Results for 'Vance S. Grafman J.'

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  1.  12
    Consciousness and amnesia after penetrating head injury: Neurology and anatomy.A. Salazar, Vance S. Grafman J. & Ludlow Dillon J. D. - 1986 - Neurology 36:178-87.
  2.  18
    A computational model of frontal lobe dysfunction: working memory and the Tower of Hanoi task.V. Goela, S. Pullara & J. Grafman - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (2):287-313.
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    Ordered subset linkage analysis supports a susceptibility locus for age-related macular degeneration on chromosome 16p12.M. B. Gorin, S. Schmidt, W. K. Scott, E. A. Postel, A. Agarwal, E. R. Hauser, M. A. De La Paz, Gilbert Jr, J. L. de WeeksHaines & M. A. Pericak-Vance - unknown
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    Thinking with, against, and beyond the Pratyabhijñā philosophy—and back again.Sari L. Berger, J. M. Fritzman & Brandon J. Vance - 2018 - Asian Philosophy 28 (1):1-19.
    We argue that the pratyabhijñā system of Kaśmir Śaivism holds an inconsistent position. On the one hand, the Pratyabhijñā regards Śiva as an impersonal mechanism and the universe, including persons, as not having agency; call this the Impersonal Component. On the other hand, it considers Śiva himself as a person, and individual persons as having agency sufficient to respond to Śiva; call this the Personal Component. We maintain that the Personal Component should be affirmed and the Impersonal Component rejected. The (...)
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  5. Common genetic variants in the CLDN2 and PRSS1-PRSS2 loci alter risk for alcohol-related and sporadic pancreatitis.David C. Whitcomb, Jessica LaRusch, Alyssa M. Krasinskas, Lambertus Klei, Jill P. Smith, Randall E. Brand, John P. Neoptolemos, Markus M. Lerch, Matt Tector, Bimaljit S. Sandhu, Nalini M. Guda, Lidiya Orlichenko, Samer Alkaade, Stephen T. Amann, Michelle A. Anderson, John Baillie, Peter A. Banks, Darwin Conwell, Gregory A. Coté, Peter B. Cotton, James DiSario, Lindsay A. Farrer, Chris E. Forsmark, Marianne Johnstone, Timothy B. Gardner, Andres Gelrud, William Greenhalf, Jonathan L. Haines, Douglas J. Hartman, Robert A. Hawes, Christopher Lawrence, Michele Lewis, Julia Mayerle, Richard Mayeux, Nadine M. Melhem, Mary E. Money, Thiruvengadam Muniraj, Georgios I. Papachristou, Margaret A. Pericak-Vance, Joseph Romagnuolo, Gerard D. Schellenberg, Stuart Sherman, Peter Simon, Vijay P. Singh, Adam Slivka, Donna Stolz, Robert Sutton, Frank Ulrich Weiss, C. Mel Wilcox, Narcis Octavian Zarnescu, Stephen R. Wisniewski, Michael R. O'Connell, Michelle L. Kienholz, Kathryn Roeder & M. Micha Barmada - unknown
    Pancreatitis is a complex, progressively destructive inflammatory disorder. Alcohol was long thought to be the primary causative agent, but genetic contributions have been of interest since the discovery that rare PRSS1, CFTR and SPINK1 variants were associated with pancreatitis risk. We now report two associations at genome-wide significance identified and replicated at PRSS1-PRSS2 and X-linked CLDN2 through a two-stage genome-wide study. The PRSS1 variant likely affects disease susceptibility by altering expression of the primary trypsinogen gene. The CLDN2 risk allele is (...)
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    Chinese Final Stops in Japanese: A Critique of Vance's Theory.J. Marshall Unger - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):627-631.
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  7. Working memory retention systems: A state of activated long-term memory.Daniel S. Ruchkin, Jordan Grafman, Katherine Cameron & Rita S. Berndt - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):709-728.
    High temporal resolution event-related brain potential and electroencephalographic coherence studies of the neural substrate of short-term storage in working memory indicate that the sustained coactivation of both prefrontal cortex and the posterior cortical systems that participate in the initial perception and comprehension of the retained information are involved in its storage. These studies further show that short-term storage mechanisms involve an increase in neural synchrony between prefrontal cortex and posterior cortex and the enhanced activation of long-term memory representations of material (...)
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    Working memory: Unemployed but still doing day labor.Daniel S. Ruchkin, Jordan Grafman, Katherine Cameron & Rita S. Berndt - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):760-769.
