Results for 'Valerie Daniel'

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  1. Well-Being Policy: What Standard of Well-Being?Daniel M. Haybron & Valerie Tiberius - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (4):712--733.
    ABSTRACT:This paper examines the norms that should guide policies aimed at promoting happiness or, more broadly, well-being. In particular, we take up the question of which conception of well-being should govern well-being policy, assuming some such policies to be legitimate. In answer, we lay out a case for ‘pragmatic subjectivism’: given widely accepted principles of respect for persons, well-being policy may not assume any view of well-being, subjectivist or objectivist. Rather, it should promote what its intended beneficiaries see as good (...)
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  2. Loris Malaguzzi (1920-1994).Valerie Daniel - 2022 - In Aaron Bradbury & Ruth Swailes (eds.), Early childhood theories today. Thousand Oaks, California: Learning Matters.
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    Tensegrity behaviour of cortical and cytosolic cytoskeletal components in twisted living adherent cells.Valérie M. Laurent, Patrick Cañadas, Redouane Fodil, Emmanuelle Planus, Atef Asnacios, Sylvie Wendling & Daniel Isabey - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (4):331-356.
    The present study is an attempt to relate the multicomponent response of the cytoskeleton (CSK), evaluated in twisted living adherent cells, to the heterogeneity of the cytoskeletal structure - evaluated both experimentally by means of 3D reconstructions, and theoretically considering the predictions given by two tensegrity models composed of (four and six) compressive elements and (respectively 12 and 24) tensile elements. Using magnetic twisting cytometry in which beads are attached to integrin receptors linked to the actin CSK of living adherent (...)
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    L'équité en matière de santé : qu'en pense l'opinion publique? Une revue de l'éthique empirique dans le champ de la santé.Valérie Clément & Daniel Serra - 2009 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1 (1):55-77.
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    Filiation traumatique et vécu psychique chez une mère d’enfant confié à la Protection de l’enfance.Anne-Valérie Mazoyer, Laurène Menet & Daniel Derivois - 2016 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 211 (1):95-108.
    Cet article propose de considérer la complexité du vécu psychique de mères d’enfants placés. À partir d’un cas unique, les auteurs cherchent à évaluer le rôle de la qualité des processus associatifs dans le vécu du placement, et ce dans une approche métapsychologique. La méthodologie mise en place s’inscrit ainsi dans une démarche qualitative étayée par des entretiens cliniques et par la passation d’une épreuve projective ( tat ). À travers la situation clinique d’Alice, cette étude tente de repérer les (...)
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    A model of the uncertainty effects in choice reaction time that includes a major contribution from effector selection.Charles E. Wright, Valerie F. Marino, Charles Chubb & Daniel Mann - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (4):550-577.
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  7. What Does Implicit Cognition Tell Us About Consciousness?Owen Flanagan Churchland, John Gabrieli, Melvyn Goodale, Anthony Greenwald, Valerie Hardcastle, Larry Jacoby, Christof Koch, Philip Merikle, David Milner & Daniel Schacter - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6:148.
  8. Valerie Daniel.Aaron Bradbury - 2022 - In Aaron Bradbury & Ruth Swailes (eds.), Early childhood theories today. Thousand Oaks, California: Learning Matters.
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    Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The Cshpm 2017 Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario.Amy Ackerberg-Hastings, Marion W. Alexander, Zoe Ashton, Christopher Baltus, Phil Bériault, Daniel J. Curtin, Eamon Darnell, Craig Fraser, Roger Godard, William W. Hackborn, Duncan J. Melville, Valérie Lynn Therrien, Aaron Thomas-Bolduc & R. S. D. Thomas (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume contains thirteen papers that were presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics/Société canadienne d’histoire et de philosophie des mathématiques, which was held at Ryerson University in Toronto. It showcases rigorously reviewed modern scholarship on an interesting variety of topics in the history and philosophy of mathematics from Ancient Greece to the twentieth century. A series of chapters all set in the eighteenth century consider topics such as John Marsh’s techniques (...)
