Results for 'Ursula Kreuzer-Haustein'

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    Geflüchtete und Traumata.Ursula Kreuzer-Haustein - 2018 - Psyche 72 (3):216-230.
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    »Horror Vacui« oder »Windstille der Seele«?Ursula Kreuzer-Haustein - 2020 - Psyche 74 (6):421-445.
    Der Beitrag untersucht die Langeweile auf klinischem Terrain und als literarisches/philosophisches Sujet in Abgrenzung zu benachbarten Phänomenen wie Muße, Müßiggang und Faulheit. Da sich das Phänomen Langeweile im Bedeutungsspektrum zwischen »horror vacui« (Kant) und »Windstille der Seele« (Nietzsche) einer definitorischen Klarheit entzieht, schlägt die Autorin anhand klinischer Vignetten vor, drei Qualitäten und regulierende Funktionen der Langweile zu differenzieren: eine vernichtende, mit »Desobjektalisierung« (Green) einhergehende Langeweile, eine als Abwehr eines traumabedingten Ich-Verlusts fungierende Langeweile sowie eine Langeweile als kreativer Übergangsraum. Freuds Gedanken (...)
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    Markt, Plan, Freiheit: Franz Kreuzer im Gespräch mit Friedrich von Hayek u. Ralf Dahrendorf.Franz Kreuzer, Friedrich A. von Hayek & Ralf Dahrendorf - 1983
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    Can federations expel member states? On the political theory of expulsion.Eva Marlene Hausteiner - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 16 (1):47-67.
    When, if at all, can a federal political order expel a member state against its will? In political theory, expulsion has—unlike the scenario of secession as voluntary separation—so far received no...
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    Allocation of Treatment Slots in Elective Mental Health Care—Are Waiting Lists the Ethically Most Appropriate Option?Thomas Haustein & Ralf J. Jox - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-10.
    Waiting lists are a standard approach to managing excess demand in elective health care. While waiting times are an important policy issue, the ethical validity of the first come, first served (FCFS) principle as such is rarely questioned. Presenting a psychiatric day hospital where all eligible patients have roughly equal claims as a case study, we criticize the reflex use of FCFS for allocation of elective psychiatric care, consider conditions under which this may not be the optimal strategy, and discuss (...)
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    AdomGetachew & Worldmaking after empire: the rise and fall of self‐determination. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2019.Eva Marlene Hausteiner - 2021 - Constellations 28 (2):283-285.
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  7. A rhetoric of empire : optimistic pessimism and the politics of decline.Eva Marlene Hausteiner - 2018 - In Wouter Bracke, Jan Nelis & Jan De Maeyer (eds.), Renovatio, inventio, absentia imperii: from the Roman Empire to contemporary imperialism. Bruxelles: Academia Belgica.
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  8. Contagious photographs : emotive self-encounters in Benjamin's autobiographical work.Katja Haustein - 2012 - In Carolin Duttlinger, Ben Morgan & Tony Phelan (eds.), Walter Benjamins anthropologisches Denken. Freiburg: Rombach.
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    Managing the world: conceptions of imperial rule between republicanism and technocracy.Eva Marlene Hausteiner - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (4):570-584.
    SUMMARYThe article examines a technocratic vision of empire arising in Britain in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and its implications for the theorization of empires, the legitimation of large-scale political orders, and their spatial imagination. The role of the Roman model for the British in the decades after 1870 as a resource of policy advice, legitimation, and identity-building serves as a case study for analyzing the role of historical precedence for imperial elites. This analysis opens the perspective onto (...)
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    On principles between ∑1- and ∑2-induction, and monotone enumerations.Alexander P. Kreuzer & Keita Yokoyama - 2016 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 16 (1):1650004.
    We show that many principles of first-order arithmetic, previously only known to lie strictly between [Formula: see text]-induction and [Formula: see text]-induction, are equivalent to the well-foundedness of [Formula: see text]. Among these principles are the iteration of partial functions of Hájek and Paris, the bounded monotone enumerations principle by Chong, Slaman, and Yang, the relativized Paris–Harrington principle for pairs, and the totality of the relativized Ackermann–Péter function. With this we show that the well-foundedness of [Formula: see text] is a (...)
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    Primitive Recursion and the Chain Antichain Principle.Alexander P. Kreuzer - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (2):245-265.
    Let the chain antichain principle (CAC) be the statement that each partial order on $\mathbb{N}$ possesses an infinite chain or an infinite antichain. Chong, Slaman, and Yang recently proved using forcing over nonstandard models of arithmetic that CAC is $\Pi^1_1$-conservative over $\text{RCA}_0+\Pi^0_1\text{-CP}$ and so in particular that CAC does not imply $\Sigma^0_2$-induction. We provide here a different purely syntactical and constructive proof of the statement that CAC (even together with WKL) does not imply $\Sigma^0_2$-induction. In detail we show using a (...)
