 35:86-88.
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  37. Research in Philosophy ; A Bibliographical Introduction to Philosophy and a Few Suggestions for Dissertations.Henry J. Koren - 1969 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 31 (1):169-169.
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  38. Works with Notes and Supplementary Dissertations.Thomas Reid - 1895 - J. Thin.
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  39. Estetyka czterech żywiołów [The Aesthetic of the Four Elements], ed. K. Wilkoszewska, Universitas, Kraków 2002.Agnieszka Ługowska - 2004 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 6:278-279.
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    (1 other version)Addenda to the Checklist of Theses and Dissertations on Bertrand Russell.Kenneth Blackwell - 1987 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 7 (2).
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  41. K problému rozkladu velkorodiny u východoslovenských. Ukrajinců. Universitas Carolina.О Nahodil - 1955 - Philosophica 1 (2):147-163.
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    Specimen logicae universaliter demonstratae: appendices, two dissertations De syllogismo.Johann Andreas von Segner - 1740 - Bologna: CLUEB. Edited by Johann Andreas von Segner & Mirella Capozzi.
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    Theologico-Political Treatise: Containing Some Dissertations by Which It is Shown Not Only That the Freedom of Philosophizing Can Be Granted in Keeping with Piety and the Peace of the Republic, but That It Cannot Be Removed Unless Along with That Very Piety and the Peace of the Republic.Martin D. Yaffe (ed.) - 2004 - Focus.
    A complete translation in English of this modern text, with substantive apparatus to allow the student and serious reader to grapple in a meaningful way with this seminal text. The text includes ample footnotes, Spinoza’s annotations, an interpretative essay, glossary and other indices. Focus Philosophical Library translations are close to and are non-interpretative of the original text, with the notes and a glossary intending to provide the reader with some sense of the terms and the concepts as they were understood (...)
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    Argentina-indonesia: Creciente interdependencia comercial Y revitalización de Los víncuLos políticos (1999-2012).María Florencia Rubiolo & Ezequiel Rodrigo Ramoneda - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 9.
    Las vinculaciones con Indonesia se han caracterizado por el bajo perfil político y la inestabilidad en el plano comercial desde finales de los noventas hasta mediados de 2000. Sin embargo, desde 2008 en adelante, Indonesia se convirtió en el principal destino de las exportaciones argentinas en el SEA y comenzó a despertar un mayor interés en el plano político-diplomático. La visita del Canciller Timmerman y la implementación de otras iniciativas bilaterales se convirtieron en indicadores del emergente protagonismo de Indonesia en (...)
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    Anton Wilhelm Amo’s Philosophical Dissertations on Mind and Body, edited, translated, and with an introduction by Stephen Menn and Justin E.H. Smith.Julie Walsh - 2021 - Mind 132 (527):843-852.
    In recent years, Early Modern Philosophy has seen frequent and urgent calls for more diverse, equitable, and inclusive teaching and research. These are calls fo.
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  46. Alicja Pietras, W stronę ontologii. Nicolaia Hartmanna i Martina Heideggera postneokantowskie projekty filozofii, Kraków: Universitas 2012.Jakub Dziadkowiec - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:127-134.
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    Indonesia's Vaccine Diplomacy to the Indo-Pacific: Opportunities & Challenges.Deasy Silvya Sari, Akim, Mas Halimah & Ali Zahid - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:336-348.
    The COVID-19 vaccine is one way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Indonesia has produced Indovac, a COVID-19 vaccine made by Biofarma which has the opportunity to be distributed to countries in the Indo-Pacific Region. This article aims to explain the opportunities and challenges of Indonesia's vaccine diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic to the Indo-Pacific region through Biofarma. By using a vaccine diplomacy approach and qualitative methods with System Dynamic analysis, this article concludes that (i) The opportunity for Indonesia's vaccine (...)
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    Ninth-Century Manuscripts of the Aeneid- Robert A. Kaster: The Tradition of the Text of the Aeneid in the Ninth Century. (Harvard Dissertations in Classics.) Pp. xi + 358. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1990. $63. [REVIEW]M. D. Reeve - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (01):59-60.
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    Indeterminism in Nature. Par G. E. Fitzgibbon S.V.D., Pontifica Universitas Gregoriana, Boston, 1963. vii-52 p. $3.00.Réjane Bernier - 1968 - Dialogue 6 (4):640.
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    A Checklist of Theses and Dissertations on Bertrand Russell.Carl Spadoni - 1984 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 4 (2):289.
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