Results for 'Urszula Chowaniec'

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  1. Conceptualizing Generation and Transformation in Women’s Writing.Urszula Chowaniec & Marzenna Jakubczak - 2012 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 2 (1):5-16.
    The main objective of this collection of papers is to explore ideas of generation and transformation in the context of postdependency discourse as it may be traced in women’s writing published in Bengali, Polish, Czech, Russian and English. As we believe, literature does not have merely a descriptive function or a purely visionary quality but serves also as a discursive medium, which is rhetorically sophisticated, imaginatively influential and stimulates cultural dynamics. It is an essential carrier of collective memory and a (...)
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    Heterotopia as an Environmental and Political Concept: The Case of Hannah Arendt's Philosophy.Urszula Lisowska - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (3):345-363.
    The paper offers a new model of politics adequate for the Anthropocene epoch. It uses the concept of ‘heterotopia’ to argue for the environmental potential of Arendtian political philosophy. The adopted meaning of heterotopia combines its Foucauldian (as interpreted by L. De Cauter and M. Dehaene) and medical sources. It is argued that, thus understood, the concept can be applied to the Arendtian idea of judgment. In this capacity, the concept of heterotopia is both politically foundational and environmentally relevant. It (...)
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    Clustering Algorithms in Hybrid Recommender System on MovieLens Data.Urszula Kuzelewska - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 37 (1):125-139.
    Decisions are taken by humans very often during professional as well as leisure activities. It is particularly evident during surfing the Internet: selecting web sites to explore, choosing needed information in search engine results or deciding which product to buy in an on-line store. Recommender systems are electronic applications, the aim of which is to support humans in this decision making process. They are widely used in many applications: adaptive WWW servers, e-learning, music and video preferences, internet stores etc. In (...)
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    Towards Non-Appropriative Relating.Urszula Lisowska - 2024 - Environmental Ethics 46 (4):437-451.
    The paper brings together Steven Vogel’s concept of the environment and the category of the world in Hannah Arendt’s and Malcom Ferdinand’s interpretations. First, the similarities between the concepts are shown: they both refer to the networks of things and relationships and, as such, emphasize the political dimension of ecological concerns. Second, it is argued Vogel’s discursive model of politics can be enriched with the aid of the model of non-appropriative relating implied by the concept of the world. Two amendments (...)
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    Cognitive Science and Epistemology.Urszula Żegleń - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (7-8):103-114.
    I investigate the relationship between traditional philosophical epistemology and cognitive science. I start my considerations with the following questions: does the development of cognitive science require any revision of epistemology, akin to the revision required in some areas analytic philosophy after the emergence of quantum physics? Does cognitive science continue philosophical epistemology or is the complete break with traditional philosophical approaches?
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    Formulacity in ESP Teaching: A Case of Doing a Balancing Act Between Form and Meaning.Urszula Gutowska - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 49 (1):89-108.
    Grammar teaching has never belonged to mainstream ESP teaching/ learning practices. However, this apparent lack of concern with grammar in ESP materials runs counter to both subjective and objective needs of ESP learners. The first part of the paper presents students′ views on deficiencies of coursebooks for teaching English for Medical Purposes as well as author’s reflective thinking on the needs of medical undergraduates of vocational schools in Poland. It is suggested that some of the deficiencies of the materials might (...)
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    The Trouble with Multicurturalism – Timeliness of Scheme “Us – Them”/ Kłopoty z wielokulturowością, czyli aktualność schematu „my – oni”.Urszula Kusio - 2013 - Annales Umcs. Sectio I (Filozofia, Socjologia) 38 (2):7-25.
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  8. O cnocie i emocjach [Jacek Jaśtal, Natura cnoty. Problematyka emocji w neoarystotelesowskiej etyce cnót].Urszula Lisowska - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:201-204.
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    Multi-Regional Adaptation in Human Auditory Association Cortex.Urszula Malinowska, Nathan E. Crone, Frederick A. Lenz, Mackenzie Cervenka & Dana Boatman-Reich - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Sawa Frydman: A Polish Legal Realist.Urszula Moś - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (1):72-78.
