Results for 'Vicente Hernández Pedrero'

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  1. Ética, religión y mística ("Menos teme a la muerte").Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 2009 - Laguna 24:83-96.
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    La identidad moral en clave spinozista, secuencias.Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 1992 - Laguna 1:63-72.
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  3. " Ad usum vitae": actualidad ética de la prudencia.Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 2000 - Laguna 7:135-152.
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  4. Ética luego existencia. Origen, técnica y evolución (también el mal).Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 2004 - Laguna 14:37-64.
    En este artículo, la ética de la inmanencia de inspiración spinozista se propone superar el fondo mítico-existencial de la ética del origen y la visión de la técnica de Heidegger. Otros autores como Paul Ricoeur, Michel Foucault y Peter Sloterdijk aparecen aquí desde esa perspectiva crítica. Al final, se añade un breve comentario sobre la cuestión del mal.
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    El último Habermas y Baruj Spinoza.Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía Laguna 50:183-196.
    This paper deals with the unexpected and singular presence of Baruj Spinoza in the recent History of Philosophy published by Jürgen Habermas. On the matter, from current perspective, spinozist ethics of immanence is considered allows to overcome deontological limits that even today condition the ethics of discourse.
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  6. Ética, naturaleza y liberación, o conocer en los límites de la inmanencia: "tan difícil como raro".Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 2003 - Laguna 12:89-114.
    En este artículo se explora el contenido de una ética de la inmanencia, de inspiración spinozista a partir de una confrontación teórica con las diferentes posiciones éticas bionaturalistas de Hana Jonas y Alasdair Macloeyre; la crítica al dualismo y al materialismo en filosofía de la mente que ba planteado Jobo Searle; y la lectura pragmatista y posmoderna de Spinoza realizada por Richard Rorty. Del curso de esta confrontación se desprende, provisionalmente una ética de contenido material que concibe la liberación como (...)
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  7. Etica y ontología: el factor Spinoza.Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 1999 - Laguna 6:35-52.
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  8. Fortitudo animi. Sobre la presencia del otro en la ética de la inmanencia.Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 2001 - Laguna 9:53-60.
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  9. Naturaleza, potencia y derecho: "Un modo eterno de pensar".Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 2012 - Laguna 31:69-80.
    Somos seres naturales. Tenemos una potencia, un "derecho natural" que nos ha sido legado desde la inmanencia. Pero también nos hemos dado un estado político y unas leyes producto de aquella capacidad natural. ¿Hasta dónde, sin embargo, nuestra obediencia voluntaria a esas leyes? Spinoza nos dejó planteada una nueva forma de pensar, un "tercer género de conocimiento" que puede entrar en conflicto con el pacto previamente establecido. Es la propia construcción del sujeto ético la que resulta ahí concernida, tal como (...)
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  10. Ad usum vitae: Actualidad ética de la prudencia.Vicente Henández Pedrero - 2000 - Laguna 7:135-152.
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  11. Lo público y lo privado en ética: cuestiones ontológicas.Vicente Pedrero - 1993 - Laguna 2:63-78.
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  12. Conciencia moral, ética discursiva y solidaridad: el paso por la tradición.Vicente Pedrero - 1995 - Laguna 3:111-120.
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    Ética de la inmanencia: el factor Spinoza.Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 2011 - La Laguna, Tenerife: Universidad de la Laguna. Biblioteca.
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  14. El legado morfológico de Descartes Y Vico.Miguel Hernández Vicent - 1998 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 9:10.
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  15. Are Generics Defaults? A Study on the Interpretation of Generics and Universals in 3 Age- Groups of Spanish-Speaking Individuals.Elena Castroviejo, José V. Hernández-Conde, Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga, Marta Ponciano & Agustin Vicente - 2022 - Language Learning and Development 10.
    This paper reports an experiment that investigates interpretive distinctions between two different expressions of generalization in Spanish. In particular, our aim was to find out when the distinction between generic statements (GS) such as Tigers have stripes and universally quantified statements (UQS) such as All tigers have stripes was acquired in Spanish-speaking children of two different age groups (4/5-year-olds and 8/9-year-olds), and then compare these results with those of adults. The starting point of this research was the semantic distinction between (...)