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    Ramsey's Theorem for Pairs and Provably Recursive Functions.Alexander Kreuzer & Ulrich Kohlenbach - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (4):427-444.
    This paper addresses the strength of Ramsey's theorem for pairs ($RT^2_2$) over a weak base theory from the perspective of 'proof mining'. Let $RT^{2-}_2$ denote Ramsey's theorem for pairs where the coloring is given by an explicit term involving only numeric variables. We add this principle to a weak base theory that includes weak König's Lemma and a substantial amount of $\Sigma^0_1$-induction (enough to prove the totality of all primitive recursive functions but not of all primitive recursive functionals). In the (...)
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    Non-principal ultrafilters, program extraction and higher-order reverse mathematics.Alexander P. Kreuzer - 2012 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 12 (1):1250002-.
    We investigate the strength of the existence of a non-principal ultrafilter over fragments of higher-order arithmetic. Let [Formula: see text] be the statement that a non-principal ultrafilter on ℕ exists and let [Formula: see text] be the higher-order extension of ACA0. We show that [Formula: see text] is [Formula: see text]-conservative over [Formula: see text] and thus that [Formula: see text] is conservative over PA. Moreover, we provide a program extraction method and show that from a proof of a strictly (...)
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  14.  6
    Auge macht Bild, Ohr macht Klang, Hirn macht Welt: Franz Kreuzer im Gespräch mit Ernst H. Gombrich und Hellmuth Petsche : Salzburger Musikgespräch 1983 : Festvorträge anlässlich des 75. Geburtstages von Herbert von Karajan.Franz Kreuzer, Herbert von Karajan, E. H. Gombrich & Hellmuth Petsche - 1983
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    Offene Gesellschaft, offenes Universum: Franz Kreuzer im Gespräch mit Karl R. Popper : aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstages des grossen österreichischen Philosophen.Franz Kreuzer & Karl Raimund Popper - 1982 - Wien: Deuticke. Edited by Karl R. Popper.
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    Offene Gesellschaft, offenes Universum: Franz Kreuzer im Gespräch mit Karl R. Popper: aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstages des grossen österreichischen Philosophen.Franz Kreuzer - 1982 - Wien: Deuticke. Edited by Karl R. Popper.
  17.  41
    The cohesive principle and the Bolzano‐Weierstraß principle.Alexander P. Kreuzer - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (3):292-298.
    The aim of this paper is to determine the logical and computational strength of instances of the Bolzano-Weierstraß principle and a weak variant of it.We show that BW is instance-wise equivalent to the weak König’s lemma for Σ01-trees . This means that from every bounded sequence of reals one can compute an infinite Σ01-0/1-tree, such that each infinite branch of it yields an accumulation point and vice versa. Especially, this shows that the degrees d ≫ 0′ are exactly those containing (...)
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    Term extraction and Ramsey's theorem for pairs.Alexander P. Kreuzer & Ulrich Kohlenbach - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):853-895.
    In this paper we study with proof-theoretic methods the function(al) s provably recursive relative to Ramsey's theorem for pairs and the cohesive principle (COH). Our main result on COH is that the type 2 functional provably recursive from $RCA_0 + COH + \Pi _1^0 - CP$ are primitive recursive. This also provides a uniform method to extract bounds from proofs that use these principles. As a consequence we obtain a new proof of the fact that $WKL_0 + \Pi _1^0 - (...)
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  19.  30
    Program extraction for 2-random reals.Alexander P. Kreuzer - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (5-6):659-666.
    Let ${2-\textsf{RAN}}$ be the statement that for each real X a real 2-random relative to X exists. We apply program extraction techniques we developed in Kreuzer and Kohlenbach (J. Symb. Log. 77(3):853–895, 2012. doi:10.2178/jsl/1344862165), Kreuzer (Notre Dame J. Formal Log. 53(2):245–265, 2012. doi:10.1215/00294527-1715716) to this principle. Let ${{\textsf{WKL}_0^\omega}}$ be the finite type extension of ${\textsf{WKL}_0}$ . We obtain that one can extract primitive recursive realizers from proofs in ${{\textsf{WKL}_0^\omega} + \Pi^0_1-{\textsf{CP}} + 2-\textsf{RAN}}$ , i.e., if ${{\textsf{WKL}_0^\omega} + \Pi^0_1-{\textsf{CP}} (...)