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    Une recherche citoyenne sur l’article 12 de la convention de l’ONU sur les droits des personnes handicapées.Benoit Eyraud, Arnaud Béal, Nacerdine Bezghiche, Stef Bonnot-Briey, Chantal Bruno, Erick Cattez, Jean-Philippe Cobbaut, Sylvie Daniel, Guillaume François, Julien Grard, Gael Klein, Michel Lalemant, Céline Lefebvre, Valérie Lemard, Jacques Lequien, Céline Letailleur, Claudine Levray, Marc Losson, Ana Marques, Bernard Meile, Nicolas Ordener, Mouna Romdhani, Nicolas Saenen, Sébastien Saetta, Iuliia Taran & Florie Vuattoux - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-2 (15-2):165-176.
    In this article, we present findings from a participatory action research program in France on the exercise of human rights and supported and substitute decision-making, inspired by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (“CRPD”). Bringing together persons with the lived experience of disability, academics, and health and social care and support professionals, the project used the method of “experience-based construction of public problem” to transform experience into collective expertise. This enabled the exploration of support that (...)
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    Does Holistic Processing Require a Large Brain? Insights From Honeybees and Wasps in Fine Visual Recognition Tasks.Aurore Avarguès-Weber, Daniele D’Amaro, Marita Metzler, Valerie Finke, David Baracchi & Adrian G. Dyer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Psychanalyse et christianisme : à propos du dernier livre de Jean-Daniel Causse.Valérie Chevassus-Marchionni, Raymond Lemieux & François Nault - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (1):125-141.
    Valérie Chevassus-Marchionni, Raymond Lemieux et François Nault.
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  13. Is Daniel a Monster? Reflections on Daniel A. Bell and Wang Pei’s "Subordination Without Cruelty" Thesis.Rainer Ebert, Valéry Giroux, Angie Pepper & Kristin Voigt - 2022 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 17 (1-2):31-45.
    Daniel Bell and Wang Pei’s recent monograph, Just Hierarchy, seeks to defend hierarchical relationships against more egalitarian alternatives. This paper addresses their argument, offered in one chapter of the book, in favour of a hierarchical relationship between human and nonhuman animals. This relationship, Bell and Pei argue, should conform to what they call “subordination without cruelty:” it is permissible to subordinate and exploit animals for human ends, provided that we do not treat them cruelly. We focus on three aspects (...)
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    Ignorance and imagination: The epistemic origin of the problem of consciousness - by Daniel Stoljar. [REVIEW]Valerie Gray Hardcastle - 2008 - Philosophical Books 49 (3):274-275.
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    Eliciting Deviation.Daniel Rosenberg - 2019 - Chiasmi International 21:225-238.
    In his discussions on literature, Merleau-Ponty often turns to the notion of deviation as a constitutive principle of literary language. Deviation indicates the capacity of a literary work to transgress against its own limits and to offer an experience of otherness, or alterity. This alterity is not given in the work, but is constituted by the recipient through the more visceral and physical aspects of literary language. The recipient of the work thus adopts a second voice: that of the author (...)
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    MAGIC M. W. Dickie: Magic and Magicians in the Greco-Roman World . Pp. viii + 380. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. Cased, £55. ISBN: 0-415-24982-1. A. Moreau, J. C. Turpin (edd.): La Magie. Actes de colloque International de Montpellier 25–27 mars 1999. Tome I. Du monde babylonien au monde hellénistique. Tome II. La magie dans l'antiquité grecque tardive. Les Mythes. Tome III. Du monde latin au monde contemporain. Tome IV. Bibliographie générale . Pp. 328, 336, 353, 169. Montpellier: Publications de la recherche Université Paul Valéry, 2000. Paper, frs. 150 (Tomes I–III), 100 (Tome IV). ISBN: 2-84269-389-1, 2-84269-399-X, 2-84269-400-7, 2-84269-401-. [REVIEW]Daniel Ogden - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (01):129-.
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    War machine: the rationalisation of slaughter in the modern age.Daniel Pick - 1993 - New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
    He discusses the work of such familiar commentators as Clausewitz, Engels, and Treitschke, and examines little-known writings by Proudhon, De Quincey, Ruskin, Valery, and many others, culminating in the extraordinary dialogue between Freud ...