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    Formación de docentes en universidades latinoamericanas.Luis Alejandro Murillo, Melba Libia Cárdenas, Carmen Rosa Cáceda, Mariana Valderrama Leongómez, Alejandro Farieta, Lina Melissa Vela, José Vicente Abad, Jefferson Zapata García, Diego Fernanado Villamizar Gómez, Jorge Armando Rodríguez Cendales, Amanda K. Wilson, Martha Lengeling, Isarema Mora-Pablo, Isaac Frausto-Hernández & Irineo Omar Serna-Gutierrez (eds.) - 2019 - Bogotá: Editorial Uniagustiniana.
    Esta obra se concentra en cuatro temas cruciales de la formación de docentes, tanto antes como durante el servicio y en la enseñanza en diferentes áreas y niveles educativos. En primer lugar, se aborda el asunto de las creencias que los docentes tienen sobre el proceso educativo, las cuales parecen influir en la práctica profesional que estos desarrollan y, por lo tanto, deberían recibir la atención explícita de los procesos de formación de docentes que deseen promover prácticas específicas. El segundo (...)
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    De Max Scheler a Hans Reiner: Observaciones sobre la teoría de Los valores Morales en el movimiento fenomenológico.Jean Héring & Jimmy Hernández Marcelo - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 14:91.
    Este artículo fue publicado originalmente como Jean Héring. De Max Scheler à Hans Reiner. Remarques sur la théorie des valeurs morales dans le mouvement phénoménologique. Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 40, 152-164. Agradecemos a Matthieu Arnold, directeur Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, por la autorización para la publicación de esta traducción. La presente traducción toma como fuente original francesa citada en el párrafo anterior. Las notas del traductor se introducen con un *. Las notas del autor —Jean Héring— (...)
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    The Dominican School of Salamanca and the Spanish Conquest of America: Some Bibliographical Notes.Thomas F. O'Meara - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):555-582.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE DOMINICAN SCHOOL OF SALAMANCA AND THE SPANISH CONQUEST OF AMERICA: SOME BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES THOMAS F. O'MEARA. O.P. University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana SALAMANCA, northwest of Madrid and Avila and not far from Spain's border with Portugal, preserves the atmosphere of a medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque university even as it develops the schools and clinics of a contemporary center of studies. There are associations with Teresa of (...)
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  19. Much Ado About Nothing: Unmotivating "Gender Identity".E. M. Hernandez & Rowan Bell - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Recently, the concept of "gender identity" has enjoyed a great deal of attention in gender metaphysics. This seems to be motivated by the goal of creating trans-inclusive theory, by explaining trans people's genders. In this paper, we aim to unmotivate this project. Notions of "gender identity" serve important pragmatic purposes for trans people, such as satisfying the curiosity of non-trans people, and, relatedly, securing our access to important goods like legal rights and medical care. However, we argue that this does (...)
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  20. Polysemy and word meaning: an account of lexical meaning for different kinds of content words.Agustin Vicente - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (4):947-968.
    There is an ongoing debate about the meaning of lexical words, i.e., words that contribute with content to the meaning of sentences. This debate has coincided with a renewal in the study of polysemy, which has taken place in the psycholinguistics camp mainly. There is already a fruitful interbreeding between two lines of research: the theoretical study of lexical word meaning, on the one hand, and the models of polysemy psycholinguists present, on the other. In this paper I aim at (...)
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  21. Inner Speech: Nature and Functions.Agustin Vicente & Fernando Martinez Manrique - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (3):209-219.
    We very often discover ourselves engaged in inner speech. It seems that this kind of silent, private, speech fulfils some role in our cognition, most probably related to conscious thinking. Yet, the study of inner speech has been neglected by philosophy and psychology alike for many years. However, things seem to have changed in the last two decades. Here we review some of the most influential accounts about the phenomenology and the functions of inner speech, as well as the methodological (...)
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  22. Current Physics and 'the Physical'.Agustín Vicente - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (2):393-416.
    Physicalism is the claim that that there is nothing in the world but the physical. Philosophers who defend physicalism have to confront a well-known dilemma, known as Hempel’s dilemma, concerning the definition of ‘the physical’: if ‘the physical’ is whatever current physics says there is, then physicalism is most probably false; but if ‘the physical’ is whatever the true theory of physics would say that there is, we have that physicalism is vacuous and runs the risk of becoming trivial. This (...)