    The goal of our target article is to establish that electrophysiological data constrain models of short-term memory retention operations to schemes in which activated long-term memory is its representational basis. The temporary stores correspond to neural circuits involved in the perception and subsequent processing of the relevant information, and do not involve specialized neural circuits dedicated to the temporary holding of information outside of those embedded in long-term memory. The commentaries ranged from general agreement with the view that short-term memory (...)
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  9. Attentional Moral Perception.Jonna Vance & Preston J. Werner - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (5):501-525.
    Moral perceptualism is the view that perceptual experience is attuned to pick up on moral features in our environment, just as it is attuned to pick up on mundane features of an environment like textures, shapes, colors, pitches, and timbres. One important family of views that incorporate moral perception are those of virtue theorists and sensibility theorists. On these views, one central ability of the virtuous agent is her sensitivity to morally relevant features of situations, where this sensitivity is often (...)
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  10.  23
    Foundations of Cartesian Ethics.Vance G. Morgan - 1994 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanity Books.
    "One of the expected fruits of Descartes' philosophical enterprise is "the highest and most perfect moral system," a system which, organically developed from its metaphysical and physical foundations, will provide the moral agent with direction and purpose in each of life's contingencies. Yet, Descartes' published work contains no such moral system, and commentators have generally agreed that Descartes "has entered the history of philosophy as perhaps the only systematic philosopher of the first rank who failed to provide any methodical treatment (...)
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    The etymology of kami.Timothy J. Vance - 1983 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 10 (4):277-288.
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    Manipulation and teaching.Vance Kasten - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 14 (1):53–62.
    Vance Kasten; Manipulation and Teaching, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 14, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 53–62,
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    The Formalist Treatment of Spinoza.Vance Maxwell - 1986 - Dialogue 25 (2):337-.
    Professor Bennett's new book on Spinoza is a notably ambitious one. It i s ambitious in two ways. First, having worked on the book for twenty-five years, Bennett intends a treatment of Spinoza's Ethics at once comprehensive in scope and detailed in analysis. He tells us that his book “expounds and argues with Spinoza's Ethics, in the hope of drawing into the argument philosophers who have not previously brought Spinoza into their work as an energetic collaborator or antagonist”. Second, Bennett (...)
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  14. Climate Change, Individual Emissions, and Foreseeing Harm.Chad Vance - 2017 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 14 (5):562-584.
    There are a number of cases where, collectively, groups cause harm, and yet no single individual’s contribution to the collective makes any difference to the amount of harm that is caused. For instance, though human activity is collectively causing climate change, my individual greenhouse gas emissions are neither necessary nor sufficient for any harm that results from climate change. Some (e.g., Sinnott-Armstrong) take this to indicate that there is no individual moral obligation to reduce emissions. There is a collective action (...)
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  15. Emotion and the new epistemic challenge from cognitive penetrability.Jona Vance - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 169 (2):257-283.
    Experiences—visual, emotional, or otherwise—play a role in providing us with justification to believe claims about the world. Some accounts of how experiences provide justification emphasize the role of the experiences’ distinctive phenomenology, i.e. ‘what it is like’ to have the experience. Other accounts emphasize the justificatory role to the experiences’ etiology. A number of authors have used cases of cognitively penetrated visual experience to raise an epistemic challenge for theories of perceptual justification that emphasize the justificatory role of phenomenology rather (...)
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  16. KANT AND DOGMATIC IDEALISM: A Defense of Kant's Refutation of Berkeley.Vance G. Morgan - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):217-237.
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    The Cartesian Prince: Descartes on the Legitimacy of Political Power.Vance G. Morgan - 1994 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):271-288.
    Descartes's comments concerning the legitimacy of political power have customarily been viewed as an expression of his agreement with the doctrine of "divine right" of rulers. I argue that Descartes' directives concerning the establishment of political legitimacy are best understood within the context of his larger ethical framework. This interpretation subjects political and social activity to the same moral demands as individual action, the demand that one always put one's best judgments into action "as if" these judgments were metaphysically certain, (...)
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  18. Spinoza's Doctrine of the «Amor Dei Intellectualis» I.Vance Maxwell - 1990 - Dionysius 14:131-156.