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    Smart-Glasses: Exposing and Elucidating the Ethical Issues.Bjørn Hofmann, Dušan Haustein & Laurens Landeweerd - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):701-721.
    The objective of this study is to provide an overview over the ethical issues relevant to the assessment, implementation, and use of smart-glasses. The purpose of the overview is to facilitate deliberation, decision making, and the formation of knowledge and norms for this emerging technology. An axiological question-based method for human cognitive enhancement including an extensive literature search on smart-glasses is used to identify relevant ethical issues. The search is supplemented with relevant ethical issues identified in the literature on human (...)
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  21.  27
    On idempotent ultrafilters in higher-order reverse mathematics.Alexander P. Kreuzer - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (1):179-193.
  22.  65
    Vom Ich zur Sprache.Johann Kreuzer - 2002 - Fichte-Studien 19:185-198.
    1) Daß das Ich »nothwendig Identität des Subjects und Objects« sei, und zwar »schlechthin«: Diese These hat Fichte in der 2. Aufl. der WL 1794 bekräftigt. Das klingt denn doch nach einer cartesianischen Absolutsetzung des Ich. Die Aporien oder Begründungsschwierigkeit der Frage wissender Selbstbeziehung, die daraus entstehen, wenn das Ich als Instanz den Akten des Erkennens vorausgesetzt wird, die die Identität des Ich gerade erst plausibel machen sollen, brauche ich hier nicht auszuführen. Es reicht nicht hin, die »Identität des Subjekts« (...)
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    Constituent power and its institutions.Joel I. Colón-Ríos, Eva Marlene Hausteiner, Hjalte Lokdam, Pasquale Pasquino, Lucia Rubinelli & William Selinger - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (4):926-956.
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    Handbuch Kunstphilosophie. Zum gegenwärtigen Stand kunstphilosophischer Diskussionen.Johann Kreuzer - 2024 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (1):111-118.
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    Die Sinnlichkeit der Sprache.Johann Kreuzer - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2010 (2):113-130.
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  26. " and this is even more striking transcendent, as if the previous Metaphysicians wanted to go beyond the Existence of the World": Hoelderlin's Criticism of intellectual Intuition.Johann Kreuzer - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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  27. Ästhetisches Tun : die Verfahrungsweise des poëtischen Geistes von Hölderlin zu Adorno.Johann Kreuzer - 2015 - In Daniel Martin Feige & Judith Siegmund (eds.), Kunst Und Handlung: Ästhetische Und Handlungstheoretische Perspektiven. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
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    Discrete dislocation simulation of nanoindentation: the influence of obstacles and a limited number of dislocation sources.H. G. M. Kreuzer * & R. Pippan - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (28):3301-3319.
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    Der Witz der Zeichen (Jean Paul).Johann Kreuzer - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2017 (1):91-94.
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    Del Yo al Lenguaje Fichte y Hölderlin.Johann Kreuzer - 2012 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 16:185-202.
    En varias oportunidades, el filósofo francés Maurice Merleau-Ponty plantea que hay una "carne del lenguaje" que se puede entender como la comprensión paradójica de sí y del otro en el seno mismo del lenguaje; esta "carne" está en relación con el desarrollo de la vida humana y da testimonio del cambio en los individuos que, observándose a sí mismos, quieren ser individuos nuevos a cada momento. Siguiendo a Merleau-Ponty, el presente ensayo se propone reconocer la condición del ser reinventado continuamente (...)
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    Erinnerung, Zeit und Geschichte.Johann Kreuzer - 1999 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 25:37-62.
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    From Bolzano‐Weierstraß to Arzelà‐Ascoli.Alexander P. Kreuzer - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (3):177-183.
    We show how one can obtain solutions to the Arzelà‐Ascoli theorem using suitable applications of the Bolzano‐Weierstraß principle. With this, we can apply the results from and obtain a classification of the strength of instances of the Arzelà‐Ascoli theorem and a variant of it. Let be the statement that each equicontinuous sequence of functions contains a subsequence that converges uniformly with the rate and let be the statement that each such sequence contains a subsequence which converges uniformly but possibly without (...)
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    Filmmusik in Theorie und Praxis.Anselm C. Kreuzer - 2009 - Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft.
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  34. From self to language. Fichte and Hölderlin [Spanish].Johann Kreuzer - 2012 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 16:182-202.
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    (1 other version)»Gut auch sind und geschickt einem zu etwas wir«. Walter Benjamins Hölderlin-Lektüre.Johann Kreuzer - 2009 - In Gerhard Kraiker, Michael Daxner & Waltraud Meints (eds.), Raum der Freiheit: Reflexionen Über Idee Und Wirklichkeit. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 99-122.