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  23. On the causal completeness of physics.Agustín Vicente - 2006 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20 (2):149 – 171.
    According to an increasing number of authors, the best, if not the only, argument in favour of physicalism is the so-called 'overdetermination argument'. This argument, if sound, establishes that all the entities that enter into causal interactions with the physical world are physical. One key premise in the overdetermination argument is the principle of the causal closure of the physical world, said to be supported by contemporary physics. In this paper, I examine various ways in which physics may support the (...)
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  24. How to Do Things with Gendered Words.E. M. Hernandez & Archie Crowley - 2024 - In Ernest Lepore & Luvell Anderson, The Oxford Handbook of Applied Philosophy of Language. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    With increased visibility of trans people comes increased philosophical interest in gendered language. This chapter aims to look at the research on gendered language in analytic philosophy of language so far, which has focused on two concerns: (1) determining how to define gender terms like ‘man’ and ‘woman’ such that they are trans inclusive and (2) if, or to what extent, we should use gendered language at all. We argue that the literature has focused too heavily on how gendered language (...)
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  25. An enlightened revolt: On the philosophy of Nicholas Maxwell.Agustin Vicente - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (4):38: 631- 648.
    This paper is a reaction to the book “Science and the Pursuit of Wisdom”, whose central concern is the philosophy of Nicholas Maxwell. I distinguish and discuss three concerns in Maxwell’s philosophy. The first is his critique of standard empiricism (SE) in the philosophy of science, the second his defense of aim-oriented rationality (AOR), and the third his philosophy of mind. I point at some problematic aspects of Maxwell’s rebuttal of SE and of his philosophy of mind and argue in (...)
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  26. Manuel Vicent, los espejos de la memoria.Manuel Vicent, Juan Cruz & Ángel Sánchez Harguindey - 2011 - Minerva: Evidence-Based Medicine pour la première ligne 4 (16):40-43.
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    Validity of personality measurement in adults with anxiety disorders: psychometric properties of the Spanish NEO-FFI-R using Rasch analyses.Felix Inchausti, Joe Mole, Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero & Javier Ortuño-Sierra - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Luces y sombras: el sueño de la razón en Occidente.Magdalena Garcâia Gonzâalez, Fâelix Garcâia & Ignacio Pedrero Sancho - 1994 - Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre. Edited by Félix García Moriyón & Ignacio Pedrero Sancho.
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    Development and Validation of an Instrument for the Detection of Early Traumatic Experiences (ExpTra-S) in Patients With Psychosis.Mercedes Paino, Nuria Ordóñez-Camblor, Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero, Leticia García-Álvarez & Juan Pablo Pizarro-Ruiz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Editorial: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Policy in Fostering Social and Emotional Skills.Javier Suarez-Alvarez, Rubén Fernández-Alonso, Patrick Charles Kyllonen, Filip De Fruyt, Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero & José Muñiz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  31. The Linguistic Determination of Conscious Thought Contents.Agustín Vicente & Marta Jorba - 2017 - Noûs (3):737-759.
    In this paper we address the question of what determines the content of our conscious episodes of thinking, considering recent claims that phenomenal character individuates thought contents. We present one prominent way for defenders of phenomenal intentionality to develop that view and then examine ‘sensory inner speech views’, which provide an alternative way of accounting for thought-content determinacy. We argue that such views fare well with inner speech thinking but have problems accounting for unsymbolized thinking. Within this dialectic, we present (...)
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  32. On Travis cases.Agustin Vicente - 2012 - Linguistics and Philosophy 35 (1):3-19.
    Charles Travis has been forcefully arguing that meaning does not determine truth-conditions for more than two decades now. To this end, he has devised ingenious examples whereby different utterances of the same prima facie non-ambiguous and non-indexical expression type have different truth-conditions depending on the occasion on which they are delivered. However, Travis does not argue that meaning varies with circumstances; only that truth-conditions do. He assumes that meaning is a stable feature of both words and sentences. After surveying some (...)
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  33. Clusters: On the structure of lexical concepts.Agustín Vicente - 2010 - Dialectica 64 (1):79-106.