  19. Classical theism and modal realism are incompatible.Chad Vance - 2016 - Religious Studies 52 (4):561-572.
    The standard conception of God is that of a necessary being. On a possible worlds semantics, this entails that God exists at every possible world. According to the modal realist account of David Lewis, possible worlds are understood to be real, concrete worlds—no different in kind from the actual world. Some have argued that Lewis’s view is incompatible with classical theism (e.g., Sheehy, 2006). More recently, Ross Cameron (2009) has defended the thesis that Lewisian modal realism and classical theism are (...)
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    Kant's Transcendental Idealism.Jill Vance Buroker - 1986 - Noûs 20 (4):577.
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  21. Causal Relevance, Permissible Omissions, and Famine Relief.Chad Vance - 2018 - Dialectica 72 (1):25-47.
    Failures are sometimes, but not always, causally relevant to events. For instance, the failure of the sprinkler was causally relevant to the house fire. However, the failure of the dam upstream to break (thus inundating the house with water) was not. Similarly, failures to prevent harms are sometimes, but not always, morally wrong. For instance, failing to save a nearby drowning child is morally wrong. Yet, you are also in some sense “allowing” someone on another continent to drown right now, (...)
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    Imperial Rome and Britain's Language of Empire 1600–1837.Norman Vance - 2000 - History of European Ideas 26 (3):211-224.
    Britain's pre-Victorian overseas expansion stimulated Roman comparisons. But imperial Rome was a warning as much as an inspiration to future empires, a harsh and uncomfortable model for Britain as a former Roman colony. Roman dignity was claimed for British monarchs and achievements by Dryden and others. But there were mixed feelings about identifying expanding Britain as a second Roman Empire. In the eighteenth century the British freedom-fighter Caractacus, defeated by the Romans, appealed far more to popular taste than Virgil's Aeneas (...)
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    “Pleasure and Joy in the Work”: Using Simone Weil in the Classroom.Vance G. Morgan - 2020 - Philosophical Investigations 43 (1-2):8-18.
    Richard Rorty once wrote that inspired teaching “is the result of an encounter with an author, character, plot, stanza, line or archaic torso which has made a difference to the [teacher’s] conception of who she is, what she is good for, what she wants to do with herself: an encounter which has rearranged her priorities and purposes.” In a teaching career more than three decades long, no author has influenced me more profoundly as a teacher and as a human being (...)
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    Comparing Thinking Style and Ethical Decision-Making Between Chinese and U.S. Students.Charles M. Vance, Judith A. White, Kevin S. Groves, Yongsun Paik & Lin Guo - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 13:117-146.
    This study provides a comparison of thinking style and ethical decision-making patterns between 386 U.S. students and 506 students from the People’s Republic of China enrolled in undergraduate business education in their respective countries. Contrary to our expectations, the Chinese students demonstrated a significantly greater linear thinking style compared to American students. As hypothesized, both Chinese and U.S. students possessing a balanced linear and nonlinear thinking style profile demonstrated greater ethical intent across a series of ethics vignettes. Chinese students also (...)
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    Weaving the World: Simone Weil on Science, Mathematics, and Love.Vance G. Morgan - 2005 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    "_Weaving the World_ is a well-written and lucid overview of Simone Weil's writings on science and mathematics. This book will be of great benefit for anyone who wishes to pursue Weil's thought in depth." —_Eric O. Springsted, President of the American Weil Society_ "_Weaving the World_ is a detailed account of the philosophy of science and knowledge of Simone Weil. It is a very useful contribution to our understanding of one of the deepest and most incandescent thinkers of the twentieth (...)
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  26. The Recycling Problem for Event Individuation.Chad Vance - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (1):1-16.
    If the wedding had taken place an hour later, it would have been rained out. When we make counterfactual claims like this, we indicate that events are not terribly fragile things. That is, we typically think of events as particulars which can survive small changes in nearby possible worlds, such that one and the same event could have occurred under slightly different circumstances. I argue, however, that any account of “non-fragile” event individuation is subject to what is known as the (...)
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  27.  20
    Anxiety and impression formation: Direct information rather than priming explains affect-congruity.Guy J. Curtis & Vance Locke - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (7):1455-1469.
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    An ethical argument for host country workforce training and development in the expatriate management assignment.Charles M. Vance & Eduardo S. Paderon - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (8):635 - 641.
    This paper seeks to establish the ethical foundation of MNCs' responsibility for providing host country workforce (HCW) preparation and training attendant to the new expatriate management assignment. It argues that such moral responsibility arises from a set of correlative duties which MNCs acquire as business institutions. They include duties involving the expatriate manager, the HCW, and the host nation to (1) assist all employees, including the expatriate manager, in the successful execution of their assignments; (2) avoid the semblance of discriminatory (...)