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    Valérie Theis, Le gouvernement pontifical du Comtat Venaissin . Rome: École française de Rome, 2012. Paper. Pp. ix, 822; 18 maps, 26 graphs, 22 tables, and 1 plan. €95. ISBN: 9782728309245. [REVIEW]Daniel Williman - 2014 - Speculum 89 (1):256-257.
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    Movement as Meaning: In Experimental Film.Daniel Barnett - 2008 - Rodopi.
    This book offers sweeping and cogent arguments as to why analytic philosophers should take experimental cinema seriously as a medium for illuminating mechanisms of meaning in language. Using the analogy of the movie projector, Barnett deconstructs all communication acts into functions of interval, repetition and context. He describes how Wittgenstein's concepts of family resemblance and language games provide a dynamic perspective on the analysis of acts of reference. He then develops a hyper-simplified formula of movement as meaning to discuss, with (...)
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    Philosophy of Law or Philosophy of Reason –The Idea of a Treaty Establishing a Constitution for the European Union.Daniel Galily - 2023 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):211-220.
    The main purpose of the study is to analyze the feasibility and necessity of an EU Constitution. Briefly, the history of the draft constitution is as follows: The draft treaty aims to codify the two main treaties of the European Union - the Treaty of Rome of 1957 and the Treaty of Maastricht of 1992, as amended by the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997) and the Treaty of Nice (2001). The debate on the future of Europe is believed to have begun (...)
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    -2001.Daniel C. Dennett, Brian Skyrms & Lawrence Sklar - unknown
    Paul Valéry1 Valéry’s “Variation sur Descartes” excellently evokes the vanishing act that has haunted philosophy ever since Darwin overturned the Cartesian tradition. If my body is composed of nothing but a team of a few trillion robotic cells, mindlessly interacting to produce all the large-scale patterns that tradition would attribute to the nonmechanical workings of my mind, there seems to be nothing left over to be me. Lurking in Darwin’s shadow there is a bugbear: the incredible Disappearing Self.2 One of (...)
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    Gérard Emptoz;, Valérie Marchal. Aux sources de la propriété industrielle: Guide des archives de l’INPI. Preface by, Daniel Hangard. 247 pp., illus. Paris: Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle, 2002. €15. [REVIEW]James Challey - 2004 - Isis 95 (3):528-529.
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    Économie de la justice et de l'équité, Valérie Clément, Christine Le Clainche et Daniel Serra, Paris, Economica, 2008.Geert Demuijnck - 2009 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 2 (2):115-120.
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    Intensional and higher-order modal logic.Daniel Gallin - 1972 - [Berkeley,: [Berkeley.
    INTENSIONAL LOGIC §1. Natural Language and Intensional Logic When we speak of a theory of meaning for a natural language such as English, we have in mind an ...
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  25. Why the mind wanders.Daniel M. Wegner - 1997 - In Jonathan D. Cohen & Jonathan W. Schooler (eds.), Scientific Approaches to Consciousness. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 295-315.
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    Narrative and Understanding Persons.Daniel D. Hutto (ed.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    The human world is replete with narratives - narratives of our making that are uniquely appreciated by us. Some thinkers have afforded special importance to our capacity to generate such narratives, seeing it as variously enabling us to: exercise our imaginations in unique ways; engender an understanding of actions performed for reasons; and provide a basis for the kind of reflection and evaluation that matters vitally to moral and self development. Perhaps most radically, some hold that narratives are essential for (...)
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    Microfoundations, Method, and Causation: On the Philosophy of the Social Sciences.Daniel Little - 1998 - Transaction.
    This text focuses on the theory of popular politics constructed within the context of analytical Marxism, and asks if rational choice theory provides an adequate basis for explaining patterns of social, political and economic behaviour in traditional China.