    The paper argues for a decompositionalist account of lexical concepts. In particular, it presents and argues for a cluster decompositionalism, a view that claims that the complexes a token of a word corresponds to on a given occasion are typically built out of a determinate set of basic concepts, most of which are present on most other occasions of use of the word. The first part of the paper discusses some explanatory virtues of decompositionalism in general. The second singles out (...)
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  34. The Big Concepts Paper: A Defence of Hybridism.Agustín Vicente & Fernando Martínez Manrique - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 67 (1):59-88.
    The renewed interest in concepts and their role in psychological theorizing is partially motivated by Machery’s claim that concepts are so heterogeneous that they have no explanatory role. Against this, pluralism argues that there is multiplicity of different concepts for any given category, while hybridism argues that a concept is constituted by a rich common representation. This article aims to advance the understanding of the hybrid view of concepts. First, we examine the main arguments against hybrid concepts and conclude that, (...)
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  35. The comparator account on thought insertion, alien voices and inner speech: some open questions.Agustin Vicente - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (2):335-353.
    Recently, many philosophers and psychologists have claimed that the explanation that grounds both passivity phenomena in the cognitive domain and passivity phenomena that occur with respect to overt actions is, along broad lines, the same. Furthermore, they claim that the best account we have of such phenomena in both scenarios is the “comparator” account. However, there are reasons to doubt whether the comparator model can be exported from the realm of overt actions to the cognitive domain in general. There is (...)
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  36. Burge on Representation and Biological Function.Agustín Vicente - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):125-133.
    In Origins of Objectivity, Burge presents three arguments against what he calls ‘deflationism’: the project of explaining the representational function in terms of the notion of biological function. I evaluate these arguments and argue that they are not convincing.
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  37. The nature of unsymbolized thinking.Agustín Vicente & Fernando Martínez-Manrique - 2016 - Philosophical Explorations 19 (2):173-187.
    Using the method of Descriptive Experience Sampling, some subjects report experiences of thinking that do not involve words or any other symbols [Hurlburt, R. T., and C. L. Heavey. 2006. Exploring Inner Experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins; Hurlburt, R. T., and S. A. Akhter. 2008. “Unsymbolized Thinking.” Consciousness and Cognition 17 : 1364–1374]. Even though the possibility of this unsymbolized thinking has consequences for the debate on the phenomenological status of cognitive states, the phenomenon is still insufficiently examined. This paper analyzes (...)
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  38. Thought, language, and the argument from explicitness.Agustín Vicente & Fernando Martínez-Manrique - 2008 - Metaphilosophy 39 (3):381–401.
    This article deals with the relationship between language and thought, focusing on the question of whether language can be a vehicle of thought, as, for example, Peter Carruthers has claimed. We develop and examine a powerful argument—the "argument from explicitness"—against this cognitive role of language. The premises of the argument are just two: (1) the vehicle of thought has to be explicit, and (2) natural languages are not explicit. We explain what these simple premises mean and why we should believe (...)
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    A Theory of Resonance: Towards an Ecological Cognitive Architecture.Vicente Raja - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):29-51.
    This paper presents a blueprint for an ecological cognitive architecture. Ecological psychology, I contend, must be complemented with a story about the role of the CNS in perception, action, and cognition. To arrive at such a story while staying true to the tenets of ecological psychology, it will be necessary to flesh out the central metaphor according to which the animal perceives its environment by ‘resonating’ to information in energy patterns: what is needed is a theory of resonance. I offer (...)
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    A case against convexity in conceptual spaces.José V. Hernández-Conde - 2017 - Synthese 194 (10):4011-4037.
    The notion of conceptual space, proposed by Gärdenfors as a framework for the representation of concepts and knowledge, has been highly influential over the last decade or so. One of the main theses involved in this approach is that the conceptual regions associated with properties, concepts, verbs, etc. are convex. The aim of this paper is to show that such a constraint—that of the convexity of the geometry of conceptual regions—is problematic; both from a theoretical perspective and with regard to (...)
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  41. (1 other version)The role of dispositions in explanations.Agustín Vicente - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 19 (3):301-310.
    According to a model defended by some authors, dispositional concepts can be legitimately used in causal explanations, although such a use is not necessary. I argue, however, that there is a kind of use of dispositions in explanations that does not fall within this model: we will miss some explanations if we forsake dispositional concepts and explanations.