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  29. Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason': An Introduction.Jill Vance Buroker - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this introductory textbook to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Jill Vance Buroker explains the role of this first Critique in Kant's Critical project and offers a line-by-line reading of the major arguments in the text. She situates Kant's views in relation both to his predecessors and to contemporary debates, explaining his Critical philosophy as a response to the failure of rationalism and the challenge of skepticism. Paying special attention to Kant's notoriously difficult vocabulary, she explains the strengths and (...)
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  30. Truthmaker Theory Does Not Solve The Gettier Problem.Chad Vance - 2014 - Ratio 27 (3):291-305.
    Truthmaker theory has become immensely popular in recent years. So, it is not surprising that we are beginning to see it put to work in other areas of philosophy. Recently, several philosophers have proposed that truthmaker theory is the key to solving the Gettier problem. Edmund Gettier demonstrated that the traditional analysis of knowledge (as justified, true belief) was unsatisfactory. The truthmaker solution proposes that knowledge is a justified, true belief, where the source of one's justification is either identical to, (...)
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  31. RFID: The next serious threat to privacy. [REVIEW]Vance Lockton & Richard S. Rosenberg - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (4):221-231.
    Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID, is a technology which has been receiving considerable attention as of late. It is a fairly simple technology involving radio wave communication between a microchip and an electronic reader, in which an identification number stored on the chip is transmitted and processed; it can frequently be found in inventory tracking and access control systems. In this paper, we examine the current uses of RFID, as well as identifying potential future uses of the technology, including item-level (...)
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    The Legitimacy of the Middle Ages: On the Unwritten History of Theory.Andrew Cole & D. Vance Smith (eds.) - 2010 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    This collection of essays argues that any valid theory of the modern should—indeed must—reckon with the medieval. Offering a much-needed correction to theorists such as Hans Blumenberg, who in his _Legitimacy of the Modern Age_ describes the “modern age” as a complete departure from the Middle Ages, these essays forcefully show that thinkers from Adorno to Žižek have repeatedly drawn from medieval sources to theorize modernity. To forget the medieval, or to discount its continued effect on contemporary thought, is to (...)
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    Essai sur l’incompétence esthétique.Vance Mendenhall - 1983 - Philosophiques 10 (2):341-359.
    L'incompétence esthétique pas plus que la perte du public de l'art ne comptent parmi les effets nécessaires de la constitution progressive d'un champ artistique autonome. Habermas, Jauss, Dufrenne font voir que l'incompétence esthétique, comme l'exclusivité de l'art sont des scories de la modernité et davantage des effets d'un type d'organisation sociale, en particulier de la domination d'un seul modèle de réception esthétique.Neither aesthetic incompetency nor Art's loss of its public count as necessary effects of the progressive establishment of an autonomous (...)
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  34. Foreknowledge and Human Freedom in Augustine.Vance G. Morgan - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Research 19:223-242.
    In this paper, I consider Augustine’s attempted solution of the problem of divine foreknowledge and free will. I focus on two distinct notions of God’s relationship to time as they relate to this problem. In Confessions XI, Augustine develops an understanding of time and foreknowledge that cIearly offers a possible solution to the foreknowledge/free will problem. I then turn to On Free Will 3.1-4, where Augustine conspicuously declines to use a solution similar to the one in the Confessions, rather developing (...)
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    Cartesian Logic: An Essay on Descartes's Conception of Inference.Jill Vance Buroker - 1990 - Philosophical Books 31 (3):143-144.
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    Love's Concordance: The Poetics of Desire and the Joy of the Text.Eugene Vance - 1975 - Diacritics 5 (1):40.
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    Secular apocalyptic and Thomas Hardy.Norman Vance - 2000 - History of European Ideas 26 (3-4):201-210.
    Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure makes ironically secular use of the imagery of the New Jerusalem and of unregenerate Babylon in the Book of Revelation. His purchase on the text is mediated both by Bunyan's Pilgrim’s Progress, a childhood favourite, and hymns such as ‘Jerusalem the Golden’ translated from Bernard of Cluny's De Contemptu Mundi. Avoiding the traditions of anti-Catholic interpretation, and of explicitly political readings which identify Babylon and the mysterious ‘number of the beast’ with particular historical adversaries and (...)