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    Grenzen der Sprache-- Grenzen der Welt: Wittgenstein, der Wiener Kreis und die Folgen.Franz Kreuzer & Rudolf Haller - 1982
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    Ich bin - also denke ich: die Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie.Franz Kreuzer, Engelbert Broda, Rupert Riedl & Ludwig Boltzmann - 1981
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    Irreduzible Zeichen.Johann Kreuzer - 2004 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 46 (1):56-71.
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  39. Literarische und naturwissenschaftliche Intelligenz.Helmut Kreuzer - 1969 - Stuttgart,: Klett. Edited by Wolfgang Klein.
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    Michael’s Story or the Paradox of Normalcy.Michael Kreuzer - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (2):7-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Michael’s Story or the Paradox of NormalcyMichael KreuzerI was born in Montreal in 1974. My parents were both “older.” My mother was almost 45; my father was in his 50’s. I have a sister who is six years older than me. What I know about my mother’s prenatal care is that it was quite basic.I was premature. My mother’s due date was in mid–August, however I showed up about (...)
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  41. Transzendentaler Abgrund : Mystikbegeisterung und Mystikkritik in der Philosophie des Deutschen ldealismus.Johann Kreuzer - 2019 - In Johannes Schaber & Martin Thurner (eds.), Philosophie und Mystik - Theorie oder Lebensform? Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Über Kant und Kunst: Beiträge zum Weltfragen Symposion.Roland Kreuzer & Germany) Haus am Waldsee (eds.) - 2002 - Berlin: Haus am Waldsee.
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  43. What do we understand when we understand? Augustine on oracles, inner words and the ornament of the community of understanding (verbum-intimum).J. Kreuzer - 2004 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 111 (2):274-290.
  44. Was verstehen wir, wenn wir verstehen? Augustinus über Orakel, innere Wörter und die Zierde der Verstehensgemeinschaft.Johann Kreuzer - 2004 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 111 (2):274-290.
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    Zur Logik der Sprache: Hölderlin und Hegel.Johann Kreuzer - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (3):358-381.
    This paper “on the logics of language” discusses the fundamental role which the reality of language plays in the thinking of Hölderlin as well as in Hegel. Common to both is the emphasis on the ‘Wirklichkeit der Sprache’ – in the double sense of this phrase: the reality language is, and the reality language has. At the same time there is, of course, the great difference that for Hegel the logic of language fulfils itself in the ‘work of the concept(s)’ (...)
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    Zeichen machende Phantasie.Johann Kreuzer - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2008 (2):70-95.
    The essay treats the development of Hegels concepts of imagination, recollection and memory. Mentalistic restrictions which are significant for the Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften (1830) are confronted with central arguments in the Phänomenologie des Geistes and the Wissenschaft der Logik, but especially with Hölderlins concept of a „procedure of the poetic mind“. The discoveries Hölderlin makes let realize what the hegelian keyword of a „sign making phantasy“ promises.
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    Ursula Streckert: Der Briefwechsel Ferdinand Christian Baurs mit Ludwig Friedrich Heyd – die Introspektion. Teil 1.Ursula Streckert - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (1):56-129.
    Nineteen newly-transliterated letters between Ferdinand Christian Baur and his friend Ludwig Friedrich Heyd are presented. Seventeen of them were written by Baur, and two by Heyd in the period between 10th February 1836 and 16th January 1842. A further sixteen earlier letters were already published by Carl Egbert Hester in 1993. The correspondence between the two close friends cover a broad range of subjects, predominantly historical, as well as family, scientific, political themes and particularly university politics. The key personal topic (...)
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    Ursula Streckert: Der Briefwechsel Ferdinand Christian Baurs mit Ludwig Friedrich Heyd – die Introspektion. Teil 2.Ursula Streckert - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (2):236-272.
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    Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference, Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper , 528 pp., $35 cloth, $24.95 paper. [REVIEW]Eva Marlene Hausteiner - 2011 - Ethics and International Affairs 25 (4):484-486.
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    Space: New Dimensions in French Studies.Emma Gilby & Katja Haustein - unknown
    This book, which is the fruit of papers presented at the seventh Cambridge French Graduate Conference, offers innovative analyses of how space can provide metaphors for human thoughts, utterances and experiences. The authors cross-fertilise different approaches to the significance of space as a thematic and structuring principle in French and Francophone poetry, prose, philosophy and film. They are interested in three broad areas of enquiry: how spaces can be suffused with explorations of identity; how the dividing work done by maps (...)
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