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    Moral Shock and Trans ‘Worlds’ of Sense.E. M. Hernandez - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (4):761-779.
    This paper has two aims: to explore the affective dimensions of moral shock and the way it relates to normative marginalization of those furthest from dominant society and also, more specifically, to articulate the trans experience of constantly being under moral attack because the dominant ‘world’ normatively defines trans individuals out of existence. Toward these ends, I build on Katie Stockdale's recent work on moral shock, arguing that moral shock needs to be contextualized to ‘worlds’ of sense to understand how (...)
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    Conceptual History and Translation: An Interview with Melvin Richter.Vicente Oieni, João Feres Júnior & Melvin Richter - 2008 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 4 (2):226-238.
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  44. Fuel To My Fire / You Can't Stop Desire.E. M. Hernandez - manuscript
    Trans existence has recently been plagued by two different explanations: a natural, “born this way,” necessity and a social, often-thought perverted, choice. These contrasting explanations of necessity and choice create an explanatory false dichotomy and political double-bind. This talk constructs an alternative explanation for why people transition, one that centralizes the role of desire while recognizing the necessity of choice that arises from that desire. Toward this end, I present a moral psychology of desire. An explanation that recognizes the role (...)
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    Resonance and radical embodiment.Vicente Raja - 2020 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 1):113-141.
    One big challenge faced by cognitive science is the development of a unified theory that integrates disparate scales of analysis of cognitive phenomena. In this paper, I offer a unified framework that provides a way to integrate neural and behavioral scales of analysis of cognitive phenomena—typically addressed by neuroscience and experimental psychology, respectively. The framework is based on the concept of resonance originated in ecological psychology and aims to be the foundation for a unified theory for radical embodiment; that is, (...)
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  46. Homenaje Vicente Muñoz Delgado: veinticinco años en la Cátedra de Lógica, 1954-1979.Vicente Muñoz Delgado (ed.) - 1979 - Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia.
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  47. How dispositions can be causally relevant.Agustin Vicente - 2002 - Erkenntnis 56 (3):329-344.
    The problem this paper deals with is the problem of how dispositional properties can have causal relevance. In particular, the paper is focused on the question of how dispositions can have causal relevance given that the categorial bases that realise them seem to be sufficient to bring about the effects that dispositions explain. I show first that this problem of exclusion has no general solution. Then, I discuss some particular cases in which dispositions are causally relevant, despite of this exclusion (...)
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  48. Entrevista con Vicente Verdú . "Yo y tú, objetos de lujo".Virginia Fernández Aguinaco & Vicente Verdú Maciá - 2008 - Critica 58 (955):68-74.
    Habla pausadamente, con un cierto distanciamiento irónico. El tema es, naturalmente, su libro "Yo y tú, objetos de lujo". No afirma nada categóricamente, pero, como observador crítico de una cultura tal vez emergente, sugiere interpretaciones de la realidad muy alejadas de visiones apocalípticas o condenatorias hacia lo que viene (está ya aquí, de hecho) en la era del consumo y del ciberespacio. Y, sin embargo, me parece descubrir en él un punto de melancolía�.
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    Early Modern Women and the Problem of Evil: Atrocity & Theodicy.Jill Hernandez - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Early Modern Women and the Problem of Evil_ examines the concept of theodicy—the attempt to reconcile divine perfection with the existence of evil—through the lens of early modern female scholars. This timely volume knits together the perennial problem of defining evil with current scholarly interest in women’s roles in the evolution of religious philosophy. Accessible for those without a background in philosophy or theology, Jill Graper Hernandez’s text will be of interest to upper-level undergraduates as well as graduate students and (...)
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  50. Semantic underdetermination and the cognitive uses of language.Agustín Vicente & Fernando Martínez-Manrique - 2005 - Mind and Language 20 (5):537–558.
    According to the thesis of semantic underdetermination, most sentences of a natural language lack a definite semantic interpretation. This thesis supports an argument against the use of natural language as an instrument of thought, based on the premise that cognition requires a semantically precise and compositional instrument. In this paper we examine several ways to construe this argument, as well as possible ways out for the cognitive view of natural language in the introspectivist version defended by Carruthers. Finally, we sketch (...)
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