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    A Hebrew Reader for Ruth.Alan S. Kaye & Donald R. Vance - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):921.
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    Biology textbooks and the decentering of the Scopes Trial: Adam R. Shapiro: Trying biology: The Scopes Trial, textbooks, and the antievolution movement in American schools. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013, 193pp, $35.00 HB.William Vance Trollinger - 2015 - Metascience 24 (3):393-396.
    I taught for 8 years at a moderate evangelical liberal arts college. At one faculty meeting the topic turned to the challenge of dealing with controversial topics in the classroom, a pressing question given that many of our students came from extremely conservative backgrounds. One faculty member commented that he and his colleagues in the sciences avoided problems by never using the word “evolution” in the classroom. A number of us from the humanities immediately expressed shock and dismay. In response, (...)
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    Linguistic Origins of Gender Equality and Women’s Rights.Zsombor Csata, Lindsey R. Vance, Sarah Shair-Rosenfield & Amy H. Liu - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (1):82-108.
    In this article, we examine how the language spoken in a country can affect individual attitudes about gender equality and subsequently the level of legal rights afforded to women. This is because the feature of a language—specifically whether it requires speakers to make gender distinctions—can perpetuate popular attitudes and beliefs about gender inequality. To test this argument, we first identify a correlation between the gender distinction of a language and individual gender-based attitudes among World Values Survey respondents. We then isolate (...)
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    J. McGuire and J. Quinn, Editors, Irish Lives 9 vols, Royal Irish Academy and Cambridge University Press £775.00. ISBN 978-0-521-19973-3. [REVIEW]Norman Vance - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (4):448-450.
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    Methohexital, succinylcholine, ECS,and the estrous cycle.Margaret Seaton, Gail Vance, Eleanor Jones & Joel S. Milner - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (2):92-93.
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    Space and Incongruence: The Origin of Kant's Idealism.Jill Vance Buroker - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (2):346-348.
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    On Kant’s Proof of the Existence of Material Objects.Jill Vance Buroker - 1989 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress 2 (1):183-197.
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    The Spinoza Conversations Between Lessing and Jacobi Introduced by Gerard Vallée Translated by G. Vallée, J. B. Lawson and C. G. Chapple Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988, vi + 174 p., $13.50. [REVIEW]Vance Maxwell - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (1):158-.
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    Kant’s Theory of A Priori Knowledge. [REVIEW]Jill Vance Buroker - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (1):165-167.
    According to Greenberg, most commentators have misunderstood Kant’s purpose and method in the Critique of Pure Reason, as well as his underlying ontology. To correct these errors, Greenberg defends four theses. First, Kant is concerned only with a priori and not empirical knowledge in the Critique. Second, Kant’s underlying ontology consists of a monism of “things.” Third, the table of the logical functions of judgement is not drawn from general logic, because these functions have a “content.” And fourth, the deduction (...)
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    Incongruence and the unity of transcendental idealism: Reply to Allison.Jill Vance Buroker - 1984 - Topoi 3 (2):177-180.
    This article responds to henry allison's criticisms of the author's claim that kant's incongruent counterparts argument supports his critical conclusions that things in themselves must be both non-Spatial and unknowable. The first part of the article treats four objections allison raises. The second part discusses differences between allison's and the author's readings of kant's claims about things in themselves.
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    “If I should fall behind.” Letters written by emigrant Mathilda Percival to her husband John (1859-1860).Jessica Vance Roitman - 2019 - Clio 50:165-178.
    Mathilda Percival, libre de couleur, quitta Saint-Eustache, une petite île sous domination hollandaise, entre fin 1859 et début 1860. Elle s’embarqua pour une nouvelle vie sur l’île de Saint-Thomas, située aux Antilles danoises. Cet article s’appuie sur sept lettres de Mathilda à son mari. Elles font la lumière sur la vie et les difficultés des ouvrières émigrées au xixe siècle aux Caraïbes. Elles montrent que son expérience recoupe celle des employées de maison émigrées à cette époque, auxquelles l’émigration offrait l’occasion (...)
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    J. N. Findlay, "Kant and the Transcendental Object". [REVIEW]Jill Vance Buroker - 1983 - Philosophical Quarterly 33 (30):95.
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    Irving I. Polonoff, "Force, Cosmos, Monads and Other Themes of Kant's Early Thought". [REVIEW]Jill Vance Buroker - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (1):109.
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