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  28. Torture and judgments of guilt.Daniel M. Wegner & Kurt Gray - unknown
    Although torture can establish guilt through confession, how are judgments of guilt made when tortured suspects do not confess? We suggest that perceived guilt is based inappropriately upon how much pain suspects appear to suffer during torture. Two psychological theories provide competing predictions about the link between pain and perceived blame: cognitive dissonance, which links pain to blame, and moral typecasting, which links pain to innocence. We hypothesized that dissonance might characterize the relationship between torture and blame for those close (...)
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    Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography.Daniel Tanguay - 2007 - Yale University Press.
    Since political theorist Leo Strauss’s death in 1973, American interpreters have heatedly debated his intellectual legacy. Daniel Tanguay recovers Strauss from the atmosphere of partisan debate that has dominated American journalistic, political, and academic discussions of his work. Tanguay offers in crystal-clear prose the first assessment of the whole of Strauss’s thought, a daunting task owing to the vastness and scope of Strauss’s writings. This comprehensive overview of Strauss’s thought is indispensable for anyone seeking to understand his philosophy and (...)
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    Sur les polémiques des anciens stoïciens.Daniel Babut - 2005 - Philosophie Antique 5 (5):65-91.
    In order to clarify the Stoics’ reasons for polemicizing against the other philosophical schools, one has to examine the place and function of dialectic in the Stoic system. It emerges that, instead of the heuristic role that it plays in Academic teaching, for the Stoics dialectic has only a defensive function : it is not used to find out the truth through a critical examination of opposing arguments, but to defend against any objection a truth that is known beforehand. This (...)
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    Philosophy of jazz.Daniel Martin Feige - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books. Edited by Nathan Ross & Alessandro Bertinetto.
    Philosophy of Jazz discusses the philosophical relevance of jazz, showing that jazz and European art music have more in common than many assume.
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  32. Dispassion, God, and nature : Maimonides and Spinoza.Daniel Frank - 2019 - In Samuel Lebens, Dani Rabinowitz & Aaron Segal (eds.), Jewish Philosophy in an Analytic Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Usa.
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    Philosophy of education.Daniel Bell Leary - 1920 - Buffalo, N.Y.,: College of arts and sciences, University of Buffalo.
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    The philosophy of change.Daniel Pomeroy Rhodes - 1909 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
    Illusion and reality.--The knowing.--The fiction of a universe.--Reason and will.--Devolution.--A rational view of death.--Immediate implications of a rational view of death.--The love of truth.--Style and the philosophy.
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  35. The ethics of compromise.Daniel M. Weinstock - 2017 - In Christian F. Rostbøll & Theresa Scavenius (eds.), Compromise and Disagreement in Contemporary Political Theory. New York: Routledge.
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  36. Paternalism and rights.Daniel Groll - 2018 - In Kalle Grill & Jason Hanna (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Paternalism. New York: Routledge.
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    The heterogeneous social : new thinking about the foundations of the social sciences.Daniel Little - 2009 - In Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (ed.), Philosophy of the social sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 154--78.
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    The Book of Doctrines and Beliefs.Daniel H. Frank (ed.) - 2002 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Saadya ben Joseph al-Fayyumi, gaon of the rabbinic academy at Sura and one of the preeminent Jewish thinkers of the medieval period, attempted to create a complete statement of Jewish religious philosophy in which all strands of philosophical thought were to be knit into a unified system. In _The Book of Doctrines and Beliefs_, Saadya sought to rescue believers from "a sea of doubt and the waters of confusion" into which they had been cast by Christianity, Islam, and other faiths. (...)
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  39. A different Descartes: Descartes and the programme for a mathematical physics in his correspondence.Daniel Garber - 2000 - In Stephen Gaukroger, John Andrew Schuster & John Sutton (eds.), Descartes' Natural Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 113--130.
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  40. The time-based resource-sharing model of working memory.Pierre Barrouillet & Camos & Valérie - 2007 - In Naoyuki Osaka, Robert H. Logie & Mark D'Esposito (eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory. Oxford University Press.
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    Change blindness blindness as visual metacognition.Daniel T. Levin - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (5-6):111-30.