  11. Czy "istnieje" jest predykatem.Urszula Niklas - 1974 - Studia Semiotyczne 5:117-131.
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  12. O języku z pustymi nazwami indywiduowymi.Urszula Niklas - 1979 - Studia Semiotyczne 9:205-223.
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    Sucking Results Out of Children’ Reflective Lifeworld Case Study of a Primary School Teacher Striving for Authenticity.Urszula Plust, Stephen Joseph & David Murphy - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (6):719-736.
    This qualitative study presents an analysis of the experiences of a teacher who had recently left working in an England state funded primary school. Using reflective lifeworld methodology, this study explored the teacher’s struggle to be authentic in the context of state funded education. Three prominent themes were identified as: 1) enhancement of every learner; 2) systemic oppression; and 3) tensions in being a teacher. The study concludes that being authentic as a teacher was experienced as being incompatible with the (...)
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    Anxiety and self-esteem before surgery in patients suffering from cancer. Implicit self-esteem compensation in ego-threatening conditions.Urszula Stachowiak & Aleksandra Fila-Jankowska - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (2):223-231.
    The assumption was verified that for patients suffering from cancer levels of anxiety and self-esteem differ compared to other patients before surgery. 120 patients of urology were assigned to subgroups according to diagnosis and the duration of hospitalization. Patients suffering from cancer declared higher anxiety than other patients. Longer hospitalization was connected to higher anxiety. A threat-congruent difference in explicit self-esteem was revealed only between two groups: 1. cancer and long hospitalization and 2. non-cancer and short hospitalization. For implicit self-esteem (...)
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  15. The philosophical importance of Tarski-style truth theory in Davidson's semantic program1.Urszula Zeglen - 1996 - Dialogue and Universalism 6 (1-6):107.
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    “You Shouldn’t Try to Be What You Can’t Be”: How Wonder Frees Embodied Agency.Urszula Lisowska - 2024 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 18 (4):77-91.
    The paper presents the agency of human beings as embodied, i.e. it shows what it means to think about agency as founded on being a body (rather than merely exercised through a body). It is also argued that the free—i.e. reflective and spontaneous—exercise of agency should likewise be understood as embodied. The paper argues that both the appreciation and experience of the free exercise of embodied agency require wonder. The latter is defined as the attitude that facilitates the relationship of (...)
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    Co stanowi o specyfice i unikatowości ludzkiego systemu poznawczego? Czy odpowiedź Romana Ingardena da się obronić w świetle dzisiejszych tendencji naturalistycznych?Urszula Żegleń - 2020 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:263-281.
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    Komunikaty Komitetu Naukoznawstwa.Urszula M. Żegleń - 2020 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 55 (1(219)):113.
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  19. Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec (25 V 1921-8 V 2008). Filozof w białym habicie - w powołaniu do służby Mądrości.Urszula M. Żegleń - 2008 - Ruch Filozoficzny 65 (3).
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  20. System poznawczy jako system reprezentacyjny.Urszula Żegleń - 2005 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
    The main thesis of the paper is very simple, namely that the cognitive system is a representational system. The cognitive system will be defined as a system which is able to realize cognitive functions such as perception, symbolic thinking, understanding and reflection. Such a system is further characterized as: cognitively open and at the same time relatively isolated, representational, structurally complex and many-dimensional, dynamic and having functional plasticity (cognitively adaptive) and also having the capacity for self-determination. The analysis will be (...)
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    Wyobraźnia, sztuka, sprawiedliwość: Marthy Nussbaum koncepcja zdolności jako podstawa egalitarnego liberalizmu = Imagination, art and justice -- Martha Nussbaum's capabilities approach as the foundation of egalitarian liberalism.Urszula Lisowska - 2017 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
    Książka proponuje interpretację filozofii politycznej jednej z bardziej wpływowych współczesnych amerykańskich autorek – Marthy Craven Nussbaum. Praca skupia się na rozwijanej przez filozofkę wersji koncepcji zdolności (capability approach), która jest rozpatrywana w kontekście po- Rawlsowskiego egalitarnego liberalizmu. Biorąc pod uwagę takie zaplecze, książka ma na celu zbadanie warunków możliwości zrealizowania jego podstawowych założeń normatywnych, a więc wartości: wolności, równości i szacunku dla pluralizmu. Zgodnie z proponowaną interpretacją koncepcja Nussbaum ukazuje podstawy egalitarnego liberalizmu w nowym świetle, w tej mierze, w jakiej (...)
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    Jana Pawła II apel o etyczny wymiar globalizacji.Urszula Michalak - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):135-142.
    In the teaching of John Paul II’s the need of solidarity globalization is particularly stressed out as well as that of humanization of globalization processes. With the aim of doing it, one should be guided by unchanging social values: the truth, freedom, justice, solidarity, subsidiarity, love. The globalization has two faces: ▪ the benefits which it brings to the world, individual countries and its main beneficiaries, that is international corporations. ▪ negative effects which the developing countries and all people of (...)
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  23. Anatomical Evidence From Statistical Voxel-Based Lesion Analysis.Urszula Mihulowicz, Klaus Willmes, Hans-Otto Karnath & Elise Klein - 2016 - In Philippe Chassy & Wolfgang Grodd (eds.), Abstract mathematical cognition. [Lausanne, Switzerland]: Frontiers Media SA.
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  24. Zmiana perspektywy menedżera.Urszula Ornarowicz - 2007 - Prakseologia 147 (147):19-30.
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    Stasis and Politics: On the Forgotten Role of Violence.Urszula Zbrzeźniak - 2019 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 3 (2):40-50.
    One of the major questions emerging in present-day reflections on politics is related to violence and its relation to institutional order and law. In the paper, an issue of concern for a very particular form of political conflict, that is, civil war, is addressed. Violence in politics, and particularly its specific form, that is, stasis, has been omitted from philosophical reflection on the origins of politics. Contrary to the traditional representation of the constitution of the political sphere, contemporary political philosophy (...)
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    Ontologiczna doniosłość logiki modalnej.Urszula Żegleń - 1984 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 32 (1):73-82.
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    Próba analizy formalnej fragmentu ontologii R. Ingardena. Analiza czystych jakości.Urszula Zegleń - 1981 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 29 (1):51-64.
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    Spatial displacement of numbers on a vertical number line in spatial neglect.Urszula Mihulowicz, Elise Klein, Hans-Christoph Nuerk, Klaus Willmes & Hans-Otto Karnath - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Kronika.Urszula Żegleń - 2024 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 56 (1).
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  30. Fundamentalizm prawosławny wobec demokracji.Urszula Cierniak - 2002 - Colloquia Communia 73 (2):272-286.
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  31. Analiza semantyczna relacji występujących w ontologii Romana Ingardena.Urszula Żegleń - 1983 - Studia Semiotyczne 13:35-47.
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  32. Problematyka ontologiczna logik nieklasycznych.Urszula Żegleń - 1990 - Studia Semiotyczne 16:217-249.
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  33. Wspomnienie o Profesorze Jerzym W. Perzanowskim.Urszula M. Żegleń - 2009 - Ruch Filozoficzny 66 (2).
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  34. Kenoza dyskursu.Urszula Idziak - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1:127-138.
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  35. Lekcja interpretacji – Św. Paweł.Urszula Idziak - 2009 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (9).
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  36. The organizational problems oe marketing.Urszula Kukała - 1995 - In Eugeniusz Kulwicki (ed.), Selected Problems of Economics, Sociology and Philosophy. Politechnika Krakowska. pp. 7--85.
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    On Speech as the Political Faculty in the Anthropocene. The Sensualities of Voice and Taste Combined.Urszula Lisowska - 2022 - Analiza I Egzystencja 58:17-33.