    Many experiments have demonstrated that people fail to detect seemingly large visual changes in their environment. Despite these failures, most people confidently predict that they would see changes that are actually almost impossible to see. Therefore, in at least some situations visual experience is demonstrably not what people think it is. This paper describes a line of research suggesting that overconfidence about change detection reflects a deeper metacognitive error founded on beliefs about attention and the role of meaning as a (...)
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  42. Freedom of speech : why freedom of speech includes hate speech.Daniel Jacobson - 2007 - In Jesper Ryberg, Thomas S. Petersen & Clark Wolf (eds.), New waves in applied ethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  43. The Frustration of Science.Daniel Hall, J. G. Crowther, J. D. Bernal, P. M. S. Blackett, Enid Charles & P. A. Gorer - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 46 (2):241-242.
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    Causality, causal models, and social mechanisms.Daniel Steel - 2011 - In Ian Jarvie Jesus Zamora Bonilla (ed.), The Sage Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Sciences. SAGE Publications. pp. 288.
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    Entre métaphysique et esthétique : Sentiment et beauté dans les Mémoires de Johann Georg Sulzer.Daniel Dumouchel - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (1):51-72.
    Daniel Dumouchel | : Le nom de Johann Georg Sulzer reste attaché à la naissance de l’esthétique philosophique en Allemagne, principalement à travers son oeuvre majeure, la Théorie générale des beaux-arts. Il s’agira de montrer ici comment ce membre influent de la classe de philosophie spéculative de l’Académie de Berlin, fortement influencé par la pensée de Leibniz et de Wolff, mais également très attentif aux particularités psychopathologiques de l’esprit humain et aux composantes corporelles de l’activité psychique, prétend fournir une (...)
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  46. Author's personal copy.Daniel M. Wegner - unknown
    It has been proposed that inferring personal authorship for an event gives rise to intentional binding, a perceptual illusion in which one’s action and inferred effect seem closer in time than they otherwise would (Haggard, Clark, & Kalogeras, 2002). Using a novel, naturalistic paradigm, we conducted two experiments to test this hypothesis and examine the relationship between binding and self-reported authorship. In both experiments, an important authorship indicator – consistency between one’s action and a subsequent event – was manipulated, and (...)
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  47. Books Et Al.Daniel M. Wegner - unknown
    Imagine a gadget, call it “brain-ovision,” for brain scanning that doesn’t create pictures of brains at all. That’s right, no orbs spattered with colorful “activations” that need to be interpreted by neuroanatomists. Instead, with brain-o-vision, what a brain sees is what you get—an image of what that brain is experiencing. If the person who owns the brain is envisioning lunch, up pops a cheeseburger on the screen. If the person is reading a book, the screen shows the words. For that (...)
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  48. Response to comment on “wandering minds: The default network and stimulus-independent thought”.Daniel Wegner - manuscript
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  49. Supporting online material for.Daniel Wegner - manuscript
    Respondents saw photos and vignettes on the characters in random order (Appendix A), and selected a survey from a set of descriptions of 18 mental capacities or 6 personal judgments (Appendix B). For the survey, images and descriptions of the two characters to be compared appeared with a five-point scale anchored by “Much more this one” below each image, “Slightly more this one” next, and “Both equally” between the images. Respondents also supplied demographic information and made 7-point Likerttype ratings on (...)
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    Gershom Scholem: politisches, esoterisches und historiographisches Schreiben.Daniel Weidner - 2003 - Brill Fink.
    'Lebendiges Judentum', schreibt Walter Benjamin 1930 an Gershom Scholem, 'habe ich in durchaus keiner anderen Gestalt kennengelernt als in dir.' Scholem, Historiker der Kabbala, früher Zionist, scharfer Kritiker der jüdischen Assimilation, Freund und Herausgeber Benjamins ist eine schillernde Gestalt und Autor faszinierender Texte. Die in den letzten Jahren veröffentlichten Jugendtagebücher und -briefe geben Einsicht in die Entwicklung des jungen Scholem und die Werkstatt seines Schreibens. Nach heftigen persönlichen Krisen und vehementen Auseinandersetzungen mit seinen Mitzionisten lernt Scholem, 'im Namen' des Judentums (...)
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