    The paper revises the idea of speech as a fundamental political faculty in response to the challenges of the Anthropocene. First, it is argued that, rather than as a subsystem of language, speech should be conceptualised as the expression of the embodied capacity of voice (in this respect, the paper follows Adriana Cavarero’s [2005] argument). Secondly, vocality is linked to the faculty of taste (understood as in Arendt’s reading of Kant) to locate politics in the broader order of materiality (physis).
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    Double Marginality or/as Double Indemnity?: "Europe" in the Prose of Polish Women Writers.Urszula Tempska - 1997 - Symploke 5 (1):183-205.
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    Donald Davidson: truth, meaning, and knowledge.N. Urszula M. Zegle (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Donald Davidson has made enormous contributions to the philosophy of action, epistemology, semantics and philosophy of mind and today is recognized as one of the most important analytical philosophers of the late twentieth century. Davidson's philosophy is characterised not only by its rigour and intellectual integrity but also by its continued interest in dialogue and re-evaluation of its paradigms. In the spirit of this openness, this volume brings together essays on the major themes of Davidson's thought by leading academics, along (...)
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    Dyskusje z Donaldem Davidsonem o prawdzie, języku i umyśle.N. Urszula M. Zegle (ed.) - 1996 - Lublin: Tow. Nauk. Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Dyskusje z Donaldem Davidsonem o prawdzie, języku i umyśle.Urszula M. Żegleń (ed.) - 1996 - Lublin: Tow. Nauk. Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Robert Louis Stevenson Philosophically.Urszula Czyżewska & Grzegorz Głąb - 2014 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 62 (3):19-33.
    Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) has often been regarded as a direct text in its dealings with a multi-dimensional conception of dualism, insecurity, anxiety and weakness. In the constrained moral atmosphere of Victorian England, where such issues were consciously or even intentionally avoided, the novel seemed to be articulating difficult themes about which society preferred to remain silent. A specific literary tradition, the history of Great Britain, scientific discoveries and lively, scientific debates (...)
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    Perceptual Identification - Representational or Not?Urszula Żegleń - 2008 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):117-136.
    The paper is focused on the problem of identification in perception. I attempt to inquire on what ground the cognitive system is able to identify an object of perception (I restrict my analysis to visual perception). Although this is an empirical question for cognitive science, I consider it using a philosophical method of analysis. But my considerations in great part are heuristic, I ask questions and rather search for the answers than give a ready solution. The questions I ask arise (...)
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  44. Ustawodawstwo symboliczne, czyli o możliwości działań pozornych w prawie.Moś Urszula - 1988 - Colloquia Communia 6 (41):1.
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    O rożnych typach modalności.Urszula Żegleń - 1983 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 31 (1):77-91.
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    Stosowalność logiki intencjonalnej i logiki matematycznej w filozofii klasycznej według H.B. Veatcha.Urszula Żegleń - 1976 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 24 (1):136-143.
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    Logical Squares for Classical Logic Sentences.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (2-3):293-312.
    In this paper, with reference to relationships of the traditional square of opposition, we establish all the relations of the square of opposition between complex sentences built from the 16 binary and four unary propositional connectives of the classical propositional calculus. We illustrate them by means of many squares of opposition and, corresponding to them—octagons, hexagons or other geometrical objects.
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  48. Dziedzictwo śmierci — Ricoeur i Derrida.Urszula Idziak - 2011 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (2):291-300.
    English title: Ricoeur and Derrida — the Heritage of Death. In this article the author juxtaposes two different attempts of defending life against Heidegger’s horizon of death (Sein zum Tode) (the survie (survival) of Jacques Derrida and the “Living up to Death” of Paul Ricoeur). Their false proximity introduces a new insight into the discussion about the paradoxical positiveness of deconstruction. Ricoeur’s concept of life makes impossible the understanding of deconstruction as faithfulness to the other not in his identity, but (...)
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    Renaissance Theories of Vision.Urszula Szulakowska - 2011 - Early Science and Medicine 16 (6):607-610.
  50. Constance M. Bertka (ed.), Exploring the Origin, Extent, and Future of Life: Philosophical, Ethical, and Theological Perspectives, Cambridge 2009.Urszula Czyżewska - 2011 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:84-90.
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